Trigonometry Related MCQs For Job's Test Preparation

1 - 1 + cot²2θ =


2 - 1 + tan²2θ =


3 - A man finds the angle of elevation of the top of a tower to be 30°. He walks 85 m nearer the tower and finds its angle of elevation to be 60°. What is the height of the tower?

73.61 m

4 - A man standing on a 48.5 meter building high, has an eyesight height of 1.5m from the top of the building, took a depression reading from the top of another building and wall, which are 50° & 80°


5 - A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of depression of the top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the PLDT tower at 13° and 35° respectively. The height of the

33.51 m

6 - A pole cast a shadow 15 m long when the angle of elevation of the sun is 61°. If the pole is leaned 15° from the vertical directly towards the sun, determine the length of the pole.

54.23 m

7 - A ship started sailing S 42°35’ W at the rate of 5 kph. After 2 hours, ship B started at the same port going N 46°20’ W at the rate of 7 kph. After how many hours will the second ship be exactly north


8 - A spherical triangle ABC has an angle C = 90° and sides a = 50° and c = 80°. Find the value of b in degrees.


9 - A wire supporting a pole is fastened to it 20 feet from the ground and to the ground 15 feet from the pole. Determine the length of the wire and the angle it makes with the pole.

25 ft, 36.87°

10 - An aero lift airplane can fly at airspeed of 300 mph. If there is a wind blowing towards the cast at 50 mph, what should be the plane’s compass heading in order for its course to be 30°? What will be

21.7°, 321.8 mph

11 - Arc tan [2 cos (arc sin [(3^(1/2))/2]) / 2]) is equal to


12 - By expressing cos 113° in terms of trigonometrical ratios, answer will be

− cos 67° = -0.3907

13 - By expressing cos 82° in terms of trigonometrical ratios, answer will be

− cos 98° = -0.1392

14 - By expressing sin 125° in terms of trigonometrical ratios, answer will be

sin 55° = 0.8192

15 - By expressing sin 170° in terms of trigonometrical ratios, answer will be

sin 10° = 0.1736

16 - Considering 0° < x < 180°, angle of cos x = -0.8726 is


17 - Considering 0° < x < 180°, angle of sin x = 0.2385 is

13.80° , 166.20°

18 - Considering Cosine Rule of any triangle ABC, possible measures of angle A includes

all of above

19 - Considering Cosine rule, a² + c² - b²⁄2ac is equal to

cos B

20 - Considering Cosine rule, b² + c² - a²⁄2bc is equal to

cos A

21 - Considering Cosine rule, cos C is equal to

a² + b² - c²⁄2ab

22 - Cos²2θ =

1 + sin²Î¸

23 - Cosine Rule is also known as

Cosine Formula

24 - Csc 520° is equal to:

csc 20°

25 - Csc²Î¸/2-cot²Î¸/2 =


26 - Determine the spherical excess of the spherical triangle ABC given a = 56°, b = 65°, and c = 78°.


27 - Determine the value of the angle of an isosceles spherical triangle ABC whose given parts are b = c = 54°28’ and a = 92°30’.


28 - Dimensions of plane includes

breadth and length

29 - Dimensions of solid includes


30 - Evaluate arc cot [2cos (arc sin 0.5)]


31 - Evaluate: (2sinθcosθ-cosθ)/(1 – sin θ+ sin^2θ – cos^2θ)

cot θ

32 - Find the value of (sin θ + cos θ tanθ)/cos θ

2 tan θ

33 - Find the value of A between 270° and 360° if sin^2 A – sin A = 1


34 - Find the value of sin (arc cos15/17)


35 - Find the value of y in the given: y = (1 + cos θ) tan θ

sin 2θ

36 - Flat surface like blackboard is classified as


37 - For any acute angle, cosine A is equal to

-cos (180° - A)

38 - For any acute angle, sine A is equal to

sin (180° - A)

39 - For Cosine Rule of any triangle ABC, a² is equal to

b² + c² - 2bc cos A

40 - For Cosine Rule of any triangle ABC, b² is equal to

a² + c² - 2ac cos B

41 - For Cosine Rule of any triangle ABC, c² is equal to

a² + b² - 2ab cos C

42 - Formula for area of a triangle ABC is

1/2ab sin C = 1/2bc sin A = 1/2ac sin B

43 - Given a right spherical triangle whose parts are a = 82°, b = 62°, and C = 90°. What is the value of the side opposite the right angle?


44 - If an equivalent triangle is circumscribed about a circle of radius 10 cm, determine the side of the triangle.

34.64 cm

45 - If conversed sin θ= 0.134, find the value of θ


46 - If cos 55° and sin 55° = 0.8 each then answer of 3 cos 125° + 5 sin 125° is


47 - If cos 55° and sin 55° = 0.8 each then answer of cos 125° + 5 sin 55° is


48 - If cos 65° + cos 55° = cos θ, find θ in radians


49 - If cosine is 0.8 then value of acute angle is


50 - If Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 6 A.M, what is the time at a place located 30° East longitude?

8 A.M.

51 - If sec 2A =1/sin13A, determine the angle A in degrees.

52 - If sin 3A = cos 6B, the

A + 2B = 30°

53 - If sin A = 2.511x, cos A = 3.06x and sin 2A = 3.39x, find the value of x?


54 - If sin x cos x + sin 2x = 1, what are the values of x?

20.90°, 69.1°

55 - If sine is 0.2586 then value of acute angle is


56 - If tan x =1/2, tan y = 1/3, what is the value of tan (x + y)?


57 - If the longitude of Tokyo is 139°E and that of Manila is 121°E, what is the time difference between Tokyo and Manila?

1 hour and 10 minutes

58 - In a triangle ABC, if angle A = 72° , angle B = 48° and c = 9 cm then Ĉ is


59 - Line which is perpendicular to line passing through intersection point is called


60 - Number of dimensions a line can have is


61 - Number of dimensions a point can have is


62 - One degree on the equator of the earth is equivalent to _____ in time.

1 hour

63 - Points A and B 1000 m apart are plotted on a straight highway running East and West. From A, the bearing of a tower C is 32° W of N and from B the bearing of C is 26° N of E. Approximate the shortest

374 m

64 - Sec²Î¸-tan²Î¸ =


65 - Simplify the equation sin^2θ(1 + cot^2θ)


66 - Simplify the following: [(cos A + cos B)/(sin A – sin B)] + [(sin A + sin B)/(cos A – cos B)]


67 - Sine rule for a triangle states that

sin A/a = sin B/b = sin C/c

68 - Solve for A for the given equation cos 2A = 1 – cos 2A

45, 135, 225, 315 degrees

69 - Solve for angle C of the oblique spherical triangle ABC given, a = 80°, c = 115° and A = 72°


70 - Solve for G if csc (11G – 16 degrees) = sec (5G + 26 degrees)

5 degrees

71 - Solve for side b of a right spherical triangle ABC whose parts are a = 46°, c = 75° and C = 90°.


72 - Solve for the value of A° when sin A = 3.5 x and cos A = 5.5 x


73 - Solve for the θ in the following equation: Sin 2θ = cos θ


74 - Solve for x in the equation: arc tan (x + 1) + arc tan (x – 1) = arc tan (12)


75 - Solve for x in the given equation: Arc tan (2x) + arc tan (x) = π/4


76 - Solve for x, if tan 3x = 5 tan x


77 - Solve the angle A in the spherical triangle ABC given a = 106°25’, c = 42°16’ and B = 114°53’


78 - Solve the remaining side of the spherical triangle whose given parts are A = B = 80° and a = b = 89°.


79 - The sides of a triangle are 195, 157 and 210, respectively. What is the area of the triangle?

14,586 sq. units

80 - The sides of a triangle are 8, 15, and 17 units. If each side is doubled, how many square units will the are of the new triangle be?


81 - The sides of a triangular lot are 130 m, 180 m and 190 m. The lot is to be divided by a line bisecting the longest side and drawn from the opposite vertex. Find the length of the line

125 m

82 - The sine of a certain angle is 0.6, calculate the cotangent of the angle.


83 - The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150 m each, respectively. The angle opposite the 150 m side is 26°. What is the third side?

341.78 m

84 - Two triangles have equal bases. The altitude of one triangle is 3 units more than its base and the altitude of the other triangle is 3 units less than its base. Find the altitudes, if the areas of the

4 and 10


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