Building Material And Construction Technology Important MCQs Part: 2

401 - For structures which are regularly wetting and drying, the water cement ratio by weight should be ______ and _________ for thin section respectively.

0.45, 0.55

402 - For testing compressive and tensile strength of cement, the cement mortar is made by mixing cement and standard sand in the proportions of___________________?


403 - For testing compressive strength of cement, the size of cube used is_______________?

50 mm

404 - For the manufacture of plywood, veneers are placed so that grains of adjacent veneers

run at right angles

405 - For the manufacture of Portland cement, the proportions of raw materials used, are

lime 63% ; silica 22% ; other ingredients 15%

406 - For the manufacture of stainless steel, steel is mixed with


407 - For the overhead RCC ______, it should be seen that the permissible limits of stresses relating to resistance to cracking are not exceeded.

Water tanks

408 - For water tanks and other structure which store water, the strips of copper, aluminium, galvanized iron or other collision resistance material, known as the ________


409 - For working a temperature of 21 degree Celsius, range of 30% to 70% of ____________ is desirable.

Relative humidity

410 - Forge pig may be converted to wrought iron by


411 - Form unimportant works, the consolidation of concrete is carried out by ______ method which include Ramming, tamping, spading and slicing with suitable tools.


412 - Formerly, the _____________ flooring was not favourite because of bad smell and ugly colour of the Asphalt.


413 - Forms whose components can be reused several times are known as the ______

Panel Forms

414 - Formula for quick lime, is


415 - Foundations are more susceptible to ______


416 - French polish is

spirit varnish

417 - From given below, which method for the dewatering of foundation trenches is portable and can be easily moved when required.


418 - Galvanising means covering iron with a thin coat of


419 - Generally wooden moulds are made from

shisham wood

420 - Geologically, marble is known as

metamorphic rock

421 - German silver is an alloy of

copper, nickel and zinc

422 - Glazing is used to make earthenware______________?


423 - Glazing of clay products, is done

all the above.

424 - Gniess is obtained from

sedimentary metamorphic rocks.

425 - Good quality cement contains higher percentage of

Tricalcium silicate

426 - Good quality sand is never obtained from


427 - Good quality stones must

all the above.

428 - Granite is not suitable for ordinary building purpose because_______________?

it is costly

429 - Granite mainly composed of quartz and felsper particles, is obtained from

igneous rocks

430 - Ground glass

all the above.

431 - Gypsum consists of______________?

CaS04 and H20

432 - Gypsum is a_________________?

chemically precipitated sedimentary rock

433 - Higher pitch of the roof (1) results in stronger roof (2) results in weaker roof (3) requires more covering material (4) requires less covering material The correct answer is___________?

(1) and (3)

434 - Hydraulic lime is obtained by_______________?

burning of kankar

435 - Identify the given pile driving formula.R = (W1×H)/S × W1/(W1+W2)

Dutch formula

436 - Identify the given pile driving formula.R1 = ( 2×W1(0.033)H ) ÷ 0.39 × S(1+W1/W2)

Eytelwein formula

437 - Identify the given pile driving formula.R1 = 2×W1(0.033)H/(0.39×S+1.00)

Engineering News formula

438 - Identify the method given below for the determination of the bearing power of soil.

Plate load test method

439 - Identify the tool used in stone masonry.


440 - If P is the percentage of water required for normal consistency, water to be added for determination of initial setting time, is

0.85 P

441 - If tails are laid in two layers, the roof is known as ___________ roof.

Double tiled

442 - If the concrete mix is too wet, the ______________ settle at the bottom of concrete Masha and the resulting concrete becomes of non uniform composition.

Coarse aggregate

443 - If the foundation of the structure is to be divided into two or more independent units, ________ are provided to take care of unequal settlement.

Slip joints

444 - If the foundation of the structure is to be divided into two or more independent units, the _______ may be provided to take care of unequal settlement.

Slip joints

445 - If the furnace is provided with insufficient fuel at low temperatures, the type of pig iron produced, is called

White or forge pig

446 - If the iron ore contains clay as an impurity, the flux added during calcination, is

lime stone

447 - If the ore impurities is

All the above.

448 - If the standards or not resting on the firm ground, the _________ of standard should be provided and their bottom ends.


449 - If the wall or column under construction is near some other property, it will not be possible to spread the footing to both the sides of War or column. In search case which footing is used?

Eccentric footing

450 - If water required for 1 bag of cement is 30 litres, the water cement ratio is :


451 - In ____ method, the piles are driven along both the sides of existing wall and the needle in the form of pile caps are provided through the existing one.

Pile method

452 - In _____ method of underpinning, the existing wall is divided into suitable sections of width about 1.20 metre to 1.50 metre.

Pit Method

453 - In _____ method, a layer of hot mastic Asphalt is laid on the roof surface.

Mastic Asphalt

454 - In _____ method, the soil under the existing footing is consolidated by using chemicals.

Chemical consolidation

455 - In _____ method, the surface of RCC slab is kept rough and on this surface a layer of concrete is laid.

Bedding Concrete

456 - In _____ types of stairs, the steps radiate from the centre and they do not have either any landing or any intermediate Newel post.


457 - In ______ arrangement, the steps are formed of treads only.

Cantilever tread slab steps

458 - In ______ arrangement, the steps are triangular in shape and they are cut in such a way so as to obtain aci plain Soffit.

Spandril steps

459 - In ______ method, the underpinning is carried out by vibrating the sand.


460 - In ______ rubble masonry the stones used are flints which are irregularly shaped nodules of silica.

Flint rubble masonry

461 - In ______ shore arrangement, the inclined supports are given to the external walls from the ground.

Raking shore

462 - In ______ the in closed angle on the inside of the wall is less than a right angle.

Acute quoin

463 - In ______ type of bond, all the brakes are arranged in the stretcher courses.

Stretcher bond

464 - In ______ type of scaffolding, in place of timber, the Steel tubes can be effectively used for the scaffolding work.

Steel scaffolding

465 - In _______ arrangement, the horizontal supports are given two parallel walls which have become unsafe due to the removal or collapse of the intermediate building.

Flying shore

466 - In _______ arrangement, the treads and Risers of stones are provided is in case of timber steps.

Tread and Riser steps

467 - In _______ arrangement, the vertical sheets are placed nearer or sometimes, touching each other.

Box sheeting

468 - In _______ masonry, the stones of irregular sizes and shapes are used which are arranged so as to have a good appearance.

Random rubble masonry

469 - In _______ method of volumetric proportions, the proportions of cement, sand and coarse aggregate are fixed or beta really such as 1:2:4 or 1:3:6 etc.

Arbitrary method

470 - In _______ shores, the needles are placed at a distance of about 1.5 m to 2 m and they are suitably braced.

Vertical shores

471 - In _______ type of bond, all the bricks are arranged in header courses.

Header bond

472 - In _______ type of bond, the brakes are laid on edge instead of bed.

Brick on-edge bond

473 - In _______ type of bond, the headers are distributed evenly.

Flemish bond

474 - In _______ type of construction, the stones of irregular sizes are used.

Rubble masonry

475 - In _______ type of finish, the surface of the stone is made approximately smooth with the saw or with a chisel.

Plain finish

476 - In ________ joint, a hole is cut into each stone and loose dowels l, which are small pieces of hard stone, Slate, gunmetal, brass, bronze or copper, are inserted and secured with the cement.

Dowelled joint

477 - In ________ method, the fineness modulus of sand and aggregate is determined by the standard tests.

Fineness modulus method

478 - In ________ Method, the voids of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate are determined separately.

Minimum void method

479 - In ________ type of bond, a header course place after several Stretcher courses.

Facing bond

480 - In _________ method, the freezing pipes are driven below the existing footing and the soil is frozen.


481 - In _________ the enclosed angle on the inside of the wall is between 90 degree and 180 degree.

Obtuse squint

482 - In _________ type of construction, the square or rectangular blocks of stones are used.

Ashlar masonry

483 - In __________ roofs, the common Rafter are provided to itself without any intermediate support.


484 - In __________ type of scaffolding, the working platform is supported on movable contrivances such as Ladders, tripods, etc., mounted on wheels.

Trestle scaffolding

485 - In ___________ arrangement, the horizontal members, known as the needles are supported by vertical members.

Dead shore

486 - In ___________ type of pointing, a groove is formed at the centre of joint.


487 - In ___________ type of pointing, the face of pointing is kept inclined.


488 - In _____________ method, it is assumed that a property loses its value by the same amount every year.

Straight line

489 - In _____________ method, it is assumed that a property will lose its value by a constant percentage of its value and the beginning of every year.

Constant percentage

490 - In _____________ method, the depreciation of properties assumed to be equal to the annual sinking fund plus the interest on the fund for that year.

Sinking fund

491 - In _____________ system, some mechanical arrangement is adopted to provide enough ventilation to the room.

Artificial ventilation

492 - In _____________, the bits for Jack hammer and drifters are forged on one end of the drill Steel.

Forged bits

493 - In ______________ drilling pattern, the drill holes slope both in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Pyramidal cut

494 - In ______________ system, the partial vacuum is created inside of the room by exhausting the vitiated inside air by fans or blowers.


495 - In ______________ system, the use is made of doors, windows, ventilators and skylights to make the room properly ventilated.

Natural ventilation

496 - In ______________ type of drill, the grinding of rock into small particles is carried out through the Abrasive effect of a bit which rotates in the hole.


497 - In ______________, the owner has to invest a certain amount for the purchase of an equipment.

Investment charges

498 - In _______________ process, the fresh air is forced in the room and the vitiated air is allowed to leave the room by itself or is extracted by outlet fans.


499 - In ________________ defect, the formation of dull patches occurs on the finished polished surface.


500 - In ________________ drilling pattern, the drill holes are arranged nearly parallel in horizontal plane with a slight inclination.

Centre cut

501 - In ________________ roof, the common rafter slope upward from the opposite wall and they meet on a Ridge piece in the middle.


502 - In _________________ type of crane, heavy temporary staging or platform is prepared for the working of the crane.


503 - In __________________ type of pointing, a groove is formed at the centre of head by a pointer.


504 - In ___________________ type of gantries, derricks are built on specially constructed tower at site of work.

Derrick tower

505 - In a colar beam roof_______________?

there is a horizontal tie at almost the middle of rafters only

506 - In a market area, the plinth area should not exceed ____ of the area of site.


507 - In a rock calcium carbonate predominates. State whether it is :

Calcareous rock

508 - In a Trencher, a series of small cutting ____________ attached to two endless chains which are supported by a boom.


509 - In analytical methods, which soil parameters used to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil.

Angle of internal friction

510 - In any good staircase, the maximum and minimum pitch respectively should be_____________?

40° and 25°

511 - In arches, stratified stones are placed so that their planes are


512 - In brick masonry the bond produced by laying alternate headers and stretchers in each course is known as_______________?

double flemish bond

513 - In case of _______ stair, there is a well or hole or opening between the flights in plan.

Open Newel

514 - In case of ________ it is seen that the allowable bearing pressure on the soil is not exceeded, even under the worst conditions.

Unequal settlement of the sub-soil

515 - In case of ________, the arrangement is made to show rectangular steps which contains Rebated joint.

Spandril steps

516 - In case of concave reflecting interior surfaces, _________ are formed where reflected sound waves meet and create a sound of larger intensity.

Sound foci

517 - In case of foundations on black cotton soils, the most suitable method to increase the bearing capacity of soils is to_________________?

replace the poor soil

518 - In case of kinetic load, it is desirable to provide ______ at the top as well as and the bottom of the foundation block.


519 - In case of non-cohesive soils such as sand and gravel, ___% reduction in allowable bearing capacity of the soil should be applied, if the water table is situated below or near the bearing surface of the soil.


520 - In case of releasing artesian pressure, which precaution should be taken when the system of well points is adopted.

Blowing action

521 - In case of soft soil, a line is drawn from the edge of bottom of old footing at an angle of ______ with the horizontal.


522 - In cold weather conditions, the temperature of concrete should not be allowed to fall below ______ for at least 3 days after its placing.


523 - In formwork for wall, the _____ are provided by vertical Struts and horizontal wales.


524 - In order of increasing percentage of silica, the correct sequence is

calcareous clay, pure clay, sandy clay

525 - In order to prevent the entry of damp into a building, the course are provided are known as the ________ course.

Damp proofing

526 - In order to raise and shift heavy loads from one place to another, the _________ are employed in the construction of big works.


527 - In order to reduce the size of rafters, the intermediate support, called the ___________ are introduced under the rafters.


528 - In paints, the pigment is responsible for


529 - In Penetration test, the formula obtained for the safe bearing capacity of soil per unit area is given by:


530 - In stone masonry, if stones are so placed that their layers are parallel to the direction of load, they

both (a) and (b)

531 - In stone masonry, stones (stratified rocks) are so placed that the direction of pressure to the plane of bedding is

right angles

532 - In summer, it is necessary to supply ___________ air inside the room before it enters the room.


533 - In Summer, the outside air is hot and hence the process of air conditioning involves filtering, dehumidification and _________


534 - In the ________ bond, one header course is provided after three or five stretcher courses.

Garden-wall bond

535 - In the cement the compound quickest to react with water, is

Tricalcium aluminate

536 - In the construction of arches, sand box method is used for________________?

striking of centring

537 - In the method of condensation polymerization,

all the above.

538 - In this type of truss, the centre post, known as ___________, form a support for the tie beam.

King post truss

539 - In which method a refrigeration plant of required capacity is need to be installed near the site of work.

Freezing process

540 - In which method of termite proofing, insecticides are poisonous.


541 - In which method, a square steel plate is used to determine the bearing power of soil.

Method of loading

542 - In which of the following directions, the strength of timber is maximum ?

parallel to grains

543 - In which of the following pairs both trees yield soft wood ?

chir and deodar

544 - In winter, it becomes necessary to supplied slightly _________ air to the inside of the building


545 - In Winter, the outside air is cool and hence, the process of air conditioning involves filtering, preheating and _____________


546 - In Wood or Timber lintels, the depth of lintel should be about _____ to _____of the span with the minimum value of 80 mm.


547 - Index number expressing the relative sizes of both coarse and fine aggregates, is called

fineness modulus

548 - Inhaling of fly-ash over a long period causes

All of these.

549 - Initial setting time of cement for asbestos cement products should be not less than

90 minutes.

550 - Invar contains

36% of nickel.

551 - Iron ore may contain

all the above.

552 - It is found that the _______ water does not lead to corrosion of reinforcement, provided the concrete is dense and there is enough cover to the reinforcement.


553 - It is found that the ________ does not lead to the corrosion of reinforcement, provided that the concrete is dense and there is enough cover to the enforcement.

Sea water

554 - It is quite evident that the incoming air for ventilation should be ________ in summer and ________ in winter before it enters the room.

cool, warm

555 - Jhumb bricks are

over burnt

556 - Jumper is a tool used for_______________?

quarrying of stones

557 - Kaolin is chemically classified as

argillaceous rock

558 - Knots in timber are

signs of branches cut off.

559 - Lacquer is

spirit varnish

560 - Laterite is a/an

argillaceous rock

561 - Le Chatelier's device is used for determining the_______________?

soundness of cement

562 - Lime concrete is generally used for

flooring at ground level

563 - Lime mortar is generally made with

hydraulic lime

564 - Lime putty

all of above.

565 - Lime stones are generally known as

all the above.

566 - Magnese steels

all the above.

567 - Mansard roof is a roof which slopes in________________?

four directions with break in the slope on each side

568 - Mastic asphalt is

all the above.

569 - Mastic asphalt is

non-corrosive material

570 - Mastic asphalt is generally used for

both (a) and (b).

571 - Mild steel is used for

structural works in beams, joints and girders

572 - Minimum of 40% of iron, is available in

Black band.

573 - Minimum required water cement ratio for a workable concrete, is


574 - Minimum thickness of wall where single flemish bond can be used is_____________?

one and a half bricks thick

575 - Minimum width of landing should be_______________?

equal to width of stairs

576 - Most important affect of corrosion is the formation of ________


577 - Name the type of cement from the following for canal linings :

sulphate resisting cement

578 - Non acid-resistant asbestos is :

chrysolite abestos

579 - Number of bricks required for one cubic metre of brick masonry is____________?


580 - Number of vertical joints in a stretcher course is x times the number of joints in the header course, where x is equal to_________________?


581 - One of the important effects of the collision is the formation of _______


582 - One of the important requirements of good planning is ______


583 - Paints with white lead base are suitable for painting of______________________?

wood work

584 - Pegmatite is a/an

intrusive igneous rock

585 - Percentage content of silica in window glass, is

70 to 75.

586 - Percentage of carbon content in mild steel is_______________?

less than 0.25

587 - Percentage of silica in a good brick earth lies between_______________?

50 to 60%

588 - Permanent magnets are made of high carbon steel and

45% of cobalt.

589 - Pick up correct statement from the following:

all the above.

590 - Pick up the compound responsible for early strength of cement from the following:

Tricalcium silicate

591 - Pick up the constituent of good brick earth whose excess causes the raw bricks shrink and warp during drying and burning, from the following:


592 - Pick up the correct characteristic of Pyroxene from the following:

All the above.

593 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

594 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

595 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

all the above.

596 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

597 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

598 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

599 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

600 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

all the above.

601 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

all the above.

602 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

603 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

604 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

605 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

606 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

607 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

608 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

609 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

all the above.

610 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

611 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

612 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

613 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

614 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

Lime is available by calcining calcium carbonate at 900°C

615 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

616 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

617 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

618 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

619 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

620 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

621 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

622 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

623 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

624 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

625 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

The low voltage porcelain is prepared by dry process

626 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

627 - Pick up the correct statement from the following: Method of sawing timber

all the above.

628 - Pick up the hypabyssal rock from the following:


629 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

Plastics are ductile

630 - Pick up the metal refractory from the following:

All of these.

631 - Pick up the most favourable condition for the rapid growth of fungus for dry rot from the following:

All the above

632 - Pick up the non-inflammable plastic from the following:

Polyvinyl chloride plastics

633 - Pick up the plutonic rock from the following:


634 - Pick up the rock which is not a sedimentary rock from the following:


635 - Pick up the synthetic resin from the following:

All of these.

636 - Pick up the volcanic rock from the following:


637 - Pig iron made from heamatite ores free from sulphur, phosphorus and copper, is known as

Bessemer pig

638 - Pig iron obtained from the furnance which is properly provided with fuel at a very high temperature, is called

Grey or foundry pig

639 - Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for________________?

coastal regions

640 - Plastic

All the above.

641 - Plastic asphalt is

a mixture of cement and asphalt

642 - Plastic bitumen is generally used for

crack fillings

643 - Plastics are compounds of carbon with element

All of these.

644 - Plywood has the advantage of_____________?

same tensile strength in all directions

645 - Plywood is made by bonding together thin layers of wood in such a way that the angle between grains of any layer to grains of adjacent layers is_________________?


646 - Plywood is made from

teak wood only

647 - Plywood is normally available

3 mm to 4 mm thick.

648 - Plywood is obtained by gluing wooden sheets at

both (a) and (b)

649 - Polymerization helps to improve the property of

all of these.

650 - Porcelain is used as :

reactor chambers

651 - Portland cement manufactured from pure white chalk and clay but free from iron-oxide, is known as

white cement

652 - Portland pozzolana cement possesses

all the above.

653 - Pozzolana (or surkhi) is used in lime

to impart hydraulicity

654 - Priming consists of

one part of white lead, 8 parts of chalk and four parts of twice boiled linseed oil

655 - Pug mill is used for_______________?

preparation of clay

656 - Putty is

all the above.

657 - PVC stands for

polythene vinyl chloride

658 - Pyramids are the best example of ______

Earthquake resisting structure

659 - Quartitze is a_____________?

silicious rock

660 - Quartzite is a

silicious rock.

661 - Quartzite, a metamorphic stone is

All the above.

662 - Quick lime

all the above.

663 - Quick lime (or caustic lime)

All the above.

664 - Quick lime is (1) slow in setting (2) rapid in slacking (3) good in strength The correct answer is____________?

both (1) and (2)

665 - Quick lime is_______________?

calcium oxide

666 - Quick setting cement is produced by adding

aluminium sulphate in very fine powdered form

667 - Rapid hardening cement attains early strength due to

larger proportion of lime grounded finer than normal cement

668 - Rapid hardening cement contains

Tri-calcium silicate

669 - Refractory bricks are

all the above.

670 - Refractory bricks are used for

combustion chambers.

671 - Refractory bricks resist

high temperature

672 - Resins are

used in varnishes

673 - Rocks formed due to alteration of original structure due to heat and excessive pressure are called

metamorphic rocks

674 - Roof which is nearly flat is known as the ________

Flat roof

675 - Sand stone is

sedimentary rock

676 - Sapwood consists of______________?

portion of timber between heartwood and cambium layer

677 - Sea sand used in structures causes

All of these.

678 - Seasoning is

a process of removing sap

679 - Seasoning of timber is done

to remove water.

680 - Seasoning of timber is done for

decreasing moisture content

681 - Seasoning of timber is essential to remove

sap from timber

682 - Second class bricks

produce a metallic sound when struck

683 - Sewer pipes are made of

stone ware

684 - Shingle is

decomposed laterite

685 - Single flemish bond consists of___________________?

double flemish bond facing and Eng-lish bond backing in each course

686 - Slacking of lime is affected by

immersing the lime in water

687 - Slate is formed by metamorphic action on______________?


688 - Slump test for concrete is carried out, to determine


689 - Smith's test of stones is performed to find out

the presence of soluble matter of stone

690 - Snowcrete is one of the patent forms of

water proof cement paints

691 - Softer variety of steel may be obtained by

Bessemer process

692 - Some stones, has obtained from the quarry, possess a smooth surface and hence such a stone surface is termed as the __________

Self-faced finish

693 - Sometimes the structures are to be temporarily supported. This is achieved by what is known as the _________


694 - Sometimes, the _______ can be fixed as in case of roof surfaces, on the exposed face of the wall, etc.


695 - Soundness of cement is tested by

Le-chatelier apparatus

696 - Soundness test of cement determines

quality of free lime

697 - Spalling hammer is used for_____________?

rough dressing of stones

698 - Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between_____________?

2.5 to 3.0

699 - Stainless steel contains

18% of chromuim and 8% nickel

700 - Stainless steel resists corrosion due to


701 - Steel contains carbon approximately

0.05% to 1.75%

702 - Stone columns are invariably used in which soil.

Poor bearing capacity

703 - Stones used for ornamental work must be


704 - Stones used for rubble masonry must be


705 - Stones used for the construction of retaining walls must be


706 - Stones which are placed at regular interval right across the wall are known as _______

Through stones

707 - Strength of cement concrete primarily depends upon

water-cement ratio.

708 - Stuco paints are suitable for

both (a) and (b)

709 - Study the following statements. (1) Hydraulic lime is suitable for white washing, (2) Fat lime is suitable for whitewashing, (3) Hydraulic lime is suitable for making mortar, (4) Fat lime is suitable for making mortar. The correct answer is______________?

(2) and (3)

710 - Sum of tread and rise must lie between_______________?

400 to 450 mm

711 - Teak wood is suitable for


712 - The ______ is most liable to corrosion.


713 - The ______ of formwork plays an significant role in the cost of concrete.


714 - The ______ provides support to the occupants, furniture, fixtures and equipments of a building.


715 - The _______ are open at top and their bottoms are provided with openable doors.


716 - The _______ are popularly known as the white ants though they are in no way related to the ants.


717 - The _______ arrangement of preventing the slip of earth in the foundation trenches is adopted when large area is to be excavated for a depth greater than 10 meters.

Sheet piling

718 - The _______ can be effectively adopted for excavation in or at the foot of the slope of a hill.

Freezing process

719 - The _______ corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are in electrical contact with each other and exposed to an electrolyte.

Galvanic corrosion

720 - The _______ formwork is used for formwork when it is desired to reuse the formwork several times.


721 - The _______ is a mixture of cement and sand, the usual proportion being 1:3.


722 - The _______ is a mixture of cement and sand, the usual proposition being 1:3.


723 - The _______ method is similar to box sheeting except that the work is carried out in stages and at each stage, and offset is provided.

Vertical sheeting

724 - The _______ stairs are useful where the space available is limited and where the traffic is less.


725 - The _______ to be used for the construction of stairs should be hard and non absorbent and they should possess through resistant to the action of Fire.


726 - The ________ are the gaps between two individual particles.


727 - The ________ can be adopted as an aid in construction to stop rock movements and to increase the permeability of the strata as in the case of oil wells.

Chemical grouting

728 - The ________ Concrete consist of cement, coarse aggregate and water.

No-fines concrete

729 - The ________ foundations are useful for public buildings, office buildings, School buildings, residential quarters, etc.


730 - The ________ is most liable to corrosion.


731 - The ________ is required to control dust and other impurities in the air.


732 - The ________ water tends to develop dampness and inflorescence of the concrete structures.


733 - The _________ are provided in expansion and contraction joints to transfer the load.


734 - The _________ are the substances which allow moisture to stay on their surfaces.


735 - The _________ is suitable for caissons of Open Well type.


736 - The _________ is the most effective process of repairing concrete work which has been damaged due to enquiry work or other reasons.


737 - The _________ is the simplest corrosion produced by means of chemical attack.

Direct corrosion

738 - The _________ is used to measure the workability of concrete mixture which is commonly used in the field.

Slump test

739 - The _________ of lead, Copper and Aluminium can be used as the membrane of damp proofing.

Metal sheets

740 - The _________ should be preferably Inclined at 45° with the ground.

Raking shore

741 - The __________ arrangement of preventing the sleep of earth in foundation trenches is used when the excavation is to be carried out in moderately firm ground.

Stay bracing

742 - The __________ bonds are used when was become weak in the longitudinal direction due to filling of thicker wall in the headers only.

Raking bond

743 - The __________ equate the soil resistance to the bearing power of the pile.

Static formulas

744 - The __________ is a mixture of cement, sand, pebbles or crushed rock and water, which, when placed in the skeleton of forms and are allowed to cure, becomes hard like a stone.

Cement concrete

745 - The __________ is found to be the most suitable material for the construction of caisson.


746 - The __________ is suitable for caisson shoes.

Reinforced cement concrete

747 - The __________ varnishes dry slowly, but they form hard and durable surface.


748 - The ___________ is based upon the longitudinal wave transmission and end impact.

Wave action theory

749 - The ___________ is the the most effective process of repairing concrete work which has been damaged due to inferior work or other reasons.


750 - The ___________ obtain the bearing power of the piles by equating the soil resistance to the energy of the blow.

Dynamic formulas

751 - The ___________ was used as a material for the construction of caisson in the early stages of development of Caisson.


752 - The ____________ is the simplest corrosion produced by means of chemical attack.

Chemical action theory

753 - The ____________ is the term used to denote a method in which case is driven into the ground and the material inside the casing is washed out and brought to the surface for inspection.

Wash boring

754 - The ____________ of suitable type may be used to distribute air inside the room.


755 - The _____________ is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and is pressed against the target material and rotated.

Drilling bit

756 - The ______________ is the cheapest flooring material and can be only adopted for ground floor.


757 - The _______________ is a transparent volatile liquid and it is obtained by distilling the resinous exudation of some varieties of Pine trees.


758 - The ________________ compact soil close to the earth surface only.

Earth rammers

759 - The ________________ consists of equal volume of lime and sand.

Lime Mortar

760 - The ________________ consists of equal volumes of cement and sand.

Cement mortar

761 - The ________________ is defined as the number of pressure variation which a sounding body makes in each unit of time.


762 - The ________________ is the degree of sensation.


763 - The ________________ plays an important role in the comfort of persons affected by ventilation system.

Purity of air

764 - The ________________ rollers are considered most suitable for compacting clayey soil or soil containing mixture of sand and clay.

Sheep’s foot

765 - The ________________ sheets are prepared by pressing flat wrought iron plates between roller with groove and then they are galvanised with the coat of zinc.

Galvanized iron

766 - The __________________ is a hard substance and is available from the Earth at the place where pine trees exist in past.


767 - The __________________ is inflammable, evaporates rapidly and dries the oil consequently.


768 - The ____________________ of an equipment mainly includes the amount spent for fuel and lubricating oil.

Operation cost

769 - The adequate absorbing surfaces should be provided in the hall to control the ____________


770 - The age of a tree can be known by examining_________________?

annular rings

771 - The allowable length of an offset depends upon the______________?

all of the above

772 - The amount of water used for one kg of distemper is_____________?

0.6 liter

773 - The angle formed at the intersection of two roof slopes is known as the ___________


774 - The annual cost of _______________ may be determined independently or it may be linked up with the depreciated cost of the equipment by a certain fix percentage.

Maintenance and repairs

775 - The appearance of clear background due to insufficient opacity is known as ____________


776 - The base material for distemper, is


777 - The basic purpose of a retarder in concrete is_____________?

to increase the initial setting time of cement paste in concrete

778 - The bearing capacity of a water logged soil can be improved by_____________?

draining the soil

779 - The bearing capacity of sandy soil and gravelly soils is affected to the extent of _____% by the presence of water table.


780 - The boxes for beams are play prepared from ____ sides and ____ bottom in formwork for an RCC floor.

One, Two

781 - The built up area measured and the plinth level is known as __________

Plinth area

782 - The cast iron when heated to red heat with powdered red haemetite in an oven for increasing its toughness, is converted to

mottled cast iron

783 - The cavities or old Wells occur during excavation of the foundation trenches are filled with ____


784 - The cement becomes unsound by the presence of excess

All of these.

785 - The cement is mixed with slightly moist sand and the necessary water is added as the mixture comes out from the cement gun.


786 - The cement is mixed with slightly moist sand and the necessary water is added as the mixture comes out from the cement gun.0"

Coloured concrete

787 - The clay to be used for manufacturing bricks for a large project, is dugout and allowed to weather throughout

the monsoon

788 - The coefficient of hardness of stones used in road work should be greater than


789 - The colour of statuary marble used for sculptor's work, is


790 - The column formwork consists of a box prepared from ______ separate sides.


791 - The commercial method which combines the effect of vibration with jetting is known as _______


792 - The commonly used base for iron and steel work, is

red lead

793 - The commonly used colour pigment in paints, is

all the above.

794 - The commonly used lime in white washing, is

fat lime

795 - The commonly used thinner in oil paints, is

both (a) and (b)

796 - The compound of Portland cement which contributes to the strength after two to three years is

Di-calcium silicate

797 - The compound of Portland cement which reacts immediately with water and also sets first is

Tri-calcium aluminate

798 - The conception of providing Arial _________ developed from the need to provide an economical alternative to road and Railways for transporting materials.


799 - The concrete is contained in a timber or steel casing for a certain period after its placing, this casing is known as the ______


800 - The concussive or violently shaking type fitted _______ for the flushing of WC pans leads to vibration.

Push cocks


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