Food Technology Important MCQs

1 - Agar is an extract from____________________?


2 - All the treatments given to a food stuff form the washing to the point off consumption is called__________________?

Food processing

3 - Amino acid with no polar R group are____________________?


4 - Ant caking agents used in food industry are ________________________?

Calcium silicate

5 - Apperts work discovered the principle of____________________?


6 - Apple, guava, mango,pineapple and tomato are____________________?

Acid foods

7 - Approximate calories in 1 slice of fried liver is____________________?


8 - Approximate calories in 1/2 breast fried chicken is_____________________?


9 - Approximate calories in 3.2 ounces of cooked is______________________?


10 - Approximate calories in one cup of white cooked rice is __________________?


11 - Approximate calories in one large banana is____________________?


12 - Approximate calories in one large raw apple is ________________________?


13 - Approximate quantity of milk requires to get 1 Kg of butter is __________________?

15 Kg

14 - Approximately caloric value in Kcal/100 g of whole milk is___________________?


15 - Approximately caloric value in Kcal/100 g ofwalnut is__________________?


16 - Approximately quantity of milk required to prepare 1 kg of cheese is_____________________?

12 Kg

17 - Ascorbic acid deficiency causes________________?


18 - Bacteria producing toxins that cause food poisoning are known as___________________?

Both a & b

19 - Beer is produced from______________________?


20 - BHA and BHT are examples of_____________________?


21 - Biotin is the name given to vitamin___________________?

Vitamin H

22 - C6H12O6 bacteria CH2CHCOOH + H2O is_____________________?

Lactic fermentation

23 - C6H12O6 Yest 2C2H2OH+2CO2__________________?

Alcoholic fermentation

24 - Cane sugar is called___________________?


25 - Cereals are fermented to produce_____________________?


26 - Chemically or bio chemically enzymes are primarily__________________?


27 - Cholesterol is the natural form of___________________?

Vitamin K

28 - Colour changes leading to brown, grey and other in fresh and cured meat can be arise from_____________________?

Microbial activity

29 - Consistency and stability of dough€™s is measured by ____________________?


30 - Cystein, Cystine and methionine amino acids are ____________________?

Sulpher containing

31 - Cytochrome Oxidase and alcohol de hydrogenise are the examples of____________________?

Oxidoreductases enzymes

32 - Dairy product regularly suffers from rancid, goaty and unclean taints due to excessive concentration of_____________________?

C4€”€”-C16fatty acids

33 - Deamination, oxidation, polymerization and decarboxylatio observed during irradiation in___________________?


34 - Delta lactones are important in_____________________?

Milk & milk products

35 - Diacetyl is present in____________________?

All the above

36 - Dried foods have water activity (Aw) of___________________?


37 - Due to the action of ultraviolet rays of sun, human body produces___________________?

Vitamin D

38 - Egg quality is determined by_____________________?

All the above

39 - Egg storage stability can be achieved by storing eggs under _____________________ ?

All the above

40 - Enzyme proteases is used for _____________________ ?

Tenderizing meat

41 - Ergosterol is usually found in __________________?

Both a & b

42 - Ester is similar to______________________?


43 - Esterases, proteinases, alkali acid phosphates belongs to_____________________?

Hydrolases enzyme

44 - Estimate percentage loss of the world production__________________?


45 - Eugenol is important ingredients of oil of__________________?


46 - Extension of storage life by inhibition of sprouting of potatoes, onions and garlic can be achieved by radiation dose of_________________?

0.05-0.15 kGy

47 - Fermentation industries include______________________?

all the above

48 - Folic acid deficiency causes___________________?


49 - Food substances enter in food stuffs accidentally during production, processing, storage and handing often referred 10 as___________________?

Food contaminations

50 - Food supply can be increased by reducing post harvest losses___________________?


51 - Foods having pH value of below 3.7 are called____________________?

High acid foods

52 - Foods that fall within the pH range of 5.0 to 4.5 are called_____________________?

Medium acid foods

53 - For preservation of fruit dehydration is carried out by_____________________?

all the above

54 - Fresh foods have water activity (Aw) of____________________?


55 - fumerase is an example of_____________________?

Lysose enzyme

56 - Gelatinization is the process in which ____________________?

Both a & b

57 - Humectants are moisture retention agents, help improve the rehydration of hydrated food and solubilization of flavour compounds________________?


58 - In all common wealth countries including Pakistan the basis for food laws being used are________________?

British food laws

59 - In banana synthetic flavour additive used is____________________?


60 - In bread preparation in added to sorbic acid which one of the following is used as preservative____________________?

Propionic acid

61 - In dairy industry, a process for producing evaporated milk was presented in______________________?


62 - In dairy industry, the most often used bacteria to convert milk sugar to lactic acid are___________________?

Both a & b

63 - In dairy products such as cheese and condensed milk the preservative used is______________________?


64 - In preparation of fruit juices, pickles and carbonated beverages the preservative used is _____________________?

Benzonic acid

65 - In soft drinks and dietetic forms of food which sweetening agent is widely used _____________________?


66 - Lactic fermentation product from coagulated milk in dairy products___________________?


67 - Lime, lemon juice and pickles are_____________________?

High acid foods

68 - Many chemicals are added internationally during production, processing or storage 10 improve the qualities of food stiff are termed as___________________?

Food additives

69 - Many reactions similar to oxidative rancidity during irradiation been observed in _____________________?


70 - Maximum amount of casein is present in _______________________?

Cow milk

71 - Maximum amount of fertilizers is used in:


72 - Maximum amount of nitrogen per unit wt. is in:

Poultry manure

73 - Maximum amount of whey proteins are found in ______________________?

Cow milk

74 - Meat, fruit, vegetables are ___________________?

Complex food

75 - Microbial gum used in food serve as_________________?

All the above

76 - Milk is pasteurized at___________________?

62.8ºC for minutes

77 - Milk proteins are rich in____________________?


78 - Milk proteins of cow milk contains maximum amount of____________________?

ÃŽ²-lacto globulin

79 - Most food poisoning organisms prefer to grow in the pH range of___________________?


80 - Naturally vinegar contain acetic acid____________________?


81 - Night blindness and keralinization is associated with deficiency of____________________?

Vitamin A

82 - Okra, green peas, green beans and leafy vegetables are____________________?

Low acid foods

83 - Oxidation as well as condensation reaction similar to non-browning due to irradiation have been observed in__________________?


84 - Oxidative rancidity can be accelerated by the presence of certain divalent and polyvalent __________________________?

All the above

85 - Oxidative rancidity is promoted by ____________________?

All the above

86 - Per day consumption of food in developed countries ranges between___________________?

3000-3500 Kcal

87 - Per day the developing countries consume food corresponding to_________________?

1800-2000 Kcal

88 - Protein denaturation is brought about by_________________?

All the above

89 - Protein denaturation is the result of the modification of____________________?

Both b & c

90 - Pure water has an water activity (Aw) of___________________?


91 - Pynivate carboxylase is an example of ______________________?

Ligases enzyme

92 - Recemases belongs to___________________?

Isomerases enzyme

93 - Saccharomyces cerevisae and Saccharomyces carlbergensic are common species of yeast which are used in___________________?

Alcoholic fermentation

94 - Saccharomyces creavisiae is the example of____________________?


95 - Sensory stimula for food occurs from____________________?


96 - Several yeast can be used in fermentation but most commonly known species of genus are_________________?


97 - Severe diarrhea and dehydration in human is due to lack of__________________?


98 - Some substance are added intentionally to foods for the purpose of marketing them more profit able are known as_____________________?

Food adulterants

99 - Soy sauce is the fermented product of_____________________?


100 - Storage life of peaches & pears 31ºF with R.H of 90% is _____________________?

1-2 weeks

101 - Streptococcus thermopiles and lactobacillus are lactic fermentors in__________________?

Dairy industry

102 - Sugarcane is an example of____________________?

Simple food

103 - Tea is the example of fermentation of_____________________?

None of the above

104 - Texture of pastries, cookies and crackers is evaluated by_________________?

Short meter

105 - The acetic acid producing bacteria are___________________?


106 - The anerobic or partially anaerobic dxidation of carbohydrates with the help of enzymes is called as____________________?


107 - The application of science and engineering process to increase shelf life of food and prevent deterioration is known as___________________?

Food preservation

108 - The aroma of Ethylbutyrateis just like____________________?


109 - The average per capita world consumption of milk per head per day is_________________?

320 g

110 - The break down of fatty material is referred to as____________________?


111 - The break down of pertinacious material is referred to as____________________?


112 - The concentration of ethylene required for the ripening of Banana is______________________?

10 ppm with 24 hr

113 - The consumption of several flavours and micromtrients per person per year is__________________?

.< 0.01 mg

114 - The deficiency of an enzyme is greatly influenced by the______________________?

All the above

115 - The deficiency of Niacin in adults causes___________________?

All the above

116 - The deficiency of vitamin B-1 is adults causes_____________________?

All the above

117 - The deficiency of vitamin B-2 is adults causes___________________?

All the above

118 - The deficiency of vitamin D in human causes __________________?

All the above

119 - The deficiency of vitamin K in human causes _________________________?

all the above

120 - The deteriorative changes originating from with in the food system is known as________________?


121 - the enzyme that destroys vitamin B-1 is__________________?


122 - The fermentation in which sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide is__________________?

Alcoholic fermentation

123 - The fermented dairy products are_____________________?

Cheese and yoghurt

124 - The final product of alcoholic fermentation are______________________?

Ethyl alcohol + CO2

125 - The flavor of butter, milk and cheese due to__________________?

Short chain fatty acids

126 - The food colour measurement can be obtained by ___________________?

All the above

127 - The food in which the moisture content is less than 15% is called_____________________?

Stable foods

128 - The food in which the moisture content ranges between 80-90% is called________________?

Perishable foods

129 - The fruit and vegetables contain an insoluble stiffening material called______________________?


130 - The function of acids in food is to_____________________?

All the above

131 - The function of sugar in food is ___________________?

All the above

132 - The improve and stabilize the texture of foods which types of stabilizers and thickeners are used _____________________?

All the above

133 - The interaction of polysaccharides form ____________________?

None of the above

134 - The mechanism of food intake regulation is known as ____________________?

All the above

135 - The method of food preservation in which food containing permanently sealed container is subjected to an elevated for a definite period of time and than cooled is known_____________________?


136 - The moisture content of natural semi-perishable food ranges between_____________________?


137 - The most commonly of carbonated beverages in addition to CO2 which one of the following additive is used as preservative____________________?


138 - The most commonly used leaving agents in barley are__________________?

Both a & b

139 - The oldest food preservation techniques are ___________________?


140 - The plant trigly cerides are rich in_________________?

Unsaturated fatty acids

141 - The recommended daily intake of protein per kilogram by WHO for an individual is _____________________?

0.59 g

142 - The science which deals with food supply, for human consumption is called_____________________?

Food technology

143 - The science which deals with the path of the food___________________?


144 - The storage life of Apricot at 32ºF with R.H of 90% is _____________________?

1-2 weeks

145 - The storage life of Banana at 55ºF with R.H of 95% is ________________________?

4 weeks

146 - The storage life of Butter at -20ºF With R.H of 85% is_____________________?

4 months

147 - The storage life of Cabbage at 32ºF with R.H of 95% is____________________?

3-4 months

148 - The storage life of cucumber at 50ºF with of 95% is _____________________?

10-14 days

149 - The storage life of dried fruit at 32ºF with R.H of 60% is___________________?

9-12 months

150 - The storage life of fresh beef at 34ºF with R.H of 92% is_________________?

1-3 weeks

151 - The storage life of frozen fish at -10ºF with R.H of 95% is____________________?

4-6 months

152 - The storage life of grape fruit at 50ºF with R.H of 90% is _____________________?

2-3 weeks

153 - The storage life of grapes at 32ºF with R.H of 90% is_____________________?

2-4 weeks

154 - The storage life of honey at 31ºF with R.H of 90% is__________________?

12 months

155 - The storage life of mangoes at 50ºF with R.H of 90% is__________________?

1-2 weeks

156 - The storage life of onions at 32ºF with R.H of 75% is__________________?

4-6 months

157 - The storage life of Orange at 34ºF with R.H of 90% is_______________________?

8-12 weeks

158 - The term used to denote both sensation and the substance is________________________?


159 - The used of additives per person per year amounts to about_____________________?

10 g

160 - The world€™s food is lost by microbial spoilage upto the extent of___________________?


161 - To make light cakes, biscuits and muffins which leavening agent is used___________________?

Phosphate salts

162 - To prevent deterioration of food from microorganisms which one of the following preservatives are used _____________________?

All the above

163 - To prevent the growth of molds in bread ind other backed food which preservative is used___________________?

All the above

164 - Transminase is an example of______________________?

Transferases enzyme

165 - Tyndallization is more reliable than_____________________?


166 - Undesirable flavor in the food during storage is due to___________________?


167 - Vinegar is a product of_____________________?

Acetic fermentation

168 - Vitamin A deficiency result in___________________?

All the above

169 - Vitamin C is called___________________?

Ascorbic acid

170 - When fresh meat in a butcher€™s shop is cut, the newly exposed surface, on coming in contact with oxygen becomes______________________?


171 - When sugars heated under controlled conditions in the absence of water, they form an hydro sugar, that readily polymerized to give typical taint and brown pigment this process is called _________________?


172 - Which is the flavour enhancer in meat products ______________________?

Monosodium glutamate

173 - Which of the following is the method of food preservation ________________________?

All the above

174 - Which one of the following acid is present in rancid butter__________________?

N-butyric acid

175 - Which one of the following acts as antioxidant ___________________?

Vitamin E

176 - Which one of the following causes deficiency beriberi ___________________?

Vitamin B-1

177 - Which one of the following classify foods into 3 broad categories stable, semi perishable and perishable______________________?

Food processor

178 - Which one of the following is a yellow, crystalline and water soluble compound_______________________?


179 - Which one of the following is anti ripening agent___________________?

2,4,5 trichlorophenoxy acetic acid

180 - Which one of the following is applied in the production of leaved bread and alcoholic beverages__________________?

Alcoholic fermentation

181 - Which one of the following is associated with normal clotting of blood__________________?

Vitamin K

182 - Which one of the following is best flour improver ______________________?

Benzoyl peroxide

183 - Which one of the following is commonly applied to plan order to destroy some enzyme systems prior to canning freezing or dehydration________________?


184 - Which one of the following is synthetic flavour __________________?

All the above

185 - Which one of the following is the best known, most widely used food flavour enhancer_________________?

Monosodium glutamic acid All the above

186 - Which one of the following is the climacteric ethylene producing fruit______________________?


187 - Which one of the following is the non-ethylene producing fruit______________________?


188 - Which one of the following is the soluble vitamins______________________?

Both a & c

189 - Which one of the following is thickening agent___________________?

All the above

190 - Which one of the following is used as antioxidant____________________?


191 - Which one of the following is water soluble vitamin ___________________?

Vitamin B

192 - Which one of the following plays the role of a natural oxidants____________________?

Vitamin E

193 - Which one of the following possesses banana like aroma______________________?


194 - Which type of bacteria grow best at refrigeration temperature 10°C_______________________?


195 - Which type of bacteria grow best at room temperature of 20____________________?


196 - Which type of bacteria grow best within the temperature range 55°C_____________________?


197 - WHO recommended daily intake of calcium for adults is _____________________?

400-500 mg

198 - Who was the father of canning ______________________?

Nicolas Appert

199 - Wine is produced from_________________?


200 - Yoghurt,cheese, pickles are included in_________________?

Fermented food


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