Highway Engineering Most Important MCQs Part: 1

1 - “Dead Slow” is a______________?

regulatory sign

2 - 1.R.T.D.A. (Indian Roads and Transport Development Association) was set up at Bombay in


3 - A closed loop used for survey purpose is called

Closed traverse

4 - A district road with a bituminous pavement has a horizontal curve of 1000 m for a design speed of 75 km ph. The super-elevation is

1 in 40

5 - A good soil should have

Ease of compaction

6 - A grade intersection may be provided if the PCU exceeds


7 - A gradient along which the vehicle does not require any tractive effort to maintain a specified speed, is known as

floating gradient

8 - A median is also called as

Traffic separator

9 - A most common feature in hill road is

Hair pin bend

10 - A part of land that is acquired during initial stages of construction for future expansion is called

Right of way

11 - A part of pavement raised with respect to one side keeping the other side constant is called

Super elevation

12 - A road running parallel to highway for some selected areas with grade separator are called

Frontage road

13 - A single lane carriage way whenever changes to two-lane carriage way, is affected through a taper of

1 in 15 to 1 in 20

14 - A subsidiary area in a carriageway placed so as to control the movement of the traffic, is


15 - A traffic rotary is justified where______________?

number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7

16 - A wheel base of 6.5m negotiates a 35m curve find the off tracking


17 - According to Highway Research Board of U.S.A. practical land width, is

3.6 m

18 - According to Indian Road Congress, the width of carriageway, is

All the above

19 - According to IRC : 52-1973, for a single lane National Highway in hilly region,

total of the above.

20 - According to IS : 456 -1978, the modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec (in N/mm2) can be taken as______________?

Ec = = 5700

21 - According to the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the width formation of an ideal National Highway in hard rock cutting, is

7.9 m

22 - Admixtures which cause early setting, and hardening of concrete are called_______________?


23 - Aggregates obtained from which type of rocks are strong?


24 - Air entrainment in the concrete increases________________?


25 - Alignment of highways in hilly regions, is decided on

All the above.

26 - Along a hill road, a side drain is provided on

inner side of both (a) and (b)

27 - Along high ways confirmatory route markers are generally fixed

after the crossing on the left side

28 - Along horizontal curves, if centrifugal force exceeds lateral friction, vehicles may


29 - An embankment is classified as high if height exceeds

5.0 m

30 - An exceptional grade may be provided upto 1 in 12 along hill roads, if the length does not exceed

60 m per km

31 - An Executive Engineer of roads, executes works under direct control of

Superintending Engineer

32 - An existing flexible pavement that develops extensive cracks is called.

Alligator cracks

33 - An ideal vertical curve is

None of these.

34 - An intelligent driver who consumed alcohol will have a chance of

Increase in reaction time

35 - An intersection that is provided for different levels of road is called

Grade separated intersections

36 - Any gradient on a road is said to be an exceptional gradient, if it is

less than minimum gradient or more than maximum gradient.

37 - Approximate value of shrinkage strain in concrete, is________________?


38 - Area of steel required per metre width of pavement for a length of 20 m for design wheel load 6300 kg and permissible stress in steel 1400 kg/cm2, is

90 kg/sq cm

39 - As compared to ordinary portland cement, use of pozzuolanic cement_______________?

increases shrinkage

40 - As per IRC recommendations, the average level of illumination on important roads carrying fast traffic is______________?

30 lux

41 - As per IRC recommendations, the maximum limit of super elevation for mixed traffic in plain terrain is_______________?

1 in 15

42 - As per MORTH the specified compaction of density is


43 - As per recommendations of I.R.C., traffic volume study is carried out for rural roads for 7 days continuously during

harvesting and lean season

44 - As the unevenness index increases there is no substantial increase in.

Increase of speed

45 - At a road junction, 16 cross conflict points are severe, if

both are two-way roads

46 - At a road junction, 7 cross conflict points are severe if

one is two-way road and other is one-way road

47 - At intersection of roads, the traffic volume study is carried out to ascertain the number of vehicles

all the above.

48 - At surface the value of constant F is


49 - Axle load studies are carried out on a minimum sample of


50 - Based on topography and climate of the location which factor is estimated?

Pavement quality

51 - Before providing super-elevation on roads, the portion of the carriageway between the crown and the outer edge is made

to have slope of the camber on the other half of the carriageway

52 - Bitumen is

Either natural or pyrogenous

53 - Bitumen is a by-product of


54 - Bitumen is obtained from


55 - Bitumen of grade 80/100 means______________?

its penetration value is 8 to 10 mm

56 - Bleeding may be avoided by

Air voids

57 - Bottom most layer of pavement is known as_____________?


58 - Bottom-most component of a flexible pavement, is


59 - Boussinesq assumed the load as a

Point load

60 - Built up spray grout consists of

Two layers

61 - California Bearing Ratio method of designing flexible pavements is more accurate as it involves

character of the road making materials

62 - Camber in pavements is provided by

all the above.

63 - Catch water drains, sloping drain, road side drains, catch pit and culverts are periodically cleared to prevent.

Over flow of water

64 - CBR is a

Flexible pavement design method

65 - Cement grouted pavement is classified as

semi-rigid pavement

66 - Cement specific gravity is measured by


67 - Centre line markings are used_____________?

in roadways meant for two way traffic

68 - Coefficient of permeability is more for


69 - Compared to a level surface, on a descending gradient the stopping sight distance is_______________?


70 - Concrete pavement is provided if daily traffic per lane exceeds

1000 tonnes

71 - Curves in the same direction separated by short tangents, are called

broken-back curves.

72 - Customers prefer parking of their vehicles at

75° to aisles

73 - Degree of a road curve is defined as the angle in degrees subtended at the centre by an arc of

20 metres

74 - Degree of stability of hill side slope don't depend on.

Type of pavement

75 - Demographic factors do not include


76 - Depth of reinforcement below the surface of a concrete pavement, is generally kept

5 cm

77 - Design of flexible pavement, involves

climate of the region

78 - Design of flexible pavements is based on

a compromise of pure theory and pure empirical formula

79 - Design of highways is based on

All the above.

80 - Design of horizontal and vertical alignments, super-elevation, sight distance and grades, is worst affected by

speed of the vehicle

81 - Design of horizontal curves on highways, is based on

All the above.

82 - Design of road intersections is a part of

Traffic engineering

83 - Detailed project report or DPR is the report that is created after all the surveys and estimates have been prepared for a final review.

The planning, design and construction of either a network of new roads or road link is called

84 - Detailed size drawings are prepared in which sheet?


85 - Deviation of the alignment of a trace cut may be permitted in areas involving

land slides

86 - Dragline cannot excavate

Stiff material

87 - Driving vehicles on wet surfaced roads, is dangerous because it may


88 - During last phase of the reconnaissance, details of the grade line is recorded on 2 metre poles to indicate

all the above.

89 - During the construction of highway, more highway lighting preference is given to


90 - Embankment are laid

Below ground level

91 - Embankments are provided on highway near

Railway tracks and highly flooded area

92 - Empirical method is dependent on strength of


93 - Enoscope is used to determine

spot speed

94 - Enoscope is used to find______________?

spot speed

95 - Equivalent factor of passenger car unit (PCU) for a passenger car as per IRC is_____________?


96 - Excessive camber on pavements may cause

all the above.

97 - Expand GPS

Global position system

98 - Extra widening required at a horizontal curve on a single lane hill road of radius 80 m for a design speed of 50 km ph and for a vehicle with wheel base 6.0 m is

0.589 m

99 - Failure in rigid pavement occurs due to

Less compaction

100 - First operation during the detailed survey of a hill road, is

fixation of Bench Marks

101 - Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load_____________?

through a set of layers to the subgrade

102 - Floating gradients are generally provided

at summit curves

103 - Following type of pavement is generally known as flexible pavement

all the above.

104 - For a 6.6 m wide two lane pavement, berms are provided on either side having a width of

1.50 m

105 - For a bitumen pavement calculate the discharge in m3/sec if intensity of the rainfall is 40 mm/sec and area of drainage is 100 m2


106 - For a comfortable travel on Highways, the centrifugal ratio should not exceed


107 - For a constant value of coefficient of lateral friction, the value of required super-elevation increases with_______________?

decrease in speed and with increase in radius of curve

108 - For a poorly graded sub-grade soil, thickness of sub-base, is

30 cm

109 - For a properly designed vehicle, the resistance generally ignored, is

axle resistance

110 - For a speed of 30 Kmph, and radius of 30 m, the length of the transition curve is.

30 m

111 - For a speed of 30 Kmph, and radius of 30 m, the length of the transition curve is.

30 m

112 - For a terrain to be termed as steep, the cross slope should be greater than


113 - For a vehicle moving with a speed of 80 km per hour, the brake reaction time, in ordinary cases, is

2.5 sec

114 - For clear distinct vision, images of obstructions should fall on the retina with a cone of

115 - For design, that length of transition curve should be taken which is_____________?

higher of (A) and (B)

116 - For how much amount of rainfall soaking of specimen is not required?

500 mm

117 - For Indian conditions, the water bound macadam roads, are suitable if daily traffic does not exceed

2000 tonnes

118 - For maximum strength and durability minimum percentage of cement, by weight is


119 - For night travel, the length of a valley curve should be such that the head light beam distance is the same as

stopping sight distance

120 - For places where there is a passage of flood water then the highway has to be built on


121 - For rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is______________?


122 - For small projects which type of method is used for calculation of project time?

Bar chart

123 - For the administration of road transport, a Motor Vehicle Act was enacted in


124 - For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct sequence of operations after spreading coarse aggregates is________________?

dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of filler

125 - For the design of cement concrete pavement for corner loading, Indian Road Congress recommends the use of

Picker's formula.

126 - For the design of super elevation for mixed traffic conditions, the speed is reduced by_____________?


127 - For the movement of vehicles at an intersection of two roads, without any interference, the type of grade separator generally preferred to, is

clover leaf.

128 - For which material the semi empirical method is useful?


129 - Formation width of a hill road is the distance between

outer end of side drain to outer end of parapet wall

130 - From the point of tangency before an intersection, the route markers are fixed at a distance of

100 m to 150

131 - Full amount of extra width of a pavement on the curve, is provided at

beginning of the circular curve

132 - Give way sign is of

Triangular shape

133 - Gradient resistance of moving vehicles along down slopes, is

- 9 kg/tonne

134 - Gravel having well grading is denoted by


135 - Gross weight, axle and wheel loads of vehicle govern the

Structural design of pavement and cross drainage structures

136 - Group index method of design of flexible pavement is_______________?

an empirical method based on physical properties of subgrade soil

137 - HCV stands for

Heavy commercial vehicle

138 - Highway lighting is more important at


139 - Highway should be planned for

Present requirements and future requirements

140 - Hill roads are

seldom provided a camber

141 - Horizontal curves on highways are provided

all the above.

142 - How many components are present in the surface drainage system?


143 - How many factors contributing to the flexural stress of a pavement?


144 - How many kg of binder is applied for 10m2 area?

68 kg

145 - How many methods are available for the construction of soil cement base course?


146 - How many objectives of soil stabilised roads ?


147 - How many types of challenges are encountered in bitumen stabilisation?


148 - How many types of deterioration can be found in pavements.


149 - How many types of factors affect the traffic characteristics?


150 - How many types of methods are there to design a flexible pavement


151 - How many types of traffic speed studies are conducted?


152 - If a Lemniscate curve of transition throughout is introduced to connect two parallel roads, the maximum polar angle of the curve, is


153 - If a part of cement mortar gets detached from the surface, exposing the coarse aggregate which results in a rough surface, then it is called.


154 - If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30 percent, then it is classified as_______________?

satisfactory for road surfacing

155 - If an additional pavement is provided for lane change, then that intersection is called

Flared intersection

156 - If an ascending gradient of 1 in 50 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50, the length of summit curve for a stopping sight distance of 80 m will be_______________?


157 - If any load is placed at interior away from all edges then it is called

Interior loading

158 - If b is the wheel track of a vehicle and h is the height of centre of gravity above road surface, then to avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always be________________?

less than b/2h and also less than co-efficient of lateral friction

159 - If brakes of vehicles are effective, the vehicle-running at 30 km/hour comes to a stop in

12 metres

160 - If compaction efforts increase, then.

Dry density increase

161 - If cross slope of a country is 10% to 25%, the terrain is classified as


162 - If cross slope of a country is greater than 60%, the terrain is classified as


163 - If cross slope of a country is upto 10% the terain is classified as


164 - If D is the degree of a curve, the percentage reduction of gradient, is

0.04 D

165 - If d is the economic designed depth of a slab, the thickness of the cement concrete pavement slab at interior, is kept

0.85 d

166 - If degree of a road curve is defined by assuming the standard length of an arc as 30 metres, the radius of 1° curve is equal

1719 m

167 - If L is the length of the transition curves provided on either side of a circular curve of radius R, the maximum angle of deflection with tangent for the junctions of the transition curve and circular curve, is

None of these.

168 - If L metres is the distance between extreme axles of a vehicle, its gross load should not exceed

1525 (L + 7.3) - 14.7 L^2

169 - If no super elevation is provided on a road along curves, pot holes may develop at

outer edge of the road

170 - If one or more wheels act as a single load then it is called as


171 - If P is the number of vehicles per day at last census, r is the increase in traffic and n is the number of years passed after last census, number of vehicles A per day for design, is

P (1 + r)^n

172 - If present A.D.T. is 5000 vehicles and annual increase is 10%, the average future flow after 5 years will be

8050 vehicles

173 - If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the length of the transition curve, the shift of the curve, is

L^2/24 R

174 - If ruling gradient is I in 20 and there is also a horizontal curve of radius 76 m, then the compensated grade should be_________________?


175 - If the acceleration of the vehicle is 6.17m/sec2 then the average skid resistance is


176 - If the aggregates are exceptionally strong then they are having impact value

Less than 10

177 - If the amber time at a signal is 3 sec and the green signal time is 25sec, find the red signal time


178 - If the angle of merging is low, then the relative speed will be


179 - If the average width of the entry section is 3m and the exit is 6m then the average width is


180 - If the bulk density of an aggregate is 2.6kg/lit and Gs is 2.8 then, the percentage of voids is


181 - If the camber is x%, then cross slope is


182 - If the canal and drain at same level then the cross drainage structure is called.

Level crossing

183 - If the coefficient of friction is 0.43, and the design velocity is 40kmph then the radius of curve is


184 - If the coefficient of friction on the road surface is 0.15 and a maximum super-elevation 1 in 15 is provided, the maximum speed of the vehicles on a curve of 100 metre radius, is

52.44 km/hour

185 - If the cross slope of a country is 25% to 60%, the terrain is classified as


186 - If the depth of a trapezoidal section is 0.50 m and free board is 0.15 m , then the total depth is

0.65 m

187 - If the designed speed on a circular curve of radius 1400 m is 80 km/hour, no superelevation is provided, if the camber, is


188 - If the deviation angle of the curve is 1/200 and the design speed is 80kmph then calculate the total length of the valley curve for comfort condition


189 - If the difference in elevation of an edge of the pavement 9 m wide and its crown is 15 cm, the camber of the pavement, is

1 in 30

190 - If the distance of a vehicle moved is 25m and the observed travel time is 15 sec then the space mean speed is


191 - If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is known as


192 - If the flexural strength of a pavement is 45 and it's stress is 40 then factor of safety is


193 - If the grains in the aggregate lose contact, they


194 - If the group index value of subgrade is between 5 and 9, then the subgrade is treated as_____________?


195 - If the height of embankment increases

Slopes need to be flattered

196 - If the instantaneous speed of 4 vehicles are 35, 40, 45 and 50 then the time mean speed will be


197 - If the jam density is 145vehicles/km, and velocity is 60kph then the capacity flow is


198 - If the length of the summit curve having SSD as 150m and deviation angle is 1 in 30 is


199 - If the load value at 2.5mm penetration in CBR is 190kg and the load for 5.0mm penetration is 48kg, then the CBR value at 5 mm penetration is


200 - If the longitude coefficient of friction is 0.4, then the resultant retardation in m/sec2 as per IRC will be


201 - If the number of cycles in trial cycle method is 20, for traffic of 170 on one road and 160 on other road, then calculate the total green time in sec


202 - If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways is equal to 3.0 m

+ 0.70 m

203 - If the object appears darker than the road surface it is called


204 - If the permeability is high then its void ratio is


205 - If the principal is P and rate of interest is i and it has to be paid in n years then, the sum S is given by.


206 - If the radii of a compound curve and a reverse curve are respectively the same, the length of common tangent

of both curves will be equal

207 - If the radius of a horizontal curve is 120m, then calculate the safe allowable speed


208 - If the radius of a main curve is 300 m and length of the transition curve is 100 m, the angle with tangent to locate the junction point, is

3° 11'

209 - If the radius of curvature of a hill road is 50 m, the percentage grade compensation should be


210 - If the rate of change of the super-elevation along a curved portion of a 7 metre wide road is 1 in 150 and the maximum super-elevation allowed is 1 in 15, the maximum length of the transition curve to be provided at either end, is

70 m

211 - If the ruling gradient on any highway is 3%, the gradient provided on the curve of 300 metre radius, is


212 - If the sensitivity of the soil is greater than 16 then it is


213 - If the shear strength of the non-cohesive soil is 84KN/m2 and angle of friction is 30 degrees, then the normal strength in KN/m2 is


214 - If the side walk is 1.5m, then the capacity of pedestrians in one way is


215 - If the space headway is 7m, then the jam density in vehicle/km is


216 - If the space mean speed of a vehicle is 50kmph, then the time mean speed will be

Greater than 50kmph

217 - If the span exceeds 6m then the bridge is called.

Minor bridge

218 - If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 50kmph then spacing of vehicles is


219 - If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 80Kmph, then the design speed is


220 - If the stopping distance and average length of a vehicle are 18 m and 6 m respectively, then the theoretical maxi¬mum capacity of a traffic lane at a speed of 10 m/sec is________________?

1500 vehicles per hour

221 - If the stopping distance is 60 meters, then the minimum stopping sight distance for two lane, two way traffic is_________________?


222 - If the super elevation is 0.07 and width of pavement is 7m then the raise of outer edge with respect to inner edge is


223 - If the super elevation of the highway provided is zero, then the design speed of highway having a curve of 200m and coefficient of friction 0.10 is


224 - If the traffic volume count on a road is 150 and daily factor is 1.1 and seasonal factor is 1.2 then ADT is


225 - If the velocity of a vehicle is 60kmph and the other vehicle velocity is 20kmph, then the relative velocity is


226 - If the velocity of moving vehicles on a road is 24 km/per hour, stopping distance is 19 metres and average length of vehicles is 6 metres, the basic capacity of lane, is

1000 vehicles per hour

227 - If the water content of a soil sample is 25%, and dry density is 15KN/m3 then its dry density in KN/m3 is


228 - If the width of a pavement slab is 7.5 m, thickness 20 cm and working stress 1400 kg/cm2, spacing of 10 mm tie bars for the longitudinal joint, is

30 cm

229 - If the width of carriage way is 12.5 metres, outer edge 50 cm higher than the inner edge, the required super elevation is

1 in 25

230 - If x% is the gradient of an alignment and y% is the gradient after proper superelevation along a curved portion of a highway, the differential grade along the curve, is

(y - x)%

231 - Impact value is used to measure


232 - In 90 degree parking the length of kerb is 25m, the parking spaces are


233 - In a braking test, a vehicle travelling at 36 km ph was stopped at a braking distance of 8.0 m. The average value of the vehicle's skid resistance (friction coefficient) is


234 - In a braking test, a vehicle was moving with a speed of 45kmph and was stopped by applying brakes, the skid marks were 10.0m in length .determine the skid resistance


235 - In a hill road, the best alignment when the sum of ascent and descent between extreme points is.


236 - In a right angle bend of a road provided with a transition throughout, the maximum polar angle will be


237 - In a steep terrain the radius of curve is 100m and the design speed is 80kmph then the length of transition curve will be


238 - In a traffic lane the traffic moving extreme left is 250 PCU and in extreme right it is 240 PCU, the sum of the weaving traffic crossing left and right is 500 PCU, find proportion of weaving traffic


239 - In an ideal transition curve, the radius of curvature

is inversely proportional to the radius of main curve

240 - In approximate method of signals, the average time taken to cross by the pedestrian is


241 - In case of a hair pin bend of a highway,

All the above.

242 - In case of a multi-lane road, overtaking is generally permitted

from both sides right and left

243 - In case of cement concrete pavements, pick up the incorrect statement

initial cost of construction is low

244 - In case of hill roads, the extra widening is generally provided______________?

fully on the inner side of the curve

245 - In case of summit curves, the deviation angle will be maximum when_______________?

an ascending gradient meets with a descending gradient

246 - In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated at_______________?

both 2.5mm and 5.0 mm penetrations

247 - In cement concrete pavements, tensile stress is due to :

all the above.

248 - In complex situations, total time required for a driver to form a judgement and to act, may be taken as

3.0 sec

249 - In countries like USA and UAE, which of the regulation is followed?

Keep to right

250 - In field, the dry density of soil can be determined by?


251 - In full depth repairs the diameter of the hole is greater than the diameter of dowel bar by.

2.0 mm

252 - In highway construction on super elevated curves, the rolling shall proceed from_________________?

lower edge towards the upper edge

253 - In highway construction, rolling starts from________________?

sides and proceed to centre

254 - In hill roads the side drains arc provided________________?

only on the hill side of road

255 - In ideal pavement is constructed with

Portland cement concrete

256 - In India the modes of transportation, in the order of their importance, are

railways, roads, shipping, air transport

257 - In retaining and breast walls, weep holes are provided at

100 cm vertical height and 120 cm centre to centre horizontally

258 - In scanty rainfall regions, the camber provided will be


259 - In slab culverts RCC slab is placed over abudment of.


260 - In soil cement stabilisation the bond is imparted between cement and


261 - In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit is increased, then_____________?

compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases

262 - In the initial stage of construction which type of pavement is cheap?


263 - In the penetration macadam construction, the bitumen is__________________?

sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted

264 - In traffic engineering the elements are classified into how many categories?


265 - In trial cycle method, the average time headway is assumed as


266 - In water bound macadam roads, binding material, is

stone dust

267 - In welded wire mesh, the longitudinal wire is placed at

15 cm centres

268 - In which layer system the modulus of elasticity will be equal for all layers?


269 - In which type of transport, walk mode is mandatory?

Public transport

270 - Increase in lime content results in.

Decrease in plasticity index

271 - Increase in the moisture content in concrete_________________?

reduces the strength

272 - Increase in traffic volume, due to increase in transport vehicles, is known as

normal traffic growth

273 - Indian Road Congress (I.R.C.) was founded and constituted with its head quarters at New Delhi, in


274 - Inspection of site is done in which survey?


275 - Interior thickness of concrete road slab for design wheel load 6300 kg and permissible flexural stress 21 kg/cm2, is

25.5 cm

276 - Intermediate catch water drains are provided only, if

all the above.

277 - Land use, transportation and road network plans are

Inter linked

278 - Length of vehicles does not affect

width of shoulders

279 - Longitudinal pavement lines marked broken in white paint

may be crossed over at the discretion of the driver

280 - Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct______________?

abrasion test

281 - Major stresses in CC pavement is

Wheel load and warping stress

282 - Making of solid into fine powder is called.


283 - Marshall stability determines


284 - Maximum aggregate size in CBR method is

20 mm

285 - Maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavements is______________?

1500 tonnes per day

286 - Maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a road during one hour under the most ideal road way and traffic conditions, is known as

basic capacity of traffic lane

287 - Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with_______________?

90° angle parking

288 - Maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane during one hour without creating unreasonable delay, is known as

practical capacity of lane.

289 - Maximum size of aggregate in base course is

50 mm

290 - Maximum size of aggregate in surface course is


291 - Maximum super-elevation on hill roads should not exceed


292 - Minimum number of 50 kg cement bags per cubic metre of concrete for a mix corresponding to crushing strength 280 kg/cm2 at 28 days, are


293 - Minimum permissible speed on high speed roads, is decided on the basis of

15 percentile cumulative frequency

294 - Minimum radius of a simple circular curve deflecting through 5°, is

1718.9 m

295 - Minimum radius of curvature of National Highways or State highways in hill region free from snow, is kept

50 m

296 - Minimum stopping distance for moving vehicles on road with a design speed of 80 km/hour, is

120 m

297 - Minimum thickness of a layer of fine sand required to cut off capillary rise of water completely, should be

76 cm

298 - Minimum thickness of seal coat is


299 - Minimum thickness of the base of a flexible pavement, is

10 cm

300 - Montimorrite is a type of mineral which causes expansive behaviour is found in

Black cotton soil

301 - Most suitable material for highway embankments is______________?

granular soil

302 - Newly constructed pavement with ordinary Portland cement attains its working strength after

28 days

303 - No warping stress is developed if temperature


304 - Non-passing sight distance along a road is the longest distance at which the driver of a moving vehicle, may see an obstacle on the pavement

10 cm high

305 - Normal formation width of a hill road for one-way traffic, is

4.8 m

306 - Obligatory points through which the alignment should not pass are

Religious structure and costly structures

307 - On a 2 phase road, the saturation flow on road A is 1000 and normal flow is 250,whereas on road B the saturation flow is 1500 and normal flow is 500,the total red time is 10 sec , find optimum cycle length


308 - On a horizontal curve if the pavement is kept horizontal across the alignment, then the pressure on the outer wheels will be_________________?

more than the pressure on inner wheels

309 - On a pavement with parabolic camber, the angle of inclination of the vehicles will be

more at the edges

310 - On a right angled road intersection with two way traffic, the total number of conflict points is______________?


311 - On concrete roads, the camber generally provided, is

1 in 60 to 1 in 72

312 - On earth roads, the camber should preferably be

1 in 20 to 1 in 24

313 - On most smooth hard surfaced roads, rolling resistance to moving vehicles, ranges from

9 kg to 11 kg/tonne

314 - On roads where the soil has been deposited should be stripped by.

Blade grader

315 - On the recommendations of Indian Road Congress, the ruling gradient in plains, is

1 in 30

316 - On the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the minimum width of a village road may be

2.45 m

317 - On which road the maximum radius is provided?

National highway

318 - One meter cube of cement consists of how many bags of cement?


319 - One of the disadvantages of traffic signals is

The rear end collision increases

320 - One-way streets are generally provided in crowded cities as, these

All the above.

321 - Over taking time required for a vehicle with design speed 50 km ph and overtaking acceleration 1.25 m/sec2 to overtake a vehicle moving at a speed 30 km ph, is

6.12 secs

322 - Parapet walls along hill roads, are provided

to prevent the wheels of the vehicle from coming on the retaining wall

323 - Parking facilities may be classified into how many types?


324 - Passing zones are generally not provided on

all the above.

325 - Pavement is said to be flexible if it contains

All the above.

326 - Peak hour factor is expressed in percentage of


327 - Pedestrian data is used for planning

Sidewalks and cross-walks

328 - Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its_____________?


329 - Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is______________?

less than that in tar

330 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

331 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

332 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

333 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

334 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

335 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above

336 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

337 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

338 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

All the above.

339 - Pick up the correct statement from the following:

all the above.

340 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. If water cement ratio is

increased, strength of concrete is not affected

341 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. On highways circular curves may be

vertical curves

342 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The super-elevation on roads is

directly proportional to velocity of vehicles

343 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The width of the right-of-way is decided so as to accommodate

vertical curve

344 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

Tresguet did not provide the top camber for the drainage of surface water

345 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

Highways are always constructed in straight line

346 - Planning is based on

Factual data and analysis

347 - Presence of unpulverised dry lumps reduce the.

Strength and durability

348 - Proximity to sea contributes to

Climatic factor

349 - Raising of outer edge of a road with respect to inner edge, is known

all the above.

350 - RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to_______________?

same viscosity

351 - Reaction time of a driver_______________?

decreases with increase in speed

352 - Reconnaissance is best done with the help of

aerial photographic survey

353 - Reduction of load capacity in a ruling gradient of

1 in 20, is 10%

354 - Reference pillars fixed on the centre line of a proposed road, provide the following information:

All the above.

355 - Reinforcement in cement concrete slab of road pavements, is placed

in the form of welded wire mesh

356 - Retaining walls are generally constructed with dry rubble stones with 60 cm top width and

1 : 3 front batter

357 - Rigidity factor for a tyre pressure greater than 7 kg/cm2 is_______________?

less than 1

358 - Road lighting is a

Advantage for users

359 - Road makers along roads from the edge of a kerb should not be less than

60 cm

360 - Road roughness is tested by

Bump integrator


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