India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 3

1 - __________ was primarily responsible for making India a secular State

Jawaharlal Nehru

2 - __________, second President of The Theosophical Society from 1907 to 1933, was described as a 'Diamond Soul', for she had many brilliant facets to her character

Annie Besant

3 - A focal point of all revolutionary activities in London was

India House

4 - A letter to the Mughal emperor Jahangir from King James I had been presented by

Sir Thomas Roe

5 - A new period in__________'s life began in 1913 when she became active in Indian politics, and gave a lead by claiming 'Home Rule' for India

Annie Besant

6 - A new phase began in the Guru's life in 1904. He decided to give up his wandering life and settle down in a place to continue his Sadhana (spiritual practice). He chose__________, twenty miles north of Thiruvananthapuram


7 - According to Jain Shastra, Manno Sahssisso Bhimo, __________

Durtthasso Paridhawad

8 - According to the Regulating Act, Directors were to be elected for a period of

4 years

9 - After 1893, when complete ban was imposed on all commercial activities of the Company. India was left open to exploitation by

British mercantile industrial capitalist class

10 - After a few years Olcott and Blavatsky moved to India and established the International Headquarters at Adyar, in__________


11 - After receipt of Diksha, with which food Abhinandannath Tirthankar initiated first Parna?


12 - After the Kalinga War, Ashoka decided never to wage any war because?

He was moved by the violence, slaughter and sufferings to the combatants and noncombatants in the war

13 - After the ruin of India's trade, industries and handicrafts, the burden of taxation in India had to be mainly borne by


14 - After Tilak's deportation which of the following extremist leaders was not similarly deported to Mandalay prison in Burma?

CR Das

15 - AI Hilal was a


16 - Ajitnath Tirthankar was born on the eighth day of which Hindu month of shukl paksh?


17 - Aligarh Muslim University was founded by

Syed Ahmed Khan

18 - 'Anthology of the Bomb' was written by

Bipin Chandra Pal

19 - Arrange in chronological order: (1) Cabinet Mission (2) Cripps Mission (3) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms (4) Minto-Morley Reforms


20 - Aruvipuram installation was done by __________

Narayana Guru

21 - As per the Act of 1919 which of the following was not a transferred subject?

Land Revenue

22 - As per the Regulating Act, a Governor-General and four Councilors were appointed for


23 - Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at


24 - Ashoka has been particularly influenced by the Buddhist monk


25 - Ashoka's prime claim to greatness lay in

The promotion of people's welfare by him

26 - Assertion (A): Nalanda was the centre of Buddhist learning in the post-Gupta period. Reason (R): It was patronised by the Pala rulers

Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A

27 - Assertion (A): The jainas follow the practice of worshipping images of tirthankaras. Reason (R): They denied the existence of a Supreme Being.

Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A

28 - At the historic Tripuri Session of the Congress (March 1939) Subhas Bose defeated Mahatma Gandhi's official candidate for the Presidentship of the Congress. Who was Mahatma Gandhi's nominee?

Pattabhi Sitaramayya

29 - Atmopadesa Satakam is the work of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

30 - Azad Hind Fauz or the Indian National Army (INA) was founded by

General Mohan Singh

31 - Before starting of an Era, what was the last karma given by Rishabhnath other than agriculture, ink, sword, craft and service?


32 - Buddha delivered his first sermon at __________


33 - Buddha gave his first religious message at


34 - Buddha has been described as 'an ocean of wisdom and compassion' In


35 - Buddha means

The Enlightened one

36 - Calcutta medical college in__________


37 - Chandra Shekhar Azad was __________ of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army


38 - Commissioners for the Affairs of India were known as

Board of Control

39 - 'Confessions of Thug' was written by

Meadows Taylor

40 - Cripps Mission came to India


41 - Daiva Dasakam is a Malayalam work of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

42 - Desire is the cause of all sufferings. Which religion promoted this?


43 - Federal form of governments at centre was introduced in India under

Government of India Act of 1935

44 - First Indian Commander-in-Chief was

Gen. K.M. Kariappa

45 - For how many years Ajitnath Tirthankar practise harsh austerity?


46 - For how many years Sumtinath Tirthankar prayed?


47 - From 1885 to 1905 (the moderate phase of the INC) the object before the INC was

Only (a) and (b) above

48 - From which monument, Gautama Buddha propagated his divine knowledge of Buddhism to the world?

Mahabodhi Temple Complex

49 - Har Bilas Sarda was instrumental in the passage of the famous Sarda Act of 1930, which provided for

penalisation of parties to a marriage in which the girl was below 14 or the boy was below 18 years of age

50 - Hardayal, an intellectual giant, was associated with

Ghadar Movement

51 - How many gandhara were in the religious family of Ajitnath Tirthankar?


52 - I. It favoured Dominion Status.II. It favoured a federal system.III. It rejected the system of Communal Electorate.IV. It was against the setting up of a Supreme Court.Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct related to the Nehru Report?


53 - I. Nasir JangII. Muzaffar JangIII. AnwaruddinIV. Chanda SahibWhich of the above ruler(s) is/are associated with the French during the course of the Carnatic wars?


54 - I. The Ikshvaku rulers of southern India were antagonistic towards Buddhism.II. The Pala rulers of eastern India were patrons of Buddhism.Which of these statement (s) is/are correct?

Only II

55 - Identify the revolutionary among the following who was not active in London?


56 - In . . . . . Derozio founded with his students the 'Academic Association' which organised debates on various subjects


57 - In __________, the First National Trade union organization (The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)) was established


58 - In 1901 the State Census Manual of __________recorded Sree Narayana as a revered "Guru" and an erudite Sanskrit scholar


59 - In 1934 Mahatma Gandhi withdrew from active politics and even resigned his membership of the Congress because

he wanted to devote himself fully to constructive programme and Harijan welfare

60 - In 1937 , an educational conference endorsing Gandhi's proposals for 'basic education' through the vernacular medium was held at


61 - In a message to the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam in 1926 __________ declared, no community can make progress except through organization

Narayana Guru

62 - In early 1898 Swami Vivekananda acquired a big plot of land on the western bank of the Ganga at a place called . . . . . to have a permanent abode for the monastery and monastic order originally started at Baranagar, and got it registered as Ramakrishna M


63 - In Jainism the aim of life is to attain Nirvana or Moksha for which one has to

follow three jewels and five vows

64 - In Jainism, 'Perfect Knowledge' is referred to as


65 - In May 1933, Mahatma Gandhi began a fast of 21 days

for his own purification and that of his associates for greater commitment to the cause of the Harijans

66 - In May__________, S. Ramaswami Mudaliar and P. Anandacharlu established the Madras Mahajana Sabha


67 - In the Battle of Buxar the English army was commanded by

Major Munro

68 - In the Interim Government formed in 1946, the Minister for Education was

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

69 - In which Hindi month Sumtinath Tirthankar received diksha?


70 - In which Indian Religion, there are 24 tirthankaras?


71 - In which of following Buddhist councils compilation of holy books was completed?


72 - In which of the following Mudra did Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at Saranath?

Dharmchakra Mudra

73 - In which script were the Ashokan inscription were written in North West Frontier Province?


74 - India Home Rule Society, founded in London in February 1905, was one of the earliest revolutionary societies set up outside India. This society was founded by

Shyamji Krishnavarma

75 - Indian handicrafts rapidly declined due to

All the above

76 - Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak hailed form


77 - Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge - this was stated on the night of August 14, 1947 by

Jawaharlal Neheru

78 - 'Lucknow pact' was a deal between

Hindus and Muslims regarding seat sharing in legislatures

79 - M.A. Jinnah, in his early political life

Initiated Hindu-Muslim unity

80 - Madam Bhikaji Cama unfolded the National Flag of India in 1907 at

International Socialist Congress Stuttgart

81 - Madame HP Blavatsky had laid the foundation of the Theosophical Society in the year


82 - Mahatma Gandhi had been present at the Round Table Conference(s) held in London


83 - Mahatma Gandhi's remark, "A post-dated cheque on a crumbling bank" is regarding the proposals of

Cripps Mission

84 - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the author of

India Wins Freedom

85 - Mention the place where Buddha attained enlightenment.

Bodh Gaya

86 - Mrs Annie Besant became the first woman President of the INC in


87 - Name the clan Buddha belonged to


88 - Name the ruler whose reign was a witness to both Vardhaman Mahavira and the Buddha preaching their respective doctrines?


89 - Nanu moved to his hermitage deep inside the hilly forests of__________, where he led an austere life immersed in meditative thought and yoga and subjected himself to extreme sustenance rituals


90 - Narayana Guru was the son of__________

Madan Asan

91 - Nirvruthi Panchakam was written by __________

Sree Narayana Guru

92 - Of the five vows (Panch Anuvratas) of Jainism, four existed before Mahavira. The one which he added was


93 - Of the following who are not given reserved seats in the Indian legislature?

Landed Gentry

94 - Of the following who did not oppose the Non-cooperation resolution?


95 - Of the following who transferred the capital from Murshidabad to Monghyr?

Mir Kasim

96 - On October 16, 1905, when the partition of Bengal was enforced, the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, to emphasise the unity of Bengal, suggested the programme of

tying of Rakhi on each other's wrists

97 - One of the following was not involved in the Chittagong Armoury Raid, 1934. Who was he?

Dinesh Gupta

98 - Outside India, Buddhism was first accepted in

Sri Lanka

99 - Pitt's India Bill was introduced by __________ in 1784

Prime Minister Pitt

100 - 'Prince of Piligrims' was the name attributed to


101 - Provincial autonomy was introduced in India by the

Govemment of India Act, 1935

102 - Queen Victoria became the Empress of India according to the Act of


103 - Sivagiri pilgrimage was conceived by __________ and T K Kittan Writer. It was duly approved by Gurudevan on January, 1928

Vallabhasseri Govindan Vaidyar

104 - Subhash Bose selected the best soldiers from the three existing brigades (named after Gandhi, Azad and Nehru) and organised a new brigade which the soldiers themselves called

Subhash Brigade

105 - Swami Vivekananda was graduated from __________University


106 - Swami Vivekananda's father, __________, was a successful attorney with interests in a wide range of subjects

Vishwanath Datta

107 - Swarajist Party was organised by

Motilal Nehru

108 - Tashkent Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in the year


109 - The __________ was run by Tarachand Chakravarty


110 - The __________ were the first Europeans to start a Joint stock company trade with India?


111 - The Act of 1833 concentrated the legislative powers in the hands of

Governor-General in Council

112 - The aim of Ashoka's Dhamma was

Non-violence and peace

113 - The Aligarh Institute Gazette, an organ of the Scientific Society was started in March . . . . . and succeeded in transforming the minds in the traditional Muslim Society


114 - The Alipore conspiracy case was launched against the revolutionary activities of

Anusilan Samiti

115 - The Battle of Buxar was fought between the combined armies (of the Nawab of Awadh, the Mughal Emperor and Mir Kasim II) and the


116 - The Battle of Wandiwash was fought between

The English and the French

117 - The Buddha

believed in the theory of Karma

118 - The Buddhist monk who spread Buddhism in Tibet was


119 - The Buddhist sect Mahayana formally came into existence during the reign of


120 - The Cabinet Mission which arrived Delhi in 1946 was headed by

Lord Pethrick Lawrence

121 - The Charter Act of 1813 allotted Rupees __________ annually for Indian learning and spread of Scientific knowledge

One lakh

122 - The Charter Act of 1813 left intact the Company's monopoly of __________ trade


123 - The Cripps Offer was regarded as a 'post dated cheque' by


124 - The Deccan Riots of 1874-75 in Maharashtra were directed against


125 - The deep transforming effect that the Kalinga War had on Ashoka has been described in

Rock edicts

126 - The Dyarchy which was introduced on 1921 in province was in force till the year


127 - The English established their first factory in India at


128 - The famine in Bihar and Bengal in 1873-74 was averted by the timely action of


129 - The first elected Indian President of the Legislative Assembly was

VJ Patel

130 - The first newspaper which was published in India was

The Bengal Gazette

131 - The first political association of India founded in 1891 was the

Landholders Society of Calcutta

132 - The first Swarajist Conference was held at


133 - The first to come and last to leave India were

The Portuguese

134 - The first vernacular paper, Samachar Darpan, was published during the tenure of

Lord Hastings

135 - The first weekly paper published by the INC (in 1889) was


136 - The Gandhi-lrwin Pact (1931) was vehemently criticised and opposed by the people on the ground that

Gandhi did nothing to save the lives of Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Raj Guru who had been awarded the death sentence

137 - The Government of India Act of 1935 had divided India into __________ provinces


138 - The great exponent of Mahayana Buddhism was


139 - The Hindustan Republican Association, subsequently styled as the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) was founded in 1924 by

Sachindra Sanyal

140 - The Indian Universities were first founded in thetime of

Lord Canning

141 - The Indians were allowed to frame their Constitution by

August Offer

142 - The Interim Government which took office on September 2, 1946 was headed by

Jawaharlal Nehru

143 - The Jaina saint credited with the spread of Jainism in Karnataka (south India) was


144 - The language adopted for preaching In Mahayana Buddhism was


145 - The language which contributed to the spread of Buddhism was


146 - The last constitutional provision (covering undivided India) passed by the House of Commons was

Government of India Act 1935

147 - The last in the succession of Jaina Tirthankaras was


148 - The last of the Charter Act concerning India was the Act of


149 - The main brain behind hurling a bomb at Lord Hardinge, while he was making his state entry into Delhi was

Ras Behari Bose

150 - The main cause of the tribal uprisings of the 19th century was

the British Forest Laws

151 - The main exponent of the theory of Drain of Wealth was

Dadabhai Naoroji

152 - The maximum number of additional members for the council of Bengal was raised from 20 to __________


153 - The Minto Morley reforms was in the year __________


154 - The Mohamedan Association was founded in __________in 1856


155 - The National Anthem was first sung in year 1911 at the Annual session of the India National Congress held at


156 - The National Liberal Federation was founded by

S N Bannerjee

157 - The oldest Jain scriptures are regarded to be the

Twelve Angas

158 - The original Buddhist religious texts had been written in


159 - The paintings of Ajanta depict the stories of


160 - The partition of Bengal had to be annulled in __________


161 - The partition of Bengal was occurred in __________


162 - The Pitaka that contains pronouncements attributed to the Buddha, laying down numerous rules for the conduct of the order is

Vinaya Pitaka

163 - The Pitt's India Act empowered the Governor-General with

A casting vote

164 - The 'political philosophy' was the work of __________

Gopala Krishna Gokhale

165 - The proceedings of the Third Buddhist Council led to the issue of Edict?


166 - The Rama Krishna Mission was established by


167 - The Round table conference at London met for the discussion of

A future administration of India

168 - The second session of the congress met in Calcutta on December 1886, under the president ship of __________

Dadabhai Naoroji

169 - The Sikhs were defeated by the English at __________ in 1856


170 - The Simon Commission was boy-cotted by Indians because

It was an all-white commission without Indianrepresentation

171 - The Singh Sabha intended to restore Sikhism to its past purity by publishing historical religious books, magazines and journals, to propagate knowledge using Punjabi, to return Sikh apostates to their original faith, and to involve highly placed _________


172 - The strategy of 'divide and rule' had been actually practised by

Lord Minto

173 - The term of office of member of the Council of India as per the act of 1919 was

5 years

174 - The Theosophical Society is an organization formed in __________ to advance the spiritual principles and search for Truth known as Theosophy


175 - The Theosophical Society was officially formed in . . . . ., United States, in November 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others

New York City

176 - The Third Buddhist Council was patronised by


177 - 'The Times of India' which celebrated its 150th anniversary in 1988, was first published in 1838 as

Bombay Times

178 - The Tokyo Conference which passed a resolution to form an Indian National Army or Azad Hind Fauj was a conference of

different associations of Indians living in South-East Asia

179 - The tutor of Alexander, the Great was


180 - The United Nation's declared __________ as the International Year of Women


181 - The Woods Despatch of 1854 resulted in the

Establishment of the education system

182 - The worship of images (of Buddha) in India began during the period


183 - The Young Bengal group published the __________(Quest for Knowledge) for propagating their views


184 - 'There are no politics devoid of religion' is stated by


185 - Through which principle or device did Ghandhiji strive to bridge economics inequalities?

Trusteeship theory

186 - Through which principle/device did Mahatma Gandhi strive to bridge economic inequalities?

Trusteeship theory

187 - Tilak called him the 'Diamond of India, the jewel of Maharashtra and the Prince of Workers'. Who is referred in these words


188 - Tilak started his career as a


189 - Tilak was sentenced and transported to


190 - Upon whom was the title 'Punjab Kesari' conferred?

Lala Lajpat Rai

191 - Vaishakha Purnima has a great significance because it was on this day

All of the above

192 - Vivekananda felt that the Parliament would provide the right forum to present his Master's message to the world, and so he decided to go to America. Another reason which prompted Swamiji to go to America was to seek financial help for his project of uplif


193 - Wahabis were __________ fanatics


194 - What is Gandhi's definition of Rama Raj?

Sovereignty of the people based on pure moralauthority

195 - What is 'Milind panho'?

Buddhist text

196 - What is the meaning of Kaivalya Gyan (enlightenment) received by Abhinandannath Tirthankar?

Brahma Vidya

197 - What is the meaning of Masi?


198 - What is the name of the preaching mudra of gesture, in which the Buddha is depicted delivering his first sermon, In the Gandhara Sculptures?


199 - What name was given to Rishabhnath Tirthankar due to his father Nabhiraya?


200 - What was Jagat Seth's claim to fame in Bengal?

Biggest banker in Bengal

201 - What was the charge against Bal Gangadhar Tilak, for which he was sentenced to six years transportation in July 1908?

for seditious writings in his paper Kesari

202 - What was the name of the father of Ajitnath Tirthankar?


203 - What was the number of monks in the religious family of Ajitnath Tirthankar?

One lakh

204 - When Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed, the Secretary of State for India was

Wedgwood Benn

205 - When was the First Round Table Conference held?


206 - Which among the following is the great Buddhist work consisting of dialogues between the Indo-Greek King Menander and the Buddhist philosopher Nagasena?

Milinda Panha

207 - Which Buddhist literature consists of dialogues between the Buddha and his followers?

Sutta Patika

208 - Which day was declared as the 'Direct Action Day' by the Muslim League?

16th August, 1946

209 - Which great war was fought between the years 1914 and 1918?

The First World War

210 - Which nationalist had stoutly preached "Be proud that you are an Indian, proudly claim I am an Indian"?

Swami Vivekanand

211 - Which of the following Act(s) was/were passed in 1856?

Both the above

212 - Which of the following Governor-General introduced the services of Railway and telegraph systems?

Lord Dalhousie

213 - Which of the following incident ended the historic fast of Gandhi?

Poona Pact

214 - Which of the following is not a holy book of Jainism?

Sutta pitaka

215 - Which of the following is not included in triratna of Jainism?


216 - Which of the following is not the "Tri Ratna" of Jainism?

Right view

217 - Which of the following is one of the causes for the passing of the Act of 1773?

Failure of Double Government

218 - Which of the following is Parinirvana place of Mahavira?


219 - Which of the following is the ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism?


220 - Which of the following is/are correct statement(s) related to the Buddhist Philosophy?

Both A & B

221 - Which of the following is/are mantra of Jainism?

All sinful acts are renounced for life-long

222 - Which of the following literary personalities made the greatest contribution in arousing patriotism in the 19th century?

Bankim Chandra with his historical novels culminating with Ananda Math (1882)

223 - Which of the following Minor Rock Edicts of Ashoka describes the Conquest of Kalinga by Ashoka?


224 - Which of the following pair is incorrect?

Young India - Lala Lajpat Rai

225 - Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Lord Curzon - Vernacular Press Act, 1878

226 - Which of the following personality is related with the "Deepavali Declaration"?

Lord Irwin in 1929

227 - Which of the following provision is a part of the Government of India Act of 1919?

Transfer of power to the Indians

228 - Which of the following songs was so dear to Mahatma Gandhi's heart, that he wrote: 'That one song is enough to sustain me, even if I were to forget the 'Bhagavad Gita'

Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye

229 - Which of the following statements is correct about Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru?

Nehru stressed the importance of national planning

230 - Which of the following Tamil literature was written by Ilango Adigal, brother of Senguvattan, a Chera King and who was a Jain monk is a highly regarded epic?


231 - Which of the following was a leader of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army founded in 1928?

Chandra Shekhar Azad

232 - Which of the following was not included in the early three English Settlements in India?

The Punjab

233 - Which of the following was not to be ceded by Mir Kasim to the Company as per the treaty signed between Mir Kasim and Calcutta Council?


234 - Which of the following was the 'Newspaper' of Annie Besant?

New India

235 - Which one of the following is not a sect of Buddhism?


236 - Which one of the following ruler was not contemporary to 'Buddha'?

Mahapadma Nanda

237 - Which one of the following wars decided the fate of the French in India?

Battle of Wandiwash

238 - Which one of the following was not a French settlement in India?


239 - Which was the earliest settlement of the Dutch in India?


240 - Who among the following had attended all the three Round Table Conferences in London?

B R Ambedkar

241 - Who among the following is known as the "Father of the Indian Renaissance"?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

242 - Who among the following leader headed the interim Government of 1946?

Jawaharlal Nehru

243 - Who among the following leader presided the historic 1916 Lucknow Session of the Congress?

Ambika Charan Majumdar

244 - Who among the following presided over the Buddhist council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir?


245 - Who among the following was the counter part of Tipu Sultan during the Treaty of Seringapatnam?


246 - Who among the following was the first to sign the 'Instruments of Accession'?

The Dewan of Travancore

247 - Who among the following was the founder of the Dravida Kazhagam ?

Periyar E.V Ramaswamy Naicker

248 - Who called Sree Narayana Guru as 'The Second Buddha'?

G. Sankara Kurup

249 - Who contemptuously referred to Mahatma Gandhi as a halfnaked fakir?

Winston Churchill

250 - Who did Mahatma Gandhi recognise as his political Guru?

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

251 - Who established the Indian Civil Liberties Union in 1936?

Jawahar Lal Nehru

252 - Who gave the concept of Total Revolution?

Jayaprakash Narayan

253 - Who gave the slogan "Inquilab Zindabad?

Bhagat Singh

254 - Who gave the title or "Mahamana" to Madan Mohan Malviya?

Rabindra Nath Tagore

255 - Who had converted Kanishka to Buddhism?


256 - Who had founded the Indian Home Rule Society?

Shyamji Krishna Varma

257 - Who had observed that "Good government was never a good substitute for self-government"?

Swami Dayananda

258 - Who had paned the Vernacular Press Act into law?

Lord Lytton

259 - Who had rounded the first women's university in India?

Dhondo Keshav Karve

260 - Who He said, "I accept as Dharma whatever is in full conformity with impartial justice, truthfulness and the like; that which is not opposed to the teachings of God as embodied in the Vedas. Whatever is not free from partiality and is unjust, partaking of

Dayananda Saraswathi

261 - Who instituted Scientific Society in 1863 to create a scientific temperament among the Muslims and to make the Western knowledge available to Indians in their own language?

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

262 - Who is called as the 'Prophet of New India'?

Sri Ramkrishna

263 - Who is regarded as 'the Mother of the Indian Revolution'?

Madam Bhikaji Cama

264 - Who is said to be responsible for the spread of Jainism in Karnataka?

Chandragupta Maurya

265 - Who is the author of 'Social Background of Indian Nationalism'?


266 - Who is the first female governor of Independent India?

Sarojini Naidu

267 - Who is the founder of the concept "Sarvodaya"?

Mahatma Gandhi

268 - Who led the armed raid on the government armoury at Chittagong in 1930?

Surya Sen

269 - Who played an important role in bringing all the states in the independent India into the country's unity?

Sardar Patel

270 - Who said "Truth is the ultimate reality and it is God"?

M.K. Gandhi

271 - Who said about Mahatma Gandhi that he is a "half naked Fakir"?

Winston Churchill

272 - Who said, The Congress is tottering to its fall and one ofmy greatest ambitions while in India is to assist it to apeaceful demise?

Lord Curzon

273 - Who started the journal 'The Commonweal'?

Annie Besant

274 - Who started the Young Men's Indian Association in 1914?

Annie Besant

275 - Who termed Cripps proposals as " a post dated cheque in a crashing bank"?


276 - Who was Ajitnath Tirthankara in his previous life?

Maharaj Vimalvahan

277 - Who was King Vipulvahan?

Father of Sambhavnath

278 - Who was Mahavira?

24th Tirthankara

279 - Who was the first Gandhar of Sumtinath Tirthankar?

Charam Swami

280 - Who was the first Indo-Greek king, who became Buddhist?

Menander I

281 - Who was the first propounder of the doctrine of Passive Resistance ?

Aurobindo Ghosh

282 - Who was the first to raise the slogan 'Inquilab zindabad'?

Bhagat Singh

283 - Who was the first woman President of Congress?

Mrs. Annie Besant

284 - Who was the founder of Jainism in India?


285 - Who was the founder of the Servants of India Society?

G K Gokhale

286 - Who was the governor-general during the Second Anglo Mysore War?

Warren Hastings

287 - Who was the last ruler of India that adopted Jainism in his last days?

Chandra Gupta Maurya

288 - Who was the mother of Mahavira?


289 - Who was the Nawab of Bengal during "Battle of Plassey"?


290 - Who was the Nawab when Dalhousie annexed Awadh in 1854?

Wajid Ali Shah

291 - Who was the patron king of Pataliputra Buddhist Council?


292 - Who was the patron of the 3rd Buddhist council?


293 - Who were called "Kukas"?


294 - Who, according to the Budhists, is believed to be the next incarnation of Gautam Buddha?


295 - Whom did Bal Gangadhar Tilak refer to as his Political Guru?

Swami Vivekananda

296 - Whom would you associate with the Censorship of the Press Act 1794?

Lord Wellesly

297 - With which conspriracy case Aurobindo Ghosh's name is conected?

Alipore Conspiracy Case

298 - With which of the following was Annie Besant Associated?

Theosophical Society

299 - With whom is the slogan "Do or Die" associated?

Mahatma Gandhi

300 - Zamindari Association was the political association of modern India



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