India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 4

1 - __________ made a whirlwind tour of the country in 1916 and in his speeches he said, "Swaraj is my birthright and I will have it."


2 - __________in his book 'Economic history of India' wrote 'If India is poor today it is through the operation of economic causes'

R.C. Dutt

3 - 'A day of deliverance and thanks giving' was celebrated in 1939 by

Muslim League

4 - A Federal Railway Authority was established by the Act of


5 - A resolution declaring 'Purna Swaraj' was passed in the Congress Session held at


6 - A Royal Commission on the Public Service was appointed in the year


7 - A Study in Consciousness was written by __________

Annie Besant

8 - According to __________ the Mutiny was a popular rebellion

V ASmith

9 - According to __________ the mutiny was a purely military outbreak

Sir John Lawrence

10 - After reading Thomas Paine's famous book __________Jyotirao was greatly influenced by his ideas

The Rights of Man

11 - After the defeat at Plassey, Siraj-ud-daullah was assassinated __________and was made the nawab

Mir Jafar

12 - After the elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in July 1946, the Constituent Assembly met for the first time in New Delhi on


13 - 'Amar Shonar Bangla' the national anthem of Bangladesh was composed by whom?

Rabindranath Tagore

14 - Annie Besant joined The Theosophical Society on 21 May __________


15 - As per Act of 1919 the lower house of the Central Legislature was known as __________

Legislative Assembly

16 - As per Pitt's India Act the Committee of Secrecy would consist of three members of __________

The Court of Directors

17 - As per provisions of the Charter Act of 1833, a Law Commission (for consolidating, codifying and improving Indian laws) was constituted under the Chairmanship of

Lord Macaulay

18 - As per the Act of 1919 which of the following statements was not correct?

The salary of the Secretary of State for India was not to be paid by Parliament.

19 - As per the Cabinet Mission Plan, the power would be first transferred to __________

The Interim Government

20 - As per Wavell's Plan the external affairs would be under the charge of __________

An Indian Member of the Executive Council

21 - Assertion (A): Provincial autonomy was introduced in the Government of India Act, 1935. Reason (R): The Act itself made a clear-cut division of powers between the Centre and the Provinces

A is true but R is false

22 - Assertion (A): The permanent settlement is said to have initially resulted in increased agricultural production. Reason (R): In this system the Zamindar could keep for himself any increase in the rental of his estate

A is true but R is false

23 - At Jallianwala Bagh meeting __________ ordered the troops to open fire


24 - Aurobindo was arrested in connection with

Alipore Bomb case

25 - Before the passing of the Act of 1773, each of the three English Settlement in India was governed by


26 - Bhulabhai Desai's most memorable achievement was his defence of the India National Army (I.N.A.) personnel at the Red fort Trial towards the end of


27 - Brahmavidya Panchakam is a Sanskrit work of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

28 - By the Act of 1858, the powers of the Board of Control and the Court of Directors were transferred to __________

The Secretary of State

29 - By whom among the following was the Paramdham Ashram established?

Acharya Vinoba Bhave

30 - Chanakya was known as__________

Panikkar K.N

31 - Communal Representation was for the first time given in the interest of Muslims by

The Indian Council Act of 1909

32 - Constituent Assembly of India was formulated on the recommendation of

Cabinet Mission

33 - Dadabhai Naroji has described his theory of 'Drain of Wealth' in the book

Poverty and Un-British Rule in India

34 - Dandi March started from __________ in 1930

Sabarmati Ashram

35 - Dandi March started on __________ 1930

12th March

36 - During the Dandi March the song 'Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram' had been sung by the renowned musician

Digambar Vishnu Paluskar

37 - 'Dyarchy' was introduced in the Government of India Act of


38 - 'Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man'.Who said this?

Swami Vivekananda

39 - For the annexation of which Indian Kingdom, the "Doctrine of Lapse" was not followed?


40 - For which community were seats reserved by the Morley-Minto reforms?


41 - From which year did the Muslim League started demanding a separate nation for the Muslims?


42 - Gandhi called for an all India Hartal (strike) to protest against Rowlatt Act on 6th April __________


43 - Gandhi wanted the students to spend their vacations in

Social service

44 - High courts were established in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in


45 - How many volunteers had accompanied Gandhi on the famous Dandi March of March 12, 1930?


46 - In __________ , Jyotiba Phule formed the Satya Shodhak Samaj (Society of Seekers of Truth)


47 - In 1875, Sir Syed founded the Madarsatul Uloom in __________


48 - In 1893 __________ landed in India, made a tour of the country in the company of H. S. Olcott, and by her splendid presentation of Indian philosophy and her undisguised personal preference for the Indian spiritual heritage, won the support of orthodox Bra

Annie Besant

49 - In 1905 __________ laid the foundation of the 'servants of India society', with a view to the training of national missionaries for the service of India, and to promote by all constitutional means, the true interest of the Indian people


50 - In 1908, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was imprisoned for six years and sent to


51 - In 1917 Anasuya Sarabhai had led the __________textile workers' strike


52 - In 1920 under her leadership the__________, the Ahmedabad textile mill workers union was established

Majoor Mahajan

53 - In 1928 Gurudevan took part in the special meeting of the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam at __________


54 - In 1939 Subhash Chandra Bose was elected as President of the Congress Party defeating

Pattabhi Sitharamayy

55 - In 1942, Europe had witnessed a great war between

Germany and Russia

56 - In Gandhian Socialism

State is not required

57 - In the . . . . . . Provinces were allowed to form groups with common executives and legislatures

Cabinet Mission Plan

58 - In the Carnatic, the English supported the claims of


59 - In which of the following tribal rebellions did two tribal brothers, Kanhu and Sidhu, proclaim the end of the Company's rule in their region, and to supress their rebellion the government had to use military force?

Santhal Rebellion in Bihar (1855-56)

60 - In which ot the following places was the Ryotwari settlement introduced by

Madras and Bombay

61 - In which session of Congress the demand of "PurnaSwaraj" was accepted as the aim of the congress ?


62 - In which session of India National Congress the tricolour flag was unfurled for the first time?

Lahore Congress, 1929

63 - In which year was the Indian Home Rule Society founded?


64 - India is in favour of __________ in the economic field

Mixed Economy

65 - Indian Universities Act, 1904 was passed during the governorship of

Lord Curzon

66 - Jawaharlal Nehru had helped to start the newspaper

National Herald

67 - Jyotiba Phule was one of the prominent __________ of the 19th century India

Social reformers

68 - Jyotiba Phule, popularly known as Baba Phule, was a social reformer in Maharashtra. Which of the following is not true about him

The urban educated Marathas were his most ardent followers

69 - Jyotirao's family belonged to __________ caste


70 - Lahore was Ranjeet Singh's political capital. Which city was called his religious capital?


71 - Lord Mountbatten had held detailed discussions on the approaching partition of India with

All of the above

72 - Mahatma Gandhi got his inspiration for Civil Disobedience from


73 - Mahatma Gandhi spent a year of complete silence in 1926 to

work for harijan welfare

74 - Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the writings of

Leo Tolstoy

75 - Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Started an Urdu Weekly, The Al-Hilal in 1912 but on its being banned by the Government he founded Al-Balagh in


76 - Motilal presided over the Congress Session of 1919 held at


77 - Muslim League was established in December


78 - Muslim League was founded in the year


79 - My Experiments with Truth is the work of Mahatma Gandhi published in


80 - Name the 'Political Guru' of Mahatma Gandhi

Gopalkrishna Gokhle

81 - Nanu met Kunjan Pillai, who later came to be known as Chattampi Swamikal. Kunjan Pillai, who discovered and appreciated Nanu's philosophical genius and passion for Yoga, introduced him to__________, a 'Hatha yogi'

Thycattu Ayyaavu

82 - Narendra MandaI was inaugurated by Duke of Connaught in the year


83 - Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah of Bengal was defeated by the English in the battle of Plassey, mainly

because of Clive's conspiracy with the Nawab's Commanderin- Chief Mir Jafar and rich bankers of Bengal

84 - Of the following, which country's constitution did not influence the fathers of Indian Constitution?


85 - On account of his differences with Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Bose resigned the Presidentship of the Congress (April 1939) and organised a new party called

Forward Block

86 - On Cabinet Mission, __________ observed, the proposalspreserve the essential unity of India which la threatened bythe dispute between two major communities

Lord Wavell

87 - On June 14, 1927 __________consecrated a mirror - with the message "Om shanti" written on the surface - in a temple in Kalavankode

Sree Narayana Guru

88 - On the Direct Action Day unprecedented bloodshed took place (as a result of Hindu-Muslim riots) in


89 - On which date was the announcement formally made that India and Pakistan would be made free?


90 - One of the best known tribal rebellions in Bihar, known as Ulgulan (meaning Great Tumult), was launched by the Mundas under the leadership of

Birsa Munda

91 - Permanent Revenue settlement of Bengal was introduced by


92 - Pitt's India Act brought the company in direct subordination to a body representing __________

The Parliament of Britain

93 - Pitts India Act of 1784 was a/an

Regulating Act

94 - Prior to the Indian Association Sisir Kumar Ghosh along with Sambhu Charan Mukherjee founded __________in Calcutta on 25 September 1875

The India League

95 - Provision was made in the Act of 1919, for the appointment of a Commission in __________ to investigate the working of the Constitution


96 - Purna Swaraj was declared as the goal of the Congress in the Congress session held at Lahore under the Presidentship of

Jawaharlal Nehru

97 - Rabindranath Tagore surrendered his knighthood in protest against

Jallianwala Bagh tragedy

98 - Sardar Patel brought all the Indian States into the Country's unity

By a bloodless revolution

99 - Sardar Vallabhbai Patel was the leader of__________

Bardoli Satyagraha

100 - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was equated with


101 - Sati was declared a punishable offence in__________


102 - Satyarth Prakash was written by __________

Dayanand Saraswati

103 - Sir Saiyad breathed his last on Sunday, 27th March__________


104 - Siraj-ud-Daulah renamed which city as Alinagar?


105 - Subhash Bose established the Provisional Government of Free India at


106 - Swami Vivekananda attended the World's Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in __________


107 - Tashkent Agreement was signed between India and __________


108 - The Act of __________ had introduced the system of separate electorates


109 - The All India Muslim League was founded in 1906 primarily to promote among Indian Muslims

feeling of loyalty to the British Government

110 - The battle of Balakot was in __________


111 - The Battle of Plassey is a particularly important event in Indian history because

It laid the foundation for British rule in India

112 - The battle of Plassey was fought between

East India Company and Sirajuddaulla

113 - The Bombay Association, the first political association in Bombay presidency was founded by __________ in 1852

Dadabhai Naoroji

114 - The Cabinet Mission Plan ruled out the possibility of the formation of


115 - The capital of Tipu Sultan, where he died while fighting the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war in 1799, was


116 - The Communal Award, which was subsequently changed following Gandhi's fast unto death in a jail at Poona, had been given by

Ramsay Mcdonald

117 - The communal electorate was introduced for the first time in India in


118 - The Congress ministries gave up office in October 1939 over the issue of

failure of the British to define their war aims

119 - The Constituent Assembly was formed on the recommendations of the

Cabinet Mission Plan

120 - The Constitution drawn by the Constituent Assembly (provided in the Cabinet Mission Plan) would be implemented by

The British Government

121 - The day (December 22, 1939) the Congress Ministries resigned in the Provinces the Muslim League observed

Deliverance Day

122 - The death of millions of Indian in frequent famines which visited India during the 19th century, were mainly due to

poor purchasing power of the people due to their extreme poverty and rise in prices

123 - The decline of Indian Handicrafts industry in the 19th century was attributed to

All of the above

124 - The doctrine of lapse had been put to much use by

Lord Dalhousie

125 - The 'Doctrine of Lapse' was first applied to the princely State of


126 - The Editor of 'Young India' and 'Harijan' was

Mahatma Gandhi

127 - The enquiry Committee on Jallianwaia Bagh incident was headed by


128 - The first Indian to enter the Indian Civil Service was

Satyendra Nath Tagore

129 - The first national leader to decry the salt tax in the Indian legislature was

G K Gokhale

130 - The first President of the Ghadar Party - founded in 1913 in USA was

Sohan Singh Bhakna

131 - The first Shivaji festival was held at Raigarh in __________


132 - The first statue of the Guru was conceived by __________

Moorkoth Kumaran

133 - The first truly revolutionary organisation in Bengal was

Anusilan Samiti

134 - The formation of the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) at the initiative of __________ in 1972

Ela Bhat

135 - The Ganapati festival was started in __________


136 - The Ghadar Party took the name Ghadar from

a weekly paper Ghadar published in commemoration of the Revolt of 1857

137 - The Government of India Act of 1919 made provision for the appointment of a/an __________ for India in the United Kingdom


138 - The Government of India Act of 1935 borrowed its preamble from

From the Government of India Act of 1919

139 - The Government of India Act of 1935 consists of __________ sections and 10 schedules


140 - The Headquarters of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission established by Vivekananda in 1898 are at


141 - The 'Hero of Plassey' was


142 - The hero of the Kakori 'Dacoity' case was

Ramprasad Bismil

143 - The High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom must be appointed by __________

The Government of India

144 - The Hindu Pioneer started in __________


145 - The historic fast by Gandhi came to an end as a result of the

Poona Pact

146 - The Home Rule League was formed during the

First World War

147 - The idea of incorporating, safeguards in the Indian Constitution was inspired by the

Visit of Simon Commission

148 - The idea of starting a Home Rule League in 1915 was first propounded by

Annie Besant

149 - The immediate cause for the Mutiny was

The Episode of the Greased Cartridges

150 - The immediate cause of split in the INC at its Surat Session was

election of the President of the INC

151 - The immediate cause of the Battle of Plassey was

Siraj-ud-Daulah's attack on Fort William and capture of Calcutta (Alinagar)

152 - The immortal national Song 'Vande Mataram' has been written by

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya

153 - The INA was largely composed of

Indian Prisoners of war under the Japanese

154 - The inaugural issue of Bombay Darpan, a Marathi weekly, was published on November 12, 1832 started by a publisher reformer named

Bal Shastri

155 - The Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) fought in the Second World War against

Great Britain

156 - The Indian tricolour was unfurled for the first time by Jawaharlal Nehru

On the bank of Ravi at Lahore in 1929

157 - The Lucknow Session of INC and the Lucknow Pact (1916) were significant on account of

Both (a) and (b) above

158 - The main founder (s) of the Swaraj Party was/were

Only (a) and (b) above

159 - The Mayo College was started at


160 - The members of the Board of Control must be paid from

Indian Revenues

161 - The Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh was founded by

Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan

162 - The 'Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College' later became the

Aligarh Muslim University

163 - The Moplahs of Malabar (Kerala) who were largely Muslim leaseholders and cultivators, indulged in a series of rebellions in Kerala between 1836-1919. Which of the following regarding these Moplah uprisings is not true?

A small band of Moplahs committed collective suicides in the belief of being called Shahids (martyrs)

164 - The most famous woman disciple of Vivekananda was

Sister Nivedita

165 - The most Important cause for the outbreak of the Ghadar revolution was the

Komagata Maru Incident

166 - The Muslim League advocated a separate Muslim State

At the Lahore Session of 1940

167 - The Muslim League passed a resolution demanding the partition of India in the __________ session held in 1940


168 - The Nehru Report of 1928 with proposals for constitutional reforms had been prepared by

Motilal Nehru

169 - The office of Governor-General of India was created by the

Charter Act, 1833

170 - The Permanent settlement introduced by Cornwallis is in Bengal is known as

Zamindari System

171 - The Portuguese build their first fort on India soil in the territory of the Raja of


172 - The Portuguese Governor who abolished Sati in Goa was


173 - The President of the Congress Sessions of 1898 and 1902 was

S N Banerjee

174 - The President of the Constituent Assembly was

Dr Rajendra Prasad

175 - The Presidents of early English Settlements (Madras, Bombay and Calcutta) were responsible to __________

The Home Government of the Company

176 - The problem that exercised and evoked the reformists in the 19th century to the greatest extent related to

Women's issues

177 - The Province of Bengal was partitioned into two parts in 1905 by

Lord Curzon

178 - The quintessence of Gandhian thought is


179 - The reformer from Maharashtra popularly known as 'Lokhitavadi' (For the well of others) was

Gopal Hari Deshmukh

180 - The Regulating Act was passed in the year


181 - The revolutionary leader who had organized an attack on the armoury of Chittagong was

Surya Sen

182 - The revolutionary who was an accused in Lahore Conspiracy Case and who died in Jail after 64 days fast was

Jatin Das

183 - The Servants of India Society was founded in 1905 by

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

184 - The Shimla Conference which was convened as per Wavell's Plan ended in failure because of the stiff opposition of


185 - The social reformer of Maharashtra who became famous by his pen name lokhitwadi was

Gopal Hari Deshmukh

186 - The socialist group in the INC during, the 1930s had been led by

Subhas Chandra Bose

187 - The sole representative of the Congress in the Second Round Table Conference was

Mahatma Gandhi

188 - The Special Congress Session held in 1920 at Calcutta was presided over by

LaIa Lajpat Rai

189 - The State, from among the following, which was not annexed by the 'doctrine of lapse' is


190 - The Swaraj Party was organised by

CR Das and Motilal Nehru

191 - The system of civil services had been introduced into India by

Lord Bentick

192 - The Tata Iron and Steel Works was completed with the aid of

American experts

193 - The Third battle of Panipat was fought in the year

1761 A.D.

194 - The Tomar Rajputs, were defeated in the middle of the twelfth century by the Chauhans of __________


195 - The Treaty of Bassein (1802) was signed between

The British and the Peshwa

196 - The two states which had non Congress Ministries in 1937 were

Bengal and Punjab

197 - The upliftment of the backward classes had been the prime concern of the

Satyashodhak Samaj

198 - The word Pakistan was coined by

Rahmat Ali

199 - Under whose leadership was the Chittagong Armoury Raid organised?

Surya Sen

200 - Wavell Plan was announced in the year


201 - What had the Sir Charles Wood Despatch of 1854 primarily dealt with?

Educational reforms

202 - What was Lala Lajpat Rai demonstrating against when he succumbed to police brutality?

Simon Commission

203 - What was the basis of transfer of power to India on 15th August?

Anniversary of the surrender of Japanese army before Admiral Mountbatten

204 - What was the name of the Sabha started by Debendranath Tagore?

Tattvabodhini Sabha

205 - What was the single most significant contribution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to Indian History?

As the Home Minister of free India he brought about the integration of 600-odd Indian States with the Indian Republic

206 - When King George-V and Queen of India visited India, a magnificent Durbar was held at


207 - When Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, who said, "None will believe that a man like this in body and soul ever walked on this earth."?

Albert Einstein

208 - When was first telegraph line started in India?


209 - When was the famous Resolution on non-cooperation under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special session of the Congress held in Calcutta?

September, 1920

210 - When was the first train steamed off in India?


211 - When was the office of District Collector created?


212 - Where did the revolutionaries have their deliberations, which led to the formation of the Hindustan Republican Association?


213 - Where was the 'Azad Hind Fauj' founded?


214 - Which amidst the following sites/monuments in India is on the UNESCO's list of World Cultural Heritages?

Kashi Viswanath Temple

215 - Which among the following regulations made English as a medium of education compulsory in government aided schools and colleges?

Macaulay Minute, 1835

216 - Which Brigadier was associated with Jallianwala Bagh tragedy?

General Dyer

217 - Which Directive Principal bears the direct impact of Gandhi's moral philosophy?

Prohibition of the slaughter of cows

218 - Which of the following according to Mahatma Gandhi, is the strongest force in the world?

Non-violence of the brave

219 - Which of the following acts gave representation of the Indians for the first time in legislation?

Indian Councils Act, 1909

220 - Which of the following Acts had provision of Indian Civil Services recruitment on the basis of competitive examination?

Charter Act of 1853

221 - Which of the following European Colonisers did not have a settlement on the Eastern Coast of India ?


222 - Which of the following events inspired for the formation of the Home Rule Leagues?

First World War

223 - Which of the following is not one of the reasons why Mahatma Gandhi is known as the Father of Nation?

He was universally adored, admired and respected by all castes, communities and classes

224 - Which of the following leader said that the Act of 1935 provided 'a machine with strong brakes but no engine'?

Jawaharlal Nehru

225 - Which of the following leader was associated with the formation of the Congress Socialist Party?

Acharya Narendra Dev

226 - Which of the following leaders died as a result of injuries sustained during a protest demonstration against Simon Commission?

LaIa Lajpat Rai

227 - Which of the following pair of author & book is incorrectly matched?

R.C Dutt: History of India

228 - Which of the following periods is considered as the revolutionary era in Indian history?


229 - Which of the following ruler was the first Indian native ruler to accept the system of Subsidiary Alliance?

Nizam of Hyderabad

230 - Which of the following statements about the Government of India Act of 1935 is not correct?

Diarchy was established in the provinces

231 - Which of the following statements is not correct? As per the Act of 1935, the Federal Court would have jurisdiction to decide disputes between

The Secretary of State and the Viceroy's Council

232 - Which of the following statements is not correct?According to Pitt's India Act the Board of Control would consist of

The Governor-General

233 - Which of the following statements is not correct?The materials for the Government of India Act of 1935 were drawn from

Morley-Minto Reforms

234 - Which of the following treaty ended the First Carnatic War?


235 - Which of the following was established by B.R.Ambedkar?

All India Schedule Castes Federation

236 - Which of the following was not included in the Treaty to be negotiated as provided in the Cabinet Mission Plan?

Indian National Congress

237 - Which of the following was the most important feature of the Montague-Chelmsford reforms?

System of Dyarchy

238 - Which of the following writers did not have a profound influence on the thinking of Mahatma Gandhi?


239 - Which of these battles proved decisive in the Anglo French rivalry in India?

Battle of Wandiwash

240 - Which one of the following novels was a source of inspiration for the freedom fighters in India?


241 - Which reforms Act had created the office of the secretary of state for India?

The Government of India Act, 1858

242 - Who amidst the following great music composers was the ruler of a State?

Swati Thirunal

243 - Who among of the following started Marathi fortnightly newspaper 'Bahishkrit Bharat'?


244 - Who among the following controlled maximum trade in the western coastal region during 17th century?


245 - Who among the following did not attend the First Round Table Conference?

MK Gandhi

246 - Who among the following from the first cabinet of indepenent India was responsible of mass religious conversion?

Dr.B. R. Ambedkar

247 - Who among the following had authored the book, 'At the Feet of Mahatma Gandhi'?

Rajendra Prasad

248 - Who among the following had during his reign introduced a new calendar, a new system or coinage, and new scales of weights and measures?

Tipu Sultan

249 - Who among the following has been given honorary status among the seven wonders of the modern world?

Great Pyramid of Giza

250 - Who among the following leader draws his inspiration from M.K Gandhi?

Abdul Ghaffar Khan

251 - Who among the following leader made the famous 'Objectives Resolution', in the Constituent Assembly?

Jawaharlal Nehru

252 - Who among the following visited Gandhiji in South Africa?

G.K. Gokhale

253 - Who among the following was impeached in the UK for his actions in India?

Lord Hastings

254 - Who among the following was the real founder of the Aligarh Muslim University?

Syed Ahmad Khan

255 - Who attended the Congress of Oppressed Nationlists at Brusels in 1927, on behalf of the National Congress?

Jawaharlal Nehru

256 - Who attended the Imperial Durbar of 1877 dressed in hand-spun Khadi?

Ganesh Vasudev Joshi

257 - Who declared as his ultimate aim the wiping of every tear from every eye?

Jawaharlal Nehru

258 - Who designated the administrative head of the district as Collector?


259 - Who established the 'Sharda Sadan', a school for Indian Widows in colonial India?

Pandita Ramabai

260 - Who formed SNDP Yogam?

Narayana Guru

261 - Who from the following leaders was not assassinated?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

262 - Who had been the first to emphasise the instruction in literature and science through the English Language was essential for building a modern India?

Raj Ram Mohun Roy

263 - Who had conceived and founded the Ramakrishna Mission?

Swami Vivekananda

264 - Who had first sought the legalisation of widow remarriage in India?

Ishwar Chandra Vidayasagar

265 - Who had formulated and perfected the use of the subsidiary alliance system?

Lord Wellesley

266 - Who had set up the Anti-Untouchability League for the eradication of the evil of untouchability?

Mahatma Gandhi

267 - Who is also known by the name of 'Tiger of 'Mysore'?

Tipu Sultan

268 - Who is generally acknowledge as the pioneer of local self-government in modern India?


269 - Who of the following has the distinction of having Authored the National Anthems of two countries of the world?

Rabindranath Tagore

270 - Who of the following was associated with the publication of a large number of weeklies and dailies such as Hindustan, Indian Union, Leader, Maryada, Kissan, Abhudaya etc.?

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

271 - Who preached the idea of Home Rule through his two news papers - the Kesari and the Maratha?


272 - Who ruled that pilgrims could wear yellow clothes - the colour of the garments Sri Buddha wore

Sree Narayana Guru

273 - Who said "Give me Blood, I will give you Freedom"?

Subhash Chandra Bose

274 - Who said "Sir Saiyad was an ardent reformer and he wanted to reconcile modern scientific thought with religion by rationalistic interpretations and not by attacking basic belief. He was anxious to push new education. He was in no way communally separatist

Jawaharlal Nehru

275 - Who said Ask not, Say not, Think not caste, Think only Gods

Sree Narayana Guru

276 - Who said: "Let the pilgrims congregate at the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. It should be Dhanu 16-17 in Malayalam calendar. Let the pilgrims observe 10 days self-purification according to Sri Buddha's principles of five purities - body, food,

Sree Narayana Guru

277 - Who scripted Gandhiji's favorite song 'Vaishnav Jan to __________ '?

Narsi Mehta

278 - Who spoke "At the stroke of midnight, when the world sleeps, India awakes to life and freedom"?

Jawaharlal Nehru

279 - Who started the journal 'New India'?

Annie Besant

280 - Who was given the title of "The Ambassador of Hindu - Muslim Unity" for being the architect and mastermind of the historic Lucknow Pact?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

281 - Who was in favour of a partyless democracy?

Jai Prakash Narayan

282 - Who was the author of 'Esoteric Christianity'?

Annie Besant

283 - Who was the author of the book My Experiment with Truth?


284 - Who was the Congress President at the time when India become free?

J B Kripalani

285 - Who was the first European to translate the Bhagavad Gita into English?

Charles Wilkins

286 - Who was the first Governor General of the new Indian Dominion?

Lord Mountbatten

287 - Who was the first leader to preside over the INC?

WC Banerji

288 - Who was the first to give the call for Swarajya – "India for Indians"?

Dayanand Saraswati

289 - Who was the founder of 'Gadhar party'

Lala Har Dayal

290 - Who was the founder of the, Ghadar Party?

Sohan Singh Bhakna

291 - Who was the founder-editor of the famous news paper 'Kesari' during the National Struggle?

Lokmanya Tilak

292 - Who was the National leader who wrote History of India on the walls of the Andaman Cellular Jail?

Vir Savarkar

293 - Who was the other Congress leader who joined with Motilal Nehru to start the Swaraj Party in 1923?

Chittaranjan Das

294 - Who was the ruler of Delhi when Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas in the third Battle of Panipat in 1761?

Shah Alam-II

295 - Whom had Gandhi named as Mira Behn?

Madeline Slade

296 - Whom had the rebels of 1857 enthroned as the emperor/emperess of India?

Bahadur Shah Zafar

297 - Whose speeches at the World's Parliament of Religions held in September 1893 made him famous as an 'orator by divine right' and as a 'Messenger of Indian wisdom to the Western world'

Swami Vivekananda

298 - Why did Mahatma Gandhi ultimately lend his support to the resolution passed by the Congress Working Committee agreeing to the partition of India in spite of his personal, lifelong outspoken disapproval of Pakistan?

To prevent the loss of prestige of the Congress Ministers who had agreed to the partition

299 - Why was the Simon Commission boycotted?

All the members of the commission were Englishmen

300 - With which of the following would you associate Jyotiba Phule?

Satya Shodhak Samaj


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