India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 6

1 - "Sirr-i Akbar" is the Persian translation of the ______ by Dara Shukoh


2 - Akbar built the Buland Darwaza to commemorate his victory over


3 - Akbar's land revenue system was given shape under the guidance of


4 - As per the Act of 1853 the Governor-General's Council was enlarged for the purpose of


5 - As per the Act of 1919, the Council of India would consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of __________ members


6 - Assertion (A): There is no conclusive proof of the presence of temples or public places of worship in the Indus civilization. Reason (R): To the Harappans, religion was perhaps more a personal and a private matter than a public affair

A is true but R is false

7 - At which age, Mahatma Gandhi took a vow of bhahmacharya


8 - Bahadur Shah Zafar died in Yangon in the year


9 - Before Shimla, which city was the summer capital of British India


10 - Bhadrabahu was the spiritual teacher of

Chandragupta Maurya

11 - Bindusara was known as Amitrochates, to the Greeks which means

Slayer of all enemies

12 - Buddha's preachings were mainly focussed on

purity of thought and conduct

13 - By which Act, the Governor General of Bengal was made as Governor General of India

Charter Act 1833

14 - Doctrine of Passive Resistance was published in the daily Vande Mataram in:


15 - During the first Carnatic War, the French Governor-General of Pondicherry was


16 - During the period of Mahajanapadas, Mathura was the capital of


17 - During the Rig Vedic period Niska was an ornament of


18 - First indian ruler to use rocket artillery in war was

Hyder Ali

19 - From which Mughal Emperor, British obtained the permission to coin Mughal money at the Bombay mint


20 - Gandhiji’s political philosophy, Sarvodaya was influenced by

John Ruskin’s Unto This Last

21 - Govinda Chandra Gahadaval's queen Kumaradevi constructed Dharma-Chakra Jina Vihara at


22 - Guru died on 20 September, __________


23 - Guru Nanak was born in the year


24 - How long ago did the Indus civilisation begin

About 5,000 years ago

25 - How many tirthankaras are there in Jainism


26 - How many years did Mughal Empire exist in India

331 Years

27 - Hunter Commission was appointed by the British to probe into the

Jallianwala Bagh incident

28 - In 1913 . . . . . founded the Advaita Ashram at Aluva.

Narayana Guru

29 - In 1922 Gandhiji was sentenced for six years for writing his articles in which among the following news paper

Young India

30 - In 1928 a committee consisting of eight, was constituted to draw up a blue print for the future constitution of India. It was headed by

Damodar River

31 - In British India, the expenditure on railways was like "decorating another's wife". Who made this statement

B. G. Tilak

32 - In Chola kingdom, the revenue department was called as


33 - In how many days, the dandi march was completed

24 days

34 - In the freedom struggle, which of the following is compared to "A hungry man being offered stones"

Rowlatt Act

35 - In Vedic age, cultivated fields were known as


36 - In which battle, Nader Shah defeted Mughal army during his invasion of India

Battle of Karnal

37 - In which language were the Buddhist literary works generally written


38 - In which period agriculture community was originated


39 - In which place, Akbar was born


40 - In which year Battle of Buxar was fought


41 - In which year did Jawaharlal Nehru become the President of the India National Congress


42 - In which year Satnamis rebelled against the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb


43 - In which year the Asiatic Society was established


44 - In which year the capital of Mughal Empire was shifted from Agra to Delhi


45 - In which year was Burma separated from India?


46 - In which year, Babur occupied the Kabul city


47 - In which year, Jawaharlal Nehru published his book the "Glimpses of World History"


48 - In which year, Queen Victoria took the title of 'Empress of India'


49 - In which year, Shivaji was entitled as chhatrapati shivaji


50 - In which year, the partition of Bengal took place


51 - King Ashoka died in the year

232 BC

52 - Kunwar Singh lead the revolt from which State during 1857 Indian Rebellion


53 - Lala Lajpat Rai was also known as :


54 - Lord Macaulay was associated with

Codification of laws

55 - Mahatma Gandhi compared Pherozeshah Mehta with the Himalayas, Tilak with the Ocean and Gokhale with

the Ganges

56 - Mahatma Gandhi had been joined the Champaran struggle by

Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru

57 - Malik Kafur was a military general under which Delhi Sultan

Alauddin Khilji

58 - Megasthenes visited India during the period of


59 - Muslim communalism was lent an impetus by the activities of

Sayyid Ahmad Khan

60 - Muslim League observed the "Direct Action Day" on


61 - My strongest bulwark is gone lamented Mahatma Gandhi on the death of

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

62 - Nalanda, which was the center of higher education in ancient India was located in


63 - Nana Sahib escaped to which country after the 1857 independence war


64 - Narayana Guru's later literary and philosophical masterpiece Atmopadesa Satakam was written in__________


65 - Noakhali is situated in


66 - Out of the below, who were the first to enter to India for trade ?


67 - Peshwa's rule started from

1713 AD

68 - Quit India Resolution was adopted on

8th August, 1942

69 - Raja Birbal lost his life fighting against


70 - Raja Ram Mohan Roy started Atmiya Sabha in the year


71 - Rani Padmini was a queen of which Rajput kingdom


72 - Satavahana ruler who performed "Ashwamegh Yagya" twice was


73 - Shimla was declared as the summer capital of British India in the year


74 - Sindhia's troops were defeated by General Wellesley at


75 - Sir Saiyad was a prophet of education who said this?

Mahatma Gandhi

76 - Slavery was abolished in India by the Act of


77 - Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born in the year :


78 - Subsidiary Alliance System was formulated by

Lord Wellesley

79 - Swami Vivekananda established the Ramakrishna Mission organisation in the year


80 - The ""Alai Darwaza"" in the Qutub Minar complex was built by

Alauddin Khilji

81 - The "Alai Darwaza" in the Qutub Minar complex was built by

Alauddin Khilji

82 - The "Deepavali Declaration" of 1929 was issued by

Lord Irwin

83 - The "Glimpses of World History" book is a collection of how many letters


84 - The "Plato of the Jat Tribe" was

Suraj Mal

85 - The All India Muslim League was established in


86 - The ambassador of Seleucus in the court of Chandragupta Maurya was


87 - The author of 'A Nation in the Making' was

SN Banerjee

88 - The Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928 was lead by

Vallabhbhai Patel

89 - The Battle of Jajau was fought between

between Mughal Princes

90 - The battle of Plassey was fought between British East India Company and

Siraj ud-Daulah

91 - The Buland Darwaza was built by


92 - The Chinese commander who defeated Kanishka is

Pen Chao

93 - The Chola king who completed the subjugation of the Pallavas was

Aditya I

94 - The classes of officers appointed by Ashoka to spread the Law of Piety were called


95 - The constitution of provincial congress committees in British India was based on

Linguistic regions

96 - The Council of Ministers of Shivaji was known by

Ashta Pradhan

97 - The Dandi March undertaken by Gandhi was

A part of the Civil Disobedience Movement

98 - The dandi march was began from _______


99 - The dandi march was started by Mahatma Gandhi on _______ in 1930

12th March

100 - The earliest city discovered in India was


101 - The Edicts of Ashoka are consists of _________ inscriptions


102 - The famous Iron Pillar near Qutab-Minar belongs to


103 - The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special session of Congress held at Calcutta in

September 1920.

104 - The film Mangal Pandey released in August 2005 deals with

The first war of Indian Independence in 1857

105 - The first and the second battles of Tarain fought by Mohammed Ghori were with

Prithvi Raj Chauhan-III

106 - The first battle of panipat was fought in the year


107 - The first Indian national Congress consisted of

72 delegates

108 - The first postage stamp in India was released on


109 - The first Satyagraha campaign by Gandhiji was started in


110 - The French challenge to British supremacy in India came to an end with which of the following battles

The Battle of Wandiwash

111 - The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed before

Second Round Table

112 - The Golden Jubilee of the Indian National Congress (1885-1935) fell in 1935, which was observed during the session held at


113 - The Great Bath structure found in which city during Indus valley civilization


114 - The Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha was formed in :


115 - The Hindu of Madras started in 1868 as a weekly, became a Daily in


116 - The historic INA trial started at the Red fort of Delhi in


117 - The holy city Amritsar was founded by

Guru Ramdass

118 - The imperial Council was replaced by a bi-cameral legislature under the Act of

Act of 1919

119 - The Indian Association organization is formed by

Surendranath Banerjee

120 - The Indian Independence League was established by

Ras Behari Bose

121 - The Indian National Army (INA) attacked to free the country but had to retreat in April 1944 from


122 - The Indian University Act was passed in the year


123 - The Indus or Harappan Civilisation is distinguished from the other contemporary civilisations by its

underground drainage system

124 - The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to which age

Neolithic Age

125 - The Indus valley people wore the clothes made of


126 - The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in the year


127 - The Khalifa who gave legal recognition as a Sultan of Delhi to Iltutmish was

Al-Mustansir Bilah

128 - The Malabar rebellion or Malabar uprising was occured in the year


129 - The most Important feature of the Government of India Act of 1919 was

All the above

130 - The Mughal General who persuaded Shivaji to pay a visit to Aurangzeb at Agra was

Jai Singh

131 - The original name of Ala-uddin Khilji was

Ali Gurshap

132 - The outbreak of the Seven Years' War in Europe lead to ____ Carnatic Wars


133 - The period from 1813 to 1858 is known as

The policy of subordinate isolation

134 - The play Neel Darpan deals with which of the following subjects

Plight of indigo plantation workers

135 - The Poona Pact agreement in 1932 was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and

B Ambedkar

136 - The publication of the newspaper 'Bengal Gazette' from Kolkata was started in the year


137 - The Sangam age is associated with

The Pallavas

138 - The Sanskrit play Nagananda is attributed to

King Harsha

139 - The Second Buddhist council was took place at


140 - The Servants of India Society was established by

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

141 - The shortest stint as Foreign Minister in independent India was for three days. To whom does this dubious honour go to ?

V.P. Singh

142 - The third Anglo-Mysore was fought between

British and Tipu Sultan

143 - The title of ‘Viceroy’ was added to the centre of the Governor-General of India for the first time in


144 - The train robbery 'Kakori conspiracy' took place in the year


145 - The Vellore mutiny, which is India's first instance of a large-scale and violent mutiny by Indian sepoys was occured in the year


146 - The Vijay Stambha at Chittor was constructed by

Rana Kumbha

147 - The Wahabis operated from


148 - The Widow Remarriage Act was passed in the year


149 - Thomas Roe was received in audience by Jehangir at


150 - To reform the recruitment of Indian Civil Services, the Macaulay Committee was formed in the year


151 - To regulate the economic activities of the state the Mauryan administration appointed

27 superintendents

152 - Total number of hymns in Rigveda


153 - Total number of kingdoms refers under the Mahajanapada is


154 - Total number of people that participate at the beginning of the dandi march was


155 - Tuzuk-i-Baburi (the autobiography of Babur) was originally written in


156 - Under pressure from his family, Nanu married__________, the daughter of a traditional village doctor


157 - Victoria Memorial was built to commemorate Queen Victoria's _____ reign in India

25 year

158 - What is the ministry of Diwan-i-Arz in Sher Shah Suri period

In charge of Army

159 - What promise was made by the British Government under the "August Declaration of 1917"

Self-governing institutions through gradual stages

160 - What was Gautama Buddha's clan


161 - What was the reason for enactment of Rowlatt Act ?

Perceived threat from revolutionary nationalists

162 - When did the company lose its monopoly of Indian trade which was thrown open to all


163 - When was the Bahmani Sultanate founded


164 - When was the first Jute Mill was established


165 - Which among the following was a source for the Arab conquest of Sind

Chach Nama

166 - Which battle of the Sikhs with English is popularly called as "the battle of guns"

Battle of Gujarat

167 - Which British scholar translated the Manusmá¹›ti

William Jones

168 - Which Chola King assumed the title of 'Gangaikondachola' to commemorate his victory over Pala King of Bengal and Bihar

Rajendra Chola I

169 - Which Chola King was the first to extent his empire to the Ganga River

Rajendra Chola I

170 - Which city of Indus valley civilization found in the prsent location of Gujrat District


171 - Which commission was setup to inquire the working of police administration in 1902

Fraser Commission

172 - Which day is celebrated as "Day of deliverance" by Muslim League

22nd December, 1939

173 - Which Delhi Sultan is also known as 'A slave of a slave'


174 - Which Delhi Sultan is also known as 'Lakh Baksh'

Qutb al-Din Aibak

175 - Which dynasty built the shore Temple of Mamallapuram


176 - Which freedom fighter is also known as the "Father of Revolutionary Thought in India"

Bipin Chandra Pal

177 - Which Governor general introduced the office of District Collector ?

Warren Hastings

178 - Which Governor General of India founded the Postal Service in India

Lord Dalhousie

179 - Which Gupta king is also known by the name of Devagupta

Chandragupta II

180 - Which Indian philosopher written the book "Satyarth Prakash" was

Dayananda Saraswati

181 - Which King build the Pataliputra city


182 - Which King of Sri Lanka was a contemporary of King Ashoka of Magadha

Devanampiya Tissa

183 - Which king patronised Telugu poet Nachana Soma

Bukka Raya I

184 - Which king was also known as "Sakalottarapathanath"


185 - Which Kushan King was first to issue gold coins

Vima Kadphises

186 - Which language served as the lingua franca of Indian in the 3rd century B.C.


187 - Which Mughal Emperor's tomb is located in the Sikandra Fort


188 - Which of the following Congress leader rejected the 'August Offer' of 1940?

Lord Linlithgow

189 - Which of the following conquered Java and Sumatra first of all

Chola Kings

190 - Which of the following granted "separate electorate" to Indian Muslims

Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909

191 - Which of the following Indus Valley Civilization city had a dock


192 - Which of the following Indus Valley sites is presently in Pakistan?


193 - Which of the following influenced the makers of Indian Constitution?

The Constitution of USA

194 - Which of the following is also known as Mountbatten Plan ?

Indian Independence Act, 1947

195 - Which of the following Mughal king's name had the meaning ‘fortunate’


196 - Which of the following Mughal ruler was appointed twice to the throne


197 - Which of the following river flows from West to East

Damodar River

198 - Which of the following rulers constructed the Grand Trunk road connected East Bengal to Peshawar

Sher Shah Suri

199 - Which of the following rulers was first to introduce the silver coin named "Rupia"

Shershah Suri

200 - Which of the following was completely separated from India by the Government of India Act, 1935


201 - Which of the following was not a provincial capital during the reign of Ashoka


202 - Which one among the following pairs of battle is correctly matched?

The battle of Chausa : Defeat of Humayun by SherShah

203 - Which one city was the centre of the British East India Company's opium industry


204 - Which one is the earliest brick temple in India to survive till now

Bhitargaon temple

205 - Which one is the earliest ruling dynasty of Magadha

Brihadrath dynasty

206 - Which one is the first rulers in India to issue coins


207 - Which one is the is the source of the phrase Satyameva Jayate

Mundaka Upanishad

208 - Which one of the following did not participate in the third Anglo-Maratha War

Mahadji Sindhia

209 - Which one of the following Harappan sites is NOT located in Gujarat?


210 - Which one of the following Janpada was not included in 16 Mahajanpada


211 - Which one of the following newspaper was published by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya in 1909

The Leader

212 - Which one of the following rulers did not contribute towards the expansion of Buddhism

Pushyamitra Shunga

213 - Which one of the followings never accepted the Subsidiary alliance with British


214 - Which one was the first muslim sultanate that ruled parts of India

Mamluk dynasty

215 - Which party was formed by Subhas Chandra Bose after leaving Congress Party in 1939

Forward Bloc

216 - Which Pratihara King defeated the Arab army under Junaid and Tamin during the Caliphate campaigns in India

Nagabhata I

217 - Which Rajput ruler had written the musical books known as Sangita-ratnakara and Sangita-krama-dipaka

Rana Kumbha

218 - Which Rashtrakuta King built the Kailashnath temple at Elora

Krishna I

219 - Which revolutionary assassinated Michael O'Dwyer to avenge killings of Jallianwala Bagh massacre

Udham Singh

220 - Which revolutionary assassinated, British Police Officer Saunders

Bhagat Singh

221 - Which ruler introduced copper coins called dam and gold coins called mohur in India

Sher Shah Suri

222 - Which ruler is associate with the statement "I would have lost the empire just for a handful of millet"

Sher Shah Suri

223 - Which ruler made a replica of the Taj Mahal in South India


224 - Which Satavahana King is mentioned in the "Hathigumpha Inscription" of Kharavela


225 - Which Sikh Guru built the Akal Takht in Harmandir Sahib complex in Amritsar

Guru Hargobind

226 - Which Sikh King signed the Treaty of Lahore

Duleep Singh

227 - Which Sultan of Delhi was a contemporary of the Mongol leader Chengiz Khan


228 - Who abolished dual government in Bengal

Warren Hastings

229 - Who abolished Turkan-i-chihalgani


230 - Who advice Mahatma Gandhi to travelled India for an year after his return from South Africa

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

231 - Who among the following had started Indian Home Rule Society in London

Shyamji Krishna Varma

232 - Who among the following has been popularly known as "Frontier Gandhi"

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

233 - Who among the following historians said that Sufism was "born in the bosom of Islam"

Yusuf Hussain

234 - Who among the following Kings is also known as "Andhra Bhoj"


235 - Who among the following persons was the Congress President, when India became independent in 1947

Acharya Kripalani

236 - Who among the following was the first to take initiative for water resource management in the Girnar region

Chandragupta Maurya

237 - Who amongs the following described Aurobindo as a ‘Poet of patriotism, prophet of nationalism and lover of humanity'

C R Das

238 - Who completed the construction of Harmindir Sahib (Golden Temple) in 1604

Guru Arjan

239 - Who declared "Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it"?

Bal Gangadhara Tilak

240 - Who described the Sati system as "murder according to every shastra"

Raja Rammohan Roy

241 - Who designed the Victoria Terminus (Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station), Mumbai India

Frederick William Stevens

242 - Who established the Indian Home Rule Society in London

Shyamji Krishna Varma

243 - Who established trading centers at Calicut, Cochin and Cannanore


244 - Who first introduced the adhesive stamp of India/Asia in 1852

Sir Bartle Frere

245 - Who formulated the People's plan for India in 1944

MN Roy

246 - Who gave the title "Vivekananda" to Narendranath Datta who became famous as Swami Vivekananda

Ajit Singh of Khetri

247 - Who has been regarded as the real founder of Turkish rule in India

Qutb-ud-din Aibak

248 - Who imposed the taxes like jaribana and mahasilana on the cultivators during the Mughal period


249 - Who is also known as "Father of communal electorate"


250 - Who is also known as "Tathagata"

Gautama Buddha

251 - Who is also known as the Martin Luther of Hinduism

Dayananda Saraswati

252 - Who is known as the founder of Rashtrakuta Empire


253 - Who is known as the founder of the Chalukya Dynasty

Pulakesi I

254 - Who is known as the real founder of Turkish rule in India

Qutb-ud-din Aibak

255 - Who is the first Chief Justice of the Fort of St. George (Madras)

Sir Thomas Strange

256 - Who is the tenth or last of the ten Sikh Gurus

Guru Gobind Singh

257 - Who is the twenty-second tirthankaras


258 - Who laid the real foundation of Portuguese power in India


259 - Who of the following attended all the Three Round Table Conferences?

B.R Ambedkar

260 - Who of the following is considered as the prophet of Indian Nationalism

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

261 - Who of the following nationalist leader has been referred to as "Lokhitwadi"

Gopal Hari Deshmukh

262 - Who ordered the shooting at Jallianwala Bagh that killed thousand protesters

Reginald Dyer

263 - Who passed the Indian Universities Act of 1904


264 - Who preached "Vishishtadvaita"


265 - Who propounded the 'Drain of Wealth' theory regarding the economic exploitation of India benefiting capitalist expansion of England ?

Dadabhai Nauroji

266 - Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act

Lord Ripon

267 - Who said "Curzon’s partition of Bengal gave unwitting initiative to events of such magnitude which returned many years later to port with the cargo of freedom"?

Dr. S.Gopal

268 - Who said "The Simmon Commission Report should be thrown on a heap of rubbish"?

Shivaswami Iyer

269 - Who set up the famous "Bengal Chemical Swadeshi Stores" during the Seadeshi Movement

P. C. Roy

270 - Who started the Aligarh Movement

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

271 - Who started the individual Satyagraha

Vinoba Bhave

272 - Who started token currency in medieval India

Muhammad bin-Tughluq

273 - Who stated that "Self Government is the only remedy for India's woes and wrongs"

Dadabhai Naoroji

274 - Who stated the following words, "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not every man's greed" ?

Mahatma Gandhi

275 - Who threw the bomb on Kings ford, the unpopular Judge at Mazzafarpur

Khudiram Bose

276 - Who threw two bombs on the Door of the Central Assembly in New Delhi on April 8, 1929?

Both (a) and (b) above

277 - Who transferred an Ashokan pillar from Meerut and installed it at Kotla, New Delhi

Feroz Shah Tughluq

278 - Who was Dadaji Kondadeva

Shivaji's guardian tutor

279 - Who was India's first ambassador to the Soviet Union post-independence ?

Vijayalakshmi Pandit

280 - Who was Prime minister of Britain when India got Independence

Clement Attlee

281 - Who was the author of 'Tarikh-i Sher Shahi'

Abbas Sarwani

282 - Who was the Chairman of the Partition Council ?

Lord Mountbatten

283 - Who was the first Indian to join the Civil Service in 1863

Satyendranath Tagore

284 - Who was the first muslim invader in India


285 - Who was the first Portuguese Governor in India

Francisco Almeida

286 - Who was the first professor of Sanskrit at Cambridge University

Edward Byles Cowell

287 - Who was the first to formulate the theory of three successive phases of British colonialism in India- namely mercantilist, Free Trade Mercantile capitalism and Finance Imperialism

R.C Dutt

288 - Who was the first to termed the great mutiny of 1857 as the "first War of Indian Independence"

VD Savarkar

289 - Who was the founder of Nanda Empire in Magadha

Mahapadma Nanda

290 - Who was the founder of the Vakataka dynasty


291 - Who was the last Commander in Chief of British India

Sir Claude Auchinleck

292 - Who was the last Governor-General of India

C. Rajagopalachari

293 - Who was the President of the Swaraj Party

C. R. Das

294 - Who was the Viceroy of India when Indian National Congress was started


295 - Who wrote the book "Indika"


296 - Who wrote the book, "The Indian Struggle"

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

297 - Who wrote the pamphlet 'Why I am an Atheist' in Jail

Bhagat Singh

298 - Whom did Wellesley enthrone after the death of Tipu in 1799

Krishna Raj

299 - Whose inscription confirmed that the Lumbini was the birth place of Gautama Buddha


300 - Why was the Second Round Table Conference failed?

Priority to be given to communal question


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