Highway Engineering Most Important MCQs Part: 2

361 - Road width 8.8 m of two lane National highways or State highways in mountainous terrain

excludes the width of parapet and side drain

362 - Roadway width for a National highways and State highways (two-lanes) is

12 m

363 - Rough and uneven roads increase

Vehicle operation cost

364 - Roughness index of roads, is expressed as

cumulative deformation of surface per horizontal distance

365 - Round-abouts are not suitable if number of vehicles exceed


366 - Ruling gradient on hill roads 300 m above M.S.L. is kept


367 - Running speed of a vehicle is equal to

Travel speed-delay

368 - Rutting may be avoided by

Good aggregate

369 - Sand obtained from river is used as

Fine aggregate

370 - Scientific planning of transportation system and mass transit facilities in cities should be based on_____________?

origin and destination data

371 - Select the correct statement______________?

Second 20-year plan has provided 1600 km of expressways out of the proposed National highway

372 - Select the correct statement______________?

Minimum and maximum values of group index can be 0 and 20 respectively

373 - Select the correct statement________________?

A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback

374 - Select the correct statement_________________?

Psychological extra widening depends on the speed of vehicle

375 - Select the incorrect statement?

Go or green time of a signal is the sum of stop and clearance intervals for the cross flow

376 - Selection of the routes, of highways depends upon

All the above.

377 - Set-back distance is the distance between

road land boundary and building line

378 - Setting out of Lemniscate transition curves, is done with

polar deflection angles.

379 - Several highway are implemented by.

Public private partnership

380 - Shear failure are classified into how many types?


381 - Shoulders for high traffic volume roads, should

all the above.

382 - Side drains on both sides of a hill road, are essential when the road is

in cutting

383 - Soft aggregates are used in

Lower layers

384 - Softening point of bitumen to be used for read construction at a place where maximum temperature is 40° C should be______________?

greater than 40°C

385 - Speed regulations on roads is decided on the basis of

85 percentile cumulative frequency.

386 - Stability of hill slopes depends upon

All the above.

387 - Stability of slopes change with

Increase in load

388 - Stone aggregate do not have to resist

Soil load

389 - STOP sign is having

Octagonal shape

390 - Stopping sight distance is always_______________?

less than overtaking sight distance

391 - Stratified sedimentary rocks often occur as.


392 - Strength of concrete increases with________________?

increase in fineness of cement

393 - Super-elevation on roads in snow bound areas, should generally not exceed


394 - Tar is a by-product of


395 - Tar is not used now because of

Harmful effects

396 - Tar is obtained from


397 - The “3-Es” of traffic engineering stand for

Engineering, education and enforcement

398 - The 5 minute count at a traffic junction is 15 find the hourly count


399 - The ability of a driver to stop the vehicle moving with the designed speed, depends upon:

All the above.

400 - The abrasion value of the aggregate in pavement should be less than


401 - The absolute minimum radius of curve for safe operation for a speed of 110 kmph is______________?

440 m

402 - The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve for a design speed 60 km ph is

none of these.

403 - The absolute minimum radius of the curve in snow bound area is

60 m

404 - The absolute minimum sight distance required for stopping a vehicle moving with a speed of 80 km ph, is

120 m

405 - The accident cost analysis is estimated by conducting

Traffic survey

406 - The additive not used in soil cement stabilisation is.


407 - The advantage of providing superelevation on roads, is

All the above.

408 - The aggregates required for one kilometer length of water bound macadam road per meter width and for 10 mm thickness is________________?

12 cubic meter

409 - The aggregates which do not have sufficient strength like waste bricks can be used in


410 - The alignment of hill roads is divided into how many stages?


411 - The angle which is measured at the change of direction of two gradients is called

Deviation angle

412 - The annual average daily traffic is calculated by the formula


413 - The application that is not useful for hill survey is.


414 - The approach gradient should not be steeper than __% for 40 m.


415 - The approach gradient should not be steeper than __% for 40 m.


416 - The approach velocity as per IRC for pedestrian crossing facilities is


417 - The approximate cost of construction evaluated for the project is called


418 - The approximate value of the ratio between direct tensile strength and flexural strength is_____________?


419 - The area of the drainage is expressed in

1000 sq.km

420 - The attainment of super elevation by rotation of pavement about the inner edge of the pavement_______________?

avoids the drainage problem in flat terrain

421 - The average annual highway cost for a road system may be summed up by.


422 - The average vehicles considered for pavement studies are

150 to 1500

423 - The background colour of the informatory sign board is______________?


424 - The base course is generally laid in earth road for a thickness of

100 mm

425 - The basic formula for determination of pavement thickness was first suggested by


426 - The basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve

Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with fewer accidents

427 - The basic principle of bituminous stabilisation is.

Water proofing with cohesion

428 - The basic requirement of alignment should be

Short, easy, safe and economical

429 - The bench marks are fixed during the.

Detailed survey

430 - The benefits due to the road improvement are classified into how many types?


431 - The benkleman beam method was developed by.


432 - The best compromise between the increase of the length of a highway and reduction in its load carrying capacity, is the ruling gradient

1 in 20

433 - The best time to remove soil is during


434 - The best type of interchange can be provided with

Full cloverleaf

435 - The best type of material for retaining wall is.

Stone masonry

436 - The binder normally used in flexible pavement construction is________________?


437 - The BIS for soil cement stabilisation is based on.

British and ASTM

438 - The bitumen giving more better results is.


439 - The bitumen is completely soluble in

Carbon sulfide

440 - The bitumen surface becomes stiff in


441 - The bituminous layer can be used in which layer of the pavement in low rainfall areas?


442 - The black cotton soil is replaced in which roads?


443 - The blade angle of bulldozer is usually


444 - The blockade of the longitudinal and cross drains leads to.


445 - The boom is supported by

Hoist line

446 - The boundary till which building activities are prohibited is called

Building line

447 - The brake efficiency in braking test is assumed as


448 - The braking efficiency for a vehicle moving with a speed of 18kmph, having a lag distance of 14m and coefficient of longitudinal friction is 0.36


449 - The braking efficiency mainly depends on


450 - The branch of engineering that deals with improvement of traffic performance, traffic studies and traffic network is called

Traffic engineering

451 - The camber depends on


452 - The camber for high bitumen road is.


453 - The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous surfacing is adopted as________________?


454 - The camber for the earth roads should be never less than.


455 - The camber is checked at every interval of

10 m

456 - The camber is not provided in which of the following shape


457 - The camber of road should be approximately equal to___________________?

half the longitudinal gradient

458 - The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is________________?

equal to the cross slope of pavement

459 - The camber on pavements, is provided by

straight line and parabolic at crown

460 - The camber required depends on

Type of pavement and rainfall

461 - The capability of aggregate to resist more weathering action and wheel load is called


462 - The capacity of an uncontrolled intersection is

1200 to 1400 vehicles/hour

463 - The capacity of rotary in PCU per hour for a proportion of weaving traffic 0.5 and the width of weaving section is 12m, average width of entry is 0.4m and length of the weaving section is 7.2m

1088 PCU

464 - The capillary control can be controlled by how many methods?


465 - The CBR method was developed by

California division of highway

466 - The CBR standard penetration is

2.5 mm

467 - The CC pavement is considered good quality of the unevenness index in mm/km is less than.


468 - The CC pavement should be construed again if ravelling depth is more than.

25 mm

469 - The CC slab can be constructed in how many methods?


470 - The cement concrete roads are designed with

Plain concrete

471 - The cement content required for BC soil is.

Very high

472 - The cement on touching should give

Cool feeling

473 - The cement slab is provided with

Both Longitudinal and transverse joints.

474 - The cement used in water logged areas is

Hydrophobic cement

475 - The changes in gradient and vertical curve are covered under which type of alignment?

Vertical alignment

476 - The characteristics deflection value is.


477 - The charts showing the variation of the traffic is called

Variation chart

478 - The chemical that can harm the hydrated cement is.

Magnesium sulphate

479 - The chemical which causes burns while working with is.

Quick lime

480 - The class division for 3 tonne vehicle is named as ____ by Border Roads Organisation

Class 9

481 - The clay seal may be provided if seepage zone is at a depth of less than.

0.6m to 0.9 m

482 - The clear space between the two tyres of the dual wheels should be.

30 mm

483 - The clearance recommended by IRC for poles in urban roads is


484 - The clearance time for amber is usually


485 - The clearance time is indicated by


486 - The coefficient of lateral friction as recommended by IRC is


487 - The colloidal content in BC soils can be up to.


488 - The common types of failure in the cement slabs don't include.


489 - The compaction is carried out at.


490 - The compaction of granular material is

Very difficult

491 - The compaction of sand is done by


492 - The compensated gradient should not be flatter than.


493 - The compensated gradient should not be flatter than.


494 - The compensation for loss of land in agricultural areas should be paid.

Before construction of highway

495 - The consolidation can be achieved faster by

Sand drains

496 - The consolidation deformation is

Partly recoverable and partly non recoverable

497 - The constant in rigid pavement design is


498 - The constant value used in calculation of CSA is


499 - The construction of soil stabilised roads is possible in

Low volume roads

500 - The contact pressure is given by


501 - The continuity equation is given by


502 - The convexity provided to the carriageway between the crown and edge of the pavement, is known as


503 - The cost of the vehicle operation and time for unit distance may be represented by.

T=a+ (b+c)/speed

504 - The CRF denotes.

Capital Recovery Factor

505 - The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is____________?

load stress + warping stress

506 - The critical stress is considered in

Both sub grade and surface

507 - The critical stresses affecting the reinforced pavement is

Combination of above all

508 - The cross drainage structure of a highway is considered in which aspect?

Highway factors

509 - The cross sections should be drawn for every


510 - The cross slope for a pavement to be plain should be less than


511 - The cross slope of paved footpath may be

3 to 4%

512 - The cross slope required for the correction of shoulder is.


513 - The crushing value of the aggregate determines its


514 - The culvert is a structure whose span is less than.


515 - The D85 point size is given by.


516 - The damage can be caused to a well designed pavement in a hot region is by.


517 - The damage in cold region is caused due to.

Frost action

518 - The DBM is used in


519 - The dead width usually considered as


520 - The defects like pot holes, corrugation, rutting can be rectified by.


521 - The deflection correction will be negative if temperature exceeds.


522 - The deflection in Westergaard analysis is


523 - The deflection of slab is dependent on

Flexural strength

524 - The deflection value D is obtained from multiplying the difference of initial and final gauge difference of.


525 - The deformation doesn't increase with

Increase in compacted soil

526 - The degree if curve is central angle subtended by an arc of length


527 - The degree of pulverisation is checked by sieve of.

4.75 mm

528 - The density of cement in Kg/m3 is


529 - The depth of groove in skid resistance test is.

1.5 mm

530 - The depth of rutting criterion is obtained by

Micro strain

531 - The depth of the hole dug for measuring of temperature is.

45 mm

532 - The desert sand is.


533 - The design aspects of surface drainage system are classified into how many types?


534 - The design charts are prepared based on

Past experience

535 - The design factor not considered in CBR is


536 - The design life for low volume roads is

10 years

537 - The design life of flexible pavement is


538 - The design load is taken as

98th percentile load

539 - The design of horizontal and vertical alignments, super elevation, gradient is worst affected by

Speed of vehicle

540 - The design of soil lime mix is based on.

Lime fixation point

541 - The design of the highway should satisfy

All the above mentioned

542 - The design period of cement concrete road is taken as


543 - The design speed of NH on a cross slope of up to 10% is


544 - The design speed on a highway is 60kmph; calculate the super elevation if radius of curve is 150m and coefficient of friction is 0.15


545 - The design thickness of the CC slab of important highway with heavy traffic is.

300 mm

546 - The desirable camber for straight cement concrete roads, is

1 in 160 to 1 in 140

547 - The desirable camber for straight roads with thin bituminous surfacing, is

1 in 150 to 1 in 140

548 - The desirable camber for straight roads with water bound macadam or gravel surface, is

1 in 40 to 1 in 33

549 - The desirable distance for a tree from the carriage way is.

2.5 m

550 - The desirable length of overtaking zone as per IRC recommendation is equal to________________?

five times the overtaking sight distance

551 - The desirable relationship between OSD and length of overtaking zone is

Length of overtaking zone = 5 OSD

552 - The desirable velocity for sand and silt are

0.5 m/second

553 - The desirable width as per IRC for median on rural roads is


554 - The desire lines are prepared for the study of

Traffic flow

555 - The desired cross slope in embankment is.


556 - The deterioration left unnoticed will lead to.

Increase of cost

557 - The deterioration rate is more in.

Flexible pavements

558 - The determination of optimum length is based on

Saturation system

559 - The diagram which shows all important physical conditions of an accident location like roadway limits, bridges, trees and all details of roadway conditions is known as_____________?

condition diagram

560 - The diameter of bars used for insertion in crack stitching method is.

16 mm

561 - The diameter of the holes in the mud jacking process is.

30 mm

562 - The diameter of the plate in plate load test is

30 cm

563 - The diameter of the small size information board is


564 - The difference between existing pavement and new pavement is.


565 - The difference between initial and final deflection should not exceed ____ mm, for no leg correction value.


566 - The difference in between the set of front axle and rear axle while negotiating a horizontal curve is called

Off tracking

567 - The difference in gradients after full super-elevation and the initial alignment of a road, is known as

differential gradient

568 - The direct interchange ramp involves____________?

diverging to the right side and merging from right

569 - The discharge in m^3/sec for a surface drainage of 100 m^2 and a velocity of 5 m/second is


570 - The distance at which the crack is developed is given by


571 - The distance between the two consecutive vehicles is called

Space headway

572 - The distance between two samples in penetration test should be


573 - The distance travelled by a moving vehicle during perception and brake reaction times, is known as

lag distance

574 - The distance travelled by revolving the wheel of a vehicle more than its circumferential movement, is known as


575 - The distress in bituminous pavement due to ineffective drainage system develops during.


576 - The distress not caused in localised form is.


577 - The distribution of circular load was obtained by


578 - The dividing and operating of aggregates into different sizes is called

Sieve analysis

579 - The dowel bars are provided


580 - The dowel should transfer

40% of design load

581 - The DPR consists of how many components?


582 - The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to intercept and divert the water from hill slopes is known as_______________?

catchwater drain

583 - The drainage layer is

Sub base

584 - The drainage layer is

Sub base

585 - The drainage layer of pavement can

Increase the pavement life

586 - The drawing for re alignment shows the existing road, proposed re alignment, contours and all other features it is called as


587 - The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than____________?

50 cm

588 - The dust palliative not used for reducing dust is.

Fly ash

589 - The earth slopes and cuts get damaged due to.

Rain cuts

590 - The economical highway can be achieved by

Good aggregate and less transport cost

591 - The economical option during the construction of a road around a hill is

Provide a road around the hill

592 - The effect of grade on safe overtaking sight distance is_______________?

to increase it on both descending and ascending grades

593 - The efficiency of the brakes of a vehicle depends upon

all the above.

594 - The elastic recovery of deflection is called.

Rebound deflection

595 - The embankment construction should always be

Above HFL

596 - The embankment is constructed by using


597 - The entrance and exit curves of a rotary have_______________?

different radii and different widths of pavement

598 - The equation for L


599 - The equation of parabolic camber is given by


600 - The equipment having a bucket is

Clam shell

601 - The equipment used for short haul distance of 100 m is


602 - The equivalency factor for car recommended by IRC is


603 - The equivalent wheel load factors are calculated by using

Fourth power law

604 - The erosion between shoulder and pavement leads to.

Edge drop

605 - The estimates are studied in which type of studies?

Economic studies

606 - The excess water on shoulder in a dry region with a good drainage system causes.

Damage to pavement

607 - The excessive flexural stress can lead to


608 - The existing strength of pavement can be made stronger by .


609 - The expansion joints do not consist of

Tack coat

610 - The expansion of aggregate on reaction with water is called


611 - The extra widening is the sum of

Mechanical widening and psychological widening

612 - The extra widening of pavements recommended by Indian Roads Congress for hill roads having radius 150 metres, is

0.0 m

613 - The extra width of pavement is provided on

Horizontal curve

614 - The extra width on a hill road with 300 m radius is.


615 - The extra width on a hill road with 300 m radius is.


616 - The extra width required on two lane pavement for a radius of curve 100m as recommended by IRC is


617 - The factor not related to scaling of the concrete is.

Good quality of aggregate

618 - The factor of safety is the stress caused at

Mid day

619 - The factor on which the property of soil lime doesn't depend is.


620 - The factor which doesn't initiate mud is.

Strong CC pavement

621 - The factors influencing the cost of transportation are?

Both supply and demand

622 - The factors not affecting run off

Type of road

623 - The factors which effect the formation of metamorphic rocks are

Heat and pressure

624 - The failure due to shear occurs in.


625 - The failure in GSB layer of rigid pavement is

Pumping and blowing

626 - The failure in olden roads were classified into how many types?


627 - The failure in settlement takes place due to the settlement of.


628 - The failure of landslide is classified into how many types?


629 - The failure of the pavement which is not dependent on the design is.

Overloaded vehicles

630 - The fill material used in embankment is

Granular soils

631 - The filler material should pass from


632 - The final choice of stabilisation technique is based on.


633 - The final step after fixing the optimum length of the road


634 - The final step in the specifications and design of roadway elements is

Safety and audit of the design elements

635 - The fine aggregates are having a size less than


636 - The fine grain soils are classified according to

Atterbergs limits

637 - The first objective of the traffic volume studies is

To decide priority for improvement of roads

638 - The first phase of traffic regulation is

Driver controls

639 - The first principle of mechanical soil stabilisation is


640 - The first stage in the function of traffic engineering department is

Collection of data

641 - The first stage in the traffic engineering studies is

Traffic volume studies

642 - The first stage of deciding the alignment of a hill road, is


643 - The first stage of parking lot is


644 - The first step in economic analysis is.

Determine the AADT

645 - The first step in highway construction after paper work is


646 - The first step in preliminary survey is

Primary traverse

647 - The first step in the construction step of soil lime base course is.

Preparation of sub grade

648 - The first step in the detail checklist of DPR is

Executive summary

649 - The first test to be done for determining any property of cement is


650 - The flakiness index for surface dressing should not exceed


651 - The flaky aggregates should not exceed

3/5th of mean dimension

652 - The flatter camber may be provided if the road has a longitudinal gradient greater than.

1 in 20

653 - The flexural strength is based on.


654 - The flocculated substances are.


655 - The foundation bed is provided with a downward slope of __ towards the hill side.

1 in 6

656 - The free swelling index of soil should be less than


657 - The frequent problem on the hill road is.


658 - The frost heave

Boussinesq assumed soil as

659 - The full width of land acquired before finalising a highway, alignment is known

right of way

660 - The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to______________?

allow free expansion

661 - The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is_____________?

type and intensity of traffic

662 - The G.T. road from Lahore to Calcutta in undivided India, was constructed during

1540-1545 AD

663 - The gap provided in slabs is

20 mm

664 - The general minimum width adopted for the retaining wall is.

0.45 m

665 - The general route for alignment is selected during.


666 - The gradients of trace cuts for hilly roads, are kept

10 tO 20 per cent easier than ruling gradients

667 - The graph between cement content and compressive strength is plotted for how many days of curing?

7 days

668 - The gravel content in surface layer can be a maximum of


669 - The group index for a soil, whose liquid limit is 40 percent, plasticity index is 10 percent and percentage passing 75 micron IS sieve is 35, is______________?


670 - The guide posts are usually of height


671 - The GWT should be at a distance of ___ from ground level.

1.2 m

672 - The head light of vehicles should be such that its lower beam illuminates objects at

30 m

673 - The head of public works department of any Indian state, is

Chief Engineer

674 - The hearing, visibility and reaction time are covered in which type of factors?


675 - The heavy commercial vehicles are considered if their weight exceeds

3.0 t

676 - The height of low kerb is kept about


677 - The height of the driver above the road level is assumed as

1.2 m

678 - The height of the vehicle mainly influences

Clearance under structures

679 - The high temperature in soil cement stabilisation accelerates.


680 - The higher compaction will result in.

Less absorption of water

681 - The highest CBR number is required for

Sub grade

682 - The highest point provided on the pavement is.


683 - The highly flooded areas should be re aligned by

Providing additional thickness of pavement

684 - The highway accidents occur mostly at

Night time

685 - The highway drainage requirement don't include.

Water entering the roadway

686 - The highway drainage system consists of how many types?


687 - The hill road should be aligned

Stable side

688 - The hill roads are classified into how many types?


689 - The hydraulic radius is given by


690 - The ICPB may be used in

Water logged areas

691 - The ICPB type of pavement uses

Concrete paver blocks

692 - The ideal shape of a transition curve, is


693 - The impact value of aggregate used in pavement is


694 - The important structure constructed above the road with out impacting the load is called.


695 - The improper alignment of road will not result in

Increase of population

696 - The improvement benefits of roads don't include which type?

Improvement in between two countries

697 - The improvement in highway leads to the following.

Reduction in accident rate

698 - The inadequate compaction of sub grade may lead to distress in.

Both flexible and rigid

699 - The increase in moisture causes the strength to.


700 - The increase in soil strength depends on.

Clay fraction


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