India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 2

1 - __________ comprises the archaeological remains of a monastic and scholastic institution


2 - A collective term used by the Jains for their sacred books is


3 - A Janapadin was the __________ of a janapada.


4 - Abhinandannath Tirthankar initiated first Parna after how many days of receipt of Diksha?


5 - According to Jainis, at which place Abhinandannath attained Nirvana?

Sammed Shikhar

6 - According to Jains, what was the number of Gandhars of Sumtinath Tirthankar?


7 - After receipt of Diksha, under which tree Abhinandannath Tirthankar attained Kaivalya gyan (enlightenment)?


8 - After which Tirthankar, Sambhavanath Tirthankar was born?


9 - All souls day is a __________ festival


10 - Ashoka expresses his faith in the Buddhist creed in the

Bhabru edict

11 - Ashoka's claim to be one of the greatest rulers in world history life in the fact that

after a single conquest he dedicated himself completely to the cause of peace

12 - Ashoka's conquest of Kalinga has been described in the minor rock edict numbered


13 - Assertion (A): In the beginning, only high caste Kshatriya communities adopted Jainism. Reason (R): Vardhaman Mahavira belonged to a well-known Kshatriya community

Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A

14 - Assertion (A): The Gupta period is often called the 'Golden Age' of ancient India. Reason (R): The Gupta rulers issued gold coins

Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A

15 - Bagh painting of Gupta Empire was found in which of the following Indian states?

Madhya Pradesh

16 - Banabhatta, a great scholar, lived during the reign of


17 - Because of his virtuous deeds Ajitnath Tirthankara was born from whose womb?


18 - Bimbisara was succeeded by


19 - Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha together are known as


20 - Buddhism made an important impact by allowing two sections of society into its fold. They were

Women and Sudras

21 - Buddhism was divided into Mahayana and Hinayana during the reign of


22 - Buddhism was first propagated outside India In


23 - Champa was the capital of which one of the following Mahajanapadas in Ancient India?


24 - Chinese travellers visited India primarily because-

They were interested in Buddhism

25 - Chola Empire was divided into

Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram & Valanadu

26 - Choose the correct optionI. Dharmpala was the founder of the Pala Empire.II. Mihir Bhoja belongs to Pratihar dynasty.III. Mihir bhoja was the devotee of Lord KRISHNA

Only II

27 - Consider the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Jataka tales? I. It is a collection of tales belonging to the pre-Buddhist period give us a revealing glimpse into a period when the fusion between the Aryan and the Dravidian races had be

Both I and II

28 - Dasavatara temple of Nagra style is located at which of the following places?

Jhansi (Lalitpur)

29 - Dholavira is situated at the bank of River


30 - During Karikala's rule the important Chola port was


31 - During the Gupta Empire, the term "UPARIKARA" was used for

An extra tax levied on all subjects

32 - During the reign of Kanishka, Buddhism for the first time went to China and from China it went to

Korea and Japan

33 - During the reign of which dynasty was the GreatWall of China constructed?


34 - During whose reign did Buddhism become the state religion?


35 - During whose reign did the Gandhara School of Art blossom?


36 - During young age, what did Sambhavnath Tirthankar feel while watching the dispersal of medieval clouds?


37 - Find the correct pair of Poet in the Court of the King during Ancient India

Vasumitra : Kanishka

38 - For which period did Harihara Raya II of Sangma dynasty ruled the Vijaynagara Empire?


39 - Gandhara Art is the combination of

Indo Greek

40 - Gandhara school of art came into existence in

Mahayana sect

41 - Gautama Buddha was born at


42 - Gautama Buddha was brought up by


43 - Greek Roman Art has found a place in


44 - Gupta Empire declined in the fifth century A. D. as a consequence of

Hun invasion

45 - Harihara Raya I who ruled the Vijaynagara Empire for the period 1336-1356 belonged to which dynasty?

Sangama Dynasty

46 - How many Ganadharas were there in the religious family of Sambhavnath Tirthankar?


47 - How many spokes are there in the Dharma Chakra of the National flag?


48 - How was the marital life of Ajitnath Tirthankar?

Very bad

49 - I. Buddhist elements II. Secular aspects III. Jain cultureWhich of the above statements is/are correct related to Ajanta Painting portray ?

Only I

50 - Identify the Buddhist Literature from the following


51 - In Buddhism 'Bull' is related to what incident of Buddha's life?


52 - In his inscriptions Ashoka called himself

Devanampriya Priyadarshi King

53 - In Jain literature, which of the following Tirthankar is also known as Prajapati, Adibrahma and Aadinath?


54 - In what respect did Jainism differ from Buddhism?

In its stress on the doctrine of ahimsa

55 - In which descent Abhinandannath Tirthankar was born?

Ikswakshu Vansh

56 - In which language were the Buddhist-texts 'Pitakas' composed?


57 - In which Nakshatra (constellation) Abhinandannath Tirthankar was born?


58 - In which Nakshatra (constellation) Sumtinath Tirthankar was born?

Magha Nakshtra

59 - Jainism was divided into two sects - Swetambaras (White-clad) and Digambaras (Sky clad or naked) - During the reign of the


60 - Kailasha temple of Ellora was built by?

Krishna I

61 - Kalidasa's works include:I. AbhijnanashakuntalamII. Meghadutam III. RaghuvamsaIV. MalvikagnimitramV. RitusamharaVI. KumarasambhavaSelect the correct option

All of them

62 - Kalinga was situated between?

Mahanadi & Godavari

63 - Kanishka ruled from?


64 - Lord Mahavira died at


65 - Magical charms and spells are given in which of the following Vedas?

Atharva Veda

66 - Mahabalipuram is an important city that reveals the interest of arts of


67 - Mahabhasya was written by


68 - Mahavira was born in a Kshatriya clan by the name of


69 - Mahavira's first disciple was


70 - Most of the Chola temples were dedicated to


71 - Nagarjuna is known as the Einstein of India because

He propounded the theory of Shunyavada similar to Einstein's theory of Relativity

72 - Name the Muslim Invader who destroyed Nalanda University?

Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar

73 - Name the ruler whose patronage had been enjoyed by Jainism


74 - Odisha's World famous Konark Sun Temple wasbuit by


75 - Oil paint was first used for Buddhist paintings by Indian and Chinese painters in western __________ sometime between the fifth and tenth centuries


76 - On which of the following systems of Hindu Philosophy , Shankaracharya wrote commentary in 9th century AD?


77 - Panchasidhantika, written by Varahmihir is based on?


78 - Patanjali, the second great grammarian of Ancient India, was a contemporary of

Pushyamitra Sunga

79 - Prithivyah Pratham Veer was the title of?


80 - Ramcharitmanas is an epic poem written in which language ?


81 - Santhara is a religious ritual of__________ community


82 - Satavahana dynasty originated from?

South of Vindhya

83 - Select correct pair of book and author

Panchsidhantika : Varharmihara

84 - Select the correct language in which Jain and Buddhist literature were written?

Both A & B

85 - Select the correct pair of writer and their book

Bhavabhuti's Utter -Ramacharita

86 - Select the incorrect pair

Panini : Mentioned the term 'Bharata' for a region of 60 Janapadas

87 - Study of inscription is called


88 - Sumtinath Tirthankara was born from whose womb?


89 - Taxila University was located between which two rivers?

Indus and Jhelum

90 - Taxila was a famous site of

Gandhara art

91 - The accounts of Kalinga war are depicted by

Rock edict XIII

92 - The Ajanta Paintings belong to the

Gupta period

93 - The art style which combines Indian and Greek features is called


94 - The Badami rock inscription of Pulakesin-I is dated in Saka Year 465. If the same work to be dated in Vikram Samvat, the year would be


95 - The Buddha attained nirvana at __________

Bodh Gaya

96 - The Buddha has been eulogized as an ocean of wisdom and compassion in


97 - The Buddha's Eight Fold Path did not include

Right Table Manners

98 - The Buddhist Doctrines were written in


99 - The building of the famous Kailasa temple at Ellora was executed under the Rashtrakuta king


100 - The correct chronological order of the four Buddhist councils held Is

Rajagriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir or Jullandhar

101 - The daughter who milks animals in the Vedic period was known as


102 - The earlier Buddhist sculptures had shied away from depicting the image of the Buddha, except through such symbols as

All of the above

103 - The earliest specimen of Kavya style is found in?


104 - The early Buddhist scriptures were composed in

Pali texts

105 - The eighth-century tripartite power struggle was among which of the following?

Chalukyas, Pallavas and Pandyas

106 - The famous Buddhist scholar Ashvaghosha was a contemporary of which one of the following?


107 - The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the


108 - The famous Indo-Greek Kin, who embraced Buddhism was __________


109 - The famous Indo-Greek king to embrace Buddhism was


110 - The famous Jain centre in South India is situated at


111 - The famous Kailashnath Temple at Kanchi was built by

Narasimhavarman II

112 - The famous rock-cut temple of Kailasa is at


113 - The first Buddhist Council was held at


114 - The first elaborate description of Upanayana Sanskar is found in the

Tandyamaha Brahmana

115 - The first image of the Buddha was carved out during the reign of

Kanishka I

116 - The founder of Jainism was


117 - The fourth and the last Buddhist Council was convened by


118 - The fourth Buddhist Council was held at


119 - The greatest Buddhist commentator of the Buddhist canonical literature has been


120 - The greatest Kushana ruler whose contribution to Buddhism was even greater than that of Ashoka, was

Kanishka I

121 - The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli in Delhi is believed to record the achievements of

Chandragupta II

122 - The Jaina literature is known as


123 - The Kailasha temple is located in the caves of


124 - The land measures of the Second Pandyan Empire was mentioned in

Thalavaipuram Copper Plates

125 - The main contribution of Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar to education and in particular to women education are

Both A and B

126 - The main focus of the Rigvedic culture was

Indus Valley

127 - The most famous Chera ruler was


128 - The most famous Indo-Greek ruler of India, famous for his sense of Justice and dialogues with a Buddhist monk Nagasena (as described in the Buddhist work Milinda Panho) was


129 - The most important source of our information on ancient India's cultural history are

Literature and epics

130 - The most striking feature of the Ashokan pillars is their


131 - The name Buddha means


132 - The paintings in the Ajanta and Ellora caves are indicative of development of art under the


133 - The queen with the title Didda ruled over which part of India between 980 - 1003?


134 - The Rathas of Mahabalipuram, the rock- cut architecture, were built by a king of the dynasty of


135 - The Religious lessons of 'Jews' are called

Musa Sanhita (Torah)

136 - The religious movements of Buddhism and Jainism were led by

Kshatriya Princes

137 - The site of birth (nativity) of Gautam Buddha is marked by

A "Rummindei Pillar" of Ashok Maurya

138 - The subject matter of Ajanta Paintings pertains to


139 - The Svetambara Jains were

clad in white

140 - The 'Three Jewels' (Triratnas) of Jainism are

right faith or intentions, right knowledge and right conduct

141 - The two colossal images of the Buddha at Bamiyan are an instance of the __________ art?


142 - The Veda, which is partly a prose work, is


143 - The Vedic term vrihi stands for


144 - The Vijaynagar ruler Krishna Dev Raya's work 'Amuktamalayada' was written in which language?


145 - The Virupaksha Temple was built by the


146 - The word Jina from which the Jain(ism) has originated stands for

conqueror (of senses)

147 - Tirthankar Ajitnath was detached from whose effects?

Acharya Aridaman

148 - To which Ganarajya Gautam Buddha belonged?


149 - To whom is the introduction of Buddhism into China traditionally attributed?

Kashyapa Matanga

150 - Tripitakas' are sacred books of


151 - Tuluva Narasa who ruled the Vijaynagara Empire for the period 1491-1503 belonged to which dynasty?

Tuluva Dynasty

152 - Upanishads are books on


153 - Vardhamana Mahavira the 24 th Tirthankar of Jainism was born at __________ and died at __________

Kundagrama and Pava

154 - Vardhman Mahavira is also known as


155 - Vikram Shila University was founded by


156 - What is 'Patriarchic Society'?

System that values men more than women

157 - What is the ancient name of river Satulaj?


158 - What is the correct chronological sequence of the under mentioned Pallava kings? I. Nandivarman IIII. Mahendravarman IIII. Narasimhavarman IIV. Simhavishnu


159 - What is the first discourse that the Buddha had delivered at the Deer Park in Sarnath called?


160 - What is the moral of the horse?

All of the above

161 - What is true about Lothal - ancient site?I. Lothal was an ancient port of Indus civilization.II. It was excavated by the S.R. RaoIII. Currently it is situated in the Pakistan

Only I , II

162 - What led to the end of Indus Valley Civilization?

All the above

163 - What was Hampi known for?

It was the capital of Vijayanagar

164 - What was the capital of Avanti?


165 - What was the meaning of the symbol Horse of Sambhavnath Tirthankar?

Restrained heart

166 - What was the name assigned to Rishabhnath Tirthankar because of the mark on his right leg?


167 - What was the name of the father of Rishabhnath Tirthankar?


168 - What was the name of the mother of Rishabhnath?


169 - What was the purpose of the Indian visit of Hiuen Tsang?

To visit the holy places connected with Buddhism

170 - What was the symbol of Sambhavnath Tirthankar?


171 - Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?


172 - Where did Sumtinath Tirthankar attained Nirvana?

Sammed Shikhar

173 - Where did Sumtinath Tirthankar receive Shiksha (enlightenment)?


174 - Where is the Lingaraja Temple located?


175 - Where was the first Buddhist Council held?


176 - Where were the hymns of Rigveda composed?


177 - Which among the following is not a correct pair?

Elephanta Caves – Mauyra Era

178 - Which among the following is not correct

The capital of the Videha Kingdom was Mithila

179 - Which among the following is the sacred book of the Buddhists?


180 - Which among the following 'MATH' is related with Buddhism?


181 - Which among the following Mudra is the gesture of Buddha as depicted in his first sermon?

Dharmachakra Mudra

182 - Which Ancient Indian literature deals with concepts about origin of universe, death and birth, material and spiritual world?


183 - Which ancient literature contains short stories that have the priceless treasure of morality and knowledge?


184 - Which emperor wrote the play 'Nagananda' in Sanskrit language?


185 - Which empire lasted the longest among the following?

The Rashtrakutas

186 - Which following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Ancient Sanskrit literature?I. The works of Kalidasa include the Kumarsambhava, the Raghuvamsha, the Meghaduta, the Abhijnanshakuntalam are considered classics in field of poetry and style.II. Ba

All of the above

187 - Which Indian literature is a collection of 1028 hymns written in Vedic Sanskrit?

Rig Vedas

188 - Which inscription mentions about the village administration under the Cholas?


189 - Which is a treatise on the science of governance?

Kautilya's Arthshastra

190 - Which is a work of Tamil Grammar that is said to be the earliest extant work of Tamil Literature?


191 - Which is known as book of Melody?


192 - Which is representative of Dravida style of temple architecture?


193 - Which language was mostly used for the propogation of Buddhism?


194 - Which museum houses the largest collection Kushan sculptures?

Mathura Museum

195 - Which of following Chalcolithic sites comes under Ganges system?


196 - Which of the doctrines of Jainism was added by Mahavira?

Observe continence

197 - Which of the following Ancient Indian literature was a treatise on the science of governance?


198 - Which of the following Assamese literature is Buddhist songs composed in the 8th to 12th centuries?


199 - Which of the following books is based on Astrology?

Hora Shastra

200 - Which of the following cities was founded by Krishandevaraya?


201 - Which of the following civilization is famous for its city/town planning?

Indus Valley Civilization

202 - Which of the following could be associated with Buddhism? I. Rejection of the authority of VedasII. Denial of GodIII. Belief in the categories of jiva and ajivaIV. The concept of nirvanaV. Theory of prakriti and purusha

I,II and IV

203 - Which of the following does not have a Stupa?


204 - Which of the following inscriptions is found in purest Sanskrit?


205 - Which of the following is incorrectly matched (in Gupta administration)?

Vishya - state

206 - Which of the following is known as the Jain Temple City?


207 - Which of the following is not a category into which Ashoka's monuments may be grouped?


208 - Which of the following is not a religious text?


209 - Which of the following is not an important limb of Vedas?


210 - Which of the following is not matched correctly?

Vardhamana Mahavira's daughter-Cheiiana

211 - Which of the following is not one of the animals carved on the Sarnath Pillar?


212 - Which of the following is related to Etymology?


213 - Which of the following is the single most important source of the history of Ashoka?

Inscriptions of Ashoka

214 - Which of the following is true regarding the Aryan Economy?I. Aryans, crossed the nomadic stage.II. Lion, elephants, & Boar were not known to them.III. Coins were known to them

Only I

215 - Which of the following is/are poetry and drama?

All of the above

216 - Which of the following literatures is known as Apaurusheya?


217 - Which of the following place, Buddha was never depicted in a human form but was represented only as a symbol of either two footprints or wheel?


218 - Which of the following ruler was a contemporary of Buddha?


219 - Which of the following rulers did not enter the Buddhist Cold?


220 - Which of the following School of art noted for its vitality and assimilative character just because of Brahmanism, Jainism and Buddhism?

Mathura School of art

221 - Which of the following signs was etched on the right leg of Rishabhnath Tirthankar?


222 - Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about ancient Indian literature?

All of the above

223 - Which of the following statement (S) is/are correct related to the Ancient Indian Literature?I. Vedas, Puranas, Kautilya's Arthashastra, and other literature besides foreign accounts are only available literary sources that restructure the Ancient Indian

Both I and II

224 - Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the ManusmritiI. Smritis dealt with the performance of duties, customs and laws prescribed according to Dharma.II. Consists mainly of dialogues between the Buddha and his followers

Only I

225 - Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related with the Kautilya's Arthashastra?I. Kautilya's Arthashastra is a book on statecraft was written in Gupta Period.II. Arthashastra was written in the fourth century B.C. by Kautilya, from which it

Only II

226 - Which of the following statement is correct about South-Indian Literature?

Both A & B

227 - Which of the following statement is/ are correct?I. In the 326 BC Alexander invaded India.II. Ambhi, king of Taxila welcomed Alexander and his menIII. Alexander died in 332 BC

Only I, II

228 - Which of the following statement is/are correct?I. Panini's Ashtadhyayi, book on grammar in eight chapters is the final culmination of this excellent art of writing in sutra (precepts) in which every chapter is precisely interwoven.II. The Brahmanas elabo

Only II

229 - Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct related to the Megasthenese profess of writing?I. Megasthenese wrote extensively in a book called 'Indica' which is no longer available to us.II. Megasthenese's writings could be seen through various extr

All of the above

230 - Which of the following statements is correct?

Harsha sent missionaries to the west to propagate Buddhism

231 - Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Vedic literature available for reconstructing the ancient Indian history?I. Vedic literature, mainly the four Vedas i.e. Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas, are entirely in a different languag

Both I & II

232 - Which of the following teachings was given to people by Rishabhnath before starting of an Era?

All of the above

233 - Which of the following Vedas is not a part of Vedatrayi?

Atharva Veda

234 - Which of the following was the capital of Surasena Mahajanapada?


235 - Which of the following was the cause of the decline of Buddhism?

Corruption crept into Buddhist monasteries

236 - Which of the Kushana ruler patronised Buddhism?


237 - Which one of following pairs is not correctly matched?

Rigveda Samhita - Earliest prose

238 - Which one of the following dynasties was ruling at the time of Alexander's invasion?

The Nanda

239 - Which one of the following famous ruler is called as 'Father of Inscriptions'?

Samudra Gupta

240 - Which one of the following Indus cities has houses with doors on the main streets?


241 - Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

Vishakhadatta : Kaumudi-mahotsava

242 - Which one of the following is not included in the 'Eight Fold Path' of Buddhism?

Right Desire

243 - Which one of the following pairs does not belong to the same category?

Satavahanas - Simuka

244 - Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

Vipas - Jhelum

245 - Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

Pallavas : Devagiri

246 - Which one of the following places has yielded earliest Stupa railing?


247 - Which one of the following sources states that Srinagar was built by Ashoka?

Kalhana's Rajatarangini

248 - Which one of the following was the last Buddhisttext produced In India?


249 - Which one of the following works deals with the history of Kashmir?


250 - Which queen of the Kakatiya dynasty ruled over Warangal, part of modern Andhra Pradesh?


251 - Which Rashtrakuta ruler built the famous Kailash temple of Shiva at Ellora?


252 - Which rulers built the Ellora temples?


253 - Which script was used in Ashoka's inscriptions?


254 - Which statement (s) is/are correct about Ancient Indian literature? I. Brahmanas and Aryankas followed by philosophical doctrines of UpanishadsII. Brahmanas are contains detailed explanation about Vedic literature and instructions

Both I & II

255 - Which statement (s) is/are correct about Aryankas?I. It is a treatise of forest which explain the rituals while dwelling into the philosophical discussions of the Brahmanas.II. They record the transitions between ritualistic symbolism of Brahmanas and phi

Both I & II

256 - Which symbol shows renunciation of Gautam Buddha?


257 - Which type of pottery was most popular with the Later Vedic people?

Red Ware

258 - Which Veda deals with magical hymn or charms of spell?


259 - Which was probably the most popular assembly in which even women enjoyed an equal status with men in the Early Vedic period?


260 - Which was the world- famous treatise of the amorous arts?


261 - Which was/were the greatest poetry and drama work of Kaildas?

All of the above

262 - Who among the following 8th century Sanskrit poet wrote Gandavadha which describes the exploits of Yasoverman (king of Kanyakubj) ?


263 - Who among the following built the Gomateshwara statue at Sravanabelagola ?


264 - Who among the following Gupta rulers faced invasion of Hunas?


265 - Who among the following had written down the 'Ramcharita'?

Sandhyakara Nandi

266 - Who among the following had written the 'Rajatarangini' which was the metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western Indian subcontinent?


267 - Who among the following has written Malavikagnimitram?


268 - Who among the following Kushan Emperors was the first to introduce the gold coinage in India?

Vima Kadphises

269 - Who among the following renowned Scholar wrote the biography of King Harsha and Kadambari?


270 - Who among the following rulers was first to embrace Buddhism?


271 - Who among the following was the first grammarian of the Sanskrit language?


272 - Who among the following writer's book gives the detail information about the invasion of India by Alexander?


273 - Who among the following wrote commentaries on Harshavardhana's administration and the court life in Kannauj?


274 - Who built Brihadeshwara Temple at Tanjore?

Raja Raj Chola

275 - Who built the famous Vaikunta Perumal temple at Kanchipuram?

Nandi Yerman II

276 - Who composed the Allahabad Pillar inscription?


277 - Who constructed the Khajuraho temples?

Chandel Rajput

278 - Who established Nalanda Mahavihara ?


279 - Who has given the treatise on the rule of the Pandyan kingdom by Pandala a daughter of Herakles?


280 - Who is the author of Vikramakacharita?


281 - Who is the most prominent god of 'Rig Veda'?


282 - Who of the following was a contemporary of Alexander the Great?

Chandragupta Maurya

283 - Who propounded the 'Eight-Fold Path' for the end of misery of mankind?

Gautam Buddha

284 - Who started the Saka Era and when?

Kanishka in 78 AD

285 - Who was the first Indian astronomer to calculate the time taken by earth to orbit the sun?


286 - Who was the first nun of Gautama Buddha?


287 - Who was the founder of Pataliputra?


288 - Who was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty?


289 - Who was the founder of Vikramshila Vihar?


290 - Who was the last great ruler of Gupta dynasty?


291 - Who was the main male God worshipped by Indus people?

Lord Shiva

292 - Who was the master of Gautama Buddha?

Alara Kalama

293 - Who wrote 'Nyaya Sutra'?


294 - Who wrote Panchatantra?

Vishnu Sharma

295 - Who wrote Si- Yu- ki?

Hieun Tsiang

296 - Who, among the following rulers, organised the Second Buddhist Council?


297 - Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription?

Samudra Gupta

298 - Why did King Vipulvahan develop aversion for worldly life?

Because of famine

299 - With which of the following is the classic "Jivaka Chintamani" in Tamil associated?


300 - With which religion is Kaivalya associated?



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