Linear Equations Related MCQs For Job's Test Preparation

1 - A pair of linear equations which has a unique solution x = 2, y = –3 is

x – 4y –14 = 05x – y – 13 = 0

2 - Axes in three dimension coordinate system divide plane in three spaces called


3 - By substituting k in place of 'c⁄a' in equation x = c⁄a, then k is considered as

real number

4 - Directly proportional increase and decrease in values of y and x on a straight line shows slope is


5 - Equation of straight line with slope -8 and y intercept (0,16) is written as

y = 16x+(-8)

6 - Equations in linear system are considered as

first-degree equation

7 - Example of linear equation involving two variables is

6x+2y = 10

8 - First step in graphing linear equation is to

identify and plot coordinates

9 - For what value of k, do the equations 3x – y + 8 = 0 and 6x – ky = –16 represent coincident lines?


10 - Formula of calculating slope is

change in y⁄change in x

11 - Formula such as dollars of interest earned divided by total dollars invested is used to calculate

average percent return

12 - Graph of linear equation with two variables is plotted in

one dimension

13 - Graphically, the pair of equations (a)6x – 3y + 10 = 0 (b)2x – y + 9 = 0 represents two lines which are


14 - If 2x + 3y = 29 and y = x + 3, what is the value of x ?


15 - If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines will be

intersecting or coincident

16 - If the lines given by 3x + 2ky = 2 and 2x + 5y + 1 = 0 are parallel, then the value of k is


17 - If two straight lines have same slope then these two lines are classified as

parallel lines

18 - If x = a, y = b is the solution of the equations x – y = 2 and x + y = 4, then the values of a and b are, respectively

3 and 1

19 - In Gaussian elimination method, original equations are transformed by using

row operations

20 - In graphical representation of straight line, important attributes are

Both (b) and (c)

21 - In graphically representation of equation, number of dimensions is determined by

number of variables

22 - In linear equation ax = c, simplified form is

x = c⁄a

23 - In linear equation 'ax+by = c' a and b cannot be equal

to zero

24 - In linear equation 'ax+by = c' a,b and c are considered as


25 - In linear equation 'x = c⁄a' with undefined slope, slope is represented with

vertical lines

26 - In linear equation x = c⁄a, a and c are


27 - In ordered pair (-8,6) of linear equation, y-intercept is


28 - In ordered pair (9,-5) of linear equation, x-intercept is


29 - In slope intercept form of linear equation 'y = mx+k', k is

y-coordinate of y-intercept

30 - In three dimensional coordinate systems, coordinates are

perpendicular to each other

31 - Inversely proportional increase and decrease in values of y and x on a straight line shows slope is


32 - Method in which both sides of equation are multiplied by nonzero constant is classified as

Gaussian elimination method

33 - Method used to for two and three variable systems is the

elimination procedure

34 - More steepness of angle of straight line depends upon absolute value which is relatively


35 - Number of ordered pair values (x,y) to satisfy linear equation ax + by = c are


36 - One equation of a pair of dependent linear equations is –5x + 7y = 2. The second equation can be

10x – 14y = –4

37 - Ordered pair of x-intercept can be find by substituting the

y = 0

38 - Ordered pair of y-intercept can be find by substituting the

x = 0

39 - Point on graph where equations intercept crosses x-coordinate is called


40 - Point on graph where equations intercept crosses y-coordinate is called


41 - Rate at which value of y changes as value of x changes is classified as


42 - Relative steepness of slope of straight line of equation is indicated with

absolute value

43 - Rise of straight line along x-axis from left to right is called

inclination of line

44 - Set which consists of more than one equation is classified as

system of equations

45 - Single order pair of variables that satisfy equation systems then this is called

unique solution

46 - Slope intercept form of linear equation in generalized form is as

y = mx+k

47 - Slope intercept form of linear equation is

y = c⁄b - ax⁄b

48 - Slope is change in value of y in relevation of increase in x by

one unit

49 - Slope of linear equation straight line is quantified with help of

real numbers

50 - Slope of straight line is referred as

inclination of line

51 - Slope of straight line of any equation which falls from left to right with intercepts is classified as

negative slope

52 - Slope of straight line of any equation which rises from left to right with intercepts is classified as

positive slope

53 - Slope of straight line of any equation with intercepts can be

all of above

54 - Slope of straight line with two connecting points is determined by the

two-point formula

55 - Solution set in which there are infinite solution or no solutions is classified as

(2x3) system

56 - Solve for value of x and y if 5x - y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 29

x = 3, y = 10

57 - Solve simultaneous equations 13x - 6y = 20, 7x + 4y = 18

x = 2, y = 1

58 - Solving equations 1⁄3(x + y) = 1⁄5(x - y), 3x + 11y = 4 gives

x = 16, y = -4

59 - Solving equations 3x - 2y = 13, 2x + 2y = 0 using graphical method gives us

x = 2.6, y = -2.6

60 - Solving following simultaneous equations, 4x - 5y = 17 and x - 5y = 8, we get

x = 3, y = -1

61 - Steepness of angle of linear equation straight line rise or fall depends upon the

absolute value

62 - Straight line of linear equation on graph which have slope = 0 is


63 - Straight line with vertical lines exception is characterized with help of


64 - System of equation for two variables a and b is written as


65 - System of equations is always characterized by its


66 - The pair of equations x + 2y + 5 = 0 and –3x – 6y + 1 = 0 have

no solution

67 - The pair of equations x = a and y = b graphically represents lines which are

intersecting at (a, b)

68 - The pair of equations y = 0 and y = –7 has

no solution

69 - The value of c for which the pair of equations cx – y = 2 and 6x – 2y = 3 will have infinitely many solutions is

no value

70 - Three dimensional coordinate system is one in which coordinates intersect each other atA

zero points

71 - Two equations that can be drawn as same line on graph then these equations are considered as

equivalent equations

72 - Two equations that have no values to satisfy both equations then this is called

inconsistent system

73 - Two variables x and y if involved in linear equation then equation is

ax+by = c

74 - Variables of linear equation is implicitly raised to

first power


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