Ecology and Environment Important MCQs

1 - ________ consists in clear-cutting a fixed area annually which is regenerated by coppice shoots:

Simple coppice system

2 - _________ consists of a crop arranged in two different stories, one above the other; each story being approximately even-aged not of seedling as opposed to coppice origin:

Two-storied high forest

3 - A biotic community comprises:

Plants and animals

4 - A clear-felling with a forest protection over wood and regeneration from coppice is called:

Shelterwood coppice system

5 - A complex of several species and communities in various stages of succession maintained under similar climatic conditions is known as:


6 - A crocodile had just eaten a lamb when a hawk saw the crocodile attacked it, and consumed it. The hawk is in ecological terms:

A tertiary consumer

7 - A food chain consists of:

Producers, consumers and decomposers

8 - A food chain has the following trophic levels:

3 or 4

9 - A food chain starts with:

Photosynthesizing organisms

10 - A man is the part of biotic community:


11 - A plant, being eaten by a herbivore which in turn is eaten by a carnivore, makes a:

Food chain

12 - Abiotic components are:

All of the above

13 - Abiotic factors are:

All of the above

14 - Accelerated soil erosion factors are:

Both (a) & (b)

15 - According to Lindemann, the percentage of net production passed on to carnivores is:


16 - According to Lindemann, the total solar input in terms of gcal/cm2/year is:


17 - According to Odum the light absorbed by the plant cover in terms of kcal/m2/day is:


18 - According to Odum, the percentage of net primary production of total light intake is:


19 - All the living organisms on the earth interacting with atmosphere constitute:


20 - An ecosystem is a structure that is:

Either of these

21 - An ecosystem is:

A functional unit of biotic and abiotic components which have an energy source

22 - An ecosystem which can be easily damaged but can recover after sometime if damaging effect stops will be having:

High stability and high resillience

23 - As each coupe comes under felling the operations are being carried out:

All of the above

24 - Azolla is used as a biofertilizer because it:

Has association nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria

25 - Bacteria and fungi in a forest ecosystem are generally:


26 - Biological equilibrium is found among the:

Producers, consumers and decomposers

27 - Biome' is:

That part of the earth and its atmosphere, which inhabits living organisms

28 - Biophere refers to:

Area occupied by living beings

29 - Biosphere is that:

Where individuals interact with each other

30 - Biotic components are:

All of the above

31 - Biotic components of an ecosystem include:

Producers, consumers and decomposers

32 - Branches of ecology are:

Both (a) & (b)

33 - Buttresses are usually found in the plants growing in:

Tropical rain forest

34 - Carbon cycle includes:

Producer, consumer, decomposer

35 - Carnivores are:

Usually secondary or tertiary consumers

36 - Causes of accelerated erosion are:

Both (a) & (b)

37 - Causes of plant succession are:

Both (a) & (b)

38 - Classification of plant succession categorised as:

Both (a) & (b)

39 - Components of ecosystem are:

Both (a) & (b)

40 - Crops in part at least, originating from stool shoots or by other vegetative means:

Coppices system

41 - Crysanthemum is propagated by___________?


42 - Decomposers are:


43 - Deers are:


44 - During anaerobic digestion of organic waste, such as in producing biogas, which of the following is left undergraded?


45 - During food chain the maximum energy is stored in:


46 - Ecological pyramids are of:

Three types

47 - Ecological pyramids were discovered by:


48 - Ecosystem contains:

All of the above

49 - Ecosystem creates:

Both (a) & (b)

50 - Ecosystem includes:

Both (a) & (b)

51 - Ecosystem may be defined as:

Functional unit for ecological studies

52 - Ecosystem receives nitrogen from outside through:

All the above

53 - Energy enters into the ecosystem through:


54 - Energy flow and energy transformations in living systems strictly conform to the:

Laws of thermody namics

55 - Energy transfer from one trophic level to other in a food chain is:


56 - Environmental factors in ecosystem:

Both (a) & (b)

57 - Every ecosystem must have a continuous external source of:


58 - Felling and regeneration distributed continuously over the whole area, corp wholly uneven-aged:

Selection system

59 - Felling and regeneration for the time being concentrated on part for the forest area:

Both (a) & (b)

60 - Felling beginning in internal lines and advancing outwards in wedge formation:

Wedge system

61 - Food chains are met with only in the:

In all these places

62 - Food levels in an ecosystem are called:

Trophic levels

63 - Forest Ecosystem means:

Both (a) & (b)

64 - Form of forest produced by introducing a young crop beneath an existing immature is called:

Two-storied high forest

65 - Form of forest produced by retaining certain trees of the old crop after regeneration is completed known as:

High forest with standards

66 - From gross production of autotrophs, according to Lindemann, how much energy in gcal/cm2/year is used in respiration and decomposition respectively:

29.3, 3.5

67 - From the onwards the coppice crop will be thinned on a ______ cycle:

10 years

68 - Green plants constitute:

The first trophic level

69 - Hydrological cycle is under the control of:


70 - Hydrophytes (Acquatic Plants) means:

Both (a) & (b)

71 - Hygrophytes (Moisture loving plants) means:

All of the above

72 - If all the green plants were to disappear from the earth:

All the animal will die

73 - If bamboo plant is growing in a far forest then what will be its trophic level?


74 - If corbon dioxide is withdrawn from the biosphere, which organism would first experience negative effect?


75 - If organisms are arranged according to predator-prey relationship one always finds more of prey species then of predator. This is called a:

Pyramid of numbers

76 - If phytoplanktons are destroyed from sea, then:

Food chain will be effected

77 - If precise quantitative measurements are made on a convined ecosystem in a laboratory, we will find amounts of which of the following to be a one-way flow rather than cyclic?

Free energy

78 - If we completely remove the decomposers from an ecosysters, its functioning will be adversely affected because:

Mineral movement will be blocked

79 - In a biome the life form of climatic climax vegetation is:


80 - In a biotic community, primary consumers are:


81 - In a comparative study of grassland ecosystem and pond ecosystem it may be observed that:

Both biotic and abiotic components are different

82 - In a fish aquarium green aquatic plants are grown primarily for:


83 - In a food chain the largest population is that of:


84 - In a food chain, man is:

Primary and Secondary consumer

85 - In a food chain, the initial organism is:


86 - In a food chain, the total amount of living material is depicted by:

Pyramid of biomass

87 - In a forest ecosystem, green plants are:

The primary producers

88 - In a forest ecosystem, the numerical relationship between the producers and herbivores:

Producers less than herbivores

89 - In a parasitic food chain which trophic level is represented by bugs and lices?


90 - In a stabilized ecosystem the P/R ratio is:


91 - In a terrestrial ecosystem such as forest maximum energy lies in which trophic level?


92 - In an aquatic environment, microscopic animals and plants are collectively known:


93 - In an ecosystem in abiotic components which of the following occurs?

Flow of energy and cycling of materials

94 - In an ecosystem, bacteria are considered as:


95 - In an ecosystem, the population of:

Primary producers is larger than that of primary consumers

96 - In an upright pyramid of biomass, the herbivores occupy the position:


97 - In coppice with standard system how many rotations?

Two or more rotations

98 - In desert grasslands, which type of animals are relatively more abundant?


99 - In food chain initial organisms are:

Photo synthesizers

100 - In food chain, herbivores are:

Primary consumer

101 - In forest ecosstem, pyramid of number is:

None of the above

102 - In lake ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is:


103 - In natural ecosystem, decomposers include:

Only bacteria and fungi

104 - In the following there is no difference:

Primary consumers and herbivores

105 - In the phosphorus cycle, weathering makes phosphate available first to:


106 - In which of the following there is no difference?

Primary consumers and herbivores

107 - In which system that the regeneration of the compartment is started form natural foci or groups of advance growth?

Group system

108 - Major types of climax are:

All of the above

109 - Man is a:


110 - Manual of silviculture for Pakistan"authored by:

Champion, Seth and Kattak

111 - Mark the correct statement with reference to phosphorous cycle:

Ocean phosphates are lost by sedimentation

112 - Mark the correct statement:

Microconsumers are saprotrophs

113 - Mark the incorrect statement with reference to carbon cycle:

75% of total carbon lies in geological component

114 - Mesophytes means:

All of the above

115 - Mr. X is eating curd/yoghurt. For this food intake in a food chain he should be considered as occupying:

Fourth trophic level

116 - Mulberry is introduced by ___________

Under planting

117 - Nektons are:

Organisms that swim in water

118 - Nepenthes is a :

Primary producer and consumer

119 - Niche of a species in an ecosystem refers to its:

Function at its place of occurrence

120 - Non-biotic components can be grauped into:

All of the above

121 - One of the major difficulties in the biological control of insect pests is that:

The predator develops a preference to other diets and may itself become a pest

122 - Opening of canopy by scattered gaps, young crop more or less even-aged in which system:

Group system

123 - Opening of canopy even young crop more or less even aged and uniform felling happing under:

Uniform system

124 - Opening of canopy irregular and gradual, young crop somewhat uneven-aged:

Irregular system

125 - Peacock eats a snake and snake eats frog and frog eats insect while insect eats green plant, then position of peacock is:

Apex of food pyramids

126 - Plant associations refer:

Both (a) & (b)

127 - Plant succession means:

Both (a) & (b)

128 - Plants constitute the:

First trophic level

129 - Plants like Saccharum. Imperata, Capparis and Acacia occur in the following biome:

Tropical savannah

130 - Pond is an example of:

Natural ecosystem

131 - Prairies and steppes are parts of the natural regions called:

Temperate grasslands

132 - Principal advantages of the selection system are:

All of the above

133 - Regeneration may be effected by how many ways?

All of the above

134 - Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is usually referred to damages caused by:

High temperature

135 - Savannahs are:

Grassland with scattered trees

136 - Soil erosion factors include:

All of the above

137 - Soil water depicts:

All of the above

138 - Source of energy in an ecosystem is:


139 - Strips are cutting through the forest and regenerated naturally the intervening strips being subsequently clear-felled and generally:

Uniform system

140 - Successive areas are clear-felled in accordance with the prescriptions of the working plan and area regenerated naturally or artificially is known as:

Clear felling system

141 - Sulphur is returned to the soil by:

Consumers and decomposers

142 - Synecology can be subdivided into how many branches:

All of the above

143 - Ten per cent law of energy transfer, in a food chain was enunciated by:


144 - The amount of living matter present in a component population of a particular trophic level is called:

Standing crop

145 - The bacteria which attack the dead animals are:

The end of the food chain and are decomposers

146 - The biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem are connected through:

Humification and mineralization

147 - The clear strip system is associated with:

Silvicultural system

148 - The correct sequence of food chain is:


149 - The cybernatics of an ecosystem refers to:

Regulation of equilibrium

150 - The cycling of elements in an ecosystem is called:

Biogeochemical cycle

151 - The decomposers in an ecosystem constitute the following trophic level:


152 - The driving force of the ecosystem is:

Solar energy

153 - The earth could have sustained more population if all the people would have been:

Dependent upon milk, egg and vegetarian habit

154 - The earth's atmosphere in which organisms live, is called:


155 - The ecological pyramids were first designed by:


156 - The ecosystem exists in a state of 'balance'. Supposing one of the heterotrophs, says the rabbit, multiplies and increases in number suddenly then:

The 'balance' will be restoredby an increase in the wolf population

157 - The ecosystem lying in the alpine zone between taiga and polar ice is called:


158 - The efficiency of primary production in an ocean is:


159 - The essence of silvicultural system:

All of the above

160 - The factors to control of wind erosion are:

Both (a) & (b)

161 - The first fish that eats upon the planktonic forms is:

Secondary consumer

162 - The first link in any food chain is a green plant because:

They alone have the capacity to fix the atmospheric CO2 in the presence of sunlight

163 - The flora and fauna in lakes and ponds represents:

Lentic biota

164 - The flow of materials and energy in an ecosystem is respectively:

Cyclic and linear

165 - The following belong to the same trophic level:

Deer and honey bee

166 - The fungi in a forest ecosystem act as:


167 - The greatest biomass of autotrophs in the world's oceans is that of:

Free-floating microalgae, cyanobacteria and nanoplankton

168 - The gross primary production is maximum in the following ecosystem:

Tropical and sub-tropical forest

169 - The gross production minus losses in an ecosystem is indicated as:

Net primary production

170 - The importance of ecosystem lies in:

Both (a) & (b)

171 - The incorporation of minerals by microbes is called:

Nutrient immobilization

172 - The irrigated plantations of the ______ are regenerated to a great extent by coppice:


173 - The living organisms of all ecosystems collectively constitute:


174 - The living steady state has a self-regulatory mechanism which is:


175 - The main role of bacteria in the carbon cycle involves:

Digestion or breakdown of organic compounds

176 - The major types of soil are recognized on the basis of their mode of accumulation and include:

All of the above

177 - The major types of soil erosion are:

Both (a) & (b)

178 - The major types of water erosion are:

None of these

179 - The major types of wind erosion are:

All of the above

180 - The maximum amount of CO2 fixed by green plants by way of photosynthesis in a year is:

9 x 1013 kg

181 - The minimum number of components required for an ecosystem to survive:

Producer and decomposer

182 - The modes of Perennation are:

All of the above

183 - The moist tropical deciduous forest biomes show predominace of plants like:

Shorea and Tectona

184 - The non-green plants are as important as the green plants because they:

Bring about decomposition of dead animals and plant remains

185 - The number of individuals of a species in a particular ecosystem at a given constant due to:

Available food

186 - The number of kinds of food chains:


187 - The number of primary producers within a specified area world be maximum in:

Pond ecosystem

188 - The number of producers and consumers in an ecosystem is mutually controlled by a:

Feed back mechanism

189 - The Organic contents of soil are:

All of the above

190 - The other name/names of uniform system:

All of the above

191 - The part of earth in which life exists is known as:


192 - The percentage of light energy utilized for photosynthesis by higher plants is:


193 - The percentage of water bound in lithosphere and sedimentary rocks is:


194 - The phytoplanktonic forms of plants are:


195 - The plants of Cupressus and Cedrus are characteristic of:

Temperate coniferous forest

196 - The primary consumers are described as:


197 - The primary productivity is minimum in the following ecosystem:

Desert shrub

198 - The principal disadvantages of the selection system are:

All of the above

199 - The processes involving the transformation of carbon compounds on earth include:

Both biological and non-biological processes

200 - The pyramid of biomass in a forest ecosystem is:


201 - The pyramid of biomass in a parasitic ecosystem is:


202 - The pyramid of biomass in a shallow pond ecosystem is:


203 - The pyramid of biomass is variable in some:

Pond ecosystems

204 - The pyramid of energy is always:


205 - The pyramid of number around a tree would be:


206 - The pyramid of number in a forest ecosystem is:


207 - The pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosystem will be:


208 - The pyramid that cannot be inverted in a stable ecosystem is the pyramid of:


209 - The rate at which light energy is converted into chemical energy of organic molecules is the ecosystem's:

Gross primary productivity

210 - The rate of storage at consumer level is:

Secondary productivity

211 - The rate of storage of food energy at consumer level is called:

Secondary productivity

212 - The ration of food energy assimilated to the food energy ingested is called:

Assimilation efficiency

213 - The river mouth ecosystem is called:


214 - The significance of ecosystem lies in:

Both (a) & (b)

215 - The snakes are included under:

None of these

216 - The SO2 is returned to the atomsphere by:

Combustion of fuel

217 - The soil moisture constants are:

All of the above

218 - The solar radiations are the sole source of:

Both (a) & (b)

219 - The source of energy in an ecosystem is:

Light received from the sun

220 - The study of interaction between living organisms and environment in a specific area is the study of:


221 - The sulphate rocks are formed in ocean by leaching of:

Soluble inorganic sulphates

222 - The taiga ecosystems lie in the:

Sub-alpine aone

223 - The temperate broad-leaf forest biomes are characterized by the predominance of

Quercus sp.

224 - The term 'bio-coenosis' was coined by:

Carl Mobius

225 - The term biosphere is used for the zone of earth where life exists:

In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere

226 - The term homeostasis in an ecosystem refers to:

State of equilibrium

227 - The term omnivore is applied to:

Herbivore and carnivore

228 - The term reducer is applied to:

Both (a) & (b)

229 - The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another is governed by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The average efficiency of energy transfer from nerbivores to carnivores is:


230 - The transfer of energy from organism to organism is a natural community establishes:

Food chains

231 - The trophic level of lion is a forest ecosystem is:


232 - The trophic structure in an ecosystem is infact:

Producer-consumer arrangement

233 - The two major functional components of an ecosystem are:

Food chain and decomposers

234 - The ultimate energy source of ecosystem is:

Solar energy

235 - The whale is:

Secondary consumer

236 - The zooplanktonic forms are:

Primay consumers

237 - These belong to the category of primary consumers:

Insects and cattle

238 - This is an inverted pyramid:

Pyramid of biomass in a pond ecosystem

239 - Tip of ecological pyramid is occupied by:


240 - Tip of ecological pyramid is occupied by:


241 - To eat and being eaten relationship is called:

Food chain

242 - Trophic levels are formed by:

Organisms linked in food chains

243 - Trophic levels are formed by:

Organisms linked in food chains

244 - Typical successions in forest are:

All of the above

245 - Under which system mature trees are scattered over the whole area of the forest and felling should proceed annually over the whole area of the estate?

Selection system

246 - Uniform system can be applied in:

Both (a) & (b)

247 - What is contributed from the outer space in an ecosystem?

Energy only

248 - What is coppice system?

A systems where the crop originates from coppice and where the rotation of the coppice is short.

249 - What is silvicultural system?

It is the process by which the crops constituting a forest are tended, removed and replaced by new crops, resulting in the production on woods of a distinctive form:

250 - What is the major methods of obtaining regeneration?

All of the above

251 - When a big fish eats a small fish, which easts water-fleas supported by phytoplankton, the water leas are:

Primary consumers

252 - When peacock eats snakes which eat insects thriving on green plants, peacock is:

The apex of the food pyramid

253 - When the number of organisms at successive levels are plotted, they assume the space of a pyramid. This is called the pyramid of:


254 - Which are the biotic components of forest ecosystem?

All of the above

255 - Which ecological cycle is directly driven by sunlight?


256 - Which ecosystem has the highest primary productivity?

Forest ecosystem

257 - Which group of three living organisms, given below is a link in food chain: Green plants .... Hawk:

Grasshopper, frog, snake

258 - Which is a primary consumer?


259 - Which is the most stable ecosystem?


260 - Which is the most stable ecosystem?


261 - Which of the following belong to the same trophic level?

Yeast and Monotrapa

262 - Which of the following characterizes the biomass in an ecosystem?

No general statement can be made about relative biomass of different ecological groups

263 - Which of the following ecosystem has highest gross primary productivity:


264 - Which of the following food chain may not be directly dependent upon solar energy?


265 - Which of the following habitats is most unsuitable for primary productivity:


266 - Which of the following has the largest amount of energy?


267 - Which of the following is an artificial ecosystem?


268 - Which of the following is expected to have the highest value (gm/m2/yr) in a grassland ecosystem?

Gross Production (GP)

269 - Which of the following is logical sequence of carbon cycle:


270 - Which of the following is non-renewable source of energy:


271 - Which of the following is the smallest unit?


272 - Which of the following serves as source of carbon in plants:

Atmospheric CO2

273 - Which of the following terms is not a synonym literally for ecosystem?


274 - Which of the following world is related to Homo sapiens?


275 - Which one of the following elements is the critical limiting factors in the function of ecosphere because of its irretrievable loss in the ocear:


276 - Which one of the following is a reversible source of energy?

Nuclear fuel

277 - Which one of the following pairs is a sedimentary type of biogeochemical cycle?

Phosphorus and sulphur

278 - Which part of the pond ecosystem does not affect by the temperature:


279 - Which type of the following ecological pyramids are never inverted?

Pyramids of energy

280 - Xerophytes means:

Both (a) & (b)

1 - ________ consists in clear-cutting a fixed area annually which is regenerated by coppice shoots:

Simple coppice system

2 - _________ consists of a crop arranged in two different stories, one above the other; each story being approximately even-aged not of seedling as opposed to coppice origin:

Two-storied high forest

3 - A biotic community comprises:

Plants and animals

4 - A clear-felling with a forest protection over wood and regeneration from coppice is called:

Shelterwood coppice system

5 - A complex of several species and communities in various stages of succession maintained under similar climatic conditions is known as:


6 - A crocodile had just eaten a lamb when a hawk saw the crocodile attacked it, and consumed it. The hawk is in ecological terms:

A tertiary consumer

7 - A food chain consists of:

Producers, consumers and decomposers

8 - A food chain has the following trophic levels:

3 or 4

9 - A food chain starts with:

Photosynthesizing organisms

10 - A man is the part of biotic community:


11 - A plant, being eaten by a herbivore which in turn is eaten by a carnivore, makes a:

Food chain

12 - Abiotic components are:

All of the above

13 - Abiotic factors are:

All of the above

14 - Accelerated soil erosion factors are:

Both (a) & (b)

15 - According to Lindemann, the percentage of net production passed on to carnivores is:


16 - According to Lindemann, the total solar input in terms of gcal/cm2/year is:


17 - According to Odum the light absorbed by the plant cover in terms of kcal/m2/day is:


18 - According to Odum, the percentage of net primary production of total light intake is:


19 - All the living organisms on the earth interacting with atmosphere constitute:


20 - An ecosystem is a structure that is:

Either of these

21 - An ecosystem is:

A functional unit of biotic and abiotic components which have an energy source

22 - An ecosystem which can be easily damaged but can recover after sometime if damaging effect stops will be having:

High stability and high resillience

23 - As each coupe comes under felling the operations are being carried out:

All of the above

24 - Azolla is used as a biofertilizer because it:

Has association nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria

25 - Bacteria and fungi in a forest ecosystem are generally:


26 - Biological equilibrium is found among the:

Producers, consumers and decomposers

27 - Biome' is:

That part of the earth and its atmosphere, which inhabits living organisms

28 - Biophere refers to:

Area occupied by living beings

29 - Biosphere is that:

Where individuals interact with each other

30 - Biotic components are:

All of the above

31 - Biotic components of an ecosystem include:

Producers, consumers and decomposers

32 - Branches of ecology are:

Both (a) & (b)

33 - Buttresses are usually found in the plants growing in:

Tropical rain forest

34 - Carbon cycle includes:

Producer, consumer, decomposer

35 - Carnivores are:

Usually secondary or tertiary consumers

36 - Causes of accelerated erosion are:

Both (a) & (b)

37 - Causes of plant succession are:

Both (a) & (b)

38 - Classification of plant succession categorised as:

Both (a) & (b)

39 - Components of ecosystem are:

Both (a) & (b)

40 - Crops in part at least, originating from stool shoots or by other vegetative means:

Coppices system

41 - Crysanthemum is propagated by___________?


42 - Decomposers are:


43 - Deers are:


44 - During anaerobic digestion of organic waste, such as in producing biogas, which of the following is left undergraded?


45 - During food chain the maximum energy is stored in:


46 - Ecological pyramids are of:

Three types

47 - Ecological pyramids were discovered by:


48 - Ecosystem contains:

All of the above

49 - Ecosystem creates:

Both (a) & (b)

50 - Ecosystem includes:

Both (a) & (b)

51 - Ecosystem may be defined as:

Functional unit for ecological studies

52 - Ecosystem receives nitrogen from outside through:

All the above

53 - Energy enters into the ecosystem through:


54 - Energy flow and energy transformations in living systems strictly conform to the:

Laws of thermody namics

55 - Energy transfer from one trophic level to other in a food chain is:


56 - Environmental factors in ecosystem:

Both (a) & (b)

57 - Every ecosystem must have a continuous external source of:


58 - Felling and regeneration distributed continuously over the whole area, corp wholly uneven-aged:

Selection system

59 - Felling and regeneration for the time being concentrated on part for the forest area:

Both (a) & (b)

60 - Felling beginning in internal lines and advancing outwards in wedge formation:

Wedge system

61 - Food chains are met with only in the:

In all these places

62 - Food levels in an ecosystem are called:

Trophic levels

63 - Forest Ecosystem means:

Both (a) & (b)

64 - Form of forest produced by introducing a young crop beneath an existing immature is called:

Two-storied high forest

65 - Form of forest produced by retaining certain trees of the old crop after regeneration is completed known as:

High forest with standards

66 - From gross production of autotrophs, according to Lindemann, how much energy in gcal/cm2/year is used in respiration and decomposition respectively:

29.3, 3.5

67 - From the onwards the coppice crop will be thinned on a ______ cycle:

10 years

68 - Green plants constitute:

The first trophic level

69 - Hydrological cycle is under the control of:


70 - Hydrophytes (Acquatic Plants) means:

Both (a) & (b)

71 - Hygrophytes (Moisture loving plants) means:

All of the above

72 - If all the green plants were to disappear from the earth:

All the animal will die

73 - If bamboo plant is growing in a far forest then what will be its trophic level?


74 - If corbon dioxide is withdrawn from the biosphere, which organism would first experience negative effect?


75 - If organisms are arranged according to predator-prey relationship one always finds more of prey species then of predator. This is called a:

Pyramid of numbers

76 - If phytoplanktons are destroyed from sea, then:

Food chain will be effected

77 - If precise quantitative measurements are made on a convined ecosystem in a laboratory, we will find amounts of which of the following to be a one-way flow rather than cyclic?

Free energy

78 - If we completely remove the decomposers from an ecosysters, its functioning will be adversely affected because:

Mineral movement will be blocked

79 - In a biome the life form of climatic climax vegetation is:


80 - In a biotic community, primary consumers are:


81 - In a comparative study of grassland ecosystem and pond ecosystem it may be observed that:

Both biotic and abiotic components are different

82 - In a fish aquarium green aquatic plants are grown primarily for:


83 - In a food chain the largest population is that of:


84 - In a food chain, man is:

Primary and Secondary consumer

85 - In a food chain, the initial organism is:


86 - In a food chain, the total amount of living material is depicted by:

Pyramid of biomass

87 - In a forest ecosystem, green plants are:

The primary producers

88 - In a forest ecosystem, the numerical relationship between the producers and herbivores:

Producers less than herbivores

89 - In a parasitic food chain which trophic level is represented by bugs and lices?


90 - In a stabilized ecosystem the P/R ratio is:


91 - In a terrestrial ecosystem such as forest maximum energy lies in which trophic level?


92 - In an aquatic environment, microscopic animals and plants are collectively known:


93 - In an ecosystem in abiotic components which of the following occurs?

Flow of energy and cycling of materials

94 - In an ecosystem, bacteria are considered as:


95 - In an ecosystem, the population of:

Primary producers is larger than that of primary consumers

96 - In an upright pyramid of biomass, the herbivores occupy the position:


97 - In coppice with standard system how many rotations?

Two or more rotations

98 - In desert grasslands, which type of animals are relatively more abundant?


99 - In food chain initial organisms are:

Photo synthesizers

100 - In food chain, herbivores are:

Primary consumer

101 - In forest ecosstem, pyramid of number is:

None of the above

102 - In lake ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is:


103 - In natural ecosystem, decomposers include:

Only bacteria and fungi

104 - In the following there is no difference:

Primary consumers and herbivores

105 - In the phosphorus cycle, weathering makes phosphate available first to:


106 - In which of the following there is no difference?

Primary consumers and herbivores

107 - In which system that the regeneration of the compartment is started form natural foci or groups of advance growth?

Group system

108 - Major types of climax are:

All of the above

109 - Man is a:


110 - Manual of silviculture for Pakistan"authored by:

Champion, Seth and Kattak

111 - Mark the correct statement with reference to phosphorous cycle:

Ocean phosphates are lost by sedimentation

112 - Mark the correct statement:

Microconsumers are saprotrophs

113 - Mark the incorrect statement with reference to carbon cycle:

75% of total carbon lies in geological component

114 - Mesophytes means:

All of the above

115 - Mr. X is eating curd/yoghurt. For this food intake in a food chain he should be considered as occupying:

Fourth trophic level

116 - Mulberry is introduced by ___________

Under planting

117 - Nektons are:

Organisms that swim in water

118 - Nepenthes is a :

Primary producer and consumer

119 - Niche of a species in an ecosystem refers to its:

Function at its place of occurrence

120 - Non-biotic components can be grauped into:

All of the above

121 - One of the major difficulties in the biological control of insect pests is that:

The predator develops a preference to other diets and may itself become a pest

122 - Opening of canopy by scattered gaps, young crop more or less even-aged in which system:

Group system

123 - Opening of canopy even young crop more or less even aged and uniform felling happing under:

Uniform system

124 - Opening of canopy irregular and gradual, young crop somewhat uneven-aged:

Irregular system

125 - Peacock eats a snake and snake eats frog and frog eats insect while insect eats green plant, then position of peacock is:

Apex of food pyramids

126 - Plant associations refer:

Both (a) & (b)

127 - Plant succession means:

Both (a) & (b)

128 - Plants constitute the:

First trophic level

129 - Plants like Saccharum. Imperata, Capparis and Acacia occur in the following biome:

Tropical savannah

130 - Pond is an example of:

Natural ecosystem

131 - Prairies and steppes are parts of the natural regions called:

Temperate grasslands

132 - Principal advantages of the selection system are:

All of the above

133 - Regeneration may be effected by how many ways?

All of the above

134 - Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is usually referred to damages caused by:

High temperature

135 - Savannahs are:

Grassland with scattered trees

136 - Soil erosion factors include:

All of the above

137 - Soil water depicts:

All of the above

138 - Source of energy in an ecosystem is:


139 - Strips are cutting through the forest and regenerated naturally the intervening strips being subsequently clear-felled and generally:

Uniform system

140 - Successive areas are clear-felled in accordance with the prescriptions of the working plan and area regenerated naturally or artificially is known as:

Clear felling system

141 - Sulphur is returned to the soil by:

Consumers and decomposers

142 - Synecology can be subdivided into how many branches:

All of the above

143 - Ten per cent law of energy transfer, in a food chain was enunciated by:


144 - The amount of living matter present in a component population of a particular trophic level is called:

Standing crop

145 - The bacteria which attack the dead animals are:

The end of the food chain and are decomposers

146 - The biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem are connected through:

Humification and mineralization

147 - The clear strip system is associated with:

Silvicultural system

148 - The correct sequence of food chain is:


149 - The cybernatics of an ecosystem refers to:

Regulation of equilibrium

150 - The cycling of elements in an ecosystem is called:

Biogeochemical cycle

151 - The decomposers in an ecosystem constitute the following trophic level:


152 - The driving force of the ecosystem is:

Solar energy

153 - The earth could have sustained more population if all the people would have been:

Dependent upon milk, egg and vegetarian habit

154 - The earth's atmosphere in which organisms live, is called:


155 - The ecological pyramids were first designed by:


156 - The ecosystem exists in a state of 'balance'. Supposing one of the heterotrophs, says the rabbit, multiplies and increases in number suddenly then:

The 'balance' will be restoredby an increase in the wolf population

157 - The ecosystem lying in the alpine zone between taiga and polar ice is called:


158 - The efficiency of primary production in an ocean is:


159 - The essence of silvicultural system:

All of the above

160 - The factors to control of wind erosion are:

Both (a) & (b)

161 - The first fish that eats upon the planktonic forms is:

Secondary consumer

162 - The first link in any food chain is a green plant because:

They alone have the capacity to fix the atmospheric CO2 in the presence of sunlight

163 - The flora and fauna in lakes and ponds represents:

Lentic biota

164 - The flow of materials and energy in an ecosystem is respectively:

Cyclic and linear

165 - The following belong to the same trophic level:

Deer and honey bee

166 - The fungi in a forest ecosystem act as:


167 - The greatest biomass of autotrophs in the world's oceans is that of:

Free-floating microalgae, cyanobacteria and nanoplankton

168 - The gross primary production is maximum in the following ecosystem:

Tropical and sub-tropical forest

169 - The gross production minus losses in an ecosystem is indicated as:

Net primary production

170 - The importance of ecosystem lies in:

Both (a) & (b)

171 - The incorporation of minerals by microbes is called:

Nutrient immobilization

172 - The irrigated plantations of the ______ are regenerated to a great extent by coppice:


173 - The living organisms of all ecosystems collectively constitute:


174 - The living steady state has a self-regulatory mechanism which is:


175 - The main role of bacteria in the carbon cycle involves:

Digestion or breakdown of organic compounds

176 - The major types of soil are recognized on the basis of their mode of accumulation and include:

All of the above

177 - The major types of soil erosion are:

Both (a) & (b)

178 - The major types of water erosion are:

None of these

179 - The major types of wind erosion are:

All of the above

180 - The maximum amount of CO2 fixed by green plants by way of photosynthesis in a year is:

9 x 1013 kg

181 - The minimum number of components required for an ecosystem to survive:

Producer and decomposer

182 - The modes of Perennation are:

All of the above

183 - The moist tropical deciduous forest biomes show predominace of plants like:

Shorea and Tectona

184 - The non-green plants are as important as the green plants because they:

Bring about decomposition of dead animals and plant remains

185 - The number of individuals of a species in a particular ecosystem at a given constant due to:

Available food

186 - The number of kinds of food chains:


187 - The number of primary producers within a specified area world be maximum in:

Pond ecosystem

188 - The number of producers and consumers in an ecosystem is mutually controlled by a:

Feed back mechanism

189 - The Organic contents of soil are:

All of the above

190 - The other name/names of uniform system:

All of the above

191 - The part of earth in which life exists is known as:


192 - The percentage of light energy utilized for photosynthesis by higher plants is:


193 - The percentage of water bound in lithosphere and sedimentary rocks is:


194 - The phytoplanktonic forms of plants are:


195 - The plants of Cupressus and Cedrus are characteristic of:

Temperate coniferous forest

196 - The primary consumers are described as:


197 - The primary productivity is minimum in the following ecosystem:

Desert shrub

198 - The principal disadvantages of the selection system are:

All of the above

199 - The processes involving the transformation of carbon compounds on earth include:

Both biological and non-biological processes

200 - The pyramid of biomass in a forest ecosystem is:


201 - The pyramid of biomass in a parasitic ecosystem is:


202 - The pyramid of biomass in a shallow pond ecosystem is:


203 - The pyramid of biomass is variable in some:

Pond ecosystems

204 - The pyramid of energy is always:


205 - The pyramid of number around a tree would be:


206 - The pyramid of number in a forest ecosystem is:


207 - The pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosystem will be:


208 - The pyramid that cannot be inverted in a stable ecosystem is the pyramid of:


209 - The rate at which light energy is converted into chemical energy of organic molecules is the ecosystem's:

Gross primary productivity

210 - The rate of storage at consumer level is:

Secondary productivity

211 - The rate of storage of food energy at consumer level is called:

Secondary productivity

212 - The ration of food energy assimilated to the food energy ingested is called:

Assimilation efficiency

213 - The river mouth ecosystem is called:


214 - The significance of ecosystem lies in:

Both (a) & (b)

215 - The snakes are included under:

None of these

216 - The SO2 is returned to the atomsphere by:

Combustion of fuel

217 - The soil moisture constants are:

All of the above

218 - The solar radiations are the sole source of:

Both (a) & (b)

219 - The source of energy in an ecosystem is:

Light received from the sun

220 - The study of interaction between living organisms and environment in a specific area is the study of:


221 - The sulphate rocks are formed in ocean by leaching of:

Soluble inorganic sulphates

222 - The taiga ecosystems lie in the:

Sub-alpine aone

223 - The temperate broad-leaf forest biomes are characterized by the predominance of

Quercus sp.

224 - The term 'bio-coenosis' was coined by:

Carl Mobius

225 - The term biosphere is used for the zone of earth where life exists:

In the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere

226 - The term homeostasis in an ecosystem refers to:

State of equilibrium

227 - The term omnivore is applied to:

Herbivore and carnivore

228 - The term reducer is applied to:

Both (a) & (b)

229 - The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another is governed by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The average efficiency of energy transfer from nerbivores to carnivores is:


230 - The transfer of energy from organism to organism is a natural community establishes:

Food chains

231 - The trophic level of lion is a forest ecosystem is:


232 - The trophic structure in an ecosystem is infact:

Producer-consumer arrangement

233 - The two major functional components of an ecosystem are:

Food chain and decomposers

234 - The ultimate energy source of ecosystem is:

Solar energy

235 - The whale is:

Secondary consumer

236 - The zooplanktonic forms are:

Primay consumers

237 - These belong to the category of primary consumers:

Insects and cattle

238 - This is an inverted pyramid:

Pyramid of biomass in a pond ecosystem

239 - Tip of ecological pyramid is occupied by:


240 - Tip of ecological pyramid is occupied by:


241 - To eat and being eaten relationship is called:

Food chain

242 - Trophic levels are formed by:

Organisms linked in food chains

243 - Trophic levels are formed by:

Organisms linked in food chains

244 - Typical successions in forest are:

All of the above

245 - Under which system mature trees are scattered over the whole area of the forest and felling should proceed annually over the whole area of the estate?

Selection system

246 - Uniform system can be applied in:

Both (a) & (b)

247 - What is contributed from the outer space in an ecosystem?

Energy only

248 - What is coppice system?

A systems where the crop originates from coppice and where the rotation of the coppice is short.

249 - What is silvicultural system?

It is the process by which the crops constituting a forest are tended, removed and replaced by new crops, resulting in the production on woods of a distinctive form:

250 - What is the major methods of obtaining regeneration?

All of the above

251 - When a big fish eats a small fish, which easts water-fleas supported by phytoplankton, the water leas are:

Primary consumers

252 - When peacock eats snakes which eat insects thriving on green plants, peacock is:

The apex of the food pyramid

253 - When the number of organisms at successive levels are plotted, they assume the space of a pyramid. This is called the pyramid of:


254 - Which are the biotic components of forest ecosystem?

All of the above

255 - Which ecological cycle is directly driven by sunlight?


256 - Which ecosystem has the highest primary productivity?

Forest ecosystem

257 - Which group of three living organisms, given below is a link in food chain: Green plants .... Hawk:

Grasshopper, frog, snake

258 - Which is a primary consumer?


259 - Which is the most stable ecosystem?


260 - Which is the most stable ecosystem?


261 - Which of the following belong to the same trophic level?

Yeast and Monotrapa

262 - Which of the following characterizes the biomass in an ecosystem?

No general statement can be made about relative biomass of different ecological groups

263 - Which of the following ecosystem has highest gross primary productivity:


264 - Which of the following food chain may not be directly dependent upon solar energy?


265 - Which of the following habitats is most unsuitable for primary productivity:


266 - Which of the following has the largest amount of energy?


267 - Which of the following is an artificial ecosystem?


268 - Which of the following is expected to have the highest value (gm/m2/yr) in a grassland ecosystem?

Gross Production (GP)

269 - Which of the following is logical sequence of carbon cycle:


270 - Which of the following is non-renewable source of energy:


271 - Which of the following is the smallest unit?


272 - Which of the following serves as source of carbon in plants:

Atmospheric CO2

273 - Which of the following terms is not a synonym literally for ecosystem?


274 - Which of the following world is related to Homo sapiens?


275 - Which one of the following elements is the critical limiting factors in the function of ecosphere because of its irretrievable loss in the ocear:


276 - Which one of the following is a reversible source of energy?

Nuclear fuel

277 - Which one of the following pairs is a sedimentary type of biogeochemical cycle?

Phosphorus and sulphur

278 - Which part of the pond ecosystem does not affect by the temperature:


279 - Which type of the following ecological pyramids are never inverted?

Pyramids of energy

280 - Xerophytes means:

Both (a) & (b)


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