Co-ordinate Geometry Related MCQs For Job's Test Preparation

1 - According to Pythagoras theorem, distance between points (-3, 8) and (8, -5) is

17.03 units

2 - Acute angle between the lines with slopes3/4 and 1/7 is


3 - Distance between points (2, 5) and (7, -3) is


4 - Find the equation of the line which cuts off equal and positive intercepts on the axes and their sum is 12.

x + y = 6

5 - Find the intercepts made by the line 2x – 3y + 6 = 0 with the coordinate axes.

–3, 2

6 - Find the value of k, if the distance between the points (1, 4), (k, 1) is 5.

–3 or 5

7 - If a line passes through point A(0, c) and has gradient 'm' then equation will be

y = mx + c

8 - If coordinates of A and B are (2, 2) and (9, 11) respectively then length of line segment AB is


9 - If coordinates of A and B are (5, 6) and (9, 10) respectively then length of line segment AB is


10 - If points of straight line are A(1, 2) and B(6, 2) then line AB is

horizontal line with equation y = 2

11 - If points of straight line are M(7, 1) and N(7, 2) then line MN is

vertical line with equation with x = 7

12 - If straight line passes through points X(1. 4) and Y(3, 7) then its equation will be

3⁄2x + 5⁄2

13 - If y = 5x + c passes through point A(5, 2) then value of 'c' is


14 - In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, 'c' denotes

intercept on y-axis

15 - In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, 'm' denotes

gradient of straight line

16 - In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, point where line cuts y-axis is

(0, c)

17 - Straight line equation y = 5x - 2 has gradient of


18 - Straight line equation y = x⁄2 + 1⁄4 has gradient of


19 - Straight line equation y = x⁄3 + 1⁄4 cuts y-axis at point

(0, 1⁄4)

20 - The equation of a straight line passing through (6, –3) and (4,–3) is

y + 3 = 0

21 - The equation of a straight line whose inclinations is 60° and y–intercept is –2 is

y = √x - 2

22 - The equation of the image of the line x + 2 = 0 with respect to x = 0 is

None of these

23 - The equation of the line whose intercept on the axes are 4 and 3 is

3x + 4y =12

24 - The following points (3a, 0), (0, 3b), (a, 2b) forms a

straight line

25 - The following points (3a, 0), (0, 3b), (a, 2b) forms a


26 - The following points A (–1, 0), B (3, 1), C (2, 2) and D (–2, 1) taken in order form a


27 - The points (4, – 5), (1, 1), (–2, 7) are


28 - The points A(–1, 4), B(5, 2) are the vertices of a triangle of which C(0,–3) is centroid, then the third vertex C is

–4, –15

29 - The points whose coordinates are (2, 2), (6, 3),(4, 11) forms

a right angle

30 - What is the equation of a circle of radius 6 units centered at (3, 2)?

x² + y² - 6x - 4y = 23


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