General Agriculture Important MCQs

1 - 1 nm is equal to:

10-9 m

2 - 2n + 1 state is refered to as:


3 - A 50 sq. m. plot is to be given an irrigation of 6 cm. depth. The total water requirement will be:

300 liters

4 - A balanced diet is:

The food that suppliies all the essential nutrients in amounts that meet our nutritional needs

5 - A character determined by a gene present on X-chromosome is called:

Sex linked character

6 - A chromosome, which differs either in number or in morphology between male and female of a species, is known as:

Sex chromosome

7 - A combination of horticultural crops, field crops and tree species is called:

None of the above

8 - A combine cultivation of trees and grasses is referred to as:


9 - A conference at which the views of several experts are given, one after another, it seldom provides time for general discussion it refers to:

Panel Discussion

10 - A copping system where arable crops are grown in the inter spaces between rows of planted trees:

Alley cropping

11 - A cotton boll damaged by spotted boll worm (Earias spp) may be distinguished from that infested by pink bollworm. (Pectinophora gossypiella) is showing:

A prominent hole with excreta at the opening

12 - A demonstration, which shows the value or worth of the new practice:

Result Demonstration

13 - A duck on average lays _____ than of a hen in a year:

30-40 eggs more

14 - A form of low pruning to about 2 m up the stem:


15 - A perfect competitive market is where:

Large firms

16 - A photosynthetic unit consists:

About 400 light harvesting chlorophyll molecules and trapping center

17 - A physical or chamical agent that frees plant, organ or tissue from infection is a:


18 - A porous soil or geological formation, which will yield sufficient quantifies of water, is called:


19 - A process of initiating a conscious and purposeful action is called:


20 - A proteinproduced by living cells of microorganism, plants and annimals that can catalyze specific organic reaction is known as:


21 - A recessive gene for resistance to disease can be transferred from one parent to another using:

Backcross breeding

22 - A short duration crop in between two main seasonal crops is termed as:

Catch crop

23 - A single seed plant of tobacco may produce as many as:

10,000 seeds

24 - A spherical particle embedded in the phospholipoprotein of thylakoid lamellae is known as:


25 - A symbiotic association of fungus with subterranean part of a plant is said to be:


26 - A useful pruning practice to produce large quantities of foliage close to ground level for fodder species or for leaf extract product is called:


27 - A variety produced by crossing in all combination a number of lines that combine well with each other is:


28 - A variety produced by mixing seeds of several phenotypically outstanding lines and allowing all combinations is:


29 - Abscisic add is a


30 - Aeciospores of Puccinia recondita infect to:

Wheat crop

31 - Agricultural extension worker is:

An educator

32 - Agrosan G.N. is the name of:


33 - Aim of seed technology is:

All of the above

34 - All fruits are in general _______ in nature:


35 - Alternaria blight disease can be effectively controlled by:

Treating seeds with hot water

36 - Ammonium sulphate contain approximately:

20% nitrogen

37 - An acidic buffer solution can be prepared by mixing solution of:

Ammonium acetate and acetic acid

38 - An agent that causes gene mutations is known as:


39 - An area in which seeding are raised to be transplanted elsewhere is called:


40 - An enzyme excreted by a microorganisms into the environment is called:


41 - An enzyme formed within the cell and not excreted into the medium (intra cellular) is called:


42 - An example of parallel cropping is:

Wheat + Mustard

43 - An example of the market classified on business basis:


44 - An extension method in which systematic display of models. Specimens, charts, graphs, information, posters, etc. is done in a sequence so as to be significant in teaching or creating interest among the formers is called:


45 - An extension programme should be carried out by:

Well trained personnel

46 - An indifference curve is always:

Convex to the origin

47 - An indifference curve is defined as:

Points of various combinations of two commodities of same utility

48 - An individual having the genotype AA is known as:


49 - An intensity of K-fixation is maximum in:


50 - An outline of activities so arranged as to enable efficient execution of the entire programme and it answers the questions such as how, when, where and by whom is to be done is called:

Extension programme plan

51 - An unorganized mass of cells developed on an agar medium is known as:


52 - Anthesis is a phenomenon, which occurs:

When the flower opens first

53 - Application of gypsum is required more for:


54 - Application of potash increases:

Disease resistance in plants

55 - Approximately what percent of all light absorbed by a leaf is lost as heat?

90 to 95

56 - Arachis hyposea L. is the botanical name of:


57 - Arrowing is known as:

Emergence of inflorescence in sugarcane

58 - Artificial application of water to the soil for the purpose of crop production is called:


59 - As an examples of a synthetic culture medium may be cited:

Rachard Agar

60 - As the oxygen concentration increases from zero, the rate of aerobic respiration:

Hydrogen bonds

61 - At higher pH, the availability of molybdenum is _____ in soils:


62 - At molecular level mutation represents a change in:

Base-pair sequence

63 - At what pH value, phosphate availability is the highest in the soil?


64 - ATP and NADPH are produced on the stroma side surface of the:


65 - Auxin is:

A hormone

66 - Auxins:

All of the above

67 - Availability of phosphorous is ______ in acidic soils:


68 - Available water is:

Field capacity minus wilting point

69 - Average gestation period of cow is:

282 days

70 - Average lactation period of buffalo is of:

300 days

71 - Average length of pregnancy (gestation) period in sheep is:

147 days

72 - Avogadro Constant (N0) is equal to:

6.02217 x 1023 mol-1

73 - Bacillus thuringsis is:


74 - Bacterial diseases are controlled by use of chemicals:


75 - Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by:


76 - Balance sheet provides a picture of:

Net worth

77 - Bavistin is a ______ fungicide:


78 - Bending of oat coleoptile in response to unilateral illumination is termed as:


79 - Ber in generally propagated by:


80 - Bitter test in bringal fruits is due to:


81 - Biuret content in urea should not exceed in foliar on wheat more than the following one:


82 - Black heart disorder in potato is caused by:


83 - Black soils are generally rich in:

Mg, Al & Fe

84 - Black soils of central high land and plateaus have high content of:

Montmorillonitic clay

85 - Blast disease of rice can be controlled by:


86 - Blue colour tag is used for seed production:


87 - Botanically pineapple fruit is:


88 - Both chlorophyll 'a' and 'b' show absorption maxima in the:

Both (a) and (b)

89 - Breeder seed is produced by:

Plant Breeder

90 - Brief visual messages on poster cards flashed before a group of audience to emphasis important points in a presentation is called:

Flannel Graph

91 - Brown rot of potato is caused by:


92 - Brown rust of wheat is called by:

Puccinia recondita

93 - Bud necrosis of groundnut is transmitted by:


94 - Budget, which considers estimates of cost of returns from the farm as a whole is:

Complete budget

95 - Buff colour rag is used for:

Nuclear seed

96 - Bulk population breeding is suitable for:

Small grain crops

97 - Bunchy top in sugarcane is caused by:

Top shoot borer

98 - By means of 'Bulbils' which of the following crop is propagated?


99 - By which of the following method of raising seedlings of rice, we can get the ready seedling in early time?

Dapog method

100 - C:N ratio for rapid decomposition is:


101 - C:N ratio of orgaic matter is:

10 to 1

102 - Cabbage is cross-pollinated owing to:


103 - Cajanus cajon belongs to family:


104 - Calvin selected the green algae particularly adapted to studies dealing with the assimilation of CO2 are:

Chlorella and Scenedesmus

105 - Cane killer weed of sugarcane crop is the name of:

A disease

106 - Carbon dioxide content in soil air is:


107 - Carotenoids:

All of the above

108 - Cat face is a physiological disorder of:


109 - Cation exchange capacity of soil is expressed as:

Millequivalent per 100 gm

110 - Cause of deterioration of variety is:

All of the above

111 - Certified seed is produced from:

All of the above

112 - Characteristic of informal gardening:

All of the above

113 - Characteristics not generally influenced by environment will have:

High heritability

114 - Characteristics of formal gardening is:

All of the above

115 - Charcol rot of sorghum pathogen have host range:


116 - Chemical formula of gypsum salt is:

CaSO4. 2H2O

117 - Chemical formula of single super-phosphate is:

Ca(H2PO4),CaSO4. 2H2O

118 - Chemical, which regulates opening and closing of stomata, is:


119 - Chicken-pox is related with:


120 - Chlorophyl 'b' usually appears:

Yellow green

121 - Chlorophyll 'a' usually appears:

Blue green

122 - Chlorophylls 'c', 'd' and 'e' are found only in:


123 - Chloroplasts are absent in:


124 - Chorchorus capsularis belongs to family:


125 - Citrus gummosis is spread through:

Irrigation water

126 - Club root of crucifers is caused by:


127 - Conidia are the sources of inoculum in ergot of bajra:


128 - Conservation of rainwater by collecting run-off precipitation for supplemental irritgation is called:

Water harvesting

129 - Contagious abortion in cow is caused by:


130 - Conversion of nitrate nitrogen to molecular nitrogen is known as:


131 - Conversion of proteins into ammonia is called:


132 - Cooperative society is basic institution for:

Socio-economic growth of the villagers

133 - Coordination is:


134 - Corpora allata is associated with:

Nervous system

135 - Covered floor space for each cow should be:

20 - 30 Sq. ft.

136 - Crop, which can be propagated by vegetative parts:


137 - Cucurbits in early stage are mainly damaged by:

Red pumpkin beetle

138 - Cultivation of the apical meristems, particularly of shoot apical meristem, is known as:

Meristem culture

139 - Cut worm is a pest of:


140 - Cutting of braches of a tree is also called:


141 - Cytogenetic male sterility is utilized in:

Hybrid seed production

142 - Dahelia, Marigold and Gaillardia belong to the family:


143 - Dairy cows are kept in covered area the floor apace required per adult cow is:

30 -40 sq. ft.

144 - Decomposition of organic matter in submerged soil is carried out by:


145 - Demand for luxurious goods is:

More Elastic

146 - Demand for necessary commodities is:


147 - Desuckering is done in:


148 - Diethane M-45 is a local:


149 - Difference in the energy of water in a solution and pure water at the same temperature and pressure is termed as:

Water potential

150 - Diplanetism in fungi refers to:

Presence of two swimming periods with changes shape

151 - Dissociation of phosphorus pentachloride is favoured by:

High temperature and high pressure

152 - Dormancy due to condition within the dormant organ itself is called:

Innate dormancy

153 - Downy mildew disease is caused by:


154 - Downy mildew of bajra is called by:

Sclerospora graminicola

155 - Downy mildew of bajra pathogen is parasite:


156 - Dry and coarse are usually found at:

High lands

157 - During photorespiration:

All of the above

158 - During prophase-I of meiosis crossing over occurs at:


159 - During Prophase-I of meiosis, chiasma formation occurs during:


160 - Ear cockle disease of wheat is caused by:


161 - Economically Relevant Zone according to law of diminishing return it:


162 - Economics is a science of wealth"this definition is given by:

Adam Smith

163 - EDCT mixture is effective against:

Storage pests

164 - EDCT mixture is:


165 - Edible banana fruit is seedless because of:

Vegetative parthenocarpy

166 - Edible banana is:


167 - Effect of one gene on the phenotypic expression of another non-allelic gene is called:


168 - Embryo culture is helpful in:

Propagation of orchards

169 - Endosulfan belongs to:

Chlorinated hydrocarbons

170 - Examples of cytokinin are:


171 - Exanthema disese is caused due to deficiency of:


172 - Exchange of homologous segment of chromatin between homologous chromosomes is known as:

Crossing over

173 - Exhausting temperature of canned fruits and vegetables is:

80 - 82 Degree Centigrade

174 - expanding 1:1 clay mineral is:


175 - Extension is:

Helping people to help themselves

176 - Factor, which affects the dormancy of seed:

All of the above factors

177 - False smut of rice pathogen is placed in the family:


178 - Farm management is an:

Intra-farm science

179 - Farm planning helps is increasing the:

Farm income

180 - Filter chamber in insects is associated with:

Digestive system

181 - Fine sand fraction in International Soil Science Society (ISSS) ranges between:


182 - First discovery of bacteria as plant pathogen was made by:


183 - First products of photosynthesis in C3 and C4 plants respectively are:

Phosphoglyceric acid and Oxaloacetic acid

184 - First successful attempt at purifiction and crystallization of a virus was that of:

W.M. Stanley

185 - Fish contains _______ percent fat:

0.6 to 7.5

186 - Flooding of soil grown plant show:

Depression in N & K in shoots

187 - Fluid mosaic model"relates to the structure of:


188 - Foot and Mouth disease is caused by:


189 - For a perfect incompressible liquid flowing in a continuous stream, the total energy of a particle remains the same, while the particle moves from one point to another is called:

Bernoulli's equation

190 - For biological control of tomato fruit borer, the idea trap crop is:


191 - For foundation seed production colour tag is used in the fields is:


192 - For improving self-pollinated crops, hybridization leads to:

All of the above

193 - For most of the buffaloes breeding season is:

October - February

194 - For obtaining haploid plant _____ is useful:

All of the above

195 - For the calibration of other pressure gauges in laboratory we use:

Dead weight pressure gauge

196 - For the incorporation of a disease resistance gene in an otherwise agronomically superior variety, the breeding method to be employed is:

Backcross method

197 - For trellis culture of tomato most suited variety belongs to:

Indeterminate group

198 - Foundation seed is obtained from:

Breeder seed

199 - Free living microorganisms, which convert molecular nitrogen into its compounds in the soil, are:


200 - Freezing point depression of a solution is measured with:


201 - Fruits are blanched before canning at:

100 Degree Centigrade

202 - Garlic contains a colourless and odourless amino acid.


203 - Gene to gene host pathogen relationship was propounded by:


204 - Generally all kinds of nematodes can be destroyed at:

50 - 55 Degree Centigrade

205 - Generally seedless watermelon is:


206 - Generally viruses are composed of:

Nucleic acid and protein

207 - Generally which acid is used to supplement the acidity of fruit for jam making?

Citric acid

208 - Generally, when carbohydrate is respired in the cell the RQ is:


209 - Genetic basis of evolution is:

All of the above

210 - Genetically the purest seed is:

Nucleus seed

211 - Genotypes of zygotes of cross-pollinated cross are:


212 - Goal of Extension education is:

To promote scientific outlook

213 - Goat consumes ______ feed in proportion to its body weight:


214 - Grapes are good example of:


215 - Groundnut is a:


216 - Growing agricultural crops with trees grown in and around wet land with other bodies of water in which fish etc., can be grown, the combination is called:


217 - Growing of honey producing trees with bee keeping is called:


218 - Guava plants bear fruits on:

Current seasonal growth

219 - Haemorrhiagic septicemia disese is caused by:

Pasteurella boviseptica

220 - Haploids are having:

Gametic chromosome number

221 - Helithis armigera is:


222 - Hen and chicken' disease of grape is due to:

Boron deficiency

223 - Heterosis can be easily fixed in:

Apomictic crops

224 - High salt concentration in the medium surrounding germinating seeds inhibits germination due to:


225 - Higher doses of nitrogenous fertilizers are known to accentuate the population growth in:

Pyrilla ssp

226 - Highest milk producing dairy breed of Pakistan is:


227 - Hollow-heart"disease of sugar beet is caused due to:

Boron deficiency

228 - Hormone secreted by corpus luteum is:


229 - Hormones that regulate growth are called:

Growth hormones

230 - How many genes (recessive) for short stature have been identified in sorghum?


231 - How much is the porosity percentage if the particle density of soil is 2.6 and bulk density is 1.3?


232 - How much seed of legume crop should be treated with one packet of Rhizobium culture?

10 kg

233 - Human body maintains constant temperature. This relates to:


234 - Hybrid varieties are the first generations (F1) from crosses between _______ that are genetically dissimilar:

Two inbreds

235 - Hybrid varieties were first commercially exploited in:


236 - Hybridization can be:

All of the above

237 - I have observed a stained preparation of section of leaf under the microscope, the above statement is relate to:


238 - IAA (Indole-3-Acetic Acid) belongs to which group of plant hormone:


239 - IBRD is synonyms to:

World Bank

240 - Identify plant micronutrient:


241 - If n inbreds were to be tested in all possible single cross combinations, there would be ______ single crosses.

n (n-1)/2

242 - If the Marginal Product is more than Marginal Cost, than further investment in production is:


243 - If the soil contains 280 to 500 kg nitrogen per hectare than it is called ______ in available nitrogen:


244 - If the soils contain 110 to 280 kg K2O/ha then soils are said ______ in this regard.


245 - If the Substitution Ratio is less than the Price Ratio, then the cost:


246 - Immobilization of sulphur takes place when the 'S' content of orgnaic matter is less than:


247 - Importance of fruits and vegetables in human diet is primarily because they are:

Good source of vitamins and minerals

248 - Important achievements of plant breeding are:

All of the above

249 - In AB blood group of human being, the genes A and B show:


250 - In an apomictic plant:

Heterosis is fixed

251 - In C3 plants the CO2 compensation point is usually ______ than it is in C4 plants:


252 - In C4 plants the initial acceptor of CO2 is:

Phosphoenol pyruvic acid

253 - In case of mungbean seed:

The amount of carbohydrate is higher than that of protein

254 - In cows the first organ of the foetus that appears out of the reproductive tract of the mother under normal parturition is:

Fore limb

255 - In cucurbitaceous crops most serious pest at flowering and fruiting stage is:

Fruit fly

256 - In dry lands which cropping system is becoming popular?


257 - In factor-factor relationship level of output is:


258 - In gastrointestinal tract of poultry gastric guice is secreted in:


259 - In honeybees, hind legs are modified into:


260 - In lactating cows if there is a case of milk fever it can be treated by injecting:

Calcium borogluconate

261 - In Munsell notation 10 YR 6/4-10 YR is:


262 - In non-pregnant cows heat cycle (estrous cycle) is repeated every:

21 days

263 - In normal production of hybrid maize seed which class of seed is produced?

All of the above

264 - In personal contact most effective approach is:

Farm and home visit

265 - In sheep, oestrus cycle is repeat every:

16 days

266 - In some plants organic acids accumulate during the night and disappear during the day. Such plants are called :

CAM plants

267 - In some plants, particularly tropical plants the predominant compounds formed after very short period of photosynthesis in the presence of CO2 are malic and aspartic acids, these plants are called:

C4 plants

268 - In sugarcane breeding the initial selection after hybridisation is done in the generation:


269 - In the digestive system of non-ruminant herbivores cellulose (present in plant material) is digested in:


270 - In the digestive tract of poultry food is crushed and around in:


271 - In the presence of C2, fixation of CO2 takes place in:

Chloroplasts, peroxiisomes and mitochondria

272 - In which crop the use of Blue Green Algae as a bio-fertilizer will be most useful?


273 - In which of the following compound provide the necessary energy and reducing power for CO2 fixation and reduction?

Both (a) and (b)

274 - In which of the following fruits, are botanically called as Hesperidium:


275 - In which of the following method of vegetative propagation plant part is usually detached before rooting:


276 - In which of the following plants, fruits are formed inside the soil?

Arachis hypogaea

277 - In which of the plot design the number of replications equals the number of varieties:

Latin square design

278 - Incompatibility can be:

Both (a) and (b)

279 - Inter cropping of mustard with potato is recommended in:

Replacement series

280 - Interculture in groundnut is avoided at:

Pegging stage

281 - Intima is absent in:


282 - Introduced material can be utilized by:

All of above methods

283 - Irrigations in gram are recommended at:

Before flowering and pod formation stages

284 - Isolation depends upon:

All of the above factors

285 - Isolation distance for the production of double cross seed in maize should be at least:

200 to 300 m

286 - Isoproturon is a:


287 - It occurs in presence of the sublight due to deficiency of Fe, Zn and B or due to influence of low temperature that is called:


288 - Jam can be prepared from:

Any fruti having pulp

289 - Jassid of cotton can be controlled by:


290 - Jelly can be prepared from:

Fruits, which contain pectin

291 - Jelly is:


292 - Kranz"anatomy of leaf is found in:


293 - Kreb's cycle is also known as:

Both (a) and (b)

294 - Larva of buttery is known as:


295 - Late blight of potato can be controlled by:

Bordeux mixture

296 - Lateral roots formation is the root hairs zone of:


297 - Laterite soils are poor in:

Nitrogen, Lime and Magnesium

298 - Latest method for the improvement of cattle and buffaloes is:

Embryo transfer

299 - Law widely used for determining particle size distribution in soils is:

Stocke's law

300 - Layering' is useful for propagation of:


301 - Leaf rust of coffee is caused by:

Hemileia vastatrix

302 - Light-driven reactions in the chloroplsts are:

Protonation and transpiration

303 - Line passing through the least cost points in the isoquants map is called:


304 - Linkage groups in maize are:


305 - Little leaf of brinjal is caused by:


306 - Live-stock insurance is included in:

Variable cost

307 - Loose smut of sorghum is:

Externally seed born disease

308 - Loose smut to wheat is controlled by seed treatment with:


309 - Lycopene pigment is present in:


310 - Lycopersicumesculentum is ______ flowering plant:


311 - Maize (for green cobs) - Autumn Cane - Ratoon - Wheat will have cropping intensity of:


312 - Marble is an example of:

Metamorphic rock

313 - Marginal product is ratio of:


314 - Marketing surplus is:

Total production - Total family requirement

315 - Marmalades can be prepared from:

Citrus fruits only

316 - Maximum yield of mustard is obtained at plant geometry of:

45 x 20 cm

317 - Meiosis leads to:

Reduction in chromosome number

318 - Mendel's laws of inheritance operate during:


319 - Meristem culture is useful for:

All of the above

320 - Milk fever in cattle is caused due to:

Decrease in the level of calcium in tissue fluid

321 - Milk production trait is a:

Sex-limited trait

322 - Mitchondria and chloroplast both:

All of the above

323 - Mitochondria are found in:

Cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

324 - Modern theory of wages and employment is given by:


325 - Mohair is the long lustrous, soft hair covering produced by:


326 - Moniliform antinnae is in:


327 - Monocrotophos is:


328 - Most common method of identification of pigs is:

Notching of ears

329 - Most commonly used nitrogen fertilizer these days:


330 - Most critical growth stage for irrigation in wheat crop is:

Crown root initiation stage

331 - Most effective growth regulator for rooting of most of the cuttings is:

Indole butyric acid

332 - Most inhibitory effects of high auxin concentration are due to formation of excessive amount of:


333 - Most serious disease of pea is:

Powdery mildew

334 - Motile zoospores are the chief characters of the subdivision:


335 - Movements of a plant organ in response to directional fluxes or gradients in environmental stimuli are called:


336 - Movements whose direction is determined by the morphology of the plant are called:

Hastic movement

337 - MPP (Marginal Physical Product) of a variable input is negative in:

III stage

338 - Mulberry silkworm is:

Bombyx mori

339 - Mulching is an importnt agricultural practice. One of the chief aim of this practice is to:

Decrease the evaporation of moisture from the soil

340 - Multiple effects of a gene are called:


341 - Muriate of potash is chemically known as:


342 - Mustard sawfly belongs to family:


343 - Mycorrhiza makes _______ available to plants:


344 - Name the objective of training and pruning of plants:

All of the above

345 - Name the pultry bird used for broiler purposes:

Plymoth rock

346 - Neem cake is used to increase the efficiency of urea by:

Reducing leaching and denitrification losses

347 - Neem seed kernel extract act as:


348 - Nematode control by heat treatment can be done by:

Both (a) and (b)

349 - Nematodes can be controlled by:

All of the above

350 - Nematodes may be:

All of the above

351 - Nematods in citrus crop can be controlled by:


352 - Nicotiana tabacum is ______ flowering plant:


353 - Nitrogen (N) in NADP stands for:


354 - Nitrogen fixation is done by:


355 - Nitrogen is applied into transplanted rice in the proportion of:

50% at basal + 25% at tillering + 25% at panicle emergence

356 - Normally average semen volume ejaculated at a time by a breeding bull is:

3 - 5ml

357 - Normally mineral content (%) of soil volume is about:


358 - Number of ATP molecules released from the oxidation of one molecule of glucose is:

Thirty eight

359 - Nutrient availability to plant is maximum in pH range between:

6.5 to 7.5

360 - Object of pruning is:

All of the above

361 - Objectives of hybridization are:

All of the above

362 - One gene may have no visible effect union a second gene is present. This is:

Modifying action

363 - One molecule of glucose on complete oxidation yields:

38 ATP

364 - One nanometer is equal to:

10 Angstrom

365 - One of the best edible species mushrooms under cultivation is:


366 - One of the edible species mushrooms under cultivation is:

Valvaria volvacea

367 - One of the important fixed costs on a farm is:

Land rent

368 - One of the most effective herbicide used in cultivation of C4 crop plants


369 - Onion is used for medicinal value for:


370 - Opaque-2 maize composites are richer as compared to normal maize in:

Tryptophan and Lysine

371 - Organic catalysts in the animates are called as:


372 - P content in DAP is:


373 - Parasitic flowering plant Mistletoe belongs to family:


374 - Parthenogenesis in mustard aphid (Lypaphis erysimi) is combined with:


375 - Patterns of evolution is:

All of the above

376 - Peat soil are generally characterised as:

Black, heavy and acidic soil

377 - Pectinophora gossibiella is known as:

Pink bollworm

378 - Periodic occurrence over a large area, more population affected, the disease is:


379 - pH value of freshly drawn milk is:

6.5 to 6.7

380 - Phalaris minor is an important weed of:

Wheat crop

381 - Photochemical excitation in chloroplasts is directly responsible for:

All of the above

382 - Photoperiod required to induce flowering in plants is called :

Critical day length

383 - Photoperiodically, high yielding triple dwarf wheat is a:

Long day plant

384 - Photorespiration is the characteristic of:

C3 plants

385 - Photorespiration takes place in:


386 - Photosynthetically, Triticum aestivum is a:

C3 plants

387 - Physical basis of life is:


388 - Physical needs of a person is:

Food, shelter and clothing

389 - Physiological separation of plant part is called a:


390 - Piezometer is an instrument to measure:

Depth of water table

391 - Pigments found in photosynthetic bacteria are:

Bacteriolchlorophyll 'b'

392 - Plant food manufactured by the process of photosynthesis in the presence of a nutrient in chlorophyll is:


393 - Plant Quarantine is included in which of the following nematode control methods:

Regulatory method

394 - Planting of succeeding crop before the harvest of the standing crop is known as:

Relay cropping

395 - Plants adopted to saline habitate are called:


396 - Plants affected by seed born disease in certified seed production field must not be more than:


397 - Plants that utilize primarily RuBP to fix CO2, which results in the formation of the three-carbon compound 3-PGA, are called:

C3 plants

398 - Plot design when varieties are arranged in the same order in every replication is known as:

Systematic arrangement

399 - Plum moth is a pest of:

All of them

400 - Plunger pump is used for spraying:

High volume

401 - Pofassium metabisulphite is used as preservative in:

Orange juice

402 - Porosity is highest in:

Peat woil

403 - Potassium content is maximum in:


404 - Potato leaf roll virus in transmitted by:


405 - Potato provide vitamin:

All of the above

406 - Potato tube moth belongs to family:


407 - Powdery mildew disease is a serious problem in:


408 - Powdery mildew of grapevine is caused by:

Uncinula necator

409 - Price, which necessarily covers the variable cost and fixed price is the:

Long-run price

410 - Primary source of nitrogen for plants is:


411 - Principle of Equi-Marginal Return is applied when:

The resources are limited

412 - Principle of Extension education is:

Learning by doing

413 - Production of foundation seed is the responsibility of:


414 - Profit is due to:

Uncertainly bearing

415 - Protein portion of an enzyme responsible for specificity is known as:


416 - Puccinia recondita causes:

Stem rust of wheat

417 - Punccinia triticina is causal organism of:

Stem rust of wheat

418 - Pungency in radish is due to:


419 - Pure line may be defined as the progeny of:

A homozygous and self-fertilized individual

420 - Pure seed in foundation and certified seed must be:


421 - Purpose of Extension evaluation is:

To edentify

422 - Pyricularia oryzae is the causal organisms of:

Blast of paddy

423 - Pyrilla belongs to the family:


424 - Quality muskmelon fruits are produced under:

Humid and dry climate

425 - Quantasomes are present in the:


426 - Quartz is the principal component of:


427 - Radio mass medium is characterised by:

One way without instant audience-response

428 - Rancidity in sunflower oil is caused by:


429 - Range' is the measurement between:

Highest and lowest

430 - Raspherry, chrysanthemum and garbera are vegetatively propagated by:


431 - Record keeping' should be characterized by:

All of the above

432 - Red hairy caterpillar is:


433 - Red rot in sugarcane is caused by:


434 - Refractometer is used to determine:


435 - Registered seed is produced from:

Both (a) and (b)

436 - Relationship among micro organisms where one organism hinders the growth of other, is known as:


437 - Relationship between phenotypic variance (Vp) genotypic variance (Vg) and environmental variance Ve can be shown as:

Vp = Vg + Ve

438 - Relationship in which one organism gets benefited without affecting the other is called:


439 - Rental value of Land is the part of:

Cost B

440 - Representative minerals in early weathering stages (1 to 3):

Albite - Quartz - Muscovite

441 - Required water to be raised or lifted from its source to the field is called:

Flow irrigation

442 - Retting of jute is a:

Mirobiological process

443 - Reversion occurs due to:

Gene interaction and mutation

444 - Rhizobium bacteria is:

Symbiotic bacteria

445 - Sugars present in DNA and RNA respectively are:

Deoxyribose and Ribose

446 - The bacteroid Rhizobium is:


447 - What is the recommended composition of Bordeaux mixture for the control of late blight of potato at early stages?


448 - What is the seat of milk synthesis in the body of a cow?

Alveolus of the mammary gland

449 - What is White Yorkshire?

A breed of swine

450 - What will be the nutritive ratio of the feed which contains 70% T.D.N and 14% D.C.P.?


451 - Which of the following approaches in extension has got the highest intensity if influence?

Individual approach

452 - Which of the following are often cross-pollinated?


453 - Which of the following chemicals is widely used for purifying drinking water?


454 - Which of the following concentrates contains maximum amount of digestible nutrients?


455 - Which of the following cost is substracted from Gross Income ((G.I.) to get the value of Family Labour income?

Cost B

456 - Which of the following crops requires more amount of water to grow?


457 - Which of the following disease is caused by mycoplasma-like-organisms?

Brinjal little leaf

458 - Which of the following factors affects the dormancy of seed?

All of the above

459 - Which of the following fruit is not suitable for jam making?


460 - Which of the following intercropping system has synergistic effect on component crop?

Autumn planted Sugarcane + Potato

461 - Which of the following is a cross breed of sheep:


462 - Which of the following is a ripening hormone?


463 - Which of the following is a synthetic pyrethroid?


464 - Which of the following is also refered to as ""Opportunity Cost""?

Alternative cost

465 - Which of the following is connected with Ascomycotina?


466 - Which of the following is controlled by gibberellic acid?

Vegetative growth

467 - Which of the following is ethylene absorbent?


468 - Which of the following is example of photoperiodic responses exhibited by plants?

All of the above

469 - Which of the following is genetically heterogeneous?


470 - Which of the following is inflorescence vegetable?


471 - Which of the following is low volume sprayer?

Gear type rotary pump

472 - Which of the following is lowest in total digestible nutrients content?


473 - Which of the following is more suitable for control of Phalaris minor in wheat field?


474 - Which of the following is non-selective herbicide?


475 - Which of the following is not a method of group communication?

Circular letter

476 - Which of the following is not a organic mercury fungicides?


477 - Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Terminal market - Area

478 - Which of the following is not kharif season weed?

Chenopodium album

479 - Which of the following is not the element of key step in the process of programme planning?


480 - Which of the following is root vegetable?


481 - Which of the following is stem vegetable?


482 - Which of the following is tropical fruit crop?


483 - Which of the following is visible through nacked eyes?


484 - Which of the following media can be used for vegetative propagation?

All of the above

485 - Which of the following microorganism is as associated with ammonifiction?

Bacillus mycoides

486 - Which of the following particle in soil is considered finest?


487 - Which of the following seed rate of TPS is recommended for planting one-hectare area?


488 - Which of the following statements is correct regarding transpiration?

All of the above

489 - Which of the following statements represent true concept of extension evaluation?

Extension evaluation is inbuilt in each step of the programme

490 - Which of the following you connect with Mycorales?


491 - Which one is an essential element for plant growth?


492 - Which one is non-acid farming fertilizer?

Calcium ammonium nitrate

493 - Which one is not a tool of farm management?

Farm Book Keeping

494 - Which one is not correctly matched?

Sweet potato - Stolon

495 - Which one is the egg parasite?

Trichogrmma minutum

496 - Which one is the recommended optimum plant population for hybrid maize?

60 - 70 thousands per hectare

497 - Which one is the rodenticide?

Zinc phosphide

498 - Which one is the storage pest?

Sitophilus oryzae

499 - Which one is used for primary tillage?

Mould board plough

500 - Which one of the following crop is not correctly matched with its test weight (gm)?

Wheat = 20 - 22

501 - Which one of the following factor is responsible for higher yield under protected cultivation?

High photosynthetic efficiency

502 - Which one of the following fruit contains maximum vitamin C?


503 - Which one of the following fruit is monocot in nature?


504 - Which one of the following fruits is a rich source of iron?


505 - Which one of the following fruits is rich in vitamin A?


506 - Which one of the following is a monocot vegetable?


507 - Which one of the following is a non-projected visual teaching aid?

Black board

508 - Which one of the following is a warm season vegetable?


509 - Which one of the following is an Audio-Visual Aid?

Motion picture

510 - Which one of the following is complex fertilizer?


511 - Which one of the following is dioecious plant?

Pointed gourd

512 - Which one of the following is evergreen temperate plant?


513 - Which one of the following is not narrow leavd weeds?

Melilotus indica

514 - Which one of the following is the structure concerned with photorespiration?


515 - Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Marthandam Project: Spencer Hatch

516 - Who often referred to as the ""father of plant physiology""?


517 - Who propounded the population theory first?


518 - Who stated, ""Life is a photochemical phenomenon""?


519 - Wind break are planted in orchards towards:


520 - Yellow coloured fruits and vegetables are rich source of:

Vit. 'A'


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