India History MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set: 5

1 - __________ is remembered as the 'Grand old man of India'

Dadabhai Naoroji

2 - __________ is the acknowledged high priest of the drain theory

Dadabhai Naoroji

3 - __________ started The Adyar Bulletin, which continued until 1929

Annie Besant

4 - __________co-edited 'the National Reformer' with Charles Bradlaugh and wrote many political and free-thought books and pamphlets from 1874-88

Annie Besant

5 - __________edited the journal of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha


6 - __________'s Darsana Mala is written in Sanskrit

Sree Narayana Guru

7 - A 19th century social reformer who is regarded as the bridge between the past and the future is

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

8 - According to Dadabhai Naoroji 'Swaraj' means

Self government

9 - According to Gandhi, ahimsa could not be construed to mean

tolerance of the wrong and unjust

10 - According to the provisions of the Regulating Act the Supreme Court in Bengal consisted of the Chief Justice and

Three Judges

11 - Advaita Deepika is the work of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

12 - After leaving the Congress, Subhash Chandra Bose formed, in 1939, his own party, named

Forward Bloc

13 - After the 1935 elections, the only two provinces out of eleven which had non-Congress ministries were

Bengal and Punjab

14 - Against Lord and State was written by

K N Panikkar

15 - 'AI Hilal' was a newspaper launched for propagating nationalism by

Abul Kalam Azad

16 - All are of one Self-fraternity such being the dictum to avow, in such a light how can we take life and devoid of least pity go on to eat. Who said this?

Sree Narayana Guru

17 - Among the numerous followers of Gandhi's 'philosophy' was/were

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

18 - An emigre (a person or thing who/which has emigrated) communist journal brought out by M N Roy was


19 - As a result of the elections held in early 1937 under the Act of 1935 the Congress formed ministries in provinces


20 - As per 'August Offer 1940' the Constitution of India would be drawn by


21 - As per Cabinet Mission Plan, the Princely States would be represented by __________ members in the Constituent Assembly


22 - As per Cabinet Mission Plan, the strength of the Constituent Assembly would be


23 - As per the Regulating Act a Supreme Court was established in


24 - Assertion (A): English was taken as the medium of instruction in India by the William Bentinck. Reason (R): William Bentinck wanted to promote western culture in India

Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A

25 - 'August Offer' was issued by __________


26 - August Offer' was issued on __________ 1940

08 August.

27 - Author of 'Culture ideology Hegemony Intellectual and Social consciousness in Colonial India' is


28 - Baba Ram Singh passed away on November 29, __________


29 - Baba Ram Singh, born at Bhaini, in __________district in 1816


30 - Bal Gangadhar Tilak earned the epithet of Lokamanya during

the Home Rule Movement

31 - Bal Gangadhar Tilak was given the epithet of Lokamanya during

Home Rule Movement

32 - Bicameral Legislature was first provided to India by the

Government of India Act of 1919

33 - China invaded Indian frontiers in the year __________


34 - During the Anglo-French struggle in the Carnatic, the French were finally defeated by the English in the battle of


35 - During the Second World War Churchill replaced __________ as Prime Minister of England


36 - From which of the following Upanishads the words 'Satyameva Jayate' inscribed in Devanagari Script below the abacus of the state Emblem are?


37 - Gandhi wanted to realise 'truth' through

Ahimsa (Non-violence)

38 - Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on

March 5,1931

39 - Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 5th March __________


40 - Gandhiji considered Khadi as a symbol of

Economic independence

41 - Go back to Vedas This call is given by

Dayanand Saraswati

42 - Gokhale was born in a Marathi Brahmin family at __________


43 - Hevarappathinkangal is a Tamil work of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

44 - Identify the body among the following that was not founded by Dr B R Ambedkar?

Deccan Education Society

45 - In 1848, an incident took place in his life that later sparked off the dalit-revolution in the Indian society. Jyotirao was invited to attend a wedding of one of his __________friends


46 - In 1893 __________represented The Theosophical Society at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago

Annie Besant

47 - In 1904 the then Maharaja of . . . . . . exempted Narayana Guru from personal appearances in court, an honour recognizing the Guru as a distinguished living personality


48 - In 1907, after the passing of Col. H. S. Olcott, __________ became the second International President of the Theosophical Society

Annie Besant

49 - In 1913, the Guru founded an Ashram at __________ called the Advaita Ashram


50 - In 1916 Mahatma Gandhi travelled to__________ to inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive plantation system


51 - In 1921, Mahatma Gandhi resolved to wear only a loin cloth to propagate home spun cotton to signify

his identification with the Indian people

52 - In 1937, the Congress formed Ministries in

5 states

53 - In 1946, the Interim Government was formed under

Jawaharlal Nehru

54 - In November 1881, Narendra went to meet __________who was staying at the Kali Temple in Dakshineshwar

Sri Ramakrishna

55 - In the Cabinet Mission Plan, provision was made for the Commissioner's Provinces to represent by __________ members in the Constituent Assembly


56 - In the famous Kakori Conspiracy Case (August 1925) which of the following revolutionaries was not hanged?


57 - In which city of South Africa was Gandhi beaten up and thrown off the pavement by the white people?


58 - In which of the following provinces the Congress Ministry was not formed in June 1937?


59 - In which of the following system of land settlement adopted by the English did provide more protectionto the interest of farmers?

Ryotwari Settlement of Madras

60 - In which state was the first non-Congress Government set up in independent India?


61 - In which year was the All India Muslim League founded?


62 - In which year was the partition of Bengal scrapped?


63 - India attained 'Dominion status' on

15th August, 1947

64 - India for the Indians was the political message of


65 - India was partitioned as a consequence of the formula contained in

June 3 Plan or Mountbatten Plan

66 - India Wins Freedom is the autobiography of

Abdul Kalam Azad

67 - Indian Association formed in __________ was one of the pioneer political associations with an all India outlook


68 - Indirect election was introduced in India by the Act of


69 - Infanticide was completely banned by the

Bengal Regulation Act XXI of 1795

70 - Jathi Nirnayam is the work of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

71 - Jinnah gave his opposition to Wavell's Plan in the Conference held at __________


72 - Jyotiba Phule died On 28 November,__________


73 - Jyotirao Phule was born in Satara district of __________ in 1827


74 - Kasturba Gandhi died in detention (in 1944) at

Aga Khan Palace

75 - Krishnamohan started the __________ in 1831


76 - Land Revenue under Tipu__________

Was mainly collected by Government officialsappointed by Tipu

77 - Mahabandula was killed at __________


78 - Mahabandula was the great General of the


79 - Mahatma Gandhi began his political activities in India first from


80 - Mahatma Gandhi broke his epic fast unto death on September 26, 1932 after the Poona Pact, which provided for

All the above

81 - Mahatma Gandhi participated In the Second Round Table conference after

signing the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of March 1931

82 - Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from__________ in January 1915

South Africa

83 - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a scholar in


84 - Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was called as 'Mahatma' by

Rabindra Nath Tagore

85 - Montagu who toured in India in 1918 was a

Secretary of State for India

86 - Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das were the founder members of the

Swarajya Party

87 - Murshid Quli Khan, Alivardi Khan andSirajuddaullah were all nawabs of__________ ?


88 - Name the Commission that came to India in 1928 to reform India's constitutional system

Simon Commission

89 - Narain Malhar Joshi founded

Both (a) and (b) above

90 - Narayana Guru started a Sanskrit school in __________


91 - Narayana Guru was born on August 22, 1856, in the village of __________ near Thiruvananthapuram


92 - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose had proclaimed the formation of the Provisional Government of Independent India (Azad Hind) in


93 - November 26, 1949 is a significant day in our constitutional history because

The constitution was adopted on this day

94 - Of the following who did not find a place in the Legislative Council as per the Act of 1853?

The Lieutenant Governor

95 - Of the following who died as political prisoner in Lahore prison?

Jatin Das

96 - Of the following who was a poet and political thinker?

Mohammed Iqbal

97 - Of the following who was not the leader of the Extremists?


98 - On April 12, 1944 Subhash Chandra Bose hoisted the INA Flag in a town. In which State/Union Territory is that town now?


99 - On September 20, 1932 Mahatma Gandhi began a fast unto death in Yervada jail against

Communal award of Ramsay MacDonald

100 - On what charge was Khudiram Bose, a boy of 18, sentenced to death on April 30, 1908?

for attempting to murder Kingsfords, the Chief Presidency Magistrate at Muzaffarpur, who had ordered severe flogging to some young men for minor offences.

101 - One Caste One Religion, One God for Man is the teaching of __________

Sree Narayana Guru

102 - PIassey is located near

Murshidabad in West Bengal

103 - Provision was made by the Charter Act of 1813 for the establishment of a Church at __________


104 - Provision was made in the Act of 1773, for the office of a Governor-General of

Fort William

105 - Rabindranath Tagore had renounced his knighthood because

Of the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy

106 - Ram Prasad Bismil had been associated with the case?

Kokori bomb

107 - Rohelas were of __________ origin


108 - Rowlatt after whom Rowlatt Act was named was a


109 - Sarvodaya stands for

Upliftment of all

110 - Sati was prohibited by

Lord William Bentinck

111 - Servants of India Society was founded in


112 - Shuja-ud-Daulah wanted to acquire the territory of


113 - Shuja-ud-Daulah was the Nawab of


114 - SN Banerjee was appointed Professor in English in the Metropolitan Institute at


115 - 'Swaathanthrya gadha' – was written by the great poet __________


116 - Swami Vivekananda was born in an affluent family in __________ on 12 January 1863


117 - Swami Vivekananda, known in his pre-monastic life as__________

Narendra Nath Datta

118 - The 19th Century reawakening in India was confined to the

Upper middle class

119 - The All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 at


120 - The All India Muslim league was founded by

Agha Khan

121 - The All India Muslim League was founded in December 1906 at


122 - The Asiatic Society had been established in Calcutta by

Sir William Jones

123 - The author of the "The Peri plus of the Erythraean Sea" was a


124 - The Charter Act of 1793 Renewed the Company's monopoly for __________ years

20 years

125 - The Communist Party of India was founded in 1921 by

MN Roy

126 - The Company's monopoly of Trade was abolished by the Act of


127 - The Congressmen who wanted to contest the elections under the Act of 1919 and enter the legislature, formed a party (1923) called

Swaraj Party

128 - The Cripps Mission visited India in the year


129 - The Deccan Educational Society founded by


130 - The Diwani Adalat was presided over by


131 - The English established their first factory in Bengal in 1651 at __________


132 - The famous revolutionary song 'Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil mei hai ' was composed by

Ramprasad Bismil

133 - The first Carnatic War in India was an extension of the Anglo-French War in


134 - The first Congress and nationalist leader to face repeated imprisonment was

BG Tilak

135 - The first Defence Minister of India was

Baldev Singh

136 - The first definite and forceful expression of the concept of a separate homeland for the Muslims came from (or the Catcher of the idea of Pakistan was)

Sir Mohammad Iqbal

137 - The first Famine Commission was constituted under

Sir Richard Strachey

138 - The first Indian national leader who began building, organizing and promoting the freedom struggle was

Dadabhai Naoroji

139 - The first Indian who was elected to the leadership of the Communist International was

MN Roy

140 - The first organisation in the Madras Presidency to agitate for the rights of Indians was the Madras Native Association which was established by publicist __________ Chetty in 1849. This organisation did not survive for long and was eventually disbanded.

Gazulu Lakshminarasu

141 - The first plans for an Indian railway system was made by


142 - The first woman to become a Chief Minister of any State in India was

Sucheta Kripalani

143 - The First World Conference on Women in __________, generated a new interest in and debate on women's issues


144 - The founder-president of India Independence League was

Rash Behari Bose

145 - The Frontier Gandhi actively participated in

Civil Disobedience Movement

146 - The Government of India, 1919 is also known as

Montague - Chelmsford Reforms

147 - The Governor-General was given power to issue ordinances by the act of


148 - The Hindu College was started in 1817 at


149 - The Home Rule League was started by

B.G. Tilak

150 - The Idea of federation was first proposed in

Nehru Report of 1928

151 - The INC for the first time passed the resolutions on Swaraj, Boycott and National Education at its annual session held at

Calcutta (1906)

152 - The Indian Civil Service Examination was thrown open to all by the Act of


153 - The joint session of the Congress and Muslim League was held in 1916 at


154 - The landmarks or Dalhousie's administration did not include

English as the medium of instruction

155 - The leader of the Anuslian Samiti was

Barindra Kumar Ghosh

156 - The majority of the moderate leaders of India's freedom struggle may be traced to hail from

Urban areas

157 - The Marathas were defeated in Panipat because

The Marathas were not equal to Afghans instrength

158 - The Mountbatten plan did not envisage the inclusion of the __________ province in the Indian dominion


159 - The Muslim League demanded creation of Pakistan (Pakistan Resolution) in its session held on March 24, 1940 at


160 - The Muslim League withdrew its acceptance of the Cabinet Mission Plan and decided to resort to Direct Action Day on


161 - The name of the periodical published by Gandhi during his stay in South Africa was

Indian Opinion

162 - The number of members in the Simon Commission/was __________


163 - The Objective of Non-alignment of India's foreign policy means

To judge every international issue on its own merit

164 - The office of the Secretary of State for India was created by the Act of


165 - The only AICC session Gandhiji presided was held at


166 - The Pakistan panacea was sponsored by

Md Iqbal

167 - The passage of the Rowlatt Act had been almost immediately followed by the

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

168 - The Prime causes of the 1857 mutiny did not include

Laws forbidding intermarriages between Indians and the British

169 - The programme of Swadeshi and Boycott against the partition of Bengal was visualised by

Aurobindo Ghose

170 - The Province of Bengal Constituted by the Act of 1935 would cease to exist as per __________

The Indian Independence Act of 1947

171 - The revolutionary who died of a 64 days hunger strike was

Jatin Das

172 - The Rohelas helped the Afghan invaders in 1761 in the Battle of


173 - The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year


174 - The ruler of Mysore who secured the rendition of Mysore was

Krishnaraja III

175 - The Ryotwari System of Land Tenure to a situation where

The Ryot is the owner of the land held by him/her and directly pays the revenue assessedon the land to the State

176 - The Second Round Table Conference failed over the question of

communal representation

177 - The Secretary of State for India was given powers by

The Act of 1919

178 - The Sepoy Mutiny broke out on May 10, 1857 at __________


179 - The Simon Commission was formed to review

Fitness of India for further reforms

180 - The song 'Jana-Gana-Mana' composed by Rabindra Nath Tagore was first published in January 1912 under the title of

Bharat Vidhata

181 - The song Jana-Gana-Mana composed by Rabindranath Tagore was first published in January 1912 under the title of

Bharat Vidhata

182 - The system of communal electorate in India was first introduced by

Minto-Morley reforms of 1909

183 - The use of the mother tongue in India in the law Court was permitted by


184 - The young Nanu had a keen mind and was sent to a famous scholar, __________ Asan at Karunagapally, a village fifty miles away from his home, at the age of 21

Kummampilli Raman Pillai

185 - Through which Educational Report Calcutta University came into existence?

Wood's Despatch

186 - To avenge the brutal lathi charge on Lala Lajpat Rai (October 30, 1928), which was believed to have caused his death subsequently, who murdered Saunders, the Assistant Superintendent of Police, Lahore?

Bhagat Singh

187 - To campaign for Home Rule, Mrs Annie Besant published the newspaper (s)

New India and Commonweal

188 - To establish French political influence in Sothern India, Dupleix had an opportunity in the disputed succession to the thrones of

Hyderabad and Carnatic

189 - To face the Maratha Army the Rohelas chief entered into a pact with

The Nawab of Awadh

190 - To which personality Mahatma Gandhi gave the title "Deen Bandhu"?

CF Andrews

191 - To whom is the statement "Cowardice and ahimsa do not go together any more than water and fire" attributed?

M K Gandhi

192 - Under whose leadership was the Congress Socialist Party founded in 1934?

Acharya Narendra Bose and P.C. Joshi

193 - Viewing the pathetic condition of widows and unfortunate children Jyotirao decided the open an orphanage called __________

Satya Shodhak Samaj

194 - What benefits did the Poona Pact offer to the depressed classes?

18% seats in the central legislature and 148 seats in the provincial legislature

195 - What was the Ilbert Bill intended for?

To enable India District Magistrates and Session Judges to try Europeans

196 - What was the name of the English weekly edited by Mahatma Gandhi?

Young India

197 - When did M.K Gandhi participated in the Second Round Table Conference?

Signing the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of March, 1931

198 - When did the Cripps Mission, which had practically repeated the August Offer 1940 visit India?


199 - When Ramakrishna Mission was founded?


200 - When the August Offer 1940 was offered to India the Prime Minister of England was


201 - When the Governor-General was away from Bengal a Vice President appointed by __________ would act for him


202 - When was the All India Women's Conference founded?


203 - When was the Gandhi Irwin Pact made?


204 - Where did the so-called 'Black Hole Tragedy' take place ?


205 - Where was the Royal Durbar Held on November 1st, 1858 to issue to Queen's proclamation?


206 - Which among the following is correctly matched?

Indian National Army - Subhash Chandra Bose

207 - Which governor General abolished the 'Sati System' in India?

Lord William Bentinck

208 - Which is the oldest trade Union organisation in India?

All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)

209 - Which of the following books were written by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru? I. Discovery of IndiaII. Outline of HistoryIII. Glimpses of World HistoryIV. A Study of History


210 - Which of the following event compel the Rabindranath Tagore to renounce his knighthood?

To protest against the Jallianwalla Bagh incident

211 - Which of the following event was probe by the Hunter Commission?

Jalianwalla Bagh massacre

212 - Which of the following Government of India Act gave separate representation to the Muslims?

Act of 1909

213 - Which of the following institutions was not founded by Gandhi?

Ramakrishna Mission

214 - Which of the following is correctly matched?

Regulating Act: 1773

215 - Which of the following is the correct chronological order of in modern Indian history?

Morley-Minto Reforms, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Gandhi-Irwin Pact, August Offer

216 - Which of the following leader did not attended the First Round Table Conference?

M. K. Gandhi

217 - Which of the following leader was associated with the Home Rule League?

B. G. Tilak

218 - Which of the following leader was one of the founding member of the Muslim League?

Nawab Salimullah

219 - Which of the following libraries has the largest collection of manuscripts of historical value?

Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library

220 - Which of the following newspaper was started by Annie Besant?

New India

221 - Which of the following pair of Congress Session is not correctly matched?

Lahore Session 1929: Resolution on Fundamental Rights and National Economic Policy

222 - Which of the following reason compel the leaders of Muslim League to enter in the Interim Government?

The Muslim League wanted to get a foothold to fight for the cherished goal of Pakistan

223 - Which of the following reason that compel the Congress leader not to attend the Round Table Conference?

The British government did not give any assurance to the effect that the discussions would proceed on the basis of granting Poorna Swaraj

224 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about the Act of 1919?

The salary of the Secretary of State for India was drawn out of the revenues of Indian government

225 - Which of the following statement is related with the provision of the Charter Act of 1833?

Put an end to the Company's tea trade and trade with China

226 - Which of the following statement relates the Dadabhai Naoroji's definition of 'Drain of Wealth'?

That a part of India's national wealth or total annual product was being exported to Britain for which India got no material return

227 - Which of the following statements is not correct? Provision was made In the Act of 1935 for

A List of Subjects for Princely States

228 - Which of the following treaties brought an end to the independent existence of Peshwa Baji Rao-II?

Treaty of Bassein

229 - Which of the following was established first?

University of Bombay

230 - Which of the following was not a common social reform attempted by all the Hindu social reformers of the 19th century


231 - Which of the following was not contained in the Cripps Offer?

Control of Defence of India by the Indian National Government

232 - Which of the following was not of the achievements of the Exteremist Group in the Congress?

The Calcutta Corporation Act and the Indian Universities Act were taken off the statute book

233 - Which of the following was not one of the cardinal principles of Mahatma Gandhi doctrine of Satyagraha?


234 - Which of the following was not one of the recommendations of the Cabinet Minion (1946) about the Constitution of India?

The Muslim majority provinces should be separately constituted into a Union of Pakistan

235 - Which one of the following is considered the Magna Carta of the Indian people?

Queen Victoria's Proclamation

236 - Which one of the following was the first English ship that came to India?

Red Dragon

237 - Which scripture was called his 'mother' by Gandhiji?

Bhagwat Gita

238 - Which town/city in India has got a tower (minar) named after Muhammad Ali Jinnah?


239 - Which year did Bankim Chandra Chatopadhyay wrote Anand Math?


240 - Who among of the following was the founder of society called 'Abhinav Bharat'?

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

241 - Who among the following Governors-General repealed the Vernacular Press Act of Lytton?


242 - Who among the following had been a high court judge, an economist, a social reformer, among the founders or the INC, besides being regarded by A O Hume as his political guru?

Mahadev Gobind Ranade

243 - Who among the following had observed, upon Gandhi's assassination. "None will believe that a man like this body and soul ever walked on this earth"?

Albert Einstein

244 - Who among the following introduced Ryotwari system in madras?

Sir Thomas Munro

245 - Who among the following reformer associated with the passing of the Widow Remarriage Act?

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

246 - Who among the following started Bengal weekly newspaper 'Samvad Kaumudi' in year 1821?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

247 - Who among the following was famous for framing the education minute?

Lord Macaulay

248 - Who composed the song "Sare Jahan Se Achha Hindostan Hamara"?

Mohammed Iqbal

249 - Who declared that he would talk of religion only when he succeeded in removing poverty and misery from the country, for religion could not appease hunger?

Swami Vivekananda

250 - Who designed the national flag of Independent India?

Pingali Venkaiya

251 - Who established Narayana Gurukulam in 1923 in the Nilgiri Hills with the blessings of Narayana Guru?

Nataraja Guru

252 - Who founded as Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College (MAOC) at Aligarh in 1875?

Sir Saiyad Ahmed Khan

253 - Who founded India House in London and guided other revolutionaries

Shyamji Krishna Varma

254 - Who founded the Central Hindu School and College in Benares (now Varanasi)?

Annie Besant

255 - Who founded the Naujawan Bharat Sabha?

Sardar Baghat Singh

256 - Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission?

Swami Vivekananda

257 - Who had founded the Deccan Educational Society?

Mahadeva Govind Ranade

258 - Who had given out the political message or 'India for the Indians'?

Dayananda Saraswati

259 - Who had introduced the Indian Universities Act 1904?

Lord Curzon

260 - Who had observed that "Political freedom is the life-breath of a nation"?

Sri Aurobindo Ghose

261 - Who had scrapped the partition of Bengal?

Lord Hardinge

262 - Who had strongly advocated the policy of abolishing princely states in free India?

C Rajagopalachari

263 - Who had succeeded Mir Jafar to the throne?

Mir Kasim

264 - Who introduced the permanent settlement in Bengal?

Lord Cornwallis

265 - Who is commonly known as the 'Iron Man'?

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

266 - Who is regarded as as the 'father of modern India'

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

267 - Who is the author of Vande Mataram?

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

268 - Who of the following was for the first time designated as the Governor of India

Warren Hastings

269 - Who opened the First Round Table Conference?

King George V

270 - Who persuaded the ratings of the RIN (Royal India Navy) to surrender on the 23rd February 1946?

Vallabh Bhai Patel and M.A. Jinnah

271 - Who played Socrates to the first generation of the English educated young men of Bengal

Henry Vivian Derozio

272 - Who proclaimed: It is years since I left castes and religions. Yet some people think that I belong to their caste. That is not correct. I do not belong to any particular caste or religion

Sree Narayana Guru

273 - Who represented Indian women in The Second Round Table Conference?

Sarojini Naidu

274 - Who said "Patriotism is religion and religion is love for India"?

Bankim chandra Chatterjee

275 - Who said that "India's Soul live in villages"?

Mahatma Gandhi

276 - Who said that "My ultimate aim is to wipe every tear from every eye"?

Jawahar Lal Nehru

277 - Who said that the constant 'drain of wealth' from India was responsible for Indla's economic miseries?

Dadabhai Naoroji

278 - Who said that 'the real seat of taste is not the tongue but the mind.'?

Mahatma Gandhi

279 - Who said this message, the name Ezhava does not denote a caste or a religion and he made temple rights to everyone. Therefore people can be admitted to this organization without paying heed to differences of caste

Narayana Guru

280 - Who shot dead John Saunder on 17th December 1928?

Bhagat Singh

281 - Who started the first English newspaper in India?

J.A. Hickey (James Augustus Hickey)

282 - Who started the Sharda Sadan in Bombay?

Ramabai Saraswati

283 - Who was not among the three revolutionaries who were hanged on March 23, 1931?


284 - Who was the architect of North and South Blocks of the central Secretariat in Delhi?

Sir Edward Lutyens

285 - Who was the Chairman of the Union Powers Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India?

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

286 - Who was the first Indian civil servant?

S N Banerjee

287 - Who was the first Indian Governor General of India?

C.Raja Gopalachari

288 - Who was the first Indian ruler to apply the western methods to his administration?

Tipu Sultan

289 - Who was the first to use the term 'Adivasi' to refer to the tribal people?

Thakkar Bappa

290 - Who was the founder of Banaras Hindu University?

Madan Mohan Malviya

291 - Who was the French Governor of Pondicherry who tried to make the French Company as a powerful company?

Joseph Francois Dupleix

292 - Who was the Governor-General when Pindaris had created havoc in Central India by indulging in large-scale looting?

Lord Hastings

293 - Who was the moving spirit behind the oganization of the Ghadar Party?

Lala Hardayal

294 - Who was the only Indian to be elected as President of the United Nations General Assembly?

Vijayalakshmi Pandit

295 - Who worte "Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Hamaare Dil Mein Hai"?

Ramprasad Bismil

296 - Who wrote the song 'Sare Jahan Se Accha Hindoostan Hamara'?

Mohammad Iqbal

297 - Who, among the following, has been known as the 'Frontier Gandhi'?

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

298 - Why was the Simon Commission boycotted by the Indians?

It did not include any Indian as a member

299 - With whom was the seven-year rule of' "missions, omissions and commissions' associated?

Lord Curzon

300 - Writing Social History is the book of __________

Sumit Sarkar


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