Agriculture Engineering Important MCQs

1 - ______ in 1909 developed an equation that related growth to the supply of plant nutrients:


2 - ______ ion effect represents the effect of adsorbed ion on the release of another from the surface of a colloid:


3 - _______ a.i./ha has been recommended for the control of weeds in mungbean:

Basalin @ 1 kg

4 - _______ degradation plays a major role in the persistence and behaviour of herbicides in the soil:


5 - _______ is probably the most important growth limiting factor in acid soils especially those having pH below 5.0 - S.S:


6 - _______ of the NH4+ in a region of alkaline microsite helps to restore the conditions suitable for the normal conversion of NO2- to NO3-

Both (a) & (b)

7 - ________ generally augments the utilization of phosphorus which is water soluble:

Band placement

8 - _______is considered to be most important of the soil organisms bringing about the conversion of NH4+ to NO2-


9 - 277 per hectare application rate of low volume sprayer is:

5 litres

10 - A 0.2 mm diameter particles are counted as:

Saltation particles

11 - A 24-litre capacity bucket is filled in 12 seconds by the discharge of Persian wheel, then the rate of flow is:

120 lit/min

12 - A 3.6 to 4.5 kg dust is enough for dusting of:

0.4-0.6 ha

13 - A angle through which the Earth must turn to bring the meridian of a point directly in time with sunrays is:

Hour angle

14 - A aquifer found between impermeable layer is:

Artesian aquifer

15 - A bearing used in belt conveyor is:


16 - A biogas production starts falling at an atmospheric temperature of:

20 Degree Centigrade

17 - A brick or stone masonry linings are recommended for lining watercourses from channels where discharge is:

Less than 30 lit/sec

18 - A bullock drawn harrows mostly have:

Rigid tynes

19 - A bullock drawn implement has:

Lower speed and lower working capacity

20 - A bullock-drawn mower, the power transmitted to the axle is through:

Transport wheel

21 - A capacity of centrifugal dehusker is about:

500 kg/h

22 - A chemical used in the battery for reaction is:

Both (a) & (b)

23 - A cipoletti weir has a breadth of 60 cm at its crest and head of water flowing over the crest is 30 cm, the discharge of weir will be:

186 lit/sec

24 - A clutch used in power tiller is:

Dog clutch

25 - A completely saturated aquifer is:

Leaky aquifer

26 - A connecting rod of four-stroke engines is subjected to:

Compression and tension

27 - A connecting rod of tractor is made of:

Forged steel

28 - A container of battery is made of:


29 - A contracted trapezoidal weir in which each side of the notch has a slope of horizontal 1 to 4 vertical is:

Cipoletti weir

30 - A contribution of hydropower in total world evergy power is about:


31 - A conventional pitman drive mower has crank speed of:

850-1100 rpm

32 - A cooling system that requires more maintenance is:

Water cooling

33 - A coulter attachment is used with:

MB plough

34 - A critical moisture content varies with:

Both (a) and (b)

35 - A cultivar wholw tynes swings back when obstacle encounter is:

Spring type cultivator

36 - A cutter bar of mower is able to cut grass from ground satisfactory upto a height of:

100 mm

37 - A cylinder block is normally made of:

Cast iron

38 - A device for regulating the fuel supply in main jet of carburetor is:


39 - A device mould to cut the furrow slice vertically from a land ahead of bottom is:


40 - A device that is used to adjust the lateral movement of plough is:

Horizontal clevis

41 - A device to control the engine speed within specific limit is called:


42 - A device used for manual harvesting of crops:


43 - A disadvantage of air-cooling system is:

Both (a) & (b)

44 - A double disc type furrow opener is suitable for:

Trashy soil

45 - A draft required to pull 4-botton 30 cm tractor plough working to a depth of 15 cm operated at speed of 6 Km/h. The soil resistance is 0.7 kg/cm2:

1260 kg

46 - A dynamically balanced mower has crank speed of:

1000-1200 rpm

47 - A fuel has higher octone number its ignition quality of fuel will be:


48 - A function of drawbar in tractors is to:

Hitch the implement

49 - A gang mower is a group of:

Two cylincrical mower

50 - A gear used in steering system is:

Warm gear

51 - A gear used in the tractor hydraulic system normally is:

Spur type

52 - A gear used in timing gear is:

Spur ger

53 - A geological formation through which only seepage is possible is called:


54 - A geological formation which is essentially impermeable for flow of water even though it may contain water in its pores, is called :


55 - A geological formation which is neither porous nor permeable and there are no interconnected openings hence it cannot transmit water is called:


56 - A good lubricant should have:

All are correct

57 - A governor automatically regulates:

Engine speed

58 - A governor based on the principle that the change of pressure in one part of system produces an opposite change of much greater magnitude in other part is called:

Hydraulic governor

59 - A granular structured soil is:

Less erodible

60 - A group of solar cell is:

Solar panel

61 - A hammer mill type thresher has:

All are correct

62 - A harrow with two gangs placed end to end is:

Single action disc harrow

63 - A harrow, which is based on a principle that side thrust of rear gang:

Offset disc harrow

64 - A high gas production achieved from biogas plant when inside temperature of the chamber is:

35 Degree Centigrade

65 - A hrrow whose tynes swing back when obstacle encountered is:

Spring tyne harrow

66 - A hydrograph is a plot of:

Stream discharge against time

67 - A hydrograph produced by a continuous effective rainfall at a constant rate for an infinite period is known as:


68 - A hyetograph is plot of:

Rainfall intensity versus time

69 - A isohyetal is a line joining point having:

Equal rainfall depth in given duration

70 - A law, which is based on stress analysis of plastic defoliation within the elastic limit was proposed by:


71 - A long mould board with gentle curvature used in tough soil full of grasses is:

Breaker type MB

72 - A low mould board with gradual twist comparatively inverts the furrow slice with a minimum of break up thus covering vegetative thoroughly is called:

Stubble bottom

73 - A machine that cuts the crops and ties them into a knot and uniform sheaves is called:

Reaper binder

74 - A machine used for cutting of cereal crop:


75 - A machine used to cut crops and deliver them in a uniform manner in a row is:


76 - A machine used to cut herbage crops and leave them in swath is:


77 - A machine used to generte and distribute gases or smoke is known as:


78 - A man can develop:

0.1 hp

79 - A man can thresh average grain in a day is:

19 kg

80 - A marginal farmer has land holding:

Between 4 and 10 ha

81 - A MB plough that throws furrow slice on one side to the direction of travel is:

One-way plough

82 - A MB plough that throws furrows slice to both the direction of travel is:

Reversible plough

83 - A MB plough whose plough bottom turns through 180? about a longitudinal axis is:

Turn wrest plough

84 - A MB plough, which is suitable for ploughing along hillsides, is:

Two-way plough

85 - A metal having highest melting point is:


86 - A metal with lowest melting point is:


87 - A metering mechanism commonly used in bullock drawn planter in country is:

Brush feed mechanism

88 - A metering mechanism that does not required cut-off device is:

All are correct

89 - A mirror used to reflect sublight in box type solar cooker is:


90 - A modern spark plug has an economical life of about:

10000-16000 Km

91 - A moisture content of threshed paddy which is sun dried on floor is upto:


92 - A mormal ploughing depth is:

15 cm

93 - A mould board of MB plough is made of:

Soft centre steel

94 - A mower in which swinging knives are used for cutting is:

Rail mower

95 - A mower with high speed knife rotating in horizontal plane is known as:

Horizontal rotary mower

96 - A mower with rotating helical blades used for cutting is:

Cylinder mower

97 - A multi crop threshers is equipped with:

All of above

98 - A multi-crop thresher is used for threshing:

All are correct

99 - A noise level for eight hours of working is:

90 dB

100 - A noise level for four hours of working is:

95 dB

101 - A noise level for six hours of working is:

92 dB

102 - A normal size of shoulder bund is provided on bench:

Terrace sloping inward

103 - A nozzle used in foam sprying is:

Air aspirting nozzle

104 - A nursery required for transplanting paddy seedling in one hectare of land is:

1/10th of area to be sown

105 - A pair of bullock develops power equivalent to:

1.0 hp

106 - A part of mould board plough which lifts, turns and break furrow slice is:

Mould board

107 - A part that connects piston with connection rod is:

Gudgen pin

108 - A perched water-table is a special case of:

Confined aquifer

109 - A period in days for which water applied to a crop is:


110 - A Persian wheel with an average discharge of 230 lit/min irrigates one-hectare wheat crop in 50 hours. The average depth of irrigation is:

6.9 cm

111 - A plough that works effectively in hard, dry and sticky soil is:

Disc plough

112 - A plunger type hand duster is suitable for dusting:

Small area

113 - A point at which the resultant of all horizontal and vertical forces acts is:

Centre of resistance

114 - A potato planter is:

All are correct

115 - A pounding method of rice milling requires:

Human power

116 - A power tiller operates most satisfactory with:

Rotary tillage tool

117 - A primary fuel filter is made of:


118 - A primary winding wire has resistance of:

Three ohms

119 - A pro with 21 splined has speed of:

1000 rpm

120 - A PTO shaft with diameter 3.6 cm and 6 splined, standard PTO rpm will be:


121 - A pump that delivers metered quantity of fuel to each cylinder at appropriate time under high pressure is:

Fuel injection pump

122 - A pump that transfers fuel from the fuel line to the fuel injection pump is:

All are correct

123 - A pump used a power steering system is:

Both (a) & (b)

124 - A pump used in force feed lubricating system is:

All are correct

125 - A pump used in force-feed lubrication system is:

Positive displacement pump

126 - A pump used in the tractor hydraulic is:

All are correct

127 - A pump, which supplies the fuel to different cylinder or multi cylinder engine is:

Fuel injection pump

128 - A quantity of gobar gas required to cook one-person meal is:

5 kg

129 - A raised left at centre of the strip of land when ploughing is started from center to side is:

Back furrow

130 - A ratio of mass of water to mass of soil is referred to as:

Gravimetric water

131 - A recommended safe limit of land slope for efficient irrigation in heavy soil is:

0.05 to 0.25 %

132 - A reel of combine helps in:

All are correct

133 - A reflector used in solar power plant to reflect sunlight is:

Concave reflector

134 - A ridger is used for:

Making channel

135 - A rotary cutter has knives to rotate in:

Horizontal plane

136 - A rotary power scythe is operated by:


137 - A sack dryer is suitable for drying:

Small quantity of grain

138 - A sail type unit has:

3 blades

139 - A sailboat utilizes the energy of:


140 - A screw conveyor has:

U-shape trough

141 - A seed drill of size 10 x 20 cm has seed drop in one revolution is 40 gram. The area covered by seed drill in one revolution 9.42 m2. The seed rate (kg/h) is:

22 K

142 - A seed metering mechanism has double faced wheel, one face has a larger opening for larger seeds and other face has smaller opening for smaler seeds is:

Internal double run

143 - A shaft of disc harrow on which the number of discs is mounted is:

Arbor bolt

144 - A sheet of water, which overflows a weir, is:


145 - A single piece share with curved cutting edge is:

Slip share

146 - A situation where more than 25% decrease in precipitation from the normal over an area is called:

Meteorological drought

147 - A soil consistency in the characteristics of the soil at various moisture content when influenced by physical force is:

Both (a) and (b)

148 - A spark plug with a black center insulator indicates:

Stock-up choke valve in carburetor

149 - A special type of harrow with curved knives is:

Acme harrow

150 - A speed of centrifugal dehusker ranges between:

2500-3000 rpm

151 - A splined shaft used for taking off power from engine is:

Power takes off

152 - A spring mass damper system vibrates with:

6 degree of freedom

153 - A steam engine is an:

External combustion engine

154 - A straight line passing through the centre of the pull, the point of hitch and the centre of resistance are:

Line of pull

155 - A strip of unploughed land that is left at each end of the field for tractor turning is:

Head land

156 - A structure used to carry out irrigation water across the stream, canals, gullies and other natural depression is:


157 - A stubble type mould board of MB plough gives:

Tharow pulverization

158 - A subsoiler is used to break a hard pan of soil upto a depth of:

100 cm

159 - A system used to operte hand-operated winnowing fan is:

All are correct

160 - A tank capacity of knapsack sprayer is about:

9-22.5 litres

161 - A tank capacity of rotary type hand duster is about:

3.6-4.5 kg

162 - A ten human power equals to:

1.0 hp

163 - A thresher causes more seed damage if:

Speed is increased

164 - A tillage system in which the field is ploughed and followed by row crop planter directly is:

Plough plant

165 - A time required by parboiled rice to attain same level of softness in cooking needs for as compared to raw rice is:


166 - A tractor drawn in semi-mounted mower is operated by:

Tractor power take off

167 - A tractor mounted on rotary tillers are used for:

Both (a) & (b)

168 - A tractor-drawn harrow mostly has:

Flexible tynes

169 - A two-way plough eliminates:

Both (a) & (b)

170 - A two-way plough left field nearly level for:

Drainage and Irrigation

171 - A type lubricator is used in steam engines is:

Both (b) & (c)

172 - A type of cylinders used on power wheat threshers is:

Spike tooth and hammer mill

173 - A type of oil filter used in tractor engine is:

Both (a) & (b)

174 - A type of share provided with adjustable bar is:

Bar point share

175 - A type of solar reflector used in solar furnace:

Concave and spherical

176 - A type of valve used in hydraulic system is:

All are correct

177 - A unit hydrograph has:

One unit of direct runoff

178 - A vertical angle of the projection of sun's rays on the horizontal plane and direction of sun's rays is called:

Altitude angle

179 - A vertical between the projection of the sun's rays on the horizontal plane and direction of sun's rays is:

Solar altitude

180 - A vertical disc plough is also termed as:

Both (a) & (b)

181 - A vertical plate that is used to control depth and adjust line of pull in plough is:

Vertical clevis

182 - A wheel used for maintaining uniform depth of ploughing in different soils is:

Gauge wheel

183 - A white shiny talc powder and glucose solution is added to the rice during:


184 - A windmill suitable for water lifting is:

Multiple blade type

185 - A wire (standard wire gauge) used in secondary coli is about:

40 SWG

186 - A wooden pitman is generally used in:


187 - A zero till seed-cum-fertilizer drill is designed for sowing:


188 - Accelerated erosion is caused by:

Both (a) and (b)

189 - According to colling, the draft of MB plough due to furrow slice is:


190 - According to Colling, the draft of mould board plough on the ground is:


191 - According to colling, the draft to MB plough due to cutting slice is:


192 - According to NASA, a standard value for solar constant is:

1.353 kW/m2

193 - According to US geological survey, geothermal energy is all heat stored in the earth's crust above 15?C to a depth of:

At 10 Km

194 - Accumulator is used in:

Common rail system

195 - Acme harrows are mostly used for:


196 - Advantages of swinging drawbar is:

All are correct

197 - After pre-treatment (pulse with oil) the pulses are kept on floors for oil diffusion for about:

12 hours

198 - Air blast sprayer is used for:


199 - Air blast sprayer was developed in:


200 - Air cooling system is generally found in:

Single-cylinder engines

201 - Air injection pumps are mostly used in:

Heavy duty stationary engine

202 - Air injection system is mostly used in:

Heavy dusty stationary

203 - Air temperature in solar drying in comparison to sun drying is:


204 - Air-cooled engine has:


205 - Airplane sprayers and dusters are suitable for:

Large scale work

206 - All speed governors is directly connected with:

Both (a) & (b)

207 - Alternator of a tractor engine is driven by:

V-belt system

208 - American Petroleum Institute adopted the classification of engine oils in the year:


209 - Amount of het required to raise the temperature of a unit mass by one degree is called:

Specific heat

210 - Amount of liquid that a man can spray in a day is:

90 litres liquid

211 - An accumulator also serves as:

Shock absorber

212 - An accumulator used in hydraulic system is for:

Storing energy

213 - An action involve in threshing of crops are:

All are correct

214 - An action involving manual harvesting of crop is:

Slicing and tearing action

215 - An angular distance of the sunrays north (or south) of the equator is:


216 - An angular moment of front wheels is governed by operator through a system is known as:

Steering mechanism

217 - An animal drawn reaper is designed to harvest the crop up to a height of:

5-8 cm

218 - An aquifer confined at the bottom but not at the top is called:

Unconfined aquifer

219 - An aquifer is a permeable bed only partly filled with water and overlying a relatively impervious layer is:

All of these

220 - An assembly, which diverts the straw coming from cylinder towards straw walker is:

Rear beater

221 - An automatic position control system is associated with:

Three point hitch

222 - An engine is called I head engine when:

Valves are immediately above the cylinder

223 - An engine used in rotary power scythe is:

High speed petrol

224 - An implement that attached to a tractor along hinge axis and controlled directly by tractor steering unit is:

Semi mounted implements

225 - An implement that fully supported by the tractor is:

Mounted implement

226 - An implement that is used in till plant system is:


227 - An implement that pulled and guided by single hitch point of a tractor is:

Trailed implement

228 - An improper registration of reaper results in:

All are correct

229 - An indication of ignition quality of diesel fuel is given by:

Cetane number

230 - An instrument used for measuring the solar radiation is:


231 - An instrument used to measure soil compaction is:

Cone penetrometer

232 - An instrument used to measure wind speed is:


233 - An instrument, which measures the total or global radiation over a hemispherical field of view is:


234 - An Olpad thresher is

Bullock drawn

235 - An open channel flow in which flow characteristic at any poi8nt do not change with:

Steady flow

236 - An open trench left between two adjacent strips of land alter the plouging is:

Dead furrow

237 - An oscillatory motion of mechanical system is called:


238 - An undisturbed soil surface of furrow:

Furrow wall

239 - Angle between centerline of tyre and vertical line is called:

Camber angle

240 - Angle between centre line of kingpin of trctor and vertical line is called:

Caster angle

241 - Angle of repose for paddy ranges between:

30-45 degree

242 - Animal drawn patela is:

Clod crusher

243 - Animal far lubricants are:

It is gummy and waxy type

244 - Another name of positive displacement pump is:

Centrifugal pump

245 - Arch median screw is:

Low head water lift

246 - Area covered per day of 8 hours by 4 bottoms, 35 cm tractor plough if the speed of ploughing is 6 Km/h is:

6.26 ha

247 - Area required to dry one tonne of grain in the sun is about:

15 sq. m

248 - Area that one man can spray in a day is:

9.4 ha

249 - As the 'cc' of engine increases, the power of engine will:


250 - ASPEE is famous for manufacturing:


251 - At greater temperature the infiltration rate is:


252 - At steep slope the depth of flow is:

Less than the flat surface

253 - At the wind velocity greater than threshold value, the vibration of particles will be:


254 - Average body surface area of a man will be:

2.0 m2

255 - Back furrow and dead furrows are left while ploughing with:

Two-way plough

256 - Balkhi and Kajli are the breeds of:


257 - Ballasting in front tyre of tractor is done for:

Increasing stability

258 - Ballasting in rear tyre of tractor is done for:

Increasing traction

259 - Ballasting is done by:

All are correct

260 - Bar is the unit of:


261 - Battery consists of:

Both (a) & (b)

262 - Battery should be recharged when specific gravity:


263 - Bench terraces are constructed at slope gradient of:

10 to 20%

264 - Bench terracing is also called as:

Staircase farming

265 - Bevel gears transmit power between two shafts are:

Intersecting axis

266 - BHP of the engine indicates:

Power on flywheel

267 - Biogas can be used to operate:

Both SI and CI engine

268 - Biogas is a mixture of:

Methane and carbon dioxide

269 - Biogas is obtained by the anaerobic fermentation of:

All are correct

270 - Biogas is used for:

All are correct

271 - Black smoke indicates:

Engine is overloaded

272 - Blade harrows are used for seed bed preparation in:

Clayey soil

273 - Blades of sail unit are made of:

Canvas cloth

274 - Blue smoke indicates:

Burning of lubricant in cylinder

275 - Bomb calorimeter is used for determining:

Calorific value of fuel

276 - Brake fluid used in hydraulic brake is a mixture of:

Glycerin and alcohol

277 - Brake horsepower of an engine can be measured by:

Brake dynamometer

278 - Brake mean effective pressure of an engine depends upon its:


279 - Brake works on principle of:


280 - Breaking of knives of cutter bar in reaper is due to:

Both (a) & (b)

281 - Broad base terrace is also known as:

Drainage type terrace

282 - BS-Iand B-557 are the varieties of:


283 - Bucket type sprayer consist of:

Single and double acting pump

284 - Cage wheel used in tractor for:

Improving traction

285 - Calorific value of biogas is:

4500 Kcal/m3

286 - Calorific value of coal is about:

8300 kcal/kg

287 - Calorific value of hydrogen gas is:

150 KJ/kg

288 - Calorific value of natural gas ranges between:

33.50 KJ/kg

289 - Camshaft controls:

Both (a) & (b)

290 - Capacity of battery is expressed in tenns of:


291 - Central Seed Testing Laboratory is situated at ________


292 - Centre of gravity of tractor is determined by:

All are correct

293 - Centre of resistance of plough lie at a distance of:

3/4rd size of plough from share wing

294 - Centrifugal and rubber roll sheller may be used in place of:


295 - Centrifugal governor is also termed as:

Maximum speed governor

296 - Centrifugal governor is common in:

Both (a) & (b)

297 - Centrifugal governor is directly connected with:

Fuel injection pump

298 - Centrifugal sheller is used for milling:


299 - Cetane number for commercial diesel fuel varies from:


300 - Cetane rating of commercial diesel fuel is:


301 - Charge of battery is measured in terms of:

Specific gravity of electrolyte

302 - Chemical that is found to be most suitable as water evaporation inhibitor is to:

Cetyl alcohol

303 - Chemically correct air mixture ratio for Otto cycle engine is:


304 - Choke controls the amount of:


305 - Chute spillways are constructed at:

Gully head

306 - Chute spillways are used at:

Steep slope

307 - Clean and good quality of paddy gives a yield of:


308 - Cleaning of material is done by:

All are correct

309 - Cleaning of material is done on the basis of:


310 - Clutch and differential are part of:

Power transmission system

311 - Clutch is a device used to:

Connect or disconnect the engine power from transmission system

312 - Clutch works on principle of:


313 - Coefficient of traction is defined as:

Ratio of drawbar pull to dynamic loads

314 - COJ-84 is variety of:


315 - Cold plugs is used on:

Petrol engine

316 - Cold spark plug has:

Short insulator

317 - Cold spark plug is used in:

Light duty engine

318 - Colloid mill is used for:

All are correct

319 - Commecting rod converts:

Reciprocating motion piston into rotary motion crankshaft

320 - Compared to raw rice, parboiled rice needs:

Less polishing

321 - Compression ratio of diesel engine is:


322 - Constant speed engine is used in:

Electric generator

323 - Constant speed governor is used in:

Stationary engine

324 - Contact breaker points is generally made have:


325 - Contour blinds are recommended for the areas of:

Low rainfall

326 - Contour trenches are constructed:

On contour of the land

327 - Contour trenching is done mainly in:

Low rainfall areas for moisture conservation

328 - Contour trenching is performed to:

Conserve the moisture

329 - Control of gully erosion can be achieved by sue of:

None of these

330 - Cooking quality of rice is represented by:

All are correct

331 - Coolant pump is:

Centrifugal pump

332 - Cooling independent of temperature is main drawback of:

Forced pump system

333 - Crankcase breather is used for:

Removing water vapour from crankcase

334 - Crawler tractor is also known as:

Both (a) & (b)

335 - Critical diameter of clod takes place in the wind erosion is:

0.84 mm

336 - Crop management system reduces the:

Both (a) & (b)

337 - Crown wheel is a part of:

Differential system

338 - Crushers are reducing the size of grains by:

Squeezing and pressing

339 - Crushing law was proposed by:


340 - Curve number method estimates the:

Director runoff

341 - Cutter bar of reaper is made of:

High grade steel

342 - Cyclone separator is used for separating the:

Fine particles

343 - Cyclone separator works on:

Centrifugal force

344 - Dajal is a breed of:


345 - DAP, CAN and NP is variety of _________


346 - Darcy's law is applicable when Reynolds number is:

Less than 1

347 - Dbhp of tractor indicates:

Power on drawbar

348 - Dead furrow is made by:

One-way MB plough

349 - Deep bed drying includes:

Batch dryer

350 - Dehusking capacity of rubber roll sheller in different climatic condition ranges between:

100-200 tonnes/hour

351 - Denudation rate is expressed in the unit of:

Both (b) & (c)

352 - Depreciation of machine is computed on its:

Fixed cost

353 - Depreciation of machine value depends on:

All are correct

354 - Detachability of soil particle increases with:

Decreasing median grain size

355 - Detached particles are transported by the mechanism of:

Both (a) and (b)

356 - Detonation refers to the:

Engine knocking

357 - Detonation results in:

Loss of power

358 - DG and MS oils have high additive contents, which help in keeping:

Engine clean

359 - DG-general service, DM-moderately service and DS-very severe services are service classes for the:

Diesel engines

360 - Diaphragm unit is fitted on:

Fuel injection pump

361 - Dibbler is a:


362 - Diesel engine is:

Compression ignition engine

363 - Diesel engine works on principle of:

Diesel cycle

364 - Differential lock helps to:

Developing full traction in both drive & wheel

365 - Direct runoff is made up of:

Surface runoff and prompt inter flow

366 - Disc separator separates materials on the basis of:


367 - Discharge rate of centrifugal pump varies at:

Square of speed

368 - Disgester diameter of biogas plants ranges from:

1.1-6 metres

369 - Distance travelled by piston from TDC to BDC is:


370 - Distillation test measures the:

Calorific value

371 - Double mass curve technique is used for checking the:

Inconsistency of a record

372 - Downstream section of straight drop spillway is called as:

Both (a) & (b)

373 - drag link is component of:

Streering system

374 - Drawbar pull is measured by the:

Hydraulic dynamometer

375 - Drop-inlet spillways are constructed for:

Both (a) & (b)

376 - Droplet size of ultra low volume sprayer varies from:

35-100 micron

377 - Dry talc powder required to add to rice by weight of:

1-1.2 %

378 - Drying temperature for using batch-bin dyers is:

60 Degree Centigrade

379 - During fruit juice canning, pasteurization is done at the temperature of:

74 Degree Centigrade

380 - During processing of fruits and vegetables, transportation losses occurs in as:


381 - Edge cell and edge drop plates of metering mechanism are well suited for planting:

Large seeds and flat seed

382 - Effect of detonation is:

All are correct

383 - Electrolyte is consists of:

Both (a) & (b)

384 - Engine in which heat is taken at one constant pressure and rejected at another constant pressure is:

Otto cycle

385 - Engine is a device, which converts:

Chemical energy into mechanical

386 - Engine oil should be changed at every:

120 hours

387 - Engine requires overhauling in case of:

Both (a) & (b)

388 - Equinox means:

Equal nights

389 - Equipment for placing seedlings in the soil is called:


390 - Erosion is the interaction:

Erosivity and erodibility

391 - Erosivity is the:

Climatic aggressiveness

392 - Essential feature of good clutch is:

All are correct

393 - Evaporating cooling is also called:

Steam of vapour cooling

394 - Evaporating cooling system is used for cooling of:

Industrial engines

395 - Evaporation from water bodies and soil masses together with the transpiration from vegetation is termed as:

All are correct

396 - Evapotranspiration is confined:

Day time

397 - Excessive oil consumption in engines is due to:

Excess going of oil into combustion chamber

398 - External combustion engine is more powerful than

All are correct

399 - Factor which affects the flood hydrograph, is:

All are correct

400 - Farm tractor is:

Both (a) & (b)

401 - Final drive is a:

Speed reduction unit

402 - Fine clay particles have low detachability but:

High transportability

403 - Finer operation performed for seedbed preparation is:

Secondary tillage

404 - Firing order of an engine indicates:

Sequence of power stroke

405 - Flame gun is used for killing the:


406 - Flate plate collector is generally used for:

Room heating

407 - Flooding nozzles have spray angle of:

100-150 degree

408 - Flow mass curve is a plot of:

Cumulative discharge volume again t time in chronological order

409 - Flow mass curve is an integral curve of:


410 - Flow-duration curve is plot of:

Stream discharge against per cen of time the flow is equaled or exceeded

411 - Fluctuation of engine speed during a cycle depends upon:

Mass of flywheel

412 - Fluidized bed separator used to separate the seed is:

Lighter seeds

413 - Flywheel is made of:

Cast iron

414 - For air bone sounds the reference sound pressure is:

0.00002 N/m2

415 - For attaining a raindrop to terminal velocity, the fall height should be:

At least 7 m

416 - For belt conveying of paddy, the most suitable trough angle is:

20 Degree Centigrade

417 - For biological materials, the relationship between EMC and RH has been given by:


418 - For engine bearings, a type of lubrication system adopted is:

All are correct

419 - For engine parts, a type of lubrication system adopted is:

All are correct

420 - For every 100 metre below ground level the temperature of rock increase about:

3 Degree Centigrade

421 - For grinding operation, operating speed of hammer mill is:

1400-1500 rpm

422 - For harvesting of agricultural crops most widely used element action is:

Two element scissors action

423 - For hot climate the suitable type of tractor is:

Both (a) & (b)

424 - For impact cutting, a single element sharp edge requires a velocity of:

10 m/sec

425 - For impact cutting, dual edge signle element blade requires a volocity of:

40 m/sec

426 - For LSU dryer, the recommended airflow rate is:

70 cu m/min/tonne

427 - For LSU dryers, the recommended drying air temperature is:

60 Degree Centigrade

428 - For paddy, the recommended speed of threshing drum is:

16-25 m/s

429 - For petrol engine, the maximum power obtained from one kg of fuel is:

10.5-13.8 kg

430 - For seed production, maximum grain temperature usually recommended is:

43 Degree Centigrade

431 - For sowing mustard seeds, the most suitable seed drill is:

Pneumatic seed drill

432 - For sowing of wheat seed, a suitable metering mechanism is:

Fluted roller

433 - For wheat, the recommended speed of threshing drum is:

20-30 m/s

434 - For working a windmill the minimum speed of wind should be:

10 kmph

435 - Force-feed lubrication system is commonly used in:

High speed multi-cylinder engine

436 - Forward speed of crawler tractor is restricted to about:

Both (b) & (c)

437 - Friction clutch is most commonly used in:

Both (a) & (b)

438 - Friction plate is part of:


439 - Front wheel of tractor is smaller than rear wheel that helps:

Sharp turning

440 - F-type valves are used in engines has:

Pre-combustion chamber

441 - Fuel injector is also known as:

All are correct

442 - Fuel pump used in carburetor engines is:

Gasoline pump

443 - Function of carburector is:

All are correct

444 - Function of transmission system is:

All are correct

445 - Gaskets are made of:

Both (a) & (b)

446 - Gear drive is recommended when two shafts are:


447 - Gears are generally made of:

Alloy steel

448 - General formula of armatics is:

Cn H2n-6

449 - General formula of Nphthenes is:


450 - General formula of olefins is:

Cn H2n

451 - General formula of paraffin is:

Cn G2n+2

452 - Generally tractor speed in the top gear varies from:

18-24 kmph

453 - Geologic erosion is also called as:

Both (b) & (c)

454 - Geometrical mean diameter of particles are known as:

Equivalent diameter

455 - Geothermal energy from the earth's interior is:


456 - Glow plug is used for:

To heat the air charge of engine

457 - Glucose is added to the rice with water solution in the ratio of:


458 - Gobar gas plant is a:

Biogas plant

459 - Governor is a device used in:

Both (a) & (b)

460 - Graded terraces are used in the areas of:

Medium to high rainfall

461 - Grassed waterways are used as:


462 - Gravity test is done by using the:


463 - Grease is semi-fluid lubricant used for:

Both (a) & (b)

464 - Grease is used as lubricant in the:

Both (b) & (c)

465 - Gudgeon pin of engine piston is made of:

Case hardened steel

466 - Gully erosion is the advance stage of:

Rill erosion

467 - Hammer mill and Burr grinder are used for grinding the:


468 - Hammer mill thresher is:

Prime mover-operated

469 - Hand atomizer is used for spraying in:


470 - Hand dropper consists of:

A pair of serrated blade

471 - Hand operated sprayers are suitable for:

Small holdings

472 - Hardness of rice endosperm ranges from:

11.5 to 14.5 kg/mm2

473 - Heat flow in the ground is measured in bore holes to a depth of about:

100 metres

474 - Heat losses by exhaust gases is about:

33 per cent

475 - Heat losses by friction and compression etc. is that:

10 per cent

476 - Heat obtained to BHP of total heat is about:

26 per cent

477 - Heat obtained to IHP of total heat generated is:

36 per cent

478 - Heat required to evaporate one kg of water from grain is:

500 Kcal

479 - Heat value of the gas produced in gas fire is about:

950-1200 kcal/m3

480 - Heavy draft of a disc harrow is due to:

All are correct

481 - Heavy smoking in an engine during operation may be due to:

All are correct

482 - Helical blades of mower are arranged in:

Horizontal cylindrical form

483 - High speed diesel is used in:

High speed diesel engine

484 - Highest tractive efficiency occurs in a:

Compact and firm soil

485 - Hill-type bench terraces are the:

Terraces with reverse grade towards hill

486 - Hit and miss system of governor is to regulate the:

Both (b) & (c)

487 - Hole type nozzle is generally used in:

Open type combustion chamber

488 - Hollow cone nozzle employed on boom type sprayer have spray angle of:

60-95 degree

489 - Honeycomb type radiator is also known as:

Cellular type

490 - Hot magma is a source of:

Geothermal energy

491 - Hot plug has:

Long insulator

492 - Hot plugs are used in:

Powerine tractors

493 - Hot plugs used in tractor is operated by:

Light load

494 - Hot pulses are tempered in the tempering bin after each pass for:

6 hours

495 - Hydraulic brake works on the principle of:

Pascal's Law

496 - Hydraulic pump develops a pressure of about:

150 kg/cm2

497 - Hydraulic system in tractor is mainly used for:

Operating three point hitch

498 - If diesel fuel contains high sulphur content the best class of lubricating oil for use is:

DS lubricating oil

499 - If stroke: bore ratio of an engine increase, the thermal efficiency:


500 - If strokes bore ratio increases then thermal efficiency:


501 - If the pH range of slurry is between 4 and 6 the slurry is:


502 - If the viscosity of fluid is high then flow will be:


503 - If the volatility of fuel is high, it ignites:


504 - Ignition circuit gets current from the:


505 - Ignition delay of high-speed engine should be about:

0.001 second

506 - Ignition delay of low-speed engine:

0.002 second

507 - Ignition temperature of IC engines varies from:

500-900 Degree Centigrade

508 - Ignition timing depends on:

All are correct

509 - I-head type valves are generally used in:

Both (a) & (b)

510 - In 4WD tractors power occurs in:

All four wheels

511 - In a 30 days of retention period, the production of gas/kg of fresh dung is:

0.06 m3

512 - In a gyratory crusher, the speed of crushing head ranges from:

125/425 gyration/min

513 - In a seed metering mechanism, only one seed is allowed at a time is:

Flat drop

514 - In a tractor centre of gravity is located at:

1/3 of wheelbase ahead of rear axle

515 - In a windmill, tip speed ratio increases with:

Decrease of number of blades

516 - In air injection system, fuel pump develop:

Low pressure

517 - In air-cooled engine, purpose of fans is to:

Both (a) & (b)

518 - In airplane sprayer, the tank capacity ranges between:

450-2200 litres

519 - In an adiabatic process system:

Heat is constant

520 - In an alternator the magnetic field is produced in the:


521 - In anaerobic digestion, biogas production by bacterial decomposition is:

Absence of oxygen

522 - In angle bar cylinder type thresher the clearance between cylinder and concave unit at entrance is:

13-19 mm

523 - In angle bar cylinder type thresher, the clearance between cylinder and concave unit at the end:

6-9 mm

524 - In artesian aquifer the elevation to which water level rises in wall is:

Piezometric surface

525 - In artesian aquifer, te imaginary surface representing artesian pressure is:

Piezometric surface

526 - In attrition mill, the size of food grains is reduced due to:

Shear and crushing

527 - In ball mill, the size of food grains is reduced due to:


528 - In batch type dryer the minimum airflow rate required for drying per cubic metre of paddy is:

3-4 cu m/min

529 - In batch type dryer, the air temperature seldom exceeds:

45 Degree Centigrade

530 - In batch type dryer, the maximum depth of grain is about:

250 cm

531 - In batch type or the maximum drying air temperature is:

45 Degree Centigrade

532 - In battery ignition system primary cricuit includes:

Primary coil

533 - In battery ignition system, the ignition fails due to:

Not proper setting of breaker point

534 - In biogas plant digestion (biological process) occurs in absence of:


535 - In biogas plants, the depth of digester varies from:

3-6 metres

536 - In bucket elevtors, the total stretch of belt under maximum load should not exceed more than:

1-2 % of belt length

537 - In bullock driven wooden ghani, the percent oil loss (left in cake) is:


538 - In burr grinder, the plates for grinding are:


539 - In case of air-cooled engines, the reduction of weight of engines is about:

20 per cent

540 - In case of parboiled rice, the average yield obtained from huller is:


541 - In case of porosity the volume of pores may change:

Without volume change of solids

542 - In case of raw rice, the average yield obtained from huller is:


543 - In case of seed production a maximum grain temperature usually recommended is:

43 Degree Centigrade

544 - In case of windmill, the ratio of power delivered by rotor to the maximum power available in the wind is:

Coefficient of performance

545 - In cell feed type-metering mechanism, cell fill is affected by:

All are correct

546 - In CFTRI method, the water is heated to a temperature of:

85 Degree Centigrade

547 - In Cl engine of tractor injection pressure is in range of:

120-200 kg/cm2

548 - In common rail system fuel is supplied by:

One pressure line to all injectors

549 - In comparison to raw rice bran, parboiled rice bran contains:

Less starch and more oil

550 - In comparison to raw rice is parboiled rice rich in:

All are correct

551 - In constant mesh transmission system, the gear used to control the noise is:

Helical gear

552 - In continuous flow dryer, drying air temperature may be:

70 Degree Centigrade

553 - In conventional freeze drying, dehydration temperature are kept between:

37.8 Degree Centigrade-93.3 Degree Centigrade

554 - In cup food metering device, the seed rate is controlled by:

Size of cups

555 - In deep bed drying, the depth of grain layer is:

More than 20 cm

556 - In diesel cycle engine heat is added at:

Constant pressure

557 - In diesel cycle engines air enters in the cylinder through the:

Intake value

558 - In diesel engines, fuel injected in the cylinder is through:

Fuel injector

559 - In disc harrow the angle made by the axis of the arbor bolt with the direction of travel is:

Gang angle

560 - In disc harrow, a device used to provide a distance between two discs mounted on same gang axle is:


561 - In disc harrow, the penetration of disc improves by:

All are correct

562 - In disc plough, a device used to prevent disc from clogging is:


563 - In disc plough, the angle at which the plane of cutting edge of disc is inclined to the direction of travel:

Disc angle

564 - In disc plough, the angle at which the plane of cutting edge of disc is inclined to the vertical line is:

Tilt angle

565 - In disc plough, the penetration of disc improves but width of cut reduces due to:

Increasing disc angle

566 - In drizzle the size of droplet is:

Less than 0.5 mm

567 - In dry milling of pulses with seed oil treatment, oils is used at a rate of:

1.5 to 2.5 kg/tonne

568 - In dry milling process, the following operations are done prior to oil treatment is:


569 - In dry milling the percentage of pulse dehusked in one pass or single operation is:


570 - In drying process, the heat required to convert one kilogram of grain moisture to water vapour is:

650 kcal

571 - In electrostatic spraying, the volume of liquid per hectare is:

Less than 1 litre

572 - In evaporating cooling the temperature of cooling water is allowed to reach a temperature of:

100 Degree Centigrade

573 - In fixed dome type biogas plant, the gas holder is made of:

Cement and bricks

574 - In flail mower, knives operating are in:

Horizontal plane and around cylinder

575 - In flail type mower, cutting section has:

Swinging knives

576 - In floating type biogas plant, gas holder is made of:


577 - In force feed lubrication system pump is driven by:


578 - In force feed lubrication system, the gear used is:

Both (a) & (b)

579 - In forced air-dring method the moisture moves from:

Grain to air

580 - In forced circulation system, a thermostat valve is placed at:

Forward end of cylinder head

581 - In four-stroke cycle engine, one power stroke is obtained after every:

Two revolution of crankshaft

582 - In four-stroke diesel engines, the air enters in the cylinder during:

Suction stroke

583 - In freeze-drying, the liquid phase comes at the pressure above:

4.7 mm

584 - In general tractor, frequency should be:

3.10 Hz

585 - In gliding gear transmission system, the gear used is:


586 - In hammer mill, the speed of hummer tip ranges from:

700-1000 rpm

587 - In hill drop metering mechanism the cells round the edge of the plate admits:

Several seed at a time

588 - In horizontal plate planter, the percentage is:

More than 100

589 - In hummer mill, the force applied on grains is cut by:


590 - In hydraulic press ghani, the percent oil loss (left in cake) is:


591 - In hydraulic sprayers, the degree of atomization is primarily a function of:

Liquid pressure and the nozzle characteristics

592 - In hydraulically control hitching system, the equpment vibrates due to:

All are correct

593 - In hydraulically controlled hitching system, the implement does not remain in lifted position due to:

Both (a) & (b)

594 - In IC engines the method used for ignition of fuel is:

All are correct

595 - In IC engines, a commonly used cooling system is:

Thermo Siphon

596 - In ignition system, magneto is used for:

Supply of spark

597 - In inclined draper, the major factor causing the separation of grain is:

Shape and surface texture

598 - In individual pump system, fuel is delivered to injector at a high pressure of:

10000-20000 Kpa

599 - In lead acid battery, percentage of sulphuric acid is about:


600 - In leanest mixture, the fair fuel ratio is about:


601 - In line system of injection, the pump used is:

Both (a) & (b)

602 - In manual harvesting, a man-hour needed to harvest one dectare of paddy is about:


603 - In MB plough, a small irregular piece of metal has similar shape to ordinary plough bottom is:


604 - In MB plough, the maximum horizontal clearance between the landside and furrow wall is:

Horizontal suction

605 - In MB plough, the perpendicular distance from wing of share to the line joining the point of the share and heel of landside is:

Size of plough

606 - In most tractor engines, a cooling systems used is:

Pressure cooling

607 - In oil extraction unit, the most commonly used solvent is:


608 - In Otto cycle engines, air fuel mixture comes in cylinder through:


609 - In Otto cycle. Heat is added at:

Constant volume

610 - In pneumatic seed drill, seeds are released in the furrow under:


611 - In pounding method, rice recovery ranges from:


612 - In power driven iron ghani, the percentage oil loss (left in cake) is:


613 - In power thresher, a semi-circular disc is inserted between cylinder and straw thrower to achieve:

Higher threshing efficiency

614 - In power tiller mounted reaper, the rotating power of power tiller in prime mover is converted into:

Reciprocating power of cutter bar

615 - In power-operated sprayer, the pump works at a pressure of:

3-8.5 Kg/cm2

616 - In precision planting, the height of seed drop should be:

Close to ground

617 - In pressurized parboiling method, the temperature of soaking water is about:

75 Degree Centigrade - 80 Degree Centigrade

618 - In pressurized parboiling, the soaking time of method is about:

40 minutes

619 - In pressurized water cooling. The boiling point of coolant can be increased by increasing its:


620 - In pressurized water-cooling the water pressure is kept between:

1.5 and 2 bars

621 - In pressurized water-cooling, increasing its pressure can increase the boiling point of coolant:

All are correct

622 - In proper registered reaper, after each stroke a knife shall stop:

At the centre of guard

623 - In proper seat suspension design, the transmissibility should be:

Less than unity

624 - In radiator, hot water flows at the:


625 - In reaper, a flat plate with two cutting edges is known as:

Knife section

626 - In reaper, a knife head of cutter bar is connected to:


627 - In reaper, knife clips are placed with:

Wearing plate

628 - In reaper, lead generally recommended for alignment purpose is of:

2 cm per metre length

629 - In rice, angle of internal friction is:

24 degrees

630 - In richest mixture the air fuel ratio is about:


631 - In rotary dryer, the diameter of drum ranges between:

3-6 metres

632 - In rotary knife cutter, a horizontal rotor rotates:

200-900 rpm

633 - In rotary type power duster, the dust can be blown at a height of:

6 metres

634 - In rotary type power duster, the speed of blower is:

4000 rpm

635 - In rubber roll huller breakage is:


636 - In rubber roll huller the rubber rolls turn at:

Different speed and different directions

637 - In rubber roller sheller, the clearance between rubber roll is:

Smaller than paddy thickness

638 - In sack drying, a maximum air temperature should be:

43.3 Degree Centigrade

639 - In seed drill, the depth of seed placement for better germination should be:

5 cm

640 - In semi-confined aquifer with prompt yield, the pheratic level is lowered when:

Simultaneously lowered with piezometric level

641 - In semi-confined aquifer, when there is time lag between lowering of two water levels is:

Semi-confined aquifer with delayed yield

642 - In SI engine, intake opens about:

10 deg before TDC

643 - In single boiling method, paddy is soaked in water for:

24-72 hours

644 - In six cylinder in-line engine, the power impulse occurs after every:

120 of crankshaft rotation

645 - In solar furnace temperature can be raised upto:

3000 Degree Centigrade

646 - In solar power plant, the turbine is run by:


647 - In solid injection system, fuel pump is used for:

Forcing fuel into combustion chamber

648 - In spark ignition engines fuel is ignited by:

Both (a) & (b)

649 - In splash erosion the raindrop energy acts in form of:

Kinetic energy

650 - In standard disc plough, all the discs are:

Fitted on separate standard

651 - In steaming process, a soaked paddy exposed to steam at a pressure of about:

4 kg/cm2

652 - In sun drying, the relative humidity (per day) of grain under favourable conditions is reduced by:


653 - In sunlight, the heating rays are:

Infra-red ray

654 - In the air-cooled engines, cylinder normally enclosed in a sheet metal casing is called:


655 - In the bar point share, the bar serves as:

Share and landside

656 - In the cylinder sorter, the inclination of cylinder for dry granular material is kept up to:

125 mm/m

657 - In the reaper, a space between knife clips and wearing plate is about:

20-30 cm

658 - In the reaper, whoe is provided with:

Each end of cutter bar

659 - In T-head type engine, the valves are:

On one side

660 - In thermo siphon system, fan is operated by:


661 - In thin layer drying, the depth of grain layer should be:

Less than 20 cm

662 - In thresher, the percentage of healthy grain dropped from sieve with respect to healthy grain received from main outlet is:

Sieve loss

663 - In tractor engines, a commonly used thermostat valve is:

Both (a) & (b)

664 - In tractor three-point hitch is operated by:

Hydraulic system

665 - In tractor weight transfer is greater when:

Pull is higher

666 - In two-stroke cycle engine, one power stroke is obtained after every:

One revolution of crankshaft

667 - In vertical conveyer reaper, crop is held in vertical position with the help of:


668 - In vertical conveyer reaper, the crop to be harvested are guided by:

Star wheel

669 - In water cooling system, the cold water flows at the radiator from the:


670 - In water-cooled engines the water pump used:

Centrifugal type

671 - In water-cooled engines, water pump is connected with:


672 - In which cooling system, the engine warms up quickly after starting:


673 - In wind erosion movement of particle is carried out by:

Saltation, suspension and surface creep

674 - Indented cylinder separator separates the grains on the basis of:

Relative length

675 - Indigenous plough is:

Multi-purpose tool

676 - Infiltration is measured by the:


677 - Infiltration rate is generally lower in soils of:

Heavy texture

678 - Inflation pressure of front tyre of tractor is:

2.0 to 2.5 kg/cm2

679 - Inflation pressure of rear tyre of tractor is:

0.8 to 1.2 kg/cm2

680 - Insecticide capsule are used at:

All are correct

681 - Insulated metal of solar cooker is:

Black from outside

682 - Interception losses includes:

Evaporation loss only

683 - Internal combustion engine was invented by:

Nicolas Otto

684 - Irri-9 is a variety of:


685 - It six-cylinder engine rated at 2200 rpm will generate a fundamental sound frequency of:

220 Hz

686 - Jointer and coulter are the parts of:

MB Plough

687 - Junker's calorimeter is used for determining the calorific value of:

Gaseous fuels

688 - Kinetic energy of raindrop depends on:

Both (b) & (c)

689 - Kinetic energy of raindrop depends on:

All are correct

690 - Knapsack sprayer is suitable for:

All are correct

691 - Land plane is ideally suited for

Top finishing

692 - Land shaping becomes necessary where often the following implement is used:

5-10 cm

693 - Land shaping becomes necessary where often the following implement is used:

MB plough

694 - Lay shaft is also termed as:

Counter shaft

695 - Lead mid battery is generally used in:


696 - Leakage factor is the property of:

Semi-confined aquifer

697 - Lean air fuel mixture is required for:


698 - Lighter fuels have:

High API gravity

699 - Loss of value of machine with passage of time is:


700 - Losses in fruits and vegetables generally varies from:


701 - Lower links of tractor reduces:

Side draft

702 - LSU dryer is:

Continuous flow mixing type dryer

703 - LSU dryer was developed in/at:

1949 (USA)

704 - Lublication reduces:

All are correct

705 - Lubricant used in gearbox is:

SAE 90

706 - Lubricants are available in the form of:

All are correct

707 - Lubricants obtained from vegetables is suitable for:

Small and simple implements

708 - Lubrication oils are rated by:


709 - Lubrication reduces:

All are correct

710 - Lubrication system of tractor engine develops pressure of about:

3 kg/cm2

711 - Lysimeter is used to measure:


712 - Macermic cultivator is a:

Bullock drawn

713 - Magneto system is:

Both (a) & (b)

714 - Main constitute is:


715 - Main function of fuel injection system is:

All are correct

716 - Main part of thresher that removes seeds from grain head is:


717 - Major constituent of biogas is:


718 - Manually operated push type harvester is commonly called:

Hand dropper

719 - Margalla-99 is a variety of which crop?


720 - Mass curve of a rainfall of a storm is plotted between:

Accumulated precipitation and time in chronological order

721 - Mass density decreases with:

Temperature increase

722 - Mass density increases as:

Pressure increase

723 - Mass movement of soil occurs at:

Steep slope

724 - Mass per unit volume of substance is called :

Mass density

725 - Maximum noise level from a tractor mear the operator's ear should not exceed:


726 - Maximum torque in a tractor is generated at:

Less than rated rpm

727 - Medium size bullock can develop:

0.50 to 0.75 hp

728 - Melting point of aluminium is about:

660 Degree Centigrade

729 - Melting point of cast iron is about:

1100 Degree Centigrade

730 - Mineral lubricants are most popular for:

Engines and Machines

731 - Mineral lubricants are obtained from:

Crude petroleum

732 - ML-light servvice, MM. medium service and MS- severe service are service classes for the:

SI engines

733 - Molecular formula of diesel is:

C11 H16

734 - More spraying pressure results in:

Reduction in droplet size

735 - Most of diesel startingh motors are equipped with an:

Overrunning clutch

736 - Mould board plough works on the principle of:


737 - Muffler is provided on tractor to control:


738 - Multiple disc clutches is:

Both (a) & (b)

739 - Multiple disc type clutches are mostly used in:

Crawler tractor

740 - Natural air-drying needs dehumidification if the atmospheric humidity exceeds:


741 - Natural airflow takes place in the dryer due to variation in:

Volume of air

742 - Natural dying needs dehumidification if atmospheric humidity is:

Exceed 70%

743 - Negative plate of battery is made of:

Spongy Lead

744 - Negative plate of lead-acid battery is made of:


745 - No till system reduces runoff by:


746 - Notched coulter work well in:

Heavy trashy field

747 - Nozzle spacing in boom is governed by:

Axial vertical

748 - Nozzle spacing on boom is governed by:

All are correct

749 - Nudging system is used for:

Both (a) & (b)

750 - Ocean waves contain:

All are correct

751 - Of the following solar air heater is applicable in:

All are correct

752 - Of the following the main parts of syndicator type thresher are:

All are correct

753 - Of the following which type of governing system is used in the gas engines?

Hit and miss system

754 - Of the following, blower is part of:

Pneumatic seed drill

755 - Of the following, the impact cutting principle is applied in:

Both (a) & (b)

756 - Of the following, the precision planter is:


757 - Of the following, which are the primary tillage implements?

Chisel plough and subsoiler

758 - Of the following, which is the essential part of steering mechanism?

All are correct

759 - Of the following, which is the form of precipitation?

All are correct

760 - Oil filter of tractor engine is generally changed after:

120 hours of work

761 - Oil filters are made of:

All are correct

762 - Oil pressure gauge is used:

To warn the operator of any irregularity

763 - Oil pump is driven by:

Timing gear

764 - Oil rings on the piston are located:

Both (a) & (b)

765 - One bar is equal to:

100 Kpa

766 - One cm of rainfall over a catchment area of one km2 represents the volume of water equal to:

104 m3

767 - One heat flow unit is equal to:

10-6 cal/cm2/sec

768 - One kilogram glucose solution is sufficient for:

1000 kg rice

769 - One tone of refrigeration implies the colling effect equal to:

200 BTU/sec

770 - One-way plough requires laying out a field in lands, ending with:

Dead furrow

771 - One-way plough requires laying out a field land, starting with:

Back Furrow

772 - ONK-B sprayer duster is used as:

Spraying of liquid

773 - Optimum engine temperature is about:

82 Degree Centigrade

774 - Pain coulter are used in relatively:

Clean field

775 - Pain in eardrum starts at a noise level of:

115 dB

776 - Parboiled rice is inferior in:


777 - Parboiling of paddy is done to:

All are correct

778 - Particles less than 0.1 mm diameter is moved by the action of:


779 - Particles size for saltation process ranges from:

0.1 to 0.5 mm diameter

780 - Per hectare application rate of high volume sprayer is:

Less than 400 litres

781 - Per hectare application rate of low volume sprayer is:

5-400 litres

782 - Per hectare application rte of smogging is:

Less than 2 liter

783 - Percentage of bran in paddy:


784 - Percentage of bran in therice is:


785 - Percentage of endosperm in the paddy:


786 - Percentage of husk in paddy is about:

18-22 per cent

787 - Percentage of protein in pulse by weight is:


788 - Petrol lubrication system generally is used in:

Two-stroke engines

789 - Petroleum lubricants are less expensive and suitable for:

IC engines

790 - Pintle type nozzle is commonly used in:

Both (a) & (b)

791 - Piston of an engine is made of:

All are correct

792 - Piston pin connected piston with:

Connecting rod

793 - Pitman arm is part of:

Steering system

794 - Pitman that is used in reaper is a type of:

Connecting rod

795 - Planter is different from seed drill in respect to:

Metering mechanism

796 - Planters are used for sowing:

Bolder seeds

797 - Plate of burr grinder is made of:

Chilled iron

798 - Plough share is made up of:

Gun metal

799 - Ploughing is done to

All are correct

800 - Ply rating of tyre indicates:

Load-bearing capacity

801 - Pneumatic governor is used on:

Both (a) & (b)

802 - Pneumatic seed drills are suitable for sowing:

Both (a) & (b)

803 - Positive plate of battery is made of:

Both (a) & (b)

804 - Positive plate of lead-acid battery is made of:


805 - Power of centrifugal pump varies as:

Cube of speed

806 - Power operated sprayers are suitable for:

Large holdings

807 - Power tiller operates most satisfactorily with:

Rotary tools

808 - Power train indicates:

Complete power transmission path

809 - Pre-combustion chamber is found in:

Diesel engine

810 - Pressure due to radiator cap:

Raises boiling temperature

811 - Pressure due to radiator caps:

Raise the boiling point

812 - Pressure in hole type nozzle varies from:

17-34 MPs

813 - Pressure in pintle type nozzle varies as:

7-15 Mpa

814 - Pressure of hand=operated sprayers varies from:

1-7 Kg/cm2

815 - Pressure of power operated sprayers ranges from:

10-55 Kg/cm2

816 - Pressure plate is an essential part of:


817 - Primary coil has:

Small number of turns of heavy wire

818 - Primary fuel filter is used to remove particles of size:

5 Micron

819 - Primary objective of graded terrace is to:

Both (a) & (b)

820 - Primary winding of ignition cell consists of:

200-400 turns

821 - Primary winding of ignition coil consists of:

Thick wire

822 - Propeller type unit runs at a speed of:

300-400 rpm

823 - PTO drive taken from output shaft, the speed of PTO is:

Proportional to speed of tractor

824 - PTO hp indicates:

Power on PTO shaft

825 - PTO shaft drive taken from engine transmission the speed of PTO will be:

Inversely proportional to engine speed

826 - PTO shaft gets drive from:

All are correct

827 - Puddling is done mainly for:

Reducing deep percolation of water

828 - Puddling is done to achieve:

Non-leaching of water

829 - Pump used in inline system of injection is driven by:


830 - Pump used in the windmill may be:

All are correct

831 - Purpose of cooling:

All are correct

832 - Purpose of lubrication is:

All are correct

833 - Push rod is operated between:

Tappet and rocker arm

834 - R' pocket type disc separators are used for separation of:

Broken rice from whole rice

835 - Radiator core is made of:


836 - Radiator is generally fabricated as:

Both (a) & (b)

837 - Rainfall intensity is the ratio of:

Rainfall amount to time

838 - Range of transmissibility for satisfactory performance is:

0.5 to 0.65

839 - Ratio of brake horsepower to indicated horsepower is:

Mechanical efficiency

840 - Ratio of mass density of substance at certain temperature to the mass density of water at same temperature is called:

Specific gravity

841 - Ratio of net pull produced for the dynamic normal load on traction device is called:

Net traction coefficient

842 - Ratio of output vibration to input vibration is called:


843 - Ratio of total force output of the traction device in direction of travel to dynamic weight on traction device is:

Coefficient of traction

844 - Rational formula is only appicable to small size catchments which has an area:

Less than 50 km2

845 - Recovery of dhal in each pass is reduced by:


846 - Reduction of engine speed through transmission gearbox ranges between:

1 and 1/5th highest and lowest

847 - Relative movement of the wheel in direction of travel for given distance under load and no load condition is:

Wheel slip

848 - Reliability is lower in:

Stable soil

849 - Removal of burnt gases from engine cylinder is called :


850 - Renewable energy is mainly obtained by:

All are correct

851 - Renewable source of energy can be renewed by:

All are correct

852 - Renewable source of energy is:


853 - Revolution of an engine (engine speed) is measured by:


854 - Rice recovery in parboiling as compared to raw rice milling is:

1-2 %

855 - Rice yield can be increased with improved mechanical drying method by:


856 - Rice yield can increased due to improved mining equipments by:


857 - Ridge planting is most suitable for:

High rainfall areas

858 - Rietz mill is applicable for milling:

Wet material

859 - Rietz mill suitable for grinding material below is of:

15 micron size

860 - Ring lubrication system is generally used for lubrication of:

Horizontal bearings

861 - Rocker sprayer is used for spraying:

All are correct

862 - Rotary pump is used as:

Low pressure sprayer

863 - Rotary tillers art used for:

Shallow cultivation and weed control

864 - Rotor diameter of Rietz mill ranges from:

10-60 cm

865 - Runoff coefficient is the ratio of:

Runoff to rainfall

866 - S disc harrow with four gangs in which set of two gangs follow behind the set of other two gang is:

Tandem disc: harrow

867 - Safe moisture content of paddy (wb) for storage over one year is:

12 per cent

868 - Safe storage moisture level of grain crop is generally below the range of:

8 to 9 %

869 - Sand dune' is associated with:

Wind erosion

870 - Say bolt universal Seconds' is related with the:

Viscosity of oil

871 - Say bolt viscometer is used for:

Viscosity test

872 - Secondary fuel filter is made of:


873 - Secondary fuel filter is used to remove the particles of size:

2 Micron

874 - Secondary winding consist of:

15000-2000 turns

875 - Seed drill are used for sowing:

Small seeds

876 - Seed drills are suitable for maintaining distance between :


877 - Self-propelled combine harvester is provided with:

Diesel engine

878 - Semi-solid lubricant is:


879 - Settlement of an embankment depends on:

Void ratio

880 - Share of mould board plough is made of:

C-1095 sold steel

881 - Shedding and shattering losses of grain in the field can be considerably reduced by harvesting paddy at moisture content of:


882 - Sheet erosion is also called:

Surface flow erosion

883 - Shelterbelts are constructed by:

More than two rows

884 - Shoulder bounds are provided to:

Both (a) & (b)

885 - Single disc or single plate type clutch is:

Dry type

886 - Single plate clutch is also known as:

Single disk clutch

887 - Size reduction of fruits and vegetables are mostly performed by:


888 - Slogging or lugging ability is associated with:

Engine torque

889 - Slope steepness affects more to the:

Rill erosion

890 - Smaller change in viscosity of oil with temperature indicates

High viscosity indes number

891 - Soil Erodibility is a:

Dynamic process

892 - Soil erosion involves the detachment and transportation of:

Insoluble soil materials

893 - Soil erosion is a:

Both (a) and (b)

894 - Soil erosion is more when:

Raindrop impact along with overland flow

895 - Soil erosion refers to the gross amount of:

Soil loss

896 - Soil loss in geologic erosion is:

Less than accelerated erosion

897 - Soil texture represent the:

Size and proportion of particles making a soil

898 - Solar cells are made of:

All are correct

899 - Solar energy can be directly converted into electrical energy, by a method is:

All are correct

900 - Solar energy reaches top of the earth's surface consist of:

All are correct

901 - Solar energy reaching per square metre of the earth atmosphere is called:

Solar constant

902 - Solar pond is used to:

Collect and store the solar energy

903 - Solar radiation reaches the earth in the form of:

Beam and defuse radiation

904 - Solid injection system has:

Both (a) & (b)

905 - Solid injection system is also known as:

Airless mechanical injection

906 - Spark advance is associated to:

High sped engine

907 - Spark occurs when:

Points open

908 - Spark plug gap setting should be kept between:

0.50 and 0.85 mm

909 - Spark plug having white centre insulator indicates:

Over advaned ignition

910 - Spattering of small soil particles, caused by raindrop impact on wet soil is called as:

Inter rill erosion

911 - Specific gravity measured by an instrument is:


912 - Specific gravity of a fully charged battery is:


913 - Specific gravity of a fully discharged battery is:

1.50 or less

914 - Specific gravity of grains is determined by:

Both (a) and (b)

915 - Specific gravity of petroleum-based hydraulic fluid is:


916 - Specific gravity separator makes the separation as per difference in:


917 - Specific gravity separator works on the principle of:

Both (a) and (b)

918 - Specific speed of pump expresses relationship between:

All are correct

919 - Specific yield is the property of:

Unconfined aquifer

920 - Speed of alternator with respect to engine speed is:


921 - Speed of spinning disc of sprayer varies from:

2000-9000 rpm

922 - Speed reduction ratio of final drive ranges from:

3 to 5:1

923 - Spinning disc is used in:

Ultra low volume spray

924 - Spiral separator separates the grains on the basis of:


925 - Splash erosion takes place when rainfall intensity exceeds the:

Infiltration rate

926 - Splash system of lubrication is generally used in:

Single cylinder & stationary engine

927 - Spline of PTO is used for:

Joining two shafts in line

928 - Spline shafts are used when the torque transmission is in:

Large amount

929 - Spray gun is known as:


930 - Spur and helical gears transmit power between two:

Parallel shafts

931 - Standard screens are used and measurement of the particle size range between:

76 mm and 38 micro metre

932 - Starting motor consists of:

Both (a) & (b)

933 - Starting motor is engaged with ring gear of engine with the help of:

Sliding pinion gear

934 - Stroke law is applied when Reynoid's number is:

Less than or equal to

935 - Stubble mulching is associated with:

Wind erosion

936 - Suitable lubricant for 2-stroke engines is:

Mineral lubricant

937 - Suitable lubricant for 4-stroke engines is:

Mineral lubricant

938 - Sultan Zard is a variety of:


939 - Sun radiation temperature corresponding to black body temperature is at about:

6000 K more

940 - Supercharger of an engine is driven by:


941 - Surface creep is carried out by the action of:

Rolling or sliding

942 - Surface planting with conservation feature of contour listing is:

Ridge planting

943 - Surface sealing problem is less on:

Both (a) & (c)

944 - Sweeps are used for:


945 - Swirl plate is a part of:

Cone nozzle

946 - Symons's gauge is which type of rain gauge:

Non-recording type

947 - Tank capacity of compression sprayer is:

14 litres

948 - Tank of hydraulic pump is made of:


949 - Temperature attainable with concentrating collector as compared to flat plate collector is:


950 - Terminal velocity of wheat grain is:

9-11.5 m/s

951 - The (dismeter) of disc used in Olpad thresher for threshing is:

45 cm

952 - The action involved in harvesting of crops is:

All are correct

953 - The actual area irrigated in a year from outlet is:

Intensity of irrigation

954 - The advantage of air injection system is:

All are correct

955 - The air fuel ratio of diesel engine is:


956 - The air fuel ratio of petrol engine is:


957 - The amount of heat in kilocalorie the must be added to or removed from one kg of substances to change its temperature by one degree is:

Specific heat

958 - The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a given mass substance by unit is:

Heat capacity

959 - The amount of liquid required for spraying plantation crop is:

600-800 1/ha

960 - The amount of solar energy reaching a specific location on the surface of the earth at a specific time:


961 - The annual runoff from the catchments in cm is:


962 - The anti-knock quality of diesel is determined by:

Cetane number

963 - The anti-knock quality of petrol fuel is determined by:

Octane number

964 - The API gravity of light diesel oil is:


965 - The API gravity of petrol is:


966 - The API gravity of water is:


967 - The API of high-speed diesel is:


968 - The application of Darcy's Law is limited by the condition that flow through the porous medium must be:


969 - The application rate of dusters is:

10-15 kg/ha

970 - The area covered by dry land weeder is:

0.2 ha/day

971 - The area lost in bench terracing depends on:

Better slope

972 - The area of land draining into a watercourse at a given location is known as:

All are correct

973 - The arrangements of valves used in the engine may be:

All are correct

974 - The average force that a bullock can exert:

1/10th of their body weight

975 - The average infiltration rate is called:

Infiltration index

976 - The average output capacity of tractor mounted groundnut digger shaker is:

0.27 ha/h

977 - The average threshing of capacity bullock-drawn Olpad thresher per day is:

562 kg

978 - The base function of governor in an engine is to regulate the:

Power development

979 - The basic formula to calculate the discharge through weir is:

Q = CLHm

980 - The battery used on tractor consists of:

Three or six cell

981 - The bearing used in most of disc harrow is about:

Sealed ball bearing

982 - The bearing used on disc harrows are subjected to:

Both (a) & (b)

983 - The bearing used on disc harrows are:

All are correct

984 - The belt speed for transportation of grams should not increase by:

3.5 m/s

985 - The best hydrocarbons from detonation point of view are:


986 - The BHP of an engine indicates

Power on flywheel

987 - The biogas production stops at an atmospheric temperature of:

10 Degree Centigrade

988 - The blade assembly of combine is operated at a speed of:

1.2-1.5 m/sec

989 - The blade used for harvesting in rotary power scythe is:

Aserrated disc

990 - The blower of pneumatic seed drill is operated by:

Tractor PTO

991 - The boiling point of n-hexane is about:

65.5 Degree Centigrade

992 - The boiling range of kerosene is:

200 to 300 Degree Centigrade

993 - The boiling range of petrol is:

30 to 200 Degree Centigrade

994 - The breakage office may be reduced by:

Both (a) and (b)

995 - The broken gram received from main outlet is due to:

Less concave clearance

996 - The calorific value of diesel oil is:

9400 Kcal/litre

997 - The calorific value of gasoline is:

45 MJ/kg

998 - The calorific value of high-speed diesel is:

10,550 Kcal/kg

999 - The calorific value of petrol is:

81,50 Kcal/litre

1000 - The cam lobes of camshaft helps in:

Opening and closing the valves

1001 - The camshaft controls:

All are correct

1002 - The camshaft gear is called:

Halftime gear

1003 - The camshaft in an engine is always mounted:

Parallel to the crankshaft

1004 - The capacity of biogas plant varies from:

2-150 m3

1005 - The capacity of bucket elevator mainly depends on:

All are correct

1006 - The capacity of bucket elevator varies as:

2-1000 tonnes/h

1007 - The capacity of hammer mill depends upon the:

Size of sieve

1008 - The capacity of hand dropper is about:

0.2 ha/day

1009 - The capacity of kothar type storage structure varies from:

9 to 35 tonnes

1010 - The capacity of manual operated rotary paddy thresher is:

1 to 2 q/day

1011 - The capacity of moral type storage structure is about:

3.5 to 18 tonnes

1012 - The capacity of paddy huller varies from:

250-750 kg/hr

1013 - The capacity of power tiller operated vertical conveyer reaper is:

0.25-0.35 ha/h

1014 - The capacity of RPEC dryer is about:

All are correct

1015 - The capacity of smallest biogas plant is about:

2 m3

1016 - The capacity of thermal dryer depends on the:

Rate of heat and mass transfer

1017 - The capacity of tractor-operated vertical conveyer reaper is about:

0.2-0.4 ha/h

1018 - The capillary adjustment is very sluggish between:

31 and 15 atm

1019 - The capillary rise of the dry range of soil moisture content is:

Much slower than wet range

1020 - The capillary water is held between tensions of about:

31 atm

1021 - The carburetor employed on most of tractor engines is:


1022 - The carburetor is main part of:

Petrol engine

1023 - The carburetor of an engine is used to mix fuel with:


1024 - The centre of plough load in a single bottom plough is:

7.5 cm to right of shin

1025 - The cerbon percent in mild steel varies from:


1026 - The clean grain received at main grain cotlet with respect to total grain mixture received at main gram outlet is:

Cleaning efficiency

1027 - The clearance volume is the volume of air or mixture left in the cylinder when piston is at:


1028 - The colour of negative plate of lead acid battery is:


1029 - The colour of positive plate of a lead-acid battery is:


1030 - The combine harvester is a machine designed for:

All are correct

1031 - The common conservation measures for agricultural lands are:

Bunding and broad based terracing

1032 - The common method planting in semi arid areas for row crop is:

Furrow planting

1033 - The common type of battery used in IC engines is:

Lead acid battery

1034 - The commonly used power transmission system in fertilizer seed drills is:

Chain sprocket and gear

1035 - The complete path of power from engine to wheel is called:

Power train

1036 - The compression pressure of diesel engine inside the cylinder varies from:

35-45 kg/cm2

1037 - The compression pressure of diesel engine varies from:

45-50 kg/sq. cm

1038 - The compression pressure of petrol engine inside the cylinder varies from:

6-10 kg/cm2

1039 - The compression ratio of diesel engine is:

14 to 20:1

1040 - The compression ratio of petrol engine is:

4 to 8:1

1041 - The compression rings mounted on piston are generally made of:


1042 - The condition of soil that determines the optimum condition for tillage is:


1043 - The connecting rod of an engine connects the crankshaft with:


1044 - The conservation of moisture is not possible when working with:

MB plough

1045 - The constant depth furrow opener is

All are correct

1046 - The conventional animal drawn mower has a stroke length of:

7.5 cm

1047 - The corrugated seed tube used in seed drill is made up of:


1048 - The cost of mechanical drying per unit of grain as compared to sun drying is:


1049 - The cotton stripper is used for:

Harvesting tuber crop

1050 - The coulter of MB plough is generally mounted:

Both (a) & (b)

1051 - The coulters used for cutting heavy trashes are:

Notch coulter

1052 - The counter weight on a crankshaft is located opposite to:

Big end bearing

1053 - The coupling joining two shafts out of alignment is:

Flexible coupling

1054 - The coupling ued for joining two shafts appreciably out of line is:

Universal coupling

1055 - The coupling used for joining two parallel shaft whose centre and short distance apart is:

Oldham coupling

1056 - The coupling used to join to shaft in line is:

Flanged coupling

1057 - The crankcase breather filter is mostly made of:

Oil wetted screen

1058 - The cross sectional area of one cylinder of an engine multiplied by its stroke is:

Swept volume

1059 - The C-shape blade of rotary rillers are used for seedbed preparation in:

Trashy soil

1060 - The cutter bar of conventional combine is operated at:

800-900 strokes/min

1061 - The cutter bar used in cutting unit of combine is:

Mower type

1062 - The cutting blade used in subsoiler is made from:

High carbon steel

1063 - The cutting height of reaper binder from ground is about:

10 cm

1064 - The cutting platform of combine operated at height above ground is:

7.5-9 cm

1065 - The cutting width of small size propelled combine ranges from:

1.5-2.1 m

1066 - The cylinder speed of rotary type thresher is:

400 rpm

1067 - The density and specific gravity of grain is essential for:

All are correct

1068 - The density and specific gravity of lubricating oil is determined with the help of:

Both (a) & (b)

1069 - The density of soil organic matter is usually about:

1.3 to 1.5 g/cc

1070 - The density of wheat is about:

998-1238 kg/m3

1071 - The depth measured at the centre of the disc by placing its concave side down on a flat surface is:


1072 - The detonation of fuel takes place during:


1073 - The device that permits one of the rear wheels of tractor to rotate faster than the other at the turning is called:

Differential lock

1074 - The device used for measuring discharge of irrigation channel, well or canal outlet is called:

All are correct

1075 - The device used for reduction of speed and multipliication of torque immediately before rear wheel of tractor is called:

Final drive

1076 - The device used to sow seeds, which are larger in size and cannot be sown by usual seed drill is:


1077 - The diameter of seed tube for different seeds should be:

20 mm

1078 - The dibbling is mostly used for sowing:


1079 - The dibbling method of sowing reduces seed rate by:


1080 - The diesel engine does not have:

All are correct

1081 - The diesel engine used on tractors are:

Four stroke engine

1082 - The difference between static water level and pumping water level is known as:


1083 - The dimension of the coefficient of transmissibility is:


1084 - The disc angle of disc plough influences:

Width of cut

1085 - The disc force into the ground by:


1086 - The disc plough is advantageous over MB plough in respect of:

Suitable for deep ploughing

1087 - The disc used in Olpad thresher for threshing purpose is:


1088 - The discharge per unit draw down at a well is known as:

Specific capacity

1089 - The discs mounted on Olpad thresher for threshing are:


1090 - The downward movement of water through saturated or nearly saturated soil is response to force of gravity is:


1091 - The draft per unit cross-section area of furrow is called:

Unit draft

1092 - The draft requirement in MB plough compared to disc plough for same depth of ploughing is:


1093 - The dropping of seeds in furrow lines in continuous flow is:


1094 - The drum diameter of rotary type thresher is:

43 cm

1095 - The drum type thresher is:

Hammer mill type

1096 - The drummy type thresher is also termed as:

Hammer mill type thresher

1097 - The dry process of biomass digestion involves:

Pyrolysis and liquenfication

1098 - The drying process involves:

Heat and mass transfer

1099 - The dung requirement for a small size of Gobar gas plant per day is:

30 kg

1100 - The economically smallest size of gobar gas plant is:

70 cubic ft

1101 - The efficiency of external combustion engine ranges from:

10 to 15 per cent

1102 - The efficiency of IC engines varies from:

35 to 40 per cent

1103 - The elements of oil filter is:

All are correct

1104 - The energy obtained from the sun is:

Solar energy

1105 - The energy removed by cooling is about:

30 per cent

1106 - The energy wind is converted into:

Mechanical energy

1107 - The engine performing becomes more sensitive to climatic condition in case of:

Water cooled engine

1108 - The Englberg huller removes:

Husk and bran from paddy

1109 - The equipment that has no driven/moving component is:


1110 - The equipment used for dropping seeds in a continuous stream and the spacing between plant to plant in a row is not constant is:

Seed drill

1111 - The erosion caused by concentration flow in small channels or rills is called:

Rill erosion

1112 - The excessive side drft in disc plough is due to:

Hitching defect

1113 - The expected annual life of harrow is:

10 years

1114 - The expected annual use and life of puddler is:

2500 hours, 10 years

1115 - The expected annual use of planter is:

1000 hours

1116 - The expected annual use of plough is:

2400 hours

1117 - The expected annual use of seed drill is:

1500 hours

1118 - The expected annual use of seed-cum-fertilizer drill is:

1200 hours

1119 - The expected life and useful hours of cultivator is:

12 years, 3000 hours

1120 - The expected life of stationary engine is:

10,000 hrs

1121 - The expected life of tractor mounted combine is:

7 years

1122 - The extra high speed engines used in knapsack sprayers are powered by:


1123 - The fan of radiator is driven by:


1124 - The fan of radiator is driven with the help of:


1125 - The firing interval of 2-strike two-cylinder engine is:


1126 - The firing interval of 2-stroke two-cylinder engine is:


1127 - The firing order of 4 strokes 6 cylinder engine is:


1128 - The firing order of 4-stroke 4-cylinder engine is:


1129 - The first butterfly valve of carburets or controls the flow of:

Air fuel mixture

1130 - The first IC engine was invented in the year:


1131 - The first nuclear power station came into operation (1957) at:


1132 - The first tractor company, which introduced air-cooled tractor:


1133 - The first tractor demonstration was held at:


1134 - The flat belt idlers are used for granular materials having an angle of repose not less than:

35 Degree Centigrade

1135 - The fluctuation of engine speed during a cycle depends upon:

Mass of flywheel

1136 - The fluted roller of seed drill is made of:

All are correct

1137 - The flywheel is mounted on:

Rear end of crankshaft

1138 - The forces acting on MB plough are:


1139 - The forward end of cutting edge that actually penetrates into the soil and cuts the soil is:

Share point

1140 - The forward operating speed of power sprayer varies from:

4.8-8 kmph

1141 - The fossil fuel is:

All are correct

1142 - The four-stroke engines are:

All are correct

1143 - The frequency range of human ear extends from as high as:

20000 Hz

1144 - The frequency range of human ear extends from as low as:

16 Hz

1145 - The friction forces existing between the surfaces in relative motion is called:

Kinetic friction

1146 - The frictional force acting between the surfaces of contact at rest with respect to each other is called:

Static friction

1147 - The front edge of the shre which makes horizontal cut in the soil is:

Cutting edge

1148 - The fuel injected through a nozzle of carburetor is at a pressure of:

126 to 175 kg/cm2

1149 - The fuel injection pressure of CI engine ranges from:

120 to 175 kg/cm2

1150 - The fuel used in EC engines for generation of power is:


1151 - The function of seed drill is:

All are correct

1152 - The furrow opener used for planting cotton seeds in areas where the uncertainty of favourable weather for germination is:

Variable depth furrow opener

1153 - The furrow opener used in black cotton soil is:

Hoe type

1154 - The furrow opener, which works well in trashy soils, is:

Shoe type

1155 - The furrow planting of crops are widely used in:

Semi-arid conditions

1156 - The gap of spark plug generally should be:

0.6 mm

1157 - The gas holder used in floating gas type biogas plant is:

Inverted drum

1158 - The gas production per unit volume of digester capacity will be maximum when the diameter to depth ratio of digester will be in the range of:

0.66 to 1.00

1159 - The gasket sealing is the most difficult problem at:


1160 - The gaskets are used to:

Prevent leakage

1161 - The gear used in constant mesh type system is:

Helical gear

1162 - The governor is used on tractor engine is called:

Variable speed governor

1163 - The governor used on stationary engine is:

Constant speed governor

1164 - The grade of oil used during summer season is:

SAE 40

1165 - The grade of oil used in winter season is:

SAE 30

1166 - The gradient for generation of power by heat engine in OTEC plant utilizes

Temperature gradient

1167 - The grain that is carried over the rear of the sieve with chaff and blown out of the combine is:

Sieve loss

1168 - The group of number of discs that is mounted on a gang axle is:


1169 - The hammer of hammer mill is made of:

Trugh steel

1170 - The hand dropper was developed in:


1171 - The hand operated compressed air sprayer utilizing the pressure from:

1.75-5.0 kg/cm2

1172 - The harrow used for smoothening and levelling the soil after ploughing is:

Spike tooth harrow

1173 - The harvesting of wheat, barley and grams are mostly done under:

Over mature condition

1174 - The heating in infrared drying in comparison to convection drying is higher by:

10 times

1175 - The height of spray for rotary type hand sprayer for effective spraying is:

3 metres

1176 - The held typo thresher originated in:


1177 - The high temperature limit for the drying of seed grains is considered as:

80 Degree Centigrade

1178 - The high-pressure pump used in diesel engine has pressure range of:

120-300 kg/cm2

1179 - The hitching of plough is done by placing the plough:

Few centimeters below ground level

1180 - The hoe type furrow openers work well in:

Root infested soil

1181 - The hoiling temperature of methanol is:

65 Degree Centigrade

1182 - The hopper design to plant accurately meter of all varieties of maize and all type of seeds from tomato:

Both (a) & (b)

1183 - The horizontal clevis of MB plough helps in:

Adjusting line of draft

1184 - The horizontal component of pull parallel to the direction of travel is:


1185 - The horizontal component of pull perpendicular to the direction of travel is:

Side draft

1186 - The horizontal suction of MB plough influences:

Depth of cut

1187 - The horizontal suction of MB plough is:

5 mm

1188 - The horsepower required for tractor-operated potato digger is:

35 hp

1189 - The hydraulic flood routing method used is:

Both (b) & (c)

1190 - The hydrological flood routing method used is:

Equation of continuity

1191 - The hydrostatic transmission system is popular in:


1192 - The IHP of an engine is always:

More than BHP

1193 - The IHP of the engine indica+ es:

Power on piston

1194 - The immersion method is used for identifying:

Spraying pressure

1195 - The implement suitable for terraced hilly land and do not upset the slope of land is:

Two-way plough

1196 - The increase in tilt angle of disc plough influences:

Penetration of disc

1197 - The indicated horsepower of an engine was measured by:


1198 - The indicator plant used for determining the permanent wilting percentage is:


1199 - The indigenous plough is used for:

All are correct

1200 - The initial density of snow varies from:

0.06-0.15 g.cm3

1201 - The injector and fuel pump are the heart of:


1202 - The inlet valve of four-stroke engine opens at:

5"before TDC

1203 - The intensity of drizzle is:

1.0 mm/h

1204 - The intensity of wind erosion is affected by:

All are correct

1205 - The ISI standard pan evaporimeter is the:

Both (a) and (b)

1206 - The Japanese type rotary thresher used for threshing:


1207 - The knife moves on the:

Ledger plate

1208 - The knife of cutter bar of animal-crawn reaper is made of:

High carbon steel

1209 - The knife section of a reaper makes a:

Reciprocating motion

1210 - The knives of shredders are rotated in:

Vertical plane with direction of travel

1211 - The knives used in dynamically balanced mower are:


1212 - The KVIC biogas is:


1213 - The land holding of large farmer is:

More than 10 ha

1214 - The land holding of small farmer is

Less than 4 ha land

1215 - The lateral seepage of water in a relatively pervious soil above a less pervious layer is:


1216 - The law applicable in size reduction of fine powder is:

Rittinger's law

1217 - The length of cutter bar of power tiller operated reaper is about:

100-120 cm

1218 - The length of cutter bar of tractor front mounted reaper is:

1.9-2.1 m

1219 - The life of spark plug used in 2-stroke engine as compared to 4-stroke engines is:


1220 - The lines on a map through places having equal depth of evapotranspiration is called:


1221 - The location of carburetor in tractor from front is in:

None of these

1222 - The loop type-threshing drum is use for threshing:


1223 - The low speed engine runs at speed of:

Less than 350 rpm

1224 - The lower penetration of disc plough is due to:

All are correct

1225 - The lowest temperature at which fuel begins to crystallize is:

Cloud point

1226 - The L-shaped blade of rotary tillers are used for seed bed preparation in:

Hard and sticky soil

1227 - The lubricants are obtained from:

All are correct

1228 - The magnitude of precipitation varies with:

Both (a) and (b)

1229 - The main advantage of LSU dryer is:

All are correct

1230 - The main drawback of thermo syphon cooling is that:

Cooling depends on only temperature and independent of engine

1231 - The main function of crown wheel is:

Both (a) & (b)

1232 - The main function of potato digger elevator is:

Both (a) & (b)

1233 - The main function of sprayer is:

All are correct

1234 - The main objective of tillage is:

All are correct

1235 - The main part of pneumatic governor is:

Both (a) & (b)

1236 - The main purpose of piston rings is:

All are correct

1237 - The main shaft of an engine is also called:

Input shaft

1238 - The major constitute of biogas is:


1239 - The major controlling factor in separation of grain by fluidized bed separator is:

Air velocity and weight of grain

1240 - The material commonly used for insulator of spark plug is:


1241 - The material that is left by te harvesting machine in row is:


1242 - The material used for construction of blade of winnower is:

Mild steel

1243 - The material used for construction of cylinder block is:

Cast iron and aluminum alloy

1244 - The maximum application rate of air blast sprayer for crchards may be:

3700-4700 1/ha

1245 - The maximum clearance under the landside and horizontal surface when the MB plough is resting on ground surface is:

Vertical suction

1246 - The maximum operating depth for disc harrow is about:

One-fourth of disc diameter

1247 - The maximum size of rain drops about:

6 mm

1248 - The maximum torque in a tractor is generated at:

Less than rated rpm

1249 - The MB plough works on the principle of:


1250 - The mechanical efficiency of spray pumps ranges from:

50-90 %

1251 - The metering mechanism suitable for metering small and large seeds is:

Internal double run type

1252 - The metering mechanism used for mustard seed is:

Stud roller type

1253 - The metering mechanism used in potato planter is:

Picker wheel type

1254 - The methane bacteria work best at a temperature range of:

35-38 Degree Centigrade

1255 - The method for estimating power required for crushing and grinding operation is given by:


1256 - The method of planting in which row-to-row as well as plant-to-plant distance is uniform is:

Check row planting

1257 - The method of ploughing in which the plough works round a strip of unploughed land is:


1258 - The method of ploughing in which the plough works round the strip of ploughed land is:


1259 - The method used for testing of lubricating oil is:

All are correct

1260 - The minimum application rate with air blast sprayer for crchards may be:

45-90 1/ha

1261 - The minimum soil manipulation is essential for crop production in:

Minimum tillage

1262 - The minimum tillage method is termed as:

Plough plant method

1263 - The moisture content at which the wilting is complete and the plant dies:

Ultimate wilting

1264 - The moisture content for safe storage corn is about:

13 per cent

1265 - The moisture tension of a soil at permanent wilting point ranges from:

7 to 32 atm

1266 - The most accurate dynamometer is:

Swinging field type

1267 - The most common method in irrigated areas and high rainfall areas to improve surface drainage is:

Ridge planting

1268 - The most common power transmission system used in seed drill is:

Chain and sprocket

1269 - The most commonly used method for determination of centre of gravity of tractor is:

Suspension method

1270 - The most positive seed metering mechanism used in seed drill is:

Fluted roller

1271 - The most relevant flow to cause soil erosion is:

Turbulent flow

1272 - The mould board plough absorb side forces mainly through the:

Land disc

1273 - The mould board used on tractor plough for general farm use is:

High speed MB

1274 - The mounted type seed drill attached to tractor by:

Three point hitch

1275 - The movement of water in seepage is:

Both (a) and (b)

1276 - The mowers are designed to cut:


1277 - The neap tides occurs when:

Sun and moon are at right angle with respect to the earth

1278 - The normal depth of operation (ploughing) in subsoiler is:

45-75 cm

1279 - The nozzle used for band treatments of herbicide along row crop is:

Flat fan

1280 - The nozzle used for herbicide and fungicide application is:

Hallow cone

1281 - The number of holes per square inch in a 20-mesh screen will be:


1282 - The number of winding in the stator of alternator is:


1283 - The offset disc harrow are mostly suitable for working in:


1284 - The oil from oil pump delivers directly to:

Oil filter

1285 - The oil pan of an engine is made of:

Steel or aluminum

1286 - The Olpad thresher is mostly used for threshing:


1287 - The opeating speed of burr grinder varies from:

650-750 rpm

1288 - The opening of test sieve is:


1289 - The operating speed of combine harveter varies within a range of:

600-1400 rpm

1290 - The operating speed of combine in field varies from:

2-6.4 kmph

1291 - The operation to perform to open any cultivable land is:

Primary tillage

1292 - The operational life of a pair of rubber rolls is estimated at:

100 tonne

1293 - The optimum C:N ratio for maximum microbiological activities is:


1294 - The optimum engine temperature is about:

82 deg.

1295 - The optimum moisture content (wb) for paddy harvesting is:


1296 - The optimum moisture content (wb) for wheat harvesting is:


1297 - The optimum value of reel index for minimum cutter bar loss is:

1.25 to 1.5

1298 - The output capacity of hand beating method is about:

17-20 kg/h

1299 - The output capacity of rotary power scythe depends on:

Both (a) & (b)

1300 - The output capacity of rotary power scythe is about:

0.2-0.4 ha/day

1301 - The output capacity of tractor operated peg type thresher is:

5.2 q/h

1302 - The output capacity of treading with bullock is:

120 kg/h

1303 - The output of an alternator is controlled by:

Current regulator

1304 - The part of indigenous plough that helps in stabilizing and blancing the plough while operation is:


1305 - The part of MB plough that resists the side pressure exerted by the furrow slice on the mould board is:


1306 - The part of MB plough to which all other parts of plough bottom is attached is:


1307 - The part of MB plough to which the plough bottom and handle attached is:


1308 - The part of plough that penetrates into the soil and cuts the oil in horizontal direction is:


1309 - The part of seed drill that conveys seed or fertilizer from deliver tube to furrow is:


1310 - The part plough that transmit the animal power to the plough is:


1311 - The particle size of clay according to USWA is:

<0.002 mm

1312 - The particle size of silt according to USWA is:

0.002 to 0.05 mm

1313 - The percent saving of water in bed sowing of wheat as compared to flat sowing is:


1314 - The percentage of carbon III high carbon steel varies from:

0.5 to 1.5%

1315 - The percentage of carbon in cast iron is:

2.5 to 4.5%

1316 - The percentage of carbon in medium carbon varies from:

0.25 to 0.5 %

1317 - The percentage of grain blown by blower along with bhusa in respect to total grain input in the thresher by weight is:

Blower loss

1318 - The percentage of healthy grain obtained from all outlets with respect to healthy grains received from main outlet by weight is:

Sieve loss

1319 - The percentage of hull in paddy grain is about:

20% by weight

1320 - The percentage of methane in biogas is:

65 per cent

1321 - The percentage of nitrogen in gobar gas manure is:


1322 - The percentage of protein by weight in pulse is:


1323 - The percentage of shelling outturn of groundnut decorticator is:


1324 - The percentage of total quantity of water in the world that is saline is:


1325 - The period petween start of injection and ignition is called:

Ignition delay

1326 - The permissible slip for crawler tractor during slippage testing is:

7 to 10%

1327 - The permissible slip for wheel type tyre during slippage testing is:

15 to 20%

1328 - The pipeline used to supply the fuel to the injector is:

High pressure line

1329 - The piston pin of some engine is offset to:

Lift side

1330 - The piston skirt clearance at room temperature is:

0.04 mm

1331 - The piston speed of an engine is equal to:

2 LN

1332 - The pitman of reaper is made of:


1333 - The planters are suitable for maintaining distance between:

Both (a) & (b)

1334 - The plough bottom as combined unit consists of:

Share, landside, frog and MB

1335 - The plough that does not leave any back as well as dead furrow is:

Two--way plough

1336 - The plough used for deep ploughing is:

Standard disc plough

1337 - The porosity index of relative volume of pores is influenced by:

Both (a) and (b)

1338 - The porosity of clayey soil usually ranges from:

40 to 60%

1339 - The porosity of sandy soil usually ranges from:

35 to 50%

1340 - The position of seepage line is influenced by:

Both (a) and (b)

1341 - The power consumed in secondary tillage operation per unit area is:

Less compared to primary tillage operation

1342 - The power developed by an average pair of bullocks varies from:

0.5-1.0 hp

1343 - The power develops by four-stroke engine for every one revolution of crankshaft is:

Half of two-stroke engine

1344 - The power of engine transmitted to rear wheel of tractor is connected and disconnected by:


1345 - The power produced from a wind speed 6.4 to 37 km ph by windmill varies from:

0.1 to 0.9 hp

1346 - The power required to run the engine at any given speed without production of useful work is called:

Friction power

1347 - The power tillage is most suitable for:

Rotary operation

1348 - The press wheel used for compaction of soil around the seeds in high moisture conditions are:

Open centre wheel

1349 - The press wheel whed for compaction of soil around the seeds in low moisture conditions are:

Solid steel narrow wheel

1350 - The pressure of radiator cap is about:

0.3 to 0.4 kg/cm2

1351 - The pressure of water in confined aquifer is:

Above atmospheric pressure

1352 - The pressure of water vapour for each 10?C rise in temperature is nearly:


1353 - The primary objective of level bench terrace is to:

Conserve water and control erosion

1354 - The primary purpose of ring expander is to:

Make up for cylinder, wear

1355 - The procedure of testing seed drill for correct seed rate is:


1356 - The process of removal of burnt gases from the engine cylinder is:


1357 - The process of removing husk and bran of the paddy in one: operation is called:


1358 - The process of removing husk and hull from the paddy grain is known as:

All are correct

1359 - The process of separation of grain from a mixture of grain and chaff is:


1360 - The production of gas from one kilogram of wet dung in biogas plant is:

0.037 m3

1361 - The properties of aquifer may be expressed in terms of:

All are correct

1362 - The proportion of wet cow dung and water in slurry seed to the digester is


1363 - The PTO HP of a tractor is:

More than drawbar HP

1364 - The pump is mostly made of:


1365 - The pump is used in power-operated sprayer is:

Gear type

1366 - The pump used in airplane sprayers:

Dentrifugal and gear pump

1367 - The pump used in most of the hydraulic sprayers is:

Positive displacement pump

1368 - The purpose of governor in the engine:

To regulate the engine speed

1369 - The purpose of governor is:

Both (a) & (b)

1370 - The purpose of harrowing is to:

All are correct

1371 - The purpose of ploughing is:

All are correct

1372 - The pushrod is located between:

Tappet and rocker arm

1373 - The quality of fuel is judged by:


1374 - The quantity of fresh water available is:

35.0 Mkm3

1375 - The quantity of gas produced by one kg of dry dung is about:

0.186 m3

1376 - The quantity of water going through various individual path of hydrological cycle can be described by:

All are correct

1377 - The rack loss should remain between:

0.2-0.4 %

1378 - The radiation of equilibrium relative humidity with moisture content of grain at a particular temperature is expressed by a curve known as:

Grain isotherm

1379 - The random scattering of seed on the surface of seedbed is:


1380 - The rate of doing work is equal to:

All are correct

1381 - The rate of evaporation is dependent on:

All are correct

1382 - The ratio of output power to input power for a traction device is called:

Tractive efficiency

1383 - The ratio of reel peripheral speed to forwards speed of combine is termed as:

Reel index

1384 - The ratio of rolling resistance to dynamic load is:

Coefficient of rolling resistance

1385 - The ratio of the overall surface area of the ground product to overall surface area of the feed is called:

Degree of grinding

1386 - The ratio of the speed at the tip of rotor to the wind speed is called:

Tip speed ratio

1387 - The ratio of volume of pores to volume of solids is:

Void ratio

1388 - The rear part of a tractor is heavier than the front part of tractor to get:

Higher tractive efficiency

1389 - The rear-mounted pulley of tractor gets speed of a full throttle is:

950 metre per minute

1390 - The recommended belt speed for grain conveying ranges is:

2.5-2.8 m/s

1391 - The recommended high temperature limit for seed grains is:

80 Degree Centigrade

1392 - The reel most commonly used in combine now a days is:

Pick up type

1393 - The relative humidity will be reduced to half its original value if the temperature of air is increased by:

11 degrees

1394 - The relative proportion of sand, clay and silt determines:

Soil texture

1395 - The removal of few large particles in an initial process is:


1396 - The rice kernel which are lesser than 6/8 of the actual size are called:

Broken rice

1397 - The rising limb of a hydrograph is also known as:

Concentration curve

1398 - The saturated flow in soil occurs when:

Water is not under tension

1399 - The science which deal with the measurement of flow is known as:


1400 - The second butterfly valve of carburetor is:


1401 - The seed drill, which is used for direct sowing of seeds in unploughed land after paddy harvesting is:

Zero till drill

1402 - The seed rate required in broadcasting method in comparison to drilling is:


1403 - The seed tubes are made of:

All are correct

1404 - The seeding behind plough is done by a device known as:


1405 - The seeding behind the plough method of sowing is generally used for:


1406 - The separation of grain in magnetic separator is carried out on the basis of:

Surface texture

1407 - The sequence of gears and shafts through which the engine power transmitted to tractor wheel is called:


1408 - The shape of furrow cut by indigenous plough is:


1409 - The shape of furrow cut by MB plough is:


1410 - The shape of perforated deck used in specific gravity separator is:


1411 - The share of MB plough is made of:

Chilled cast iron

1412 - The shelling of paddy by centrifugal dehusker is due to:


1413 - The shelling of paddy in rubber roll sheller is due to:


1414 - The shovel of cultivator is made up of:

Chilled cast iron

1415 - The shovel of seed drill is made up of:

Carbon steel

1416 - The side slope of bund is function of:

Both (a) and (b)

1417 - The single cylinder engine is generally used in:

Stationary engine

1418 - The six-cylinder engine with possible number of firing orders is:


1419 - The size of combine is determined by:

Width of harvest

1420 - The size of cutter bar of self-propelled combine varies from:

2-4 m

1421 - The size of cutter bar of tractor PTO operated combine is:

1.5-2.5 m

1422 - The size of disc harrow is determined by:

Maximum width of cut

1423 - The size of heavy MB plough is:

Above 100 mm width of cut

1424 - The size of hole of single hole nozzle is usually larger than:

0.2 mm

1425 - The size of light MB plough is:

Between 100 mm and 150 mm width of cut

1426 - The size of medium plough is:

Between 150 mm and 200 mm width of cut

1427 - The size of most common type burr grinder is:

30 cm diameter

1428 - The size of mould board plough is expressed by:

Width of cut

1429 - The size of power thresher is determined by:

Width of cylinder and straw rack

1430 - The size of seed drill expressed by:

Number of furrow opener x spacing between two furrow openers

1431 - The slat type of mould board is used in:

Sticky soil

1432 - The slop area method is extensively used in:

Estimation of flood discharge based on high water mark

1433 - The soil moisture at permanent wilting point may be:

60 atm

1434 - The soil moisture between field capacity and permanent wilting point is:

Available moisture

1435 - The solar cells used in solar panel are used to convert solar energy into:

Electrical energy

1436 - The solar radiation receive by every squre meter:

0.64 KJ/sec

1437 - The solar radiation received directly from the sun is:

Beam radiation

1438 - The solar radiation receives from the sun after its direction has been changed is:

Diffuse radiation

1439 - The solid cone nozzle is used for:

Weedicides application

1440 - The spacing between discs in heavy-duty harrow is:

10-12 inch

1441 - The spacing between discs in light duty harrow is:

6-9 inch

1442 - The spacing between two adjacent discs in Olpad thresher is:

15 cm

1443 - The specific fuel consumption of diesel engine is:

200 gm/bhp/hr

1444 - The specific fuel consumption of diesel engine is:

Less than petrol engine

1445 - The specific fuel consumption of diesel engine is:

Less than in the petrol engine

1446 - The specific fuel consumption of petrol engine is:

290 gm/bhp/hr

1447 - The specific gravity of fuel is measured by:


1448 - The specific gravity of gasoline ranges from:

0.70 to 0.78

1449 - The specific gravity of high-speed diesel is:


1450 - The specific gravity of light diesel oil is:


1451 - The specific gravity of petrol at 15? is:


1452 - The specific gravity of powering is:


1453 - The specific heat (Kcal/kg?C) of grains ranges from:


1454 - The specific heat of diesel is nearly:

1.9 KJ/Kg Degree Centigrade

1455 - The specific heat of petrol is nearly:

2.1 KJ/Kg Degree Centigrade

1456 - The specific storgae is:

Storage coefficient

1457 - The speed of bucket elevator ranges from:

2.5 to 4.0 m/s

1458 - The speed of hammer tip of a Rietz mill varies from:

5.2-111 m/s

1459 - The speed of hand-operated winnowing fan varies from:

200-350 rpm

1460 - The speed of high-speed engine:

More than 1000 rpm

1461 - The speed of multi-blade rotor is:

60-80 rpm

1462 - The speed of roller in huller mill is:

600-900 rpm

1463 - The speed range of medium speed engine is:

Between 350 rpm and 1000 rpm

1464 - The speed restriction of light belt drive is up to:

10 m/s

1465 - The speed variation of heavy belt drive is about:

>22 m/s

1466 - The speed variation of medium belt drive is:

10-22 m/s

1467 - The spike of MB plough is expressed in:

Width of cut

1468 - The spike tooth harrows are used mainly for:

Surface finishing

1469 - The square engine has:

Equal bore and stroke

1470 - The standard speed of a 21 spline PTO shaft is:

1000 rpm

1471 - The steam engine is

Single stroke engine

1472 - The storage capacity of mud kothi is:

1 to 50 tonnes

1473 - The storage life of non-perishable fruits exceed by:

12 weeks

1474 - The stroke bore of tractor engine varies from:

1 to 1.45

1475 - The stroke bore ratio of tractor engines varies from:

1.0 to 1.45

1476 - The stubble type of mould board is mostly suitable for:

Grassy land

1477 - The suitable clearance between reel and cutter bar for all purposes is:

12.5-25 cm

1478 - The sun's rays has higher intensity:

Near the equator

1479 - The syndicator type thresher is termed as:

All are correct

1480 - The tank capacity of airplane duster varies from:

220-900 kg

1481 - The teeth on the crankshaft gear is:

Half to camshaft gear

1482 - The temperature at which flame persists approximately for 5 seconds is:

Fire point

1483 - The temperature at which fuel begins to vaporize is:

Smoke point

1484 - The temperature at which fuel catches fire is:

Flash point

1485 - The temperature at which fuel flow ceases is:

Pour point

1486 - The temperature at which vapour flashes momentarily is:

Flash point

1487 - The temperature for gelatinization is about:

70 Degree Centigrade

1488 - The temperature inside the solar cooker ranges from:

100-140 Degree Centigrade

1489 - The temperature of cloud point is:

5' above the pour point

1490 - The tension of water at saturation capacity is almost:


1491 - The term harvesting is associated with:

All are correct

1492 - The term turrel is associated with:


1493 - The thermal efficiency of CI engine is:

Higher than SI engine

1494 - The thermal efficiency of diesel engine varies between:

32 and 38 per cent

1495 - The thermal efficiency of petrol engine varies between:

25 and 32 per cent

1496 - The thickness of disc used in Olpad thresher is:

3 mm

1497 - The threshed gram received at main grain outlets with respect to total grain input expressed as percentage by mass is:

Threshing efficiency

1498 - The threshing cylinder used in groundnut thresher is:

Spike tooth type

1499 - The threshing efficiency of thresher depends on:

All are correct

1500 - The threshing of crop by stripping is done with the help of:

Both (a) & (b)

1501 - The tides in a period of 24 hours 50 minutes are:

Two high and two low

1502 - The tillage practice is desirable in the areas of having hard or compacted layers below the plough depth is:

Sub soiling

1503 - The tilt angle of disc plough influences:

Depth of cut

1504 - The top portion of a turned furrow slice is:


1505 - The total depth of water application to the crop is called:


1506 - The total swept volume of all pistons during power strokes occurring in one minute is:

Displacement volume

1507 - The tripping method of threshing is used for:


1508 - The true point of hitch of the implement is called:

Centre of pull

1509 - The true specific gravity of dominant material is:


1510 - The two-stroke engine is:

Petrol engine

1511 - The two-way plough are designed to turn furrow slices to:

Only right

1512 - The type furrow opener used in zero tillage implement is:

Inverted type

1513 - The type of belt used in bucket elevator is:

All are correct

1514 - The type of starting aid generally used in the diesel power tiller is called:

Decompression lever

1515 - The un-damped natural frequency of seat suspension system with mzximum travel of 76 mm should be:

1.5 Hz

1516 - The uneven fields are left when working with:

MB plough

1517 - The uneven furrow formation in disc ploughing is due to:

All are correct

1518 - The unit of intrinsic permeability is:


1519 - The upper safe noise level is:

85 dB

1520 - The upper strata of the earth where the openings are completely filled with water are:

Zone of saturation

1521 - The upper strata of the earth where the openings are partially filled with water is:

Zone of aeration

1522 - The use of reflector in solar heating devices is to:

Increase efficiency

1523 - The use of unit hydrograph for estimating floods is limited to catchments of size less than:

5000 km2

1524 - The useful life of self-propelled combine is:

6 years

1525 - The useful life of stationary engine is:

10 years

1526 - The useful life of tractor is:

10,000 hours

1527 - The useful life of walking type ploughs may take about:

1500 hrs

1528 - The useful working hours of mounted type combine is:


1529 - The useful working hours of self-propelled combine is:

3000 hours

1530 - The value of angle of repose for millets is about:

20-25 degree

1531 - The value of angle of repose for wheat is between:

23-28 degree

1532 - The value of leakage factor for semi or pervious layer ranges between:

100 and 1000000 min

1533 - The vaporizing temperature of petrol fuel is:

Equal to diesel fuel

1534 - The variation in engine speed is observed at full load and no load is approximate:

100 rpm

1535 - The variation in viscosity of oil with change in temperature is measured by:

Viscosity index

1536 - The velocity of flow in open channel is determined by:

Darcy's formula

1537 - The velocity required to operate wind mill is more than:

10 km ph

1538 - The versatile implement used for seed bed preparation, ridge-making and channel shaping is:

MB plough

1539 - The vertical clearance of the BM plough ranges from:

3 to 5 mm

1540 - The vertical conveyer reaper is mostly used for harvesting:

Cereal crop

1541 - The vertical disc plough is:

Both (a) & (b)

1542 - The violent noise head in engine during process of combustion is:


1543 - The viscosity is measured in:


1544 - The viscosity of oil denoted by a number is:

SAE number

1545 - The viscosity of water at 20 degree centigrade is almost:

1 centistokes

1546 - The volatility of fuel effects:

Speed of engine

1547 - The volatility quality of fuel indicates:

Vaporizing ability of fuel

1548 - The voltage developed by each cell of battery is about:

2.2 volt

1549 - The voltage in spark plug at the time of spark is:

20000 V

1550 - The volume displaced by one-stroke of piston is:

Swept volume

1551 - The volume of liquid required for ground spraying of field crop is:

400 litres/ha

1552 - The volume of liquid required for orchard spraying is about:

4000 litres/ha

1553 - The volume of water discharged per unit time is:

Well yield

1554 - The water level stands in the well before pumping is:

Static water level

1555 - The wearing plate of cutter bar of reaper is made of:

Mild steel

1556 - The weight of centrifugal governor is to regulate the:

Fuel control of diesel injection pump

1557 - The weight of diesel engine per horsepower is:

Heavier than petrol engine

1558 - The wet process of biomass digestion involves:

Anaerobic digestion and fermentation

1559 - The width and depth of cut of disc harrow is controlled by:

Gang angle mechanism

1560 - The width of cut of animal drawn reaper is:

900 mm

1561 - The wire (standard wire gauge used in primary coil is of:

20 SWG

1562 - The work of accumulator is:

To keep constant pressure

1563 - The work of choke is:

Supply of rich mixture

1564 - The work of crankshaft is to:

Turn the flywheel

1565 - The work of shoe in the reaper is:

To regulate the height of cut

1566 - The work timing gear is to:

All are correct

1567 - The working capacity of two-row potato planter is about:

0.2 to 0.3 ha/h

1568 - The yardstick of sharpness of solid materials is:


1569 - Thermal efficiency of Magneto hydrodynamic system is about:


1570 - Thermostat valve is used in:

Water-cooled engines

1571 - Thing layer drying includes:

Flat bed dryer

1572 - Threshing capacity of a large stationary thresher is:

4.17 tonnes

1573 - Threshing in rotating drum cylinder is due to:


1574 - Threshold wind velocity is directly proportional to:

Square root of particles diameter

1575 - Throttle system controls the:

Amount of air fuel mixture

1576 - Throttle type governor is kind of:

Hydraulic governor

1577 - Tidal energy is associated with:


1578 - Tidal energy is the:

Renewable energy

1579 - Till plant equipment which are used for seed bed are:


1580 - Tillage system, which is suitable for dry land agriculture, is:

All are correct

1581 - To and fro motion of piston is converted to

Rotary motion

1582 - To convert the point of rainfall value at various stations into an average value over a catchment area is possible by:

All are correct

1583 - To particle size of gravel according to USWA is:

>2 mm

1584 - To plough a one-hectare land with 15 cm width country plough, a man has to walk:

66 km

1585 - Todal power is dissipated by:

Both (a) & (b)

1586 - Toe-in and toe-out are related to:

Front axle of tractor

1587 - Toe-in provide in tractor is approximately:

7 - 10 mm

1588 - Top link of trctor is also known as:

All are correct

1589 - Total quantity of water in the world is about:

1386 Mkm3

1590 - Traction can be be increased by:

All are correct

1591 - Traction coefficient is maximum in a field when:

It is dry

1592 - Tractive efficiency is affected by:

All are correct

1593 - Tractor brake test should be carried out at speed of:

25 kmph

1594 - Tractor drawn implements have:

High speed and higher working capacity

1595 - Tractor front mounted reaper is operated at a forward speed of:

3.0 km/h

1596 - Tractor mounted groundnut digger shaker is driven by:

Tractor PTO

1597 - Tractor operation in lower gear causes:

More pull

1598 - Tractor pulley is made of:

All are correct

1599 - Tractor seat suspension should have its natural frequency of:

0.5 to 2.0 cycles per second

1600 - Tractor transmission oil should be changed at every:

750 hours

1601 - Transmission oil should be changed after:

750 hours

1602 - Turbo chargers are driven by:


1603 - Turbocharger of an engine is driven by:

Exhaust gas

1604 - Turning radius is affected by:

Both (a) & (b)

1605 - Two bullocks weighing 750 Kg each are pulling an implement with speed of 2 km/h. The hp that required pulling an implenment is:

1.11 hp

1606 - Two wind mills equivalent to:

1.0 hp

1607 - Two-stroke engine are:

High speed engine

1608 - Two-way plough is advantageously working in:

Contour field

1609 - Tyler sieves originated in/at:

1910 (USA)

1610 - Type of pump used in lubrication system:

Gear type

1611 - Ultra low volume sprayer is used for application of:


1612 - Unit injector is also known as:


1613 - Unit of noise is:


1614 - Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is named because:

It accounts all parameters affecting the soil loss

1615 - Useful life of stationary engine is:

10 years

1616 - USLE is used for predicting:

All are correct

1617 - USLE was developed for:

American condition

1618 - V' pocket (vetch) type disc separator is used for separation:

Round shape material

1619 - Valve timing diagram is a function of:

Engine speed

1620 - Valve timing diagram is a function of:

Engine speed

1621 - Vapour lock is associated with:

Fuel supply system

1622 - Variable-speed engines are used in:

All are correct

1623 - Variation in engine speed at full load and no load is called :

Speed drop

1624 - Vegetable lubricants are made from:

All are correct

1625 - Venturi tube is provided in carburet or for:

Producing low pressure

1626 - Venturi unit and diaphragm unit are connected by:

Vacuum pipe

1627 - Venturi unit is connected to the:

Engine inlet manifold

1628 - Vertical clearance of MB plough influences:

Depth of cut

1629 - Vertical interval of bench terrace depends on:

Both (a) & (b)

1630 - Vertical rotor metering device is used for:

Precision planting

1631 - Vibration is measured by:


1632 - Viscosity measured in:

All are correct

1633 - Viscosity of lubrication oil is measured by:


1634 - Viscosity of oil is measured in terms of:

Its resistance to flow

1635 - Volumetric efficiency of air-cooled engines in comparison to water-cooled engines is:


1636 - Volumetric efficiency of piston pump is about:

90 per cent

1637 - V-shaped gullies are developed when:

Now velocity is high but runoff volume per unit time is less

1638 - V-shsped gullies are found in

Hilly areas

1639 - Water held by force of surface tension is:

Capillary water

1640 - Water that holds highly to the surface of soil particles by adsorption force is:

Hygroscopic water

1641 - Watershed is a:

All are correct

1642 - Wave energy is associated with:


1643 - Weight transfer in a tractor implement system is caused by:

Application of pull

1644 - Weight transfer in tractor is affected by:

Centre of gravity

1645 - Weight transfer of tractor is directly affected by:

Both (a) & (b)

1646 - Wet dusting is beneficial for:

Drought area

1647 - What the stroke: bore rati of an engine increases, the volumetric efficiency of the engine:


1648 - Wheat is placed in:


1649 - When a well is dug in water table aquifer the static water level in the well stands at:

Upper elevation of water table

1650 - When brake is applied the kinetic energy of body is converted into:

Heat energy

1651 - When cam gear rotes one time the crankshaft gear will rotate:

Two times

1652 - When crankshaft of the engine completes one cycle, the camshaft completes:

Half revolution

1653 - When knife and pitman run in a straight line, then cutter bar is in:

Proper alignment

1654 - When the bulk density of medium to fine textured subsoil exceeds about 1.7 g/cc the value of hydraulic conductivity of soil is:


1655 - When the knife section of cutter bar stops in the center of its guard after every stroke is:


1656 - When the soil moisture and rainfall are inadequate during the growing season to support healthy crop growth to maturity is called:

Agricultural drought

1657 - When the temperature is raised to 38.3?C the gas production increased by:


1658 - Which is the recording type of rain gauge?

All are correct

1659 - Which method is used for estimation of evaporation?

All are correct

1660 - Which of the biogas plant has digester tank and gasholder as combined unit?

Fixed dome type

1661 - Which of the following instruments is connected with stream flow measurement?

All are correct

1662 - Which of the following is transmission dynamometer?

Torsion dynamometer

1663 - Which of the following items utilizes direct energy of sun:

All are correct

1664 - Which of the following rice cooks more flaky?

Parboiled rice

1665 - Which of the method, the separation of bran without loss of endosperm is possible?

Parboiling rice method

1666 - Which soil is more resistant to erosion?

Cay soil

1667 - Which would be more effective for erosion:

Combination of crops, trees and livestock

1668 - White smoke indicates:

Presence of water in fuel

1669 - Wick lubrication is also called:

Siphon lubricator

1670 - Wind due to its motion possesses the:

Kinetic energy

1671 - Wind energy is a form of:

Solar energy

1672 - Wind erosion can be controlled by use of:

Both (a) and (b)

1673 - Wind erosion is common in:

Arid and semi-arid zones

1674 - Wind erosion is influenced by:

All are correct

1675 - Wind erosion is influenced by:

Wind velocity, clod size, and surface roughness and soil moisture

1676 - Wind erosion is more in:

Non-cohesive soils

1677 - Wind is a source of:

Inexhaustible energy

1678 - Wind velocity varies with:


1679 - Working temperature of diesel engine ranges from:

71-82 Degree Centigrade

1680 - Working temperature of petrol engine ranges from:

82-88 Degree Centigrade


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