Ratio and Proportion Related MCQs For Job's Test Preparation

1 - Find the fourth proportion to 2, 3, 6, x ?


2 - 1: 3 = 1 2/3: x. The value of x is?


3 - 10 camels cost as much as 24 horses, 16 horses cost as much as 4 oxen and 6 oxen as much as 4 elephants. If the cost of 10 elephants is Rs.170000, find the cost of a camel?


4 - 1000 men have provisions for 15 days. If 200 more men join them, for how many days will the provisions last now?


5 - 1053% of a number is equal to 585% of another number. What is the ratio of these two numbers


6 - 125 liters of a mixture of milk and water contains in the ratio 3:2. How much water should now be added so that the ratio of milk and water becomes 3:4?

50 liters

7 - 15 binders can bind 1400 books in 21 days. How many binders will be required to bind 1600 books in 20 days?


8 - 150 men consume 1050 kg of rice in 30 days. In how many days will 70 men consume 980 kg of rice?


9 - 1600 men have provisions for 28 days in the temple. If after 4 days, 400 men leave the temple, how long will the food last now?

32 days

10 - 38 percent of first number is 52 percent of the second number. What is the respective ratio of the first number to the second number?


11 - 39% of one number is equal to 91 % of another number. What is the ratio of the first number number to the second ?


12 - 4 singers, 5 dancers and 3 comperes divide an amount of Rs.130000 among themselves such that 3 comperes get as much as 2 dancers and 3 dancers get as much as 2 singers. Find the amount received by a singer.


13 - 64 boys and 40 girls form a group for social work. During their membership drive, same number of boys and girls joined the group. How many members does the group have now, if the ratio of boys to girl


14 - 64 boys and 40 girls form a group for social work. During their membership drive, the same number of boys and girls joined the group. How many members does the group have now, if the ratio of boys to

None of these

15 - 7 : 12 is equivalent to:

42 : 72

16 - 96 is divided into two parts in such a way that seventh part of first and ninth part of second are equal. Find the smallest part?


17 - A 70 cm long wire is to be cut into two pieces so that one piece will be 2/5th of the other, how many centimeters will the shorter piece be?


18 - A and B entered into a partnership with their capital in the ratio 7 : 5. At the end of 10 months A withdraws his capital. If they receive the profits in the ratio 7 : 2, find how long B's capital was

4 months

19 - A and B together have Rs. 1210. If 4/15 of A's amount is equal to 2/5 of B's amount, how much amount does B have?

484 Rs.

20 - A and B together have Rs. 1210. If 4/15 of A's amount is equal to 2/5 of B's amount. How much amount B have.


21 - A bag contains 1 rupee, 2 rupee and 5 rupee coins amounting to Rs.264. If the ratio of the number of these coins is 3:5:4, find the number of 1 rupee coins.


22 - A bag contains 50 paise, 1 rupee and 2 rupee coins in the ratio 2:5:8. If the total amount is Rs. 352, find the total number of coins in the bag.


23 - A bag contains 50p,Rs.1/- and Rs2/- coins in the ratio of 4:2:1 respectively. If the total money in the bag is Rs.60/-. Find the number of 50p coins in that bag?

40 coins

24 - A bag contains 5p,10p and Rs20p coins in the ratio of 1:2:4 respectively. If the total money in the bag is Rs.84/-. Find the number of 10p coins in that bag?

160 coins

25 - A bag contains a certain number of 50 paise coins, 20 paise coins and 10 paise coins inthe ratio 2:3:4. If the total value of all the coins in the bag is Rs.400, find the number of coins of each kind?

50p coins = 40020p coins = 60010p coins = 800

26 - 'A' began a business with Rs 5000 and was joined afterwards by ' B ' with Rs 4000. When did ' B ' join if the profits at the end of a two year term is divided in the ratio 3 :2 ?

after 4 months

27 - A certain sum of money is divided among A, B and C so that for each Rs. A has, B has 65 paisa and C 40 paisa. If C's share is Rs.40, find the sum of money?


28 - A class has 90 students. If the ratio of boys and girls is 7:8, find the number of boys in the class.


29 - A contractor undertakes to complete the construction of a tunnel 720 meters long in 240 days and employs 60 men for the purpose. After 120 days, he finds that only 240 meters of the tunnel is complete

60 men

30 - A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long?


31 - A dog takes 3 leaps for every 5 leaps of a hare. If one leap of the dog is equal to 3 leaps of the hare, the ratio of the speed of the dog to that of the hare is :


32 - A fort of 2000 soldiers has provisions for 50 days. After 10 days some of them left and the food was now enough for the same period of 50 days as before. How many of them left?


33 - A fraction bears the same ratio to 1/27 as 3/7 does to 5/9. The fraction is?


34 - A gardener wants to plant trees in his garden in rows in such a way that the number of trees in each row to be the same. If there are 24 rows the number of trees in each row is 42 if there are 12 more


35 - A gardener wants to plant trees in his garden in rows in such away that the number of trees in each row to be the same. If there are 24 rows the number of trees in each row is 42 if there are 12 more


36 - A garrison of 2000 men has provisions for 54 days. At the end of 15 days, a reinforcement arrives, and it is now found that the provisions will last only for 20 days more. What is the reinforcement?

1900 men

37 - A garrison of 400 men had a provision for 31 days. After 28 days 280 persons re-enforcement leave the garrison. Find the number of days for which the remaining ration will be sufficient?

10 days

38 - A gets 3 times as much money as B gets, B gets only Rs.25 more then what C gets. The three gets Rs.675 in all. Find the share of B?


39 - A grocer sold 100 kg wheat, which is mixture of type x and type y wheat, for Rs 1100 & earned profit of Rs 300. If the purchase price of type x and type y wheat were Rs 10 & Rs 5 kg, what was the rati


40 - A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days?

13 days

41 - A journey of 750 km was covered partly by car(x km) and partly by train(y km). If the distance travelled by train was 150 km more than the distance travelled by car, find x:y.


42 - A milkman adds 4 litres of water to 16 litres of milk and another 9 litres of water to 27 litres of milk. What will be the ratio of the fraction of milk in the two mixtures ?


43 - A mixture contains alcohol and water in the ratio 4 : 3. If 5 liters of water is added to the mixture, the ratio becomes 4: 5. Find the quantity of alcohol in the given mixture.


44 - A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 3:2. On adding 10 liters of water, the ratio of milk to water becomes 2:3. Total quantity of milk & water before adding water to it?


45 - A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 5:2. On adding 10 liters of water, the ratio of milk to water becomes 5:3. The quantity of milk in the original mixture is?


46 - A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 7:3. On adding 20 liters of water, the ratio of milk to water becomes 7:5. Total quantity of milk & water before adding water to it?


47 - A number is equal to 40% of another number. What is the ratio of the first number to the second number ?


48 - A profit of Rs. 18,000 is to be distributed among A,B and C in the proportions of 5 : 2 : 3 respectively. What is the difference between A's and B's share?

Rs. 5400

49 - A ratio equivalent to 3 : 7 is:


50 - A sphere and a cube have equal surface areas. The ratio of the volume of the sphere to that of the cube is

√6 : √Ï€

51 - A sum has to be distributed among P, Q and R in the ratio 3 : 5 : 6. If the combined share of P and Q be Rs. 12,400 what is R’s share ?

Rs. 9,300

52 - A sum has to be distributed among Prem, Sapna and Neera in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5 If sapna gets Rs. 1200, What has prem got ?

Rs. 800

53 - A sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D in the ratio of 4 : 5 : 7 : 11 respectively . If the share of C is Rs. 1,351, then what is the total amount of money of A& D together ?

Rs. 2,895

54 - A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B's share?

2000 Rs.

55 - A sum of money is to be divided amongst X, Y and Z in the ratio 4 : 6 : 5 and another sum of money is to be divided between P and Q equally. If P got Rs 1225 less then X, how much amount did Y receive

Data inadequate

56 - A sum of Rs. 427 is to be divided among A, B and C such that 3 times A’s share, 4 tunes B’s share and 7 times C’s share are all equal. The share of C is :


57 - A sum of Rs.312 was divided among 100 boys and girls in such a way that the boy gets Rs.3.60 and each girl Rs. 2.40 the number of girls is


58 - A sum was divided among Suresh, Raman and Pankaj in a way such that Raman gets 40% of the amount Suresh gets. If Suresh gets 30% of the total arribunt, in what ratio was the sum divided among Suresh,


59 - A sun is divided among X, Y and Z in such a way that for each rupee X gets, Y gets 45 paisa and Z gets 30 paisa. If the share of Y is RS. 27, what is the total amount?


60 - A surn of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B’s share ?

Rs. 2000

61 - 'A', ' B ' and 'C contract a work for Rs 1600. Together A and B are supposed to do 5/8 of the work. How much does C get?


62 - A, B and C divide an amount of Rs 5000 among themselves in the ratio of 10 : 9 : 6 respectively. If an amount of Rs 400 is added to each of their shares, what will be the new ratio of their shares of


63 - A, B and C divide an amount of Rs 7200 amongst themselves in the ratio of 8 :9 : 7 . If an amount of Rs 3 00 is added to each of their shares, what will be the new ratio of their shares of amount ?


64 - A, B and C have Rs.500 between them, A and C together have Rs.200 and B and C Rs.350. How much does C have?


65 - A, B and C have to distribute Rs 1200 among them selves. ' A and 'C together have Rs 700 and ' B ' and 'C have Rs 800. How much amount does 'C have ?

Rs. 300

66 - A, B and C play a cricket match. The ratio of the runs scored by them in the match is A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 2:5. If the total runs scored by all of them are 75, the runs scored by B are?


67 - A, B, C and D divide a sum of money among themselves in the ratio 7:4:3:2. If D gets Rs. 500 less than A, find the total amount.


68 - A:B=2:3, B:C=3:4, A:D=4:5. Find C:D.


69 - According to a recipe, 400 grams of flour should be mixed with 500 grams of sugar to bake cookies. If I have only 300 grams of flour, how much sugar should I mix to maintain the same proportion?


70 - Akash, Ramesh and Kamlesh invest in a business in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5. If the amount invested by Akash is Rs 12000, what is the total amount invested ?

Rs. 60,000

71 - Alloy A contains 40% gold and 60% silver. Alloy B contains 35% gold and 40% silver and 25% copper. Alloys A and B are mixed in the ratio of 1:4 .What is the ratio of gold and silver in the newly form

36% and 44%

72 - Amar started a business, investing Rs 64000. Six months later, Ajay joined with Rs 48000. In what ratio should the profit they earned be distributed at the end of year ?


73 - Amar, Bhavan and Chetan divide an amount of Rs. 5600 among themselves in the ratio 3 : 6 : 5. If an amount of Rs. 400 is deducted from each of their shares, what will be the new ratio of their shares


74 - Amar, Bhavan and Chetan divide an amount of Rs.5600 among themselves in the ratio 3:6:5. If an amount of Rs.400 is deducted from each of their shares, what will be the new ratio of their shares of the


75 - An amount of money is distributed among A, B and C in the ratio of 1:2:9. If C gives Rs. 400 from his share to B, the new ratio becomes 1 : 3 : 8 . What is the total amount ?

Rs. 4800

76 - An amount of money is to be divided between P, Q and R in the ratio of 3:7:12. If the difference between the shares of P and Q is Rs.2400, what will be the difference between Q and R's share?


77 - An amount of Rs 52179904 is equally distributed among 56 persons. How much amount would each person get ?


78 - An amount of Rs.1560 was divided among A, B and C, in the ratio 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4. Find the share of C?

Rs. 360

79 - Divide Rs. 1500 among A, B and C so that A receives 1/3 as much as B and C together and B receives 2/3 as A and C together. A's share is?


80 - Divide Rs.118000 among three persons A, B and C such that the ratio of the shares of A and B is 3:4 and that of B:C is 5:6?

A = 30000 B = 40000 C = 48000

81 - Divide Rs.2000 into two shares in the ratio 3:2.


82 - Divide Rs.32000 in the ratio 3:5?

12000, 20000

83 - Find the fourth proportion to 2,3,6


84 - Find the fourth proportion to 3, 7 and 9.


85 - Find the fourth proportional to 0.2,0.12 and 0.3?


86 - Find the fourth proportional to 0.5, 1.12 and 1.3?


87 - Find the fourth proportional to 2.4, 4.6 and 7.6?


88 - Find the fraction which has the same ratio to 2/13 that 5/34 has to 7/48.


89 - Find the mean proportion between 5 and 45.


90 - Find the mean proportional between 49 & 81?


91 - Find the mean proportional of the following pairs of numbers 50 and 512.


92 - Find the mean proportional of the following pairs of numbers 6 and 24.


93 - Find the numbers which are in the ratio 3 : 2 : 4 such that the sum of the first and the second added to the difference of the third and the second is 21 ?

9, 6, 12

94 - Find the numbers which are in the ratio 3:2:4 such that the sum of the first and the second added to the difference of the third and the second is 21.

9, 6, 12

95 - Find the third proportional to 63 and 29.9?


96 - Find the third proportional to 9 and 12?


97 - Find the value of x when y = 5, if x varies directly as 4y-1 and x = 14 when y = 2.


98 - Five kgs. of Masoor cost Rs. 135/- whereas eight kg. Chana cost Rs. 96/- What is the ratio of per kg. cost of Masoor to that of Chana?


99 - Gina invests Rs. 48,000 to start business. Four months later Shrayon joins her by investing Rs. 62,000 & another two months later Deepika joins them both by investing Rs.80,000. Profit is Rs. 20,661.

Rs. 6,390

100 - Girish started a business investing Rs. 45,000. After 3 months, Vijay joined him with a capital of Rs. 60,000. After another 6 months, Ankush joined them with a capital of Rs. 90,000. Girish's share-

Rs. 5500

101 - if (x + y)/(2x + y) = 4/5, then find (2x + y)/(3x + y) ?


102 - If (x + y)/(2x + y) = 4/5, then find (2x + y)/(3x + y).


103 - If 0.4:1.4 :: 1:4:x, then x=?


104 - If 0.75: x :: 5:8, then x is equal to:


105 - If 1/4 of sunil's salary is equal to 1/5 of Amar's salary, and their total salary is Rs 25200, find Amar's salary.

Rs. 14000

106 - If 10% of x = 20% of y, then x : y is equal to:


107 - If 10% of x = 20% of y, then x:y is equal to:


108 - If 12 men can reap 120 acres of land in 36 days, how many acres of land can 54 men reap in 54 days?

810 acres

109 - If 12, 21, 72, 126 are in proportion, then:

12 × 126 = 21 × 72

110 - If 2 : 9 :: x : 18, then find the value of x


111 - If 2/5 of sunil's salary is equal to 3/2 of Amarjeet's salary and their total salary is Rs 38000, what is Amarjeet's salary ?

Rs. 30000

112 - If 2a=6b and 9b=7c, Find a:b:c?


113 - If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number ?


114 - If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number.


115 - If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number?


116 - If 60% of A's income is equal to 75% of B's income, the B's income is equal to x% of A's income. The value of x is


117 - If 76 is divided into four parts proportional to 7, 5, 3, 4, then the smallest part is:


118 - If A : B : C = 2 : 3 : 4, then find A/B : B/C : C/A ?


119 - If a : b = 2/9 : 1/3, b : c = 2/7 : 5/14 and d : c = 7/10 : 3/5 then a : b : c : d is

16: 24: 30 : 35

120 - If a : b = 3 : 4, b : c = 7 : 9, c : d = 5 : 7, find a : d?


121 - If a : b = 4 : 1, then find (a - 3b)/(2a - b).


122 - If a dividend of Rs. 48,000, is to be divided among Deepa, Kinjal and Supriya in the proportion of 16 : 21 : 23 respectively, find Kinjal's share.

Rs. 16800

123 - If a dozen mirrors are fallen down. The ratio between broken and unbroken mirrors is:


124 - If a flat costs Rs.4500 per sq. ft, and a commercial space costs Rs.9500 per sq. ft, then what is the ratio of their areas if the total cost of both are the same?


125 - If a: b = 3:4, b:c = 7:9, c:d = 5:7, find a:d?


126 - If a: b = 7: 5, b: c = 9: 11, find a: b: c?


127 - If A:B = 1/2: 1/3 B:C = 1/2:1/3 then A:B:C?


128 - If a:b = 2:3 and b:c = 4:3, then find a:b:c


129 - If A:B = 2:3, B:C = 4:5 and C:D = 6:7, then A:B:C:D is:


130 - If A:B = 2:3, B:C = 4:5 and C:D = 6:7, then find the value of A:B:C:D


131 - If a:b = 4:1, then find (a - 3b)/(2a - b)?


132 - If A:B:C = 2:3:4, then A/B : B/C : C/A is equal to:


133 - If a:b=1:2 and b:c=3:4 find a:b:c?


134 - If a:b=1:2,b:c=3:4 and c:d=2:3 find a:b:c:d?


135 - If a:b=2:3,b:c=4:5 and c:d=4:2 find a:b:c:d?


136 - If a:b=2:5, b:c=3:7 and c:d=1:3 find a:b:c:d?


137 - If an amount of Rs 168480 is distributed equally among 72 persons. How much amount would each person get ?

Rs. 2340

138 - If an amount of Rs 16871308 is distributed equally amongst 47 persons, how much amount would each person get ?

Rs. 358964

139 - If an amount of Rs 17952 is divided equally among 37 people, how much approximate amount will each person get ?


140 - If an amount of Rs 185400 is distributed equally amongst 72 persons, how much amount would each person get ?

Rs. 2575

141 - If an amount of Rs 365 85 is distributed equally amongst 27 persons, how much amount would each person get ?

Rs. 1355

142 - If an amount of Rs 7698 is equally distributed among persons, what approximate amount will each person

Rs. 103

143 - If an amount of Rs 90300 is distributed equally among 21 children, how much amount would each get ?

Rs. 3225

144 - If an amount of Rs. 5,86,700 is distributed equally amongst 25 persons, then how much would each person get ?

Rs. 23,468

145 - If an amount ofRs 41975 is distributed equally amongst 23 persons, how much amount do 13 persons get together ?

Rs. 23725

146 - If of Viren's salary is equal total of Amit's Salary their Amits salary.

Rs. 36000

147 - If p, q and r are positive integers and satisfy x = (p + q - r)/r = (p - q + r)/q = (q + r - p)/p, then the value of x is?


148 - If p, q and r are positive integers and satisfy x = (p + q -r)/r = (p - q + r)/q = (q + r - p)/p, then the value of x is?


149 - If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360

150 - If Rs. 782 be divided into three parts, proportional to 1/2:2/3:3/4, then the first part is:

Rs. 204

151 - If Rs.1440/- are divided among A,B and C so that A receives 1/3rd as much as B and B receives 1/4th as much as C. The amount B received is:


152 - If Rs.540/- are divided among A,B and C in such a way that A’s share is ½nd of B share and B’s share is 1/3rd of C’s share. The share of A is?


153 - If Rs.800/- Rupees are divided among a,b and c in such a way that A’s share 4 times more than B, B’s share is 3 times more than C. The C’s share is?


154 - If Rs.900/- Rupees are divided among a,b and c in such a way that A’s share 3 times that of B and B’s share is 2 times that of C. The A’s share is?


155 - If the first number is 37.5% less than the second, what is the ratio of the second number to the first ?


156 - If the liquid soap of a 16 Rs/ litres is diluted and sold at 17 Rs./litres, in what proportion water should be mixed to gain 25% ?


157 - If the product of the ages of A and B is 864 years and the ratio of their ages is 3 : 2, what is the age of 'B' ?

24 years

158 - If the product of the present ages of father and son is 640 and the ratio of their present ages is 5 : 2 , what is the age of the son ?

16 years

159 - If the ratio of the present age of 'A' and' B' is 5 :4 and the ratio of their age 16 years back was 27 : 20, what is the present age of 'B' ?

56 years

160 - If the ratio of the present age of 'A to that of 'B' is 5 :6 and six years earlier the ratio of their ages was 4:5, what is the present age of 'B' ?

36 years

161 - If three numbers in the ratio 3 : 2: 5 be such that the sum of their squares is 1862, the middle number will be


162 - If two numbers are in the ratio 2:3. If 10 is added to both of the numbers then the ratio becomes 3:4 then find the smallest number?


163 - If two numbers are in the ratio 2:3. If 10 is added to both of the numbers then the ratio becomes 5:7 then find the largest number?


164 - If two numbers are in the ratio 5:3. If 10 is Reduced to both of the numbers then the ratio becomes 2:1 then find the smallest number?


165 - If x% of 200=y% of 250, find y:x.


166 - If x, y and z are in proportion, then:

x : y : : y : z

167 - if x:y = 1:3, then find the value of (7x+3y):(2x+y)


168 - If X:Y = 2:3, Y:Z = 4:5. Find X:Y:Z.


169 - If x:y=5:3 then (8x-5y) : (8x+5y)=?


170 - If x;Y = 5:2, then (8x + 9y):(8x + 2y) is :


171 - In 4 : 7 : : 16 : 28, 7 and 16 are called

middle terms

172 - In a bag there are coins of 50 paisa, 25 paisa and one rupee in the proportion 5:6:2. If there are in all Rs.42, the number of 25 paisa coins is?


173 - In a bag, there are coins of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. If there is Rs. 30 in all, how many 5 p coins are there?


174 - In a bag, there are coins of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p in the ratio of 1:2:3. If there are Rs. 30 in all, how many 5 p coins are there?


175 - In a class the number of boys is 40% more than that of girls. What is the ratio between the number of girls and that of boys.


176 - In a class there are 20 boys and 15 girls. The ratio of boys to girls is:


177 - In a class, the number of boys and the number of girls are in the ratio of 4 : 5. If 10 more boys join, the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls becomes 6 : 5 . How many girls are there


178 - In a college, the ratio of the number of boys to girls is 8 : 5. If there are 160 girls, the total number of students in the college is


179 - In a college, the ratio of the number of boys to girls is 8 : 5. If there are 200 girls, the total number of students in the college is


180 - In a colony of 70 residents, the ratio of the number of men and women is 4 : 3. Among the women, the ratio of the educated to the uneducated is 1 : 4. If the ratio of the number of educated to uneduca

None of these

181 - In a colony of 70 residents, the ratio of the number of men and women is 4:3. Among the women, the ratio of the educated to the uneducated is 1:4. If the ratio of the number of education to uneducated


182 - In a fort, there are 1200 soldiers. If each soldier consumes 3 kg per day, the provisions available in the fort will last for 30 days. If some more soldiers join, the provisions available will last fo


183 - In a fraction, if the numerator is increased by 20% and the denominator is decreased by 40%, what will be the ratio of the first fraction to the second ?


184 - In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water 2 : 1. If the this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then the quanity of water to be further added is

20 liters

185 - In a mixture of 60 liters, the ratio of milk and water is 2:1. What amount of water must be added to make the ratio of milk and water as 1:2?

60 liters

186 - In a mixture of 65 litres; milk and water are in the ratio of 3:2 . What are the quantities of milk and water in the mixture?

39, 26

187 - In a partnership for a business, Changaz invests Rs.6000 for complete year & Nasir invests Rs.3000 for 6 months. What is Nasir’s share if they earn Rs.240 as profit?


188 - In a school the ratio of boys to girls is 3 : 5. When 12 girls leave the school, the ratio becomes 9 : 1 3 . How many boys are there in the school ?


189 - In a zoo, there are rabbits and pigeons. If heads are counted, there are 340 heads and if legs are counted there are 1060 legs.How many pigeons are there?


190 - In an exam, a candidate secured 504 marks our of the maximum mark of M. If the maximum mark M is converted into 800 marks, he would have secured 384 marks. What is the value of M?

None of these

191 - In an exam, a candidate secured 504 marks out of the maximum mark of M. If the maximum mark M is converted into 800 marks, he would have secured 384 marks. What is the value of M?


192 - In Physics class test, marks obtained by Renu & Neeta were in ratio of 8 : 9. The marks obtained by Neeta & Seema were in ratio of 6 : 7. If Renu obtained 64 marks what marks did Seema get in exam?


193 - In what proportion must rice at Rs 50 per kg be mixed with rice at Rs 70 per kg, so that the mixture be worth Rs 56 a kg ?


194 - In what ratio should the profit be divided if M, N, O invests capital in ratio 2:3:5 and their timing of their investments are in the ratio 4:5:6.


195 - In what ratio should the profit of Rs.8000 be divided if X starts a business with an investment of Rs. 20000, Y invests Rs.7500 for 4 months and Z invests Rs.15000 after 3 months from the start of the business.


196 - Income and expenditure of a person are in the ratio 5 : 4. If the income of the person is Rs. 18000, then find his savings.

Rs. 3600

197 - Income and expenditure of a person are in the ratio 5:4. If the income of the person is Rs.18000, then find his savings?


198 - Jo's collection contains US, Indian and British stamps. If the ratio of US to Indian stamps is 5 to 2 and the ratio of Indian to British stamps is 5 to 1, what is the ratio of US to British stamps?


199 - Karan starts business by investing Rs. 60,000. 6 months later Shirish joins by investing Rs. 1,00,000. At end of year profit is Rs. 1,51,800. What is the Shirish's share in the profit ?

Rs. 69000

200 - Kishor gives 35% of the money he had to his wife and 50% of the money to his sons. The remaining amount of Rs 11250 he kept with htm. What amount of money did Kishor have ?

Rs. 75000

201 - Length and width of a field are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the width of the field is 42 m then its length is:

70 m

202 - M:N = 3:4, N:O = 5:7 and O:P = 7:9. Then M:P =________?


203 - Mehul's monthly salary is one and a half times Shailesh's monthly salary. Prashant's monthly salary is five-fourth of Mehul's monthly salary. If the total of the monthly salaries of all the three is R

Rs. 78,750

204 - Mr. Joshi and Mr. Chandra started a business investing Rs. 3800 and Rs. 4600 respectively. If net gain of Rs. 945 was to be distributed in accordance with their investment, what would be share of Mr.

Rs. 427.5

205 - Narendra started a business, investing Rs 30,000. Six months later, Chandan joined him with Rs 15,000. If they make a profit of Rs 10,000 at the end of the year, what should be the share of Narendra ?

Rs 8000

206 - Naresh started a business investing Rs. 32,000. Three months later Satish joined him with Rs. 16,000. In what ratio should the profit they make after a year and a half be distributed between them ?


207 - p is 50% more than q. Find the ratio of p to q.


208 - Pankaj, Ashwin and Tarun started a business in partnership investing in the ratio of 6:5:8 respectively. At the end of the year they earned a profit of Rs. 85,500, which is 15% of their total investme

Rs. 1,50,000

209 - Pinku, Rinku and Tinku divide an amount of Rs 4,200 amongst themselves in the ratio of 7 : 8 : 6 . If an amount of Rs 200 is added to each of their shares, what will be the new ratio of their shares ?


210 - Prakash, Sunil and Anil started business by investing Rs. 11 lakhs, Rs. 16.5 lakhs & Rs. 8.25 lakhs. The profit earned after three years was Rs. 19.5 lakhs. What will be the 50% of Anil's share in the

Rs. 2.25 lakhs

211 - Prerna decided to donate 15% of her salary to an orphanage. On the day of donation she changed her mind and donated Rs 1896, which was 80% of what she had decided earlier. How much is Prerna's salary

Rs 15,800

212 - Present age of Akanksha and Anushka are in the ratio 8:7. Three years back their ages were in the ratio 7 : 6. Three years from now what ratio will they have in their ages ?


213 - Prices of two products ‘A’ and ‘B’ are in the ratio 5 : 8. If A’s price is increased by 20% and B’s price is reduced by 20%, what will be the new ratio ?


214 - Prince started a business investing Rs 30,000. After 8 months Nitish joined with a capital of Rs 45,000. At the end of the year the total profit earned was Rs 90,000. What is the share of Nitish ?

Rs 30,000

215 - Rahul scored 12 marks more than Tanvi. If the ratio of the score of Tanvi to that of Rahul is 3 : 4, what is the sum of their scores ?


216 - Raj is 16 years old and Arti is 24 years. Find the ratio of Arti's age to Raj's age.


217 - Rajeev invested amount of Rs.75000 to start business. After 18 months his friend Suresh joined him with amount of Rs. 90000. At the end of 4 years they earned profit of Rs. 36281. What was the share o

Rs. 15549

218 - Ram, Rakesh and Vijay invested in the ratio of 3:5:6 in business. If the amount invested by Rakesh is Rs. 75000, what is the total amount invested in the business ?

Rs 2.1 lakh

219 - Ramesh has somehens and goats. If the total number of animal heads is 68 and the total number, of legs is 214, how many hens dose Ramesh have ?


220 - Ram's age and Shyam's age are in the ratio 3:4. Seven years ago the ratio of their ages was 2:3. Find the ratio of their ages five years hence?


221 - Ratio of the ages of Mahesh and Nilesh is 5 : x. Mahesh is 18 years younger to Ramesh. After nine years Ramesh will be 47 years old. If the difference between the ages of Mahesh and Nilesh is same as


222 - Ratio of the earnings of A and B is 4:7. If the earnings of A increases by 50% and those of B decreased by 25%, the new ratio of their earnings becomes 8:7. What are A's earnings?

Data inadequate

223 - Ration of income of A and B is 3 : 5 respectively and C and B is 9 : 7 respectively. If the difference between the income of A and C is Rs. 4,800, What is C's income?

Rs. 9000

224 - Rita invested 25% more than Sunil. Sunil invested 30% less than Abhinav who invested Rs. 6,000. What is the respective ratio between the amount that Rita invested and the total amount invested by all

35 : 103

225 - Rs. 120 are divided among A, B, C such that A's share is Rs. 20 more than B's and Rs. 20 less than C's. What is B's share

Rs 20

226 - Rs. 1300 is divided into three parts A, B and C. How much A is more than C if their ratio is 1/2:1/3:1/4?


227 - Rs. 3400 is divided among A,B, C and D in such a way that the share of A and B, B and C, C and D may be as 2 : 3, 4 : 3 and 2 : 3 respectively. The sum of shares of B and D is

Rs. 2040

228 - Rs.1170 is divided so that 4 times the first share, thrice the 2nd share and twice the third share amount to the same. What is the value of the third share?


229 - Rs.160 contained in a box consists of one rupee, 50 paisa and 25 paisa coins in the ratio 4:5:6. What is the number of 25 paisa coins?


230 - Rs.4800/- are divided among P,Q and R in such a way that the share of P is 5/11 of the combined share of Q and R. The share of Q is 3/13 of the combined share of R and P. Thus, R gets:?


231 - Rs.4800/- are divided among P,Q and R in such a way that the share of P is 5/11 of the combined share of Q and R. Thus, P gets:?


232 - Rs.525 among A, B and C such that B may get 2/3 of A and C together get. Find the share of C?

not possible to find

233 - Rs.590 is divided amongst A, B, C so that 5 times A's share, six times B's share and eight times C's share are all equal. Find C's share?


234 - Rs.630/- distributed among A,B and C such that on decreasing their shares by RS.10,RS.5 and RS.15 respectively, The balance money would be divided among them in the ratio 3:4:5. Then, A’s share is:?


235 - Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2:3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs 4000, the new ratio becomes 40:57. What is Sumit present salary.


236 - Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2:3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40:57. What is Sumit's present salary?

None of these

237 - Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2:3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40:57. What is Sumit's salary?


238 - Salary of B is 18% more than the salary of A and salary of C is 20% more than the salary of B. What is the total salary of A, B and C if the salary of ' B ' is ?18880 ?

Rs. 57536

239 - Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats ?


240 - Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5:7:8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats ?


241 - Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5:7:8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?


242 - Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5:7:8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will the ratio of increased seats?


243 - Seema and Sadhna started a boutique by investing Rs 35000 and Rs 56000 respectively. If Seema's share in the profit earned by them is Rs 45000, what is the total profit earned ?

Rs. 12900

244 - Shubha got three-fourth of what Alka had. Alka gave half of what remained with her to Mohini. If Mohini got Rs. 625, how much did Alka have in the begining?

Rs. 5000

245 - Solve for x 2x:25 = 6:(x/3)


246 - Some pens are divided among A, B, C and D. A gets twice the number of pens that B gets. C gets the same number of pens as D gets. If A gets 25 pens more than D and the ratio of the number of pens that


247 - Some pens are divided among A, B, C and D. A gets twice the number of pens that B gets. C gets the same number of pens as D gets. If A gets 25 pens more than D and the ratio of the number of pens that


248 - Suman started business investing Rs 40,000. After 6 months Abhinav joined with Rs 25,000. After another 6 months Swati joined with Rs 16,000. find ratio of profit shared between three partners after

160 : 75 : 32

249 - Supriya's monthly income is twice Deepa's monthly income. The ratio of the monthly income of Deepa and Sandhya is 7 : 3 respectively and their average monthly income is Rs 25,000. What is Supriya's mo

Rs. 70,000

250 - Sushil got thrice as many marks in English as in Science. His total marks in English, Science and Maths are 162. If the ratio of his marks in English and Maths is 3:5, find his marks in Science?


251 - The ages of Rohan and Amit are in the ratio 10: 13. After 15 years the ratio of their ages will be 13 : 16. What is the difference between their ages ?

15 yrs

252 - The ages of three persons A, B and C are in the ratio of 4:7:14 and the ages of B, C and D are in the ratio of 2:4:5. What is the ratio of the ages of A, B, C and D ?


253 - The average age of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of the boys is 16.4 years while that of the girls is 15.4 years, what is the ratio of boys to girls in the class.


254 - The average age of a man and his son is 38 years. 10 years ago, the ratio of their ages was 5:2. What is the age of the son ?

26 years

255 - The average age of a man and his son is 54 years. The ratio of their age is 23 : 13 respectively.What will be ratio of their ages after 6 years ?


256 - The average age of two persons A and B is 32 years. After four years, the ratio of the ages of A and B will be 5:13. What is the present age of B ?

48 years

257 - The average monthly salary of laborers and supervisors in a factory is Rs.1250 per month; where as the average monthly salary of 6 supervisors is Rs.2450. If the average monthly salary of the laborers


258 - The compound ratio of 2/3, 6/7, 1/3 and 1/8 is given by?


259 - The compounded ratio of (2 : 3), (6: 11) and (11 :2) is


260 - The duplicate ratio of 3 : 4 is?


261 - The duplicate ratio of 3:4 is?


262 - The first three terms of a proportion are 3, 9 and 12. The fourth term is?


263 - The first, second and fourth terms of a proportion are 16, 24 and 54 respectively. Then the third term is:


264 - The food in a camp lasts for 30 men for 40 days. If ten more men join, how many days will the food last?

30 days

265 - The fourth proportional to 12, 14 and 18 is?


266 - The fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 is:


267 - The greatest ratio out of 2:3, 5:4, 3:2 and 4:5 is?


268 - The incomes of two persons A and B are in the ratio 3:4. If each saves Rs.100 per month, the ratio of their expenditures is 1:2 . Find their incomes?

150, 200

269 - The inverse ratio of 3 : 2 : 1 is?


270 - The inverse ratio of 3: 2: 1 is?


271 - The least whole number which when subtracted from both the terms of the ratio 6 : 7 to give a ratio less than 16 : 21, is


272 - The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 3 : 1. If the breadth is 7 cm, then the length of the rectangle is:

21 cm

273 - The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 5:4. Find its perimeter if its area is 180 cm²

54 cm

274 - The marks obtained by Vijay and Amith are in the ratio 4:5 and those obtained by Amith and Abhishek in the ratio of 3:2. The marks obtained by Vijay and Abhishek are in the ratio of?


275 - The milk & water in two vessels A & B are in 4:3 and 2:3. In what ratio, the liquids be mixed in both the vessels so that the new liquid contains half milk and half water?


276 - The number of seats available for Biology and Computer Science in a school is in the ratio 5:8. They are to be increased by 30% and 25% . Find the new ratio.


277 - The number of students studying in College A and B are in the ratio of 3 : 4. If 50 more students join College A. and there is no change in the number of students in College B, me ratio becomes 5 : 6


278 - The perimeter of a triangle is 81 cm. If the sides are in the ratio 4:3:2, find the length of the largest side.

36 cm

279 - The plan for a rectangular area is drawn to a scale of 1:500. If the length and breadth in the plan is 30 cm and 20 cm, find the actual area.

15000 m²

280 - The present ages of Reena and Usha are 24 years and 36 years respectively. What was the ratio of the age of Usha to that of Reena eight years ago ?


281 - The proportion of copper and zinc in the brass is 13 : 7. How much zinc will there be in 100 kg of brass?

35 kg

282 - The ratio 35 : 84 in simplest form is:


283 - The ratio between the curved surface area and the total surface area of a right circular cylinder is 1:2. If the total surface is 616 sq. cm, the volume of the cylinder is

1078 cm cube

284 - The ratio between the present ages of Ram, Rohan and Raj is 3 : 4 : 5. If the average of their present ages is 28 years then what would be the sum of the ages of Ram and Rohan together after 5 years ?

59 years

285 - The ratio of 1 hour to 300 seconds is:


286 - The ratio of 1.5 m to 10 cm is:


287 - The ratio of 435 : 25 is same as


288 - The ratio of A's age to B's is 5 : 9 . After 15 years, the new ratio of their ages will be 2 : 3. What is the age of A at present ?

25 years

289 - The ratio of boys and girls in a class was 11:13. 8 girls and 4 boys join the class from this academic year and the ratio becomes 4:5. Find the strength of the class.


290 - The ratio of first and second class train fares between two stations is 40:1 and that of the number of passengers travelling between these stations by first and second class is 1:20. If on a particula


291 - The ratio of income of A and B is 5:4 and their expenditure is as 3:2. If at the end of the year, each saves Rs. 800, then the income of A is

Rs. 2000

292 - The ratio of officers to clerks is 4 : 9 respectively. When 32 new clerks are recruited, the ratio will become 4 : 1 7 . How many officers will there be in the group ?


293 - The ratio of the age of the father to that of the son is 2 : 1 . 5 years earlier the ratio was 11:5. What is the the present age of the son ?

30 years

294 - The ratio of the ages of a father and son is 17 : 7 respectively. 6 years ago the ratio of their ages was 3 : 1 respectively. What is the father's present age ?

51 Years

295 - The ratio of the ages of Anil and his son at present is 7 : 3. Six years hence, the ratio of the ages of the Anil's wife and the son will be 2 : 1. Find the ratio of the present ages of Anil and his w

Cannot be determined

296 - The ratio of the ages of Anil and his son at present is 7:3. Six years hence, the ratio of the ages of the Anil's wife and the son will be 2:1. Find the ratio of the present ages of Anil and his wife?

Cannot be determined

297 - The ratio of the earnings of A to B is 5 : 8. If the earnings of A increases by 25% and that of B decreases by 25%, what is the new ratio of their earnings ?


298 - The ratio of the earnings of P and Q is 9 : 10. If the earnings of P increases by one-fourth and the earnings of Q decreases by one-fourth, then find the new ratio of their earnings?


299 - The ratio of the earnings of P and Q is 9:10. If the earnings of P increases by one-fourth and the earnings of Q decreases by one-fourth, then find the new ratio of their earnings?


300 - The ratio of the income of A to that of B is 5 : 7 and the ratio of their expenditures is 3 : 5. If they save Rs 2000 each, what is the income of A ?

Rs 5000

301 - The ratio of the incomes of Chetan and Dinesh is 3 : 4. The ratio of their expenditures is 5 : 7. If each of them saves Rs. 200, find the incomes of both ?

Rs. 1800, Rs.2400

302 - The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7 : 8. If the percentage iikcrease in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively, what will be the new ratio ?


303 - The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7:8. If the percentage increase in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively. What will be the new ratio?


304 - The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7:8. If the percentage increase in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively. What will be the new ratio?


305 - The ratio of the present age of Mala to that of Sudha is 6:7. The ratio of their ages 8 years hence would be 8 : 9 . What will be the ratio of their ages after 12 years ?


306 - The ratio of the present ages of A to B is 3:4. The ratio of the ages 16 years back was 5:8. What is the present age of B ?

48 years

307 - The ratio of the present ages of Giri and Hari is 5 : 8. 12 years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11 : 14. Find the difference in their present ages?

5 years

308 - The ratio of the present ages of Ram and Shyam is 4 : 3. The ratio of their ages after 9 years will be 7 : 6 . What will be the ratio of their ages after 12 years ?


309 - The ratio of the sum and the difference of two numbers is 3 : 1. Then what is the ratio of these two numbers ?


310 - The ratio of the two natural numbers is 5 : 6. If a certain number is added to both the numbers, the ratio becomes 7 : 8. If the larger number exceeds the smaller number by 10, find the number added?


311 - The ratio of three numbers A, B and C is 6: 8:15 If A, B and C are increased by 300%, 275% and 100% respectively, what will be the new ratio of A, B and C ?


312 - The ratio of three numbers is 5:3:4 and their sum is 108. The second number of the three numbers is?


313 - The ratio of two natural numbers is 5:6. If a certain number is added to both the numbers, the ratio becomes 7:8. If the larger number exceeds the smaller number by 10, find the number added?


314 - The ratio of two numbers a and b is 3:5. If 2 is added to both the numbers, the ratio becomes 2:3. Find b.


315 - The ratio of two numbers is 2:3 and the sum of their cubes is 945. The difference of number is?


316 - The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 28. The greater of the two numbers is?


317 - The ratio of two numbers is 5:9. If each number is decreased by 5, the ratio becomes 5:11. Find the numbers.

15, 27

318 - The respectively ratio of the present ages of Raju and Ram is 7 : 8 The sum of the their ages is 60. What will be the ratio of their ages 8 years hence?


319 - The salaries of A, B and C are of ratio 2:3:5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are done to their respective salaries, then find the new ratio of their salaries.


320 - The salaries of A, B, and C are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. The salary of B and C together is Rs. 6000. By what percent is the salary of C more than that of A?


321 - The salaries of A, B, C are in the ratio 2:3:5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be the new ratio of their salaries?


322 - The simple form of the ratio 2/3:2/5 is?


323 - The smallest ratio out of 1:1, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1 is?


324 - The sub-duplicate ratio of 1 : 4 is


325 - The sub-duplicate ratio of 1:4 is


326 - The sum of cubes of two numbers is 280. If the numbers are in the ratio 2:3, find the smallest number.


327 - The sum of squares of three numbers is 280. If the numbers are in the ratio 3:5:6, find the greatest number.


328 - The sum of three numbers is 172. The ratio of the first and second numbers is 8:11. The ratio of the second and third is 5:7. Find the second number.


329 - The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 : 3 and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is:


330 - The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to the second is 2 : 3 and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is :__________?


331 - The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to the second is 2:3 and that of the second to the third is 5:8, then the second number is


332 - The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to the second is 2:3. And that of the second to the third is 5:8, then the second number is:


333 - The third proportional to 1 and 2 is?


334 - The third proportional to 1 and 2 is?


335 - The third proportional to 3.5, 5.6 is:___________?


336 - The total number of boys in a school is 14% more than the total number of girls. What is the ratio of the total number of boys to the total of girls ?


337 - The total number of boys in a school is 25% more than the total number of girls. What is the ratio of the total number of boys to the total number of girls ?


338 - The total number of students in a school is 3050. If the number of boys in the school is 2250, then what is the ratio of the total number of girls and total number of boys ?


339 - The total number of students in a school is 5050. If the number of girls in the school is 2450, then what is the respective ratio of the total number of boys to the total number of girls in the school


340 - The triplicate ratio of 1 : 2 is?


341 - The triplicate ratio of 1:2 is?


342 - The value of m, if 3, 18, m, 42 are in proportion is:


343 - The weights of three boys are in the ratio 4 : 5 : 6. If the sum of the weights of the heaviest and the lightest boy is 45 kg more than the weight of the third boy, what is the weight of the lightest

36 kg

344 - The weights of three boys are in the ratio 4:5:6. If the sum of the weights of the heaviest and the lightest boy is 45 kg more than the weight of the third boy, what is the weight of the lightest boy?

36 kg

345 - There are some pigeons and hares in a zoo. If heads are counted, there are 200. If legs are counted, there are 580. The number of hares in the zoo is?


346 - There are two numbers and their ratio is 3 : 9. If we substract 9 from both numbers then their ratio becomes 12 : 13, what is value is smaller number ?


347 - There are two positive numbers in the ratio 5 : 8. If the larger number exceeds the smaller by 15, then find the smaller number?


348 - There are two positive numbers in the ratio 5:8. If the larger number exceeds the smaller by 15, then find the smaller number?


349 - There is food for 760 men for 22 days. How many more men should join after two days so that the same food may last for 19 days more?

40 men

350 - Three number are in the ratio 5:6:7. The sum of its largest and smallest numbers equals the sum of the third number and 48. Find the third number?


351 - Three numbers are in the ratio 3:5:7. The largest number value is 42. Find difference between Smallest & largest number is?


352 - Three numbers are in the ratio 5 : 6 : 7. The sum of its longest and smallest numbers equals the sum of the third number and 48. Find the third number?


353 - Three persons A, B and C divide a certain amount of money such that A's share is Rs. 4 less than half of the total amount, B's share is Rs. 8 more than half of what is left and finally C takes the res


354 - Three persons get money in the ratio 2 : 2 : 5. If the total sum is Rs 133020, What is the maximum share Which one person got?

Rs 73900

355 - Three quantities X, Y and Z are such that XY=kZ where k is constant. Initially, X was at 4 and X:Y:Z was 2:3:4. If the value of Y is changed to 12 and Z is kept constant, find the value of X.


356 - Two kinds of rice, 1st costs Rs.13 per kg and 2nd costs Rs.19 per kg are mixed together. Find the ratio in which the 2 types are mixed so that the mixture costs Rs.14.2 per kg?


357 - Two men Amar and Bhavan have the ratio of their monthly incomes as 6:5. The ratio of their monthly expenditures is 3:2. If Bhavan saves one-fourth of his income, find the ratio of their monthly saving


358 - Two men Amar and Bhuvan have the ratio of their monthly incomes as 6 : 5. The ratio of their monthly expenditures is 3 : 2. If Bhuvan saves one-fourth of his income, find the ratio of their monthly sa


359 - Two natural numbers whose sum is 72 cannot be in the ratio:


360 - Two numbers are in the ratio 1:2. If 7 is added to both, their ratio changes to 3:5. The greatest number is:


361 - Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 5. If 9 is subtracted from each, the new numbers are in the ratio 12 : 23. The smaller number is :________?


362 - Two numbers are in the ratio 3:5. If 9 is subtracted from each, the new numbers are in the ratio 12:23. The smaller number is:


363 - Two numbers are in the ratio 5:4 and their difference is 10.What is the largest number?


364 - Two numbers are in the ratio 7 : 9. If the sum of the numbers is 112, then the larger number is:


365 - Two numbers are in the ratio of 3:1. if sum of these two numbers is 440 , find the numbers.


366 - Two numbers are in the ratio of 5 : 3. If the sum of these two numbers is 400, what is the larger number ?


367 - Two numbers are in the ratio of 5:7. If 25 be subtracted from each, they are in the ratio of 35:59. Find the numbers?


368 - Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is


369 - Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is :__________?


370 - Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:


371 - Two same glasses are respectively 1/4th 1/5th full of milk. They are then filled with water and the contents mixed in a tumbler. The ratio of milk and water in the tumbler is?


372 - Two vessels of equal volumes contains milk and water mixed in the ratio 1:2,2:3. When These mixtures are mixed to form a new mixture, what is the ratio of milk and water?


373 - Two years ago the ratio of the ages of Swati and Khyati was 5 : 7 . Two years hence the ratio of their ages will be 7 : 9. What is the present age of Khyati ?

16 years

374 - What is the least number to be subtracted from 11, 15, 21 and 30 each so that resultant numbers become proportional?


375 - What is the least number to be subtracted from 11, 15, 21 and 30 each so that the resultant numbers become proportional?


376 - What is the ratio of Faheem’s salary to Imran’s salary to Naveed’s salary if Faheem makes 80,000 rupees ,Imran 70,000 rupees and Naveed makes 50,000 rupees ?


377 - What number has a 5:1 ratio to the number 10?


378 - x is 20% more than z and y is 80% more than z. Find x:y.


379 - x varies inversely as square of y. Given that y = 2 for x = 1. The value of x for y = 6 will be equal to:


380 - X, Y and Z are quantities of the same kind such that X:Y=5:8 and Y:Z=4:7. Find X:Z.



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