India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 1

1 - Abhinav Bharat organized in 1904 was :

A secret society of revolutionary activists

2 - About the formation of which organization A.O. Hume said "A safety valve for the escape of great and growing forces generated by our own action urgently needed."

Indian National Congress

3 - After the suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement, who were called pro-changers in the Congress?

Motilal Nehru and Chittranjan Das

4 - Against which Mughal Emperor was a FATWA issued from Jaunpur?


5 - Among the four works mentioned below which one is encyclopaedic in nature?

Brihat Samhita

6 - An English weekly called ‘New India’ was started by;

Annie Besant

7 - An interim cabinet headed by Jawaharlal Nehru was formed by the congress in :


8 - Aryabhatta, believed to have been born in the 5th century AD, was a most renowned scholar of


9 - Assertion (A): The Kushanas issued a large number of gold coins. Reason (R): The period was marked by flourishing trade

Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A

10 - Aurobindo Ghose, Barindra Kumar Ghose, B.P. Mitra, Abinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutta were associated with the revolutionary organization :

Anushilan Samiti (in Bengal).

11 - Bal Gangadhar Tilak began his drive for new awakening among the Indians by publishing two newspapers in 1881

The Maratha and Kesari

12 - Bal Gangadhar Tilak introduced the slogan Swaraj is my birth right in :


13 - Bal Gangadhar Tilak popularly known as Lokamanya Tilak was born in 1856 at


14 - Bande Matram was a series of articles published in the year 1907 by :

Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

15 - Bang Darshan was the main newspaper of

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

16 - Barindra Kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta started:


17 - Bimbisara was the founder of which one of the following dynasties?


18 - By which Act may be the British parliament did Queen Victoria assume the title of ‘the Empress of India’ to emphasize British sovereignty over the whole of British provinces in India and Indian states?

The Royal Titles Act 1876

19 - By which act of British India, was the Governor General empowered to issue ordinance ?

Indian Councils Act, 1861

20 - Consider the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the literature in Ancient India?I. The earliest known work of the Aryans in India was the Rig Veda which is a collection of 1048 hymns in Vedic Sanskrit.II. Most of the hymns are in praise of

Only II

21 - Delhi was formally declared the future capital of the British India in :


22 - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar organized a Bhishkrit Hitkari Sabha, (The Depressed Classes Institute) in :


23 - During the tenure of which Governor general was the resolution of total independence passed?

Lord Irwin

24 - Economy of Vedic period was based on?


25 - Find out the odd one

Ptolemy: Written a geographical treatise on India

26 - For the cause of national liberation Swami Dayananda stressed on :

All of the above

27 - From where did the quit India Movement begin?


28 - Gandhiji launched the Non-cooperation movement in:

The year 1920

29 - In 1821 Raja Ram Mohan Roy started the Bengal quarterly:

Samvad Kaumudi

30 - In 1893 Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa in connection with the trial of a merchant:

Abdulla Seth

31 - In 1906 Dadabhai Naoroji had passed a resolution approving the issues of swadeshi and national education in:

The Calcutta Session of the Indian National congress

32 - In 1906 to protest discrimination against Indians in S. Africa Mahatma Gandhi started

Satyagraha at Johannesburg

33 - In 1912 Mohammad Ali started the paper

The Comrade

34 - In 1915-16 the Home Rule League movement was launched under the leadership of :

Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak

35 - In 1918 who founded Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association ?

Mahatma Gandhi

36 - In 1932, Poona Pact was signed between:

Gandhiji and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

37 - In 1942 who appealed the Britishers to leave India in God’s hands?

Mahatma Gandhi

38 - In 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent :

Cripps Mission to India

39 - In accordance with provisions of the Government of India Act 1935 elections to the Provincial Legislatures were held in :


40 - In July 1933 the Congress decided to launch:

An Individual Civil Disobedience

41 - In March 1923 Chittranjan Das along with Motilal Nehru formed :

The Swaraj Party

42 - In order to restrict the freedom of the press, the British government passed "The Indian official secrets Act" in


43 - In order to secure co-operation of Indians the British government in the midst of worsening wartime international situation sent Cripps Mission to India:

In 1942

44 - In order to study the position of education Indian constitutional commission was constituted in 1929 under the chairmanship of

Phillip Uartog

45 - In the elections held in 1937 under the provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935 Congress Ministries were formed in :

Eleven States

46 - In the history of Indian National Movement Santhal Rebellion took place between :


47 - In the Vedic age, who was the head of "Grama"?


48 - In this instance we could not play off the Mohammedans against the Hindus. To which one of the following events did this remark of Aitchison relate?

Revolt of 1857

49 - In which city of India is Dhamek Stupa located?


50 - In which of the following places Vardhaman attained the state of enlightenment?

Jrimbhik Gram

51 - In which of the following sects was Bindusara interested?


52 - In which session of the Indian National congress did the historic union of congress and Muslim League take place?

Lucknow session in 1916

53 - In which year was the quit India movement launched?


54 - Indian Dyarchy was started by :

Montague-Chelmsford Reforms, 1919

55 - Indian War of independence 1857 was written by :

V.D. Savarkar

56 - Individual Satyagrah – symbolic and non-violent in nature was started on:


57 - Individual Satyagrah was started on:


58 - Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar took place on :


59 - Justice C. Y. Chintamani called Government of India Act 1935?

Lame Federation

60 - Lord Curzon announced the partition of Bengal on :

16 October , 1905

61 - Lord Mountbatten put forth the plan proposing the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan :

On June 3, 1947

62 - Lucknow pact of 1916 was between:

Indian Muslim League and Indian National congress

63 - Mahatma Gandhi considered preconditions as necessary for a satyagrahi to fulfill namely :

All of these

64 - Mahatma Gandhi gave the title of Sardar to Vallabhbhai Patel for his great organizational skill in:

The Bardoli Satyagraha

65 - Mahatma Gandhi’s first great experiment in Satyagrah came in 1917 in


66 - Maulana qasim Nanautavi, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Sheikhul Hind Maulana- Mahmud-ul Hasan were the prominent figures who represented?

Deoband Movement

67 - Megasthenes was succeeded as ambassador by


68 - Montague - Chelmsford report was prepared on the basis of

The Government of India act, 1919

69 - On what ground did the second split in the congress take place in 1918?

Montague Chelmsford Declaration

70 - Partition of Bengal was revoked in 1911 during the Viceroyalty of

Lord Hardinge

71 - Pulakesin II was the most famous ruler of


72 - Quit India movement began on:


73 - Raja Rammohan Roy founded Brahma samaj on

20 August,1828

74 - Rani Gaidinliu was a rebel leader against the Britishers from:


75 - Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha started in 1851 by Naoroji Furdonji, Dadabahi Naroji, S.S. Bengalee and other was a

Parsi religious Reform Association

76 - Sarojini Naidu was elected Congress President at :

Kanpur Session ,1925

77 - Select the correct statement (s) is/are correct about Upanishad philosophy

Indicates learning from a spiritual teacher

78 - Sisir Kumar Ghosh, Shambhuchand Mukherhee, Kali Mohan Das and Jogesh Chandra Dutt were editors of:

Amrit Bazar Patrika

79 - Subhash Chandra Bose became the Supreme Commander of Indian National Army in :


80 - Subhash Chandra Bose formed Forward Block in :

The Year 1939

81 - Subhash Chandra Bose was elected the president of the Indian national congress :

Tripuri session, 1939

82 - Swami Dayanand established the head quarters of Arya Samaj in:


83 - Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was the first president of

All India Kisan Mahasabha

84 - The Battle of Plassey was fought in


85 - The British government declared Communist Party of India illegal in:


86 - The British Prime Minister Atlee announced the withdrawal of the Britishers in the House of Commons from India on


87 - The Cabinet mission arrived in Delhi on:


88 - The committee headed by Motilal Nehru constituted to draw up a blue print for the future constitution of India published

Nehru Report

89 - The congress nationalist party was formed to act as a powerful pressure group within the congress by:

Madan Mohan Malviya and M.S. Aney

90 - The congress policy of prayer and petition ultimately came to an end under the guidance of

B G Tilak

91 - The demand for Swarajya or self- government within the British empire was made from the Congress platform by

Both Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Dadabhai Naoroji

92 - The demand officially made by the Congress for a Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution of India was accepted in principal by the British government in what is known as :

August Offer of 1940

93 - The East India Association was set up in :


94 - The eminent Bengali novelist and composer of national song Vande Mataram who aroused a new consciousness in the 19th century Bengal Society was :

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

95 - The famine which killed nearly 8 lakh people during British rule as per the report furnished by the Femine Commissioon of 1660 had struck :

Western India

96 - The first economic thinker of India who showed through his writings that the basic cause of India’s poverty lay in the British exploitation and drain of wealth was

Dadabhai Naoroji

97 - The first man after the revolt of 1857 who wanted to overthrow the British regime by means of an armed rebellion and establish self-government in India was:

Vasudeo Balwant Phadke

98 - The first President of Indian National congress was :

Sir Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee.

99 - The First Round Table Conference was held on:


100 - The first Round Table conference was held on:


101 - The Gandhi-Irvin pact under which Mahatma Gandhi agreed to suspend the civil Disobedience Movement was signed on


102 - The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on :


103 - The Governor General who came to be known as father of communal electorate in India was

Lord Minto

104 - The Indian National congress decided to launch an individual civil disobedience in place of Mass civil Disobedience in:


105 - The Indian National Congress passed Quit India Resolution at :

Wardha Session, 1942.

106 - The Indian People play people’s role in the people’s war was the slogan of:

Communist Party of India

107 - The Kakori Conspiracy took place in :


108 - The Kalinga was fought in

261 BC

109 - The main centre of Gadar Movement of 1915 was :

United States of America.

110 - The main centre of Wahabi Movement during the freedom movement was


111 - The major Muslim organizations which opposed the partition of India were

All of these

112 - The Mehrauli pillar inscription belongs to the period of the


113 - The most outstanding representative of Militant Nationalist School of thought was

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

114 - The Muslim League demanded a separate homeland for Indian Muslims for the first time at its :

Lahore session in 1940.

115 - The National College in Calcutta had been established on :


116 - The newspapers ‘The Punjabi and The pupil’ were published by :

Lala Lajpat Rai

117 - The novel ‘Neel Darpan’ depicting the harassment and oppression of Indigo farmers by the Britishers was written by:

Tara Shankar Bandhopadhyay

118 - The organization of Khudai Khidmatgar was established:

Under the leadership of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan.

119 - The pioneer of Indian communism was

M.N. Roy

120 - The prominent leaders of Indian Association which was established in Bengal in July 26, 1876 were :

Anand Mohan Bose and Surendranath Banerjee

121 - The Queen Victoria assumed the title of the Empress of India in 1876 by :

British parliament

122 - The revolutionary who was associated with the Indian Independence League was :

Rash Behari Bose

123 - The system of competitive examination for civil service was accepted in principle in the year


124 - The system of Dual Government during the latter half of the 18th century AD is associated with the name of


125 - The system of philosophy with which the name of Kapila is prominently associated is


126 - The temple of Konark was built by Narasimha of the

Ganga Administration

127 - The term Brahmadeya occurs for the first time in

pre-Gupta inscriptions

128 - The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the

land owned by the emperor himself

129 - The term Nirgrantha is associated with


130 - The term samanta, meaning a feudatory from the sixth century AD, originally meant a


131 - The term 'Yavanapriya' mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted


132 - The term yavanika meant


133 - The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of

Jhelum and Chenab

134 - The text of the document called Mahzar, by which Akbar assumed the role of supreme arbiter in the matters of religion is found in

Abul Fazl's Akbarnama

135 - The theory of economic drain of India during British imperialism was propounded by

Dadabhai Naoroji

136 - The third person who presented himself for individual Satyagrah launched by Mahatma Gandhi in October 1940 was:

Brahma Datt

137 - The Timariots Governors and the Revenue Contractors, on their part reason in this manner: "Why should the neglected state of this land create uneasiness in our minds and why should we expend our money and time to render it fruitful? We may be deprived of


138 - The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation movement was


139 - The title of 'Viceroy' was added to the office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in

1858 AD

140 - The title VIKRAMADITYA was assumed by:

Chandragupta II

141 - The traces of Janapadas and Mahajanpadas are found in__________?

All the above

142 - The treaty of Mangalore was signed between

the English East India Company and Tipu Sultan

143 - The treaty of Srirangapatna was signed between Tipu Sultan and


144 - The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent


145 - The troops raised by the emperor but not paid directly the state and place under the charge of mansabadars were known as


146 - The Turko-Afghan rule in India lasted for about

three centuries

147 - The twenty-third Jaina teacher, Parsva, the immediate predecessor of Mahavira enjoined on his disciples four great vows. To these Mahavira adds which of the followings as the fifth vow?

Brahmacharya or continence

148 - The two names which were associates with the publication of the paper ‘Yugantar’ are:

Barindra kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta

149 - The two principles monuments of Alaud-din Khilji's reign - the Jama Masjid at Kana and Alai Darwaza - were constructed at


150 - The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta period lay with

The king

151 - The Upanishads are

A source of Hindu philosophy

152 - The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the result of India's contact with


153 - The varnas came to be transformed into the hereditary castes during the

Later Vedic period

154 - The Veda that contains charms and spells toward off evils and diseases is


155 - The Vedas contain all the truth was interpreted by

Swami Dayananda

156 - The Vedic deity Indra was the Goddess of

Rain and thunder

157 - The Venetian traveler who travelled with his wife and reached Vijayanagar around 1420 was

Niccolo de Conti

158 - The Vernacular press Act as a safety valve against vernacular newspapers was passed by Lord Lytton on

March 14, 1878

159 - The victories of Karikala are well portrayed in


160 - The Vijayanagara king who employed skilled archers of the Turkish clan and raised the fighting capacity of his bowmen was

Devaraya I

161 - The Vijayanagara ruler, Kirshnadev Raya's work Amuktamalyada, was in


162 - The weekly Commonweal was founded by

Annie Besant

163 - The year 788 AD was a good one for Hinduism. Why?

Shankracharya was born that year.

164 - The year which is associated with the Gadar movement is:


165 - There was a sharp class division at Harappa and Mohenjodaro. This is clear from the

Different types of dwellings excavated

166 - Though Ashoka had many sons, the inscriptions mentioned only one who is not mentioned in any other source. He is


167 - Three major powers that emerged in southern India in the 7th century AD were CherasCholasChalukyasPallavasPandyas

I, II, V

168 - Through which one of the following, the king exercised his control over villages in the Vijayanagar Empire?


169 - Tipu sultan was the ruler of


170 - To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of Ghazni defeated


171 - To evolve a peaceful settlement of the conflict between India and China, which of the following non-aligned Afro-Asian nations participated in a conference held in December 1962?

All of the above

172 - To meet the educational needs of the people, the Madarasa-I-Nasiri was built in the reign of


173 - To which of the following dynasties did King Bhoja, a great patron of literature and art, belong?


174 - To which of the republic of Buddha belong?


175 - To which professions earlier leaders who struggled for freedom of India mainly belonged?

All of the above

176 - Todar Mal was associated with

land revenue reforms

177 - Tolkappiyam is associated with the

second Sangam period

178 - Tripitakas are sacred books of


179 - Tulsidas, the author of Ramcharitmanas, was a contemporary of which of the following rulers?


180 - Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after

military affairs

181 - Under an agreement with which of the following countries did Subhas Chandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, taken as prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the Azad Hind Fauj?


182 - Under the Government of India act 1935 it was decided to establish a federation consisting of :

Governor’s provinces and princely states

183 - Under the Government of India, Provincial Legislatures consisted of two chambers, except in the case of


184 - Under the Guptas in eastern India, there was probably an intermediate level of administration between visayas (districts) and villages. Identify it.


185 - Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they wished to join Pakistan or India.

N.W.F.P and the Sylhet district of Assam

186 - Under which British Act was the provision to establish a Federation of India concession of Governor’s provinces and Princely states made?

Government of India Act 1935

187 - Under which document was the separate electorate granted for muslims ?

Morley Minto Reforms

188 - Under whose leadership was the all India Muslim League set up?

All of the above

189 - United India House organizes Unity among Indians in the United states of America in


190 - Universities in the Presidency towns in India were established in


191 - Ustad Mansur was a famous painter in the reign of


192 - Vaikhanasa the five-fold conception of Vishnu consists of brahmanpurushaprakritisatyaachyutaaniruddha

I, III, IV, V and VI

193 - Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of


194 - Vikramaditya, a king of Ujjain, started the Vikrama samvat in 58 BC in commemoration of his victory over


195 - Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work


196 - Vivekanand established Ramakrishna Mission :

In 1897

197 - Wavell Plan- essentially dealing with Indian demand of self-rule and reconstitution of Viceroy's Council was put forth by Lord Wavell in:


198 - We can know about early vedic period from

the Rig Veda

199 - We hear of two envoys being sent to the Roman kings, one in 27-28 AD to the court of Augustus and the other in 110-20 AD to the court of


200 - What is called the magna carta of Western Education system in Indian?

Dispatch of Charles wood secretary of state 1854

201 - What is the popular name of Monolithic rock shrines at Mahabalipuram?


202 - What was the suitable language for source material in Ancient Times?


203 - When did Mahatma Gandhi go on fast unto death for the first time?


204 - When Japan handed over Andaman Nicobar islands to Subhash Chandra Bose in Nov. 1943, he named these islands as :

Shaheed Island and Swaraj Island respectively

205 - When quit India Resolution was passed in 1942, the Viceroy of India was :

Lord Linlithgow

206 - When was Poona Pact between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar signed?

In 1932

207 - Where is the longest corridor of the temple?


208 - Which Act may be regarded as the beginning of representative system in modern India?

The Indian councils Act 1861

209 - Which Act provided for the establishment of an All India federation at the centre consisting of the provinces of British India and the princely states?

The Government of India Act 1935

210 - Which ancient account describes the Nandas expedition over all their rival monarchs that make them powerful rulers of North India?


211 - Which foreigner arrived in India on Nov. 16, 1893?

Annie Besant

212 - Which Indian revolutionary was called by the Britishers as ‘The Father of Indian Disaffection and biggest traitor’?

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

213 - Which king started the organization of Kumbh fair at Allahabad?


214 - Which movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi on March 12, 1930?

Civil Disobedience Movement

215 - Which of the British Acts provided for the establishment of All India Federation at the centre ?

The Government of India Act 1935.

216 - Which of the following are two works of Kalidasa?

Kumara Sambhav and Raghuvamsha

217 - Which of the following books is not written by Harshavardhan?


218 - Which of the following Gupta emperors is represented his coins as playing the lute or Veena?


219 - Which of the following is not included in Mughal paintings?

Islamic themes

220 - Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

A kind of tomb where the relics of Buddha and other Buddhist monks are kept

221 - Which of the following pairs of persons are correctly matched? I. Chandragupta-II : Fa-HienII. Skandagupta: I-tsingIII. Harsha: Hiuen Tsang

I and III

222 - Which of the following statement (s) is/ are correct related to the Atharva Veda?I. The Atharva Veda basically consists of charms and spells that were prevalent at that time in the society.II. The Atharva Veda presents a portrait of the Vedic society. One

Both I & II

223 - Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about Panini's great grammar the Ashtadhyayi?

Both A & B

224 - Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct regarding Ancient Indian Literature that helps in restructuring of Indian history? I. Ancient literature is religious in nature, and contain exaggerated mythical story without any chronology i.e., purani

Both I and II

225 - Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Smritis? I. It deals with the performance of duties, customs and laws prescribed according to DharmaII. It is concerned mainly with the rules of the organization of the monasteries

Only I

226 - Which of the following statement is wrong?

Ashoka the great Mauryan king died in 332 BC

227 - Which of the following statements about the Rigvedic Aryans is incorrect?

We do not find any trace of widow remarriage in the Rigvedic period

228 - Which of the following statements is/are not correct regarding the age of Vedic Civilisation? I. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, on astronomical grounds, dated Rig Veda to 6000 B.C. to Harmon Jacobi, Vedic civilization flourished between 4500 B.C. and 2500 B.C. and

Neither I nor II

229 - Which of the following temples was not constructed by Chandela dynasty?


230 - Which one of the following is associated with the Gupta Age of Indian History?

Significant contribution to Indian astronomy by Aryabhatta

231 - Which one of the following was the book written by Amoghvarsha the Rashtrakuta King?


232 - Which one of the following was the capital of Kosala?


233 - Which one of the four varnas mentioned in the Purushasukta of the mandala X of the Rig Veda is referred in the other parts of Rig Veda in the sense of a Varna?


234 - Which painting is made from Fresco style?


235 - Which report became the basis for enacting the Government of India Act 1935?

Simon Commission’s report

236 - Which revolutionary was associated with the foundation of the Punjab Navjivan Bharat Sabha in 1926?

Bhagat Singh

237 - Which revolutionary was sentenced to death on August 17, 1909?

Madanlal Dhingra

238 - Which revolutionary wrote books Colour of Swadeshi and Revolutionary Life?

Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil

239 - Which slogan was given by the Congress in opposition to British Government involving India in Second World War in 1939 without consulting the people of India ?

Na koi bhai, na koi pai.

240 - Which Sultan of Delhi was the first to charge GHARI or HOUSE TAX?

Alauddin Khalji

241 - Which Viceroy of India had largest tenure during British rule:

Lord Linlithgow

242 - While delivering the presidential address’ The Congress president who advocated the introduction of Roman Script for Hindi language was

Subhash Chandra Bose

243 - Who among the following occupied the supreme position in the Later Vedic pantheon?


244 - Who among the following was worshipped during Early Vedic Civilization?

All the above

245 - Who among the following wrote the Kural, which deals with many aspects of life and religion?


246 - Who brought out a paper with the title of the ‘loyal Muhammadanans of India’ ?

Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan.

247 - Who called Government India Act 1935 a Charter of Slavery ?

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

248 - Who called Government of India Act 1935 as thoroughly rotten, fundamentally bad and totally unacceptable?

Mohammad Ali Jinnah

249 - Who called Subhash Chandra Bose as Desh Nayak ?

Rabindranath Tagore

250 - Who called the 1857 revolt as ‘Student Farmer-Middle class Revolt’?

Dr. Amba Prasad

251 - Who called the revolt of 1857 as a war between barbarism and civilization?

T. R. Holmes

252 - Who conveyed to the Indians – "I am with you wholeheartedly and in terms of culture I am one of you"?

Annie Besant

253 - Who deciphered Ashokan inscription?

James Prinsep

254 - Who established East India Association in London 1866?

Dadabhai Naoroji

255 - Who established in 1893 the society for the removal of Obstacles to the Hindu Religion?

The Chapekar brothers

256 - Who established Mahabalipuram?


257 - Who established the Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha in the year 1893 by :

Damodar and Balkrishana Chapekar

258 - Who founded Abhinav Bharat ?


259 - Who founded Atmiya Sabha in 1815?

Raja Rammohan Roy

260 - Who founded Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873 ?

Jyotiba Phule

261 - Who founded Tattvabodhini sabha in 1839 ?

Maharishi Devendranath Tagore

262 - Who gave the slogan DO OR DIE during the quit India movement in 1942?

Mahatma Gandhi

263 - Who has written about the revolt of 1857- ‘this was an eruption of social volcano’ where many spent forces found vent. After the vent the whole social topography has changed. The scars of rebellion remained deep and shining?"

Ashok Mehta

264 - Who in the year 1907 unfurled the first national flag at the International socialist conference in Stuttgart (Germany)?

Madame Bhikaji Cama

265 - Who is known as the Napoleon of India?


266 - Who is the author of Meghdoot?


267 - Who is the author of the book ‘The Great Rebellion’?

Ashok Mehta

268 - Who led the revolt in 1857 in Bihar and defeated the British Army near Aara?

Kunwar Singh

269 - Who led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow?

Begum Hazrat Mahal

270 - Who played an important role in the Gadar Movement in 1915?

Lala Hardayal

271 - Who presided over the Karachi session of Indian National Congress in 1931 ?

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

272 - Who said - "Our Life and religion are useless without the attainment of Swaraj"?

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

273 - Who said - "patriotism is religion and religion is love for India?"

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

274 - Who said "Every blow on my body will prove a nail in the coffin of the British Empire"?

Lala Lajpat Rai

275 - Who said "one religion one caste and one God for mankind?"

Narayan Guru

276 - Who said, "India is for Indians?"

Dayanand Saraswati

277 - Who said, "this (the revolt 1857) was an eruption of social volcano, where many spent forces found vent. After the eruption, the whole social topography had changed; the scars if rebellion remained deep and shining?"

Ashok Mehta

278 - Who said," One Country One God, One Caste, one Mind brothers all of us Without Difference, without Doubt ?"

V. D. Savarkar

279 - Who was admired as tempestuous Hindu in 1893 in the World Parliament of Religious in Chicago ?

Swami Vivekanand

280 - Who was governor general when the 1857 revolt broke out?


281 - Who was the first Gupta ruler who assumed the title of Maharadhiraja?

Chandragupta I

282 - Who was the first Indian ruler who had territory outside India?


283 - Who was the first to call the revolt of 1857 as an organized war for national Independence?

V. D. Savarkar

284 - Who was the founder of a society known as ‘Abhinav Bharat’ ?

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

285 - Who was the last Hindu emperor of northern India?


286 - Who was the mastermind of bomb attack on Lord Hardinge at chandani chowk in Delhi in 1912?

Rasbihari Bose

287 - Who was the selected as first satyagrahi by Mahatma Gandhi to begin individual satyagraha in 1940?

Vinoba Bhave

288 - Who were associated with Indian league established in 1875 in Calcutta (now Kolkata) ?

Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Sambhu Charan Mukherjee

289 - Who wrote famous thesis entitled ‘South India in 1857: war of Independence’:

V.D. Savarkar

290 - Who wrote in 1900 to the Secretary of state for India-‘It is my firm belief that the congress is staggering towards its downfall and it is my great desire that during my stay in India I should help in its peaceful demise?"

Lord Curzon

291 - Who wrote Mrichhakatikam?


292 - Who wrote Mudrarakshasa?


293 - Who wrote the famous Kural which in verse deals with many aspects of life and religion?


294 - Whom did B.G.Tilak call the "Diamond of India"?

Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

295 - Whom did Mahatma Gandhi consider his political guru?

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

296 - Whom did the Britishers call the father of Indian disaffection and the biggest traitor?

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

297 - Whose statement is this –"The Indians should no longer be satisfied with mere mendicancy neither should they beg the English for concessions"?

Lala Lajpat Rai

298 - With reference to the invaders in ancient India which one of the following is the correct chronological order?


299 - With the objective of raising the moral and material status of the untouchables Dr. B.R. Ambedkar organized:

The Bahishkrit Hitkari sabha

300 - Zabti System of revenue was prevalent during the reign of



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