Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 1

Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field that offers a wide range of job opportunities for those who have the right skills and qualifications. To secure a job in this field, it is important to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise by passing a Biotechnology MCQsbased job test.

A Biotechnology MCQs based job test is designed to assess a candidate's knowledge and skills in the field of biotechnology. It is typically given to individuals who are applying for positions in research and development, quality control, manufacturing, and other areas of biotechnology. The MCQs based tests series cover a range of topics, including Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Genetics, and other related subjects.

MCQs under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

1 - ….... and …..... cyclo dextrins are produced by

transgenic potato

2 - …...... and …..... cyclo dextrins are used for

all of the above

3 - …..... gt 10 and ….... gt 11 vectors can propagate cloned fragments up to

6-7 kb

4 - …..... ZAP vector is an example of


5 - …........ aminoadipate inhibits the growth if one of the following marker is present in the yeast. That is

Lys 2

6 - A __________ is a small laboratory set up to simulate conditions of a particular environment.


7 - A cell without cell wall is called


8 - A centromere is

all of the above

9 - A cross shaped (+) or a ring involving four chromosomes may be formed during metaphase I in case of

translocation heterozygote

10 - A cytokine that stimulates the activity of B and T cells is


11 - A deficiency of the enzyme Hypoxanthine Guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) may cause

Lesch- Nyhan syndrome

12 - A diagram depicting chromosomes of haploid set of an organism ordered in a series of decreasing size is known as


13 - A genomic library is

a collection of many clones possessing different DNA fragments from the same organisms bound to vectors

14 - A group of about 300 chlorophyll molecule acting together to trap photons and transfer energy to the pigment molecule at the reaction center may be called as

photosynthetic unit

15 - A hydrometer

measures grape sugar

16 - A major plant macronutrient found in nucleic acids and proteins is


17 - A map of chromosomes that utilizes cloned and sequenced DNA fragments rather than genetic markers is known as

a physical map

18 - A micro array is an ordered array of microscopic elements on a planer substrate that allows the specific binding of

gene or gene products

19 - A molecular technique in which DNA sequences between two oligonucleotide primers can be amplified is known as

polymerase chain reaction

20 - A naturally occurring variant, possessing characteristics of interest, is identified. This plant is selectively bred. This is an example of

traditional plant breeding

21 - A nuclear envelope forms around each set of sister chromatids in


22 - A plasmid can be considered as a suitable cloning vector if

All of the above

23 - A plasmid used to introduce BT toxin into a plant cell

carries a bacterial gene with a plant promoter

24 - A short molecule containing 2-20 nucleotide is


25 - A very common mutualistic, symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a plant is


26 - A widely accepted explanation for transport of sugar in phloem is called

pressure flow hypothesis

27 - A(n) __________ is an excised piece of leaf or stem tissue used in micropropagation.


28 - ACC demainase gene is responsible for

degradation of ACC an immediate precursor to ethylene

29 - According to Eagle, the growth of L-strain and Hela-strain cultures require to have mandatory presence of

12 amino acids

30 - Accumulation of lactate leads to

reduction in the pH of culture hence loss of cell viability

31 - Advantage of microprojectile method over microinjection method for gene transfer in plants include

all of the above

32 - After storage and recarbonation, left over yeast is separated by


33 - After the fermentation is over, ethanol is recovered by


34 - Agrobacterium based gene transfer is efficient

only with dicots

35 - Agrobacterium tumefaciens is

a bacterium that can be used to introduce DNA into plants

36 - Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a

gram (-) bacteria

37 - Alcohol content of sake varies from

4-17 %

38 - Alegar is a type of vinegar produced from


39 - Ales are the beer in which fermentation is carried out using

top yeast

40 - An animal, that has gained new genetic information from the acquisition of foreign DNA, is considered as

a transgenic animal

41 - An established cell line can be called where it has been subcultured at least

70 times at an interval of 3 days between subcultures

42 - An example of mosaic antigen is


43 - An odd number of cross overs in inverted region will result into formation of a dicentric chromatid and acentric chromatid at anaphase I incase of

paracentric inversion

44 - An ordered array is any collection of analytical elements configured in

rows and columns

45 - An organism that relies exclusively on pre-synthesized food molecules is


46 - Animal pharming can be defined as

programming animals to produce novel products

47 - Antibiotics are typically produced in fed batch reactors because

All of the above

48 - Antisense technology

selectively blocks expression of a gene

49 - Antisense transgenic plants produced fruit that softened

more slowly than the normal fruit

50 - Any system that is not at equilibrium

is thermodynamically unstable, although it may be kinetically stable

51 - Archaeabacteria differ from the true bacteria as they have

cell wall composition

52 - As the fermentation for the ethanol production is over, the cells are separated to get the biomass of yeast cells that is used

as single cell protein for animal feed

53 - At acidic pH, penicillin remains in

solvent phase

54 - At low glucose concentration, below 0.25 mmol/litre, large portions of glucose and glutamine is shunted via

oxidative pathway

55 - At normal pH, penicillin remains in

aqueous phase

56 - At the __________ checkpoint, cell growth is controlled.


57 - At the center of the cell cycle control system is Cdk, a protein that

binds to different cyclins

58 - At which of the following check point, mitosis is controlled?


59 - Autographa California nuclear polyhedrosis virus that is used as a vector for animal cells is an example of

Baculo virus

60 - Autonomously replicating sequence is not present in


61 - Auxanometer is used for measuring

growth activity

62 - Avermectins (AVM) are macrocyclic lactones which have potent antihelminthic and insecticidal action. They are generally derived from the mycelia of

Streptomyces avermitilis

63 - Bacterial cells protect their own DNA from degradation by restriction endonucleases by

methylating the DNA at the sites that the enzyme recognizes

64 - Bar eye character of Drosophila is due to

duplication in region of 16A of X chromosome

65 - Because of large size of Ti-plasmid, intermediate vectors (IV) are developed in which T DNA has been subcloned into

pBR 322 based plasmid vector

66 - Biochips are made up of

semi-conducting molecules inserted into the protein frame work

67 - Bock beer is prepared from

roasted germinated barley seeds

68 - Both plant and animal cell possess


69 - Bovine papilloma virus has a circular double stranded DNA genome of about

7.9 kb

70 - Bruise resistant tomatoes have been developed by the expression of antisense RNA against


71 - Candida utilis is used for the fermentation of waste sulphate liquor since it ferments

both hexoses and pentoses

72 - Carbonic maceration wines

are low tannin red wines

73 - Cdks bind with __________ , enabling the Cdks to function as enzymes.


74 - cDNA clone prepared to stigma mRNA of Brassica oleracea can be used as a probe on DNA digests of segregating populations to recognize

S alleles

75 - Cell fusion method includes the preparation of large number of

single plant cell stripped of their cell wall

76 - Cells which have undergone transformation frequently become

anchorage independent

77 - Cells which no longer divide (such as certain specialized cells found in the human brain) remain in which phase of the cell cycle?

G0 Phase

78 - Cellular metabolism is an example of

steady-state metabolism

79 - Cellular organelles are embedded in the


80 - Cellular totipotency is the property of


81 - Chaptalization is

adding sucrose to must

82 - Charged molecules are separated based on varying rates of migration through a solid matrix when subjected to an electric field. This technique is known as

gel electrophoresis

83 - Charon 34 and Charon 35 are the examples of

phage vector

84 - Charon 34 and Charon 35 can clone DNA upto

9-20 kb

85 - Charon vectors are different from EMBL vectors because

both (a) and (b)

86 - Chemical energy is supplied to eukaryotic cells by

mitochondria and chloroplasts

87 - Chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains are separately inserted into the plasmid pBR 322 by the side of


88 - Chlorophyll is associated with


89 - Chlorotetracyclin is soluble in


90 - Chromosomes may be isolated from metaphase cells by

hypotonic lysis

91 - Cider vinegar is produced from

fruit juices

92 - Cloning genes in the yeast offer which of following advantage(s)?

All of the above

93 - Cloning is a method by which numbers of genetically identical organisms are derived from a single organism by

vegetative propagation

94 - Co-integrating transformation vectors must include a region of homology in

between vector plasmid and Ti-plasmid

95 - Commercial sugarcane is heterozygons with germplasm from

3-5 Saccharum species

96 - Concentration of sucrose generally used in plant cell culture media is

20-30 g/l

97 - Conjugative plasmids

carry transfer genes called the tra genes

98 - Cos cell line is

derivative of permissive CV-1 monkey cell line

99 - Cos site of the cosmids

both (a) and (b)

100 - Cosmid vectors are

plasmids that contain fragment of ? DNA including the cos site


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