Agriculture Miscellaneous Important MCQs

1 - (A x B) x C is:

Three way cross

2 - ______ an application of the accounting principles to the business of farming:

Farm accounting

3 - ______ are examples of protandrous species:


4 - ______ deteriorates drastically upon inbreeding:


5 - ______ in Ladino clover is governed by two dominant alleles, one produces cyanogenic glycoside, while the other releases the enzyme to catalyze its release from gloycoside:


6 - ______ is gram-positive:


7 - _______ comprises important mechanisms of herbicide detoxification in soil under field conditions especially surface incorporation subsequent to rainfall or irrigation:


8 - _______ convert nitrite (NO2) compounds into nitrates (NO3):


9 - _______ converts ammonia into nitrite:


10 - _______ has been recommended for the control of weed in blackgram:

Fluchloralin 0.75 kg/ha

11 - _______ the physical methods used for controlling nematodes:

All of the above

12 - _______estimated that incompatibility occurs in more than 3,000 species among 20 families of the flowering plants:

E.M. East

13 - _______provides the best documented example of long time effects of selection:


14 - 0.03 N, NH4 F + 0.025 N, NCl, is called:

Bray No. 1 extractant

15 - 0.5 N, NaH CO3 (pH 8.5) is:

Olsen extractant

16 - 1.6 to 2.3 value of nutrient index indicates:

Average fertility of soil

17 - 11-Hexudecenal is sex pheromone of:

Heliothis armigera

18 - 2n - 1 is a:


19 - 7-Dodecenyl acetate is sex pheromone of:

None of the above

20 - 95 to 99.5% portion of plant tissues are made up of:

C, Hand O

21 - A bacterium is devoid of:

Well defined nucleus

22 - A better of pect management depends upon:

Interlacing the known control methods

23 - A consumer spends his income according to the law of:

Equi-marginal utility

24 - A crop loan over Rs. 1,00,000 will require:

Registered mortgage of land

25 - A farmer having less than one hectare of irrigated the land, is known as:

Marginal farmers

26 - A habitat of long severe winters and growing season limited to a few months of summer constitutes:

Taiga ecosystem

27 - A' horizon of the soils also designated as:

Eluviated horizon

28 - A man can develop:

0.1 hp

29 - A minimum period of _______ years is to be given before assessing the effectiveness of an important bio-control agent:


30 - A notorious weed, Lantana camara is controlled by:

Lantana bug

31 - A typical 'Hopper burn' in rice is caused by feeding of:

Brown plant hopper

32 - A' value is given by:

Fred and Dean

33 - A virus particle with both nucleic acid and protein coat is known as:


34 - Agallol is used for:

Seed treatment

35 - Agar-agar is produced from:


36 - Albugo is a:

Obligate parasite

37 - Alexander Fleming (1929) discovered:


38 - Alley cropping' means:

Growing of field crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees

39 - Alternaria blight in mustard can be controlled by:

Treating seed with hot water

40 - Ammonium carbamate is mixed with alumnium phosphide because:

All of the above

41 - Amongst the following insects which one is monophagous?

Bombyx mori

42 - An ecosystem is:

A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live

43 - An ecosystem may be defined as:

Different communities of plants, animals and microbes, together with their physico-chemical environments

44 - Ascent of cell sap' from root to the treetop is exercised by:


45 - Beef' and 'hides' are examples of:

Joint enterprise

46 - Bench terracing is also called as:

Staircase farming

47 - Broad base terrace is also known as:

Drainage type terrace

48 - Choose the odd one:

Lance nematode = Pratylenchulus

49 - Competition for water, minerals, light and space is most severe between two:

Closely related species occupying the same niche

50 - Considering the supplies of total PAR to land area on growing crops, overall biomass product in efficiencies are always much below _____ per cent:


51 - Crop logging' is a method of:

Soil fertility evaluation

52 - Didelphic' means nematodes with:

Two ovaries

53 - Direct sunlight at noon in late June in the northern hemisphere corresponds to _____ foot-candles:


54 - Each gramme of water transpired absorbs _______ kj of latent eat from the leaf and its environment:

3.4 - 3.5

55 - Each human couple should produce only two children which help in:

Stabilizing the ecosystem

56 - Ecosystem has two components:

Biotic and abiotic

57 - Ecosystem is:

Open unit

58 - Erisilk worms are commercially reared on:

Castor leaves

59 - Establishments where disease free and quality seeds (fishes) are produced on scientific lines are called:


60 - Ethylene dibromide is:


61 - Etiolated plants contain proplastid is termed as:


62 - Eubacteria belong to:


63 - Evaluation of an inbred includes:

Top-cross test

64 - Evaluation of extension programme means:

Measuring performance against predetermined goat

65 - Evolution of 1 moles of O2 is accompanied by the reduction of _____ moles of NADP:


66 - Examples of auxin-hormones are:


67 - Experiments in Plant Hybridization"a paper of G. Mendal was first published in the year:


68 - Hidden hunger"means:

Severe yield reduction may occur without appearance of deficiency symptoms

69 - Hue' is the term, which is used for the determination of:

Dominant spectral or rainbow

70 - If a gene is represented in an infinitely large random-mating population by adaptively neutral alleles, A and a, in the ration of qA: (1-q)2 aa = 1"is known as:

Hard-Weinberg law

71 - In natural ecosystem, decomposers include:

Only bacteria and fungi

72 - It has been estimated that carbon dioxide content within the maize plant-canopies was 260 or less during day, whereas it rose to ______


73 - Medium size bullock can develop:

0.50 to 0.75 hp

74 - Mitochondria were seen first in:


75 - Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection' was given by:

Charles Darwin

76 - Percentage of protein in fish is:

Less than 30

77 - Quantasomes contain:

230 chlorophyll molecules

78 - Radish' is an example of:

Fusiform root

79 - Rent is the price paid for the use of land"who said it?


80 - Resolving power of a light microscope is:

0.3 micro metres

81 - Rice plants exposed to temperatures below ______ ?C at the time of pollen-mother cell division will not produce a crop:


82 - Ryat is a:

Obligate parasite

83 - Spermatheca' is found in the nematode body of:


84 - The amount of carbon dioxide has increased slowly since about 1850 from 28


85 - The average force that a bullock can exert:

1/10th of their body weight

86 - The extra high speed engines used in knapsack sprayers are powered by:


87 - The neutralizing values of the following liming materials are such that:

CaO > Ca(OH)2 > CaMg(CO3)2 > CaCO3

88 - The power produced from a wind speed 6.4 to 37 km ph by windmill varies from:

0.1 to 0.9 hp

89 - The thermal efficiency of diesel engine varies between:

32 and 38 per cent

90 - The thermal efficiency of petrol engine varies between:

25 and 32 per cent

91 - The velocity required to operate wind mill is more than:

10 km ph

92 - The word ecosystem was coined by:


93 - Under free and prefect competition there could not be any involuntary unemployment amongst wage earners in the labour market"". This theory was established by:

Prof. Pigou

94 - When a hectare of ground crop is completely covered by spraying less than 60 litres of liquid, is termed a:

High volume spray

95 - Which of the following is not correctly matched?

TPP rises continuously - Till MPP is not equal to Zero

96 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Negative marginal product = Stge III of classical production function

97 - Which one of the following seed rate (kg/ha) is not correctly matched with crop?

Mustard = 20

98 - Which one of the following statement is correct?

Blue green algae fix 20-30 kg N/ha in a rice field

99 - Which one of the following terms does not reflect the idea of ecosystem:


100 - World Trade Organization (W.T.O.) was established in:



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