Assistant BS-16 Labour & Human Resource Department 2022

1 - Which country is largest producer, of natural gas:


2 - Asian games 2022 will held in which city:


3 - Koh-e-Murad is sacred place of


4 - Black lives matter movement initiated from which country:


5 - When US strikes in Afghanistan:

7 Oct 2001

6 - Lee Kuan Yew reign lasted

31 years

7 - When state of Kalat acceded to Pakistan:


8 - President is elected by

All of these

9 - Dars-e-Nizamia was established during the reign of


10 - When diarchy was introduced in sub-continent


11 - Orange revolution is associated with


12 - The speed of sound is minimum in:

Air at 0°C

13 - Idiom "As the Crow flies" means:


14 - A mature tree will take how much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually?

22 kg

15 - Gigantic clouds contains dust and gas in space called:

All of these

16 - Which of the following execute instructions?


17 - As…..... is ready to help me I have to do…....... by myself.


18 - Choose the correct one.

A series of lectures was delivered

19 - His work stands to that of others.


20 - In the ocean basin relief is gently sloping relatively shallow submerged at the plain of subcontinent.

Continental shelf

21 - Indus river originate from


22 - She burst….... tears.

None of these (into)

23 - He is…...... M.A.


24 - Choose the correct one.

These cattle are mine.

25 - When communist party was "banned in Pakistan:


26 - Banjosa lake is in:


27 - Which article of 1973 constitution is related to secret ballot:


28 - Most populous city of Pakistan is:


29 - Which Indian political leader did not attend first round table conference:


30 - How many Muslim league members include in interim government:


31 - Who founded Jamat-e-Islami?

Syed Abul Ala Maududi

32 - Wall of knowledge built in which city:


33 - Pakistan conducted nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at?

Chaghi hills

34 - What is the name of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Durand line

35 - When Makran acceded to Pakistan:

17 Mar 1948

36 - Pakistan steel mill was constructed in the reign of

None of these (Zulifqar Ali Bhutto)

37 - Anna molka was a famous


38 - Big ben is located in:


39 - Who is current chairman of Federal Public Service Commission

Zahid Saeed

40 - Yemen crisis started in:


41 - Modification of stationery barchans results in the formation of:


42 - Which of the following uses source of light?


43 - When US entered in Afghanistan:


44 - Which country Defence US attempt embargo on Iran:


45 - No taxation without representation slogan initiated in:


46 - When Doha agreement was signed between US and Afghanistan?

Feb 2020

47 - Ilham Aliyev is the president of


48 - The headquarter of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is located in

New York

49 - How much trade is carried through seas and oceans:


50 - When Iraq invaded Kuwait:

Aug 1990

51 - Wall street is situated in

New York

52 - The first Asian UN secretary general is:

U thant

53 - Which of the following is used in optical fibre?

Glass thread

54 - Which gas is combustible:


55 - He is…..... worried about his car issue….. he get to the garage.

so much/that

56 - He sat…... the shadow of mango tree.


57 - Choose the correct analogy, Young: Old: Morning

None of these (Evening)

58 - If you come across my keys, bring it to me, can you?

None of these (will you)

59 - How much blood human body contains:

5-6 liters

60 - Nonstick cooking utensils are coated with


61 - Antonym of Gump is


62 - The….... we investigate the….. apparent that he was guilty.


63 - After creating the table which of the following is correct:

None of these (Field can be added and deleted as needed)

64 - Five people joined the job and seven

have resigned

65 - The area between rivers Jbelum and Chenab is called:

Chaj Doab

66 - What is extension of PowerPoint presentation of file?

None of these (ppt)

67 - Basin means

Deep area of land

68 - Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?


69 - The hardware parts of computer are:

Physical components

70 - HTTP stands for

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

71 - Which part of computer connects with motherboard a dand give power to different parts:

Power supply

72 - Which is used for ON/OFF


73 - He said to me, "where will you spend this night"?

He asked me where I would spend that night.

74 - A collection of interrelated files in computer is a


75 - If A and B together can complete a piece of work in 15 days and B alone in 20 days, in how many days can A alone complete the work?


76 - When 52416 is divided by 312, the quotient is 168. What will be the quotient when 52.416 is divided by 0.0168?


77 - 1fx=7-43 then find the value of x+(1/x)


78 - A school has only four classes that contain 10, 20, 30 and 40 students respectively. The pass percentage of these classes are 20%, 30%, 60% and 100% respectively. Find the pass of the entire school.


79 - A person buys a shirt in 470 and sold in 540 find the approximate profit percentage?

None of these (15%)

80 - Rs. 1200 is lent out at 5% per annum simple interest for 3years. Find the amount after 3 years.


81 - The value of logs (125) (625)/25 is equal to:


82 - How many times in a day, are the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction?


83 - The word uttered before Nimaz is called:


84 - Hazrat Umer (RA) divided Muslim Empire into how many provinces?


85 - Which book wrote by Imam Ghazali?

Ahya al Uloom

86 - Who wrote Al fouz ul Kabeer?

Shah Wali Ullah

87 - The last, fight against Persian in Hazrat Umar RA reign:


88 - How many Heads of "Zakat" are there in Islam?


89 - Which book compiled by Ahmad Bin Shoaib RA?

None of these (Nisai)

90 - Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith "Sahifa-e-Sadiqa"

None of these (Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA)

91 - جدید تنقید پر اردو کی پہلی کتاب کونسی ہے؟

مقدمہ شعر و شاعری

92 - ان میں سے پروین شاکر کی کون سی تصنیف ہے؟

ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

93 - علامہ اقبال کی کسی فارسی کتاب کا دیباچہ اردو میں ہے ؟

پیام مشرق

94 - رسالہ فنون کس کی تحریر ہے؟

احمد ندیم قاسمی

95 - گرمی، سردی، تار یکی اور تندرستی کو نسی صنف ہے ؟

اسم کیفیت

96 - کشیدہ خاطر ہونا کا کیا مطلب ہے ؟

ناراض ہونا

97 - اردو تنقید پر ایک نظر کس کی تصنیف ہے؟

کلیم الدین احمد

98 - وہ نظم جس میں ایک مصرعہ بار بار دہرایا جائے اسے کیا کہتے ہیں؟

ترجیح بند

99 - درست جملہ کی نشاندہی کریں

اندھا کیا جانے بسنت کی بہار

100 - لندن کی ایک رات کس کی تحریر ہے؟

سجاد ظہیر


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