Assistant BS-16 Punjab Public Service Commission 2022

1 - First Chairman of the Senate was:

Habib Ullah Khan

2 - Gwadar remained under Oman's rule for

None of these (174)

3 - Faiz Ahmad Faiz born in:

None of these (Sialkot)

4 - Which part of body become lethal due to attack of Covid-19


5 - All India Muslim Student Federation was founded in which city:

None of these (Chennai)

6 - Sun Yat Sen Park and Casa garden is in which city of China:


7 - Ashgabat is the capital of

None of these (Turkmenistan)

8 - Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan:

Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

9 - Rakaposhi is located in which mountain range


10 - Nanga Parbat is located in which mountain range


11 - "Big Apple" is a nickname of

New York

12 - Who wrote Bhutto Ke Akhri 323 Din:

Colonel Rafiuddin

13 - Deficiency of….......... causes anemia

None of these (Iron)

14 - Who is Current Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC):

Esala Weerakoon

15 - Who was UN General Assembly president in 1962-1963:

Sir Zafarullah khan

16 - Which is the latest member of NATO:

North Macedonia

17 - The major dispute between Pakistan and India is

None of these (Kashmir issue)

18 - Chemical substances that increase earth's surface temperature is known as

Greenhouse gases

19 - Third battle of Pani pat fought between:

Afghans and Marhattas

20 - Who was the Muslim leader of first Round Table Conference?


21 - Which company plans to invest $94.04 million in a 'virtual-pipeline' to deliver imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the doorsteps of the industrial sector?

Gwadar Gas Port Limited

22 - Pneumonia is caused by which bacteria:


23 - Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) offers Pakistan students.


24 - What is the name for an amphitheater-like hollow that forms at the head of a glacier?


25 - The term of National assembly of Pakistan is:

5 years

26 - Bosnia Signs Deal with Pakistan to Send Back Migrant in

November 2020

27 - First general election was held in Pakistan in


28 - Who is the Federal Minister of National Food Security and Research?

None of these (Fakhar Imam)

29 - PM Imran khan launched mobile app on Jan 6, 2020 to control drug abuse.

Zindagi app

30 - Which metallic element temperature is liquid at room


31 - Stethoscope was invented by

None of these (Rene Laennec)

32 - When Pakistan built first nuclear power plant

November 1972

33 - National Animal of Pakistan is Lion


34 - Who was the first to measure the earth?


35 - Paris agreement ends the

American Civil war

36 - Zero was invented by


37 - Which country last join SAARC:


38 - Zia Mohyeddin is a


39 - The Orange river flows in


40 - Mojave Desert is located in which country:

United States

41 - Pak China border dispute was settled in

None of these (1963)

42 - …............. was also known as the 3rd June Plan

Mountbatten Plan

43 - The jurisdiction of International Court of Justice is:

Both A & B

44 - The function of State bank of Pakistan is

Implement monetary policy

45 - The submarines operate

None of these (Archimedes' Principle)

46 - Which gas is 80 times more potent than CO2


47 - Headquarter of International Energy Agency (IEA) is located in

None of these (Paris)

48 - Lahore resolution called Pakistan resolution by:

Hindu Press

49 - Beirut is the capital of which e following countries?


50 - The capacity of Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Plant is:

969 MW

51 - Choose the antonym of Vague


52 - To "back out" means

to retreat

53 - "When in Rome, do as the Do"


54 - Change Voice Daniel is singing a song

A song is being sung by Daniel

55 - To "nip it in the bud" means to

Prevent it at the start

56 - Choose the correct parts of speech He is walking along the road


57 - Choose the correct analogy Talk: Stammer

Walk: Stagger

58 - Her parents went to Karachi….........train.


59 - Choose the synonym Bring Up


60 - Change the narration Emily said, "I may leave tomorrow."

Emily said that she might leave the next day

61 - Which punctuation mark is used in this sentence. He visited three countries…........ France, US and Australia.


62 - He is looking for someone to offer, her glamorous, well paid and undemanding job, but I think he is

Crying for moon

63 - Choose the correct one

She invited I and my sister.

64 - Choose the correct one

Both Pakistan and India are poor

65 - Najma is in hospital. She…..... ill for last few weeks.

Has been

66 - Internet Explorer is a type of


67 - MS office is a….......

Horizontal market

68 - You can check the conditions against …..............when applying conditional formatting for communication purposes.

Cell value

69 - Which of the following software is used for presentatio


70 - We can use to convert word in to PDF.


71 - Who invented computer

Charles Babbage

72 - We can remove/hide border of a shape by selecting:

No Outline

73 - Which query do you use to answer the question "Which employees earn more than $5000 a month"?

Select query

74 - Find the number of triangles which can be formed by joining the angular points of a polygon of 8 sides as vertices.


75 - The mean of 5 number is 34. these of are 29, 26, and 35, if the remaining two number are in the ratio 1:3 find the number?.


76 - A photograph measuring 5.5 cm by 9 cm is. enlarged in the ratio of 7:5. What is the new length and width of the picture?

7.7 cm by 12.6 cm

77 - What is the radius of basketball of volume 6400 cm³

11.52 cm

78 - David obtained 76,65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology What are his average marks?


79 - A man is lending 60,000 at simple interest at the rate of 9% per year. What is the principle amount and interest he repaid after 3 years?"


80 - A certain number of two digits is three times the sum of its digits, and if 45 be added to it, its digits are reversed. Find the number.


81 - if 3x+3+7= 250, then x is equal to?


82 - Who admired Muslim efforts for save Ahadith?

AJ Springer

83 - Battle in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) not participated is known as


84 - Which book wrote by Hazrat Ali RA

Nahj al-Balagha

85 - Masjid-e-Aqsa is located in the old city of


86 - When Hazrat Umar RA captured Jerusalem for the first time:

638 CE

87 - Which Ayat of Holy Quran is longest in Surah Al-Baqarah

Ayat 282

88 - Which Surah is called the Heart of Al-Quran?

Surah Yaseen

89 - The minimum amount of Zakat is:

All of these

90 - Which companion of Holy Prophet SAW includes in the scribe of revelation:

All of these

91 - ترے آزا د بندوں کیا نہ یہ دنیانہ وہ دنیا یہاں مرنے کی پابندی وہاں جینے کی پابندی علامہ اقبال کے اس شعر میں صنعت تضاد کتنی بار آئی ہے؟

تین بار

92 - آم کے آم گٹھلیوں کے۔۔۔۔۔


93 - دبستان دہلی کے کس شاعر نے درباری شاعری نہ کی ؟


94 - تقابلی تنقید کی بنیاد کس نے رکھی؟

شبلی نعمانی

95 - عوامی شاعر کے کہا جاتا ہے ؟

ان میں سے کوئی نہیں ( نظیر اکبر آبادی)

96 - ہزارہ یو نیور سٹی کہاں واقع ہے؟


97 - ماریہ بہت زمین طلبا ہے۔ اس میں ذہین طلبہ کیا ہے ؟

مرکب توصیفی

98 - آنندی کس کا افسانہ ہے؟

غلام عباس

99 - استعارہ کے لغوی معنی ہیں؟

ادھار لینا

100 - دن رات سال گرامر کی رو سے کہلاتے ہیں ؟

ظرف زماں


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