Elements of Remote Sensing Most Important MCQs

1 - “An Electromagnetic wave falls on to a boundary between two losses less homogeneous media with different refractive indices, a part of the wave is reflected back to the incident medium and the rest is transmitted on to the second media”. This phenomenon is known as___________________?

Fresnel reflection

2 - A and B are two towers of equal height diametrically opposite on either side of the nadir point, at 3 km and 5 km distances. Which one of the following statements is correct?

Height displacement of A will be less than that of B

3 - A passive sensor uses ________________?

Sun as the source of energy

4 - A reduction of nitrogen nutrient in plants_______________?

All of these

5 - Critical angle of electromagnetic radiation takes place if__________________?

Angle of refraction is equal to 90°

6 - DGPS is based on the concept that bias errors in the position of locations in a given local area, are same if their distances are within___________________?

100 km

7 - Due to perturbation of the orbit, satellite orbit parameters are frequently updated on measurements carried out by its_______________________?

Five ground stations

8 - Earth observations from a satellite platform provide____________?

All of these

9 - Economical depth of a plate girder corresponds to_________________?

minimum weight

10 - Electromagnetic radiation_______________?

All of these

11 - Electromagnetic spectrum contains________________?

All of these

12 - For C band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Doppler band width of 1300 Hz, the coherence length loch is_____________?

230 km

13 - For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occurs on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is______________?

Sun-synchronous orbit

14 - Formation of snow occurs if the cloud temperature is________________?

Below the freezing point

15 - Geodimeter is based on_________________?

Propagation of modulated light waves

16 - Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to safeguard against_______________?

compression buckling of web plate

17 - If electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the medium are respectively and , then the velocity (Cm) of the electromagnetic wave in the medium is given by___________________?


18 - If flying height of a spacecraft is H, the length of air base is B and the parallax difference between two points is dp, then the difference in height___________________?

h = dp/(B/H)

19 - If the 20 mm rivets are used in lacing bars, then the minimum width of lacing bar should be______________?


20 - In GPS, receivers used are___________________?

Quartz clocks

21 - Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder need be provided if the depth of web exceeds___________________?


22 - Lacing bars in a steel column should be designed to resist_________________?

shear force due to 2.5% of the column load

23 - Leaf reflectance depends primarily on______________?

All of these

24 - Minimum spacing of vertical stiffeners is limited to________________?


25 - Orbital radius of GPS satellites is approximately ___________________?

26,600 km

26 - Pick up the correct definition from the following with response to GIS_______________?

All of these

27 - Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

All of these

28 - Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

All of the above

29 - Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

All of these

30 - Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

All of these

31 - Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

All of these

32 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All of these

33 - Pick up the correct statement from the following_________________?

All of these

34 - Pick up the important characteristic of a target which facilitates its identification from the following ?

All of these

35 - Spatial variation in horizontal and vertical directions is caused due to_________________?

All of these

36 - The arrangement of terrain features which provides attributes: the shape, size and texture of objects, is called_________________?

Spatial variation

37 - The basic requirement of any sensor system is___________________?

All of these

38 - The changes in the reflectivity/emissivity with time, is called ?

Temporal variation

39 - The code based GPS receivers are generally used for_________________?

All of these

40 - The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are__________________?

shear and bending forces

41 - The GPS space segment consists of Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging whose number is_______________?


42 - The most widely used antenna in GPS is_______________?

Microstrip antenna

43 - The normal altitude of GPS satellite is about________________?

20,200 km

44 - The overlap of batten plates with the main members in welded connections should be more than____________________?


45 - The part radiation due to scattered/diffused radiation entering the field of view of a remote sensor other than that from the required target_________________?

Reduces the contrast of the image and also its sharpness

46 - The ratio of the total solar radiant energy returned by a planetary body to the total radiant energy incident on the body, the called________________?


47 - The reflection of solar energy is characterised by the water content in the leaf, in the reflective optical infrared______________?

Short wave-IR (1.3 –

48 - The value of energy quantum for radiation of any frequency is proportional to________________?

The frequency

49 - The web crippling due to excessive bearing stress can be avoided by_________________?

increasing the length of the bearing plates

50 - Which one of the following attributes is not associated with digital maps_______________?

South arrow

51 - Which one of the following errors is produced by platform characteristics of the sensor ?

All of these

52 - Which one of the following frequency regions is a part of sun's radiation ?

All of these

53 - Which one of the following geometric errors of satellite sensors is random ?

Altitude variation

54 - Which one of the following helps to identify the objects on the earth surface ?


55 - Which one of the following quantities forms the basis of radiometry ?

All of these

56 - Which one of the following residual biases involves the GPS accuracy ?

All the above

57 - Which one of the following statement is incorrect regarding the electromagnetic radiation ?

None of these

58 - Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the GPS satellites ?

All of these

59 - Which one the following is a correct statement ?

All of these

60 - Who coined the term, 'Remote sensing_______________?

Evelyn L. Pruitt, a geographer


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