India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 7

1 - "I have sold my kingdom to my beloved queen for a cup of wine and a dish of soup" who remarked this


2 - "Khudai Khidmatgar" movement was started by

Abdul Gaffar Khan

3 - "New Lamps for Old" - A series of Articles-were written by

Aurobindo Ghose

4 - "Nritya Ratna Kosha" was written by


5 - Against whom did Bal Gangadhar Tilak file a law suit in London

V. Chirol

6 - Ajatashatru belongs to which dynasty


7 - At which place did Mahatma Buddha give his first 'Dhammacakkappavattana'


8 - Badami, the second capital of the early Chalukyas was formerly known as


9 - Banavasi was the capital city of


10 - Before 1936, All India Radio was known as

Indian State Broadcasting Service

11 - British concluded Treaty of Bassein on 31st December, 1802 with


12 - By whom Devadasi system was abolished in 1925

Lord Reading

13 - Charleswood Committee was appointed to suggest improvement in

Education field

14 - Chauth and Sardeshmukhi taxes were levied by


15 - During 1857 revolt which army remained loyal to the British

Madras Army

16 - During which movement the "do or die" slogan was given

Quit India Movement

17 - Evolution to modern Indian industry can be dated back to which Charter Act


18 - For the first time ‘Token Currency’ was introduced in India by


19 - For the first time Rupee was minted in India in the form of coins by

Sher Shah

20 - From the followings, who was not a member of Akbar's nine jewels


21 - From where was the Mansabdari system borrowed


22 - From which Indus site a model of signboard has been discovered


23 - Gadadhar Chattopadhyay is the original name of

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

24 - Gautamiputra Satakarni was a ruler of


25 - Gulbadan Begum who is known as the author of Humayun-Nama, was the ______ of Humayun


26 - Haider Ali breathed his last in 1782 AD due to


27 - Hastings robbed who among the following in order to collect money for the Company


28 - How many years did Aurangzeb ruled

49 Years

29 - How old was Babur when he ascended his father's throne

12 years

30 - Identify the emperors of India and Uzbekistan, who agreed to fix Hindu-Koh or Hindu Kush as the frontier of the empires

Akbar and Abdullah Khan Uzbek

31 - Idn Battuta compiled his memoirs and named it


32 - In 1580, Akbar divided his empire into how many subas (provinces) ?


33 - In 1782, the battle of Sadras was fought by the British against the


34 - In 1915, Mahatma Gandhi was awarded the Kaisar-i-Hind for contribution in

ambulance services in South Africa

35 - In india, the Zamindari system was first introduced in


36 - In the Bhakti tradition who popularized "Kirtans"


37 - In which city, the 'Parliament of the World's Religions' was held that Swami Vivekananda attended


38 - In which congress session moderates accepted the resolution on Swaraj

Calcutta Session - 1906

39 - In which Indian National Congress conference, Mahatma Gandhi elected as the President of INC


40 - In which of the following movements did Gandhiji make the first use of hunger strike as a weapon

Ahmedabad Mill Strike

41 - In which of the following sessions of Indian National Congress, Mahatma Gandhi said, "Gandhi may die but Gandhism will remain forever"

Karachi Session, 1931

42 - In which part of India, the Dogra Dynasty rulled from 1846 to 1952


43 - In which University, Chanakya was a teacher


44 - In which year Gandhiji's started satyagraha from Champaran


45 - In which year Prime Minister's Secretariat was renamed as Prime Minister's Office


46 - In which year, All India Home Rule League changed its name to Swarajya Sabha


47 - In which year, Annie Besant become the President of Indian National Congress


48 - In which year, Banaras Hindu University was established


49 - In which year, Delhi came under the British rule


50 - In which year, Durand line was first established as the international border between British India and Afghanistan


51 - In which year, Firoz Shah Tughlaq ordered to move his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad


52 - In which year, Mahatma Gandhi became the President of Indian National Congress


53 - In which year, Mahatma Gandhi was first time nominated for the Nobel Prize


54 - In which year, Muhammad Iqbal proposed the creation of a separate Muslim state


55 - In which year, the English East India company annexes the Sikh Kingdom of Punjab


56 - In which year, the widow remarriage was legally permitted


57 - Introduction of Vernacular Press Act by Lord Lytton was nick named as

The Gagging Act

58 - James Andrew Ramsay was the real name of which Governor-General of India

Lord Dalhousie

59 - Jawaharlal Nehru wrote the book "The Discovery of India" during his imprisonment in

Ahmednagar fort

60 - Jizya (poll-tax) was imposed on


61 - Kashmir was under the control of Indian rulers during

Mauryas and Kushanas

62 - Kuka movement is associated with which of the following states


63 - Mehr-un-Nissa is popularly known as

Nur Jahan

64 - Nadir Shah who invaded India in 1739, came from

Central Asia

65 - Nalanda university was first established during

Gupta empire

66 - Narasimhavarman I was a powerful king of which dynasty


67 - Narendra Nath Datta is the original name of

Swami Vivekananda

68 - Of the following, who was not the member of the Ghadar Party

Bhai Ram Singh

69 - Out of the following, who plundered Delhi and carried away the Koh-i-Noor diamond

Nader Shah

70 - Panini, Kautilya and Charak, the famous learned men were associated with which institution


71 - Permanent Land Settlement was introduced by

Lord Cornwallis

72 - Pietra Dura means

construction of buildings with glazed tiles

73 - Portuguese creating the first European settlement in India after defeating

Kingdom of Cochin

74 - Qutb al-Din Aibak was a slave of

Muhammad of Ghur

75 - Raja Ram Mohan Roy set up the Hindu College at Calcutta in the year


76 - Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of

Brahmo Samaj

77 - Raja Ram Mohan Roy wrote the book Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin (Gift to Monotheists) in which language


78 - Resolution of Poorna Swaraj was passed in

Lahore Session, 1929

79 - S.K. Dhar Committee, appointed by Constituent Assembly in June 1948, was related to

Linguistic Provinces

80 - Safety valve theory was given by

Lala Lajpat Rai

81 - Sanskrit poet Kalidasa credits Chandragupta Vikramaditya with conquering about

21 kingdoms

82 - State Reorganisation Commission was appointed in the year 1953 under the chairmanship of

Fazl Ali

83 - Swami Vivekananda attend the 'Parliament of the World's Religions' in America in the year


84 - Swami Vivekananda was died in the year


85 - Tarikh-i-Alfi (History of the Millennium) was commissioned by


86 - Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi, an important medieval work written by

Ziauddin Barani

87 - The All India Muslim League was formed in the year


88 - The Amir-i-Chahalgani was a council of how many nobles


89 - The ancestors of Shungas originated from


90 - The autobiography of Babur "Baburnama" was written in which language


91 - The battle of Dharmat was fought between

Aurangazeb and Raja Jaswant Singh

92 - The Battle of Khanwa was fought between Babur and Rana Sanga in the year


93 - The Battle of Plassey was fought in the year


94 - The Battle of Wandiwash was fought between

British and French

95 - The book "Poverty and Un-British rule in india" was written by

Dadabhai Naoroji

96 - The book Harshacharita was written by


97 - The decisive battle between the Rohillas and the combined forces of the Nawab and the English was fought at


98 - The Delhi Durbar or Imperial Durbar was first held in the year


99 - The Dual System of Government was implemented by which British Governor

Robert Clive

100 - The earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian sub-continent is found at


101 - The English East India Company acquired the Dewani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa by

The Treaty of Allahabad, 1765

102 - The export of slaves from India was banned by

Feroz Tughluq

103 - The first battle of Tarain took place in


104 - The first Indian ruler who surrendered before Alexander was


105 - The first Indian text to define a state as saptanga rajya is


106 - The first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency and declare Delhi as the capital of his empire was


107 - The first Trade Union was founded in India in the year 1918 by

B. P. Wadia

108 - The Greek envoy Dionysius came to India as ambassador to


109 - The Gupta emperor who defeated the 'Hunas' was


110 - The Gupta emperor, known as "Lichchavi dauhitra" was

Samudra Gupta

111 - The high priest of drain theory was

Dadabhai Naoroji

112 - The Hind Swaraj was written by Gandhiji

while on voyage from England to South Africa

113 - The important site of Harappa was excavated by

Daya Ram Sahni

114 - The Indian National Army crossed the Indo Burma Frontier and planted the National Tricolour Flag on

19th March 1944

115 - The Indian National Congress passed a resolution on the Fundamental Rights at its

Karachi Session, 1931

116 - The Khilafat movement was started by

Ali Brothers

117 - The leader who represented Indian labour at the Second Round Table Conference was

VV Giri

118 - The local name of Mohenjodaro is

Mound of the Dead

119 - The Lucknow Pact was signed between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League in the year


120 - The most important French Settlement in Bengal was


121 - The mother of Shivaji was

Jija Bai

122 - The mound of the dead is associated with which Civilization site


123 - The Mughal emperor who drove away the Portuguese from Hugli, the premier port of Bengal, was

Shah Jahan

124 - The Mughal 'firman' of free trade in Bengal was granted to the English in


125 - The only AICC session Mahatma Gandhi presided was held at


126 - The original name of Sher Shah was


127 - The paintings is Ajanta and Ellora caves are indicative of the development of art under which of the following


128 - The Premanent Settlement of Bengal was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in


129 - The Rajarajeshwara Temple of Tanjore was constructed by

Rajaraja the Great

130 - The Razmnāma is a Persian translation of the Hindu epic


131 - The royal cavalry of Shivaji was called


132 - The Royal dynasty which patronized the Kailasa temple at Ellora was


133 - The ruler who has been eulogized as "Shak Yavan Pahalav Nisudan" in an inscriptional account

Gautamiputra Shatkarni

134 - The Sunga Dynasty was founded by

Pushyamitra Sunga

135 - The Third Anglo-Mysore War took place between East India Company and Tipu Sultan during the period of Governor-General

Lord Cornwallis

136 - The third Buddhist Council was held during the reign of


137 - The Treaty of Salbai was signed between British and Maratha to settle the outcome of

First Anglo-Maratha War

138 - The twenty second Tirthankara of Jainism was


139 - The Viceroy who summoned the Shimla Conference was

Lord Wavell

140 - The Vijaynagara ruler Krishnadev Raya had closed relations with


141 - The warrior king who made the Chalukyas the paramount power in the Deccan was

Pulakeshin II

142 - The word "Aahitak" is used by Kautilya in the reference of


143 - To whom Jahangir bestowed the title of "Nadir-ul-Asra"

Ustad Mansur

144 - Tripitaka is associated with which of the followings


145 - Tulsidas composed his Ramcharitmanas during the reign of


146 - Under whose command was the "Rani Jhansi Regiment" - the women's regiment of Azad Hind Fauj

Laxmi Sehagal

147 - Under whose Viceroyalty the Archaeological Survey of India was established

Lord Curzon

148 - Vasco da Gama was a/an ________ sailor


149 - Vikramshila University was established by


150 - What was "Dar-ul-Shafa" established by Feroz Tughlaq

A free hospital

151 - What was the early capital of Magadh


152 - What was the final result of Impeachment of Warren Hastings

He was acquitted

153 - What was Udak Bhag in Mauryan period

Irrigation tax

154 - When did Lord Curzon initiate "Co-operative Credit Society Act" to provide farmers a loan on low interest rate


155 - When did the Arabs invade Sindh

712 AD

156 - When did Vasco da Gama discover the sea route from Europe to India


157 - When was the First Factory Act passed in India


158 - When were Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru sentenced to death

23rd March, 1931

159 - Where did Gandhiji announce his "Action plan of Satyagraha" against Rowlatt Act


160 - Where is Gautamiputra Satkarni's inscription located


161 - Where is the elephant capital of Ashokan pillar found


162 - Where the Darbar was held for Queen Victoria’s Proclamation in 1958 to officially hand over the power of India from East India Company to the British Queen


163 - Where the tomb of Mughal Emperor Akbar is located


164 - Where was Razia Sultan killed


165 - Which Act of British Parliament abolished the East India Company’s monopoly over trade in India

Charter Act of 1813

166 - Which Act was also known as "Black-Bill"

Rowlatt Act

167 - Which Act was created in British India by the Supreme Court

Regulating Act of 1773

168 - Which ancient Indian scholar was first to introduce negative numbers


169 - Which Bahmani Sultan was called as ‘Wali’ or ‘Santa’

Ahmad Shah

170 - Which British Governor General introduced civil services in india

Lord Cornwallis

171 - Which census year is known as year of "demographic divide" in India


172 - Which city was the capital of the Maratha Kingdom during the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji


173 - Which commission was formed by Indian freedom fighters in 1928 to counter the Simon Commission

Nehru Commission

174 - Which Congress session rejected "The Government of India Act, 1935"

Lucknow session

175 - Which Delhi ruler shifted its capital from Delhi to Daulatabad

Muhammad bin Tughluq

176 - Which designation was created to run the Indian administration after the Revolt of 1857

Secretary of State for India

177 - Which English missionary is also known as the "father of modern missions" in India and as "India's first cultural anthropologist."

William Carey

178 - Which Governor General established Central Public Works Department in India

Lord Dalhousie

179 - Which Governor General introduced income tax in India

Lord Canning

180 - Which great personality had established the Visva-Bharati University

Rabindranath Tagore

181 - Which Greek General was an ally of Chandragupta Maurya

Seleucus I Nicator

182 - Which Gupta Emperor styled himself as "Kavi Raja"


183 - Which Gupta King assumed the title "Vikramaditya"

Chandragupta II

184 - Which Indian freedom fighter is also known as "deshbandu"

Chittaranjan Das

185 - Which Indus valley site had three settlement comprising of citadel , middle town and lower town


186 - Which inscription referred to "Devanampiye piyadasi" as the second for Asoka


187 - Which is the birth place of Mahavira


188 - Which is the name of the Memoirs of Jahangir


189 - Which King called himself "Lichchavi-Dauhitra"


190 - Which King of India is also known as "the last Hindu emperor"

Prithviraj Chauhan

191 - Which leader died on the day the Non-cooperation movement was launched in 1920

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

192 - Which Mughal Emperor granted a Firman to the East India Company for duty free trading rights in Bengal


193 - Which of the following ancient port was not situated on the Western Coast


194 - Which of the following cities was not founded by Firoz Shah Tughluq


195 - Which of the following goddesses is not mentioned in the Rig Veda


196 - Which of the following is a Lower Palaeolithic site


197 - Which of the following movements immediately followed the partition of Bengal

Swadeshi movement

198 - Which of the following revolts during Aurangzeb's period had a peasant agrarian background

The revolt of the Jats and Satnamis

199 - Which of the following statement is not correct

The Battle of Wandiwash was fought between French and Portuguese

200 - Which of the following was known as the Lakh Bash

Qutubuddin Aibak

201 - Which of the following was the first Indian State that signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the East India Company


202 - Which of the following was the headquarters of a Danish Sultanate in India


203 - Which of the Viceroy was stabbed to death by a convict in Andaman Islands

Lord Mayo

204 - Which one is the first garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent

Humayun's tomb

205 - Which one is used as the official language in Mughal court


206 - Which one of the following European war was associated with Third Carnatic War

The Seven Year's War

207 - Which one of the following Prime Ministers of India was administered the oath of office by the acting President

Morarji Desai

208 - Which one of the following texts was composed by Vishakhadatta


209 - Which one of the followings is connected with ‘Blue Water’ policy

De Almeida

210 - Which one of the followings, generally not refer as one of the Gunpowder Empires

Qajar Empires

211 - Which one of the organisation was a precursor to the Indian National Congress

Poona Sarvajanik Sabha

212 - Which one prehistoric site of Indian is also consider as "world's earliest attested ploughed field"


213 - Which one session was the first Congress session held in a rural area

Faizpur session

214 - Which one was the capital of King Harsha during his period


215 - Which one was the first capital city of Mughal Empire in India


216 - Which period is considered as the Golden Age of Indian history

Gupta Period

217 - Which place did British use as the springboard for the conquest of India


218 - Which Rajput general lead the mughal army in the battle of Haldi Ghati against Maharana Pratap

Man Singh I

219 - Which Sikh Guru executed by Jahangir's order

Guru Arjan

220 - Which Sikh Guru supported prince Khusrau against Jahangir

Guru Arjan

221 - Which South Indian Emperor defeated Harshavardhan when he tried to expand his Empire into the southern peninsula of India

Pulakeshin II

222 - Which Sultan built cities like Jaunpur, Firozpur, Hissar, Firozabad, Fatehabad

Firoz Shah Tughlaq

223 - Which Sultan implemented the iqta system of administrative grants in the Delhi Sultanate


224 - Which Tughlaq Sultan faced the attack of Timur in 1398 in India

Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah

225 - Which Viceroy of India had established the Department of Archaeology


226 - Which Viceroy of India was attacked by a bomb in Delhi on 23 Decernber 1912

Lord Hardinge

227 - Which was considered as Magna Carta of English Education in India

Woods Dispatch on Education,1854

228 - Which was the first Hindi newspaper published in India

Udant Martand

229 - Who among the following called the movements of Gandhiji as 'political blackmail'

Lord Linlithgow

230 - Who among the following described the Indian princes as helpers and colleagues in the task of Imperial rule

Lord Hardinge II

231 - Who among the following emperors issued the Ashvamedha coins in India


232 - Who among the following is not associated with the Bhakti Movement


233 - Who among the following Pallava ruler was known by the title of Vatapikonda, 'the conqueror of Vatapi'

Narasimhavarman I

234 - Who among the following shifted the capital of Magadha to Vaishali


235 - Who among the following tribal leaders was looked upon as God-incarnate

Birsa Munda

236 - Who among the following was ascended on the throne without the help of Sayyid Brothers

Jahandar Shah

237 - Who among the following writers says that the Harappan people were overthrown by the Aryans

Sir Mortimer Wheeler

238 - Who amongst the following compared the "Dandi March" to Napoleon's March to Paris on his return from Elba

Subhas Chandra Bose

239 - Who are the following officer, according to Arthasastra was entrusted with the collection of revenue


240 - Who bestowed the title Sardar on Vallabhai Patel

Mahatma Gandhi

241 - Who built the tomb of Itimad-ud-daulah at Agra


242 - Who built the Vishnu temple of Angkor Wat

Suryavarman II

243 - Who called the rebellion of 1857 as "a conflict between civilisation and barbarism"

TR Holmes

244 - Who coined the slogan "Quit India"

Yusuf Meherally

245 - Who constructed a canal of 150 miles from Yamuna to Hissar for agricultural purpose

Firoz Shah Tughlaqu

246 - Who deciphered Devampriya Ashoka in Maski record

James Prince

247 - Who described Jinnah as "the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity"

Sarojini Naidu

248 - Who discontinued the policy of Jharokha-Darshan


249 - Who established Independent Labour Party in 1936

B. R. Ambedkar

250 - Who estimated the National Income for the first time in India

Dadabhai Naoroji

251 - Who gave the sobriquet "Nightingale of India" to Sarojini Naidu for her work as a poet

Mahatma Gandhi

252 - Who had composed epic poem "Prithviraj Raso", which is about the life of King Prithviraj Chauhan

Chand Bardai

253 - Who had lead the British East India Company in the Battle of Plassey

Robert Clive

254 - Who had opposed the Champaran Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi

Rabindranath Tagore

255 - Who had written the book, Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri


256 - Who helped Krishnadevaraya in his battle of Raichur against Bijapur Sultan


257 - Who introduced Zamindari system in India

Lord Cornwallis

258 - Who is called as "The father of Indian prehistory"

Sir Robert Bruce Foote

259 - Who is known as the father of Indian Renaissance

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

260 - Who is known as the father of Modern currency in India

Prithviraj Chauhan

261 - Who is known as the founder of Banaras Hindu University

Madan Mohan Malaviya

262 - Who is known as the 'political guru' of Mahatma Gandhi

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

263 - Who lead the Revolt of 1857 in Ruhelkhand

Khan Bahadur Khan

264 - Who once remarked - "Nehru is a patriot while Jinnah is a politician"

Sir Mohammad Iqbal

265 - Who presided the meeting of the Jain Council at Pataliputra


266 - Who said "The Simon Commission Report should be thrown on a heap of rubbish"

Shivaswami Ayyar

267 - Who said the following : ‘‘I can ruin their resources by land but I cannot dry up the sea.’’

Haider Ali

268 - Who said this "Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it"

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

269 - Who said, "Tilak is the father of Indian unrest"

V Chirol

270 - Who used the term Dravidian to denote the South Indian people for the first time

Bishop Caldwell

271 - Who was associated with the formation of the Deccan Educational Society

B.G. Tilak

272 - Who was defeated and killed in the Fourth Mysore war at Srirangapattanam

Tippu Sultan

273 - Who was elected as the first President of the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)

Lala Lajpat Rai

274 - Who was the author of Rajatarangini


275 - Who was the author of Sanskrit work Janki Parinaya of Mughal Period


276 - Who was the author of the first monumental book on the Indus Valley Civilization

Sir John Marshall

277 - Who was the author of Tughlaqnama

Amir Khusrau

278 - Who was the Chairman of the First Famine Commission in 1880

Sir Richard Strachey

279 - Who was the constitutional advisor of the Viceroy of India Lord Wavell

V. P. Menon

280 - Who was the earliest exponent of the Bhakti Movement in India


281 - Who was the first Attorney-General of India

M. C. Setalvad

282 - Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court established by East India Company

Elijah Impey

283 - Who was the first Delhi Sultan died after fell down from a horse while playing chaugan (a form of polo)

Qutb al-Din Aibak

284 - Who was the first Governor General of Pondicherry

François Martin

285 - Who was the first Indian member in the Executive Council of Governor General

Satyendra Prasanno Sinha

286 - Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British Parliament

Dadabhai Naoroji

287 - Who was the first Mughal emperor to issue gold coin


288 - Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress

Badruddin Taiyabji

289 - Who was the first Muslim to serve as a High Court judge in the British Raj

Syed Mahmood

290 - Who was the first recipient of the "Indian Order of Merit" during British Raj

Subedar Devi Singh

291 - Who was the first sultan of the Delhi Sultanate

Qutb al-Din Aibak

292 - Who was the first to excavate Kalibangan

Amalananda Ghosh

293 - Who was the first to give the call for Swaraj as "India for Indians"

Dayananda Saraswati

294 - Who was the incharge of Mughal troops, which invaded Poona fort of Shivaji in 1660

Shaista Khan

295 - Who was the last king of the Chalukya dynasty

Kirtivarman II

296 - Who was the mother of Shah Jahan

Jagat Gosain

297 - Who was the political Guru of Subhash Chandra Bose

Chittaranjan Das

298 - Who was the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government constituted to free India on 21st Oct, 1943 in Singapore

Subhash Chandra Bose

299 - Who was the Russian traveller visited in Bahmini dominions

Athanasius Nikitin

300 - Ziauddin Barani was a political thinker during which Delhi Sultanate dynasty

Tughlaq dynasty


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