Entomology Important MCQs

1 - _______________is a practice of dinning on one€™s own species?


2 - A chemical or secretions which are thrown outside the body for transmitting message to the individual of same species is_________________?


3 - A chemical which attracts pest to a trap is called__________________?


4 - A chemical which causes plant does it called __________________?


5 - A chemical which inhibits clotting mechanisms of the blood is called __________________?

Chronic poisoning

6 - A dose of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called_________________?


7 - A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are___________________?

Agricultural insects

8 - A free living animal that attack and feed on other organism is called_______________?


9 - A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is__________________?

General resistance

10 - A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is___________________?

General resistance

11 - A material which is used to dilute active material is called__________________?


12 - A mixture included pesticides which decrease the efficiency of each other is called__________________?

Antagonistic mixture

13 - A mixture included pesticides which do not increase or decrease the efficacy of each other is called___________________?

Additive mixture

14 - A mixture of active and inert ingredients is called_________________?


15 - A poison produced by a plant, animal or organisms is called____________________?


16 - A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called_____________________?


17 - A substance that destructive to nerve tissue is called____________________?


18 - A substance used in a pesticide, it helps the spray material to adhere to the sprayed surface is called_________________?


19 - A type of resistance in which a series of different cultivars of the same crop are infested with a series of different insect biotype of same species show no differentia intersction, such type of resistance is___________________?

Horizontal resistance

20 - A type of resistance in which a series of different cultivars of the same crop are infested with a series of different insect biotypes of same species show a differentia interaction is known as_________________?

Vertical resistance

21 - Acricide is:


22 - Against Lepidopterous larvae we apply_________________?

Lefenuron, Chlorfluazuron, Flufenoxum

23 - Against sucking and chewing insect pest we apply___________________?

All the above

24 - All the practices used to control the pest population with in certain limit are called_________________?

Artificial control

25 - Alxillary sclerites are absent in:


26 - An abnormal proliferation of plant cells resulting from outside stimulus (Insect, a fungal growth, a mite) is called ?


27 - An egg parasitoid of lepidopterous insects is______________________?

Trichogramma sp

28 - An explosive increase in population of particular species that occurs over a short period of time is called________________?


29 - An insect pest normally present at some time during the growing season that causes the economic damage to a crop is called ?

Key pest

30 - Antecedents prevent pest to cause damage called___________________?


31 - Ants butterflies, wasp, moths have type of legs ______________________?


32 - Any organism which harm or causes damage man directly or indirectly called as________________?


33 - Any organism which harms or causes damage to man directly or indirectly is called ?


34 - Aphelinus mali has been a successful parasite in controlling:

Apple wolly aphis

35 - Aphid is example of____________________?


36 - Aphis lions are predator of___________________?


37 - Apical margin of wing of insect is____________________?

Outer margin

38 - Archnids and insects contain malpighian tubules as organs of:


39 - Asymmetrical mouths parts present in__________________?


40 - Bacillus thurigiensis was reported by Berliner from:


41 - Bacillus thuringiensis is most effective at pH:

9 to 10

42 - Basic unit of classification is known:


43 - Beetles, weevils, earwigs. have fore wing very thick and hard structure is__________________?


44 - Berlese's theory was proposed to explain the orign of:

Pupal stage

45 - Best example of parasites are ___________________?

All of above

46 - Best example of predators are____________________?

Dragonflies, Aphid lions, Lady bird beetle, flower beetle

47 - Bio-types of brown plant hopper are of:

5 types

48 - Black scale insect of citrus is controlled by:

Metaphycus loundsbury

49 - Blood-porphyrinuria is due to accumulation of porphyrin in the :

Lachrymal glands

50 - Burgundy mixture contains:

Copper sulphate, sodium carbonate and water

51 - Butter flies have antennae________________?


52 - Butterflies having wing coupling apparatus is__________________?


53 - By radioactive carbon method the age of the fossil can be determined upto:

25,000 years

54 - By the introduction of chlorine in 3 position of methyl parathion aromatic radical, the insecticide obtained is:


55 - Campo deiform is type of_________________?


56 - Cane killing weed (Striga sp.) in sugarcane is:

A wed

57 - Carbamates contains_________________?

Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen

58 - Carbon disulphide control:


59 - Chemical added to pesticide to increase its activity is called________________?


60 - Chemicals, which transmit the chemical message, to individual of various species_________________?

Allelo chemicals

61 - Classification of phylum mollusca is based on:

Locomotory organs

62 - Coined the term 'Pest Management':


63 - Commercial production of lac through lac insects is called___________________?

Lac culture

64 - Commercial production of silk is called_________________?


65 - Commercial rearing of honey is called________________?


66 - Costal margin of wing of insect is______________?

Frontal margin

67 - Costal margin of wing of insect is________________?

Frontal margin

68 - Cotesia flavipers is endo larval parasite of_________________?

Sugarcane stem borer

69 - Cotton bollworms, sugarcane borers are_________________?

Major pest

70 - Cotton Jassid can be controlled by:


71 - Cotton stainer is:


72 - Crushing of food in insects is done by:


73 - Crustacean posses the following distinguishing characters. Choose the odd one:

One pair of antennae

74 - Cut worm is a pest of:


75 - Cypermethrin, deltamerthrin, permethrin are example of__________________?


76 - dasineura lini is pest of:


77 - DDT inhibits the enzyme which plays important role in the formation of effshell in birds is:

Carbonic anhydrase

78 - DDT is toxic to insect pests by:

Both (a) and (b)

79 - Death of an insect from a single dose is called__________________?

Acute poisoning

80 - Desert locust is__________________?

Migrant pest

81 - Diazepam is an antidote of_________________?

Organ chlorine

82 - Difference between workers and drones _____________________?

Drones are male while workers are sterile

83 - Diflubenzuron is it derivative of:


84 - Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage started in:


85 - Dragonfly and damselfly have type of legs_________________?

Basket like

86 - During the process of sclerotization which of the following is oxidised in the haemocytes:


87 - Economic threshold level is always:

Lower than economic injury level (EIL)

88 - Example of inorganic pesticides are__________________?

calcium cyanide, boric acid

89 - Examples of monophagous insect is_________________?

Pectinophora gossypiella (Pink bollworm)

90 - Examples of poly phagous insect is__________________?

Helicoverpa armigera

91 - Factor on which penetration of insecticide through insect cuticle does not depend:

Chemical nature of the cuticle

92 - Fast acting pheromones and called__________________?


93 - Fast acting pheromones and called__________________?


94 - Feeding in insects can be checked by the use of:

Freeding deterent

95 - Fire flies are________________?


96 - First insect-fossil was found in:


97 - For safe application of pesticide which things are required ?

All of above

98 - For the fumigation of rat burrows the fumigant required is:

Aluminium phosphide

99 - Fore-gut is lined internally by:


100 - Fossil records indicate that insect evolved during:

Devonian period

101 - Fully recovered patient may develop full-grown symptoms of poisoning as long as a month after the initial poisoning in the case of:


102 - Function of endo cuticle is________________________?

Extensiblity of integument and flexibility

103 - Function of epiculticle in insect is__________________?

Impermeability of water and prevent evaporation

104 - Function of Exo cuticle insect is_________________?

Rigidity of body parts

105 - Give the name of a family of order Hymenoptera which include crop pests:


106 - Giving complete coverage to one hectare of crop by spraying 60 to 250 litres of liiquids, is known as:

Low volume spray

107 - Giving complete coverage to one-hectare crop more than 250 liters of liquid is called:

High volume spray

108 - Glycerophosphate shuttle is found in:

Flight muscles

109 - Gram pod border feeds or the following crop:

Variety of crops

110 - Grass hopper, cricket have mouth parts__________________?

Biting chewing type

111 - Grasshopper and cockroaches have type of wings is____________________?


112 - Grassy cut worm of groundnut can be controlled by:


113 - Green Commandos is:


114 - Green house, white fly can be controlled by:

Encarsia formosa

115 - Gughia weevil is a pest of:


116 - Hamulate type of wing couping appartus is found in:


117 - Heart, muscles and aorta are derived from:


118 - Herioglyphus nigrorepletus is the scientific name of:

Rice grasshopper

119 - Hind winds of true flies are modified in to tiny knobbed structure is known as________________?


120 - Honey bees with a row of minutes hooks on the anterior wings that catch in to the up-rolled hind border of the fore wing is_______________?


121 - Hopper burn' appears in:


122 - Horizontal resistance is also known as:

All of the above

123 - House has antennae_____________________?


124 - Housefly have mouth parts_________________?

Siphoning type

125 - If equilibrium population level of a crop damaging insect is above the economic injury level, it is a:

Potential pest

126 - If one gram of a pesticide formulation containing 50% active ingredient is mixed with 1 litre of water, what will ingredient in the spray fluid?

500 ppm

127 - In aphids cornnicals are projected from the forsum of:

6th abdominal segment

128 - In binomial nomenclature different classes possessing common characters are indluded in a/an:


129 - In case of rotary type of duster the air current is developed by:


130 - In grasshopper, the number of spiracles is:

10 pairs

131 - In honey bees a flight for mating purpose is called_________________?

Nuptial flight

132 - In honey bees, when the larvae are fed on regular diet of pollen and honey, which cast is produced:

All of the above

133 - In Hymenoptera the first abdominal segment, which is fused with the metathorax, is called:


134 - In leucerne resistance to spotted aphid is associated with:

High saponin in leaves

135 - In order to be most effective control measures aimed at killing an insect-pest should be directed to attack:


136 - In organophosphate insecticide poisoning the muscarinic effects result in:

All of the above

137 - In physiological considerations the resistance to in insecticides may be developed due to:

All of the above

138 - In siphoning type of mouth parts proboscis is composed of:


139 - In solid cone nozzle the solid cone of liquid is formed due to:

Central hole of swirl plate

140 - In the first discovered protective insecticide was:


141 - In the formation of cuticle which of the following layer is secreted first:

Cuticulin layer

142 - In the reduction of a pest population, the balance of the natural enemies is maintained in:

Pest management

143 - In which of the following insect the spiracles are absent?

Chironomid larvae

144 - In which order females have no pupal stage but males have:


145 - Indicate the correct sequence through which the following insecticide came into use:

Lead arsentate, Rotenone, BHC and Malathion

146 - Indicate, which represent the analogous group:

Wings of butterfly and birds

147 - Indiscriminate use of pesticides and cultivation of high yielding crop varieties often leads to:

All of the above

148 - Ingredient added in pesticide to enhance and maintain efficacy of active ingredient is____________________?

Insert ingredient

149 - Inorganic salts are toxic to insects by:


150 - Insect are_________________?

Cold blooded animals

151 - Insect body divided into external grooves called Sutures__________________?


152 - Insect haemocoel consists of the following sinuses. Choose the odd one:

Peritarcheal sinus

153 - Insect haemolymph has no gas transport system except in:

Chironomid larvae

154 - Insect having prolegs in larval stage:

Athalia proxima

155 - Insect that parasitic other insects are called_________________?

Entomophagous parasites

156 - Insect which are found every where are called___________________?

Cosmopolitan insects

157 - Insecticide having antagonistic effect with NPV:


158 - Insecticides approved for aerial spray:

All of the above

159 - Insects belong to class__________________?


160 - Insects feed on one type of food are called __________________?


161 - Insects feeding on plants of several genera within a family are called:


162 - Insects in which the young ones pass through complex or indirect metamorphosis are said to be _____________?


163 - Insects which are active at night are called________________?

Nocturnal insects

164 - Insects which are during day light hours are called_________________?

Nocturnal insects

165 - Insects which are mainly during evening or morning twilight are called_______________?

Crepuscular insects

166 - Insects which develop their wings externally?


167 - Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims at:

Keeping pest populations below injurious levels

168 - International Congress of Zoology (1901) advised that scientific names should be printed in:


169 - Introduction of parasites, predators and/or pathogens of the pests into the environment to reduce the pest population constitute:

Biological control

170 - Iocomotary movement of an organ towards a stimulus, but stimulus does not control direction of the movement is_________________?


171 - Is a serious pest of Jowar and bajra?

Stem borer

172 - It has been estimated that insects had existed on this earth for at least _____ million years:


173 - It is a nitrogenous polysaccharides which are more than 50% of substance of cuticle is called___________________?


174 - It is a substance added to a pesticide to impure the qualities of pesticide formulation is called_________________?


175 - It is an organism which lives on or within another living organism is called_________________?


176 - It is the tendency of a plant to escape infestation is known as________________?

Pest avoidance

177 - Jassid, Aphid and bugs have________________?

Siphoning type

178 - Johnston's organ is located in most of pterygote insects in:

Second antennal segment

179 - Jumping legs present in grasshopper known as___________________?


180 - Juvenile hormone ensures_______________?

2nd and 3rd both

181 - Juvenile hormone is secreted by:

Corpora allata

182 - Ketone bodies are oxidized by:

All of the above

183 - Lac is produced by insect_________________?

Laceifera lacca

184 - Larvae with both thoracic and abdominal legs is_________________?


185 - larvae with cylindrical, elongated, narrow body anterionly and with out legs is__________________?


186 - Legless larvae of coleopteran having a tiny head and a few sense organs is________________?


187 - Light trap art used for the collection of:

Positively phototropic

188 - Light trapping of insects is done in the:

Mechanical methods

189 - Locomotion in response to odour is_________________?


190 - Locust eats almost all vegetation except:

Datura stramonium

191 - Main kind of insect pests are___________________?

All the above

192 - Maize stem borer hibernates in which stage?


193 - Malathion is a ______ insecticide.

Contact plus stomach

194 - Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae__________________?

Plumose, pilose

195 - Metalegs of worker honey bee is _____________________?

Antenna cleaner

196 - Metasystox is a:

Both (a) and (b)

197 - Metasystox-R is a ______ insecticide.


198 - Methamidophos, moncrotophos are example of___________________?

Organophosphrous pesticides

199 - Monocondylic single mandible is found in:


200 - Mosquitoes, bed bugs are____________________?

Intermitttent Parasite

201 - Most of the caterpillars have legs or abdominal legs on segments:

3 to 6 and 10

202 - Most of the insect require__________________?

Vitamin B

203 - Most of the insects cannot survive the temperatures above ______ .


204 - Most of the insects excrete 80 to 90 per cent of their nitrogen waste in the form of:

Uric acid

205 - Most of the insects have abdominal segments:

10 to 11

206 - Most of the insects possess:

Two pairs of wings

207 - Most of the soil fumigants are applied with:


208 - Moths and butterflies have types of pupae________________?


209 - Moulting fluid is able to digest:


210 - Name the fumigant, which is used, for killing the insects in storage as well as for plant fumigation?

Methyl bromide

211 - Name the insect which can survive at higher temperature and low humidity?

Khapra beetle

212 - Name the insect, which is known, as oligophagous pest:

Cabbage butterfly

213 - Name the insecticide, which is harmless to the honey bees:


214 - Name the pest, which has an international status?


215 - Name the pest, which has got thelytokous parthenogenesis in its life-cycle?


216 - Nicotinic effects of organo-phosphatic insecticides results in:

None of the above

217 - Nitrification in the soil take place by:

Biological oxidation

218 - Nitrification is mainly carried out by:

Chemoauto-trophic organism

219 - Nitrogen is absorbed by the plants in the form:

Both (a) & (b)

220 - Nitrogen is an essential nutrient element for the plants because:

It imparts early vigorous vegetative growth and dark green colour

221 - Nitrogen is taken by the plants in the form of:


222 - Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur, which are used by plants in relatively large quantities, are referred to as:

Macro nutrients

223 - Nitrogenous fertilizer's are classified into:

Four groups

224 - Non-humic substances are less complex and are _____ to microbial attack than those belonging to humic group:

Less resistant

225 - Number of abdominal legs in the larvae of mustard saw fly:

8 pairs

226 - Number of insect species known :

About 1 million

227 - Odontotermes obesus is the scientific name of:


228 - One kilometer of locust swarm weighs as much as ______ tonnes of locusts:


229 - Order Odanata includes:

Dragon flies

230 - Organisms, which damage man's property, including plants and agricultural produce causing damage of significant economic importance are called:


231 - Originally the phytophagous insects were:


232 - Out of the following poisons which works as an antiicoagulant for the control of rats?


233 - Out of the following which is considered to be of agricultural importance:

Pheritima sp

234 - Palmitic and Oleic acids are prominent fatty acids in insects and comprise:

Over 60% of the total fatty acids

235 - Peritrophic membrane is absent in:


236 - Pest of maize belonging to family Crambidae:

Chilo partellus

237 - Pest of paddy belonging to family Fulgoridae:

Nilalparvata lugens

238 - Pest of sorghum belonging to order Diptera:

Atherigona soccata

239 - Pest population that produces incremental damage equal to the cost of preventing the damage is:


240 - Pesticide group which goes into the system of host and kills pest without harming host is called_________________?


241 - Pheromone used against fruity fly is___________________?


242 - Pheromones are also known as:


243 - Pheromones are synthesized by:

Glandular epidermal cells

244 - Phosdrin is a ______ insecticide:

Slow fumigant

245 - Photate is a ______ insecticide:

Contact plus systemic

246 - Photogenic organ are present in____________________?

Fire flies

247 - Piercing and sucking type of mouth parts are found in:


248 - Plum moth and sphinx moth are the pests of:

All of the above

249 - Pneumatic sprayers have been used in pest control for many years. A pneumatic sprayer:

Operates using wind or air

250 - Population prediction of a particular species with in the field is called____________________?

Fore casting

251 - Potential pest also called__________________?

Secondary pest

252 - Propagation and release of sterile incompatible individuals is done in pest population is called__________________?

Genetic control

253 - Protein hydrolysate is used as an attractant for the control of:

Fruit fly

254 - Proventriculus also called as___________________?


255 - Queen and drones have_______________number of chromosome ?


256 - Reduction in pest population by the utilization of agricultural practices to make the environment unfavorable for pest is called__________________?

Cultural control

257 - Respiratory system in which 1 mesothoracic and 7 abdominal spiracles are functional is called:


258 - Resting stage in endopteryota is called?


259 - Rodentiside is used to kill:

Rats and mites

260 - Rodolia cardinalis has been successful in controlling:

Cottony cushion scale

261 - Royal Jelly made up of__________________?

Pollen and nectar

262 - Sanjose scale is a pest of:

Almond and Apple

263 - Scale insect of citrus are controlled by:

Hydrocarbon oils

264 - Severe incidence of red hairy caterpillar occurs under which one of the following sets of conditions?

High temperature and high soil moisture

265 - Silk is produced by_____________insect ?

Bombyx mori

266 - Small apterous insects, compound eyes reduced or absent ectoparasites of birds and mammals are included in:


267 - Social behavior present in__________________?

Termites, Ants< bees

268 - Some insects which are used as bio control agents for used control is called________________?

Phytophagous parasites

269 - Species of fossil-insects known:

More than 20,000

270 - Stem borer and pink borer can be controlled by:


271 - Stick insects and leaf insects belong to the order:


272 - Stored grain pests can be killed by _____ hour exposure to 51.5-54.5?C.


273 - Suffering cause in insects due to lack of food is called________________?


274 - Sugarcane borer, which does not belong to family pyralidae:

Chilo auricilia

275 - Sugarcane leafhopper can be effectively controlled by the use of:


276 - Syrphid flies have type of larvae________________?

Platy form

277 - Tentorium is____________________?

Exoskeleton of head

278 - Termite control can also be done by:


279 - Termite workers are_________________?

May be a non reproductive male or non reproductive female

280 - The ability of a plant by means of which it is less damaged by insects is________________?


281 - The alimentary canal of insect is derived from:

Ectoderm and endoderm

282 - The amount of pest induced injury to the crop which will justify the cost of artificial control measures is called________________?

Economic damage

283 - The antennae are the appandages of which neuromere:


284 - The artificial food of Queen is known as_______________________?

Royal Jelly

285 - The average locust swarm spreads over:

10 square kilometers

286 - The basis of antibiosis in corn against European corn borer is:

Presence of growth inhibitors MBOA and DIMBOA

287 - The basis of antibiosis in corn against Heliothis zea is:

Lethal silk factor

288 - The bees are not reared for commercial purpose are called_________________?

Wild bees

289 - The bees which are reared artificially as commercial business are called________________?

Domestic bees

290 - The best method of control stored grain pests is:


291 - The body wall of insect which includes cuticle, epidermis and basement membrane is__________________?


292 - The branch of zoology, which deals wth the naming, and classification of animals is known as:


293 - The caterpillars of Indarbela qudarnotata feed and damage:


294 - The chemical used for controlling fish is called__________________?


295 - The chemical used for controlling of mites is called__________________?


296 - The chemical used for killing birds is called________________?


297 - The chief excretory organ in insects is:

Malpighian tubules

298 - The collective action of environmental factors that maintain numbers of pest population with in certain limit over a time is called_______________?

Natural control

299 - The colony of termites is called___________________?


300 - The colour of grasshoppers' blood is:


301 - The commodity totally banned for import:

Sunflower seeds

302 - The components required for the study of ecosystem are / is:

Abiotic and biotic

303 - The concentration of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called_________________?


304 - The control of caterpiller also done by:

Bacillus thuriengiensis

305 - The control of pest by human controlling activities and law is called____________________?

Regularity method

306 - The damaging stage of cotton jassid is:

Nymph and Adult

307 - The damaging stage of cutworm is:


308 - The damaging stage of pink bollworm is:


309 - The damaging stage of top borer is:


310 - The density of pest population at which control measures should be applied:


311 - The device fitted at the end of the spray-lane and is used for atomisation is:


312 - The dorsal sclerotized region of insect body is called__________________?


313 - The droplet size in normal high volume coarse spray is:

Less than 50

314 - The enzyme that attacks the P-S bond in malathion metabolism is:


315 - The exchange of gases in respiration in insects takes place through:


316 - The female mosquitoes possess:

Plumose antennae

317 - The fertilized female of Laccifer lacca lays eggs ranging from:

200 to 500

318 - The fertilized female of mulberry silkworm lays _____ eggs within 2 hours:

400 - 500

319 - The first edition of ""Systema Nature"was published in:


320 - The first known example of biological pest control was use of yellow ants to control the wormy fruits of orange in:


321 - The first transformation with deltaendotoxin gene from Bt was done in Belgium in the year 1985 in:


322 - The fleas do _____________________?

Never flown

323 - The following chemosterilant is widely used against insects:


324 - The form off insect after complete metamorphosis is__________________?


325 - The free living insects that catch and devour smaller or more helpless creatures, usually killing them in getting a single meal is called ?


326 - The function of peritrophic membrane is:


327 - The gland, which produces pheromone in queen honeybee:

Mandibular gland

328 - The grasshopper possesses:

Saltatorial legs

329 - The grinding of food in grasshopper is done by:


330 - The grooming of a new queen in the hoeybee colony depends upon the secretion known as:

Queen substance

331 - The group of pesticide which makes pest unable to reproduce is called_________________?


332 - The haring organs in grasshopper_________________?

Tympanal organ

333 - The incidence of ""White grubs"is heavy in:

Heavily waterlogged fields

334 - The incidence of red hairy catepiller occurs under one of the following conditions:

High temperature and High soil moisture

335 - The infestation of which insect starts from the field?

Angoumois moth

336 - The ingredient of pesticide formulation responsible for toxic effect is called_________________?

Active ingredient

337 - The inorganic ions are absorbed into:


338 - The insect pest which introduced in our country before the enforcement of quarantine measures:

Icerya purchasi

339 - The insect skeleton is composed of series of plates called__________________?


340 - The insect that parasitize the larger animals are called____________________?

Zoophagous parasites

341 - The insect which Parasitizes one species of host is called__________________?

Intermitted Parasite

342 - The insecticide is considered highly selective if VSR ranges:

From 100 to 1000

343 - The insects are able to maintain the balance while walking due to:


344 - The insects which spend their lives individually and do not lives in colonies are known as_____________________?

Solitary insects

345 - The largest insect of the world___________________?

Elephant beetle

346 - The largest locust swarm recorded so far:

400 square kilometers

347 - The last segment of insect which bears a structure which help during mating is_________________?


348 - The lateral movement theory of insecticidal penetration was proposed by:


349 - The lateral selertized region of insect body is called_________________?


350 - The latest philosophy in insect pest control is:

Pest management

351 - The legless young of a housefly is known as:


352 - The living organism that live in or on the bodies of other living organisms from which they get their food, during at least one stage of their existence is called________________?


353 - The living organisms that are smaller, weaker or less intelligent than be predor is called____________________?


354 - The living organisms that are usually larger, stronger or more intelligent then the parasite is called____________________?


355 - The long axis of head is horizontal and in line with insect body, mouth parts directed forward is type of head_______________?


356 - The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called ___________________?

Economic injury level

357 - The main body regions of insects are called____________________?


358 - The main characteristic feature of an insect is:

Three pairs of legs

359 - The main circulatory organ in grasshopper is:

Dorsal vessel

360 - The main host tree for the cultivation of lac insect is:


361 - The main host tree of eri-silk worm is:


362 - The members of the phylum Echinodermata are exclusively:


363 - The minimum period to be given for the assessment of effectiveness of a biocontrol agent is:

4 years

364 - The mixing of pesticide through agitator to prevent it form separating in the sprayer tarik is called_________________?


365 - The mounthparts of a plant bug are:

Piercing and suctorial type

366 - The nemtode paratylenchus Microletzky (1992) members mesure mm in size:


367 - The nervous system of insect is derived from:


368 - The nozzle in which the spray fluid is fed into the air stream within the nozzle and spitted into spray droplets bu the velocity of air is called:

Shear nozzle

369 - The nozzle used for producing mist:

Rotatory energy nozzle

370 - The nozzle used to produce fog:

Thermal energy nozzle

371 - The number of segments, which makes the insects head is:


372 - The ommitidia in which the Samper cells produce hard crystalline cone are called:


373 - The origin of foregut is:


374 - The paralysis of honeybees is caused by:


375 - The parasite which are capable of developing upon a few closely related host species is called_______________?

Oligophagous parasites

376 - The parasite which can live on more than one host is called__________________?

Facultative Parasite

377 - The parasite which requires only one host for its complete life cycle is called________________?

Monoxenous parasites

378 - The parasites which capable of parasitizing a considerable number of host species is called____________________?

Polyhagous parasites

379 - The parasites which requires several or different hosts for its complete development is called ?

Heteroxenous parasites

380 - The parasites whose hosis are also parasites collectively termed as___________________?


381 - The pest population at which control measure should be taken to prevent the pest population to build up to reach economic injury level is called_________________?

Economic threshold level

382 - The pest which causes no significant damage but due to unjudious use of chemical they cause significant loss is called ?

Secondary pest

383 - The pest which damages the crop and causes a loss in quality or quantity which can be calculated such pest is called_______________?

Economic pest

384 - The pesticide are derived from naturally occuring element with out carbon is called________________?

Inorganic pesticide

385 - The pesticide does not allow larval insect pest to moult further is called_________________?

Insect growth regular

386 - The pesticide which is used for killing or controlling the eggs of insects is called___________________?


387 - The phenomenon off insect resistance to one type of insecticide providing resistance to other insecticides with similar mode of action__________________?

Cross resistance

388 - The physiological state or arrested metabolism in which development of insects is delayed irrespective of environmental factors is____________________?


389 - The population of fruit files takes place in:


390 - The potential produced in the dendrite of the sense organ by depolarization is called:

Receptor potential

391 - The process of periodic shedding of hard secretion cuticle which occurs during developmental stages of insects is called_______________?


392 - The process of post-ecdysial hardening and darkening of the cuticle is regulated by:


393 - The prothoracicotropic hormone is secreted by:

Neurosecretory cells

394 - The quality a of a pesticide to remain as an effective residue because of its low volatility and chemical stability is termed as__________________?


395 - The quantity of endosulfa 35% EC required for treating an area, which needs 1000 litres of pray fluid at 0.05% (a.i.) strength is:

1000 x 0.05/35 litres

396 - The quantity of food grains in kg consumed by a single rat in a year is:


397 - The queen in the honey colony feeds on:

Royal jelly

398 - The queen termite produces _____ eggs per second:


399 - The rapid reappearance of the pest population in injurious number is called_________________?

Pest resurgence

400 - The ration of zinc phosphide in poison bait for rats is:


401 - The re-absorption of water in insect takes place in:

Rectal papillae

402 - The recommended dose of NPV for the control of Heliothis and Spodoptera under field conditions is:

250 to 500 LE

403 - The reproductive system of insect is derived from:


404 - The safest method of disposing off the leftover pesticide is disposal by:

Pouring in a moving stream

405 - The size (in micrometers in diameter) of droplets produced by high volume sprayers should most appropriately be:

200 to 500

406 - The slow acting pheromones are_________________?


407 - The sperms after copulation in insects are stored in the female in:


408 - The spray is classified as aerosol when average droplet size (volume median diameter) is:


409 - The spreading habit of the crop caused by insect which makes cultivation, weeding and harvesting more difficult is process of________________?


410 - The stability of ecosystem is maintained by:

Diversity of species

411 - The striking diffeerence in male and female cockroach is in:

Presence or absence of anal style

412 - The study of form and structure of insects are called__________________?

insect morphology

413 - The study of functions of insect is insect physiology__________________?

Insect ecology

414 - The study of insect is called ?


415 - The synergist of malathion is:


416 - The terminal abdominal segments 6 to 9 are telescoped within the segment 5 when not in use. This condition is found in:

House fly

417 - The type of diapause which occur in winter is________________?


418 - The type of parthenogenesis where only males are produced is:


419 - The ultimate control through biotic agencies is expected after:

Three generations

420 - The use of all possible control strategies to manage pest population below economic injury level is called________________?


421 - The use of two or more pest control method except chemical control in a planned way to control pests is called__________________?

Integrated pest control

422 - The ventral selerotized region of insect body is called___________________?


423 - The virus used successfully for the control of caterpillars of gram pod borer is:


424 - The width of the area treated in one pass by a sprayer or other applicator is called___________________?


425 - The wings of butterfly and birds are:

Homologous organs

426 - The workers of ant, of ant, bee and wasps are_________________?

A non reproductive female

427 - The young one of holemetabola is_______________?


428 - The young ones of exopteryotes butt aquatic in habit is?


429 - The young ones of hemimetabolous insects or exopteryota which are terrestrial in habbit is__________________?


430 - These insects which lie in organized colonies or possess cast system is called___________________?

Social insect

431 - Those insects which lives in groups, clones or tribes form are called__________________?

Gregarious insects

432 - Three main part of antennae are _____________________?

Scape pedicel, flagellum

433 - Token stimuli theory was postulated by:


434 - Tomato leaf curl virus is transmitted by:


435 - Total complete resistance against any adverse condition is called_________________?


436 - Toxic refers to a________________?


437 - Toxicant refers to a________________?

Poisonous material

438 - Tree banding is useful for the control of:

Mango mealy bug

439 - Trenching is recommended for the control of either of these:

Red hairy caterpillar

440 - Triple action nozzle provides one of the following spray patterns:

Holo cone, Solid cone and Jet

441 - Type of diapause occur in summer or under drought condition is called_______________________?


442 - Type of pheromone which get together the insects for food and mating is known as________________?

Aggregation pheromone

443 - Type of pupae with appendages are free and no glued to the body is_________________?


444 - Type of reproduction in which two or more individuals are produced from a single egg____________________?


445 - Type of reproduction in which young ones are produced by larval or pupal stages is____________________?


446 - Type of reproduction in which young ones Produced form unfertilized eggs is________________?


447 - Types of pheromone which motivate the insects to follow each other is known as____________________?

Trial marking pheromone

448 - Types of pheromones which alert the insect from any danger known as__________________?

Alarm pheromone

449 - Ultra-low volume (ULV) or low volume concentration (LVC) refer to the use of spray volume (liquid) less than _____ litres:


450 - Use of living organism to bring down the pest population to sub economic level is called____________________?

Biological control

451 - Use of resistant varieties constitutes method of:

Genetic control

452 - Various methods of pest scouting are_________________?

Diagonal method

453 - Vegetables treated with B.H.C. are unfit for use for:

Two weeks

454 - Vertical resistance is also called:

All of the above

455 - Viviparous insects which produced__________________?

Young ones

456 - Volatile chemical which exist in the gaseous state in sufficient concentration to be lethal for a given pest is called ?


457 - What are helpful insects___________________?

Weed killers, scavengers, predator, pollinator, parasites

458 - What are productive insects_________________?

Silk worms Lac insects Honey bees

459 - What colour show extremely hazard to human being_________________?


460 - What colour show moderately hazarous_________________?


461 - What is antidote of anticoagulant rodenticide_____________________?

Vitamin K

462 - What is antidote of organophosphate and carbamate poisoning________________?


463 - What is antidote__________________?

Treatment given to counteract the effects of a poison

464 - What is bee bread____________________?

Honey and wax

465 - What is DDT__________________?


466 - What is function of deterrent__________________?

Prevent feeding and oviposition of an insect

467 - What is T.S.O ?

Technical sales officer

468 - What is the family of mosquito________________?


469 - What is the function of carbohydrates enzymes in insects____________________?

Sugar breakers

470 - What is the most social insects__________________?


471 - What KD50____________________?

Medium knock down

472 - What types of insects are injurious__________________?

Agricultural pest, house hold pest, Store grain, insects of domestic animals

473 - When damage cause by insect pest is slight such pest is referred as___________________?

Minor pest

474 - When I meso, metathoracic and 8 abdominal spiracles are functional, the respiratory system is:


475 - When some cultivars are resistance and some cultivars are susceptible, when they are infested with same insect biotype such type of resistance is called___________________?

Specific resistance

476 - When the fore wings are modified into halteres. they are called_________________?


477 - Where the most insects are abundant____________________?

Tropical region

478 - Where the nector is converted into honey?

In the alimentary canal of worker

479 - Which animal acts as natural tiller of soil?


480 - Which enzyme breaks protein__________________?


481 - Which enzyme responsible for the break down of fat and oil__________________?


482 - Which families are most of them are scavenger ?

Tineidae and Pyralidae

483 - Which group of insecticide is carcenogenic?

Synthetic pyrethroids

484 - Which hormone cause moulting in insect_________________?


485 - Which insect cause ear splitting plain to some people__________________?


486 - Which insect cut the root of plants____________________?

Mole cricket

487 - Which insect have bacteria and in their digestive system_______________?


488 - Which insecticide belongs to synthetic pyrethroid group?


489 - Which insecticide has contact and fumigant action?


490 - Which insecticide has systemic action?


491 - Which insecticide is more persistent in the environment?


492 - Which insecticide is stored in the fat of animals?


493 - Which insecticide should be used on vegetables safely before harvesting?


494 - Which is the best suiting species for bee culture?

Apis indica

495 - Which is the international insect pest?

Schistocerca gregaria

496 - Which is the larvicidal fish?

Gambusia sp.

497 - Which is the strongest animal of the world_________________?


498 - Which of Entomophthora species is pathogenic to aphids?

E. coronata

499 - Which of following combination is synergistic?

Carbaryl + Piperonylbutoxide

500 - Which of following insect infests the grains in the field and then comes to storage?

Sitotroga cerealella

501 - Which of the fly is pest of cotton?

White fly

502 - Which of the following aphid feeds on pulses?

Aphis craccivora

503 - Which of the following are agricultural pests?

Sparrow, grasshopper, fungi, bacteria

504 - Which of the following are not haemocytes?


505 - Which of the following are systemeic fungicides?

All of these

506 - Which of the following bug is a pest of brinjal?

Lace bug

507 - Which of the following chemical is used as fumigant against insect pests of stored food grains?

Methyl bromide

508 - Which of the following combination is not antagonistic?

Carbaryl + Seasmex

509 - Which of the following cotton pest belongs to family Pyrrhocoridae?

Dysdercus signulatus

510 - Which of the following does not belong to order Lepidoptera?

Pea leaf miner

511 - Which of the following fungi is predecious on nematodes?

Dactytaria sp.

512 - Which of the following insecticide controls the white grubs effectively in the soil?

Phorate 10% G

513 - Which of the following Insects are migratory in nature?

All of the above

514 - Which of the following is abdominal appendage?


515 - Which of the following is called ""water scorpion""?


516 - Which of the following is cross vein?


517 - Which of the following is larval parasitoid?


518 - Which of the following is larval-pupal parasitoid?


519 - Which of the following is lateral sclerite?


520 - Which of the following is neuropteran predator?


521 - Which of the following is not a pest of stored cereals?

Callosobrucus chinensis

522 - Which of the following is not head sclerite?


523 - Which of the following is not the pest of paddy?

Lampides boeticus

524 - Which of the following is parasitic nematode?

None of the above

525 - Which of the following is parasitic protozoan attacking silkworm?

Nosema bombycis

526 - Which of the following is pest:

Epilachna dudocastigma

527 - Which of the following is pupal parasitoid?

All of the above

528 - Which of the following is systemic insecticide?


529 - Which of the following is the European species?

Apis indica

530 - Which of the following is the pest of apple?

Eriosoma lanigerum

531 - Which of the following is the pest of grapevine?

Scelodonata strigicollis

532 - Which of the following muscles are directly attached to wing?

Axillary muscles

533 - Which of the following order comprises parasitic insects?


534 - Which of the following order comprises phytophagous insects?


535 - Which of the following order comprises predaceous insects?


536 - Which of the following organism is not storage pest?


537 - Which of the following organs are involved in excretion?

All of the above

538 - Which of the following parasites that attacks plants are useful to their hosts?

Root nodule bacterium

539 - Which of the following part of sprayer breaks the spray liquid into fine droplets?


540 - Which of the following pest belongs to family?

Trogoderma granarium

541 - Which of the following pests attack maize crop?

Stem borer

542 - Which of the following pests attack on brinjal?

Shoot and stem borer

543 - Which of the following predator does not belong to order Coleoptera?


544 - Which of the following produces more lac and is important for commercial production?


545 - Which of the following psticides may act as cantact poisons, stomach poisons and fumigants?


546 - Which of the following spray pump is used for low volume spraying?

Gear type rotary pump

547 - Which of the following spray pump is used for medium volume spraying?

Roller vane rotary pump

548 - Which of the following statement is not correct?

All pests are pathogens

549 - Which of the following structure is associated with the articulation of thhe wings?


550 - Which of the following types of insecticides are not used against food grain pests in storage?

Inorganic insecticides

551 - Which of the following types of pump is used in a hand compression sprayer?

Air or pneumatic pump

552 - Which of the toxicity creates widespread ecological problems?

Chronic toxicity

553 - Which oil acts as a repellent for mosquitoes?

Citronella oil

554 - Which one is used for inoculation of host tree for lac cultivation?

Brood lac

555 - Which one of the following can be classified as autocidal technique of insect control?

Release of sterile males

556 - Which one of the following can be classified as hydraulic energy sprayer?

Wheel barrow sprayer

557 - Which one of the following equipments can be effectively used for spraying an orchard crop?

Foot sprayer

558 - Which one of the following insect is a gregarious pest?

Migratory locust

559 - Which one of the following insecticides is capable of controlling mites as well?


560 - Which one of the following insecticides is the most suitable for the control of gram pod borer?


561 - Which one of the following insects has not much changed from it fossil records?


562 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Cultural control - Locust

563 - Which one of the following pests is controlled through the application of a grease band around the tree trunk?

Mango mealy bug

564 - Which one of the following sprayers requires only one third of the quantity of water while keeping the same quantity of active ingredient of the pesticide per hectare?

Mist blower

565 - Which one of the following sprayers will cause more loss of spray droplets by drift?

High volume sprayer

566 - Which one of the following sprayers would require the lowest volume of spray solution to cover a hectare of rice crop?

Hand sprayer

567 - Which one of the following truly diagnoses the infestation by the sorghum shoot fly?

Formation of 'dead heart' in the early seedling stage of sorghum which can be easily pulled out

568 - Which one of the following types of spraying is best done by manually operated knapsack sprayer having flat fan nozzle?

Low volume

569 - Which term is used for the movement of coax towards the body?


570 - Which type of special reproduction is found in aphid?


571 - White ear-head in paddy is caused by:

Gall fly

572 - White files have eggs______________________?


573 - White grub battles emerge from soil In between:

7.0 - 8.0 p.m.

574 - Who is often referred to as the 'Father of Animal Classification'?

Carolus Linnaeus

575 - Whorl application of granulr insecticide provides effective control measure against:

Maize stem borer

576 - Wingless hexapod with 6 abdominal segments:


577 - Wings are modified into rod like structure in Thrips are type of wings________________?


578 - Workers of honey bees have number of chromosome_______________?


579 - Young ones of fly is_________________?


580 - Zinc phosphide is____________________?



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