Agronomy Important MCQs

1 - 2, 4-D is a herbicide:

Selective and systemic

2 - 2, 4-D is an important herbicide of:

Small grain crop

3 - 2, 4-D is the :

Translocated herbicicide

4 - 2,4-d is synthetic herbicide derived from_______________?


5 - A basal dose of phosphorus at ______ g/m2 to tobacco nursery area has been recommended:

7.5 - 8.0

6 - A cloud type that occurs in low height in the atmosphere is:


7 - A condition of green plants in which they become unhealthy and pale fellow in colour is known as_________________?


8 - A crop grown on residual moisture after harvesting rice is called__________________?

Ratoon crop

9 - A crop grown on residual moisture after harvesting rice is called__________________?

Dubari crop

10 - A farmer is to select suitable crops for a drought prone un-irrigated area. Which one of the following groups of crops should be chosen for mixed cropping?

Sesame, maize, oats

11 - A foreign variety that is directly recommended for commercial cultivation is called_________________?

Exotic variety

12 - A gas produced by anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds is called as_________________?


13 - A good crop of potato yielding about 400 q/ha on an average removes _______ N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively:

170-180 + 25 + 250

14 - A good source of vegetable protein is________________?


15 - A lentil crop grown with improved package of practices may record the yield upto t/ha:

2.0 - 2.5

16 - A long severe winter and short summer is called_________________?


17 - A main shortcoming that was observed during green revolution:

Pulse crops were neglected

18 - A method of control of pests in which natural predators and parasites are used without causing serious adverse environmental side effects is called_________________?


19 - A method of estimating seed vigour on the basis of color intensity o the stained seeds was described by______________?

Kittock and Law (1963)

20 - A millet crop is:


21 - A minor portion of the phosphorus absorption capacity of soils originates from:

Calcium carbonate

22 - A nutrient element is said to be essential if___________________?

All the above

23 - A process in which most of the organisms are killed is known as_________________?


24 - A region with an annual rain fall of less than 10 inches comes under_________________?

Semi arid climate

25 - A region with an annual rainfall less than 10 inches comes under_________________?

And climate

26 - A screen which is used to measure the temperature of atmosphere is know as:

Stevenson's screen

27 - A short duration crop in between two main crops is termed as:

Catch crop

28 - A treeless arctic plan is called as__________________?


29 - A tuber represents:

Enlarged underground stem

30 - A warm summer and pronounced winter is called________________?


31 - A weed that spreads asthma is:


32 - Abnormal seeding growth in rice is more closely related, with______________?

LD grains

33 - Abnormal seeding growth in rice may be due to_________________?

Al the above

34 - According to the modern concepts; the major function of inter-row tillage is:

Moisture conservation through weed destruction

35 - Accumulation of transported material A to B horizon is known as____________________?


36 - Addition of ammonium sulphate to a herbicidal spray solution enhances the ______ against Agropyron repens:


37 - Adsali crop of sugarcane takes a period of maturity of:

18 months

38 - Affinity of the enzyme RuDP carboxylase for crbon dioxide is enhanced by:


39 - Agro ecological regions of sindh are_____________________?


40 - Air contains___________________?

78% nitrogen

41 - Alchlor is used as:


42 - Allclopatluc interactions in general and the allelochemicals in particular are viewed as an important tool for_______________?

Weed and pest management

43 - Allelochemicals are used as growth regulators and natural pesticides to promote__________________?

Both a and b

44 - Allelocliemicals may enter in the soil through the process of_________________?

Root exudation

45 - Allelopathy interaction between plants playa crucial role in___________________?


46 - Allelopathy is an important component in the development of future integrated strategies for____________?

Weed management

47 - American cotton should normally be planted at the distance of ______ cm:

60 x 45

48 - Ammonium sulphate is preferred for nitrogen application in groundnut because it also provides:


49 - Among small grain crops _____ has an exceptional tolerance to low levels of soil copper supply:


50 - Among the cotton exporting countries the number of America is___________?


51 - Among the cotton exporting countries the number of China is________________?


52 - Among the cotton exporting countries the number of Pakistan is_______________?


53 - Among the important green house gases two are found in higher concentration________________?

Methane and carbon mono oxide

54 - Amorphous aluminosilicate minerals like allophane have ______ negative charge, which is partly or entirely balanced by complex aluminium cation:


55 - An example of monocot fiber yielding plant is_________________?


56 - Annual rye grass releases a chemical through its root that prevents________________?

Both a and b

57 - Antinutritional factor in Chickling vetch is:


58 - Application of nitrogen in cowpea at the time of planting is known as:

Starter dose

59 - Application of propanil after ______ in rice-paddies causes prohibitive vegetative injury:


60 - Application of urea, aqua-ammonia, anhydrous ammonia and diammonium phosphate form alkaline microsite at the point of application, and in rice ______ encourage the taking up of nitrite:

Both of these

61 - APTMA stands for_____________________?

All Pakistan textile mills association

62 - Area required for raising seedlings for one-hectare normal sown crop of paddy:

500 sq meter

63 - Arhar (pigeon pea) is commonly known as:

Red gram

64 - Arrowing refers to:

Flowering of sugarcane

65 - As per principles of crop rotation pulses should be included in rotation because:

They help in maintenance of soil fertility

66 - At pH ______ H+ ion toxicity is lessened by the removal of these ions:

4.5 or less

67 - Autumn sown crop of sugarcane requires fertilizer than that of winter sown?


68 - Auxins and cytokinins are__________________?

Growth regulators

69 - Availability of phosphorus is maximum at pH:


70 - Avena fatua is crop-associated weed with:


71 - Azolla is a:

Water fern

72 - Azolla which fixes nitrogen in rice field is__________________?


73 - Azotobacter spp fix nitrogen:

In free soil

74 - AZR1 is___________________?

Arid zone research institute

75 - Bacillus thuringensis season cotton is a________________?


76 - Bacteria responsible for nitrification are:

Above both

77 - Balanced fertilizer is used:

All of these

78 - Barani Agriculture institute is located at _________________?


79 - Barley requires _____ climate:


80 - Based on dark metabolism, glucose consumption for protein production is about _____ percent when nitrogen is provided as nitrate rather than as ammonium:


81 - Begasse, a by product of sugar manufacturing industry, is used for the production of:


82 - Best time of sowing for cotton is______________?

Mid May to mid July

83 - Better crop establishment especially for direct seeded rice can be obtained by using________________?

High density grain

84 - Black soil is used for the cultivation of:


85 - Black soils are deficient in:


86 - Boll shedding in cotton is due to:

Inhibitory effect of ABA (Abscisic acid)

87 - Botanical name of American cotton is_________________?

G. hirsutum

88 - Botanical name of Sixed row barley:

Hordeum vulgare

89 - Brassica Juncea is the scientific name of:


90 - Breeder seed is the progeny of_____________________?

Nucleus seed

91 - Breeders seed production is taken up from the nucleus seed B and A lines are pollinated in an isolation of 1 Km in a ratio of_________________?


92 - Broadcast potassium is ________ than banded:

Less efficient

93 - Brown strips downy mildew of maize can be controlled by use of:

Bordeaux mixture (4:4:50)

94 - Build up of soluble sugars and amino acids (due to inadequate potassium), low molecular weight compounds encourage the activity of:

Plant pathogens

95 - Butylate stimulates germination in ______ seeds by enhancing gibberellic activity or by changing membrane of seed permeability:


96 - By which of the following method of raising seedlings of rice, we can get the ready seedling in early time:

Dapog method

97 - Capillary water will not be available to the plants it is held at a tension of:

More than 15 atmospheres

98 - Castor belongs to family:


99 - Causal organism of root rot of cotton is_____________________?

Both of them

100 - CCRI stands for_______________?

Central cotton research institute

101 - Certification is not required for________________?

Breeder seed

102 - Chickpea pod borer can be controlled by the spray of:

Monocrotophos @ 1 ml/litre of water

103 - Clays wuch as kaolinite will fix larger quantities of phosphorus with _____ SiO2/R2O3 ratio:


104 - CLCV stands for__________________?

cotton leaf curl virus

105 - Common herbicide used in wheat is:

2, 4-D

106 - Conducting experiments in glasses is called________________?


107 - Content of starch in maize is approximately:


108 - Controlled run off, water supplies, irrigation, soil fertility is called as_________________?

Catchmento protection

109 - Cotton belongs to the _____ family:


110 - Cotton ginning machine was invented by_______________?


111 - Cotton is a crop of_______________?

Both A and B

112 - Cotton plant belong to one of the following categories______________?

C3 plant

113 - Cotton plant has a mode of germination______________?

Epigeal germination

114 - Cotton plant has mode of germination_________________?

Indeterminate type of growth

115 - Critical factors for crop production is________________?

Pure seed

116 - Crop ideotype refers to________________?

All the above

117 - Crop lodging refers to surface:

Falling of the plants horizontally on the ground surface

118 - Crop mixture have proved biologically most dynamic under:

Irrigated condition

119 - Crop production and animal husbandry collectively is know as:

Mixed farming

120 - Crop rotation is defined as a:

System of growing different crop in succession on the same land

121 - Crop rotation means growing_________________?

Growing different crops

122 - Cropping intensity is:

The extent of the use of land for cropping purposes during a given year

123 - Cropping intensity means:

Percentage ratio of gross cropped area to net cropped area

124 - Cropping pattern is defined as:

Growing different crops in a recurrent succession

125 - Crops during any reason are generally able to recover only _____ of the added fertilizer phosphorus:

Less than 25%

126 - Cultivation of same crop year after year is called________________?


127 - Dapog method of crop raising is associated with:

Nursery raising

128 - Dapog method of raising seedlings is related to:


129 - Dapog seedlings would be ready for transplanting within:

11 - 14 days

130 - Deep ploughing of soil in a groundnut field should normally be avoided because it:

Makes harvesting difficult

131 - Deficiency of nitrogen in maize causes:

Whitish-yellow spots on leaves

132 - Deficiency symptoms on apical buds is due to:


133 - Dehaulming in potato is done to obtain:

Quality seed tuber

134 - Delinting of cotton helps in:

Quicker germination

135 - Delinting of cottonseed may be done with:

Sulphuric acid

136 - Delta of water for cotton crop is________________?

25 acre inches

137 - Delta pine variety of cotton was imported in Pakistan in the year______________?


138 - Denitrification losses of nitrogen in paddy field can be prevented by incorporating ammonical nitrogen into the:

Reduced zone

139 - Dibbling (sowing) of wheat requires seed:

20 - 30 kg/ha

140 - Dispersing agents reduce ______ between similar particles:


141 - Diversity of animals and crop species in different ecosystems is called as_______________?


142 - Doddar is a serious weed of:


143 - Drip method of irrigation is not suitable to close spaced crops because_________________?

High cost on pipes

144 - Drought is measuring in terms of________________?

All the above

145 - Dry land farming mean:

Cultivation of drought resistant, short duration and high yielding varieties of crops, with package of soil and water management including water harvesting

146 - Due to phosphorus deficiency in plants____________________?

All the above

147 - During kharif reason sunflower takes _____ days to mature:

80 - 90

148 - Dwarf varieties of wheat are more resistance to_______________?


149 - Dwarfing gene in rice is:

Dee - gee - woo - gen

150 - Each unit increase in pH brings about a decrease in solubility of Fe2+ of _____ folds.


151 - EC of saline soil is equal to or greater than________________?


152 - Effects of allelopathic compound in the life cycle of plants cause inhibition of________________?

seed germination

153 - Electrolytes leakage is defendant on_________________?

Both a & b

154 - Electrolytes leakage is found greater in______________?

HD grains

155 - Embryo seed dormancy is mainly found in:

Temperate climate seeds

156 - England cotton was imported from the time in__________________?

1430 AD

157 - Enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of urea is:


158 - Excess of chlorides in tobacco:

Inhibits the leaf burn and reduces leaf storage capacity

159 - Excess of nitrogen to plants causes_________________?

Delay in ripening

160 - Fertilizer application before seed sowing is called__________________?

Basal application

161 - Fertilizer dose recommended for a crop of groundnut is N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively:

20 - 40 + 50 - 60 + 30 - 40

162 - Fertilizer requirement of castor has been recommended at ____ of N+ P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively:

60 + 40 + 40

163 - Fertilizer requirements of wheat under medium loamy soil is________________?

136-85 NP kg/ha

164 - Field capacity and permanent wilting point are different indifferent_______________?


165 - Field water use efficiency is calculated by:


166 - First Agriculture University of Pakistan is:


167 - First ginning machine was invented in_______________?

1793 AD

168 - First herbicide produced in world is:

2, 4-D

169 - First irrigation to linseed is normally recommended _____ after sowing.

30 - 40

170 - Fluchloralin can be used for weed control in soyabean as:

Pre-plant incorporation

171 - Foliar application of nitrogen means applying nitrogen in solution form to___________________?


172 - For common plants transpiration ratio is:

250 to 1000

173 - For each unit increase in pH, the concentration of Mn2- decreases by _____ folds:


174 - For fibre purposes, jute crop may be harvested at my time:

Before flowering

175 - For harvest of sugarcane the brix ratio of the lower and above portion of the stem should be:

0.9 - 1.0

176 - For more effective weed control in soyabean fluchloralin should be used as:

Pre-plant soil incorporation

177 - For mungbean the period between _____ days after sowing has been regarded as critical for weed control:

5 and 25

178 - For nitrogen and phosphorus application in groundnut _____ fertilizers are normally preferred:

Ammonium sulphate and single super phosphate

179 - For raising a healthy nursery of tobacco on highly leached soils, besides other nutrients, borax are _____ g/m2 is also n recommended:

0.1 - 0.2

180 - For spring crop of soyabean seed should be than that of kharif planting:


181 - For urdbean, the suitable climate is:

Hot and humid

182 - For wetland rice the best nitrogenous fertilizer is:

Calcium ammonium sulphate

183 - Fumigating and warming soil by covering it with black plastic is called__________________?

Soil solarization

184 - Gaseous loss of a substance from the soil or from fertilizer or manure is called_________________?


185 - Gassypium arborium is__________________?


186 - Gassypium barbadense was originated in__________________?

Central and South America

187 - Gassypium herbaceum was originated in______________?

South Mexico and Central America

188 - Gassypium hirsutum is________________?


189 - Gassypium hirsutum was developed from a cross between________________?

G.arbarieum and G.thurberii

190 - Generally field crops are cultivated at altitude__________________?

02000 ft

191 - genetic purity is assessed through________________?


192 - genetic purity of seed is determined by________________?

Grow out test

193 - Genus of cotton is___________________?


194 - Geographical area of Pakistan in million hectare is_______________?


195 - Glutathion-s-transferase is responsible for selectivity of:


196 - Grain to straw ratio in most of the Mexican wheat varieties is:


197 - Gravitational water is held in soil at a tension of:

Less than 1/3 atmosphere

198 - Green manuring of sannhemp adds approximately ______ kg N/ha to the soil on decomposition:

40 - 60

199 - Green revolution came into being due to evolution of_________________?

Wheat varieties

200 - Green vegetables are the source of___________________?


201 - Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil from:


202 - Groundnut seed normally contains protein and oil _____ percent, respectively:

25 and 45

203 - Growing more than two crops in a year in the same field is known as:

Multiple cropping

204 - Growing more then one crop in a season in the same land is called________________?

Intensive cropping

205 - Growing of a crop after the failure of main crop is called:

Catch crop

206 - Heavy rainfall or irrigation during fruiting periods of cotton may cause:

Shedding of flowers and young bolls

207 - Herbicide is a chemical, which used to:

Destroy weeds

208 - Herbicide used for weed control in sorghum is _____ kg a.i./ha:

Atrazine at 0.5 - 5 - 1.0

209 - Heteromorphic seeds of the plant families asteraceae and chenopodiaceae do not permit _____ exchange:


210 - High density grains are found mostly at___________________?

Top of panicle

211 - High humidity is harmful to field pea as it accentuates:

Incidence of disease

212 - High temperature above 41?C flowering of castor results in:

Blasting of flower and poor seed-set

213 - High yielding varieties of which crop cover maximum area?


214 - Highly decomposed stage of organic matter is called_______________?


215 - High-yielding maize is obtained in regions where the atmospheric temperature during the growing season is:

High during the day and high during the night

216 - Hitting the seed with force against a hard surface to break seed dormancy is called_______________?


217 - Hot desert has mean annual temperature of___________________?


218 - Hot water treatment of sugarcane sets is done because:

It controls the seed borne diseases

219 - Hot with a cool winter is___________________?


220 - How many irrigation is required in wheat crop?


221 - How much area of nursery is needed for sowing of paddy?

1/10 of total area

222 - How much nitrogen will be supplied by 500 kg of Ammonium Sulphate?

100 kg

223 - How much percent of khandsari can be obtained from gur refined?


224 - Hybrid maize should be fertilized with kg/ha of N + P2O5 + K2O, respectively:

120 + 60 + 40

225 - Hybrid seeds are developed because they_________________?

All the above

226 - Hyderabad district area is in_________________?

Thai range area

227 - Hygroscopic water, which occurs as thin film held tenaciously around soil particles with a tension of 31 atmosphere or more, is:

Not available to plants

228 - If a crop requires some amount of nitrogen and phosphorus which of the following fertilizers, farmer should apply in his field:


229 - If an acid soil is limed to the pH level it enhances nitrrification:

5.5 - 6.5

230 - If farmer practises 'sugarcane-cotton-wheat' the cropping intensity at his farm will be:


231 - If temperature is high during maturation of sunflower, the linoleic acid:


232 - If the average panicle density per square meter is 260, the average numbers of filled grains per panicle and test weight of rice are 136 and 20 g, respectively. The rice crop will yield:

7.08 t/ha

233 - If the germination and purity percentage; and test weight of weed are 95, 90 and 46 g, respectively and the wheat crop was planted at 20 x 3 cm. The seed rte of wheat per hectare will be:

89.67 kg

234 - If the land utilization index (LUI) of a crop is 0.5 then the duration will be:

183 days

235 - If the moisture contain of the seed is 8-10% than seed can be stored upto:

2 yrs.

236 - If there is 500 kg seed than how much samples should be taken for testing?


237 - If urdbean is being grown for the first time in a field, the seed should be inoculated with:


238 - Imperata cylindrica is associated with:


239 - In 1991-92 the record production of cotton in Pakistan was_______________?

12800,000 bales

240 - In 1992-93 the greatest decrease in the production of cotton was due to attack of_____________?


241 - In a cropping sequence of maize-wheat, moong (summer) the cropping intensity is:


242 - In a predominantly biological system, mineralization of phosphorus from organic matter of crop residues is dependent on soil _____ activity:


243 - In a sub-tropical area if the average rainfall is 400-500 mm, which of the following crop is most suitable to cultivate:


244 - In B.T cotton B.T. stands for__________________?

Bacillus thuringensis

245 - In Bindi, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of__________________?

200 meters

246 - In China, cotton was cultivated as a crop in._______________?

4th century AD

247 - In cotton the recommended R x R distance is_________________?

75 cm

248 - In country€™s GDP, the cotton accounts for_________________?


249 - In fanning system cultivation of two or more crops is known as_______________?

Multiple cropping

250 - In Instrument that indicates the direction of the wind is:

Wind Vane

251 - In jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is:


252 - In most of the cases field capacity represents the water held at a tension of:

1/3 atmospheres

253 - In Pakistan the area effected due to water erosion is about_________________?

13.05 million lia

254 - In Pakistan, the total length of canal system exceeds________________?

58000 Km

255 - In phosphorus and potassium deficient soils, field pea crop should be fertilized with ______ kg/ha of P2O5+K2O, respectively:

60 - 70 + 30 - 40

256 - In pulses, for the production of nucleus seed we require minimum of_________________?

500 plant progenies

257 - In pulses, limiting amino acids are__________________?


258 - In Raygistan area which districts of Sindh are included______________?

Sukkar and. Khairpur

259 - In rice, high silicon content, in shoot confers resistance to_________________?

Stem borer

260 - In Sunflower, production of foundation seed requires as isolation distance of__________________?

400 meters

261 - In the fertilized soil with soil solution concentration of 1 ppm of phosphorus, mass flow contribution to phosphorus nutrition of crops could approach _____ per cent:


262 - In wheat total crop N uptake per ton of grain is about__________________?

15-20 Kg

263 - In wheat total crop P uptake per ton of gram is about;__________________?


264 - In wheat, production of certified seed needs an isolation distance of____________________?

3 Meters

265 - In wheat, seminal roots:

Responsible for nourishing the plants during early stages of the crop

266 - income farm where the operator is producing primarly his family€™s needs rather than for sale is called_______________?

Subsistence farming

267 - Indirect methods of measuring soil water content consist of resistance method and:


268 - Indus river is one of the longest river of Asia measuring about_____________________?

2900 Km

269 - Inherent capacity of soil to supply nutrients in balanced form is called:

Soil fertility

270 - Initial vegetation that invades and occupies the area is called_________________?


271 - Injury caused by relatively low temperatures above the freezing points is called:

Chilling injury

272 - Integrated pest management involves________________?

Chemical, cultural, and biological method

273 - Intercropping is a system of cropping to make the maximum use of:

Soil resource

274 - International institute for Tropical Agriculture is located at________________?


275 - IPM stands for_________________?

Integrated pest management

276 - Iron deficiency usually occurs in soil in the pH range of:

7.4 - 8.5

277 - Irrigated crop of castor should normally be planted at a row and plant distance of _____ cm:

60 x 45

278 - Irrigated rapeseed and mustard is recommended to be fertilized with ______ N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively

60 - 90 + 60 + 40

279 - Irrigated safflower is recommended to be fertilized with ______ kg/ha of N + P2O5 + K2O, respectively:

40 + 40 + 20

280 - It has been found that ______ incorporation of basalin provides relatively more effective control of weeds in mungbean:

Pre-flowering spray

281 - It has been found that ______ incorporation of fluchloralin provides relatively more effective control of weeds in groundnut:


282 - It has been observed that the iron chelated by sorghum plant metabolites, on a moderately deficient soil, enhanced iron uptake by percent:


283 - It has been suggested that the ______ of sublight is generally most satisfactory for plant growth:

Full spectrum

284 - Jute belong to the family:


285 - Kalyansona is a :

Double gene dwarf

286 - Keeping in view the available technology for the kharif and rabi crops, which one of the following patterns would be more in demand for crop planting?

Multiple cropping

287 - Late planting of autumn sugarcane reduces the germination due to:

Low temperature

288 - Legume crop should be included in rotation, because:

It helps in maintenance of soil fertility

289 - Lentil under late sowing situations should be seeded with:

Enhanced seed rate

290 - Linseed can be used as _____ crop:

Oilseed and fibre

291 - Linseed crop belongs to the ______ family:


292 - Linseed has been recommended to be fertilized with ______ kg of P2O5/ha to raise a good crop:


293 - Linseed is a _____ season crop:


294 - Losses of soil moisture vapour form is called as_________________?

Both A and B

295 - Low soil pH is the indication of_______________?

High Mg and Ca

296 - Low total iron content of soil is ______ the basis for plant deficiencies:


297 - Machete is effective against:

Both (a) & (b)

298 - Main reason behind the shedding of flower in cotton is__________________?

High temperature

299 - Maize can grow very well in the soils of pH ranging from:

5.5 to 7.5

300 - Maize crop pointed a spacing of 50 x 2 cm will have _____ plant/ha:


301 - Maize protein is deficient in:

Tryptophant and lysine

302 - Maize-potato-wheat-green gram is an example of:

Relay cropping

303 - Major constituent of cotton fibre is:


304 - Major source of sugar in world is_________________?

Beet root

305 - Major source of water used by the plants is:

Capillary water

306 - Maximum amount of P2O5 is in:


307 - Maximum fixation of K occurs:

In 2:1 clay minerals

308 - Measurement of irrigation water depends on:

Units of volume and units of soil

309 - Melilotus alba is objectional weed of__________________________?


310 - Mesophytes are grown in__________________?

Moist places

311 - Mg in plants act as___________________?

Enzyme activator

312 - Mixed farming referred only to:

Crop production combined with dairy farming at farm

313 - Molasses is a by-product of sugar industry contains about _____ % sugar:


314 - Most of the herbicides embody ______ phytotoxicity at lower soil moisture content:


315 - Most suitable temperature for growth of maize is:

32 Degree Centigrade

316 - Mulch farming indicates:

Agriculture and dairy farming pursued together

317 - Mull is:


318 - Mustard crop planted at a spacing of 50 x 20 cm will have plants/ha:


319 - Mustard was planted at a plant to plant spacing of 12.5 cm with a population of 1,60,00 plants/ha, its row spacing will be:

50 cm

320 - Mutual association between fungi and roots of plants is known as_________________?


321 - Mycorrhiza it a symbiotic association between:

Fungi and roots of higher plants

322 - N mineralization is effected by soil pH_______________?

Above 6

323 - Name a cereal with maximum protein content:

Whole wheat

324 - Name the acid forming fertilizer:


325 - Name the area where multiple crops are grown:

Crop catchments area

326 - Name the crop, which is used, as pulse and oil purpose:


327 - Name the kharif season fodder crop:


328 - Name the mode of leaching:

All of the above

329 - Narcotic crops mainly grown in Pakistan is_________________?


330 - Natural water as pH equal to________________?


331 - Nicotiana rustica has been derived as an amphidiploid from a cross between:

Nicotiana undulata x Nicotiana paniculata

332 - Nicotine content of the leaves of Nicotiano rustica ranges between _____ percent.

3.5 and 8.0

333 - Nitrogen application of safflower influences:

Both of these

334 - Nitrogen is taken by the plants in the form of:


335 - Normally recommended N + P2O5 K2O dose for soy soyabean is ____ kg/ha, respectively:

20 - 30 + 70 - 80 + 50 - 60

336 - Number of crops grown on the same piece of land in a year and expressed in percentage is known as_______________?

Cropping index

337 - Number of irrigation required for cotton crop are______________?

6 irrigations

338 - Oka (1975) has suggested that me population size suitable for maintenance and seed production of a commercial crop of a self pollinated species should be________________?

300 plants

339 - On the basis of cotton cultivated area which on of the following countries occupies first position ?


340 - On the basis of season cotton is a__________________?

Kharif crop

341 - On the basis of yield of cotton per hectare which of the following country occupies first position ?


342 - On the basis of yield of cotton per hectare which of the following country occupies second position______________?


343 - Once the phenoxy herbicide penetrates the cuticle, it moves inside the plant:

By both mechanisms

344 - One acre is equivalent to:

0.404 ha

345 - One hectare is equal to___________________?

2.471 acre

346 - One of the following herbicides is a selective herbicide:


347 - One of the following herbicides is a selective herbicide:


348 - One of the following insect act as a vector for CLCV________________?

White fly

349 - One of the following stages of rice is not critical in respect of irrigation:


350 - One of the plant introduced from new world to the old world is_________________?


351 - One quintal of sugarbeet contains of sugar:

17 kg

352 - One rooting hormone occurring naturally in plant is ___________________?


353 - One sq. km. consists of:

100 ha

354 - Optimum pH for cotton plant lies between______________?

5.2 to 7.0

355 - Organic farming, is a copping system in which__________________?

Fertilizers and pesticides are net used

356 - Organisms which are genetically modified are called_________________?

Transgenic organisms

357 - Organisms which feeds on dead and decaying organisms are called as_________________?


358 - Origin of groundnut:


359 - Out of the following _____ is commonly cultivated potato:

Solanum tuberosum

360 - Oxyfluorfen has been found to inhibit apical bud growth in young _______ plants to better bush formation:


361 - Pakistan has a total forest area of about_________________?

12 million ha

362 - Parcticing agriculture without the use of chemicals and fertilizers so as to protect ecological balance is known as:

Natural farming

363 - Part of embryonic axis which develops into root is called___________________?


364 - Partially decomposed organic matter is termed as___________________?


365 - PASSCO stands for_______________?

Pakistan Agriculture Seed Supplies Corporation

366 - Pasturing system that allows short periods of heavy use followed by recover, period is called as_______________?

Rotational grazing

367 - Penetrometer are used for measuring__________________?

Soil tilth depth

368 - Percent protein in maize grain is about:


369 - Percentage of area irrigated by a cusec of water during the season is called_______________?


370 - Percentage of kernal in groundnut with shell is:


371 - Percentage of moisture held in soil at a tension of 15 atmospheres is referred to as:

Wilting point or wilting percentage

372 - Percentage of nitrogen in castor cake is:


373 - Permissible biuret level, in most of urea fertilizers is _____ percent.


374 - Phalaris minor found with:

Dwarf wheat

375 - Phalaris minor weed can be controlled effectively by using _____ herbicide:


376 - Phosphates enzymes play a major role in _____ of organic phosphates in soil:


377 - Photodecomposition plays an important role in the loss of urea herbicides from the soil surface in _____ areas:


378 - Pigeonpea is commonly known as:


379 - Plants adopted to arid regions are___________________?


380 - Plants grown in dry region are_________________?


381 - Plants having no defined limits of vegetative and reproductive element is called______________?

Indeterminate growth

382 - Plants that can tolerate drought are_________________?


383 - Plants uptake their nutrients from____________________?

All the above

384 - Plants which change from the vegetative to the reproductive stage by producing flowers and fruits when the day become longer is called________________?

Long day plants

385 - Plants which grow on dry region are____________________?


386 - Podsols are:

Alkaline soil with oxidising agent

387 - Potassium in utilized more efficiently if applied:

Before/at planting

388 - Potassium salts are:

Less mobile than nitrates

389 - Potato belongs to the family:


390 - Potato crop gives good response to liberal application of:


391 - Potato tuber yield will be ______ q/ha, if crop was spaced at 60 x 25 cm, and average number of tubers/plant and average weight of tubers are 14 and 35 g, respectively.


392 - Precise assessment of pest pressure to evaluate Economic risk from pest infestations is called_________________?

Crop scouting

393 - Prescribed germination percentage of foundation seed of ground nut is_________________?


394 - Primary air polluted is________________?


395 - Progeny of nucleus seed is called_________________?

Breeder seed

396 - Progeny of nucleus seed is called__________________?

Breeder seed

397 - Projecting the current weather analysis into the future is known as:


398 - Propanil a herbicide is readily absorbed by the:


399 - Propanil is a _____ herbicide:


400 - Proper ______ nourishment for potato and sugar beet etc., is essential since these are known to have its high requirement:


401 - Pulling of off- type plants from a cropped field is called___________________?


402 - Pulses fit well in cropping systems as they are:

Short duration crops

403 - Quadricar pellatum capsule of sesamum contains _____ carpels:


404 - Rainfall at the time of maturity of tobacco is undesirable as it causes:

Washing down of gums and resins from leaf

405 - Raising a crop to supplement yield or monetary returns from the main crop is known as:

Augmentation cropping

406 - Raising of crop with least tillage operations is called:

Minimum tillage

407 - Raising of only one crop in a year, when there is seasonal supply of water is called______________?


408 - Ratio of crop yield to the amount of water utilized is called______________?

Crop water use efficiency

409 - Ratio of economic yield to biological yield expressed in percentage is called_______________?

Harvest index

410 - Ratooning' is practised as a matter of routine in:

Sugarcane and napier grass

411 - Reclamation disease due to copper dificiency occurs in plants grown on newly reclaimed acid soil:


412 - Recommended approximate seed rate of bajra is:

5 - 10 kg/ha

413 - Recommended dose of N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha is ______ respectively for sugarbeet:

120 + 80 + 80

414 - Recommended method for cotton sowing is________________?

Drill method

415 - Relay cropping is defined as:

A system of cropping where one crop hands over the land to the next crop in quick succession

416 - Removal of a uniform thin layer of soil by the action of water is referred as:

Splash erosion

417 - Removal of branches for forage is________________?


418 - Removal of cellular water followed by shrinkage of protoplasm is due to


419 - Repeated use of Bordeaux mixture, sewage sludge, pig and poultry manures and/or mine wastes may cause _____ toxicities:


420 - Resistance of plants to living organism is called______________________?

Biotic resistance

421 - Retting is a process by which:

The fibres in the bark get loosened and separated from woody stalk

422 - Rock phosphate is treated with _______ to break the apatite bond and to render the contained phosphate more soluble:

Either acid or heat

423 - Root nodules in plant help in__________________?

Nitrogen fixation

424 - Root nodules in plants help in___________________?

Nitrogen fixation

425 - Root rot of cotton is a_________________?

Fungal disease

426 - Rothamsted Agricultural Experiment Station, England was found by:

J.B. Lawes & J.H. Gilbert

427 - Safflower can be grown as an intercrop with:


428 - Safflower is a ________ season crop:


429 - Sannhemp belongs to the family:


430 - Sannhemp should be planted at a distance of ______ cm to raise fibre crop:

30 x 7 - 10

431 - Scientific name of Cogon grass is:

Imperata cylindrica

432 - Seasmum belongs to the family:


433 - Seed bag labeled with white colour indicates_________________?

Basic seed

434 - Seed dormancy of nee seeds can be successfully broken by heat treatment at________________?

50°c for 3-7 days

435 - Seed leachate conductivity is significantly higher in seeds having_________________?

Lower shoot weight

436 - Seed Plot Technique of potato is used to produce:

Virus free seeds

437 - Seed rat of American cotton per acre is__________________?

10-12 kg

438 - Seed rate for potato is:

10-15 quintals/ha

439 - Seed rate of cotton per acre is________________?

5-6 kg

440 - Seed rate of lentil crop is:

35-40 kg/ha

441 - Seed treatment is done to:

Control the disease

442 - Seeds of wheat, paddy and maize showed positive correlation germination (%) and viability (%) as determined by________________?

Tz test

443 - Seeds which dried at low moisture contents and stored at low temperature without loosing their viability are________________?

Orthodox seeds

444 - Sesamum cake contains ______ percent of N+P2O5 + K2O respectively

6.0-6.2 + 2.0-2.2 + 1.0-1.2

445 - Silicon is the _____ most abundant element in the earth's crust:


446 - Simple plains that lack photosynthesis pigments are called as_________________?


447 - Single super phosphate is a:

Water soluble fertilizer

448 - Smoke raising prevents:

Radiation frost

449 - Snaerobic environment in paddy soil is responsible for gaseous loss of fertilizer nitrogen by:


450 - Soil borne diseases are found more in:

Cereal crops

451 - Soil reaction of preference of sugarcane is________________?

8.00 pH

452 - Soil water in excess of hygroscopic and capillary water which moves downward through the soil by the force of gravity is called______________?

Gravitational water

453 - Solar energy emitted by sun reaches the earth surface absorbed and returned back in the form of___________________?

Infra red radiation

454 - Sorghum is considered as ""Camel crop"because of:

Resistance to drought

455 - Sorghum was planted at a plant spacing of 12.5 cm with a population of 1,60,000 plants/ha, its row spacing will be:

50 cm

456 - Sow summer mungbean in _____ for reasonably good productivity:

Middle of March to middle of April

457 - Sowing of a crop at optimum date is an example of:

Non-monetary input

458 - Sowing seed without any tillage in the soil is called__________________?

Zero tillage

459 - Soyabean besides good quantity of protein also contains about ______ percent of oil:


460 - Soyabean is a:

Short day plant

461 - Soyabean is classified as:


462 - Soyabean planting in a field where wheat crop remains this is known as:

Relay cropping

463 - Specialized farming is one in which:

A single crop contributes more than 50% to total production

464 - Split doses of nitrogen is used in the soil:


465 - Spreading varieties of groundnut are preferred in areas receiving late rains in the kharif season, because:

Their seed is dormant

466 - Striga is crop associated weed with:


467 - Sufficient soil moisture at ______ stage is essential for optimum productivity of blackgram:

Flowering and pod development

468 - Sugar beet belongs to family ?


469 - Sugar recovery from sugarbeet is approximately:


470 - Sugarbeet is a plant:


471 - Sugarbeet is a:

Long day plant

472 - Sugarbeet is a:

Sugar crop

473 - Sugarbeet is grown during season:


474 - Sugarbeet is produced maximum in:


475 - Sugarcane belongs to the family:


476 - Sugarcane cut for seed-setts should essentially have:

Three buds

477 - Sugarcane is _____ plant:


478 - Sugarcane setts are treated with a chemical before plantation:


479 - Sunflower is a ______ crop:


480 - Sunflower is allelopathic crop to many____________________?


481 - Superphosphate containing ______ selenium may provide enough of it to the plants in selenium deficient areas:

20 ppm or more

482 - Temperature requirement for optimum growth of sorghum ranges from:

26-30 Degree Centigrade

483 - Ten square km, will have an area of how many hectare area?


484 - Tensiometer is used for measuring____________________?

Soil moisture

485 - The _____ considered to be a progenitor of soyabean:

Glycine usitattisimum

486 - The 1000-rain wt. of Arhar is about:

72 gm

487 - The 2n chromosome number in Rugosa is:


488 - The accessibility and utilization of soil-applied copper can be enhanced by:

Reducing particle size

489 - The active principle causing ""Sorghum Poisoning"is:


490 - The actual amount H2O present in the air is called_____________?

Absolute humidity

491 - The aim of topping and desuckering in tobacco is:

To divert energy and nutrients from flower head to leaves

492 - The allelochemicals are broadly classified as_______________?

Phenolics and. terpenoids

493 - The amount of water required to rise a crop to matunty with in a given period of time is called________________?

Crop Water requirement

494 - The annual broad leaf and grassy weeds in sugarbeet can be controlled effectively by use of ______ kg a.i./ha:

Pyramin @ 3.0

495 - The antiquality constituent in young seedings of forage sorghum is:

Hydrocyanic acid

496 - The application of fertilizer nutrients in proportions best suited to the needs of the crop is called_________________?

Balanced fertilization

497 - The application rates of nitrogen and phosphorus are 64 and 46 kg/ha to an experimental crop of wheat as basal, for that the quantity of urea and diammonium phosphate will be:

100 kg urea, 100 kg MoP

498 - The area needed to raise rice seedlings by dapog method sufficient for transplanting one-hectare area is:

25 - 30 sqm

499 - The area where drought has occurred in _____ per cent of years during the period are considered drought areas:


500 - The area where drought has occurred in more than _____ per cent of years are called chronic drought areas:


501 - The arhar (pigeon pea) grows well in _____ climate:

Tropical and subtropical

502 - The autumn planting of sugarcane is most successful when planted in the month of:


503 - The available form of nitrogen for plants is_________________?

Both a and b

504 - The bacteria responsible for nitrogen fixation in soyabean are:

Rhizobium Japonicum

505 - The basic principal of taking crop rotation is:

To maintain the fertility status of the soils

506 - The best green manuring crop is:


507 - The best observed pH for jute cultivation is:


508 - The best soil for cotton cultivation is_________________?

Clay loam soil

509 - The best soil for potato cultivation is:

Sandy loam

510 - The best soil for sugarbeet cultivation is:

Sandy loam to loam

511 - The best time for sowing of toria is:

15 - 30 September

512 - The branch of Science which deals cultivation of land is called________________?


513 - The carbohydrate content in potato:


514 - The casual agent of anthracnose disease in sorghum is:

Colletorichum graminicola

515 - The causal organism of brown rust in wheat is:

Puccinia recondita tritici

516 - The chickpea wilt is caused by:

Fusarium orthocerus

517 - The climates of sindh province comes under__________________?

Sub tropical

518 - The CO, content of air is___________________?


519 - The condition of drying of plant parts due to lack of water is called__________________?


520 - The contact herbicides are less effective to_________________?

Perenial plants

521 - The contribution of agriculture in the GDP of the country is____________________?


522 - The control and preservation of natural resources for present and future use is called_________________?


523 - The control and preservation of natural resources For present and future use is_________________?


524 - The Cotton plant belong to family ?


525 - The cotton plant sheds more fruits mainly due to_________________?

Higher temperature

526 - The critical stages for irrigation in chickpea are:

Pre-flowering and pod development

527 - The critical stages in cotton is______________?


528 - The crop also sown for green manure is:

Green gram

529 - The crop of ______ is more liable to suffer from frost and cold:


530 - The crop of sunflower can be effectively grown in _____ season:

Kharif and Zaid

531 - The crop that can also be used as windbreaker:

Red gram

532 - The crop which are cultivated for grain purposes are called_________________?

Cereal crops

533 - The crop, which requires maximum amount of nitrogen:


534 - The crops of group repeseed and mustard (except taramira) belongs to the family:


535 - The crops which are grown to reduce the soil erosion and natural losses by leaching is known as______________?

Cover crops

536 - The cultivation of which crop requires water logging?


537 - The deficiency symptoms on lower leaves are due to:


538 - The deficient level of N(%) in plants suggested by various workers is_________________?


539 - The dent corn is also known as:

Zea mays indentata

540 - The depth of irrigation water required for the full crop period is called_______________?

Delta of water

541 - The depth of sowing for sugarbeet should be:

2 - 3 cm

542 - The depth of water required by crops during the base period is called_____________________?

Delta of water

543 - The dormancy of potato tuber cannot be broken with:

Ethylene chlorophydrin

544 - The dwart wheat varieties should be:

Sown at a depth shallower than that of tall wheat varieties

545 - The environment where an organism lives is__________________?


546 - The enzyme responsible for biological nitrogen fixation is________________?


547 - The equipment used for separating, cleaning and grading small seeds from given sample is______________?

Seed sorter

548 - The essentiality of copper for higher plants was first recognized in:


549 - The experimental design which control fertility level in two directions is known as________________?


550 - The family of sugarbeet is:


551 - The fertilizer requirement in lentil is nearly _____ than that of 'arhar', 'moong' and 'urd':


552 - The fertilizer suitable for spraying to Increase production of paddy:


553 - The fertilizer use recommendation for sunflower is ______ kg/ha of N + P2O5 + K2O, respectively:

70 + 60 + 40

554 - The fibre length of cotton is:

1-5 cm

555 - The first irrigation in wheat is normally recommended at:

Crown root initiation stage

556 - The fodder, which has maximum protein content (on dry wt. basis):


557 - The fruit of linseed is known as:


558 - The fruit of rapeseed and mustard is known as:


559 - The given off water vapours from the surface of leaves is called________________?


560 - The grain legume, which is also grown as an oilseed:


561 - The gynophore of groundnut is commonly referred to as the:


562 - The harmful influence of one living plant on another living plant by the secretion of a toxic substance is called________________?


563 - The heating of atmosphere by gases that are transparent to sun light but opaque to radiated heat is called________________?

Green house effect

564 - The herb plants have___________________?

Non-woody stem

565 - The higher leachate conductivity is associated with__________________?

Immature seed?

566 - The highest percentage content of nitrogen among the commonly used nitrogenous fertilizers is embodied by:

Anhydrous ammonia

567 - The hulling percentage of rice is:


568 - The human's myth was effectively deposed by ______ presentation of a paper at a prominent scientific meeting:

Justus Von Liebig

569 - The identified critical stage of irrigation in barley:

Both of these

570 - The identified critical stage of irrigation in tobacco is:


571 - The identified critical stages for irrigation of safflower are:

Flowering and grain filling

572 - The Indus basin irrigation system has__________________?

19 Barrages

573 - The inflorescence of sugarcane is called :


574 - The intensity of crop rotation may be indicated by

No. of crops x 100/No. of years

575 - The inter-culture operation in standing broadcast rice crop is commonly known as:


576 - The K is predominantly in______________?


577 - The latest botanical name of green gram is:

Vigna radiata

578 - the layer of atmosphere which blocks ultraviolet radiation from sun is___________________?


579 - The leaf area per unit land area is known as:


580 - The leguminous plants are important in agriculture because_________________?

Help in nitrogen economy of nature

581 - The living together of two or more species in a prolonged and intimate ecological relationship is called________________?


582 - The losses of ammonia usually become greater with:

Increase in soil pH

583 - The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called__________________?

Economic threshold

584 - The maize crop should be planted at the distance of:

60 x 20-25

585 - The major part of nitrogen uptake by the maize is over by the:

Tasselling stage

586 - The major source of foreign exchange earning is________________?


587 - The management of kind by planting a series of crops, pastures or following to maximize production with sustaining land quality is called_______________?

Crop rotation

588 - The maximum carbon dioxide concentration at normal atmospheric levels occurs in relatively low light intensities of ______ foot-candles for some plants:


589 - The maximum phosphorus availability in most of the soils is in the pH range:


590 - The maximum working depth of disc plow is_________________?

300 mm

591 - The mineral calcite develops a negative charge due to _____ tendency for Ca2+ ions than CO32- ions to go into solution:


592 - The mineralization of organic phosphorus has been studied in relation to _____ ration.


593 - The moisture content at which the wilting is complete and the plant die is called:

Permanent wilting point

594 - The moisture, which is present in the form of a continuous film outside hygroscopic water around soil particles and microspore spaces is called:

Capillary water

595 - The most common cereal millet crop grown in arid climate is:


596 - The most common means of expressing soil water contentment is the _____ of water associated with their specified quantity of soil solids:


597 - The most critical stage of rice for moisture stress is:

Tillering - flowering

598 - The most critical stalt for irrigation in potato is:

25% tuber formation

599 - The most destructive disease of sugarcane is:

Red Rot

600 - The most effective cropping system for returning mineral elements to the soil is:

Corp ration

601 - The most sensitive stages of sunflower to water stress lie between:

Flowering and grain filling

602 - The most suitable soil for groundnut is:

Sandy and sandy loam

603 - The most suitable soil for rice cultivation is:

Clay or clay loam

604 - The most suitable temperature for the growth of maize crop is:

32 Degree Centigrade

605 - The movement of nutrients, ions by mass flow is reduced at low temperatures because of:

Low transpiration

606 - The movement of water in soil profile is.known as__________________?


607 - The mustard crop is regarded ready for harvest when its pods turn ______ in colour:


608 - The negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, a measure of the acidity of a solution is called_______________?


609 - The nicotine content in cigarette tobacco is:

1 - 2%

610 - The number of known species in genus Gossypium has been estimated at:


611 - The number of plants per hectare to be observed in taking one count in seed production of pearlmillet, sorghum, rice-paddies and wheat is _____ as recommended:


612 - The number of setts needed for planting one hectare of sugarcane is:


613 - The observed best temperature for retting is ______ ?C:


614 - The optimum cardinal temperature points for germination of rice seeds are:

18 - 20 Degree Centigrade

615 - The optimum pH range for sunflower is:


616 - The optimum plant population for cotton has been estimated at _____ plants/ha:

50,000 - 80,000

617 - The optimum plant population for mustard is around:

Three lacs

618 - The optimum population of hybrid cotton varieties is around ______ plants/ha:


619 - The optimum seed rate of soyabean for normal planting is ______ kg/ha.


620 - The optimum temperature for seed germination in kharif season is:

25-35 Degree Centigrade

621 - The optimum temperature for seed germination in rabi season is:

15-20 Degree Centigrade

622 - The optimum temperature for the germination of soyabean is:

22 Degree Centigrade

623 - The optimum temperature range for sowing of wheat is:

20-25 Degree Centigrade

624 - The organisms involved in herbicide detoxification include:


625 - The organisms which do not prepare their own food and depend on the dead organisms are called_____________________?


626 - The origin place of potato is:

South America

627 - The oxygen concentration in the air is________________?


628 - The pH of urea fertilizer is _________________?


629 - The pH range for successful cultivation of maize ranges from:


630 - The pH range suitable for soyabean cultivation is:


631 - The place of origin of blackgram is:


632 - The planting of sugarcane by trench method:

Reduces lodging

633 - The plants which grown on stream bank are__________________?


634 - The plants which, grow neither in dry nor in wet condition are_______________________?


635 - The polish percentage in paddy is:


636 - The potential means of enhancing productivity is_________________?

Quality of seeds

637 - The practice of growing four crops in a year from same piece of land in such a way that one crop is sown immediately after or just before the harvest of the previous crop is called as:

Relay cropping

638 - The practice of producing two successive crops of same species from same piece of land in one year is called_________________?

Doubling cropping

639 - The presence of ectotrophic mycorrhiza enhances the uptake of nutrients in general, but particularly of:


640 - The process of converting food nutrients to carbohydrates in plants is called________________?


641 - The productive branches of cotton are called________________?

Sympodial branches

642 - The protein content in linseed cake has been estimated at _____ percent.


643 - The protein content of soyabean is about:


644 - The protein percentage in lentil has been estimated at:


645 - The quantity of nutrients that can come in direct contact with the plant roots is the amount in a volume of soil _____ the volume of roots:

Equal to

646 - The Quantity of solid phase phosphorus that acts are reserve is often referred to as:

Quantity factor

647 - The Quantity of urea needed for supplying 69 kg nitrogen to sorghum crop will be:

150 kg

648 - The rapid increases in denitrification at the elevated soil temperatures suggest that _____ microorganisms play a major role in denitrification:


649 - The rate of application of atrazine in maize under heavy soils varies from _____ kg a.i/ha.


650 - The ratio of actual cultivated area to a total farm area over a year is called__________________?

Cropping intensity

651 - The ratio of actual cultivated€™ area to a total farm area over the year is called __________________?

Cropping intensity

652 - The ratio of cotton seed to lint is:


653 - The ratio of grain and straw in paddy is:


654 - The ratio of treatment variance to error variance is known as_________________?


655 - The recommended dose of fertilizer for urdbean is _____ N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively:

15-20 +50-60 + 30-40

656 - The recommended dose of NPK in rice crop under flood condition is:


657 - The recommended herbicide for weed control in chickpea is:


658 - The recommended isolation distance (metres) for foundation seed production of radish, turnip and cauliflower is:


659 - The recommended optimum depth of sowing of castor is _____ cm:


660 - The recommended optimum row spacing for planting of field pea is _____ cm:


661 - The recommended planting geometry for sesame is _____ cm:

45 x 15

662 - The recommended row and plant spacing for kharif cowpea is _____ cm:

30-45 x 8-10

663 - The recommended row spacing for spreading type of groundnut is ______ cm.


664 - The recommended row spacing normally maintained for safflower planting is _____ cm:


665 - The recommended row to row spacing for bunch type of groundnut is ____ cm:


666 - The recommended row-to-row spacing for linseed planting is cm:


667 - The recommended seed rate (kg/ha) of castor varies from:

18 to 20

668 - The recommended spacing for sugarbeet planting is ______ cm:

50 x 75

669 - The recovery of 'Gur' from cane is about:


670 - The role of boron and zinc has been recognized in crop_________________?


671 - The root of cotton plant goes up to depth of_________________?

4-6 ft

672 - The roots emerging from a sugarcane sett are known as:

Sett roots

673 - The sampling lot in agricultural seed of large size should not exceed _____ kg except that of maize (where 40,000 kg is allowed):


674 - The scientific name of early maturing bold and black seeded urdbean varieties is:

Vigna mungo var, niger

675 - The scientific name of erect type of groundnut is:

Arachis phpogaea subspecies fastigiata

676 - The scientific name of field pea is:

Pisum sativum var, esculentum

677 - The seed dormancy of rice seed can be broken by putting into the oven at____________________?

53°c for 6 hrs

678 - The seed of safflower should be treated with Agrosan G.N @ ______/ kg of seed:

30 decigram

679 - The seed of wheat should be treated with _____ against seed-born pathogens:

Any one of these

680 - The seed rate of blod grain varieties of rice to raise seedlings enough for one hectare is:

40-50 kg

681 - The seed rate of bunching type groundnut is:

85-100 kg/ha

682 - The seed rate of cotton would be ______ kg/ha, if the planting geometry is 75 x 50 cm, and test-weight, germination and purity percentages are 140 g, 90 and 95, respectively:


683 - The seed rate of potato tubers would be _____ g/ha, if the crop spacing, average weight of tubers and rottage loss of tubers during storage are 60 x 25 cm, 35 kg and 5 per cent, respectively:


684 - The seed rate of tobacco to raise seedlings for one hectare varies from _____ kg/ha.


685 - The seed the progeny of which comes from foundation seed or registered seed, is handled to maintain genetic purity, approved and certified by certifying agency is called:

Registered seed

686 - The seeds of _____ are positively photoblastic:


687 - The seeds of oil palm require as high as ______ ?C temperature to break the dormancy:


688 - The sensitive stages to moisture stress in sorghum are:

Bath of these

689 - The sequence in which amino acids are linked in proteins depends on:

Genetic control

690 - The series of transformation which a nutrient undergoes in the biosphere before returning to its original formed is called_______________?

Nutrient cycle

691 - The sever salinity problem has taken lands out of production as___________________?


692 - The significance of difference among several means is tested with the level of_________________?


693 - The soil are contains__________________?

Both a & b

694 - The soil has got______________?

Seven horizons

695 - The soil moisture content at which the plants remain wilted day and night or in a humid chamber, the mositure content is called:

Permanent wilting point

696 - The soyabean crop can be intercropped with:


697 - The sprinkle system of irrigation is most suitable for:

Undulated soil

698 - The starter dose of nitrogen for chickpea is recommended as _____ kg/ha:


699 - The structure of the heribicide also has a great influence on its volatility through absorption to soil:


700 - The substance that an enzyme acts upon is known as___________________?


701 - The sucrose is found in:


702 - The sunflower crop is recommended to be planted at ____ cm spacing:

60 x 20

703 - The sunflower crop requires cool climate from:

Germination to seedling stage

704 - The surfaces on which phosphate ions enter into sorption reactions are:

Both of these

705 - The systematic arrangement of soil in to groups or categories is called_________________?


706 - The technical name of janter is_________________?

Sesbania sesban

707 - The temporary roots in maize root system are:

Seminal roots

708 - The tendency of the young upper leaves to remain as the lower leaves yellow or die is an indication of nitrogen ____ in the plant.


709 - The term 'Cropping scheme' refers to:

Allotment of crop rotations to the pieces of land in a farm

710 - The total dry matter produced by a plant as a result of photosynthesis is called_________________?

Biological yield

711 - The total dry matter produced by a plant as a resulting photosynthesis is called_______________?

Biological yield

712 - The total soluble iron concentration becomes sufficient to supply iron adequately to roots only at pH:


713 - The transport of a substance across a biological membrane against a concentration gradient is called___________________?

Active transport

714 - The twinning in sugarbeet crop should be done at the stage of:

5 week age

715 - The type of germination in field pea is called:


716 - The type of germination in greengram in known as:


717 - The type of germination in Sunflower is known as:


718 - The unproductive branches of cotton are called_________________?

Monopodial branches

719 - The usually recommended plant to plant distance for soyabean:

4-5 cm

720 - The value of regression and correlation is the same when the correlation between two variables is_________________?


721 - The vegetation found on high altitude mountain is__________________?

Alpine vegetation

722 - The volume (in litres) of one-cusec flow of water in one hour is:

3.6 x 106

723 - The water requirement of sugarcane is the maximum durign phase:

Formation phase and grand growth

724 - The wearing away of the land surface by wind, water, ice or other geological agent is called__________________?


725 - The weeds can be controlled in linseed by the application of MCPB @ ______ kg a.i./ha:


726 - The weight of potato tuber (for sowing) most economical for higher yields is:

30-50 grams

727 - The wheat crop should be harvested when the moisture content to the grain is:


728 - The word 'Agros' means:


729 - The yield of wheat grain will be _____ t/ha from the following observation, spacing 20 x 3 cm, effective tillers/plant, 3, number of grains/ear, 32, 1000-grain weight. 40g.

6.4 t/ha

730 - There can actually be a build up of toxic concentrations of Fe2+ in the soil solution of:


731 - There has been emphasis on the conservation of wild relatives of cultivated plants because wild plants________________?

Carrying many useful genes which are lost in cultivated plants

732 - There is________________?

43560 Sq ft in an acre

733 - Thiocarbamates viz., EPTC, a soil-incorporated herbicide is readily absorbed by roots and coleoptiles and translocated:

Both of these

734 - Though tilth is dynamic in nature, can be measured by:

Aggregate analysis

735 - Tillage is field operation which help in cutting, loosening and inverting the soil for_________________?


736 - Tillage of the soil _____ rate of disappearance of organic matter.


737 - To assure adequate population in rice, the number of hills per square meter area should be maintained at:


738 - To attain maximum yield of sorghum per hectare, plant population should be maintained at:


739 - To avoid rotting in early planting of potato, seeds should be treated with:

0.5 per cent Diathane M-45

740 - To encourage response of rice productivity in saline alkaline soil the age of seedling for transplanting should be:

30-40 days

741 - To get maximum yield of maize the number of plants required in one hectare land are:

60-65 thousand

742 - To obtain maximum yield of wheat the number of tillers per square meter required is:


743 - To quick up the sprouting of potato which of the following is used?

Methyl Bromide

744 - Tobacco belongs to the family:


745 - Tobacco has been classified as a _____ crop:


746 - Tobacco requires _____ ?C temperature for uniformly rapid germination:


747 - Topping in tobacco means a process of:

Removal of terminal buds

748 - Topping of safflower plants is beneficial:

To promote branching and flowering

749 - Tossa jute is to be sown at a row spacing of _____ cm:


750 - Total cropped area of Sindh is___________________?

4.00 million hac

751 - Transpiration is:

Water loss from plants

752 - Transplanting of seedlings is commonly practiced in:


753 - Trap crops refer to:

Crops grown around the main crop, which is more susceptible to insect pest and diseases than the main crop

754 - Treat the sugarcane seed setts with _____ against fungal diseases:


755 - Treatment of cotton-seed with organo-mercurial compound(s) helps to minimise _____ the disease:

Seed borne

756 - Triazine herbicides are said as notorious herbicides because of there:

Long residual toxicity

757 - Triazine-tolerant broadleaf weed biotypes include:

Lambsquarter (Chenopodium album)

758 - Triazinges are mostly used in:


759 - Triticale may yield more than wheat under conditions:


760 - Two hand weeding have been found adequate to control weeds in pigeonpea reasonably well ____ days after sowing:

25-30 and 45-60

761 - Two hand weedings in safflower are required for its good growth at:

20 and 40 days stages

762 - Two much Mg may create deficiency for_____________________?


763 - Under dry land conditions most preferred herbicide for maize is:


764 - Under high rainfall conditions maize should be planted:

On the side of ridges

765 - Under irrigated conditions, nitrogen should be splitted in castor as ______ days after sowing.

Half basal plus half at 60

766 - Under moisture condition growing of _____ should be avoided:


767 - Under the sown conditions area of nursery, sufficient for transplanting one hectare rice field is:

800-1000 sqm

768 - Urea herbicides undergo conjugation with:


769 - Urea is a:

Organic fertilizer

770 - Use of _____ herbicide provides effective control of weeds in linseed:


771 - Use of _____ provides effective control of weeds in groundnut:

Tok E-25

772 - Use of linear measurements of plumble growth as a vigour test for cereals and sugarbeet was first suggested by:

Germ in 1949

773 - Use of linear measurements of plumule growth as a vigour test was first suggested by_______________?

Germ (1949)

774 - Use of tetrazolium staining for assessment of seed quality was suggested by________________?

Moore (1973)

775 - V' notch is a:


776 - Various potassic fertilizers embody nearly an equal effectiveness in ______ situation requiring its supplemental application:


777 - Velocity of Gale is:

62.4 to 73.6 km/hr

778 - Very hot and winterless condition is__________________?


779 - Vigor index of seedings in rice can be determined on___________________?

Both a & b

780 - Water available to plants to the maximum extent is the one held:

Between field capacity and wilting point

781 - Water courses are lined to avoid_________________?


782 - Water enters into the plant by means of:


783 - Water requirement of a crop is related to its:


784 - Weed competition in rice is more in the:

Direct seeded crop

785 - Weedicides that kill the foliage of weeds by direct contact are as________________?


786 - What do you mean by WTO__________________?

World trade organization

787 - What does 'jhuming' mean?

Convential method of cultivation in hilly tracts

788 - What is catchment____________________?

An area which drains in to pond

789 - What is crop rotation?

Growing of crops one after other to maintain soil fertility

790 - What is hulling percentage in rice?


791 - What is SAZDA_______________?

Sindhi Arid Zone Development Authority

792 - What is the effect of potassic fertilizers?

It makes the plants more resistant to disease

793 - What percentage of edible oils is contained in rice bran?


794 - What should be the month of sowing of maize in maize toria-potato-moong rotation?


795 - What will be the effect of potassic fertilizers?

Increases susceptibility to diseases

796 - What will be the relative humidity, when the dry and wet blub thermometer readings are 25?C?


797 - What will happen if the wheat applied with the more nitrogen in standing crop?

It will lodge

798 - Wheat is of:

Mediterranean origin

799 - Wheat is predominantly________________?

Self pollinated crop

800 - Wheat protein is called as:


801 - Wheat, maize, oat and jowar are the rich source of:


802 - When crop plants adopt to a new environment are called___________________?


803 - When one set of vegetation follows the oilier set of vegetation with passage of time is known as________________?


804 - When the course of water is blocked at some places if is called___________________?

Head works

805 - When the movement of water after rain or irrigation after 48-72 hours, the soil is said to be at:

Field capacity

806 - When the phosphorus in either band placed or broadcasted the relative efficiency is related to:

Both of these

807 - Wherever only one irrigation is available, it should be liven at _____ stage in safflower:

30 days

808 - Wherever only two irrigations are available, the wheat crop should be irrigated:

CRI and flowering

809 - Which crop is considered its king of the fodder crops?


810 - Which disease occur most in groundnut?


811 - Which fertilizer is cheaper?

Groundnut cake

812 - Which grain is said to be poor man's food?


813 - Which is the most important cereal crop of temperature region________________?


814 - Which of following stages of a crop are more prone to weed competition?

Germination to seedling

815 - Which of one of the following fertilizer is more required for berseem crop?


816 - Which of the agricultural operation requires maximum non-biological power?


817 - Which of the below mentioned crop is not a pulse?

Cluster bean

818 - Which of the crop is most sensitive to salinity?


819 - Which of the following contains most of the plant nutrients?

Bone meal

820 - Which of the following criteria of irrigation scheduling is more acceptable to farmers:

Critical growth stage

821 - Which of the following crop is not used for making silage?

Wheat straw

822 - Which of the following crop is used as fodder and grain?


823 - Which of the following crops does not have hybrid seed?


824 - Which of the following fertilizer should not be alongwith seed to the soil?

Ammonium sulphate nitrate

825 - Which of the following fertilizer should not be mixed together?

Ammonium Sulphate and Sodium Nitrate

826 - Which of the following herbicides is most suited for weed control in irrigated gram?


827 - Which of the following is a parenchymatus fibre?


828 - Which of the following is a species of American cotton?

Both (a) & (b)

829 - Which of the following is cash crop?


830 - Which of the following is cheaper fertilizer?


831 - Which of the following is not a primary tillage practice?


832 - Which of the following is not a short day plant?


833 - Which of the following is perennial weed?

Field bindweed

834 - Which of the following is the cheapest method of irrigation?

Diversion from a flowing stream

835 - Which of the following is the correct statement?

Principle of agri-silviculture is similar to that of inter intercropping

836 - Which of the following is the pre-requisite for multiple cropping?

Irrigation facility

837 - Which of the following management practices is more problematic in direct seeded rice cultivation?

Fertilizer management

838 - Which of the following physiological growth stages of wheat crop is most susceptible to 2, 4-D?

Milk stage

839 - Which of the following ratios between nursery area and transplantation is correct when rice seedling is raised by ""Dapog method""?


840 - Which of the following refers to cover crop?

Rapid growing crops grown to protect the soil from rain and wind action

841 - Which of the following soil is of ashy grey in colour?


842 - Which of the following soils is most suitable for the cultivation of cereals?

Alluvial soils

843 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Blue-green algae fixes atmospheric nitrogen in soil

844 - Which of the following statement refers to the concept of critical stage of irrigation?

When irrigation is not given reduction of yield is maximum

845 - Which of the following statements relates correctly to the greenhouse effect?

None of the mentioned

846 - Which of the following supplies more plant nutrient?

Castor cake

847 - Which of the followings contains the highest protein contents?


848 - Which of the mulch is best and cheap to minimise wind erosion?

Stubble mulch

849 - Which of the species of sugarcane is referred as noble cane?

Saccharum officinarum

850 - Which one is the most critical tag of irrigation in wheat?


851 - Which one of the following can be suitably grown as a mixed crop with wheat?


852 - Which one of the following can be used for foliar spray?


853 - Which one of the following chemicals is used to treat seed potato to break its dormancy?


854 - Which one of the following constitute the best defamation of fruit________________?

A fruit is a mature ovary that contain seed

855 - Which one of the following crops has high transpiration ratio?


856 - Which one of the following is a major fiber crop of Pakistan ?


857 - Which one of the following is C4 plain_________________?

All the above

858 - Which one of the following is not a dicot weed?

Cyprus rotundus

859 - Which one of the following is the principal 'N' fixing algal community of blue-green algae?


860 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Multiple cropping: Coconut-pepper-cacao-pineapple

861 - Which one of the following parts of the tobacco plant synthesizes nicotine?


862 - Which one of the following system needs irrigation throughout the year?

Mixed cropping system

863 - Which one of the following terms is used to denote the relative land area under sole crop required to produce the same yield as obtained under a mixed or an intercropping system at the same management level?

Land equivalent ratio

864 - Which one of the following types of crop dultivations will be most appropriate and effective in forests?

Inter cropping

865 - Which portion of sugarcane stalk is preferred for sowing purposes?

Top one-third to half portion

866 - Which province the only source of income is livestock grazing in range lands_______________?


867 - Which wystem of irrigation is not practiced usually?

Underground irrigation

868 - Who described the method of estimating seed vigor on the basis of colour intensity of stained seed________________?

Kittock and Law (1969)

869 - Who described. the use of letrazolium for assessing, seed quality and the basis of topographical patterns___________________?

Moore (1973)

870 - Who gave the formula for coefficient of velocity of germination ?

Kotowski (1926)

871 - Who gave the formula for mean germination time?

Nicolls &Heydecker (1968)

872 - Who gave the formula for speed of germination_______________?

Maguire (1962)

873 - Who showed a positive correlation between tetrazolium staining with seed quality in soybean seeds ?

Barries ei al. (1969)

874 - Who the a method of estimating seed vigour on the basis of color intensity of the stained seeds ?

Kittock &. Law (1953)

875 - Winter application of phosphorus is followed in:

Warm areas

876 - With too much application of nitrogenous fertilizer, sugar content in juice of sugarcane will:


877 - Yield losses of rice crop due to weed infestation are___________________?


878 - Zero tillage system ws first used successfully in 1950 in pasture renovation in:


879 - Zinc deficiency in arhar (Pigeonpea) can be rectified by spraying of:

5 kg ZnSO4 + 2.5 kg lime/ha

880 - Zinc deficiency is generally observed in_________________?



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