India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 9

1 - "Doctrine of lapse" was a factor behind

The Revolt of 1857

2 - "Dyarchy" was introduced in india by the Act of


3 - "The British empire is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direction and tyrannical and mean." This statement was made by

Sister Nivedita

4 - "The defeat was more mine than his.." Gandhi said this for

Pattabhi Sitaramaya

5 - 6th April, 1930 is well known in the history of India because this date is associated with

Dandi March

6 - Abhinav Bharat Society was established by

V.D. Savarkar

7 - According to Megasthenes, number of caste in india was


8 - After Alexander's death the Eastern part of his empire came under

Seleucus Nicator

9 - After the First Carnatic War, Madras was restored to the English by the French through

The Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle

10 - All India Kisan Sabha was established in the year


11 - All India Trade Union Congress was formed in the year


12 - By annexing which state Aurangazeb finally conquered Deccan in 1687


13 - By which Act the two Indians were appointed to the India council in England

Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909

14 - Charaka was the court Physician of _________


15 - Dantidurga was the founder of which dynasty


16 - Delhi's only lady ruler Razia Sultana belongs to which dynasty

Slave Dynasty

17 - Devadasi system was abolished by Lord Reading in


18 - Dohas are

couplets which Kabir composed and by which the taught his followers

19 - During which Viceroy, the capital of India was shifted from Culcutta to Delhi

Lord Hardinge

20 - Fahien visited India during the reign of


21 - Famous Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta visited India during the reign of

Muhammad bin Tughluq

22 - For the first time, double dome was used in India in which of the following buildings

Humayun's tomb

23 - How many committees were there in the Municipal Administration of Pataliputra during the Mauryan period


24 - In India plan holiday was implemented after _____ five year plan


25 - In which battle, Babur defeated Rana Sanga of Mewar

Battle of Khanwa

26 - In which book, did Mahatma Gandhi declare that British rule was established in India with the cooperation of Indians

Hind Swaraj

27 - In which case Bhagat Singh was sentenced to death and executed by British

Second Lahore Conspiracy case

28 - In which of its Sessions, the Congress declared its policy towards Indian States for the first time

Nagpur Session

29 - In which place an Ashokan inscription written in Greek and Aramaic was found


30 - In which year Akbar reign the power of Mughal Empire


31 - In which year Cabinet Mission visited India


32 - In which year was English made the official language of India and a medium of higher education


33 - In which year, jizya was reimposed by Aurangzeb


34 - Indian National Association installed the Indian National Flag in Kohima in Assam in


35 - Megasthenes was succeeded as ambassador by

Seleucus I Nicator

36 - Name the Newspaper started by Gandhi in South Africa

Indian Opinion

37 - On which day, the famous "Dandi March" was completed

6th April, 1930

38 - Samudragupta permitted a foreign king Meghavarman to build a monastery at Gaya. Meghavarman belongs to

Sri Lanka

39 - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was compared with


40 - Shivaji's revenue officials were called


41 - Simon Commission of 1927 was boycotted because

it did not have any Indian representation in the assemblage

42 - Srinagar was founded by Mauryan Emperor Ashoka is known through


43 - Tamralipti was

an indian port

44 - The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act (1919) was popularly known as

Rowlatt Act

45 - The Arthasastra of Kautilya is a

Book on the principles of Government

46 - The Battle of Haldighati was fought between Akbar and ________

Maharana Pratap

47 - The Battle of Haldighati was fought in the year


48 - The Battle of Kanauj (1540) was fought between Humayun and ______

Sher Shah Suri

49 - The battle of kili was fought in the year


50 - The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought in the year

326 BC

51 - The boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated by

Sir Cyril Radcliffe

52 - The Buddha preached his first sermon at


53 - The Buddhist monk who answers the question of Indo Greek King Menander in the book 'Milinda Panha' is


54 - The Constituent Assembly met for the first time in New Delhi on

9th December, 1946

55 - The earliest brick temple in India was built by


56 - The Economic policy of the British in India was known as

drain of wealth

57 - The famous Ilbert Bill was about


58 - The first Buddhist council was held at


59 - The first fingerprint bureau of India is established in


60 - The first great experiment in Satyagraha was launched by Mahatma Gandhi at


61 - The First Jain Council was held at


62 - The first national news agency of India was

The Associated Press of India

63 - The first round table conference in London was held in the year


64 - The first Supreme Court of India was set up under the

Regulating Act, 1773

65 - The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was concluded in

1931 AD

66 - The greatest Chalukya ruler who was contemporary of Harsha was

Pulakesin II

67 - The ideology of Socialism was strongly defended inside the Indian National Congress by

M. N. Roy

68 - The Indian Councils Act, 1909 is also known as

Morley-Minto Reforms

69 - The Indian Police Act was promulgated in the year


70 - The Indian University Act of 1904 was passed by

Lord Curzon

71 - The Indus Valley Civilization was first discovered in the year


72 - The iqta system means

the grant or revenue from a territory

73 - The Jain text which contains the Biographies of the Tirthankaras is known as

Kalpa Sutra

74 - The Kanpur Bolshevik Conspiracy case was happened in the year


75 - The largest number of seals of the Harappan Culture are made of


76 - The main feature of the Dravidan style of Temple Architecture is


77 - The Mansabdari System was introduce by which Mughal Emperor


78 - The maximum number of Mongol invasions took place during the reign of

Muhammad bin Tughluq

79 - The Moplah rebellion of 1921 broke out in


80 - The Muslim general who campaigned deep into South India going as far as Kanyakumari is

Malik Kafur

81 - The name of Nawab Salimullah of Dacca is associated with the foundation of

All Indian Muslim League

82 - The priority for the development of Primary Education in 1882-83 was recommended by

Hunter Commission

83 - The provision for separate electorate for Hindus and Muslims was made in

Minto-Morley reforms

84 - The resolution on Fundamental Rights was adopted by the Congress at its

Karachi Session (1931)

85 - The Saka era began from

78 A.D.

86 - The second urbanisation in India took place in

Ganga valley

87 - The silver coin "tanka" was introduced by _______


88 - The State of Hyderabad was founded by whom

Nizam-Ul-Mulla AsafJah

89 - The State of Hyderabad was founded by whom

Nizam-Ul-Mulla AsafJah

90 - The style of architecture that was prevalent under Chola dynasty was

Dravida style

91 - The Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have built the biggest netork of canals in India was

Feroze Shah Tughlaq

92 - The third Buddhist Council, held during the reign of Ashoka, was presided by

Moggaliputta Tissa

93 - The Third Carnatic War was fought until


94 - The title 'India's Bismarck' to Sardar Vallabhai Patel was given by

Lord Wavell

95 - The tomb of Jahangir is located in


96 - The word Sikh means


97 - Tilak formed his Home Rule League in 1916 at


98 - Timur invasion took place in the year

1398 AD

99 - Todarmal is associated with the Revenue system known as


100 - Total number of kingdoms and republics during the Mahajanapadas period in India was


101 - Visva-Bharati University was founded by

Rabindranath Tagore

102 - What was the form of Struggle that Congress adopted against the British in 1940

Individual Satyagraha

103 - What was the name of the gold coins introduced by Akbar


104 - What was the official language of the Sultanate


105 - When Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded India in 1761, who was the Peshwa of Maratha Kingdom

Balaji Baji Rao

106 - When did M. K. Gandhi go to South Africa


107 - When the Indian Independence Act 1947 was passed by British Parliament

5th July, 1947

108 - When was the Non-cooperation movement suspended


109 - Where did Netaji established Provisional Government of India


110 - Where did the congress working committee first accept the idea of Quit India Movement


111 - Where in India was the first French factory established


112 - Which bill or Act is also known as "White Mutiny"

Ilbert Bill

113 - Which book depicts the plight of Indigo Cultivators

Neel Darpan

114 - Which Commission used the term "untouchable" for the Scheduled Castes for the first time in India

Simon Commission

115 - Which Delhi Sultan introduced the jizya tax in India

Alauddin Khilji

116 - Which European nation was first in bringing printing press to India


117 - Which Governor General introduce the Permanent land revenue system in India

Lord Cornwallis

118 - Which Governor General is associated with the suppression of the Thugs in India

Lord William Bentinck

119 - Which Governor General passed the Vernacular Press Act in 1878

Lord Lytton

120 - Which Governor-General passed the Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act

Lord Dalhousie

121 - Which Indian scholar is also known as "the father of linguistics"


122 - Which Indian scholar is also known as "the father of linguistics"


123 - Which king was also known by the name "Amitraghata"


124 - Which language was replaced by English as the official language for the government of India in 1835


125 - Which Mahajanapada kingdom was located on the bank of river Godavari


126 - Which Mughal Emperor converts from Sunni Islam to Shia Islam


127 - Which Mughal Emperor implemented "Chain of Justice" system to get a personal hearing with the emperor


128 - Which Mughal Emperor is also known as 'Alamgir'


129 - Which Mughal emperor is also known by the name of "Rangeela"

Muhammad Shah

130 - Which Mughal Emperor prohibited the use of tobacco


131 - Which of the followig kingdoms was not one of those annexed as part of East India Company's "Doctrine of Lapse" policy


132 - Which of the following Buddhist work is songs of the sisters


133 - Which of the following rulers introduced the Revenue System called "Dahsala"


134 - Which of the following was not one of the storm-centres of the Revolt of 1857


135 - Which of the following was the famous work of B. G. Tilak

The Gita Rahasya

136 - Which one is also known as "Old Stone Age"

Paleolithic Age

137 - Which one of the following Harappan site wherein a Persian Gulf seal has been unearthed


138 - Which one of the following scripts of ancient India was written from right to left


139 - Which one river was the boundary between Delhi Sultan and Mongols during the period of Alauddin Khalji after Mongol invansion in 1306 A.D.


140 - Which one was the only congress session presided over by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Karachi Session—1931

141 - Which rifle had a greased cartidge made of cow or pig fat causing revolt amongst Sepoys of British Army in India

Enfield Rifle

142 - Which Satavahana king is also known as "lords of Dakshinapatha"

Gautamiputra Satakarni

143 - Which tragedy took place in 1919

Both (A) and (B)

144 - Which viceroy passed the famous Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899)

Lord Curzon

145 - Who among the following Hindus first joined Din-i-Ilahi


146 - Who among the following introduced the market control policy during the Sultanate rule of India

Ala-ud-din Khiliji

147 - Who among the following was the first to attempt decentralisation in financial administration

Lord Mayo

148 - Who amongst the following established "Diwan-e-amirkothi" during Delhi Sultanate

Mohd. Bin Tughlaq

149 - Who build the famous Shalimar Bagh of Srinagar


150 - Who built "Sultan Ghari" in Delhi


151 - Who built the Ibadatkhana at Fatehpur Sikri


152 - Who characterized the partition of India as "a surrender of nationalism in favour of communalism"

Saifuddin Kitchlew

153 - Who declared the Communal Award in 1932

Ramsay Macdonald

154 - Who encouraged the composition of a great musical work called Man Kautuhal

Raja Man Singh

155 - Who established the Fort William College in Calcutta in 1800

Richard Wellesley

156 - Who founded the Tughluqabad city

Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq

157 - Who gave the slogan 'Back to the Vedas'

Dayanand Saraswati

158 - Who had supported the "Doctrine of Passive Resistance"

Sri Aurobindo

159 - Who had written the biography of Humayun "Humayun-Nama"

Gulbadan Begum

160 - Who introduced Copper coin "Jital" in Delhi


161 - Who is known as the founder of Indian National Congress

Allan Octavian Hume

162 - Who is known as the founder of Satavahana dynasty


163 - Who is the only Indian ruler whose territory extended to Central Asia


164 - Who of the following became a member of the "Din-i-Ilahi"

Raja Birbal

165 - Who proposed the scheme of basic education, popularly known as the Wardha Scheme of Basic Education

Mahatma Gandhi

166 - Who put forward the idea that "Britain was draining and bleeding india"

Dadabhai Naoroji

167 - Who remarked in 1834 that "the bones of the cotton weavers are bleaching the plains of India"

William Bentinck

168 - Who said "Every blow on my body will prove a nail in the coffin of the British Empire"

Lala Lajpat Rai

169 - Who said "I am an Indian Tom Tom waking up all the sleepers so that they wake and work for their motherland.... This is my task"?

Annie Besant

170 - Who said "One religion, one caste and one God for mankind"

Narayana Guru

171 - Who said "Poverty is the Worst Form of Violence"


172 - Who said "Women empowerment means mother India empowered"

Jawaharlal Nehru

173 - Who started India House in London

Shyamji Krishna Varma

174 - Who started the newspaper "Indian Sociologist" abroad

Shyamji Krishna Verma

175 - Who stated that "Government should be away from People"

Lord Curzon

176 - Who translated Ramayana into Persian during Akbar regin

Abdul Qadir Badauni

177 - Who was the author of the Akbarnama and Ain-i-Akbari

Abul Fazl

178 - Who was the author of the book "The Problems of the East"

Lord Curzon

179 - Who was the author of the one of the India's earliest novels "Kadambari"

Bana Bhatta

180 - Who was the Chairman of the First Round Table Conference of 1930

Ramsay MacDonald

181 - Who was the contemporary ruler of Samudragupta in Ceylon


182 - Who was the first Delhi ruler who sought the recognition of the caliph


183 - Who was the first foreign travellers who visited the Vijayanagara Empire

Nicolo Conti

184 - Who was the First Governor General of Free India

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari

185 - Who was the first leader arrested in the non-cooperation movement

Mahatma Gandhi

186 - Who was the first Mughal Emperor to enforce sharia law in India


187 - Who was the first Muslim sovereign to rule from Delhi


188 - Who was the first president of Indian National Congress

Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee

189 - Who was the first Secretary of State for India

Edward Stanley

190 - Who was the first woman president of Indian National Congress

Annie Besant

191 - Who was the founder of Dakshina Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha (DBHPS)

Mahatma Gandhi

192 - Who was the founder of Lodi dynasty in India

Bahlol Lodi

193 - Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty

Sri Gupta

194 - Who was the founder of the Pala dynasty of Bengal


195 - Who was the last Governor General of Indian under East India Company Rule

Lord Canning

196 - Who was the last ruler of slave dynasty

Muiz ud din Qaiqabad

197 - Who was the Nawab of the Bengal at the time of Battle of Buxar (1764)

Mir Jafar

198 - Who was the President of Indian National Congress when congress signed merger pact with Muslim League in 1916

A.C. Majumdar

199 - Who wrote Tarkh-i-Alai, which contains the details of the first few years of Sultan Alauddin Khilji

Amir Khusrau

200 - Who wrote the book Ain-i-Akbari or the "Constitution of Akbar"

Abul Fazl


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