Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics Important MCQs Part: 2

351 - In case of laminar flow through a circular pipe,

both (a) and (b)

352 - In centrifugal pumps, their capacity is affected due to___________


353 - In constant speed curves, the speed is kept a constant varying its head.


354 - In constant speed curves, the velocity is kept a constant varying its head.


355 - In flow, the liquid particles may possess

all the above.

356 - In flowing liquids pitot tubes are used measure


357 - In fluids, steady flow occurs when

conditions of flow do not change with time at a point

358 - In general, reaction turbines consist of which types of energies?

kinetic energy and pressure energy

359 - In hydraulic head, NPSH is used for the analysis of __________


360 - In hydraulic turbines, inlet energy is greater than the outlet energy.


361 - In impulse turbines with moving blades, there is no _________ in blades of the turbine.

Pressure change

362 - In impulse turbines with stationary blades, there is_________ in blades of the turbine.

Pressure change

363 - In Inward radial flow reaction turbine if angle made by absolute velocity with its tangent is 90 degrees and component of whirl is zero at outlet is _____________

Radial outlet discharge

364 - In Inward radial flow reaction turbine if thickness is considered then discharge is _________; Where, P1= perimeter of runner at inlet, P2= perimeter of runner at outlet, b= width, Vf= flow velocity, n= number of blades and t= thickness of blades

Both a & b

365 - In Inward radial flow reaction turbine the ratio of tangential velocity at inlet to the given velocity ____________

Speed ratio

366 - In Inward radial flow reaction turbine the ratio of tangential wheel at inlet to given velocity of jet is known as _______

Flow ratio

367 - In Inward radial flow reaction turbine which is not required?

Breaking jet

368 - In Kaplan turbine apparatus, the volume flow rate of water in 15 m3/s at an available head of 55 m (g = 10 m/s2). Find the shaft power (in MW) if the overall efficiency of the turbine is 95%.


369 - In most of cases the value of jet ratio is _______________


370 - In nozzle governing, the flow rate of steam is regulated by _________


371 - In nozzle governing, the flow rate of steam is regulated by _________


372 - In order to avoid capillary correction, the minimum diameter of a manometer used for measuring pressure, should be

6 mm

373 - In outward flow reaction turbine tangential velocity at inlet is always__________than outlet velocity.


374 - In outward radial flow reaction turbine if angle made by absolute velocity with its tangent is 90 degrees and component of whirl is zero at inlet is _______________

Radial inlet discharge

375 - In outward radial flow reaction turbine if thickness is considered then discharge is ____________ ; Where, P1= perimeter of runner at inlet, P2= perimeter of runner at outlet, b= width, Vf= flow velocity, n= number of blades and t= thickness of blades

Both (P1-n*t)*b1*Vf1 & (P2-n*t)*b2*Vf2

376 - In outward radial flow reaction turbine the ratio of tangential wheel at inlet to given velocity of jet is known as ___________

Flow ratio

377 - In outward radial flow reaction turbines, tangential velocity at inlet is less than that of the outlet.


378 - In Pelton ____________ is ratio of volume of water actually striking the runner and volume of water supplied to turbine?

Volumetric efficiency

379 - In Pelton turbine ___________ is defined as ratio between power delivered to runner and power supplied at inlet of turbine

Hydraulic efficiency

380 - In Pelton turbine hydraulic efficiency is product of mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency.


381 - In Pelton turbine inlet velocity of jet is 85.83m/s, inlet and outlet whirl velocities be 85.83 and 0.143 and blade velocity be 38.62 then its hydraulic efficiency is ___________


382 - In Pelton turbine product of mechanical efficiency and hydraulic efficiency is known as _____________

Overall efficiency

383 - In Pelton turbine runner power is more when compared with power available at exit of nozzle.


384 - In Pelton turbine the energy available at inlet of runner that is at outlet of nozzle is known as

Runner power

385 - In Pelton turbine the ratio of volume available at shaft of turbine and power supplied at the inlet of the turbine is _______

Overall efficiency

386 - In Pelton turbines the expression for power delivered at inlet to runner is given by __________

W*[Vw1+Vw2]u/g, W*[Vw1-Vw2]u/g

387 - In Pelton wheel if angle of deflection is not mentioned then we assume it as______________

165 degrees

388 - In Pelton wheel, if outlet velocity angle of jet is “acute angled” then outlet whirl velocity of jet is ______________

x- component of V(r2) – blade velocity

389 - In Pelton wheel, if outlet velocity angle of jet is “obtuseangled” then outlet whirl velocity of jet is _____________

Blade velocity – x- component of V (r2)

390 - In Pelton wheel, if outlet velocity angle of jet is “right angled” then outlet whirl velocity of jet is __________


391 - In Pelton wheel, relative inlet velocity of jet with respect to velocity of vane is _____________

Difference between inlet jet velocity and blade velocity

392 - In pipe lines, a surge tank is provided

to relieve the pressure due to water hammer

393 - In reaction turbine hydraulic efficiency is______________

Ratio of work done on the wheel to energy that is supplied to the turbine.

394 - In reciprocating pumps, the chamber in which the liquid is trapped is a stationary cylinder that contains piston or cylinder


395 - In series-pipe problems_______________?

the discharge is same through each pipe

396 - In steady flow of a fluid, the total accele ration of any fluid particle______________?

can be zero

397 - In the expression for overall efficiency of turbine, which is p/ (k*g*q*h), where “k” is known as _______

Density of liquid

398 - In the expression for overall efficiency of turbine, which is p/(k*g*q*h), where “k” is known as

Density of liquid

399 - In the inlet velocity triangle of a Kaplan turbine, α1 = 45o. The velocity of flow at inlet = 10 m/s. Find the whirl velocity of water at the inlet of Kaplan turbine?

10 m/s

400 - In the outlet velocity triangle of a Kaplan turbine, β2 = 30o. Vf2 = 5 m/s. What is the relative velocity of the flow at outlet?

10 m/s

401 - In the velocity diagrams for Francis turbine, which of the following velocity directions is along the blade curvature?


402 - In this type of low head turbine, the guide vanes are fixed to the hub of the turbine and are not adjustable. What is this type of turbine called?

Francis turbine

403 - In two dimensional flow the components of velocity are given by u = ax; v = by. The stream lines will be


404 - IN what type of turbine water enters in radial direction and leaves axial direction?

Mixed flow turbine

405 - In which of following turbine inlet and outlet blade velocities of vanes are equal?

Pelton turbine

406 - In which of following turbine inlet whirl velocity and inlet jet velocity are equal in magnitude?

Pelton turbine

407 - In which of following turbine whirl component is zero?

Inward radial flow reaction turbine

408 - In which of the following the friction drag is generally larger than pressure drag?

an airfoil

409 - In which of the following type of runners in a Kaplan turbine the velocity of whirl at inlet is smaller than the blade velocity?

Fast Runner

410 - In which of the following type of runners the velocity of whirl at inlet is greater than the blade velocity?

Slow Runner

411 - In which pump is the liquid in contact with both the sides of the plunger_____

Double acting

412 - Inner radial flow extracts energy from _____

Moving fluid

413 - Intensifiers are employed as a part of machines such as ________

Hydraulic presses

414 - Internal cavitation in reciprocating pumps occurs due to __________

Shock waves

415 - Into how many types can you classify radial flow turbines?


416 - Into how many types can you classify turbines on basis of head at inlet?


417 - Inward flow reaction turbine is used in practical applications __________


418 - Inward radial flow reaction turbine is a turbine in which water flows across the blades of runner______________

Radially inward

419 - It is given that the input water power of the Kaplan turbine is 1.10 times the runner power. What would be the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine (in %)?


420 - Kaplan turbine is an ______ reaction turbine

Inward flow

421 - Kaplan turbine is an ________ type turbine

Inward flow

422 - Kaplan turbine is most commonly used in propeller turbines.


423 - Kaplan turbine is needed to improve ________

Increase efficiency

424 - Kaplan turbine is operated under __________

Low head and high discharge

425 - Kaplan turbine works on________

Thermal energy

426 - Kaplan turbines rotates at a ________ rate


427 - Kinetic energy of jet at inlet of turbine is given as __________________


428 - Lack of prime is a problem faced in centrifugal pump.


429 - Liquids

do not occupy definite shape

430 - Low specific speed in hydraulic head is developed due to _________

Centrifugal force

431 - Low specific speed in hydraulic head is developed due to _________

Centrifugal force

432 - Low specific speed, high specific speed and medium specific speed are classified based on

Specific speed of turbine

433 - Mach number is the ratio of inertia force to


434 - Magnetic coupled pumps are also called as _________

Drive pumps

435 - Magnetic coupled pumps works via ________

Drive magnet

436 - Main parts of radial flow reaction turbines are ______________

All of the mentioned

437 - Manning's formula is used for

head loss due to friction in open channels

438 - Manometers are used to measure

pressure in water channels, pipes etc.

439 - Maximum efficiency of transmission of power through a pipe, is


440 - Maximum Number of jets, generally, employed in an impulse turbine without jet interference can be?


441 - Medium specific speed of turbine implies _____________

Francis turbine

442 - Mercury is generally used in barometers because

both (a) and (b) above

443 - Metacentric height for small values of angle of heel is the distance between the________________?

centre of gravity and metacentre

444 - Minimum compressive strength in N/mm2 for H1 type mortar used for masonry is_______________?


445 - Molecules of fluids get attracted due to


446 - Most common application of steam turbine is _______


447 - Most common application of the draft tube is ______


448 - Most commonly used hydraulic intensifier for water jet cutting is _________

Inline hydraulic intensifier

449 - Most economical section of a circular channel for maximum discharge

all the above.

450 - Most economical section of a circular channel for maximum velocity, is if,

all the above.

451 - Most economical section of a triangular channel, is

right angled triangle with equal sides.

452 - NDT is a money and time saving technique.


453 - NDT relies upon _________

Electromagnetic radiation

454 - Net suction speed is used in problems with cavitation.


455 - Newton's law of viscosity relates________________?

shear stress and rate of angular deformation

456 - Newtons second law describes the transfer of energy through impulse turbines.


457 - No gland is needed for the centrifugal pump.


458 - Non- inertial cavitation is the one in which a bubble of fluid is forced to oscillate.


459 - Non-over flow double curvature concrete arch, is provided in

Idukki dam.

460 - Nozzles in the Kaplan turbine move due to impact of ________


461 - NPSH is relevant ________

Outside the pumps

462 - NPSH is the difference between _______

Suction pressure and vapour pressure

463 - NPSHr is determined by using ______


464 - Number of buckets on runner of Pelton wheel is given by expression? (D-diameter of runner and d- diameter of jet)

15 + D/2d

465 - On a flow net diagram, the distance between two consecutive steam lines at two successive sections are 1 cm and 0.5 cm respectively. If the velocity at the first section is 1 m/sec, the velocity at the second is

2.0 m/sec

466 - On an inclined plane, centre of pressure is located

below the centroid

467 - Once we know the desired functions of the specific speed, it is easier to calculate its components units.


468 - One metric slug is equal to

9.81 kg mass

469 - One of the main reasons why the cycling stops in the hydraulic ram is due to poor adjustment of ________

waste valve

470 - Operation of reciprocating motion is done by a ________ source


471 - Orifice-meter is used to measure


472 - Out of the ____ , a lattice structure called jib projects out.


473 - Outward flow reaction turbine is used in practical applications


474 - Outward flow reaction turbine will quite suitable for_____________

Medium head

475 - Over heating is a major problem faced in a pump.


476 - Overall efficiency vs what is drawn to determine the turbine performance?

Unit speed

477 - Pascal-second is the unit of______________?

dynamic viscosity

478 - Pelton turbine is operated under_________

High head and low discharge

479 - Pelton wheel is a Reaction type water turbine.


480 - Pen stocks are made up of_____________


481 - PHE stands for __________

Pump Hydraulic efficiency

482 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

all the above.

483 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

both (a) and (b)

484 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

Both (a) and (b)

485 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

All the above.

486 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

All the above.

487 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

All the above.

488 - Pick up the correct statement regarding convergent divergent mouth piece from the following :

All the above.

489 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :

In radial flow, flow is one dimensional with stream lines parallel.

490 - Pick up the incorrect statement from to following regarding triangular notch :

Ventilation is necessary

491 - Piezometers are used to measure

very low pressure.

492 - Pipes of largest diameter which carry water from reservoir to the turbines is known as_____________

Pen stock

493 - Plotting sine curve will take place along the _________

x axis

494 - Poise is the unit of


495 - Positive displacement pumps are also called as__________

Constant volume pumps

496 - Positive displacement pumps are capable of developing ______ pressures, in _______ suction pressure.

High, low

497 - Positive displacement pumps are divided into two types.


498 - Positive displacement pumps regulate the flow by varying its ________

Flow speed

499 - Power developed by Francis turbine are calculated for a certain set of conditions. Now, the inlet whirl velocity is doubled, the blade velocity at inlet is doubled and the flow velocity is quartered. The power developed:

Is same as the original value

500 - Power is most commonly expressed as ________


501 - Power of a turbine is measured ______


502 - Power operated pump in which only both sides engage the fluid displacement is called _____

Double acting

503 - Power operated pump in which only one side engages the fluid displacement is called _______

Single acting

504 - Power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when friction head loss, is

one-third of the total head supplied

505 - Practical fluids possess

all the above.

506 - Pressure vessel closures are used to _________

Retain structures

507 - Priming is needed when impeller cannot impart enough _________


508 - Priming performs response using ________


509 - Properties that do not affect a draft tube is _______


510 - Pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of ___________

Water horsepower to pump horsepower

511 - Pump is always supported by bearings.


512 - Pumps require clearances because of machining tolerances or wear exhibits larger slip.


513 - Radial flow reaction turbines are those turbines in which water flows ____________

Radial direction

514 - Radial flow reaction turbines contain spiral casing which area ____________

Gradually decreases

515 - Ratio of pump or turbine with reference pump or turbine is called as _________


516 - Reaction turbines develop torque by reacting to the gas or fluids pressure or mass.


517 - Reciprocating pump is a ________

Positive displacement pump

518 - Reciprocating pump is a type of ___________

Positive displacement pump

519 - Reciprocating pump is divided into how many types, based on its cylinders?


520 - Reciprocating pump is divided into how many types, based on its cylinders?


521 - Reciprocating pump works like a positive displacement pump.


522 - Reciprocating pumps are also called as __________

Force pumps

523 - Reciprocating pumps are classified according to ___________

Number of cylinders

524 - Reciprocating pumps has ____ efficiency compared to centrifugal pumps


525 - Reciprocating pumps operate by drawing ______ into the chamber


526 - Reciprocating pumps works on the principle of __________

Liquid flow push

527 - Reynold number is the ratio of initial force and


528 - Ribs are used for strengthening and stiffening the liner plate for tunnels of diameter greater than_____________________?

3 m

529 - Rotary pumps are commonly used to circulate________

Lube oils

530 - Rotary pumps do not function well under _______

High viscosity

531 - Runner blades are made up of _____________

Cast steel

532 - Safety valve is used to ensure that the pressure in the vessels is not exceeded.


533 - Select the correct statement?

The absolute roughness increases with time

534 - Select the incorrect statement?

Stream lines are parallel throughout the jet at vena contracta

535 - Self priming pumps overshadow the function of __________

Self auxiliary device

536 - Separation of flow occurs when_________________?

the boundary layer comes to rest

537 - Shear stress is directly proportional to

the shear strain

538 - Simple hand operating pump is also called as ______

Bicycle pump

539 - Simplest example of single acting reciprocating pump is _______


540 - Size of a venturimeter is specified by________________?

pipe diameter

541 - Sliding vanes in pumps are held by ________


542 - Slip in a pump depends on which of following parameters?


543 - Small intensifiers usually have a ________ in their basic system.

Stepped piston

544 - SOH in a pump stands for_______

Shut Off head

545 - Specific speed develop a hydraulic flow through the centrifugal pumps.


546 - Specific speed develops a unit power under a unit _______


547 - Specific speed is an index used to predict _______

Turbine performance

548 - Specific speed is denoted by ________


549 - Specific speed is the speed of the turbine which is similar to its ________

Aspect ratio

550 - Specific speed is used to characterize _______

Turbomachinery speed

551 - Specific speed is used to predict desired pump or turbine performance.


552 - Specific speed less than 500 are called _________

Positive displacement pumps

553 - Specific speed of a Francis turbine is _______

51 to 225

554 - Specific speed of a Kaplan turbine is _______

355 to 860

555 - Specific speed of a Pelton wheel with multiple jets is _______

30 to 51

556 - Specific speed of a Pelton wheel with single jet is _______

8.5 to 30

557 - Specific speed of reaction turbine is between?

10 and 100

558 - Specific speed predicts the shape of a/an _________


559 - Specific speeds are used in pumps to determine ________

Suction specific speed

560 - Specific speeds are used in pumps to determine ________

Suction specific speed

561 - Specific weight of liquid

does not vary on any other planet.

562 - Specific weight of sea water is more than that of pure water because of

all the above.

563 - Speed control of Outward flow reaction turbine is _________


564 - Speed control of Outward flow reaction turbine is _____________

Very difficult

565 - Spiral casing of reaction turbine will regulate the flow?


566 - Spring type accumulator works on the principle of ______

Hooke’s law3

567 - Stanton diagram is a______________?

log-log plot of friction factor against Reynolds number

568 - Steam turbine converts energy into________

Mechanical work

569 - Stream lines and path lines always coincide in case of__________________?

steady flow

570 - Super cavitation is the use of cavitation effect to create a bubble of steam inside a liquid.


571 - Tangential flow, axial flow, radial flow turbines are classified based on?

Direction of flow through runner

572 - Tangential velocity of blade of Pelton wheel is proportional to ____________

Speed of wheel

573 - Tendency of wheel to race is almost nil in ___________turbine

Inward flow reaction turbine

574 - Tendency of wheel to race is predominant in____________turbine

Outward flow reaction turbine

575 - The acceleration f required to accelerate a rectangular tank containing water horizontally so that the slope of its free surface is 45°, is


576 - The advantage of nozzle governing is that no regulating pressure is applied.


577 - The advantage of nozzle governing is that no regulating pressure is applied.


578 - The air lift pump works under the principle of _______


579 - The amount of fluid that leaks internally is called ________


580 - The approximate value of the constant speed curve is given by ratio of ________


581 - The available head of a Francis Turbine is 100 m. Velocity of the flow at the runner inlet is 15 m/s. Find the flow ratio.


582 - The available head of a Francis Turbine is 120 m. The blade velocity is given 35 m/s. Find the speed ratio of the turbine.


583 - The best side slope for most economical trapezoidal section, is


584 - The boundary layer thickness in turbulent flow varies as______________?


585 - The casing of radial flow reaction turbine is made of spiral shape, so that water may enter the runner__________

Constant velocity

586 - The centre of pressure of a vertical plane immersed in a liquid is at

none of these.

587 - The centrifugal pump has varying flow depending on the _________


588 - The change of angular momentum in a pump is equal to the _________

Sum of individual momentum

589 - The compressed air mixes with the liquid casing to become less dense.


590 - The compressed air mixes with the liquid casing to become less dense.


591 - The consequence of Newtons second law is_________

Conservation of angular momentum

592 - The continuity equation

relates mass rate of flow along a stream line

593 - The continuity equation pi V,A,= p2V2A2 is based on the following assumption regarding flow of fluid______________?

steady flow

594 - The cylinder having the larger diameter is called _______ cylinder.


595 - The cylinder of reciprocating cylinder is made up of _______

Cast iron

596 - The cylinder with the smaller diameter Is called _________

Slave cylinder

597 - The depth 'd' below the free surface at which the point velocity is equal to the average velocity of flow for a uniform laminar flow with a free surface, will be_________________?

0.577 D

598 - The depth of buckets of Pelton wheel ____________

1.2 times diameter of jet

599 - The depth of the centre of pressure on a vertical rectangular gate (4 m wide, 3 m high) with water upto top surface, is

2.0 m

600 - The desired hydraulic efficiency of a Kaplan turbine is 98% at a whirl velocity of 20 m/s and a head of 60 m. What should be the blade velocity of the turbine at inlet in m/s? Take g = 10 m/s2.


601 - The desired hydraulic efficiency of a turbine is 80% at a whirl velocity of 20 m/s and a head of 100 m. What should be the blade velocity of the turbine at inlet in m/s?


602 - The difference between gross head and friction losses is ____________

Net head

603 - The difference in the total head of the pump is called _______

Manometric head

604 - The differential equation dp/ρ + gdz + vdv = 0 for a fluid motion is suggested by

Leonard Euler.

605 - The dimensionless parameter not applicable to flowing liquids, is

Kinematic viscosity

606 - The discharge of a liquid of kinematic viscosity 4 cm2/sec through a 8 cm dia-meter pipe is 3200n cm7sec. The type of flow expected is__________________?

laminar flow

607 - The discharge over a broad crested weir is maximum when the depth of flow is_______________?

2 H/3

608 - The discharge over a Cipolletti weir of length 2.185 m when the head over the weir is 1 m, is

4.0 m3.

609 - The discharge through a 100 mm diameter external mouth piece fitted to the side of a large vessel is 0.05948 m3/s. The head over the mouth piece is

4.0 m.

610 - The discharge through a reaction radial flow turbine is given by____________ ; Where, P1= perimeter of runner at inlet, P2= perimeter of runner at outlet, b= thickness and V f= flow velocity

Both a & b

611 - The discharge through a V- notch varies as______________?


612 - The distance from pipe boundary, at which the turbulent shear stress is one-third die wall shear stress, is_______________?

1/3 R

613 - The distance y from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity for turbulent flow, is________________?

0.223 R

614 - The draft tube at the exit of the nozzle increases the _______


615 - The draft tube is an ________

Exterior tube

616 - The draft tube is situated in the _______


617 - The eddy viscosity for turbulent flow is______________?

dependent on the flow

618 - The efficiency of the draft tube depends on the ______

Pressure and temperature

619 - The efficiency of the draft tube is ratio of ________

Kinetic energy by Pressure energy

620 - The electric power which is obtained from hydraulic energy____________

Hydroelectric power

621 - The energy available at inlet for outward reaction flow turbine is ____________

Pressure energy and Kinetic energy

622 - The energy transferred can be measured by isentropic compression.


623 - The energy usage in pumping installation is determined by _______

Friction characteristics

624 - The energy usage of a pump is determined by _______

Power required

625 - The equation is general approach is called as central difference.


626 - The exit diameter for a simple elbow draft tube should be________


627 - The expression for hydraulic efficiency is given by

2(V1-u)[1+cos k]u/V1*V1

628 - The expression for maximum hydraulic efficiency of Pelto turbine is given by ______________

(1+cos k)/2 where k is outlet blade angle

629 - The expression for maximum hydraulic efficiency of pelton turbine is given by?

(1+cos k)/2 where k is outlet blade angle

630 - The expression for water power in Pelton wheel is ________________

(P*g*Q*H) Kw

631 - The first accumulators for Armstrong’s hydraulic dock machinery were ________ which is placed raised.

water towers

632 - The flow in a channel is said to be non-uniform, if

all the above.

633 - The flow in open channel is laminar if the Reynold number is

less than 500

634 - The flow in open channel is said to be critical if the Froude number is :

equal to 1.0

635 - The flow in open channel is said to be subcritical if the Froude number is

less than 1.0

636 - The flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and the paths of adjacent particles do not cross each other, is called

stream line flow

637 - The flow is called rotational if its velocity normal to the plane of area is equal to

twice the angular velocity vector

638 - The flow rate of steam is controlled by regulating the _________


639 - The flow rate of steam is controlled by regulating the_________


640 - The flow rate of the water flow in a Francis turbine is increased by 50% keeping all the other parameters same. The work done by the turbine changes by?

50% increase

641 - The flow ratio of a Kaplan turbine is given as 0.7. The available head is 30 m. The outer diameter of the runner is 3.5 m and the hub diameter is 2 m. Find the volume of water flowing through the turbine per second (m3/s)?


642 - The fluid coming into the airlift pump is accelerated by ________


643 - The fluid coming into the centrifugal pump is accelerated by ________


644 - The fluid gains _________ while passing through the impeller.

Velocity and pressure

645 - The following is not a laminar flow

Flow in water pipe lines.

646 - The force exerted by a jet of water in the direction of jet of jet on a stationary curved plates Fx is ____________ ; p=density, v= velocity of jet, k= blade angle

pav*v(1+cos k)

647 - The force exerted by a jet of water in the direction of jet of jet on moving curved plates is ___________ ; p=density, v= velocity of jet, k= blade angle, u= blade velocity

pav*(v-u)(1+cos k)

648 - The formation of vapour cavities is called _____


649 - The fundamental significance of all the turbomachinery is _______

Conservation of momentum

650 - The gases are considered incompressible if Match number is

less than 0.2

651 - The head added by the pump is a sum of _________

Static lift

652 - The head available at inlet of turbine

Net head

653 - The head of the Kaplan ranges from ______

10 to 70 m

654 - The height of a column in a pump is called as _______

Static head

655 - The height of water level in a tank above the centre of a circular hole 2.5 cm in diameter is 50 m. The velocity of water flowing through the hole, is

31.3 m/sec

656 - The higher discharge valve line holds the discharge valve ________


657 - The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the_______________?

force on a vertical projection of the curved surface

658 - The horizontal component of the force on a curved surface is equal to

force on a vetical projection of the curved surface

659 - The horizontal portion of the draft tube is usually bent to prevent entry of air from the exit end.


660 - The hydraulic efficiency of a Francis turbine is 90%, the mechanical efficiency is 95% and the volumetric efficiency is assumed to be 100%. Fine the overall efficiency (in %)?


661 - The hydraulic efficiency of a Kaplan turbine is 95%, the mechanical efficiency is 93% and the volumetric efficiency is assumed to be 100%. Fine the overall efficiency (in %)?


662 - The hydraulic efficiency of Pelton turbine will be maximum when blade velocity is equal to _______


663 - The hydraulic grade line is_________________?

never above the energy grade line

664 - The hydraulic press is also known as _________ press


665 - The hydrostatic force acts through

centre of pressure

666 - The imaginary line drawn such that the tangents at its all points indicate the direction of the velocity of the fluid particles at each point, is called

stream line

667 - The impeller is mounted on a ________


668 - The important type of axial flow reaction turbines are ______________

Propeller and Kaplan turbines

669 - The inert gas used in gas compressed accumulator is usually _______


670 - The inlet passage of centrifugal pump is controlled by ________


671 - The inlet passage of water entry is controlled by ________


672 - The inlet passage of water entry is controlled by ________


673 - The inlet passage of water entry is controlled by ________


674 - The inlet passage of water entry is controlled by ________


675 - The input water power of the Francis turbine is 1.25 times the runner power. What would be the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine (in %)?


676 - The instrument used for measuring the velocity of flow, is known as

pitot tube

677 - The intensity of pressure due to sudden closure of a valve of a pipe in which water flows with velocity v, is directly proportional to :

square root of the bulk modulus of elasticity of water

678 - The Kaplan Turbine is an evolution of ________

Francis turbine

679 - The length of hydraulic jump is roughly

5 to 7 times its height

680 - The line joining the points to which the liquid rises in vertical piezometer tubes fitted at different cross-sections of a conduit, is known as

all the above.

681 - The losses are more in_________________?

turbulent flow

682 - The magnitude of water hammer in a pipe depends upon

all the above.

683 - The main assumption of Bernoulli's equation is :

All the above.

684 - The main difference between reaction turbine and inward radial flow reaction turbine is water flows___________

Radially inward

685 - The main difference between reaction turbine and outward radial flow reaction turbine is water flows __________

Radially inward

686 - The main function of centrifugal pumps are to ________

Transfer energy

687 - The main function of centrifugal pumps are to ________

Transfer energy

688 - The main function of nozzle is to __________

Pressure variations

689 - The main function of nozzle is to __________

Pressure variations

690 - The main function of nozzle is to __________

Pressure variations

691 - The main function of nozzle is to __________

Pressure variations

692 - The main function of nozzle is to __________

Pressure variations

693 - The major loss of energy in long pipes is due to_______________?


694 - The maximum efficiency of Pelton turbine is _________


695 - The maximum efficiency of the reciprocating pump is _________


696 - The maximum efficiency of the reciprocating pump is _________


697 - The maximum speed of reciprocating pump is __________


698 - The maximum thickness of boundary layer in a pipe of radius r is____________________?


699 - The maximum vacuum created at the summit of a syphon is

7.4 m of water

700 - The maximum volumetric efficiency of a pump(100cc) is ________



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