Problems Related To Average MCQs For Job's Test Preparation

1 - The average marks obtained by 120 candidates in a examination 35. if the average marks of passed candidate is 39 and that of the failed candidates is 15,what is the number of candidates who passed?


2 - 10 years ago, the average age of a family of 4 members was 24 years. Two children having been born (with age diference of 2 years), the present average age of the family is the same. The present age o


3 - 123 typists typeed 984 papers in 1/15 hour. The number of papers typed for minute by a average typist is:


4 - 15 years age A's age was 9/2 of B's If the ratio of their present ages is 12 : 5, what is the average of their present ages ?

42.5 years

5 - 16 children are to be divided into two groups A and B of 10 and 6 children. The average percent marks obtained by the children of group A is 75 and the average percent marks of all the 16 children is


6 - 2 cow’s and 8 goats are brought for Rs.1400. If the average price of a goat be Rs.60. What is the average price of a cow.

Rs. 460

7 - 5 years ago, the average of Ram and Shyam age was 20 years. now, the average age of Ram , Shyam and Mohan is 30 years . what will be Mohan’s age 10 years hence?

50 years

8 - 8 years ago there were 5 members in the Arthur's family and then the average age of the family was 36 years. Mean while Arthur got married and gave birth to a child. Still the average age of his fami

26 years

9 - A batsman has a certain average of runs for 14th innings. He scores 72 runs in the 15th innings, thus his average increased by 2. Find the average after 15th innings.


10 - A batsman has a certain average runs for 11 innings . In the 12th innings he made a score of 90 runs and thereby decrease his average by 5 . His average after 12th innings is ?


11 - A batsman in his 17th innings makes a score of 85 and their by increasing his average by 3. What is his average after the 17th innings?


12 - A batsman in his 17th innings makes a score of 85 and their by increasing his average by 3. What is his average after the 17thinnings?


13 - A batsman makes a score of 64 runs in the 16th innings and thus increased his average by 3. Find his average after the 16th inning?


14 - A batsman makes a score of 64 runs in the 16th innings and thus increased his average by 3. Find his average after the 16th inning?


15 - A building contractor employs 20 male, 15 female and 5 child workers. To a male worker he pays Rs.25 per day, to a female worker Rs.20 per day and a child worker Rs.8 per day. The average wage per day paid by the contractor is__________?


16 - A businessman purchased 30 TV sets in Rs. 300000, If the average cost of 15 TV sets is Rs. 9000 then find out the average cost of remaining TV sets.

Rs. 11000

17 - A car owner buys petrol at Rs 7.50, Rs. 8 and Rs. 8.50 per litre for three successive years. What approximately is the average cost per litre of petrol if he spends Rs. 4000 each year ?


18 - A certain factory employed 600 men and 400 women and the average wager was Rs. 25.50 per day, If a woman got Rs. 5 less than a man, then what are their daily wages ?

m:27.50 w:22.50

19 - A cicketer bas a certain average for 10 innings, In the eleventh inning, he scorod 108 runs, thereby increasing his average by 6 runs. His new average is :

48 runs

20 - A cricketer had a mean score of 60 runs in 10 innings. Find out how many runs are to be score in the eleventh innings to raise the mean score to 62 ?


21 - A cricketer has a certain average for 10 innings. In the eleventh inning, he scored 108 runs, there by increasing his average by 6 runs. His new average is:


22 - A cricketer has a certain average for 10 innings. In the eleventh inning, he scored 108 runs, there by increasing his average by 6 runs. His new average is_____________?

48 runs

23 - A cricketer whose bowling average is 12.4 runs per wicket takes 5 wickets for 26 runs and there by decreases his average by 0.4. The number age of the family now is:


24 - A family consists of grandparents, parents and three grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. What is

31 5/7 years

25 - A family consists of grandparents, parents and three grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. What is t

31( 5/7)

26 - A family consists of grandparents, parents and three grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. What is the average age of the family?

31 5/7 years

27 - A family consists of two grandparents, two parents and three grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. W


28 - A grocer has a sale of Rs 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs, 6500 ?


29 - A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs 6927, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs. 6500 ?

Rs. 4991

30 - A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs. 6500?


31 - A grocer has a sales of Euro 6435, Euro 6927, Euro 6855, Euro 7230 and Euro 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Euro 6500?

Euro 4991

32 - A has 8 pencils, B has 10 pencils and C has 15 pencils, then the average number of pencils with them are


33 - A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sunday and 240 on other days. The average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Sunday is:


34 - A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sunday and 240 on other days. The average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Sunday is___________?


35 - A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days. The average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Sunday is :


36 - A man can row at a speed of 7 kmh- 1 in still water to a certain point upstream and back to the starting point in a river, whose speed of flowing is 3 kmh'. What is his average speed in the total jour

5 5/7 kmh-1

37 - A man is 6 times as old as his son. Three years ago, his age was 9 times his son’s age. Find the present age of man.

48 years

38 - A man purchased 3 blankets @ Rs.100 each, 5 blankets @ Rs.150 each and two blankets at a certain rate which is now slipped off from his memory. But he remembers that the average price of the blankets


39 - A man purchased 3 blankets @ Rs.100 each, 5 blankets @ Rs.150 each and two blankets at a certain rate which is now slipped off from his memory. But he remembers that the average price of the blankets was Rs.150. Find the unknown rate of two blankets?


40 - A man spends average of Rs. 1694. 70 per month for the first 7 month and Rs. 1810.50 per month for the next 5 months. His monthly salary if he saves Rs. 3084.60. during the whole year is ?

Rs. 2000

41 - A man spends Rs. 1600 per month on an average for the first three months, Rs 1550 for next four months and Rs. 1800 per month for the last five months and saves Rs . 5200 a year. What is his average m

Rs. 2100

42 - A man travels from point A to point B at the speed of 24 ms-1 and returns back at the speed of 16 ms- 1 . What is the average speed of the man in the whole ?

19.2 ms-1

43 - A man whose bowling average is 12.4 takes 5 wicket for 26 runs and thereby decreases his average by 0.4. The number of wickets taken by him, before his last match is ?


44 - A man’s daily expenditure is Rs. 11 during April, Rs. 15 during March and Rs. 17 during Feb. Find the average daily expenditure for the three months (it is a leap year)?

Rs. 14.30

45 - A man's average daily expenditure is Rs 12 during March, Rs. 14 during April and Rs. 17 during May. Find the Average daily expenditure for the three months


46 - A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km/hr and returns at 30 km/hr. His average speed for the whole journey in km/hr is :


47 - A person travels from x to y at a speed of 40Km/h and returns by increasing his speed 50%. What is his average speed for both the trips?


48 - A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is___________?


49 - A pupil's marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is :


50 - A salt manufacturing company produced a total of 5000 tonnes of salt in January of a particular year. Starting from February its production increased by 100 tonnes every month over the previous months


51 - A salt manufacturing company produced a total of 5000 tonnes of salt in January of a particular year. Starting from February its production increased by 100 tonnes every month over the previous months until the end of the year. Find its average monthly pr


52 - A ship sails out to a mark at the rate of 15 kmph. and sails back at the rate of 10 kmph. The average rate of sailing is ?

12 km/hr

53 - A shopkeeper earned Rs. 504 in 12 days. His average income for the first four days was Rs. 40 a day. His average income for the remaining days is?

43 Rs.

54 - A student scored an average of 80 marks in 3 subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. If the average marks in Physics and Mathematics is 90 and that in Physics and Chemistry is 70, what are the m


55 - A student scored an average of 80 marks in 3 subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. If the average marks in Physics and Mathematics is 90 and that in Physics and Chemistry is 70, what are the marks in Physics?


56 - A student was asked to find the arithmetic mean of the numbers 3, 11, 7, 9, 15, 13, 8, 19, 17, 21, 14 and x. He found the mean to be 12. What should be the number in place of x ?


57 - A student's mark was wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by 1/2. What is the number of students in the class?


58 - A team of 8 persons joins in a shooting competition. The best marksman scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average score for the team would have been 84. The number of points, the team s


59 - A team of eight entered for a shooting competition. The best marks man scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average scores for. The team would have been 84. How many points altogether did


60 - A team of eight entered for a shooting competition. The best marks man scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average scores for. The team would have been 84. How many points altogether did the team score?


61 - A total of 3000 chocolates were distributed among 120 boys and girls such that each boy received 2 chocolates and each girl received 3 chocolates. Find the respective number of boys and girls?

60, 60

62 - A total of 3000 chocolates were distributed among 120 boys and girls such that each boy received 2 chocolates and each girl received 3 chocolates. Find the respective number of boys and girls?

60, 60

63 - A trader purchased two colour televisions for a total of Rs. 35000. He sold one colour television at 30% profit and the other 40% profit. Find the difference in the cost prices of the two televisions

Rs. 21000

64 - A trader purchased two colour televisions for a total of Rs. 35000. He sold one colour television at 30% profit and the other 40% profit. Find the difference in the cost prices of the two televisions if he made an overall profit of 32%?

Rs. 21000

65 - A, B, C, D, E are the five electronic shops in the Naza market, which have 20, 30, 60, 80 and 50 T. V . sets with them respectively, then the average number of T. V. sets in each shop is


66 - A, B, C, D, E, F are the only six families in Indira Nagar. A, B, C, D, E and F has 7, 8, 10, 13, 6, and 10 member in their families respectively. If 1 member from all the six families left their aver


67 - Abhimanyu goes from his office to his house at the speed of 60 kmph and returns to his office at the speed of 100 kmph. What is the average speed for the entire journey?

75 kmph

68 - Aftab bought 65 books for Rs.1150 from one shop and 50 books for Rs.920 from another. What is the average price he paid per book ?


69 - After replacing an old member by a new member, it was found that the average age of five members of a club is the same as it was 3 years ago. What is the difference between the ages of the replaced an


70 - Amithab's average expenditure for the January to June is Rs. 4200 and he spends Rs.1200 in January and Rs.1500 in july.The average expenditure for the months of febraury to July is:

Rs. 4250

71 - At a manufacturing plant, unit of quantity manufactured in 8 days are 250, 320, 240, 210, 260, 330, 310, 260


72 - Average age of 6 sons of a family is 8 years. Average age of sons together with their parents is 22 years. If the father is older than the mother by 8 years, the age of mother (in years) is

60 years

73 - Average monthly income of a family of 4 earning members was Rs. 735. One of the earning members died and therefore, the average income came down to Rs 650. The income of the deceased was?

Rs. 990

74 - Average of 13 results is 65. If the average of first six results is 61 and average of last six results is 59 Then find the seventh result?


75 - Average of a,b and c is 11, average of c,d and e is 17 average of e and f is 22 and the average of e and c is 17 . Find out the average of a, b, c, d, e and f.

15 2⁄3

76 - Average of five consecutive even numbers is 35. Find the greatest number in these five numbers?


77 - Average to ten number is 7 . If every number is multiplied by 12, What will be the average of new numbers ?


78 - Average value of property of three persons A, B, C is Rs. 11111 crore. The property of C is as less as the property of A is greater than the average property of both C and A. The value of property of

11111 crore

79 - Average weight of 19 men is 74 kg and the average weight of 38 women is 63 kg. What is the average weight(rounded off to the nearest integer) of all the men and the women together.

67 kg

80 - Bag X weighs 4.8 kg. Bag Y is 0.8 kg heavier than Bag X. What is the average mass of the two bags?

5.2 kg

81 - Calculate the average of the cubes of first five natural numbers.


82 - Dacid obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. What are his average marks?

None of these

83 - David obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, Mathematics,Physics, Chemistry and Biology What are his average marks ?


84 - David scores an average of 65 marks in 3 tests. How many marks must he score in the 4th test if he wants his average mark to be 5 more than his previous average mark?


85 - Eight consecutive numbers are given. If the average of the two number that appear in the middle is 6 then the sum of the eight given numbers is


86 - Einstein goes from Ahmedabad To Lucknow at the speed of 40 km/hr and returned at the speed of 60 km/hr .the average speed of Einstein during the whole journey is

48 km/hr

87 - Find the average of 308, 142, 160, 245 and 25.


88 - Find the average of all even No's up to 100 or average of first 50 even No's.


89 - Find the average of all prime numbers between 60 and 90.


90 - Find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5.


91 - Find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5.


92 - Find the average of the first 20 natural numbers?


93 - Find the average of the first 20 natural numbers?


94 - Find the average of the following set of numbers. 342, 170, 610, 512, 464, 372, 180, 268, 142


95 - Find the average of the following set of numbers: 545,719,312,239,609,777,850,342 and 205


96 - Find the average of the following set of scores 253, 124, 255, 534, 836, 375, 101, 443, 760


97 - Find the average of the following set of scores. 118, 235, 345, 405, 92


98 - Find the average of the following set of scores. 124, 856, 331, 227, 963, 338, 259, and 662


99 - Find the average of the following set of scores. 746, 1020, 321, 12, 63, 428, 226, 144


100 - Find the average of the following set of scores. 862, 341, 776, 484, 521, 988, 665, 467


101 - Find the average of the following set of scores: 224, 568, 331, 722, 369, 833, 139 and 662


102 - Find the average of the following set of scores: 746,348, 1163,49,214,358,79,163.


103 - Find the average of the series : 312, 162, 132, 142 and 122?

None of these

104 - Find the average of the series : 312, 162, 132, 142 and 122?


105 - Five years ago the average of the ages of A and B was 40 years and now the average of the ages of B and C is 48 years. What will be the age of the B ten years hence?

Data inadequate

106 - Five years ago the average of the ages of A and B was 40 years and now the average of the ages of B and C is 48 years. What will be the age of the B ten years hence?

Data inadequate

107 - Five years ago, the average age of four men was 48 yr. Now, a new man joins and the average age increases by 2 yr. What is the age of the new man?

38 years

108 - If 38x + 38y = 5016, what is the average of x and y ?


109 - If 47a + 47b = 5452, what is the average of a and b ?


110 - If a, b, c, d, e are five consecutive odd number , their average is ?


111 - If an amount of Rs 99542 is distributed equally amongst 65 people, how much amount does each person get ?


112 - If most repeated observations recorded are outliers of data then mode is considered as

poor measure

113 - If ten years ago the age of son is 40% of the age of the father and after twenty years the age of the son is 62.5% ofthe age of the father, what is the present age of the son ?

30 years

114 - If the arithmetic mean of seventy five numbers is calculated, it is 35. If each number is increased by 5, then mean of new number is___________?


115 - If the arithmetic mean of seventy-five numbers is calculated, it is 35. if each number is increased by 5, then mean of new numbers is :


116 - If the average age of Dinesh and Mahesh is 16 yr, the average age of Mahesh and Rahul is 13 yr and the average age of Dinesh and Rahul is 14 yr, then what is the age of Mahesh?

15 years

117 - If the average marks of three batches of 55, 60 and 45 students respectively is 50, 55, 60, then the average marks of all the students is__________?


118 - If the average of the 1st and the 2nd of three numbers is D more than the average of the 2nd and 3rd number, what is the difference between the 1st and the 3rd number ?


119 - If the total sales for a business in a certain year were Rs. 132000. What were the sales in june, if june sales were half the monthly average?

Rs. 1000

120 - In a class of 18 students in an examination in science 1 student scored 100 marks, 2 get zero each and the average oh the rest was 45. What is the average of the whole class?


121 - In a class of 25 students in an examination in maths 3 students scored 95 marks each, 3 get zero each and the average of the rest was 45. What is the average of the whole class?


122 - In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German. Of the students taking French or German, 9 are taking both courses. How many students are not enrolled in either course?


123 - In a class the average age of 25 students is 12 years. When five students left the class the average age became 11 years. What is the average age of the students who left the class ?

16 years

124 - In a class, the average age of 20 students is 15 years. If the teacher is also included in the class, the average age increases by one year. What is the age of the teacher ?

36 years

125 - In a class, the average age of 30 boys is 13 years and the average of 20 girls is 12 years. what is the average age of the whole class?

12.6 Years

126 - In a class, there are 20 boys whose average age is decreased by 2 months, when one boy aged 18 years is replaced by a new boy. The age of the new boy is ?

14 years 8 month

127 - In a class, there are 20 boys whose average age is decreased by 2 months, when one boy aged 18 years is replaced by a new boy.Find the age of new boy.

14 years 8 months

128 - In a class, there are 80 students and their average marks in the annual examination are 40. If the average marks of passed students are 60 and average marks of failed students are 35, then find out th


129 - In a flower shop there were 6 flowers in each bouquet. If the seller has doubled the number of flowers in each bouquet then the new average of flowers in each bouque is


130 - In a hostel of 12 boys and some girls, an average consumption of rice per month is 12 kg, while the Average consumption for boys is 16 kg per head and for girls 8 kg per head. The number of girls in T


131 - In a hostel there were 100 students. To accommodate 20 more students the average is decreased by rupees 5. But total expenditure increased by Rs.400. Find the total expenditure of the hostel now?


132 - In a hostel there were 100 students. To accommodate 20 more students the average is decreased by rupees 5. But total expenditure increased by Rs.400. Find the total expenditure of the hostel now?


133 - In a T.V. factory, an average of 60 TVs are produced per day for the fist 25 days of the months. A few workers fell ill for the next five days reducing the daily average for the month to 58 sets per d


134 - In a village the average age of n people is 42 years. But after the verification it was found that the age of a person had been considered 20 years less than the actual age, so the new average, after


135 - In an exam, Amar scored 64 percent, Bhavan scored 36 percent and Chetan 44 percent. The maximum score awarded in the exam is 800. Find the average mark scored by all the three boys?


136 - In an exam, Amir scored 64 percent, Masood scored 36 percent and asif 44 percent. The maximum score awarded in the exam is 800. Find the average mark scored by all the three boys?


137 - In an examination a pupil’s average marks were 63 per paper. If he had obtained 20 more marks for his Geography paper and 2 more marks for his History paper, his average per paper would have been 65. How many papers were there in the examination?


138 - In an examination, a pupil's average marks were 63 per paper. If he had obtained 20 more marks for his Geography paper and 2 more marks for his History paper, his average per paper would have been 65.


139 - In an NGO the daily average wages of 20 illiterate employees is decreased from Rs.25 to Rs.10, thus the average salary of all the literate and illiterate employees is decreased Rs.10 per day. The No


140 - In Arun's opinion, his weight is greater than 65 kg but leas than 72 kg. His brother does not agree with Arun and he thinks that Arun's weight is greater than 60 kg but less than 70 kg. His mother's v

66.5 kg

141 - In deciles, central tendency median to be measured must lie in

fifth deciles

142 - In the afternoon, a student read 100 pages at the rate of 60 pages/h. In the evening, when she was tired, she read 100 more pages at the rate of 40 pages/h . What was her average rate of reading in pa

48 pages/hr

143 - In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. What should be the rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 runs?


144 - In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. What should be the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 runs?


145 - Jia En has 168 stickers. Hui Ling has 32 more stickers than Jia En and Wan Yee has 40 fewer stickers than Hui Ling. If they share the stickers equally, how many stickers should Hui Ling give away?


146 - Jonathan spent an average of $ 4.20 per day for 6 days. If he spent $ 5.25 for the seventh day, what is the average amount of money he spent per day?


147 - Last year Sahara, Tata, Singhania and Birla each has 250 industries. This year everyone has sold out 10 factories due to the recession of the economy and poor turnout. find average?


148 - Mode is best measure of tendency if analysis is


149 - Mumbai gets wheat from different regions. If it gets 1200 kg from Nasik at rate of Rs. 30 per kg, 1500 kg from Ratnagiri at rate of Rs. 25 per kg and 2000 kg from Kolhapur at rate of Rs. 32 per kg,

Rs. 29.25 per kg

150 - Nine men went to a hotel. Eight of them spent Rs.3 each over their meals and the ninth spent Rs.2 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. Determine the total money spent by them?


151 - Nine men went to a hotel. Eight of them spent Rs.3 each over their meals and the ninth spent Rs.2 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. Determine the total money spent by them?


152 - Of the following, which is greater than ½ ?


153 - Of the four numbers, whose average is 60, the first is one-fourth of the sum of the last three. The first number is :


154 - Of the two numbers, 48 per cent of first number is 60 per cent of the second number. What is the respective ratio of the first number to the second number ?


155 - Of three numbers, the second is twice the first and it is also thrice. If the average of these numbers is 44, the difference of the first numbers and the third number is


156 - Of three numbers, the third is twice the second and the second is 4 times the first. If their average is 78, the smallest of the three numbers is:


157 - On a journey across Delhi, a taxi average 30 kmph for 60% of the distance, 20 kmph for 20% of it and 10 kmph for the remainder, the average speed for the whole journey is ?

20 km/hr

158 - On an average, Mukesh scored 85 marks in Hindi, English, Maths and Physics. If the marks of Chemistry are also included, the average becomes 80. How much did Mukesh score in chemistry?


159 - One -third of certain journey is covered at the rate of 25kmph,one-fourth at the rate of 30kmph and the rest at 50 kmph.Find the average speed for the whole journey.

33.333 Km/hrs

160 - Out of 9 persons, 8 persons spent Rs. 30 each for their meals. The ninth one spent Rs. 20 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. The total money spent by all of them was :

Rs. 292.50

161 - Out of four number, the average of first three is 15 and that of the last three is 16, if the last number is 19, the first is ?


162 - Out of the five integral numbers C is the average of A and D. B is greater than C and less than D.Also B is the average of A and E . The middle most number in the sequence


163 - Out of the three annual examinations, each with a total of 500 marks, a student secured average marks of 45% and 55% in the first and second annual examinations. To have an overall average of 60%, how


164 - Out of three annual exams, each of maximum marks of 600, Lalit secured average marks of 55% and 60% in the first two exams. How many marks should Lalit score in 3rd test exam to make his overall avera


165 - Out of three number, the first is twice the second and is half of the third. If the average of the three number is 56, the three number on order are ?

48, 24, 96

166 - Out of three numbers, the first is twice the second and is half of the third. If the average of three number is 56, the three number in order are ?


167 - Rahim bought 65 books for Rs.1150 from one shop and 50 books for Rs.920 from another. What is the average price he paid per book ?


168 - Roshan bought 5 pants at Rs.25 each, 10 shirts at Rs. 50 each and 15 ties at Rs.35 each. Find the average price of all the articles.


169 - Rs. 6000 is lent out in two parts. One part is lent at 7% p.a simple interest and the other is lent at 10% p.a simple interest. The total interest at the end of one year was Rs. 450. Find the ratio of


170 - Rs. 6000 is lent out in two parts. One part is lent at 7% p.a simple interest and the other is lent at 10% p.a simple interest. The total interest at the end of one year was Rs. 450. Find the ratio of the amounts lent at the lower rate and higher rate of


171 - Sarfaraz obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. What are his average marks?

None of these

172 - Seven years ago the average age of a family of 2 members was 25 years. A child has been born. due to Which the average age of the family is 23 years today. What is the present age of the child?

5 years

173 - Simon has 72 stickers, Theodore has 88 stickers and Alvin has 98 stickers.On the average, how many stickers does each of them have?


174 - Six years ago the average of a family of 4 members was 26 years. A child has been born, due to Which the average age of the family is 24 years today. What is present age of the child?

8 years

175 - The arithmetic mean of the scores of a group of students in a test was 52. The brightest 20% of them secured a mean score of 80 and the dullest 25% a mean score of 31. The mean score of remaining 55%

51.4 approx.

176 - The arithmetic mean of the scores of a group of students in a test was 52. The brightest 20% of them secured a mean score of 80 and the dullest 25% a mean score of 31. The mean score of remaining 55% is___________?

51.4 approx.

177 - The average age 9 members of a committee are the same as it was 2 years ago, because an old number has been replaced by a younger number. Find how much younger is the new member than the old number?

18 years

178 - The average age 9 members of a committee are the same as it was 2 years ago, because an old number has been replaced by a younger number. Find how much younger is the new member than the old number?

18 years

179 - The average age employees of TCS is 35 years. it was found that age of one employee has taken as 10 years less than his actual age, so the new average, increased by 0.5 years. the no. of employees -


180 - The average age of 11 players of a cricket is decreased by two month when two of them aged 17 years and 20 years are replaced by two reserves . the average of the reserves is ?

17 years 7 months

181 - The average age of 14 girls and their teacher's age is 15 yr. If teacher's age is excluded then the average reduced by 1. What is the teacher's age?

29 years

182 - The average age of 15 students of a class is 15 years. Out of these, the average age of 5 students is 14 years and that of the other 9 students is 16 years, The age of the 15th student is :


183 - The average age of 15 students of a class is 15 years. Out of these, the average age of 5 students is 14 years and that of the other 9 students is 16 years. The age of the 15th student is____________?

11 years

184 - The average age of 20 boys in a class is 12 years and that of 10 girls of the class is 15 years. What is the average age of all 30 students of the class ?

13 years

185 - The average age of 22 boys and a class teacher is 15 years. If the class teacher left, the average age would be 13 years. What is the age of the teacher ?

59 years

186 - The average age of 24 students in a class is 10. If the teacher’s age is included, the average increase by one . The age of the teacher is ?

35 years

187 - The average age of 25 girls in a class decreases by 6 months when a new girl takes the place of 20 year old girl. Find out the age of the new girl.

7.5 years

188 - The average age of 30 girls is 13 yr. The average of first 18 girls is 15 yr. Find out the average age of remaining 12 girls.

10 years

189 - The average age of 30 students in a class is 12 years. The average age of a group of 5 of the students is 10 years and that of another group of 5 them is 14 years. The average age of the remaining stu


190 - The average age of 36 students in a group is 14 years. When teacher's age is included to it, the average increases by one. What is the teacher's age in years ?

51 years

191 - The average age of 45 students in a class in 13 yr, 15 new students with an average age of 18 yr join the class. What is the average age of all the students in the class?

14.25 years

192 - The average age of 5 member of a family is 25 yr. If the servant of the family is included the average age increased by 40% .What is the age of servant?

85 years

193 - The average age of 60 boys in a class was calculated as 12 years It was later realised that the actual age of one boys in the class was 12.5 years, but it was taken as 14 years. What is the actual ave

11.975 years

194 - The average age of 7 member of Patel's family is 25 year. The average age of the same family 3 year ago was

22 years

195 - The average age of 8 men increases by 2 years when two women are included in place of two men of ages 20 and 24 years. Find the average age of the women?

30 years

196 - The average age of 8 men increases by 2 years when two women are included in place of two men of ages 20 and 24 years. Find the average age of the women?

30 years

197 - The average age of 8 men is increased by years when two of them whose ages are 21 years and 23 years are replaced by two new men. The average age of the two new men is :


198 - The average age of 8 persons in a committee is increased by 2 years when two men aged 35 years and 45 years are substituted by two women.Find the average age of these two women.

48 years

199 - The average age of a class of 32 students is 16 yrs. if the teacher's age is also included, the average increases by one year. Find the age of the teacher

49 Years

200 - The average age of a committee of 11 persons increases by 2 yr when 3 men of 32 yr. 34 yr and 33 yr are replaced by 3 woman. What will be the average age of those 3 woman ?

40 1/3 y

201 - The average age of a family of 6 member is 22 years . if the age of the youngest member be 7 years , what was the average age of the family at the birth of the youngest member was ?

18 years

202 - The average age of a group of 10 friends is 15 yr. If one friend leaves the group, the average becomes 16 yr. Find the age of the friend who left the group.

6 years

203 - The average age of a group of 10 persons was decreased by 3 years when one person, whose age was 42 years, was replaced by a new person. Find the age of the new person?


204 - The average age of a group of 10 persons was decreased by 3 years when one person, whose age was 42 years, was replaced by a new person. Find the age of the new person?


205 - The average age of a group of persons going for picnic is 16 years. Twenty new persons with an average age of 15 years join the group on the spot due to which their average age becomes 15.5 years. The


206 - The average age of a husband and a wife is 23 years when they were married five years ago but now the average age of the husband, wife and child is 20 years(the child was born during the interval). Wh

4 years

207 - The average age of a husband and a wife is 23 years when they were married five years ago but now the average age of the husband, wife and child is 20 years(the child was born during the interval). What is the present age of the child?

4 years

208 - The average age of a husband and his wife was 23 years at the time of their marriage. After five years they have a one year old child. What is the average age of the family ?

19 years

209 - The average age of a husband and his wife was 23 years at the time of their marriage. After five years they have a one-year old child. The average age of the family now is :


210 - The average age of a husband, wife and their child 3 years ago was 27 years and that of wife and the child 5 years ago was 20 years. The present age of the husband is:

19 years

211 - The average age of a husband, wife and their child 3 years ago was 27 years and that of wife and the child 5 years ago was 20 years. The present age of the husband is___________?

19 years

212 - The average age of a lady and her daughter is 28.5 years. The ratio of their ages is 14 : 5 respectively. What is the daughter's age ?

15 years

213 - The average age of a man and her daughter is 40 years. The ratio of their ages is 6 : 2 . Then what is the daughter's age (in years) ?

20 years

214 - The average age of a man and his son is 40 year. The ratio of their ages is 7 : 3 respectively. What is the man’s age ?

56 years

215 - The average age of a man and his son is 40 years. The ratio of their ages is 11:5. What is the age of the son ?

25 years

216 - The average age of a man and his son is 41 years. The ratio of their ages 6 years ago was 5 : 2 respectively? What is the present age of son ?

26 years

217 - The average age of a man and his son is 42 years. The ratio of their ages is 2: 1. What is the son's age ?

28 years

218 - The average age of a man and his son is 48 years. The ratio of their ages is 11:5 respectively. What will be ratio of their ages after 6 years ?


219 - The average age of a man and his son is 64 years. The ratio of their ages is 5 : 3. What is the age of the son ?

48 years

220 - The average age of a woman and her daughter is 16 years. The ratio of their ages is 7 : 1 What is the age of the woman ?

28 years

221 - The average age of A, B , C, D five years ago was 45 years . by including P, the present average age of all the five is 49 years . the present age of P is ?

45 years

222 - The average age of A,B,C,D and E is 40 years.The average age of A and B is 35 years and the average age of C and D is 42 years .The age of E is


223 - The average age of all the members of a family is 25 yr. The average age of males is 30 yr while the average age of females is 20 yr. If the number of females in the family is 15, then find out the nu


224 - The average age of all the students of a class is 15 years. The average age of the boys of the class is 17 years and that of the girls is 12 years. If the number of girls in the class is 3 6 then what


225 - The average age of all the students of a class is 15 years. The average age of the boys of the class is 18 years, and that of the girls is 12 years. If the number of girls in the class is 21, then wha


226 - The average age of an adult class is 40 years. 12 new students with an average age of 32 years join the class. Therefore decreasing the average by 4 year. what was the original strength of class ?


227 - The average age of father and his two sons is 27 Years. Five years ago, the average age of the two sons was 12 Years. If the difference between the ages of the two sons is four years, what is the pres

47 years

228 - The average age of five IT executive in a department is 28 years. If the age of their manager is added, the average age is increases by 1 year. What is the age of the manager ?

34 years

229 - The average age of four children in a family is 12 years. If the spacing between their ages is 4 years, the age of the youngest child is ?

6 years

230 - The average age of four players is 18.5 years. If the age of the coach is also included, the average age increases by 20%. The age of the coach is ?

37 years

231 - The average age of M boys is ‘b’ years and of ‘n’ girls ‘c’ years. The average age of all together is?

(mb + nc)/ (m + n) years

232 - The average age of M boys is ‘b’ years and of ‘n’ girls ‘c’ years. The average age of all together is_________?

(mb + nc)/ (m + n) years

233 - The average age of members of a family in the year 2000 was 35 years. what is the average age of the family in year 2002?

37 years

234 - The average age of Ram, Laxman, Ravan and Vibhishan is 22 years. Vibhishan leaves the group. If Vibhishan was 24 years old, then find the new average of the group

21.33 years

235 - The average age of seven persons sitting in a row facing east is 28 years. If the average age of the first three persons is 21 years and the average age of the last three persons is 34 years, then fin

31 years

236 - The average age of seven persons sitting in a row facing east is 28 years. If the average age of the first three persons is 21 years and the average age of the last three persons is 34 years, then find the age of the person sitting in the middle of the ro

31 years

237 - The average age of students of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in the class is 16.4 years and that of the girls is 15.4 years, The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in


238 - The average age of students of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in the class is 16.4 years and that of the girls is 15.4 years. The ration of the number of boys to the number of girls in


239 - The average age of students of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in the class is 16.4 years and that of the girls is 15.4 years. The ration of the number of boys to the number of girls in the class is___________?


240 - The average age of the 30 woman decreases by 3 month if a new person Priyanka is included in place of 25 yr old woman. Calculate the age of Priyanka

17.5 yr

241 - The average age of the boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15 years. The average age for the whole class is :

data inadequate

242 - The average age of three boys is 15 years and their ages are in proportion 3:5:7. What is the age in years of the youngest boy?


243 - The average age of three boys is 15 years and their ages are in proportion 3:5:7. What is the age in years of the youngest boy?


244 - The average age of three boys is 15 years.if their ages are in the ratio 3: 5: 7, the age of the youngest boys is ?

3 years

245 - The average age of three persons is 52 years. Their ages are in the proportion of 1:5:7. What is the age in years of the oldest one among them.

12 years

246 - The average age of women and child workers in a factory was 15 yr. The average age of all the 16 children was 8 yr and average age of women workers was 22 yr. If 10 women workers were married, then th


247 - The average amount with a group of seven numbers is Rs. 20. If the newly joined member has Rs. 50 with him, what was the average amount with the group before his joining the group?

Rs. 15

248 - The average amount with a group of seven numbers is Rs. 20. If the newly joined member has Rs. 50 with him, what was the average amount with the group before his joining the group?

Rs. 15

249 - The average consumption of petrol for a car for seven months is 110 litres and for next five months it is 86 litres. The average monthly consumption is ?

100 litres

250 - The average earning of a mechanic for the first-four days of a week is Rs. 18 and for the last four days is Rs. 22. If he earns Rs . 20 on the fourth day, his average earning for the whole week is ?

Rs. 20

251 - The average expenditure of a man for the first five month is Rs. 120 and for the next seven months it is Rs . 130. if he saves Rs 299 in that year, his monthly average income is ?

Rs. 150

252 - The average expenditure of the hotel when there are 10 guests is Rs. 60 per guests and the average expenditure is Rs.40 when there are 20 Guests. If it is known that there are some fixed expenses irre

Rs. 30

253 - The average height of 30 girls out of a class of 40 is 160 cms and that of the remaining girls is 156 cms. the average height of the whole class is ?

159 cms

254 - The average height of 35 boys in a class was calculated as 180cm. It has later found that the height of one of the boys in the class was wrongly written as 166 cm whereas his actual height was 106 cm.

178.29 cm

255 - The average height of 35 boys in a class was calculated as 180cm. It has later found that the height of one of the boys in the class was wrongly written as 166 cm whereas his actual height was 106 cm. Find the actual average height of the boys in the clas

178.29 cm

256 - The average height of 40 student is 163 cm. On a particular day, three student A, B, C were absent and the average of the remaining 37 student was found to be 162 cm. if A, B have equal height and the

176 cm

257 - The average height of 50 pupils in a class is 150 cm. Five of them whose height is 146 cm, leave the class and five others whose average height is 156 cm, join. The new average height of the pupils of


258 - The average height of 50 pupils in a class is 150 cm. Five of them whose height is 146 cm, leave the class and five others whose average height is 156 cm, join. The new average height of the pupils of the class (in cm) is __________ .


259 - The average height of 74 students in a class is 168 cm out of which 42 students had an average height of 170 cm. Find the average height of the remaining 32 students.


260 - The average height of a group of 12 boys increases by 2 inches when a boy of height 52 inches is replace by another boy. What is the height of the new boy?

76 Inches

261 - The average height of the basketball team A is 5 ft 11 inches and that of B is 6 ft 2 inches. There are 20 players in team A and 18 player in team B.The overall average height is

72.42 inches

262 - The average mark of 70 students in a class is 80. Out of these 70 students, if the average mark of 40 students is 75, what is the average mark of the remaining 30 students?


263 - The average mark of the students of a class in a particular exam is 80. If 5 students whose average mark in that exam is 40 are excluded, the average mark of the remaining will be 90. Find the number


264 - The average mark of the students of a class in a particular exam is 80. If 5 students whose average mark in that exam is 40 are excluded, the average mark of the remaining will be 90. Find the number of students who wrote the exam.


265 - The average marks in mathematics scored by the pupils of a school at the public examination were 39. If four of these pupils who actually scored 5, 12, 15 and 19 marks at the examination had not been


266 - The average marks in mathematics scored by the students of a school at the public examination were 39. If four of these students who actually scored 5, 12, 15 and 19 marks at the examination had not been sent up, the average marks for the school would hav


267 - The average marks of 120 students are 35. if the average of passed stuydents was 39. and failed students was 15 then find the number of students who have passed

100 students

268 - The average marks of 30 students are 45 but after checking there are two mistakes found. After adjustment if a student got 45 more marks and other student got 15 less marks, then What will be average?


269 - The average marks of a class of 30 students is 40 and that of another class of 50 students is 60. Find the average marks of all the students?


270 - The average marks of a class of 30 students is 40 and that of another class of 50 students is 60. Find the average marks of all the students?


271 - The average mass of 6 boxes is 5.65 kg. Find the total mass of the 6 boxes.

33.9 kg

272 - The average mass of Caili and her three sisters is 42kg. If Caili is 48kg, what is the average mass of her three sisters in kg?

40 kg

273 - The average monthly income of 4 earning members of a family is Rs. 7350. One member passes away and the average monthly income become Rs 6500. What was the monthly income of the person, who is no more


274 - The average monthly income of P and Q is Dollar 5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is Dollar 6250 and the average monthly income of P and R is Dollar 5200. The monthly income of P is:

Dollar 4000

275 - The average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is 6250 and the average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200. The monthly income of P is:

Rs. 4000

276 - The average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is 6250 and the average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200. The monthly income of P is____________?

Rs. 4000

277 - The average monthly income of person in certain family of 5 members is Rs. 1000. What will monthly average income of person in same family, if the income of one person increased by Rs. 12000?

Rs. 1200

278 - The average monthly salary of 20 employees in an organisation is Rs. 1500. If the manager’s salary is added, then the average salary increases by Rs. 100. What is the manager’s monthly salary?

Rs. 3600

279 - The average monthly salary of 20 employees in an organisation is Rs. 1500. If the manager's salary is added, then the average salary increases by Rs. 100. What is the manager's monthly salary ?


280 - The average monthly salary of 20 employees in an organisation is Rs. 1500. If the manager's salary is added, then the average salary increases by Rs. 100. What is the manager's monthly salary?

Rs. 3600

281 - The average number of handicrafts made by 5 women in a day is 28. If thier supervisor also joins them the average number of handicrafts made in a day increases by 1. How many handicrafts does the supe


282 - The average number of shirts with Salman, Ambani and Dalmiya is 60, if all of them reached a shopping mall in Delhi and purchased 6 shirts each of them then average


283 - The average of 10 number is calculate as 15. It is discovered later on that while calculating the average one number , namely 36 was wrongly read as 26. The correct average is ?


284 - The average of 10 numbers is 23. If each number is increased by 4, what will the new average be?


285 - The average of 10 numbers is 23. If each number is increased by 4, what will the new average?


286 - The average of 10 numbers is calculated as 15. It is discovered later on that while calculating the average, one number namely 36 was wrongly read as 26. The correct average is?


287 - The Average of 100, 200, 300, 400, ... , 1000 is 550. If each number is divided by 5, then the new average will be equal to


288 - The average of 11 numbers is 10.9. If the average of first six is 10.5 and that of the last six is 11.4 the sixth number is?


289 - The average of 11 numbers is 10.9. If the average of first six is 10.5 and that of the last six is 11.4 the sixth number is_____________?


290 - The average of 11 numbers is 10.9. If the average of the first six numbers is 10.5 and that of the last six numbers is 11.4, then the middle number is :


291 - The average of 11 numbers is 36. Out of these 11 numbers, the average of 9 numbers is 34. If the ratio of remaining two numbers is 2 : 3, find out the smaller number.


292 - The average of 11 results is 50, if the average of first six results is 49 and that of the last six is 52. Find the sixth result?


293 - The average of 11 results is 50, if the average of first six results is 49 and that of the last six is 52. Find the sixth result?


294 - The average of 12 numbers is 24. If each number be multiplied by 6. Find the average of new set of numbers?


295 - The average of 13 numbers is 60. Average of the first 7 of them is 57 and that of the last 7 is 61. Find the 8th number?


296 - The average of 13 numbers is 60. Average of the first 7 of them is 57 and that of the last 7 is 61. Find the 8th number?


297 - The average of 13 result is 68. The average of first seven is 63 and that of the last seven is 70 , the seventh result is


298 - The average of 13 results is 60. If the average of first 7 result is 59 and that of last 7 results is 61, What will be the seventh result?


299 - The average of 18 observations was calculated and it was 124. Later on it was discovered that two observations 46 and 82 were incorrect. The correct values are 64 and 28. The correct average of 18 observations is___________?


300 - The average of 1st 3 of 4 numbers is 16 and of the last 3 are 15. If the sum of the first and the last number is 13. What is the last numbers?


301 - The average of 1st 3 of 4 numbers is 16 and of the last 3 are 15. If the sum of the first and the last number is 13. What is the last numbers?


302 - The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero ?


303 - The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?


304 - The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?


305 - The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?


306 - The average of 25 results is 18, that of first twelve is 14 and of last twelve is 17 . Thirteenth result is?


307 - The average of 26,29,n,35 and 43 lies between 25 and 35. If n is always an integer and greater than the average of the given integers then the value of n is :


308 - The average of 3 numbers is 26. Two of the numbers are 11 and 21. What is the third number?


309 - The average of 30 numbers is 48. If three numbers namely 45, 55 and 43 are discarded, the average of remaining numbers is?


310 - The average of 30 results is 20 and the average of other 20 results is 30 . what is the average of all the results?


311 - The average of 35 numbers is 25. If each number is multiplied by 5, find the new average?


312 - The average of 35 numbers is 25. If each number is multiplied by 5, find the new average?


313 - The average of 35 students in a class is 16 years. The average age of 21 students is 14. What is the average age of remaining 14 students?

19 years

314 - The average of 35 students in a class is 16 years. The average age of 21 students is 14. What is the average age of remaining 14 students?

19 years

315 - The average of 4 consecutive even numbers is 27. What is the greatest number


316 - The average of 5 consecutive number is n , if the next two number are also include, the average of 7 number will ?

Increase by 1

317 - The average of 5 consedutive old posstive integers is 9. The least one amonge them is


318 - The Average of 5 observation is 15. If three new observation 16.5, 18 and 14.5 be added. Then find the new average.


319 - The average of 5 positive numbers is 344. The average of the first two numbers is 650 and the average of the last two numbers is 100. What is the third number ?


320 - The average of 50 number is 38 .if two numbers 45 and 55 are discarded , the average of the remaining number is ?


321 - The average of 6 number 13, 17, 25, 11, 26, 10 is


322 - The average of 6 numbers is 10. If each of these numbers is divided by 2 and then 1 is subtracted from each of these resultant numbers, then find the new average?


323 - The average of 6 observation is 12. A new 7th observation is included and the new average is decrease by 1 , the seventh observation is ?


324 - The average of 7 consecutive numbers is 20. The largest of these numbers is :


325 - The average of 7 numbers is 24. If each number be multiplied by 5. Find the average of new set of numbers?


326 - The average of 7 results is 45. The average of first three results is 47 and average of last three results is 42. What is the fourth result?


327 - The average of 8 No's is 20. The average of first two No's is 15.5 and that of next three No's is 64/3.if the 6th No be less than the seventh and eight No. by 4 and 7 respectively, then find eight No.


328 - The average of 8 number 21. if each of the number is multiplied by 8,the new set of number is ?


329 - The average of 8 numbers is 14. The average of 6 of these numbers is 16. What is the average of the remaining two numbers?


330 - The average of 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 9 is


331 - The average of 9 observations was 9, that of the 1st of 5 being 10 and that of the last 5 being 8. What was the 5th observation?


332 - The average of 9 observations was 9, that of the 1st of 5 being 10 and that of the last 5 being 8. What was the 5th observation?


333 - The average of A and B is 20 years. If C were to replace A, the average would be 19 and if C were to replace B, the Average would be 21. What are the ages of A, B and C ?

22 years, 18 years, 20 years

334 - The average of any 5 consecutive odd natural numbers is k . If two more such numbers , just next to the previous 5 numbers are added , the new average becomes


335 - The average of class in 35 yr. 6 new students with an average age of 33 yr. joined in that class, there by decreasing the average by half year. The original strength of the class was


336 - The average of first 10 even numbers is?


337 - The average of first 10 even numbers is___________?


338 - The average of first 10 natural numbers is?


339 - The average of first 10 natural numbers is____________?


340 - The average of first 10 odd numbers is?


341 - The average of first 10 odd numbers is_____________?


342 - The average of first 10 prime numbers is?


343 - The average of first five multiples of 3 is:


344 - The average of first five multiples of 3 is____________?


345 - The average of first five prime numbers greater than 20 is?


346 - The average of first five prime numbers greater than 20 is____________?


347 - The average of first nine multiples of 3 is ?


348 - The average of first ten prime numbers which are odd is?


349 - The average of first ten prime numbers which are odd is____________?


350 - The average of first ten prime numbers:


351 - The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. What is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers :


352 - The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. What is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers?


353 - The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. What is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers?


354 - The average of five numbers is 27. If one number is excluded, the average becomes 25. The excluded number is :


355 - The average of five numbers is 27. If one number is excluded, the average becomes 25. The excluded number is:


356 - The average of five numbers is 27. If one number is excluded, the average becomes 25. The excluded number is__________?


357 - The average of five results is 46 and that of the first four is 45. the fifth result is ?


358 - The average of five results is 46 and that of the first four is 45. The fifth result is?


359 - The average of five results is 46 and that of the first four is 45. The fifth result is__________?


360 - The average of four consecutive numbers A, B, C, and D is 49.5. What is the product of B and D ?


361 - The average of four positive integers is 69. The highest integer is 93 and the least integer is 39. The difference between the remaining two integers is 28. Which of the following integers is the high


362 - The average of four positive integers is 69. The highest integer is 93 and the least integer is 39. The difference between the remaining two integers is 28. Which of the following integers is the higher of the remaining two integers?


363 - The average of marks obtained by 120 candidates was 35. If the average of marks of passed candidates was 39 and that of failed candidates was 39 and that of failed candidates was 15, the number of can


364 - The average of nine numbers is 50. The average of the first five numbers is 54 and that of the last three numbers is 52. Then the sixth number is


365 - The average of non-zero number and its square is 5 times the number. The number is:


366 - The average of non-zero number and its square is 5 times the number. The number is__________?


367 - The average of numbers 0.64204, 0.64203, 0.64202 and 0.64201 is ?


368 - The average of odd number up to 100 is ?


369 - The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4 ?


370 - The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4?


371 - The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4?


372 - The average of seven numbers is 18. The average of first three numbers is 14 and the average of last three numbers is 19. What is the middle number?


373 - The average of six consecutive even numbers P, Q, R, S, T and U is 63. What will be the product of Q and S ?


374 - The average of six consecutive odd numbers P, Q. R, S, T and U is 116. What is the product of R and T ?


375 - The average of six numbers is 3.95. The average of two of them is 3.4, while the average of the other two is 3.85. What is the average of the remaining two numbers ?


376 - The average of six numbers is x and the average of three of these is y. If the average of the remaining three is z, then :

2x = y + z

377 - The Average of six observation is 12. The average decreases by 1 when a new observation is included. What is the seventh observation?


378 - The average of the age of A, B, C is 25 years, while the average of the age of A, B and D is 28 years. If D is 28 years old, then what is the age of C?

19 years

379 - The average of the daily income of A, B and C is Rs . 60 . If B earns Rs . 20 more than C and A earns double of what C earns. What is the daily income of C ?


380 - The average of the marks of 12 students in a class is 36. If the marks of each student are doubled, find the new average?


381 - The average of the marks of 12 students in a class is 36. If the marks of each student are doubled, find the new average?


382 - The average of the two-digit numbers, which remain the same when the dibits inter-change their positions, is :


383 - The average of the two-digit numbers, which remain the same when the digits interchange their positions, is:


384 - The average of the two-digit numbers, which remain the same when the digits interchange their positions, is__________?


385 - The average of three number is 42. The first is twice the second and the second is twice the third the different between the third largest and the smallest number number is ?


386 - The average of two numbers is XY.If one number is equal to X ,the other number is equal to_________?

2 XY -2 X

387 - The average of women and child workers in a factory was 15%yr. The average age of all the 16 children was 8yr and average age of women workers was 22 yrs if ten women workers were married then the number of unmarried women workers were________?


388 - The average of x1, x2 and x3 is 14. Twice the sum of x2 and x3 is 30. What is the value of x1 ?


389 - The average price of 10 books is Rs. 12 while the average price of 8 of these books is Rs. 11.75. Of the remaining two books, if the price of one book is 60% more than the price of the other, what ia


390 - The average price of three items of furniture is Rs. 15000. If their prices are in the ratio 3:5:7, the price of the cheapest item is :


391 - The average runs scored by a batsman in 20 matches is 40. In the next 10 matches the batsman scored an average of 13 runs. Find his average in all the 30 matches?


392 - The average runs scored by a batsman in 20 matches is 40. In the next 10 matches the batsman scored an average of 13 runs. Find his average in all the 30 matches?


393 - The average salary of 20 workers in an office id Rs. 1900 per month . If the manger’s salary is added , the average salary become Rs. 2000 p.m what is the manager’s annual salary ?

Rs. 48000

394 - The average salary of a person for the months of January, February, March and April is Rs.8000 and that for the months February, March, April and May is Rs.8500. If his salary for the month of May is


395 - The average salary of a person for the months of January, February, March and April is Rs.8000 and that for the months February, March, April and May is Rs.8500. If his salary for the month of May is Rs.6500, find his salary for the month of January?


396 - The average salary of A, B is Rs. 6000 and that of C, D and E is Rs. 8000. The average salary of all the 5 people is


397 - The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8000. The average salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 12000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs. 6000. The total number of workers in the wor

21 workers

398 - The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8000. The average salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 12000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs. 6000. The total number of workers in the workshop is__________________?


399 - The average salary of Rajesh, Bahadur and Amir is Rs. 8000 per month. The average expenditure of Rajesh , Bahadur and Amir per month is Rs. 5000. The average savings of all the 3 persons per month is


400 - The average salary of the entire staff in a office is Rs 120 per month.The average salary of officers is Rs 460 and of non officers is Rs 110. If the number of officers is 15,then find the No of non-o


401 - The average salary of the entire staff in an office is Rs. 200 per day. The average salary of officers is Rs. 550 and that of non officers is Rs. 120. If the number of officers is 16, then find the nu


402 - The average salary of workers in an industry is Rs.200 the average salary of technicians being Rs.400 and that of non-technicians being Rs.125. What is the total number of workers?


403 - The average salary of workers in an industry is Rs.200 the average salary of technicians being Rs.400 and that of non-technicians being Rs.125. What is the total number of workers?


404 - The average salary per head of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 850, if the average salary per head of 7 technician is Rs. 1000 and the average salary per head of the rest is Rs 780, the total num


405 - The average salary per head of all workers of an institution is Rs. 60. The average salary per head of 12 officers is Rs. 400. The average salary per head of the rest is Rs. 56. Then, the total number


406 - The average salary per head of the entire staff of an office including the officers and clerks is Rs.90. The average salary of officers is Rs.600 and that of the clerks is Rs.84. If the number of offi


407 - The average salary per head of the entire staff of an office including the officers and clerks is Rs.90. The average salary of officers is Rs.600 and that of the clerks is Rs.84. If the number of officers is 2, find the number of officers in the office?


408 - The average savings of 2 girls and 2 boys is $ 250. Each girl saves $ 50 more than each boy. Find the savings of one boy.


409 - The average score of a cricketer for 10 matches is 43.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 53 , the average for the last four matches is ?


410 - The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is 36.3 degrees C. The average temperature for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is 36.7 degrees C. if Monday's temperature recorded as 39 degre

40.2 degrees C

411 - The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 48 degrees and for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 46 degrees. If the temperature on Monday was 42 degrees. Find the

34 degrees

412 - The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 48 degrees and for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 46 degrees. If the temperature on Monday was 42 degrees. Find the temperature on Friday?

34 degrees

413 - The average temperature for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 42°C. The average temperature for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 44°C. If the temperature on Friday be 43°C, what was the Temperatur


414 - The average temperature of Delhi for four days in a particular month is 48°C. If the average temperature of second and third days 34°C and the ratio of the temperature of first and fourth days is 9 :

55.8°C, 68.2°C

415 - The average temperature of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was 38° C and that of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 40° C, if the temperature on Monday was 30° C, the temperature of


416 - The average temperature of the first three days is 27° C and that of the next three is 29° C . If the average of the whole week is 28.5° C, the temperature of the last day of the week is ?


417 - The average temperature of the first three days of the week is 25° C and that of the next three days is 27° C If the average ofthe whole week is 26.5° C, then the temperature of the last week of the w

29.5° C

418 - The average temperature of the town in the first four days of a month was 58 degrees. The average for the second, third, fourth and fifth days was 60 degrees. If the temperatures of the first and fift

64 degrees

419 - The average value of property of Mittal, Ambani and Singhania is Rs.11111 crore. The property of Singhania is as less than the property of Mittal is greater than the average property of both the Singh

Rs. 11111 crore

420 - The average weight of 10 woman is increased by 1 kg if 2 woman of 42 kg and 38 kg are replaced by 2 men.Find the average weight of both the men?

45 kg

421 - The average weight of 14 students in a class is increased by 3 kg. When a student who weights 48 kg is replaced by a new student. Find the weight of new student?

90 kgs

422 - The average Weight of 15 students in a class is increased by 3 Kg. when a student who weights 48 Kg. is replaced by a new student. Find the weight of new student?


423 - The average weight of 16 boys in a class is 50.25 kg and that of the remaining 8 boys is 45.15 kg. Find the average weights of all the boys in the class.

48.55 kg

424 - The average weight of 19 students is 15kg. by the admission of a new student the average weight is reduced to 14.8 kg. the weight of the new student is ?

11 kg

425 - The average weight of 21 boys was recorded as 64kg. If the weight of the teacher was added, the average increased by one kg. What was the teacher's weight?

86 kg

426 - The average weight of 25 persons sitting in a boat had some value. A new person added to them whose weight was 46 kg only. Due to his arrival, the average weight of all the persons decreased by 5 kg.


427 - The average weight of 25 persons sitting in a boat had some value. A new person added to them whose weight was 46 kg only. Due to his arrival, the average weight of all the persons decreased by 5 kg. Find the average weight of first 25 persons?


428 - The average weight of 3 groups of friends of 50, 30 & 20 members respectively, are 50 kg 52 kg and 55 kg. What is the average weight of all the friends taken together?

51.6 kg

429 - The average weight of 8 men is increased by 2kg when one of the men whose weight is 50 kg is replaced by a new man . The weight of the new man is ?

66 kg

430 - The average weight of 8 persons increases by 1.5kg when a person weighting 65kg is replaced by a new person. What could be the weight of the new person?

77 kgs

431 - The average weight of 8 persons increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person ?

85 kg

432 - The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?

85 kg

433 - The average weight of 8 persons is increased by 2.5 kg, when one of them whose weight is 56 kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the man is ?

76 kg

434 - The average weight of a class of 15 boys and 10 girls is 38.4 kg. If the average weight of the boys is 40 kg, then what is the average weight of the girls ?

36 kg

435 - The average weight of a class of 20 boys was calculated to be 58.4 kgs and it was later found that one weight was misread as 56 kg instead of 65 kg. What is the correct weight?

58.85 kgs

436 - The average weight of a class of 24 students is 35 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included, the average rises by 400 g. The weight of the teacher is :

45 kg

437 - The average weight of a class of 24 students is 35 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included, the average rises by 400g. The weight of the teacher is

45 kg

438 - The average weight of a class of 40 students is 40 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included , the average weight increases by 500 gm . The weight of the teacher is ?

60.5 kg

439 - The average weight of a group of boys is 30 kg. After a boy of weight 35 kg joins the group, the average weight of the group goes up by 1 kg. Find the number of boys in the group originally ?


440 - The average weight of a group of boys is 30 kg. After a boy of weight 35 kg joins the group, the average weight of the group goes up by 1 kg. Find the number of boys in the group originally?


441 - The average weight of a group of persons increased from 48 kg to 51 kg, when two persons weighing 78 kg and 93 kg join the group. Find the initial number of members in the group?


442 - The average weight of a group of persons increased from 48 kg to 51 kg, when two persons weighing 78 kg and 93 kg join the group. Find the initial number of members in the group?


443 - The average weight of A, B and C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 40 kg and that of B and C be 43 kg, then the weight of B is___________?

31 kg

444 - The average weight of A, B and C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 40 kg and that of B and C be 43 kg, then the weight of B is___________?

31 kg

445 - The average weight of A, B, C is 45 kg. if the average weight of A and B be 40 kg and that of B and C be 40kg and that of B and C be 43kg, then the weight of B is ?

31 kg

446 - The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years older. If the ages of these two are excluded, the average age of the remaining players is one year less tha

23 years

447 - The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years older. If the ages of these two are excluded, the average age of the remaining players is one year less tha

23 years

448 - The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years older. If the ages of these two are excluded, the average age of the remaining players is one year less than the average age of the whole team. What is the averag

23 years

449 - The compound interest on amount for 2 years at rate of 8 is Rs.312. What will simple interest on the same amount ?

Rs. 300

450 - The mean marks obtained by seven students group is 226. If the marks obtained by six of them are 340, 180, 260, 56, 275 and 307 respectively. Find the markes obtained by the seventh student.


451 - The mean marks of 30 students in a class is 58.5. Later on it was found that 75 was wrongly recorded as 57. Find the correct them.


452 - The mean marks of 30 students in a class is 58.5. Later on, it was found that 75 was wrongly recorded as 57. Find the correct mean.


453 - The mean of 50 observations was 36. It was found later that an observation 48 was wrongly taken as 23. The corrected new mean is :


454 - The mean of 50 observations was 36. It was found later that an observation 48 was wrongly taken as 23. The corrected new mean is___________?


455 - The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 37° C and of Tuesday to Thursday was 34° C . If in the temperature on Thursday was 4/5th that of Monday, what was temperature on Thursday ?

36° C

456 - The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 37°C and of Tuesday to Thursday was 34°C. If the temperature on Thursday was 4/5 that of Monday, the temperature of Thursday was


457 - The mean weight of 150 students in class is 60 kg. The mean weight of boys is 70 kg and that of girls is 55 kg. What is the number of boys in the class ?


458 - The mean weight of 34 students of a school is 42 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included the mean rises by 400g. Find the weight of the teacher?

56 kg

459 - The present average age of a family of five members is 26 years. If the present age of the youngest member in the family is ten years, then what was the average age of the family at the time of the bi

20 years

460 - The present average age of a family of five members is 26 years. If the present age of the youngest member in the family is ten years, then what was the average age of the family at the time of the birth of the youngest member ? (Assume no death occurred

20 years

461 - The ratio of ages of the father and the daughter at present is 3 : 1. Four year ago the ratio was 4 : 1 . The average age of the father and daughter 2 year hence will be

36 years

462 - The ratio oftwonumbers is 4 : 7. Ifeachofthese numbers increases by 30, their ratio will become 5 : 8 . What is the average of these two numbers ?


463 - The respective ratio between the speeds of a car, a train and a bus is 5 : 9 : 4. The average speed of the car, the bus and the train is 72 kmph together. What is the average speed of the car and the

84 kmph

464 - The salary of A, B, C, D, E is Rs. 8000, Rs. 5000, Rs. 11000, Rs. 7000, Rs. 9000 per month respectively, then the average salary of A, B, C, D, and E per month is

Rs. 8000

465 - The sum of five numbers is 655. The average of the first two numbers is 85 and the third number is 125. Find the average of the two numbers?


466 - The sum of five numbers is 655. The average of the first two numbers is 85 and the third number is 125. Find the average of the two numbers?


467 - The sum of seven numbers is 235. The average of the first three is 23 and that of the last three is 42. The fourth number is ?


468 - The temperature at noon in LHR ,Pakistan was 6 deg on Monday ,4deg on Tuesday,2deg below zero on Wednesday,3deg below zero on Thursday, 0 deg on Friday ,3 deg on Saturday ,and 6 deg on Sunday. What was the average temperature at noon for the week ?

2 deg

469 - The total amount of money Mei Ling and Fu Hua have is $ 48. What is their average amount of money?


470 - The total marks obtained by a student in Mathematics and Physics is 60 and his score in Chemistry is 20 marks more than that in Physics. Find the average marks scored in Mathamatics and Chemistry toge


471 - The total marks obtained by a student in Mathematics and Physics is 60 and his score in Chemistry is 20 marks more than that in Physics. Find the average marks scored in Mathematics and Chemistry together.


472 - The total marks obtained by a student in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics is 150 more than the marks obtained by him in Physics. What is the average mark obtained by him in Chemistry and Mathematics


473 - The total marks obtained by a student in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics is 150 more than the marks obtained by him in Physics. What is the average mark obtained by him in Chemistry and Mathematics?


474 - There were 45 students in a hostel, if the numbers of students increased by 7, the expenses of the mess were increased by Rs. 39 per day while the average expenditure per head diminished by Re.1. What

Rs. 585

475 - Three years ago the average age of a family of six members was 19 years. A boy have been born, the average age of the family is the same today. What is the age of the boy?

1 year

476 - Three years ago the average age of a family of six members was 19 years. A boy have been born, the average age of the family is the same today. What is the age of the boy?

1 year

477 - Type of central tendency measures which divides data set into ten equal parts is classified as


478 - Visitors to show were charged Rs.15 each on the first day. Rs.7.50 on the second day, Rs.2.50 on the third day and total attendance on the three days were in ratio 2:5:13 respectively. The average cha


479 - Visitors to show were charged Rs.15 each on the first day. Rs.7.50 on the second day, Rs.2.50 on the third day and total attendance on the three days were in ratio 2:5:13 respectively. The average charge per person for the whole show is___________?


480 - What is average speed of a man ? I. He walks at 5 kmh-1 from place A to B and returns back at 4 kmh-1 II. The distance between A and B is 10 km.

If statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is sufficient.

481 - What is the average number of units manufactured by Company D in the years 2004 and 2007 together ?


482 - What is the average of first 21 multiples of 7 ?


483 - What is the average of first 79 natural numbers?


484 - What is the average of four tenths and five thousandths


485 - What is the average of the following numbers ? 126, 322, 610, 716, 805, 949


486 - What is the average of the following numbers ? 5720175, 5819038, 4847211, 9815742, 7242158, 8432766


487 - What is the average of the following numbers ? 791589,375624,281946,910288,996647,865742,576839


488 - What is the average of the following set of members ? 205, 336, 425, 527, 445, 562, 720


489 - What is the average of the following set of numbers ? 342, 410, 735, 280, 132, 17


490 - What is the average of the following set of scores ? 135, 145, 155, 169, 275, 225


491 - What is the average of the following set of scores ? 183,247,384,446,625,731


492 - What is the average salary of A, B and C ? I. A and B get equal salary and C's salary is half of A's. II. C's salary is Rs 500 less than B's.

If both statement I and II together are sufficient but neither statement alone is sufficient.

493 - What will be the average of even numbers between 11 to 63.


494 - When the scores of both the classes are combined, the average is 80. What is n/m ?


495 - With an average speed of 40km/hr. a train reached its destination in time. If it goes whith an average speed of 35km/hr, it is late by 15 minute . The total journey is ?

70 km


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