Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics Important MCQs Part: 3

701 - The measure of how close the fluid is to the given point is called _________


702 - The mechanical energy can be measured by ______

Isentropic compression

703 - The mechanical energy is developed by the impeller.


704 - The metacentric height of a body equals the distance between

the metacentre and centre of gravity

705 - The momentum correction factor (β) for the viscous flow through a circular pipe is


706 - The most common application of vertical centrifugal pump is used in _______

Parts washer

707 - The most common pump used for hydraulic fluid power application is __________

Gear pump

708 - The most efficient channel section, is

half hexagon in the form of trapezoid.

709 - The most frequently used accumulator type is ________

Compressed gas accumulator

710 - The motion of air mass in a tornado is a________________?

forced vortex at center and free vortex outside

711 - The notch angle for maximum discharge over a triangular notch, is


712 - The number of buckets of Pelton wheel is 25 and diameter of runner is 1.5meters then calculate diameter of jet is ___________


713 - The other name for elbow with varying cross section tube is called_____

Bent draft tube

714 - The outlet of the Kaplan turbine is through _______

Draft tube

715 - The outward radial flow reaction turbine is a turbine in which direction of water flow is ___________

Radially outward

716 - The overall efficiency of a reaction turbine is the ratio of

Actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel

717 - The parameter that disturbs the working of the rotary pump is______

Low flow rate

718 - The Pelton wheel extracts energy from________

Moving fluid

719 - The performance of a characteristic curve is kept at a high value.


720 - The phenomenon occuring in an open channel when a rapidly flowing stream abruptly changes to a slowly flowing stream causing a distinct rise of liquid surface, is

hydraulic jump

721 - The pitot tube is used to measure________________?

stagnation pressure

722 - The point at which piping system controls the flow rate is called ______

Operating point

723 - The point at which the centrifugal pump operates at maximum efficiency is called _______

Duty point

724 - The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as__________________?

center of pressure

725 - The position of center of pressure on a plane surface immersed vertically in a static mass of fluid is______________?

always below the centroid of the area

726 - The Positive Displacement Pump has more or less a constant flow regardless of the system pressure or head.


727 - The power available at the shaft of a Francis turbine is 1 MW. The volume flow rate of water in 25 m3/s, whirl velocity at inlet is 10 m/s and blade velocity is 5 m/s. Find the mechanical efficiency (in %)?


728 - The power available at the shaft of a Kaplan turbine is 0.75 MW. The volume flow rate of water in 15 m3/s, whirl velocity at inlet is 12 m/s and blade velocity is 5 m/s. Find the mechanical efficiency (in %)?


729 - The power output of Kaplan turbine ranges from__________

5 to 200 MW

730 - The power output of the shaft is 5 MW. The volume flow rate of water in 10 m3/s at an available head of 60 m. Find the overall efficiency of the turbine in % (g = 10 m/s2)?


731 - The power supplied at inlet of turbine in S.I units is known as_____________

Water power

732 - The Prartdtl mixing length is_________________?

zero at the pipe wall

733 - The pressure at the exit of runner of reaction turbine is generally____________than atmospheric pressure


734 - The pressure at the summit of a syphon is_______________?

less than atmospheric

735 - The pressure generated by a counterweight gear pump is ______

1400 psi

736 - The pressure less than atmospheric , pressure, is known

all the above.

737 - The pressure rise due to water hammer depends upon

All of above.

738 - The process of bubble generation leads to __________

High energy densities

739 - The product of mechanical efficiency and hydraulic efficiency is known as?

Overall efficiency

740 - The property of steam function ψ is :

all the above.

741 - The pump function that works on rinsing is called as dialysis of pump.


742 - The pump injects compressed air at the _________

Bottom of the discharge pipe

743 - The pump injects compressed air at the _________

Bottom of the discharge pipe

744 - The pump that converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy is called as _________

Centrifugal pump

745 - The pump that uses a relatively smaller amount of liquid is called ________

Reciprocating pump

746 - The pump will become incapable of pumping in case of _______

Casing breakage

747 - The radius of gyration of the water line of a floating ship is 4 m and its metacentric height is 72.5 cm. The period of oscillation of the ship, is

748 - The ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity for steady laminar flow in circular pipes is_______________?


749 - The ratio of diameter of jet to diameter of runner is _____________


750 - The ratio of frictional factor and coefficient of friction used in general equation for a head loss in a pipe, is


751 - The ratio of inertia force of a flowing fluid and the viscous force of the liquid is called :

Renold's number

752 - The ratio of manometric head to the work head is called _______

Euler head

753 - The ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity of viscous fluid through a circular pipe is


754 - The ratio of pitch diameter of Pelton wheel to diameter of jet is known as ___________

Jet ratio

755 - The ratio of power at the shaft of turbine and power delivered by water to runner is known as?

Mechanical efficiency

756 - The ratio of the inertia and gravitational force acting in any flow, ignoring other forces, is called

Frode number

757 - The ratio of the inertia and viscous forces acting in any flow, ignoring other forces, is called

Reynold number

758 - The ratio of volume available at shaft of turbine and power supplied at the inlet of the turbine

Overall efficiency

759 - The relative velocity of water at the inlet of the Kaplan turbine is 7 m/s. β1 = 75o. The whirl velocity of the water at inlet is 10 m/s. Find the blade velocity of the turbine?

36.124 m/s

760 - The rise of the liquid along the walls of a revolving cylinder above the initial level, is

the same as the depression of the liquid at the axis of rotation

761 - The rotational kinetic energy comes from ______

Engine motor

762 - The rotational kinetic energy comes from ______

Engine motor

763 - The rotational kinetic energy comes from ______

Engine motor

764 - The rotational kinetic energy comes from ______

Engine motor

765 - The runner diameter in a turbine is denoted as __________


766 - The shape of fire hose nozzle is generally kept


767 - The shear stress distribution for a fluid flowing in between the parallel plates, both at rest, is_______________?

zero at the mid plane and varies linearly with distance from mid plane

768 - The shear stress distribution in viscous fluid through a circular pipe is :

same throughout the section

769 - The side slope of Cipolletti weir is generally kept

1 to 4

770 - The simple elbow draft tube helps to cut down the cost of excavation.


771 - The simple elbow draft tube is placed close to the_______

Tail race

772 - The simple elbow draft tube is placed close to the_______

Tail race

773 - The sliding vane is capable of delivering medium capacity and heat.


774 - The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m3

all the above.

775 - The speed of a pressure wave through a pipe depends upon________________?

the bulk modulus for the fluid

776 - The speed of the turbine in a constant head curve is varied by __________

Changing the gate opening

777 - The speed ratio (φ) varies directly with which of the following parameters?


778 - The speed ratio is defined as u/(2gH)^1/2


779 - The theoretical value of coefficient of contraction of a sharp edged orifice is_______________?


780 - The thickness of a sharp crested weir is kept less than

one-half of the height of water on the sill

781 - The total pressure force on a plane area is equal to the area multiplied by the intensity of pressure at its centroid, if

all the above.

782 - The total pressure on a plane surface inclined at an angle 9 with the horizontal is equal to_______________?


783 - The tube at the exit of the nozzle increases the _______


784 - The turbine does not have to be at the lowest point of water flow as long as the water in the draft tube is full.


785 - The turbine is preferred for 0 to 25 m head of water?

Kaplan turbine

786 - The two opposite motion that comprise a single reciprocation is called _________


787 - The two types of pulleys in a hydraulic lift are ______ and ______

movable, fixed

788 - The typical efficiency of a hydraulic ram is ____


789 - The typical value range of speed ratio for a Francis turbine is:

0.6 – 0.9

790 - The underlying principle behind a hydraulic press is based on ______ principle


791 - The unit of kinematic viscosity is_______________?


792 - The unit of the viscosity is

Newton sec per m2

793 - The upper surface of the weir over which water flows, is known as


794 - The value of coefficient of velocity is _____________


795 - The value of friction factor 'f' for smooth pipes for Reynolds number 106 is approximately equal to________________?


796 - The value of kinetic energy correction factor (a) for a laminar flow through a circular pipe, is


797 - The velocities of the blade angles can be found out using________

Velocity triangles

798 - The velocity distribution for laminar flow through a circular tube__________________?

varies parabolically with maximum at the centre

799 - The velocity distribution of viscous fluid through a circular/pipe is :


800 - The velocity imparted by the impeller is converted into _________

Pressure energy

801 - The velocity of flow through a Kaplan turbine is 10 m/s. The outer diameter of the runner is 4 m and the hub diameter is 2 m. Find the volume flow rate of the turbine in m3/s?


802 - The velocity of the flow at the inlet of Kaplan turbine is V. In an experimental setup, what could be the possible value of the velocity of the flow at the outlet of Kaplan turbine?


803 - The velocity of the flow through the Kaplan turbine is 25 m/s. The available head of the turbine is 60 m. Find the flow ratio of the turbine (take g = 10 m/s2).


804 - The velocity of the fluid particle at the centre of the pipe section, is


805 - The viscosity of a gas_______________?

increases with increase in temperature

806 - The volume flow rate into a Francis turbine is Q m3/s. 0.25Q m3/s volume of water do not flow over the runner blades. What is the mechanical efficiency of the turbine (in %)?

Mechanical efficiency cannot be found out from the given information

807 - The volume flow rate into a Kaplan turbine is Q m3/s. 0.10Q m3/s volume of water do not flow over the runner blades. What further information is required to find the volumetric efficiency (numerical value) of the Kaplan turbine?

No further information is required

808 - The volume flow rate of water in 10 m3/s at an available head of 60 m (g = 10 m/s3). Find the shaft power (in MW) if the overall efficiency of the turbine is 90%.


809 - The volumetric efficiency of a Francis turbine is given to be 90%. If the volume flow rate through the turbine is 25 m3/s. What is the flow rate of water over the runner blades (in m3/s)?


810 - The volumetric efficiency of a given turbine is 80%. If volume flow rate of water in given to be 30 m3/s, find the volume of water (m3) NOT flowing over the runner blades per second?


811 - The wake_______________?

always occurs after a separation point

812 - The water from penstocks enters the _____ which is spiral in shape which the area of cross section of casing goes on decreasing gradually


813 - The whirl velocity at inlet is 15 m/s and blade velocity is 10 m/s. The volume flow rate of water in 20 m3/s. Find the power output available at the shaft if the mechanical efficiency is 95% (in MW)?


814 - The whirl velocity at inlet of a Kaplan turbine is 7.5 m/s and blade velocity is 5 m/s. The volume flow rate of water in 20 m3/s. Find the power output available at the shaft if the mechanical efficiency is 93% (in MW)?


815 - The whirl velocity at inlet of Francis turbine is given to be 20 m/s. The blade velocity is given as 35 m/s. What is the hydraulic efficiency for a head of 100 m?


816 - The whirl velocity of water at the inlet of the Kaplan turbine is 15 m/s. The velocity of water at inlet of the turbine is 20 m/s. Find the guide vane angle at inlet (In degrees).


817 - The width of a weir with end contraction, is

less than the width of the channel

818 - The width of buckets of Pelton wheel is _________________

5 times diameter of jet

819 - The width of Pelton wheel should be 5 times the diameter of jet?


820 - The work done per unit weight of water jet striking runner blades of Pelton turbine is given by expression ______________

[Vw1+Vw2] u/g

821 - The working of which of the following hydraulic units is based on Pascal’s law?

Hydraulic press

822 - The working volume of the intensifier is restricted by the stroke of the ________


823 - There will be leakage only if there is ________

Casing breakage

824 - Though angle of deviation of liquid is more in internal mouth piece, the contraction of the jet, is

more in the internal mouth piece

825 - To avoid an interruption in the flow of a syphon, an air vessel is provided

at the summit

826 - To avoid gas bounding, the pump is _________


827 - To avoid the force of surface tension in an inclined manometer, the minimum angle of inclination is

828 - To avoid the tendency of separation of liquid flow, the most suitable ratio of the diameters of the throat and the pipe, is

1/3 to 1/2

829 - To avoid vapourisation, pipe lines are laid over the ridge so that these are above the hydraulic gradient line, not more than

6.4 m

830 - To ensure that water does not rise more than 100 cm above the crest, for a discharge of 5.00 m3/sec, the length of water will be

2.49 m

831 - To measure very low pressure, we use


832 - To obtain maximum hydraulic efficiency of pelton turbine, blade velocity should be ___________ Times the inlet velocity of jet.


833 - Total energy line is

All the above.

834 - Total head of a liquid particle in motion is the sum of

potential head, kinetic head and pressure head.

835 - Total head of turbines is_______

Pressure head + Kinetic head + Static head

836 - Total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessesl completely filled with liquid, is directly proportional to


837 - Turbine that consists of draft tubes is called as__________

Reaction turbine

838 - Turbine that consists of moving nozzles and with fixed nozzles is called as__________

Reaction turbine

839 - Turbines and compressors work with the gas, while centrifugal pump transfers energy.


840 - Turbomachines work under ________

Newtons second law

841 - Turbomachines work under ________

Newtons second law

842 - Turbomachines work under ________

Newtons second law

843 - Turgo Turbine is an impulsive turbine.


844 - Two phase mixture is pumped unit the suction line is evacuated.


845 - Two pipe systems are said to be equivalent when_________________?

head loss and discharge are same in two systems

846 - Under what head is Pelton turbine operated?

15-2000 meters

847 - Uniform flow is said to occur when

size and shape of the cross-section in a particular length remain constant

848 - Vapour pressure is strongly dependent on temperature in a pump.


849 - Velocity of whirl at the runner inlet is given to be 10 m/s and blade velocity to be 5 m/s. The volume flow rate of water in Francis turbine is given to be 25 m3/s. Find the power generated by the turbine?

1700 HP

850 - Velocity triangles are used to analyze ____________

Flow of water, measure of discharge, angle of deflection.

851 - Vertical centrifugal pumps are also called as ________

Cantilever pumps

852 - Vertical Centrifugal pumps are also called as _________

Cantilever pumps

853 - Vertical centrifugal pumps are also called as cantilever pumps.


854 - Vertical pump uses _______

Throttle bush

855 - Vertical pumps utilize unique shaft and bearing support configuration.


856 - Voids are created due to______

Liquid free layers

857 - Voids that implode near metal surface develops a_______

Cyclic stress

858 - Volume flow rate of water in a Francis turbine runner is 25 m3/s. The flow velocity, whirl velocity and blade velocity are 11 m/s, 10 m/s and 5 m/s respectively, all values given at runner inlet. Find the power developed by the turbine.

1.25 MW

859 - Water belongs to

Newtonian fluids

860 - Water displaced by a floating wooden block of density 0.75, 5 m long, 2 m wide and 3 m high, is

22.5 m3

861 - Water flow velocity is given 10 m/s. The runner diameter is 3 m and the width of the wheel is 25 cm. Find the mass of water (kg) flowing across the runner per second.


862 - Wear of impeller can be worsened by __________

Suspended solenoids

863 - Weber number is the ratio of inertia force to

surface tension

864 - What affects volumetric efficiency of the pump?

Complex interactions

865 - What can NPSH be used to determine _______


866 - What does BEP stand for?

Best efficiency point

867 - What does BPVC stand for?

Boiler and pressure vessel code

868 - What does CPO stand for?

Centrifugal pump operation

869 - What does PSP stand for?

Pump start procedure

870 - What does TDH stand for?

Total dynamic head

871 - What happens to the reciprocating pump when left untouched?

Surface expansion

872 - What happens to the reciprocating pump when left untouched?

Surface expansion

873 - What helps in categorizing the impellers?

Quasi static number

874 - What is a major advantage of centrifugal pump?

Simple in construction

875 - What is necessary for self priming to take place?

Pump casing

876 - What is positive suction head?

Liquid level is above

877 - What is primary objective of steam turbine governing?

Maintain constant speed

878 - What is primary objective of steam turbine governing?

Maintain constant speed

879 - What is purpose of froth in froth pumps?

Separates rich minerals

880 - What is purpose of vent valve in a pump?

To prevent siphon action

881 - What is the common application of multistage centrifugal pump?

Boiler feed water pump

882 - What is the degree of reaction denoted as?


883 - What is the dimension for Darcy’s friction factor?


884 - What is the dimension for Darcy’s friction factor?


885 - What is the dimension of thermal efficiency of a Kaplan turbine?


886 - What is the effect of cavitation in boat propeller?

It leads to fast spinning

887 - What is the efficiency of conical diffuser draft tube?


888 - What is the efficiency of the simple elbow type draft tube?


889 - What is the full form of NDI?

Non-destructive inspection

890 - What is the full form of NPSH in a pump?

Net positive suction head

891 - What is the full form of NPSH in a pump?

Net positive suction head

892 - What is the full form of PD?

Positive displacement

893 - What is the maximum value of efficiency in a draft tube?


894 - What is the purpose of a conical diffuser?

To prevent flow separation

895 - What is the purpose of a Draft tube?

To prevent flow separation

896 - What is the purpose of a steam turbine governing?

Controls flow rate

897 - What is the purpose of inducer in a froth pump?

It breaks the bubbles

898 - What is the shape of a pressure vessel?

All the shapes

899 - What is the shape of the diffuser in the centrifugal pump?

Dough nut

900 - What is the typical value for flow ratio in a Francis turbine?

0.15 – 0.30

901 - What is the unit of energy head?


902 - What is the unit of flow rate?


903 - What is the unit of specific speed in metric system?


904 - What is the unit of steam rate?


905 - What is the unit of steam rate?


906 - What is the water flow direction in the runner in a Francis turbine?

Radial and then axial

907 - What is unit of standard acceleration?


908 - What type of flow does the reciprocating pump have?


909 - What type of pressure does the draft tube depend upon?

Gauge pressure

910 - What type of turbine is Kaplan?


911 - When a body is totally or partially immersed in a fluid, it is buoyed up by a force equal to

weight of the fluid displaced by the body

912 - When a container containing a liquid is rotated, then due to centrifugal action, then which of these energies are changed?

Pressure energy

913 - When a cylinder has inlet and outlet ports at each end, then it is called as __________

Double acting

914 - When a liquid rotates at a constant angular velocity about a vertical axis as a rigid body, the pressure intensity varies________________?

as the square of the radial distance

915 - When a liquid rotates at constant angular velocity about a vertical axis of a rigid body, the pressure

varies as the square of the radial distance

916 - When a pump casing is filled with liquid before it is started, it is called as _________


917 - When an ideal fluid flows past a sphere________________?

total drag is zero

918 - When both the sources are effective it is called as __________

Double acting pump

919 - When bypass valve is opened to _______

Increase the amount of fresh steam

920 - When bypass valve is opened to _______

Increase the amount of fresh steam

921 - When do we apply by pass governing?

When turbine is overloaded

922 - When do we apply by pass governing?

When turbine is overloaded

923 - When fluid is subjected to _______ it is pushed into the cylindrical chamber which gives the ram gets a push in the upward direction.


924 - When froth blocks the pump, it leads to _______

Loss of prime

925 - When is a reciprocating pump used?

When quantity of liquid is small

926 - When is a reciprocating pump used?

When quantity of liquid is small

927 - When no air is left below the nappe and water stream adheres to the down stream face of the weir, it is known as

clinging nappe

928 - When the balancing of the turbine is disturbed, we use ________

Emergency governing

929 - When the balancing of the turbine is disturbed, we use ________

Emergency governing

930 - When the balancing of the turbine is disturbed, we use ________

Emergency governing

931 - When the balancing of the turbine is disturbed, we use ________

Emergency governing

932 - When the balancing of the turbine is disturbed, we use ________

Emergency governing

933 - When the balancing of the turbine is disturbed, we use ________

Emergency governing

934 - When the casing in a centrifugal pump decelerates the flow, what increases?


935 - When the casing in a centrifugal pump decelerates the flow, what increases?


936 - When the flow output is higher, impellers are connected in________


937 - When the intensifier is placed outside its jack, it produces higher ________


938 - When the mechanical speed of the shaft increases beyond 110 percent, we use _________

Emergency governing

939 - When the mechanical speed of the shaft increases beyond 110 percent, we use _________

Emergency governing

940 - When the NPSH is low, it leads to ________


941 - When the NPSH is low, it leads to ________


942 - When the piston moves forward, liquid is drawn ________

Into the cylinder

943 - When the thicknesses of vanes are to be considered in the discharge of a turbine, what will be the area under consideration?

Pi*d – n*t

944 - When the velocity distribution is uniform over the cross-section, the correction factor for momentum is__________________?


945 - When the whole fluid mass rotates either due to fluid pressure or gravity or rotation previously imparted, the motion is known as

free vortex

946 - When water flows over a rectangular suppressed weir, the negative pressure created beneath the nappe

increases the discharge

947 - When we arrange turbine blades in multiple stages it is called ________


948 - When we change the pump, the cavitation ______


949 - Where is the excess quantity of water from the pump accumulated?

Air vessels

950 - Which among the following control the flow rate?


951 - Which among the following control the flow rate?


952 - Which among the following control the flow rate?


953 - Which among the following control the flow rate?


954 - Which among the following is a friction factor?

Darcy’s factor

955 - Which among the following is an important parameter to avoid cavitation?

Height of draft tube

956 - Which among the following is not a centrifugal pump?

Energy pumps

957 - Which among the following is not a parameter to determine the efficiency of the turbine?

Unit volume

958 - Which among the following is not a parameter to determine the efficiency of the turbine?

Unit volume

959 - Which among the following is not a shape for a curve?

Speed curve

960 - Which among the following is not a type of compounding?


961 - Which among the following is not a type of curve?

Pressure vs power

962 - Which among the following is not an important parameter to determine the performance of the turbine?

Volume of tank

963 - Which among the following is used in mineral industries?

Froth pumps

964 - Which among the following velocities cannot be found using the velocity triangle?


965 - Which among the following which is not an efficiency of turbine?

Electrical efficiency

966 - Which component is necessary for writing the velocity equation?

Cos and sine component

967 - Which energy generated in a turbine is used to run electric power generator linked to the turbine shaft?

Mechanical Energy

968 - Which equation is applied to determine the flow?

Bernoulli’s equation

969 - Which kind of turbine is a Fourneyron Turbine?

Outward flow turbine

970 - Which kind of turbine is a Pelton Wheel turbine?

Tangential flow turbine.

971 - Which kind of turbines changes the pressure of the water entered through it?

Reaction turbines

972 - Which of following is inward radial flow reaction turbine?

Francis turbine

973 - Which of the following efficiencies for Francis Turbine is defined as the ratio between the power available at the shaft of the turbine to the power produced by the runner?

Mechanical efficiency

974 - Which of the following efficiencies for Francis Turbine is defined as the ratio between the power available at the shaft to the power supplied by water at the inlet?

Overall efficiency

975 - Which of the following efficiencies for Francis Turbine is described as the ratio between the power produced by runner to the power supplied by water at the inlet?

Hydraulic efficiency

976 - Which of the following efficiencies for Francis Turbine is described as the ratio between total quantity of water over runner blades to total quantity of water supplied to turbine?

Volumetric efficiency

977 - Which of the following efficiencies for Kaplan Turbine is defined as the ratio between the power available at the shaft of the turbine to the power produced by the runner?

Mechanical efficiency

978 - Which of the following efficiencies for Kaplan Turbine is defined as the ratio between the power available at the shaft to the power supplied by water at the inlet?

Overall efficiency

979 - Which of the following efficiencies for Kaplan Turbine is described as the ratio between the power produced by runner to the power supplied by water at the inlet?

Hydraulic efficiency

980 - Which of the following efficiencies for Kaplan Turbine is described as the ratio between total quantity of water over runner blades to total quantity of water supplied to turbine?

Volumetric efficiency

981 - Which of the following has highest coefficient of discharge ?


982 - Which of the following is a 50 percent reaction turbine?

Parsons turbine

983 - Which of the following is an incorrect statement ?

None of the above statement is correct.

984 - Which of the following is not a component of the shield ?

liner plate

985 - Which of the following is not an NDT type?

Hammer test

986 - Which of the following is true in case of flow of water before it enters the runner of a Francis Turbine?

Available head is partly converted to pressure head and partly to velocity head

987 - Which of the following is used to measure the discharge ?


988 - Which of the following profiles are used for guide vanes to ensure smooth flow without separation?


989 - Which of the following runner types will have the highest vane angle at inlet (β1 value)?

Fast Runner

990 - Which of the following statements is correct ?

Lower critical Reynolds number is of no practical significance in pipe flow problems

991 - Which of the following terms is considered to be zero while deriving the equation for work done per second for Francis Turbine?


992 - Which of the following turbines will have the lowest number of blades in it?

Kaplan turbine

993 - Which of the following velocity potentials satisfies continuity equation ?


994 - Which of these options are best suited for the total energy change inside the runner per unit weight?

Degree of reaction

995 - Which of these ratios are termed to be hydraulic efficiency?

Runner power to water power

996 - Which one of the following is a component of a shield for tunnelling ?

cutting edge

997 - Which one of the following statements is true ?

all the above.

998 - Which principle is used in Hydraulic Turbines?

Newton’s second law

999 - Which pump is the most efficient centrifugal pump?

Reciprocating pump

1000 - Which type of turbine is a Francis Turbine?

Reaction turbine

1001 - Which type of turbine is used to change the velocity of the water through its flow?

Impulse turbines

1002 - Why can’t rotary pumps non-lubricate water?

Because it contains abrasive particles

1003 - Why do we need a maximum safe operating pressure?

Pressure vessel might explode

1004 - Why does the cross sectional area of the Spiral casing gradually decrease along the circumference of the Francis turbine from the entrance to the tip?

To ensure constant velocity of water during runner entry

1005 - With a clinging nappe of a weir, the excess discharge, is

25% to 30%

1006 - With increase in power, the efficiency_________


1007 - With the increase in cavitation, the drag coefficient of the impeller ______


1008 - With the increase in energy head, efficiency ________


1009 - With the increase in load, Energy in the turbine ________


1010 - With the increase in load, Energy in the turbine ________


1011 - With the increase in load, Energy in the turbine________


1012 - With the increase in load, Energy in the turbine________


1013 - With the increase in load, Energy in the turbine________


1014 - With the increase in specific speeds, ________

Diameters of impeller increases

1015 - With the increase in the flow rate, efficiency ______


1016 - With the increase in the input power, efficiency _______


1017 - With the same cross-sectional area and immersed in same turbulent flow, the largest total drag will be on__________________?

a circular disc of plate held normal to flow

1018 - Work done per second by a Francis turbine can be given by ρAVf (Vw1u1 + Vw2u2).


1019 - Working period is defined as the ratio of the height of lift to the ___________

velocity of the lift

1020 - Z is a draft tube is _______

Datum head


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