India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 8

1 - "Anekantavada" is a core theory and philosophy of which one of the following


2 - "Ashtadiggajas" were adorned by the court of


3 - "Diwan-E-Arj" department was associated with


4 - "Every pearl in the royal crown is a crystallised drop of blood fallen from the tearful eyes of the poor peasant". Who made this statement

Amir Khusrou

5 - "Hunter Commission", which is also known as India's first Education commission was established in the year


6 - "Rajatarangini" written by Kalhan is associated with which of the following

History of Kashmir

7 - After Subhash Chandra Bose resigned from the Presidentship of Congress in 1939 who became the party president

Rajendra Prasad

8 - After the decline of the Mughal rule, Safdar Jang became the ruler of


9 - Ajanta Caves were build during the _________ dynasty


10 - Ajatasatru was the son of


11 - All India Home Rule League organization was founded in the year


12 - At the Mughal Court, who were known as Turanis

Those who hailed from regions of Central Asia

13 - At the time of Alexander's invasion, which dynasty ruling north India


14 - At the time of which movement did Gandhiji support the cause of the Khilafat movement in order to bring about the Hindu-Muslim unity

Non-Cooperation Movement

15 - At which of the following places was Ashoka stationed as Viceroy at the time of Bindusara’s death


16 - Badami was the capital of which dynasty

Chalukya dynasty

17 - Bahadur Shah Zafar was buried in which city


18 - Battle of Kirkee was fought during which of the following war

Third Anglo-Maratha War

19 - Bhoodan movement was started by

Achariya Vinoba Bhave

20 - By which Act, was the governance of India passed to the British Crown

Government of India Act, 1858

21 - By which name, Chinese writers mention India on their books


22 - Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire after defeating

Nanda Dynasty

23 - Charles Wood's Despatch was related with which of the following


24 - Chinese traveller Hsuan tsang visited india during the reign of

Harsha Vardhan

25 - 'Din-e-Ilahi' religion was founded by


26 - Diwan-i-arz in Delhi Sultanate was

Military Department

27 - During Akbar's time who was considered the head of the nobility

Mir Bakhshi

28 - During which Governor rule, the Indian Civil Service was introduced

Lord Cornwallis

29 - During whose reign the Persian envoy Abdur Razaak came to Vijayanagar Empire

Devaraya II

30 - English East India Company lost the monopoly of India trade by

The Charter Act of 1813

31 - Famous poet Banabhatta was a member in the court of the King

Harsha Vardhana

32 - First sanskrit grammar book 'Ashtadhyayi' was written by


33 - For the offer of which of the following did Gandhiji say, "It is a post-dated cheque drawn on a crashing bank" ?

Cripps Mission offer of Dominion Status after the war

34 - From where did the Quit India Movement begin


35 - From where have we obtained evidence of pit-dwellings in the neolithic age

Both Burzahom and Gufkral

36 - 'Gayatri Mantra' is written in


37 - Ghazi Malik was the founder of which dynasty


38 - Gol Gumbaz of Bijapur is the mausoleum of which of these rulers

Adil Shah

39 - Golgumbaz was the Tomb of

Muhammad Adil Shah

40 - Harisena, the composer of Prayag Prashasti was a poet in the court of


41 - Haroon Minar was built by Akbar in memory of his


42 - In 1857 Revolt, Rani Lakshmi bai of Jhansi was defeated by

General Hugh Rose

43 - In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started Civil Disobedience Movement from


44 - In Bombay ______ supported John Malcolm in his efforts to put an-end to the practice of Sati

Nana Shankarshet

45 - In the 'Individual Satyagraha' Vinoba Bhave was chosen as the first satyagrahi. Who was the second

Jawaharlal Nehru

46 - In vedic period, the Ravi river is known by the name


47 - In which Congress session, split between Moderates and Extremists occurs

Surat session, 1907

48 - In which of the following, "Vande Mataram" was adopted as a slogan for agitation

Partition of Bengal, 1905

49 - In which period, hunting and domestication of animals started

Mesolithic Age

50 - In which year Permanent Revenue Settlement was introduced


51 - In which year the Indian National Congress was established


52 - In which year was the partition of Bengal annulled


53 - In which year, the control of the city of Delhi passed from the Marathas to the British


54 - Kabir was the disciple of


55 - Kanchipuram was the capital city of which dynasty

Pallava dynasty

56 - Kanishka was a Emperor of the _________ dynasty


57 - Mahadev Govind Ranade was a member of the

Prathana Samaj

58 - Malik Kafur's first campaign in South India was against


59 - Manigraman and Nandesi in early medieval India represented

Merchant guilds

60 - Mula Shankar was the original name of

Swami Dayananda Saraswati

61 - Muqaddam in Delhi Sultanate was

Village headman

62 - Nalanda Vihar was destroyed by

Bakhtiyar Khalji

63 - Name the garden created by Babur at Panipat to commemorate this victory over Ibrahim Lody in 1526

Kabul Bagh

64 - 'Operation Polo' was related to which of the following

Annexation of Hyderabad Princely State by the Government of India

65 - Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was organized by

M.G. Ranade

66 - Qutub Minar construction was started by Qutub-ud-din Aibak in 1192. Who had completed the construction of Qutub Minar


67 - Ramayan, Mahabharat and Atharvaveda were translated into Persian language during the reign of


68 - Razia Sultana was the daughter of


69 - Robert Clive returned to Bengal as its Governor for the second time in


70 - Sannati is associated with which of the following religion


71 - Sarda Act deals with

Child marriage

72 - Shuddhi movement was started by

Dayananda Saraswathi

73 - Small tracts of land given to scholars and religious persons etc. for maintenance during the medieval period were known as

Madad-i mash

74 - The "Inquilab Zindabad" slogan was given by


75 - The "Ring fence policy" is associated with

Warren Hastings

76 - The Adi Granth was compiled during the period of

Guru Arjun Dev

77 - The Asiatic society was established in Calcutta by

Sir William Jones

78 - The bone of contention between Vijayanagar and Bahamni Kingdom was


79 - The book "Akbarnama" was written in which language


80 - The capital of the Nanda rulers was at


81 - The Chandawar war of 1194 was fought between Muhammad Ghori and __________


82 - The chief of merchants in the Gupta age was called as


83 - The city of Agra was founded in 1504 by

Sikandar Lodi

84 - The concept of "Partyless Democracy" was advocated by

Jayaprakash Narayan

85 - The corps of royal bodyguards during the Mughal period was called


86 - The details of Gautamiputra Satakarni are available in

Nasik Prashasti

87 - The East India company was established on 31st December, 1600 as per the Royal Charter issued by

Queen Elizabeth I

88 - The European painting was introduced at the Mughal court by the


89 - The famous Persian Poet Amir Khusrow lived in the court of

Ala-ud-din Khilji

90 - The first and the second battles of Tarain fought by Mohammed Ghori were with

Prithvi Raj Chauhan-III

91 - The first Indian Provincial elections was held in the year


92 - The Gupta inscription found in Allahabad belongs to


93 - The Gupta period image of Varaha incarnation of Vishnu is in

Udayagiri Cave

94 - The headless statue of Kanishka has been found from


95 - The Home Rule League in India was formally inaugurated on

15th september, 1916

96 - The Indian Independence Bill received the Royal Assent on

18th July, 1947

97 - The Khilafat Movement was started in the year


98 - The lady representative from India in the second round table conference was

Sarojini Naidu

99 - The Lieutenant Governor of Bengal at the time of Partition of Bengal was

Sir Andrews Fraser

100 - The Lodi Sultans of Delhi were


101 - The mosque which Qutubuddin Aibak built at Delhi soon after its capture is known as


102 - The musical instrument generally attributed to Amir Khusrau is


103 - The National song of India "Vande Mataram" was first published in which novel in 1882


104 - The object of the Butler Committee of 1927 was

To improve the relationship between the Government of India and Indian Princely States

105 - The only Viceroy, who was assassinated in India was

Lord Mayo

106 - The other name of Chanakya is

Vishnu Gupta

107 - The paintings of Hamzanama were commissioned by


108 - The Pakistan Resolution was passed by Muslim League in


109 - The paper 'Indian Mirror' was published during 1861 from


110 - The 'Permanent Settlement' was made with


111 - The play Swapnavasavadatta is based upon the life of the following Mahajanapada ruler


112 - The poem "Meghadūta" was written by


113 - The Poona Pact aimed at

representation of lower castes

114 - The principal arm of the Mughal army was


115 - The provinces of the Vijayanagara Empire were called as


116 - The Radcliffe Committee was appointed to

delimit the boundaries between India and Pakistan

117 - The Ram Krishna Mission was founded by Swami Vivekanand in the year


118 - The re-union of the Moderate and Extremist factions of the congress took place in


119 - The Rowlatt act was passed during the viceroyalty of


120 - The Ryotwari system was first introduced by British in


121 - The Simon Commission visited India in the year


122 - The strategy of "Divide and Rule" was adopted by

Lord Curzon

123 - The term ‘Sarvodaya’ was coined by

Mahatma Gandhi

124 - The Tomb of Aurangzeb is located in


125 - The tomb of Babur is located at


126 - The unit of measurement of length in ancient India was known as


127 - The war of Kalinga was fought in the year

261 BC

128 - The young Bengal Movement in the 19th century was inspired by

Henry Vivian Derozia

129 - Total number of caves in Ajanta Caves are


130 - Uniqueness to Harappan Civilization in comparison to Egyptian and Mesopotamian Civilizations is

rectangular town planning

131 - Use of Zero and Decimal system was introduced during the period of which dynasty


132 - Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in


133 - What action was taken against first British Governor General of India, Warren Hastings after accused of misconduct

Impeachment proceedings were started against him

134 - What is the name of the Railway station in South Africa where Gandhiji was thrown out of train in 1893


135 - What is the real name of Birbal

Maheshdas Brahmbhatt

136 - What is the total number of Sanskaras


137 - What was the Language of Administration in Mauryan times


138 - What was the name of the first East India company ship that reached Surat in 1600


139 - What was the national emblem of the Gupta Empire


140 - When did Alexander invade India

327 BC

141 - When did Gandhi Ji established Sabarmati Ashram


142 - When Nadir Shah invaded India, who among the following was the emperor at Delhi

Muhammad Shah

143 - When the declaration of 'Purna Swaraj' made by the Indian National Congress


144 - When the Sati system was abolished


145 - When was the Inner Line Regulation Act, introduced in North Eastern Region by the Britishers


146 - When was the Montague Declaration made about the introduction of reponsible government in stages for India


147 - When was the 'National Anthem' adopted by the Government

24th January, 1950

148 - Where did Maharana Pratap establish his new capital in 1585


149 - Where did Mahatma Buddha's 'Mahaparinirvan' take place


150 - Where did the Black-Hole tragedy took place


151 - Where was founded the Communist Party of India in 1920


152 - Where was the Headquarters of Ghadar Party located

San Francisco

153 - Where was the ploughed field discovered among Harappan towns


154 - Which Arab writer mentioned the practice of Sati during Rajput rule


155 - Which battle give East Indian Company the right to collect of revenue in India for first time

Battle of Buxar

156 - Which British Viceroy has longest reign as Viceroy of India

Lord Linlithgow

157 - Which Delhi ruler took the title ‘Sikander-i-Sani’

Alauddin Khilji

158 - Which event earned for Vallabhbhai Patel the title of "Sardar"

The Bardoli Satyagraha

159 - Which God is worshiped by the people of Indus Valley Civilization


160 - Which Governor-General is given credited for the introduction of English language in India

Lord Bentinck

161 - Which Gupta ruler issued silver coin for the first time

Chandragupta II

162 - Which historical figure is also known as "The last Sun of Indian glory"

Rana Pratap

163 - Which inscription tells about the various achievements of Rudradaman I


164 - Which invasion gave a severe death blow to the Maratha empire

Ahmad shah Abdali

165 - Which king assumed the title Shiladitya

Harsha Vardhan

166 - Which Lodi Sultan shifted its capital from Delhi to Agra

Sikandar Lodi

167 - Which monument was not build by Shah Jahan

Fatehpur Sikri

168 - Which Mughal Emperor built a new city at Delhi known as Din Panah


169 - Which Mughal emperors was also known as Shah-i-Bekhabar

Bahadur Shah I

170 - Which Mughal ruler imprisoned his stepmother after the death of his father

Shah Jahan

171 - Which Mughal ruler introduced the fashion of men wearing costly jewels in their ears


172 - Which Mughal ruler shifted capital from Agra to Delhi

Shah Jahan

173 - Which national leader was killed during a protest against Simon Commission

Lala Lajpat Rai

174 - Which of the following dynasties frequently assigned to the ladies high ranking positions in administration


175 - Which of the following Europeans were the last to come to preindependent India as traders


176 - Which of the following fruits was known to Harappans


177 - Which of the following Indian States was annexed by "Doctrine of Lapse"


178 - Which of the following is not a feature of Government of India Act, 1935

Dyarchy in Provinces

179 - Which of the following is represented by the Harappan Civilization

First Civilization

180 - Which of the following Kashmiri Sultans translated the historical works ‘Rajatarangini’ and the ‘Mahabharata’ into Persian language

Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin

181 - Which of the following texts contained rules of the Buddhist Sangha

Vinaya Pitaka

182 - Which of the following was completely separated from India by the Government of India Act, 1935


183 - Which of the following was the birth place of Guru Nanak


184 - Which one among the following animals was present in the Harappan civilization


185 - Which one below symbol signifies the renunciation of Buddha's life


186 - Which one from the below is known for deciphering the Kharosthi and Brahmi scripts of ancient India

James Prinsep

187 - Which one important incident happen during the period of Lord Dufferin

Formation of Indian National Congress

188 - Which one is the birthplace of the Gautama Buddha


189 - Which one is the first capital of Delhi Sultanate


190 - Which one is the poem written by Kalidas (Other three are play written by Kalidas)


191 - Which one marathi weekly was published by B.R. Ambedkar in 1930


192 - Which one of the following Badami Chalukya King had to face the Arab invasion

Vikramaditya II

193 - Which one of the following cities was known as "Shiraz of East"


194 - Which one of the following is also known as Sakya muni

Gautama Buddha

195 - Which one of the following is the seventh part of the State according to Saptang Theory of State


196 - Which one of the following Janpads was a republic


197 - Which one of the following musical instruments is shown in the coins of Samudragupta


198 - Which one of the following musical instruments was mastered by Aurangzeb


199 - Which one of the following was an important stronghold of Shvetambara Jainism


200 - Which one of the following was the capital of the Pandyas


201 - Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the British in India

Fort St. George

202 - Which one was the capital city during Ashoka's empire


203 - Which one was the first metal used by human


204 - Which party was represented by Dadabhai Naoroji in the British House of Commons

Liberal Party

205 - Which position did Balban hold under Nasiruddin Mahmud


206 - Which ruler build the Siri Fort in New Delhi

Alauddin Khilji

207 - Which Sikh Guru initiated the 'Sikh Khalsa' in 1699

Guru Gobind Singh

208 - Which son of Aurangzeb revolted against his father, weakening the latter's position against the Rajputs


209 - Which Sufi Saint was called "Mehboob-e-Ilahi"

Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya

210 - Which Sultan of Delhi introduced the practice of ‘Sijda’ and ‘Paibos’ in Darbar for the first time in India


211 - Which sultanate ruled for the shortest period in Delhi


212 - Which text among the following is not written by Amir Khusrau

Sirat-i-Firuz Shahi

213 - Which treaty took place after the war of Second Anglo-Mysore war

Treaty of Mangalore

214 - Which Viceroy of India passed the "Ancient Monuments Preservation Act"

Lord Curzon

215 - Which viceroy of India take the decision of Partition of Bengal

Lord Curzon

216 - Which was the first province of British India to implement a system of dyarchy


217 - Who addressed Gandhiji as 'one man boundary force'

Lord Mountbatten

218 - Who among the following Chola rulers sent an embassy of merchants to China


219 - Who among the following did not accompany Gandhi during the Champaran Satyagraha on 1917

Sardar Patel

220 - Who among the following established the Central Hindu School at Banaras

Annie Besant

221 - Who among the following is the author of the book "kitab-ul-Hind"

Al Beruni

222 - Who among the following kings was credited with establishing the equivalent of a modern postal delivery system in India

Sher Shah Suri

223 - Who among the following translated Kalhana's Rajatarangini into English

Sir Aurel Stein

224 - Who among the following was made the Nawab of Bengal twice by the British East India Company

Mir Jafar

225 - Who among the following was not a member of Cabinet Mission

Anthony Eden

226 - Who among the following wrote the text "Kadambari"


227 - Who built the famous Shiva temple at Ellora

Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna I

228 - Who built the old fort (Purana Qila) in Delhi

Sher Shah

229 - Who commissioned the construction of Jama Masjid, Delhi

Shah Jahan

230 - Who had founded Hindu reform movement 'Arya Samaj' in 1875

Dayananda Saraswati

231 - Who had given the title of "raja" to Ram Mohan Roy

Akbar II

232 - Who had implemented the 'Doctrine of Lapse' policy in India

Lord Dalhousie

233 - Who had renamed the famous diamond 'Syamantaka-mani' as 'Kuh-e nur'

Nadir Shah

234 - Who had suggested the Saptanga theory of State


235 - Who had written the book "Geeta Rahasya"

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

236 - Who had written the book 'Geet Govind'


237 - Who had written the epic poem Padmavat

Malik Muhammad Jayasi

238 - Who headed the interim government in 1946

Lord Wavell

239 - Who introduced Cannon and muskets in warfare in India


240 - Who introduced Tax for irrigation first time in India

Feroz Tuglaq

241 - Who is also known as "Father of the All India Services"

Sardar Vallabhai Patel

242 - Who is also known as the conscience keeper of Mahatma Gandhi

C. Rajagopalachari

243 - Who is also venerated as "Second Buddha"


244 - Who is known as the "The Mother of the Indian Revolution"

Madam Cama

245 - Who is known as the 'Father of Local Self-Government' in India

Lord Ripon

246 - Who is known as the founder of "Vikramashila Vihar"


247 - Who is known as the founder of Pataliputra


248 - Who is known as the Napoleon of India


249 - Who is the author of the arithmetic book "lilavati"


250 - Who is the author of the book 'Rama Charitamanas'


251 - Who is the Father of the Forward Policy

William Bentinck

252 - Who is the founder of Hindu College in Calcutta which is presently known as Presidency University

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

253 - Who is the writer of the book 'Panchatantra'

Vishnu Sarma

254 - Who is the writer of the book 'Ratnavali'

Harsha Vardhan

255 - Who led the Kanpur rebellion during the Indian Rebellion of 1857

Nana Sahib

256 - Who looked after foreign affairs in Shivaji’s Ashta Pradhana


257 - Who of the following Muslim rulers abolished the pilgrimage tax


258 - Who of the following rulers was the contemporary of Gautama the Buddha


259 - Who passed a law permitting persons to inherit ancestral property even on changing religion


260 - Who raised the demand of "Complete Independence" for the first time in 1921

Maulana Hasrat Mohani

261 - Who said "India is not one but two nations"

Mohammad Iqbal

262 - Who shifted the treasury from Murshidabad to Calcutta

Warren Hastings

263 - Who translated the collection of South Indian tales into Sanskrit and titled the work as Kathasaritasagar


264 - Who used the Indian soldiers to fight against Alexander

Darius III

265 - Who was called "Grand old lady of Indian Nationalism"

Dr. Annie Besant

266 - Who was called Mir Bahri in Mughal Administration

Incharge of Royal ships

267 - Who was not a part of 'Navaratnas' of Vikramaditya


268 - Who was not included in the 'Navaratna' of Akbar

Raja Bharmal

269 - Who was the author of "Kavyadarsa"


270 - Who was the author of "Shahnameh"


271 - Who was the author of Kanun-i-Hamayuni

Khwanda Mir

272 - Who was the Chairman of Official language commission in 1955

BG Kher

273 - Who was the chola ruler to adopt the title of "Narkesari"


274 - Who was the Constitutional Advisor to the Government of India during the Interim Government

B.N. Rau

275 - Who was the first European to discover the ruins of Harappa near Sahiwal in Punjab

Charles Masson

276 - Who was the first ruler in South India to issue gold coinage

Pulakeshi II

277 - Who was the founder of "Prarthana Samaj"

Atmaram Panduranga

278 - Who was the founder of Bahmani Sultanate

Alauddin Hasan

279 - Who was the founder of Indian Boy Scouts

Robert Baden-Powell

280 - Who was the founder of Madras

Francis Day

281 - Who was the founder of Pala dynasty in Kamrupa

Brahma Pala

282 - Who was the founder of Satyashodhak Samaj

Jyotiba Phule

283 - Who was the founder of Slave dynasty in Delhi

Qutb-ud-din Aibak

284 - Who was the founder of Vijayanagara Empire

Harihara I

285 - Who was the Governor-General of India during Indian Rebellion of 1857

Charles Canning

286 - Who was the immediate successor of Lodi dynasty in Delhi

Mughal dynasty

287 - Who was the last Hindu ruler in the Sind region


288 - Who was the last King of the Chola dynasty

Rajendra Chola III

289 - Who was the last ruler of the Maurya Empire


290 - Who was the President of Congress, at the time of Quit India movement

Abdul Kalam Azad

291 - Who was the Prime Minister of England when the Montagu-Chelmsford Act was passed in 1919

Lloyd George

292 - Who was the ruler of Delhi when Babur attacked India

Ibrahim Lodi

293 - Who was the ruler of Devgiri at the time of Alauddin Khalji's invasion


294 - Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Lord Chelmsford

295 - Who was the youngest president of Indian National Congress

Abul Kalam Azad

296 - Who were the first Europeans to come to India for trade


297 - Who were the immediate successors of the Mauryas in Magadha


298 - Who wrote the book "Hind Swaraj"

M. K. Gandhi

299 - Who, from the following helped Lord Chelmsford to draft the Indian Administrative Act of 1919

Bhupendranath Basu

300 - Yog Sutra of Patanjali was translated into Arabic by

Al Biruni


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