Building Material And Construction Technology Important MCQs Part: 3

801 - The constituent of cement which is responsible for all the undesirable properties of cement is____________?

tricalcium aluminate

802 - The construction of which piles proves to be very useful in case of sandy soil or soft.

Sand pile

803 - The correction for sag is_________________?

always subtractive

804 - The cracks caused by shrinkage of the exterior surface of the wood exposed to atmosphere, are called:

wind cracks

805 - The cracks which extend from bark towards the sap wood in the cross section of a tree, are called

star shakes

806 - The curved swellings from the growth of layers or wounds left after branches are cut off in an irregular manner, are known as


807 - The defect of ___________ results in confusion with the sound created next.


808 - The diagonal piece of wood which is laid across the corner of the wall is known as a ____________

Dragon beam

809 - The difference of temperature between the outside air and inside air tends to the deposition of moisture in the room surfaces known as ___________


810 - The differential settlement in case of foundations on sandv soils should not exceed_____________?

25 mm

811 - The disease of dry rot in timber is caused by_____________?

lack of ventilation

812 - The edge of a Gable, running between the Eaves and ridge is known as __________


813 - The entry of _________ termites into buildings takes place through cracks or fissures of even 0.5 mm thickness in concrete and masonry, floor joints, etc.

Ground nesting

814 - The expansion and contraction joints generally consists of some elastic material, known as _________, which should be compressible, rigid, cellular and Resilient.

Joint filler

815 - The exposed surfaces of walls to be provided with ___________


816 - The external corners angles of you wall surface are called the ______


817 - The external file escaped stairs are generally made of _______


818 - The filler used in plastic bitumen, is

asbestos powder

819 - The finer the material, the more will be increasing volume for a given moisture content and this phenomenon is known as the _____________

Bulking of sand

820 - The finished surface obtained from the moulded stones are known as ________

Moulded finish

821 - The fire clay contains pure

hydrated aluminium silicate

822 - The flat, segmental, semicircular, horse-shoe and Stilted arches are _____

One centred arch

823 - The flooring of _____________ material consists of square or rectangular slab of stones.


824 - The form work for an RCC floor consists of a ________ to receive the concrete.


825 - The formation of ___________ takes place when the reflecting surfaces are situated at a distance greater than 17 M or so.


826 - The formation of soap patches on the painted surface is termed as the ___________


827 - The formwork should be sufficiently strong enough to bear the _____ of weight concrete as well as the weights of the equipment, labour, etc.

Dead load

828 - The foundation in which the loading on the soil remains practically the same after the construction of the building is known as _______

Grillage foundation

829 - The Framework, usually of triangles and design to support the roof covering for ceiling over rooms is known as a ____________

Roof truss

830 - The frog of a brick is normally made on its

top face

831 - The frog of the brick in a brick masonry is generally kept on______________?

top face

832 - The function of _______________ is to make the paint thin so that it can be easily applied on the surface.


833 - The function of cleats in a roof truss is______________?

to prevent the purlins from tilting

834 - The function of king post in a king post roof truss is_______________?

to prevent the tie beam from sagging at its centre

835 - The glossy patches which are seen on the painted surface resembles the defect of _______________


836 - The harmonious mixing of the clay ingredients, is known as


837 - The height of the Plinth should not be less than ____

45 cm

838 - The horizontal course provided at suitable levels between the plinth and the cornice is termed as a ______

String Course

839 - The horizontal distance between the internal faces of walls or support is known as a ___________


840 - The horizontal distance measured perpendicular to the front and back faces of an arch is known as the _________


841 - The horizontal platform between two flights of a Stair is known as the _______


842 - The horizontal stones provided at the top of openings of Doors, Windows, etc. are known as the _______


843 - The horizontal timber piece provided at the apex of a roof truss which supports the common rafter is called______________?

ridge board

844 - The important test to be conducted on a stone used in docks and harbors is________________?

weight test

845 - The incline rail over the string is known as a _____


846 - The initial setting time for ordinary Portland cement as per IS specifications should not be less than_____________?

30 minutes

847 - The initial setting time of hydraulic lime, is

120 minutes

848 - The initial setting time of lime-pozzolana, is

120 minutes.

849 - The inside surface of formwork should be ________ so as to turn out a good concrete surface.


850 - The internal size of mould used in brick preparation is__________________?

greater than the size of a fully burnt brick

851 - The joints in the ______ of WC seats and nahni trap should be filled with rich cement mortar and cured for 7 days.


852 - The kiln which may work throughout the year, is

Hoffman's kiln

853 - The lead can be dressed to complex shapes without facture and it possesses high resistant to sliding action.


854 - The lime which contains high percentage of calcium oxide, is generally called

none of these.

855 - The lime which contains mainly calcium oxide and slacks with water, is

quick lime

856 - The lintels are preferred to arches because______________?

all of the above

857 - The load of the structure distributed by the foundation is __________


858 - The loading on the scaffolding decides the _______ of standards.


859 - The loading to the test plate is applied with the help of ______

Hydraulic jack

860 - The location of _________ depends on various factors such as structural features, composition of openings, height of room, etc.


861 - The low voltage porcelain is mainly used for

All of these.

862 - The lower edge of the pitched roof, from where the rain water of the roof surface drops down, is known as______________?


863 - The lower edges of a roof which are resting upon or projecting beyond the supporting wall are known as the _______________


864 - The main constituent of cement which is responsible for initial setting of cement is_________________?

tricalcium aluminate

865 - The main constituent of fly-ash, is

All of these.

866 - The main constituent which imparts hydraulicity to hydraulic lime is______________?


867 - The main function of alumina in brick earth is_______________?

to impart plasticity

868 - The main ingredient of a good quality brick earth, is


869 - The main ingredients of Portland cement are________________?

lime and silica

870 - The Mangalore tile are one of _________ type of tiles.


871 - The material generally not used as extender in paints, is

zinc white.

872 - The maximum differential settlement should not exceed ____ mm in case of foundation on clayey soil.


873 - The maximum differential settlement should not exceed _____ mm in case of foundation on sandy soil.


874 - The maximum number of steps in a flight should generally be restricted to______________?


875 - The maximum quantity of calcium chloride used as an accelerator in cement in percentage by weight of cement is_______________?


876 - The maximum safe bearing capacity of hard rocks with defects and lamination such as granite, diorite and trap is _____ kN/m2.


877 - The maximum safe bearing capacity of very soft, wet, pasty or muddy clay is ____ kN/m2.


878 - The maximum total settlement for isolated foundations on clayey soils should be limited to______________?

65 mm

879 - The maximum total settlement for raft foundation on clayey soils should be limited to______________?

65 to 100 mm

880 - The melting point of silica is :


881 - The method in which 4 electrons are driven in the ground at equal distance apart and in a straight line upto a depth which the ground distance is to be measured.

Electrical resistivity method

882 - The method of addition polymerization is used for obtaining:

All of these.

883 - The minimum compressive strength of 1st class bricks should be

100 kg/cm2

884 - The minimum compressive strength of Ilnd class bricks should be

75 kg/cm2

885 - The minimum depth of foundation in clayey soils is_______________?

0.9 m

886 - The moisture content in a well seasoned timber is_______________?

10% to 12%

887 - The most common admixture which is used to accelerate the initial set of concrete is______________?

calcium chloride

888 - The most commonly used base for timber painting, is

white lead

889 - The most commonly used retarder in cement is_________________?


890 - The most commonly used synthetic abrasive is

All of these.

891 - The most durable varnish is

oil varnish

892 - The most fire resistant paints are :

asbestos paints

893 - The most important constituent of an oil paint, is

all the above.

894 - The most important constituent of varnish, is

all the above.

895 - The most important tool in brick laying for lifting and spreading mortar and for forming joints is____________?


896 - The most valuable timber may be obtained from


897 - The motor used as the binding material in the masonry construction shrinks and gets compressed when loaded excessively before it has fully set which leads to the __________

Unequal settlement of the masonry

898 - The movement of soil under the action of load can be prevented by confining the ground by use of _________

Sheet pile

899 - The nominal size of the modular brick is_______________?

200 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm

900 - The normal consistency of ordinary Portland cement is about________________?


901 - The normal curing period for lime mortar, is:

7 days

902 - The number of blows required to drive the penetrometer into the ground through a distance of 300 mm is measured which is known as _____________ of the soil.

Standard penetration resistance

903 - The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than________________?


904 - The only drawback of lightweight concrete is that the ___________

Depth of carbonation

905 - The operation of removal of impurities or clay adhering to iron ores, is known as


906 - The organic Chemicals include epoxy resin, polyester resin and other resins are used in which method of dewatering of the foundation trenches.

Chemical grouting

907 - The organic Chemicals include epoxy resin, polyester resin and other resins are used in which method of dewatering of the foundation trenches.

Chemical grouting

908 - The part of a building constructed below ground level is known as _________


909 - The part of the building above the ground level and up to the floor level immediately above the ground is known as __________


910 - The percentage of alumina and silica in good fire clay vary respectively is

25, 75

911 - The percentage of alumina in a good brick earth lies between________________?

20 to 30%

912 - The percentage of water for normal consistency, is

25% to 35%.

913 - The placing of new Foundation below and existing foundation of the process of strengthening the existing Foundation is known as the ___________ of foundation.


914 - The placing of various rooms or units of a structure in a proper correlation of their functions and in due proximity with each other is known as ________


915 - The plastics made from cellulose resin

All the above.

916 - The plastics prepared from Vinyl resin are

all of these.

917 - The plate should have sufficient thickness to with stand the maximum bending stresses due to probable loading.


918 - The plates should have sufficient thickness to with stand the maximum bending stresses due to probable loading. But in no case, it should be less than 25 mm.

Square steel plate

919 - The plywood______________?

has greater impact resistance to blows than ordinary wood

920 - The pointed Arch of the Tudor period is an example of ______ arch.

Four centred arch

921 - The portion below the plinth level is known as ______


922 - The portion of a brick cut to form angles other than right angles in plan, is known as

squint brick.

923 - The portion of the brick cut across its width and having its length equal to that of a full brick, is known as

queen closer

924 - The portion of the brick without a triangular corner equal to half the width and half the length, is called

king closer

925 - The practical limit of moisture content achieved in air drying of timber is________________?


926 - The predominant constituent which is responsible for strength in granite is_____________?


927 - The preparation of surface of stone to obtain plain edges or to obtain stones of required size and shape is known as______________?

dressing of stones

928 - The presence of moisture in the sand _____________ the volume of the sand.


929 - The presence of original rounded surface on the manufactured piece of timber, is called


930 - The presence of sand in brick earth prevents:

warping of bricks

931 - The pressure acting on the stones in stone masonry construction should be_____________?

perpendicular to the direction of bedding planes

932 - The process in which the difference of temperature between the outside air and the inside air tends to the deposition of moisture on the room surfaces is known as ______


933 - The process of decarbonising the pig iron completely and then adding proper percentage of carbon for manufacturing steel, is called

Cementation process

934 - The process of manufacturing steel by heating short lengths of wrought iron bars mixed with charcoal in fire clay crucibles and collecting the molten iron into moulds, is known as

Crucible process

935 - The process of mixing clay, water and other ingredients to make brick is known as______________?


936 - The process of Rolling, folding and spreading of particle is known as the __________ of concrete.


937 - The process of selection of relative proportions of cement, sand, course aggregate and water, so as to obtain a concrete of desired quantity is known as the ________

Proportioning of concrete

938 - The projecting course at ground floor level is known as _______


939 - The projecting course at the upper part of a Pier or an abutment to stress the springing line is called as the _____


940 - The projecting course from an arch or Window head is known as a _____


941 - The proper and sufficient ventilation results in absence of _________


942 - The proper watering or curing for a period of at least 10 days should be done to the missionary work in case of ________

Unequal settlement of the masonry

943 - The property by virtue of which lime sets under water, is known as


944 - The proportions of charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur in gun powder by weight, are respectively:

15, 75, 10

945 - The proportions of lime and sand in the mortar normally used in brick construction are_______________?


946 - The protecting part of the tread beyond the face of Riser is known as a ______


947 - The PVC doors and windows are preferred as they are

all of these.

948 - The radial splits which are wider on the outside of the log and narrower towards the pith are known as________________?


949 - The range of audible sound too painful noise varies from ________ decibel.

1 to 1000000

950 - The rate of amount of water vapour present to the amount it would have contained, had it been saturated, is known as the ___________ the temperature being same.

Relative humidity

951 - The ratio of the amount of water to amount of cement by weight is termed as the _______

Water-cement ratio

952 - The ratio of the thickness of web to that of flange of steel rolled structural beams and channels is______________?

less than 1

953 - The remedy lies in _________ initially with epoxy mortar or at least later stage while repairing the problems causes due to aging.

Filling of joints

954 - The replacement of the equipment also depend on the _________

Working Method

955 - The resistance of the soil with depth is measured by means of a tool known as the _______


956 - The rock generally used for roofing, is


957 - The rocks formed by gradual deposition, are called

sedimentary rocks

958 - The rocks formed from molten magma, are called

igneous rocks

959 - The rocks having alumina or clay as their major constituents, are known as

argillaceous rocks

960 - The rocks which are formed due to cooling of magma at a considerable depth from earth's surface are called

Plutonic rocks

961 - The rocks which are formed due to cooling of magma at a relatively shallow depth from the earth's surface are called

Hypabyssal rocks

962 - The rocks which are formed due to pouring of magma at the earth's surface are called

Volcanic rocks

963 - The science which deals with the sound insulation in a building is known as _____


964 - The sequence of refractory materials according to increasing melting points is :

Bauxite, Chromite, Dolomite, Magnesia

965 - The shape of combined footing is mostly ______


966 - The shock waves so produced travel down in the sub soil strata and get reflected after striking a hard rock surface below and recorded by the instrument known as _____


967 - The silica is used for preparing

all of these.

968 - The sites of the opening such as doors, Windows, etc. are known as the ______ and they are constructed similar to quoins.


969 - The size of the bulldozer is indicated by the dimension of its _________


970 - The slag which floats on the surface of the molten iron generally contains

all the above.

971 - The slenderness ratio for masonry walls should not be more than_____________?


972 - The slump recommended for mass concrete is about_______________?

25 mm to 50 mm

973 - The softest rock is


974 - The sound absorption coefficient of lightweight concrete is nearly ___________ than that of ordinary concrete.


975 - The sound absorption of light weight concrete is _________


976 - The specific gravity of marble, is


977 - The speed at which the sound wave travels or passed through any medium is termed as the ______________

Sound velocity

978 - The speed of sound is taken as __________

340 m/s

979 - The stairs which are kept in motion by a revolving drum is known as a _______


980 - The standard size of masonry bricks, is

19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm

981 - The steel used for rails under heavy traffic and on sharp curves, is

Magnese steel

982 - The steel used for the manufacture of rails, is

Bessemer steel

983 - The steel which contains fissures and cavities, is manufactured by

Cementation process

984 - The stone suitable for rubble masonry should be____________?


985 - The strength of well compacted concrete with good workability is depend only on the _________

Water-cement ratio

986 - The stretcher bond in brick masonry can be used only when the thickness of wall is_____________?

90 mm

987 - The sulphate of _________________ is used with zinc paint so as to eliminate the risk of discoloration of a lead drier.


988 - The temperature at the _______ is the highest and it is lowest at the ______

equator, poles

989 - The temporary casing is known as the ______


990 - The temporary framework is known as __________ and it is useful in construction demolition, maintenance or repair works.


991 - The term ______ is used to indicate the art of building the structures in stones.


992 - The term ______ is used to mean the link or access or movement between the various rooms and floors of building.


993 - The term _______ is used to indicate the treatment which is given to a building so as to prevent or control the growth of termite in a building.

Termite proofing

994 - The term _______ is used to refer the effect derived from space of a room that is its length, width and height.


995 - The term ________ is define as an act or process of gradual wearing away of a metal due to chemical or electro chemical reaction by its surrounding such that the metal is converted into an oxide, salt or some other compound.


996 - The term ________ is sometimes used to denote the wearing of stone surfaces by the action of weather.


997 - The term ________ of concrete is used to mean the compaction between aggregate and aggregate; between aggregate and reinforcement and between aggregate and forms.


998 - The term _________ in the buildings is used to mean the coming out of water from components like walls and floors of the buildings.

Water proofing

999 - The term _________ is used to describe the ease or difficulty with which concrete is handed, transported and placed between the forms with minimum lost of homogeneity.


1000 - The term _________ is used to mean the free passage of clean air in a structure.


1001 - The term _________ on soil is used to indicate the maximum pressure which can be exerted on soil while taking into account shear failure, settlement and the ability of structure to resist settlement.

Allowable bearing pressure

1002 - The term __________ is used to indicate a big room or a hall where sound is picked up by a microphone and it includes the radio broadcasting station, television station, etc.


1003 - The term __________ is used to indicate the science of controlling air with respect to humidity, temperature, movement of air, bacteria content, etc.

Air conditioning

1004 - The term ____________ is used to indicate the process of allocating a prepaid expense to accounting periods during which there are benefits realised from the depreciable equipment.

Cost Depreciation

1005 - The term _____________ is used to indicate the period during which the equipment is in ideal condition.


1006 - The term _____________ is used to indicate the spacing of the drill holes.

Drilling pattern

1007 - The term ______________ is used to denote the finishing of mortar joints of either stone masonry on Brick masonry.


1008 - The term frog means

a depression on a face of brick

1009 - The term string is used for______________?

a sloping member which supports the steps in a stair

1010 - The termination of a wall in such a fashion that each alternate course at the end projects is known as the _________


1011 - The termite, which are responsible for the destruction of wooden materials, are popularly known as _______

White ants

1012 - The theory of formation of __________ is based on the phenomenon of formation of voids.


1013 - The thermosetting plastic

All the above.

1014 - The timber having maximum resistance against white ants, is obtained from


1015 - The total length of a Stair in a horizontal plane is known as the ______


1016 - The treatment given to the roof of a building to prevent the roof from the leakage of water is known as _________

Damp proofing

1017 - The triangular space formed between the extrados and the horizontal line drawn through the crown of an arch is known as_____________________?


1018 - The triangular upper part of a wall formed at the end of pitched roof is known as a ____________


1019 - The trucks with automatic unloading device are called ________________

Dump trucks

1020 - The trunk of tree left after cutting all the branches is known as_______________?


1021 - The type of arch generally constructed over a wooden lintel or over a flat arch for the purpose of carrying the load of the wall above is_______________?

relieving arch

1022 - The type of bond provided in brick masonry for carrying heavy loads is___________?

English bond

1023 - The type of flooring suitable for use in churches, theatres, public libraries and other places where noiseless floor covering is desired is____________________?

cork flooring

1024 - The type of footing which is used to transmit heavy loads through steel columns is_______________?

grillage foundation

1025 - The type of joint commonly used at the junction of a principal rafter and tie beam in timber trussess is__________________?

oblique mortise and tennon joint

1026 - The type of pile which is driven at an inclination to resist inclined forces is known as______________?

batter pile

1027 - The type of roof suitable in plains where rainfall is meagre and temperature is high is______________?

flat roof

1028 - The type of roof which slopes in two directions with a break in the slope on each side is known as_____________?

gambrel roof

1029 - The type of steel used for precision levelling staff, is


1030 - The ultimate tensile strength of structural mild steel is about_________________?

420 N/mm2

1031 - The use of lightweight concrete results in the reduction of cost to the extent of about _______ percentage.

30% – 40%

1032 - The use of reinforcement in the no-fines concrete is generally ________

Not recommended

1033 - The usual concrete mix for RCC lintel is _____ ( cement:sand:aggregate ).


1034 - The usual percentages of clay and metal in cermet are :

80%, 20%.

1035 - The value of ______________ depends on type of activity, geographical conditions, age of occupants, etc.

Effective temperature

1036 - The variety of pig iron used for manufacture of wrought iron, is

White forge pig

1037 - The variety of pig iron used for the manufacture of steel by Bessemer process, is

Bessemer pig

1038 - The vehicle used in case of enamel paints is usually______________?


1039 - The vertical distance between the springing line and highest point of the innercurve of an arch is known as______________?


1040 - The vertical joints separating the bricks in either length or cross direction is known as the _________


1041 - The vertical or Front member of the step, which is connected to the treads, is known as a __________


1042 - The vertical posts placed at the top and bottom ends of a flight supporting the hand rail are known as_________________?

newal posts

1043 - The water enters into chemical action with cement and this action causes ________ and ________ of concrete.

Setting, hardening

1044 - The wedging is adopted for quarrying costly stratified rock such as

All the above.

1045 - The weight of _____________ Roller varies from 500 kg to 5 tonnes.


1046 - The weight of 1 m3 of brick earth, is about

1800 kg

1047 - The weight of a good quality brick when immersed in water for a period of 16 hours should not exceed the weight of dry brick


1048 - The wood _____________ are obtained from the well Seasoned timber with length varying from 300 mm to 380 mm.


1049 - The wooden piece which are placed horizontally on a principal rafter to carry the common rafters are known as the ______________


1050 - The wooden piece which are placed horizontally on principal rafter to carry the common rafter are known as _____________


1051 - The word Acoustic is originally derived from a Greek word meaning _________

to hear

1052 - The word Plinth is derived from _____


1053 - The yield strength and tensile strength of low carbon steel may be improved by the addition of


1054 - There is initial ________ of cement concrete which is mainly due to loss of water through forms, absorption by surfaces of forms, etc.


1055 - Three basic raw materials which are needed in large quantities for production of steel are_______________?

iron ore, coal and lime stone

1056 - To avoid __________ the foundations should be taken beyond the depth up to which rain water can not reach.

Atmospheric action

1057 - To give a brilliant finish, the type of varnish used, is

spirit varnish

1058 - To prevent the entry of termites through walls, the impenetrable physical ______ may be provided continuously at plinth level.

Structural barrier

1059 - To retard the initial setting time of cement, the compound responsible, is


1060 - Twist bits are also available coated with ______________

Titanium Nitride

1061 - Ultimate strength to cement is provided by

Di-calcium silicate

1062 - Upto a maximum of 72% of iron, is available in


1063 - Vanadium steel is generally used for

axles and springs.

1064 - Varnish is a transparent or semi-transparent solution of resinuous substances in

all the above.

1065 - Veneering means

thick layer of superior wood glued to inferior wood

1066 - Water paint is a

all the above.

1067 - What is average depth of a Test pit?

1.50 m

1068 - What is minimum cement content for concrete permanently under sea water to avoid the corrosion of reinforcement?

3 kN/m3

1069 - What should be the average height of plinth.

300-450 mm

1070 - When a brick is immersed in water for 24 hours and then dried, if

All the above.

1071 - When compound like _______ is added to cement during construction, it prevents seepage, leakage and damp cause by capillary absorption.


1072 - When one building is higher than the other, _________ may be provided on the horizontal shores.

Raking shore

1073 - When the ground is sloping, _______ foundations are used to correct the levels of the sloping ground on which the building is to be constructed.

Steeped foundation

1074 - When the span exceeds 4.8 M and when there is no inside supporting walls for Purlins, the frame structures adopted, known as the _____________

Trussed roofs

1075 - When two roof surface meet together and form an internal angle, a ________ is formed.


1076 - Where people are working, there has to be ______________ to cause proper ventilation of the premises.

Air change

1077 - Which building material have high Seismic resistance and flexibility of nailed joints.


1078 - Which chemical is used as a soil treatment in termite proofing.


1079 - Which gas leads to suffocation and dizziness to the occupants when increase in its quantity in the air.

Carbon dioxide

1080 - Which is the most important advanced technique of earthquake resistant design and construction?

Base Isolation

1081 - Which method for determining the bearing power of soil is most preferred among the given below:

Plate load test

1082 - Which method is likely to be damaged by the termites.

Structure barrier

1083 - Which of the following bricks are used for lining of furnaces ?

refractory bricks

1084 - Which of the following cements contains maximum percentage of dicalcium silicate?

low heat cement

1085 - Which of the following cements is suitable for use in massive concrete structures such as large dams ?

low heat cement

1086 - Which of the following gradients exerts maximum influence on properties of steel?


1087 - Which of the following has more fire resisting characteristics ?

compact sand stone

1088 - Which of the following ingredients of the brick earth enables the brick to retain its shape ?


1089 - Which of the following is a mineral?


1090 - Which of the following is a rock ?


1091 - Which of the following is the purest form of iron ?

wrought iron

1092 - Which of the following metamorphic rocks has the most weather resisting characteristics ?


1093 - Which of the following methods of offsets involves less measurement on the ground?

method of perpendicular offsets

1094 - Which of the following pairs gives a correct combination of the useful and harmful constituents respectively of a good brick earth ?

silica and alkalies

1095 - Which of the following represents a metamorphic rock? (1) slate (2) shale (3) quartzite . The correct answer is___________?

both (1) and (3)

1096 - Which of the following sedimentary rocks changes into quartzite by metamorphic action ?

sand stone

1097 - Which of the following should be used for hearting of thicker walls ?


1098 - Which of the following stone is best suited for construction of piers and abutments of a railway bridge ?


1099 - Which of the following stresses is used for identifying the quality of structural steel ?

yield stress

1100 - Which of the following timbers is suitable for making sports goods ?


1101 - Which of the following trees yields hard wood ?


1102 - Which one of the following is acid resistant asbestos:

All the above.

1103 - Which one of the following is an air binding material ?

All of these.

1104 - Which one of the following is used for preparing porcelain

All of these.

1105 - Which one of the following polymers is obtained from condensation polymerization ?

all of these.

1106 - Which one of the given below is a chemical insecticide for termite proofing.


1107 - Which precautions to be taken in case of multistage system to achieve stability of the side slope.

Deep well pumps

1108 - Which type of climate consists of high humidity throughout the year and even in the dry season with variations in day and night temperatures.

Hot wet

1109 - Which type of footing is applicable when the wall carries light loads or when the safe bearing pressure is very high?

Simple strip footing

1110 - Which type of foundation is used for the construction of building on black cotton soil.

Mat foundation

1111 - Which type of foundation should be adopted in a clayey or lose type of soil which considerably swells and shrinks by variation in the moisture content.

Raft foundation

1112 - Which types of foundation should be adopted when the ground is sloping and it is economical to provide Foundation at the same level.

Stepped foundation

1113 - While placing concrete in hot weather, the aggregate should be _______ to bring down the temperature of concrete.

Pre cooled

1114 - Whitworth compressed steel is obtained when molten steel is subjected to a pressure of

9 kg/mm2

1115 - With increase in moisture content, the bulking of sand_______________?

first increases to a certain maximum value and then decreases

1116 - With the help of _____ arrangement, any water moving on the way that surface is diverted from the joints.

Saddle joint

1117 - With the help of ________________, the materials are transported with a continuous flow at comparatively high speeds.


1118 - Wrought iron contains carbon about

0.1% to 0.25%

1119 - Wrought iron is manufactured from pig iron by

all the above.

1120 - Wrought iron is used for

small sized water pipes


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