Highway Engineering Most Important MCQs Part: 3

701 - The increase in strength in soil may be seen at an age of.

28 days

702 - The increase of cement causes.

Increase in strength

703 - The index map shows


704 - The indicators that may be marked for visible outline of the road is called

Roadway delineator

705 - The initial setting time of cement is not less than

30 minutes

706 - The intensity of highway lighting is measured in


707 - The interface bond between existing pavement and new pavement is provided by

Tack coat

708 - The intervals for levelling work in rolling terrain are taken as


709 - The inventor of road making as a building science, was


710 - The investigation of embankment should be carried out for

Twice the height of embankment

711 - The ISD value of the hill road with a speed of 50 Kmph is.


712 - The joint filling sand should have fines

75 microns

713 - The key map size should not exceed

20*22 cm

714 - The landslide denotes.

Downward and upward movement of hill slope material

715 - The landslide doesn't take place due to.


716 - The lane distribution factor on undivided roads with single lane carriage way is


717 - The last step in design of embankment is

stability of slope

718 - The last step in the design of flexible pavement is

Design of the pavement thickness

719 - The layer not required in cement road is


720 - The layer which is constructed above embankment is called

Sub grade

721 - The layer which should have high modulus of elasticity is


722 - The least count of the small needle in benkleman beam test is.

2.0 mm

723 - The least lane distribution factor value is least for

Four lanes

724 - The legal load considered in the benklemen beam method is


725 - The length may be provided ___ times from height.


726 - The length of a transition curve, is governed by

both (a) and (b)

727 - The length of summit curve is based on

Sight distance

728 - The length of the side of warning sign boards of roads is

45 cm

729 - The length of valley curve depends on.

Speed limit and deviation angle

730 - The length visible to driver at any instance of time is called

Sight distance

731 - The life span of rigid pavement depends on

Location of loading

732 - The lime soil can't be used in.


733 - The liquid limit of soil bitumen mix should be less than.


734 - The liquid limit of soil for embankment construction is

Less than 70%

735 - The liquid limit of the soil is determined by

Cassagrandes apparatus

736 - The load dispersion is assumed at an angle of


737 - The load safety factor assumed is


738 - The loading which does not exist is


739 - The longitudinal drain may be provided if the cross slope is more than.


740 - The longitudinal slope erosion can be corrected by.


741 - The loss of water from leaves present on embankment is called.


742 - The loss with sodium sulphate cycles for aggregate used for bitumen is

Less than 12%

743 - The low volume roads are designed as

Fair weather roads

744 - The main cause of accidents in urban areas is

Improper planning

745 - The main cause of inadequate stability of bitumen mix doesn't include

More stopping sight distance provided

746 - The main objective of pedestrian facility is

To minimize the pedestrian conflicts

747 - The main objective of transportation is?

Safe economical and efficient transport of goods and passengers

748 - The main purpose of providing camber is

To collect storm water

749 - The maintenance cost of rigid pavement when compared to flexible pavement is


750 - The maintenance factor of highway is assumed as


751 - The maintenance of rigid pavement is.


752 - The maintenance operations do not involve.

Survey work

753 - The maintenance works are not possible for.

Sub grade

754 - The master plan may not be prepared for


755 - The materials not included in highway construction are


756 - The maximum allowable Los Angeles abrasion value for high quality surface course is_______________?


757 - The maximum brushing loss for A6 A7 soil type is.


758 - The maximum comfortable retardation applied to moving vehicles, is

3.42 m/sec^2

759 - The maximum density which is desirable in highway embankments is


760 - The maximum design gradient for vertical profile of a road is______________?

ruling gradient

761 - The maximum dry density of soil lime mix is decreased by.

2 to 3%

762 - The maximum dry density of the soil can be achievement by


763 - The maximum fatigue ratio of rigid pavement is


764 - The maximum grade compensation for a curve of radius 75m is


765 - The maximum gradient compensation for a pavement of the radius 150 m is.


766 - The maximum gradient compensation for a pavement of the radius 150 m is.


767 - The maximum gradient compensation for a radius of 150 m is.


768 - The maximum gradient in the curve is.

1 in 40

769 - The maximum gradient in the curve is.

1 in 40

770 - The maximum jam density occurs at

Zero speed

771 - The maximum jam density occurs at


772 - The maximum life span assumed for the highway is.

100 years

773 - The maximum limit of sub grade thickness is

300 mm

774 - The maximum limit of water absorption for aggregate suitable for road construction is____________?


775 - The maximum number of cars can be parked in

Parallel parking

776 - The maximum number of conflict points is formed in

Two way regulation on both roads

777 - The maximum number of vehicles beyond which the rotary may not function efficiently is______________?

5000 vehicles per hour

778 - The maximum radial distance of a Lemniscate curve, having maximum polar angle a, is

3 R sin 2α

779 - The maximum safe speed on roads, depends on the

all the above.

780 - The maximum size of aggregate that can be used in R.C.C is


781 - The maximum size that can be used in plain concrete is

80 mm

782 - The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid pavements is_____________?

4.5 m

783 - The maximum stress in summer by pavement is experienced at

Mid noon

784 - The maximum stress sustained by concrete pavements in kg/cm2 is


785 - The maximum super elevation on snow bound area is


786 - The maximum theoretical capacity is


787 - The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid pavements is______________?

25 mm

788 - The maximum value of Manning's coefficient for soil with heavy vegetation is


789 - The measure not adopted in re construction of new highway is.

Use of inferior quality material

790 - The measure not adopted to take care of the embankment failure is.

Rise of embankment above HFL

791 - The measure not advisable to prevent landslide is.

Soil stabilization by any method

792 - The mechanical stabilised soil does not depend on


793 - The mechanical widening of a curve is 1.5m, the curve is having a radius of 120m and design speed as 80kmph find the total widening on the curve


794 - The mechanical widening of a track is given by


795 - The method not used in economic analysis is.

Floating car

796 - The method not used in structural evaluation of CC pavement is.

Benkleman test

797 - The method of design of flexible pavement as recommended by IRC is____________?

CBR method

798 - The methods of crack repairs are classified into how many types?


799 - The million standard axles in low volume roads is considered as

Less than 1 million

800 - The minimum age for attaining license for a geared vehicle is

18 years

801 - The minimum amount of highway lighting to be provided on urban roads is

30 lux

802 - The minimum camber required in heavy rainfall area for bituminous roads as per IRC is


803 - The minimum carriage way width for MDR is.

7.5 m

804 - The minimum carriage way width for MDR is.

7.5 m

805 - The minimum cross fall of shoulders is kept


806 - The minimum deflection assumed in plate bearing test is

0.25 cm

807 - The minimum design speed for hairpin bends in hill roads is taken as_______________?

20 kmph

808 - The minimum design speed of various types of highways in plain terrain is the same as the ruling design speed of

rolling terrain

809 - The minimum design speed on major district road of hill is.

30 Kmph

810 - The minimum diameter of dowel bar used is

25 mm

811 - The minimum diameter used in pipe culverts is.

75 cm

812 - The minimum factor of safety for rigid pavement is


813 - The minimum grade of concrete in CC pavement is


814 - The minimum grade of concrete required for pavement design is


815 - The minimum length of a sub stretch is.

1.0 km

816 - The minimum length of vertical curve recommended by IRC for a design speed of 100kmph is


817 - The minimum number of parameters needed to measure brake efficiency is


818 - The minimum quality of thickness in the low volume roads is


819 - The minimum radius for rotary recommended by IRC is

1.33 times of entry radius

820 - The minimum radius of inner curve in hair pin bend is.

14 m

821 - The minimum radius of inner curve in hair pin bend is.

14 m

822 - The minimum ratio of the radii of two circular curves of a compound curve, is kept


823 - The minimum right of way distance in exceptional cases is.

3 m

824 - The minimum road width is taken

9 m

825 - The minimum setback is.

3.0 m

826 - The minimum shoulder width recommended by IRC is


827 - The minimum slope provided in a surface of cement concrete pavement is


828 - The minimum space headway increases with

Increase in length of vehicle

829 - The minimum spacing between the two sand beds is

2.5 m

830 - The minimum speed limit design for hair pin bend is.

20 Kmph

831 - The minimum speed limit design for hair pin bend is.

20 Kmph

832 - The minimum straight length between any two successive hair pin bend should not be less than.

60 m

833 - The minimum straight length between any two successive hair pin bend should not be less than.

60 m

834 - The minimum sufficient straight distance between the transitional ends for reverse curves is

9.0 m

835 - The minimum super elevation is.


836 - The minimum superelevation in rolling terrain in plains, is limited to


837 - The minimum thickness of compacted sub grade is

300 mm

838 - The minimum thickness used in bituminous macadam is

75 mm

839 - The minimum value of camber provided for thin bituminous surface hill roads, is


840 - The minimum value of change of centrifugal acceleration is


841 - The minimum velocity required in drainage to maintain flow is.

Self cleaning velocity

842 - The minimum vertical clearance of overhanging cliffs or any other structure above the surface of a hill road, should be

5 m

843 - The minimum width of carriage way in urban roads is


844 - The minimum width of side walk is


845 - The minimum width of the pavement of a National Highway should be

5.7 m

846 - The minimum width of the trace cut provided is.

1.0 m

847 - The miscellaneous road factor for maintenance is.

Kerbs and median

848 - The mix design should take into consideration.

Stability and durability

849 - The modern day pavement don't consider loads of

Animal drawn vehicles

850 - The modification factor used in base course thickness is called.

Gravel equivalence

851 - The more thickness of the excavation will lead to

Increase of cost

852 - The most common method used for the removal of voids in soil is


853 - The most common natural problem found in embankment is

Soil erosion

854 - The most common test used in evaluating soil strength is


855 - The most common waste material used in construction is

Fly ash

856 - The most commonly adopted method to provide super-elevation on roads, is by pivoting the road surface about

inner edge so that outer edge is raised

857 - The most commonly used admixture which prolongs the setting and hardening time is_______________?


858 - The most commonly used bitumen is.


859 - The most commonly used grade of cement is


860 - The most commonly used material for stabilisation of soils is


861 - The most commonly used overlay is

Flexible over flexible

862 - The most commonly used type of concrete pavement is


863 - The most complex type of intersections for traffic operation is


864 - The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is_______________?

single side lighting

865 - The most efficient traffic signal system is________________?

flexible progressive system

866 - The most important factor that is required for road geometrics is

Speed of vehicle

867 - The most important objective of traffic engineering is

To reduce the accidents

868 - The most important structure in a hill road is.

Retaining wall

869 - The most inconvenient method for parking is

30 degree parking

870 - The most likely cause of accidents is

Impatience in driving

871 - The most preferred shape of drainage is.


872 - The most preferred type of transition curve by IRC for highway is


873 - The most raised portion of the pavement is called


874 - The most suitable equipment for compacting clayey soils is a_______________?

sheep foot roller

875 - The most superior material is used in


876 - The most superior material used in pavement is


877 - The most vulnerable part of traffic is


878 - The name of the work and project details is managed under which category of DPR?


879 - The New highway project is divided into how many stages?


880 - The NHDP are being undertaken by private companies on basis of


881 - The non desirable property of soil after addition of lime is.

High affinity with water

882 - The non desirable property of soil is


883 - The normal road land width for a major district road in open area, is

25 m

884 - The normal road land width for a National or State highway, in open areas should be

45 m

885 - The normal road width of National and State highways

All the above.

886 - The normal width recommended in rural areas by IRC for national highway is


887 - The number of blows in Marshalls test specimen is


888 - The number of cycles for a trial period of 45 sec is


889 - The number of factors considered for flexible pavement is


890 - The number of factors to be considered during the road side development studies are.


891 - The number of important factors for highway engineer are.


892 - The number of parking spaces for a kerb of 59m and having the length of car as 5.0m is


893 - The number of repetitions, which the pavement thickness designed for a given wheel load should be able to support during the life of pavement is______________?


894 - The number of steps followed for surface drainage system is.


895 - The number of steps involved in the construction of hill roads are.


896 - The number of trees required for 1 km of length in nursery are.


897 - The number of vehicles moving in a specified direction on a roadway that pass a given point during specified unit of time, is called

traffic volume

898 - The number of vehicles that pass through a transverse line of road at a given time in a specified direction is called

Traffic flow

899 - The objective of conducting structural evaluation studies doesn't consist of.

Determine the drainage system

900 - The objective of hydrological analysis is.

Estimate maximum quantity of water

901 - The objects adjacent to the pavement are seen by

Reverse silhouette

902 - The OMC of bitumen binder is taken as.


903 - The outgoing and incoming traffic are counted at

Traffic intersections

904 - The overlay design is laid for a maximum life span of

10 years

905 - The Overlay thickness depends on how many factors?


906 - The parking facility in which elevators are required to change to a different level is called

Multi storeyed building

907 - The part of pavement left over for drainage is called


908 - The partial depth repairs is limited to a slab height of less than.

75 mm

909 - The particular places where pedestrians are to cross the pavement are properly marked by the pavement marking known as________________?

crosswalk lines

910 - The path of wheels cause damage in the form of.

Ruts and corrugation

911 - The pavement condition factor for good condition is.


912 - The pavement design in olden days was based on.

Proportion of weight or volume

913 - The pavement is checked for


914 - The pavement layer is considered superior if it distributes load like a

Point load

915 - The pavement rating of 3 is regarded as.


916 - The pavement surface value needing immediate attention is.


917 - The pavement thickness is usually assumed in rigid pavement as

25 cm

918 - The pavement whose rut depth is less than 10 mm is classified as.


919 - The pavement width for a single lane road on a hill is.

7.5 m

920 - The pavement width of a road depends upon

number of lanes

921 - The PCU value near rotary is highest for

Animal drawn vehicles

922 - The pedestrian facilities are planned for

Estimated growth of population

923 - The percentage compensation in gradient for ruling gradient of 4% and horizontal curve of radius 760 m is____________________?

no compensation

924 - The percentage of chemical added in soil by weight is


925 - The perpendicular offset from the tan-get to the central point of the circular curve, is

R (1 - cos θ/2)

926 - The place allotted particularly for only parking is called

Parking lot

927 - The planting of trees along road side is called.


928 - The plastic deformation occurs in


929 - The plasticity index for a sub grade should be less than


930 - The plasticity index in soil used for low volume roads should be less than


931 - The plasticity index of soil cement base course should be less than.


932 - The plate bearing test is used to evaluate

Modulus of sub grade reaction

933 - The PMGSY aims to connect


934 - The point at which plastic limit increase and then decrease is.

Lime fixation point

935 - The point that should not be considered for a better highway is.

Small right of way

936 - The Poisson's ratio of concrete is


937 - The Poisson's ratio of soil is assumed as


938 - The polished stone value for aggregate of surface course should be more than


939 - The pollutant mostly released by automobiles is


940 - The poly sulphide sealant perform well uptown.

10 years

941 - The portion of water which flows on surface is called.

Run off

942 - The positive tolerance level of sub grade in surface for concrete pavement is

20 mm

943 - The PQC denotes

Pavement quality concrete

944 - The precautions should be mostly taken for drainage in.

Water logged areas

945 - The precise control of excavation is possible by


946 - The preferable height of the water table should be.

1.2 m

947 - The presence of moisture content causes


948 - The pressing problems on the existing highway are.

Both encroachment and ribbon development

949 - The pressure in pneumatic tyres should not exceed


950 - The preventive measure adopted in hill road don't include.

Brick masonry

951 - The probable causes for loss of surface texture don't include.

Use of durable materials

952 - The problem not faced in hilly regions is

Summer cracks in pavements

953 - The problem which doesn't cause landslide in the hill road is.

Stable rockd Overlay of relatively weak soil

954 - The problems in snowfall region, of snow is not cleared is overcome by.

Snow markers

955 - The procedure of adopting medians and traffic island in an un-channelized intersection is called


956 - The process by which the water voids are removed is called


957 - The process of mud or soil being ejected out through the joints and edges of the CC pavements is called.

Mud pumping

958 - The process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub soil water within roadway is.

Highway drainage

959 - The product of fast moving vehicles and number of trains should exceed by how much to justify the bypass road construction?


960 - The property of cement by which it doesn't expand is called


961 - The property of soil by which its state and size changes is called


962 - The property of the ingredients to separate from each other while placing the concrete is called____________?


963 - The proportioning method not in use is

CBR method

964 - The provision of traffic signals at intersections______________?

reduces right angled collisions but may increase rear end collisions

965 - The quantity of soil collected in benkleman beam method is.

100 g

966 - The radius of curvature provided along a transition curve, is

varying from infinity to the radius of circular curve.

967 - The raise of ground water reduces the capacity by


968 - The ramps in the grade separated intersections do not include


969 - The rate of change of acceleration in m/sec3 for a design speed of 85kmph is


970 - The rate of fuel consumption for every motor cycle will be at.

Optimum speed

971 - The rate of growth in traffic in urban areas is assumed as


972 - The rate of growth of the deterioration is.


973 - The rate of structural deterioration of flexible pavement doesn't depend on.

Climatic change

974 - The ratio between centrifugal force and weight of the vehicle is called

Impact factor

975 - The ratio of annual benefit from improvement to annual cost of the improvement is called.

Benefit cost ratio

976 - The ratio of average illumination recommended by IRC is


977 - The ratio of flexibility strength applied due to a load and the flexural stress is called

Stress ratio

978 - The ratio of maximum deviation angle and maximum polar deflection angle of a Lemniscate curve, is


979 - The ratio of seven day average for 24 hour and 24 hour count on any particular day is

Daily factor

980 - The ratio of the radius r/a=0 represents

Center of chart

981 - The ratio of volume of voids and volume of soil solids is called

Void ratio

982 - The ratio of z/a=0 represent the stress at

Top surface

983 - The rational formula is.


984 - The ravelling occurs due to.


985 - The re gravelled course is checked at a distance of every.

100 m

986 - The reaction time considered in SSD is

2.5 sec

987 - The reaction time of a driver assumed in OSD is

2 sec

988 - The recommended grade of tar for grouting purpose is_______________?


989 - The recoverable type of deformation is called as

Elastic deformation

990 - The relation between modulus of rupture fcr, splitting strength fcs and direct tensile strength fcl is given by_______________?


991 - The relation between modulus of rupturefcr and characteristic strength of concrete fck is given by_______________?


992 - The relationship between specific yield specific retention and porosity is.

Specific yield+specific retention= porosity

993 - The relationship between SSD and ISD is


994 - The removal and diversion of surface water from the roadway is called.

Surface drainage

995 - The removal of earth for highway formation is


996 - The repair cost is approximately how many times of the maintenance cost?

Six times

997 - The resistance to flow is measured by


998 - The resisting length should be kept


999 - The revenue from road transport sector is studied in which type of studies?


1000 - The right of way width in normal area for a two lane national highway is.

24 m


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