Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 3

Biotechnology Test Preparation Set.3 have 100 MCQs that helpful in preparing Biotechnology Job Tests also include previously asked MCQs.

MCQs test under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

201 - In monoclonal antibody technology, tumor cells that can replicate endlessly are fused with mammalian cells that produce an antibody. The result of this cell fusion is a


202 - In plant cell culture media, auxins and cytokinins are used in the range of


203 - In plant cells, which of the following is not a function of the large central vacuoles of plant cells?

Contractile regulation of

204 - In prokaryotes, just before the cell divides, the two daughter genomes are attached side by side to the

cell membrane

205 - In response to the activating signal molecule, an endonuclease is produced that causes nicks in the T-DNA. It is encoded by

vir D

206 - In sparkling wine production, the cuvee is

the base wine

207 - In submerged process for the fermentation to produce citric acid,

Fungal mycelium grows through out the solution in a deep tank

208 - In the bundle sheath of C4 plant __________ is/ are less than mesophyll.


209 - In the Calvin cycle of C3 plants, which molecule is the acceptor of CO2?


210 - In the cell cycle replication of the genome occurs in the

S phase

211 - In the liposome mediated gene transfer in plants, nucleic acids are

both (a) and (b)

212 - In the meiotic cell divison in daughter cells are produced by two successive division in which

first division is equational, second is reductional

213 - In the presence of carbon monoxide, nitrogen fixation


214 - In transgenic fish, the genes are introduced by

microinjection in fish

215 - In transgenic plants of Arabidipsis thaliana which of the following gene is transferred for the synthesis of PHB (polyhdroxybutyrate)?

Both (a) and (b)

216 - In transgenic plants that have been manipulated to express patho-genesis-related (PR) proteins all the time it has been shown that

these proteins trigger the production of other antimicrobial defenses

217 - In which of the following phase preparations for genome separation are made?


218 - In which phase, each chromosome replicates to produce two sister chromatids?


219 - In which year, Dolly the first mammalian clone was born?


220 - Incase of inversion when the inverted segment of chromosome includes centromere, it is known as

pericentric inversion

221 - Inoculum preparation for the fermentation medium for penicillin takes place on

barley seeds

222 - Insect resistance in the transgenic plant has been achieved by

all of the above

223 - Inserted DNA in ? gt 11 can be expressed as

?-galactosidase fused protein

224 - Integrated nopaline T-DNA occurs as

single segment

225 - Integrated octopine T DNA occurs as

two segments

226 - Intermediate vectors containing T-DNA are conjugation deficient. Thus conjugation is mediated in presence of which of the following plasmid?

either (a) or (b)

227 - Inundation involves use of a/an

large number of organisms over a short time to suppress/destroy a population

228 - Involvement of sugarcane phytoalexins in red-hot resistance has been observed. The phytoalexin compound is reported to be


229 - It is highly valued if the lymphocytes derived from the lymph node or tonsil tend to undergo fusion at

high frequencies

230 - Karyoplast is

nuclei with only some residual plasma membrane

231 - Klinefelter syndrome is a manifestation of which chromosome aneuploidy?


232 - Lagers are the beer in which fermentation is carried out using

bottom yeast

233 - Lichen involves two organisms as

algae and fungi

234 - Liposomes mediated gene transfer in plants involves

all of the above

235 - Low temperatures induce the expression of many cold-induced genes. Transgenic plants with improved cold tolerance have been produced by

expressing the protein that activates expression of these genes all the time in plants

236 - Lysosomes are associated with


237 - Lytic infection of SV 40 does not occur in

non permissive cells

238 - M 13 is an example of

both (a) and (b)

239 - Malolactic fermentation

all of these

240 - Malt vinegar is produced from

malted grain

241 - Malting process allows malt amylase and proteinases to degrade starch and protein to

maltose and peptone as well as peptides

242 - Maturation of the beers is carried out at


243 - Maximum amount of foreign DNA introduced into SV 40 viruses is

2.5 kb

244 - Maximum insert size in case of adenovirus vectors is

6-8 kb

245 - Maximum size of foreign DNA that can be inserted into a replacement vector is

20-25 kb

246 - Maximum size of foreign DNA that can be inserted into an insertion vector is

18 kb

247 - Media composition for the production of streptomycin is

soybean meal, glucose, peptone, malt extract, sodium chloride

248 - Media used for the production of chlorotetracyclin consists of

sugar, corn steep liquor, CaCO3, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4 Cl

249 - Meristem culture of banana enables

both (a) and (b)

250 - Metabolic interference is a term used to describe a method to metabolize a compound and prevent the synthesis of something that is normally produced. What compound(s) have been targeted for metabolic interference in tomato?

Both (a) and (b)

251 - Methotrexate is toxic to human cells because it inhibits

reduction of H2 folate to H4 folate

252 - Microarray analysis involves biological assays based on

small glass chips

253 - Microarrays are also known as

all of these

254 - Microbiosensors are based on

ionsensitive field effect transistor

255 - Microinjection involves

injection with needle having diameter greater than cell diameter

256 - Microinjection technique of introducing NA is a

physical method

257 - Microprojectile method of gene transfer in plants involves delivery of DNA

with the help of bolistics

258 - Microtubules grow from the poles to kinetochores of each chromatid during


259 - Milbemycin is known to exhibit a broad spectrum of activity against

agricultural pests

260 - Mitochondria can be expected most numerous in

muscle cells

261 - Moloney-Mu-leukemia virus is an example of

Retro virus

262 - MS medium, is found essential for initial morphogenesis of the immature embryos and to enhance callus development, when supplemented with

GA3 and coconut milk

263 - Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET)

all of the above

264 - Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between

root and fungi

265 - Neurospora is used as an experimental tool in


266 - Neutralized activated charcoal is occasionally added to young regenerating cultures to

both (a) and (b)

267 - Nitrilase is encoded by

gene bxn in Klebsiella pneumoniae

268 - Nitrogen in the plant cell culture media is provided by either ammonia or nitrate salt. In the media

utilization of ammonium cause culture pH to drop while utilization of nitrate cause culture pH to rise

269 - Nitrosomonous and Nitrobacter obtain their carbon for growth from

carbon dioxide

270 - Normally CO2 and O2 enter a plant by


271 - On Ti-plasmid T-region or T-DNA is flanked by a direct repeat of

25 bp

272 - Opine synthesis is the property

both (a) and (b)

273 - Opines are

amino acid derivatives found in tumor tissues

274 - Opines that are present in crown gall tumour include

all of these

275 - Organisms capable of converting N2 to NO3 are


276 - Organogenesis is

formation of root and shoots on callus tissue

277 - P1 cloning vector allow cloning of DNA of the length of

100 kbp

278 - P1 cloning vector is the example of


279 - pBR 322 has/have which of the following selection marker(s)?

Both (a) and (b)

280 - Penicillin is produced by

aerobic fermentation

281 - Penicillin is recovered after fermentation as

potassium penicillin

282 - pH of culture medium is initially controlled by

presence of bicarbonate buffer

283 - Phagemid consist of

plasmid vector carrying ? attachment (? att) site

284 - Phagemid vectors are

combination of plasmid and phage ?

285 - Phenols degradation in waste water of hospitals, laboratories and coal processing to coke can be achieved by using

both (a) and (b)

286 - Phloem is composed of

sieve-tube elements and companion cells

287 - Phosphinothricin acetyl transferase is encoded by

bar gene in Streptomyces spp

288 - Plant tissue culture technique is used to select somaclones that are

resistant to herbicide

289 - Plant transformation vectors based on Agrobacterium can generally be divided into

two vectors

290 - Plants absorb nitrates from soil and convert them into


291 - Plants containing genes encoding cytokines and blood clotting factors are used in

pharmaceutical production

292 - Plants derived sexually from the same plant are____ while those derived from somatic tissue from the same plant are____.

different, identical

293 - Plasmid incompatibility is

inability of two different plasmids to coexist in the same host cell in the absence of selection pressure.

294 - Plasmids which are maintained as limited number of copies per cell are known as

stringent plasmids

295 - Plasmids which are maintained as multiple copy number per cell are known as

relaxed plasmids

296 - Pollination is the process by which plants transfer male sex cells from one plant to another. How does the nucleus of the male cell reach the female cell?

The pollen grain grows a pollen tube and the nucleus travels down the pollen tube to reach the egg cell

297 - Polyhedrin protein is

both (a) and (b)

298 - Preliminary clinical results with a humanized antibody against the interleukin-2 receptor have suggested the

absence of human immune response against murine proteins (HAMA) response

299 - Problems in obtaining large amounts of proteins encoded by recombinant genes can often be overcome by using

expression vectors

300 - Production of transgenic animals require transfections of

eggs or embryos


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