Concrete Technology Most Important MCQs Part: 3

801 - The removal of excess air after placing concrete helps in increasing the strength of concrete by ___________


802 - The risk of segregation is more for

all the above.

803 - The rock which is not calcareous, is :


804 - The separation of water or water-cement mixture from the freshly mixed concrete is known as bleeding.


805 - The shrinkage of concrete

all the above.

806 - The shuttering of a hall measuring 4 m x 5 m, can be removed after

7 days

807 - The size of fine aggregates does not exceed

4.75 mm

808 - The slab is designed as one way if the ratio of long span to short span is_____________?

greater than 2

809 - The slump would not exceed 50 mm when compacting concrete with vibrators.


810 - The slurry with the desired lime content passes into the _____

Rotary kiln

811 - The slurry, in its movement down the kiln, encounters a progressively higher temperature. At first, the water is driven off and ___ is liberated.


812 - The sound absorption coefficient of light weight concrete is nearly __________


813 - The specific heat of the aggregates is _____________

Is a measure of its heat capacity

814 - The specific surface (m2/kg) of silica fume.


815 - The specifications of a cement bag for storage, are

all the above.

816 - The standard sand now a days used in India, is obtained from

Ennore (Madras)

817 - The standard sand now a days used in India, is obtained from

Ennore (Madras)

818 - The strength and quality of concrete, depend upon:

all the above.

819 - The strength of the resulting concrete is _______ % lower than when dry aggregate is used for the same content.


820 - The surface where two successive placements of concrete meet, is known as

Construction joint

821 - The tensile properties of a low-pressure plasma-deposited nickel-base superalloy from ____________

25 to 1010° C

822 - The thermal conductivity of the aggregates is ______________

The ability to conduct the heat

823 - The tolerances on the cross-section of the test specimens shall be within ± ___________


824 - The tolerances on the cross-section of the test specimens shall be within ± ____________


825 - The top diameter, bottom diameter and the height of a slump mould are :

10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm

826 - The type of aggregates not suitable for high strength concrete and for pavements subjected to tension, is

rounded aggregate

827 - The type of aggregates of same nominal size, which contain less voids when compacted, are

rounded spherical

828 - The unit weight of heavy weight concrete varies from __________ kg/m3.


829 - The use of crushed aggregates may results in 10 to 20% higher compressive strength. Is this statement true or false?


830 - The use of crushed aggregates may results in 10 to 20% higher compressive strength. Is this statement true or false?


831 - The use of crushed aggregates may results in 10 to 20% higher compressive strength. Is this statement true or false?


832 - The vegetable oil if present in mixing for concrete

Reduces strength

833 - The void ratio of

all the above.

834 - The w/c ratio is kept in the range of _______


835 - The water–cement ratio is the ratio of ___

Weight of water to the weight of cement

836 - Theoretical value for bulk modulus of clay __________

20 and 50 GPa

837 - This cement content should ________ the cement content required based on durability criteria.

Not be less than

838 - This strain increases over time due to _________


839 - This type of concrete possesses __________

Very high insulating property

840 - To avoid trapped air produced by clay flocculation, we used ___ in distilled water.


841 - To determine the fineness of cement ____

Grain size is larger than specified mesh size

842 - To determine the fineness of cement by dry sieving as per IS: 4031 (Part 1) – 1996.The principle of this is that we determine the proportion of cement whose grain size is larger than specified mesh size.

The apparatus used are ___ IS Sieve, Balance capable of weighing 10g to the nearest 10mg.

843 - To determine the modulus of rupture, the size of test specimen used is_______________?

150 x150 x700 mm

844 - To ensure constant moisture content in aggregates

all the above.

845 - To hydrate 500kg of cement full water needed, is

130 kg

846 - To measure the concrete temperature, the stem of the thermometer must be kept by at least ___ inches of concrete.


847 - To minimise the effect of differential settlement, the area of a footing should be designed for______________?

dead load + fraction of live load

848 - To neutralize 200 ml of sample should not require more than 10 ml of __ normal HCI using methyl orange.


849 - To neutralize 200 ml of sample should not require more than 10 ml of __________ normal HCI using methyl orange.


850 - To neutralize 200 ml sample of water should not require more than _________ ml of 0.1 normal NaOH.


851 - To obtain a very high strength concrete, use very fine grained


852 - To obtain cement dry powder, lime stones and shales or their slurry, is burnt in a rotary kiln at a temperature between

1400° and 1500°C

853 - To obtain cement dry powder, lime stones and shales or their slurry, is burnt in a rotary kiln at a temperature between ___

1400° and 1500°C

854 - To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete, is

100 cm

855 - Too wet concrete may cause

all the above.

856 - Transport of concrete by pumps, is done for a distance of

400 m

857 - Ultimate strength of cold drawn high steel wires_______________?

decreases with increase in diameter of bar

858 - Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC), also known as ______

Reactive powder concrete

859 - Under normal conditions using an ordinary cement, the period of removal of the form work, is :

all the above.

860 - Use of HSC in column __________

It decrease the size of the column

861 - Use of HSC in column ___________

Decrease the no of steel required in the same column

862 - Vacuum mixing systems reduce the exposure by _________ %.


863 - Valid range for n, the percentage voids, is______________?


864 - Valid range for S, the degree of saturation of soil in percentage is______________?

0 < S < 100

865 - Vicat apparatus is used for

consistency test

866 - Vicat's apparatus is used for

consistency test

867 - Voids ratio of a soil mass can_________________?

take any value greater than zero

868 - Volumetric strain is equal to ___________ times the linear strain.


869 - 'Ware house pack' of cement means

pressure compaction of the bags on lower layers

870 - Water cement ratio is

both (a) and (b) of the above.

871 - Water cement ratio is ______

Volume of water to the volume of cement

872 - Water cement ratio is generally expressed in volume of water required per

50 kg

873 - Water content of soil can______________?

be greater than 100 %

874 - Water required per bag of cement, is

35 kg

875 - Water-filled voids ranges from _______ % of the total volume of the component for dense concrete.


876 - Water-filled voids ranges from _______ % of the total volume of the component for gap-graded concrete.


877 - Well cured concrete _________ thermal, plastic & drying shrinkage cracks.


878 - What are artificial aggregates?

Those who are mechanically obtained

879 - What C 1064 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland-Cement Concrete

880 - What C 231 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method

881 - What C138 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete

882 - What C143 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete

883 - What C172 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete

884 - What C173 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method

885 - What C31 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

886 - What C39 test under Standard ASTM test method?

Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Specimen

887 - What could be the possible answer among the following for compressive strength of high strength concrete?


888 - What could be the possible answer among the following for water cement ratio for high strength concrete?


889 - What do you mean by admixtures?

Ingredients which are added to in cement before or after concrete mix

890 - What do you mean by admixtures?

Ingredients which are added to in cement before or after concrete mix

891 - What do you mean by bulking?

The volume increase of fine aggregate due to presence of moisture content in it

892 - What do you mean by workability?

The workability is also defined as the ease with which a freshly mixed concrete can be properly compacted and also that it can be transported, placed, and finished

893 - What does 240 in power’s experiment stands for?

Intrinsic strength of gel

894 - What does x3 in power’s experiment stands for?

Gel space ratio

895 - What does x3 in power’s experiment stands for?

Gel space ratio

896 - What is accelerator?

Which speed up the initial set of concrete

897 - What is autogenous shrinkage?

It is an important phenomenon in young concrete. At low w/c ratios, less than about 0.42, all the water is rapidly drawn into the hydration process and the demand for more water creates very fine capillaries

898 - What is bulking of coarse aggregates?


899 - What is carbonation shrinkage?

It occurs when the concrete is exposed to air containing carbon dioxide

900 - What is concrete maturity?

Concrete strength is directly related to age and its temperature history

901 - What is curing?


902 - What is destructive test?

Destructive tests are applications for detecting flaws that impair the use of the materials such as pressure testing

903 - What is destructive test?

Destructive tests are applications for detecting flaws that impair the use of the materials such as pressure testing

904 - What is destructive test?

Destructive tests are applications for detecting flaws that impair the use of the materials such as pressure testing

905 - What is dry process?

Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their dry state

906 - What is drying shrinkage?

It is defined as the contracting of a hardened concrete mixture due to the loss of capillary water. This shrinkage causes an increase in tensile

907 - What is elastic strains?

These are the instantaneous deformations that occur when an external stress is first applied

908 - What is elastic strains?

These are the instantaneous deformations that occur when an external stress is first applied

909 - What is elastic strains?

These are the instantaneous deformations that occur when an external stress is first applied

910 - What is equivalent flexural load?

The load value representing the average load-carrying capacity in the post peak region up to a specified deflection of L/n

911 - What is equivalent flexural strength ratio?

Value of the mean equivalent flexural strength normalized with respect to mean flexural strength

912 - What is equivalent flexural strength?

The stress value representing the average flexural strength in the post peak region up to a specified deflection of L/n obtained when Pe,n is used in the equation of modulus of rupture

913 - What is external sulphates attack?

Industrial waste water

914 - What is final setting time?

The time at which cement paste loses its plasticity

915 - What is final setting time?

The time at which cement paste loses its plasticity

916 - What is flexural strength?

The stress value obtained when the peak load value is used in the equation of modulus of rupture

917 - What is hydration of cement?

Chemical reaction of cement with water

918 - What is initial setting time?

The time at which cement paste loses its plasticity

919 - What is internal sulphates attack?

Hydraulic cements

920 - What is internal sulphates attack?

Presence of natural gypsum in the aggregates

921 - What is nondestructive test?

Nondestructive tests are applications for detecting flaws in materials without impairing their usefulness

922 - What is nondestructive test?

Nondestructive tests are applications for detecting flaws in materials without impairing their usefulness

923 - What is nondestructive test?

Nondestructive tests are applications for detecting flaws in materials without impairing their usefulness

924 - What is nondestructive test?

Nondestructive tests are applications for detecting flaws in materials without impairing their usefulness

925 - What is plastic shrinkage?

It is not a result of any change in the concrete production process. Rather, it is a result of certain environmental conditions which occurs in the Central Missouri area

926 - What is plasticizers?

Which reduces water for workability

927 - What is plasticizers?

Which reduces water for workability

928 - What is retender?

Which delays the initial set of concrete

929 - What is Silica Fume?

Silica fume is a byproduct of producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys

930 - What is soundness?

Soundness of cement is the property by virtue of which the cement does not undergo any appreciable expansion

931 - What is standard consistency?

Consistency which permits the Vicat’s plunger

932 - What is super plasticizers?

Which reduces high range of water for workability

933 - What is super plasticizers?

Which reduces high range of water for workability

934 - What is the 10 day bending failure stress in N/mm2?


935 - What is the 10 day bending young’s modulus in N/mm2?


936 - What is the 10 day compressive failure stress in N/mm2?


937 - What is the 10 day compressive young’s modulus in N/mm2?


938 - What is the 7 day bending failure stress in N/mm2?


939 - What is the 7th day compressive failure stress in N/mm2?


940 - What is the allowed reduction of water with super plasticizers without reducing workability.


941 - What is the allowed reduction of water with super plasticizers without reducing workability.


942 - What is the allowed reduction of water with super plasticizers without reducing workability?


943 - What is the amount of mixing water used to make LWC?


944 - What is the amount of Na2O & K2O in P.C. ?


945 - What is the amount of water required to give the paste normal consistency for consistency test?

.78 times

946 - What is the amount used of plasticizers in cement by weight?


947 - What is the amount used of plasticizers in cement by weight?


948 - What is the approx amount of lime is present in cement?


949 - What is the approx amount of silica is present in cement?


950 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M10?


951 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M10?


952 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M15?


953 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M15?


954 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M20?


955 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M20?


956 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M25?


957 - What is the approx. mix proportion for M25?


958 - What is the approx. quantity of water in M10?


959 - What is the approx. quantity of water in M5?


960 - What is the approx. quantity of water in M7?


961 - What is the bending strength of this concrete?

10-16 MPa

962 - What is the capacity of measuring cylinder?


963 - What is the compaction factor for low degree of workability?


964 - What is the compaction factor for medium degree of workability?


965 - What is the compaction factor for medium degree of workability?


966 - What is the compaction factor for medium degree of workability?


967 - What is the composition of making the Mortar?

P.C. + Water + Sand

968 - What is the compressive strength for UHPC?

100-150 MPa

969 - What is the compressive strength of this concrete?

60-115 MPa

970 - What is the content of Al2O3 in fly ash?


971 - What is the content of Al2O3 in fly ash?


972 - What is the content of SiO2 in fly ash?


973 - What is the content of unburnt fuel in fly ash?

Up to 30%

974 - What is the density for this concrete in kg/m3?


975 - What is the diameter and length of the kiln respectively?

6m and 200m

976 - What is the diameter of Clinker for making of Portland Cement?

.15-5 cm

977 - What is the diameter of hard pellets?


978 - What is the first step involved in the process of preparation of test sample of material?

Fine grinding

979 - What is the full form of rH?

Relative humidity

980 - What is the gel/space ratio?

Volume of the hydrated cement paste to the sum of volumes of the hydrated cement and of the capillary pores

981 - What is the limitation of Carboxylic acids in High range water reducers?


982 - What is the limitation of Carboxylic acids in High range water reducers?


983 - What is the limitation of plasticizers?

A good plasticizer is one which does not cause air-entrainment in concrete > 1-2%

984 - What is the limitation of plasticizers?

A good plasticizer is one which does not cause air-entrainment in concrete > 1-2%

985 - What is the limitation of plasticizers?

A good plasticizer is one which does not cause air-entrainment in concrete > 1-2%.

986 - What is the linear coefficient of thermal expansibility for this concrete in 10-6/K?


987 - What is the main function of set retarders?

Slows curing rate

988 - What is the maximum limit (ppm) for Alkali Carbonates and Bicarbonates in water?


989 - What is the maximum limit (ppm) for chlorides in water?


990 - What is the maximum limit (ppm) for SO3 in water?


991 - What is the maximum limit (ppm) for turbidity in water?


992 - What is the maximum size of split?


993 - What is the maximum w/c ratio?


994 - What is the moisture content in slurry for dry process?


995 - What is the moisture content in slurry for wet process?


996 - What is the moisture content in slurry for wet process?


997 - What is the moisture content in slurry for wet process?


998 - What is the moisture content in slurry for wet process?


999 - What is the normal consistency for OPC?

26 to 33%

1000 - What is the normal time to get uniform mixing?

2 or more minutes

1001 - What is the percentage of accelerator by weight in UHPC?


1002 - What is the percentage of air by volume in Air Entraining Cement?


1003 - What is the percentage of bulk if fine aggregates manufactured by extremely fine sand?


1004 - What is the percentage of cement produced in dry process?


1005 - What is the percentage of CLINKER in PC?


1006 - What is the percentage of iron oxide in white cement?

Very low

1007 - What is the percentage of PC by weight in UHPC?


1008 - What is the percentage of steel fibre by weight in UHPC?


1009 - What is the percentage of water by weight in UHPC?


1010 - What is the permissible limits for construction of chlorides in water for PCC work?


1011 - What is the permissible limits for construction of chlorides in water for RCC work?


1012 - What is the permissible limits for construction of inorganic matter in water.


1013 - What is the permissible limits for construction of organic matter in water.


1014 - What is the permissible limits for construction of sulphates in water?


1015 - What is the permissible limits for construction of suspended matter in water.


1016 - What is the range of CaCO3 in Argillocalcareous Rocks?


1017 - What is the range of contraction for this concrete in mm/m?


1018 - What is the range of water absorption of aggregates used in road?


1019 - What is the range of water absorption of aggregates used in road?


1020 - What is the range of water absorption of aggregates used in road?


1021 - What is the range of water absorption of aggregates used in road?


1022 - What is the range of water in M10?


1023 - What is the range of water in M15?


1024 - What is the range of water in M20?


1025 - What is the range of water in M25?


1026 - What is the size of caliper?


1027 - What is the size of coarse aggregates?

> 4.75mm

1028 - What is the size of fine aggregates?

< 4.75mm

1029 - What is the standard value of expansion for super sulphated cement?


1030 - What is the thickness of the flat sheet fibers after silting in mm?


1031 - What is the thickness of the steel fiber after silting in mm?


1032 - What is the time required to give heating to remove the moisture from the concrete?

6-8 hrs

1033 - What is the total percentage of aggregates in concrete by volume?


1034 - What is the value of modulus of elasticity for Sulphur infiltered concrete?

35-50 GPa

1035 - What is the value of modulus of elasticity?

35-50 GPa

1036 - What is the Vee-Bee time for medium degree of workability?

2-5 sec

1037 - What is the Vee-Bee time for medium degree of workability?

2-5 sec

1038 - What is the width of the flat sheet fibers after silting in mm?


1039 - What is void ratio?

1- (bulk density/apparent sp gr)

1040 - What is water proofing admixtures?

Water repellent materials

1041 - What is wet process?

Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their wet state

1042 - What is workability?

When it is easily placed and compacted homogenous

1043 - What should be the minimum water cement ratio?


1044 - What unit is present with the 240?


1045 - When concrete is loaded it experiences a large strain upon loading known as

Instantaneous elastic strain

1046 - When concrete is to be laid under water, ____ is to used.

Quick Setting Cement

1047 - When sand is fully dry then it’s volume is _____


1048 - When sand is fully dry then it’s volume is ____________


1049 - When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in a slab, then it is reduced by____________?

increasing the depth

1050 - When the ____________ content is low, most ettringite will be formed in the plastic state.


1051 - When the ____________ content is low, most ettringite will be formed in the plastic state.


1052 - When the cement paste is filled in mould and kept in water. Then what should be the temperature of water?


1053 - When the cement paste is tested within the gauging time. Here what is the value of gauging time?

3 to 5 minutes

1054 - When the cement paste is tested within the gauging time. Here what is the value of gauging time?

3 to 5 minutes

1055 - When the concrete in fresh stage is exposed to freeze before certain pre-hardening period, compressive strength may get

Decreased to 50%

1056 - When the degree of saturation is zero, the soil mass under consideration represents______________?

two phase system with soil and air

1057 - When the motion of the particles of a medium are at right angles to the direction of wave motion, the wave being transmitted is called a ___________

Longitudinal wave

1058 - When vibrators are used for compaction, the consistency of concrete depends upon the ___________

Type of mix, efficiency of vibrator, pacing conditions

1059 - Where do we use plasticizers?

Where high degree of workability is required

1060 - Where do we use plasticizers?

Where high degree of workability is required

1061 - Which aggregates have high shrinkage?

Sand stone

1062 - Which aggregates have low shrinkage?


1063 - Which among the following is not a type of Non-destructive testing?

Compression test

1064 - Which among the following is not a type of Non-destructive testing?

Compression test

1065 - Which among the following is the last step in magnetic particle test method?


1066 - Which among the following is the last step in magnetic particle test method?


1067 - Which apparatus is generally used to measure the soundness of the cement?

Le-Chatelier apparatus

1068 - Which apparatus we don’t need to calculate the bulking of fine aggregates?

Vicat’s mould

1069 - Which apparatus we need to find soundness?

Le Chatelier

1070 - Which can be the possible option for cracking in the building?

Temperature difference

1071 - Which cement contains high percentage of C3S and less percentage of C2S?

Rapid Hardening Cement

1072 - Which cement is mainly used for interior and exterior decorative works?

Colored Cement

1073 - Which cement is mainly used for interior and exterior decorative works?

Colored Cement

1074 - Which cement is mainly used for interior and exterior decorative works?

Colored Cement

1075 - Which cement is used for artificial marble?

Coloured Cement

1076 - Which cement is used for artificial marble?

Coloured Cement

1077 - Which cement is used for artificial marble?

Coloured Cement

1078 - Which cement is used for mainly building construction where strength required with age?

Portland Pozzolana Cement

1079 - Which cement is used for mainly building construction where strength required with age?

Portland Pozzolana Cement

1080 - Which cement is used for mainly building construction where strength required with age?

Portland Pozzolana Cement

1081 - Which cement is used for the construction of water-retaining structure like tanks, reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc?

Waterproof Portland Cement

1082 - Which cement is used for the construction of water-retaining structure like tanks, reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc?

Waterproof Portland Cement

1083 - Which cement is used for the construction of water-retaining structure like tanks, reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc?

Waterproof Portland cement

1084 - Which cement is used for works economic where considerations is predominant?Reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc.?

Blast Furnace Slag Cement

1085 - Which cement is used for works economic where considerations is predominant?Reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc.?

Blast Furnace Slag Cement

1086 - Which cement is used in sewage and water treatment plants?

Sulphate Resisting Cement

1087 - Which cement is used in sewage and water treatment plants?

Sulphate Resisting Cement

1088 - Which cement is used in sewage and water treatment plants?

Sulphate Resisting Cement

1089 - Which cement is used to create bond with old concrete surface?

Expansive Cement

1090 - Which cement is used to create bond with old concrete surface?

Expansive Cement

1091 - Which cement is used to create bond with old concrete surface?

Expansive Cement

1092 - Which cement is used to store for longer duration in wet climatic conditions?

Hydrophobic Cement

1093 - Which cement is used to stored for longer duration in wet climatic conditions?

Hydrophobic Cement

1094 - Which cement is used to stored for longer duration in wet climatic conditions?

Hydrophobic Cement

1095 - Which cement used in frost resistance concrete?


1096 - Which cement used in frost resistance concrete?


1097 - Which cement used in frost resistance concrete?


1098 - Which chemical compostion has highest content in OPC?


1099 - Which chemical compostion has highest content in OPC?


1100 - Which compound gives the colour to the cement?

Iron Oxide

1101 - Which compound is liberates higher heat?


1102 - Which compound is liberates higher heat?


1103 - Which compound is liberates lower heat?


1104 - Which compound is liberates lower heat?


1105 - Which compound may lead to a rapid stiffening of the paste with a large amount of the heat generation?


1106 - Which compound may lead to a rapid stiffening of the paste with a large amount of the heat generation?


1107 - Which machine is preferred for abrasion test?

Los Angeles

1108 - Which machine is preferred for abrasion test?

Los Angeles

1109 - Which machine is preferred for abrasion test?

Los Angeles

1110 - Which method is the most common and cheaper for water curing?


1111 - Which of the following compound is used for fine polishing?

Aluminum oxide

1112 - Which of the following compound is used for fine polishing?

Aluminum oxide

1113 - Which of the following has high tensile strength ?

cold drawn wires

1114 - Which of the following is correct for Low Heat Cement?

Heat of hydration is reduced by tri calcium aluminate content

1115 - Which of the following is the advantages of this concrete?

Low density

1116 - Which of the following is the disadvantages of this concrete?

Low strength

1117 - Which of the following losses of prestress occurs only in pretensioning and not in post-tensioning ?

elastic shortening of concrete

1118 - Which of the following option doesn’t come in chemical admixtures?


1119 - Which of the following option doesn’t come in mineral admixtures?

Set retarders

1120 - Which of the following option is correct?

Standard consistency (%) = (wt of water added/ wt of cement) *100

1121 - Which of the following statement is correct while compacting concrete with vibrators?

The vibrator should not touch the form surface

1122 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about the function of admixtures.

To retard the initial set, to keep concrete workable for a shorter time for placement

1123 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about the function of admixtures.

To increase the capillary flow of water through concrete and to increase its impermeability to liquids

1124 - Which of the following statement is incorrect for mixing water,

Free vegetable oil is beneficial

1125 - Which of the following statement is incorrect for mixing water,

Free vegetable oil is beneficial

1126 - Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Less amount of water may cause honeycombing

1127 - Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

The number of longitudinal bars provided in a circular column should not be less than four

1128 - Which of the following statements is/are true for ultrasonic test?

Equipment used for ultrasonic testing is portable

1129 - Which of the following statements is/are true for ultrasonic test?

Equipment used for ultrasonic testing is portable

1130 - Which of the following types of soil is transported by gravitational forces ?


1131 - Which one can’t be the reason for the shrinkage of concrete?


1132 - Which one doesn’t comes under Calcareous Rocks?

Cement rock

1133 - Which one is an anionic surfactants?


1134 - Which one is an anionic surfactants?


1135 - Which one is not a chemically active pore filling material?


1136 - Which one is not a chemically inactive pore filling material?


1137 - Which one is not chemical admixtures?

Silica fume

1138 - Which one is not chemical admixtures?

Silica fume

1139 - Which one is not the part of chemical and mineral admixtures?

Curing compounds

1140 - Which one is not the polymeric resin?


1141 - Which one is not used as air entraining agents?


1142 - Which temperature avoids flammability?


1143 - Which test can be performed without skilled labor?

Dye penetrant test

1144 - Which test can be performed without skilled labor?

Dye penetrant test

1145 - Which test can be performed without skilled labour?

Dye penetrant test

1146 - Which test can be performed without skilled labour?

Dye penetrant test

1147 - Which test can be performed without skilled labour?

Dye penetrant test

1148 - Which test gives good results for rich mixes?

Slump test

1149 - Which test is used to determine dimensions of any object?

Eddy current test

1150 - Which test is used to determine dimensions of any object?

Eddy current test

1151 - Which test is used to determine dimensions of any object?

Eddy current test

1152 - Which test is used to determine dimensions of any object?

Eddy current test

1153 - Which test used for fiber reinforced concrete?

VeBe test

1154 - Which test Used for high workable concretes?

Flow table test

1155 - Which test used for low workable concretes?

Compacting factor test

1156 - Which type of aggregates are used to produce 70MPa compressive strength?


1157 - Which type of aggregates are used to produce 70MPa compressive strength?


1158 - While compacting the concrete by a mechanical vibrator, the slump should not exceed

5.0 cm

1159 - While designing an air entrained concrete

all the above.

1160 - Who has established the relation between the strength and gel/space ratio?

Power and Brownyard

1161 - Why do we need Standard Consistency Test?

To determine the quality of water

1162 - Why do we need to find soundness?

To detect the uncombined lime in cement

1163 - Why Shape and texture of aggregates is must?

Smooth surfaces give better workability

1164 - Why the time period for removal of form work has to be increased.

The development of strength of concrete is retarded compared with development at normal temperature

1165 - With regard to the curing water, identify the incorrect statement.

Iron and organic matter are responsible for staining

1166 - With regard to the curing water, identify the incorrect statement.

Iron and organic matter are responsible for staining

1167 - Workability can be resolved __________

With the use of both plasticizers and super plasticizers

1168 - Workability improved by adding

all the above.

1169 - Workability improved by adding

all the above.

1170 - Workability of concrete can be improved by

More cement

1171 - Workability of concrete can be improved by ___________

Increasing size of aggregates

1172 - Workability of concrete can be improved by addition


1173 - Workability of concrete for a given water content is good if the aggregates, are

rounded aggregate

1174 - Workability of concrete is directly proportional to

Grading of the aggregates

1175 - Workability of concrete is inversely proportional to

Water cement ratio

1176 - Workability of concrete is measured by

Slump test

1177 - Workability of concrete is measured by:

Slump test

1178 - Workability of concrete mix with low water cement ratio is determined by

compaction factor test

1179 - You are asked to construct a massive dam, the type of cement you will use, is

low heat cement

1180 - Young’s modulus for dickite is ___________

6.2 GPa


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