Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics Important MCQs Part: 1

1 - Which of the following will give higher ratio of brickwork strength to mortar strength ?


2 - ______ is attached to the fixed cylindrical chamber which moves in the upward or downward direction.

Sliding Ram

3 - _______ aids in cushioning the shock of the hydraulic pressure during the working of the hydraulic ram

Pressure vessel

4 - _______ restricts the crane from tipping


5 - ________ allows the rotation of the boom.

Rotex gear

6 - ________ helps in indicating the maximum lifting limit of the crane.

Load moment indicator

7 - ________ invented the compressed air accumulator.

Jean Mercier

8 - ________ is the simplest form of an accumulator.

air filled

9 - _________ is attached to the wall of the floor, where the sliding ram moves upwards or downwards depending on how the pressure is applied.

Fixed cylinder

10 - ___________ is a circular wheel on which a series of smooth, radial curved vanes are fixed.


11 - ___________ restricts the dissolution of the pressurized air into the water.

Elastic diaphragm

12 - ____________ consists of stationary circular wheel all around the runner of turbine

Guide mechanism

13 - ____________ is obtained by dividing total rate of flow through the turbine by rate of flow through single jet.

Number of jets

14 - _____________ allow the water to strike the vanes fixed on runner without shock at inlet

Guide vanes

15 - _____________ is defined as ratio between power delivered to runner and power supplied at inlet of turbine.

Hydraulic efficiency

16 - _____________ is difference between head race and tail race

Gross head

17 - _____________ is ratio of volume of water actually striking the runner and volume of water supplied to turbine?

Volumetric efficiency

18 - ______________ is a axial flow reaction turbines, if vanes are fixed to hub of turbine

Propeller turbine

19 - _______________is the electric power obtained from the energy of the water.

Hydroelectric power

20 - ____________and __________of radial flow reaction turbine are always full of water.

Casing and runner

21 - ____________governs the flow of water entering the runner blades.

Guide vanes

22 - ____________is an inward radial flow reaction turbine?

Francis turbine

23 - ___________is a pipe of gradually increasing area used for discharging water from exit of the turbine to the tail race

Draft tube

24 - ‘Ht’ means _______

Theory head pressure

25 - A ________ is a cyclic water pump that derives its power from hydroelectric sources.

Hydraulic Ram

26 - A ________ is a storage reservoir under pressure where a liquid is held under pressure.

Hydraulic accumulator

27 - A ________ is the main essence of a car crushing system.

hydraulic press

28 - A __________ is a hydraulic machine for converting hydraulic power at low pressure into a reduced volume at higher pressure.

Hydraulic Intensifier

29 - A body of dimensions 1.5 m x 1.0 m x 2 m weighs 3000 kg in water. Its specific gravity is


30 - A closed cylindrical vessel of 100 cm diameter and 200 cm high is completely filled with a liquid (sp. weight 1600 kg/m3) when rotated about its vertical axis at 100 r.p.m. The total pressure on its lid, is

954 kg

31 - A cylindrical vessel 40 cm high is revolved about its vertical axis so that the water touches the bottom when it just spills out. If the radius of the cylinder is 5 cm, the angular velocity of rotation, is

2 rad/sec

32 - A draft tube helps in converting kinetic energy into________

Mechanical work

33 - A floating body attains stable equilibrium if its metacentre is

above the centroid

34 - A floating body is said to be in a state of stable equilibrium_________________?

when the metacentre is above the centre of gravity

35 - A fluid of kinematic viscosity 0.4 cm2/sec flows through a 8 cm diameter pipe. The maximum velocity for laminar flow will be__________________?

1 m/sec

36 - A fluid particle may possess the displacement of

all the above.

37 - A gear pump uses ___________

Meshing of gears

38 - A gear pump uses ___________

Meshing of gears

39 - A hydraulic coupling belongs to the category of________

Energy transfer machines

40 - A hydraulic press makes use of a _________

hydraulic cylinder

41 - A hydraulic ram uses the _______ effect to develop pressure.

Water hammer

42 - A jet projected at an angle of 45θ, 40 m from the foot of a vertical column, just reaches the top of the column. The height of the column is

40 m

43 - A Kaplan turbine is used in ________


44 - A Kaplan turbine requires a speed ratio of 2. The available head of the turbine is 5 m. What should be the blade velocity of the turbine such that a speed ratio of 2 is maintained (take g = 10 m/s2)?

63.25 m/s

45 - A linear wheel turning motion is called as a ________


46 - A multistage centrifugal pump produces a pressure of __________

21 MPa

47 - A multistage centrifugal pumps has more than two _______


48 - A non-uniform steady flow is through

an expanding tube at constant rate

49 - A nozzle is fitted at the end of a pipe whose length is 320 m and diameter is 10 cm. If the value of f = 0.01, the diameter of the nozzle for the maximum transmission of power through the nozzle is

2.5 cm

50 - A piezometer opening in pipes measures

static pressure

51 - A pitot tube is used to measure

velocity of flow

52 - A pressure vessel is used to hold _______


53 - A pump that can evacuate air is called as _________

Self priming pumps

54 - A pump that has low suction and moderate discharge is called _______

Air lift pumps

55 - A pump that has low suction and moderate discharge of liquid is called ________

Airlift Pump

56 - A quantity of fluid that leaks from a higher pressure discharge to a lower pressure discharge is called______


57 - A reciprocating pump that has 1200 crank is _________

Triple acting

58 - A rectangular block 2 m long, 1 m wide and 1 m deep floats in water, the depth of immersion being 0.5 m. If water weighs 10 kN/m3, then the weight of the block is________________?


59 - A rectangular channel 6 m wide and 3 m deep and having a bed slope as 1 in 2000 is running full. If Chezy's constant C = 54.8, pick up the correct specification of the channel from the following :

All the above.

60 - A repetitive variation about the central value of equilibrium is called ________


61 - A right circular cylinder open at the top is filled with liquid and rotated about its vertical axis at such a speed that half the liquid spills out, then the pressure intensity at the center of bottom is___________________?


62 - A rise or fall of liquid in a glass tube of a very small diameter when dipped is

directly proportional to the specific weight of liquid

63 - A short tube mouthpiece will not run full at its outlet if the head under which the orifice works, is

more than 12.2 m of the water

64 - A spherical load 900 kg is rolled through 9.8 m across the deck of a ship weighing 10, 000 kg. If the metacentric height of the ship is 5 metres, the angle of heel, is

10° 15'

65 - A steady uniform flow is through

a long pipe at constant rate

66 - A stepped notch is a combination of

rectangular notches of different sizes

67 - A student performs an experiment with a Francis turbine. He accidently set the RPM of Francis turbine to 1400 rpm instead of 700 rpm. He reported the power to be 1 MW. His teacher asks him to perform the same experiment using the correct RPM. The student

1 MW

68 - A student reports the volumetric efficiency of a Kaplan turbine to be 95%. If he measures the volume flow rate through the turbine is 40 m3/s. What is the flow rate of water over the runner blades (in m3/s)?


69 - A syphon is used

to connect water reservoirs at different levels intervened by a hill

70 - A tank that is used to protect closed water heating systems is called ________

Expansion vessel

71 - A triangular notch is preferred to a rectangular notch because

all the above.

72 - A valve is suddenly closed in a water main in wl.ich the velocity is 1 m/sec and velocity of pressure wave is 981 m/ sec. The inertia head at the valve will be________________?


73 - A vertical rectangular plane surface is submerged in water such that its top and bottom surfaces are 1.5 m and 6.0 m res-pectively below the free surface. The position of center of pressure below the free surface will be at a distance of________________?


74 - A water tank partially filled with water is being carried on a truck moving with a constant horizontal acceleration. The level of the water

rises on the back side and falls on the front side

75 - Absolute exit velocity in a pump is denoted as ______


76 - Air vessel accumulates excess quantity of ______


77 - Airlift pumps are widely used in aquaculture to pump.


78 - Airlift pumps are widely used in aquaculture to pump.


79 - All energy that is transferred from the fluid is derived from ________

Mechanical energy

80 - All the characteristic curves are drawn with respect to __________

Unit speed

81 - Among the following which turbine has highest efficiency?

Kaplan turbine

82 - Among the following which turbine has least efficiency?

Pelton turbine

83 - Among the following which turbine has least efficiency?

Pelton turbine

84 - Among the following which turbine requires more head?

Pelton Turbine

85 - An alternate option to the hydraulic ram is _________

water-powered pump

86 - An error of 1% in measuring the head of water over the crest of a rectangular weir, produces an error in the discharge which is equal to


87 - An example of reaction turbine is________

Parsons turbine

88 - An ideal flow of a liquid obeys

Continuity equation

89 - An ideal fluid

is frictionless and incompressible

90 - An ideal fluid is

compressible and non-viscous

91 - An ideal fluid is_______________?

frictionless and incompressible

92 - An independent mass of a fluid does not posses

pressure energy

93 - An open container filled with water is moved vertically downward with a uniform linear acceleration. The pressure at its bottom will be

lesser than static pressure

94 - An open container filled with water is moved vertically upward with a uniform linear acceleration. The pressure at its bottom will be

greater than static pressure

95 - An open cubical tank of 2 m side is filled with water. If the tank is rotated with an acceleration such that half of the water spills out, then the acceleration is equal to_______________?


96 - An open tank contains 1 m deep water with 50 cm depth of oil of specific gravity 0.8 above it. The intensity of pressure at the bottom of tank will be________________?

14 kN/m2

97 - An orifice is an opening in a vessel with

closed perimeter of regular shape through which water flows

98 - An orifice is called a large orifice if water head, is

five times the diameter of the orifice.

99 - An orifice is taken as large if

(H2 - H1) > H/3

100 - An up and down back and forth relative linear motion is called __________


101 - As compared to a single free face, if a charge of explosive is placed equidistant from two faces, then the yield___________________?

increases by 2.25 times

102 - Assertion A : English method of tunneling requires more time as compared to other methods of tunneling. Reason R : In English method of tunneling, the masons and excavators have to work alternately/

Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

103 - At each stage the fluid is directed ________

Towards the centre

104 - At each stage the fluid is directed ________

Towards the centre

105 - At high pressure, the voids can generate ______

Shock waves

106 - At high pressure, the voids can generate ______

Shock waves

107 - At higher pressures, the impeller is connected in _______


108 - At present which is cheapest means of generating power_____________

Hydroelectric power

109 - Atmospheric pressure is equal to water column head of

10.30 m

110 - Atmospheric pressure varies with

all of the above.

111 - Ay between two stream lines represents________________?


112 - Back water curve is caused if

pressure is due to weir in the channel

113 - Barometres are used to measure

atmospheric pressure

114 - Before reaching the turbine, the acceleration of the fluid takes place through the__________


115 - Bernoulli's equation assumes that

all the above.

116 - Bicycle pump generates more compression than volume displacement.


117 - Buckets and blades used in a turbine are used to:

Alter the direction of water

118 - Calculate work done by jet per second on the runner where, discharge=0.7cubic meters/s, inlet and outlet whirl velocities be 23.77 and 2.94?


119 - Calculation of NPSH in a turbine is different from the calculation of NPSH in a pump.


120 - Capacity of a rotary pump is defined as _________

Total liquid displaced

121 - Capillary rise of water is

All of these.

122 - Cappoletti weir is a

trapezoidal weir, whose sides slope 1 horizontal to 2 verticals

123 - Cavitation in a draft tube occurs when _______

Pressure drop

124 - Cavitation is caused by

Low pressure

125 - Cavitation usually occurs due to the changes in ________


126 - Centre of buoyancy always_________________?

coincides with the centroid of the volume of fluid displaced

127 - Centre of buoyancy is

centroid of the fluid displaced

128 - Centrifugal head in inward flow reaction turbine __________


129 - Centrifugal head in Outward flow reaction turbine _____________


130 - Centrifugal pump impellers have speed ranging from ________

500- 10000

131 - Centrifugal pump is a_________


132 - Centrifugal pump is less efficient than a reciprocating pump because of its _______


133 - Centrifugal pump works by imparting _______

Kinetic energy

134 - Centrifugal pumps are a sub class of dynamic axisymmetric work absorbing turbomachinery.


135 - Centrifugal pumps are located ________ the level of source


136 - Centrifugal pumps are used to transport ________


137 - Centrifugal pumps are used to transport ________


138 - Centrifugal pumps are used to transport ________


139 - Centrifugal pumps are used to transport ________


140 - Centrifugal pumps transfer energy from _______

Rotor to fluid

141 - Centrifugal pumps transport fluids by converting _________

Kinetic energy to hydrodynamic energy

142 - Centrifugal pumps with an internal suction stage are called as _________

Self priming pumps

143 - Centrifugal pumps work under the same principle, but differ in their _______


144 - Change of angular momentum is equal to ________

Sum of external moments

145 - Chezy's formula is used to determine

velocity of flow in open channels

146 - Circular section of tunnels is not suitable for________________?

placement of concrete lining

147 - Coefficient of contraction for an external cylindrical mouthpiece is_________________?


148 - Coefficient of discharge for a totally submerged orifice as compared to that for an orifice discharging free is__________________?

slightly less

149 - Coefficient of velocity for Borda's mouth piece running full is________________?


150 - Coefficient of velocity of venturimeter_________________?

is equal to the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter

151 - Combination governing involves usage of two or more governing.


152 - Combination governing involves usage of two or more governing.


153 - Compounding is needed to ___________

Increase efficiency

154 - Conical diffuser draft tube consists of conical diffuser with angles of______

10 degrees

155 - Conical diffuser draft tube is also called_______

Straight divergent tube

156 - Conservation of angular momentum is described by _______

Euler’s equation

157 - Consider an inward flow reaction turbine, here, water _______

Enters the wheel at the outer periphery and then flows towards the centre of the wheel

158 - Constant discharge takes place due to _______

Unit speed

159 - Constant efficiency curves are plotted using _______

Constant speed and constant head

160 - Constant head curves are also called as _______

Main characteristic curves

161 - Constant head curves are also called as _______

Main characteristic curves

162 - Constant speed curve is denoted as _____


163 - Constant speed curves are ________

Vector quantities

164 - Constant speed curves are also called as _______

Tail race curves

165 - Constant speed curves are determined by the _________


166 - Constant speed curves travel at constant speed when the value is equal to _______


167 - Constant speed is measured _________


168 - Corrosion in the pump is developed due to _______

Fluid properties

169 - Corrosion in the pump is developed due to _______

Fluid properties

170 - Decreasing the diameter of the eye of the impeller, cavitation _________


171 - Degree of reaction turbine is the ratio of?

Pressure energy to total energy

172 - Degree of reactions are most commonly used in________


173 - Design of Pelton wheel means the following data is to be determined.

All of the mentioned

174 - Different velocities in a centrifugal pump are determined by using ________

Velocity triangle

175 - Differential manometers are used to measure

difference in pressure at two points

176 - Discharge in inward flow reaction turbine ____________


177 - Discharge in outward flow reaction turbine ____________


178 - Discharge over an ogee weir remains the same as that of

cippoletti weir

179 - Discharge through a reaction flow reaction turbine is given by, Q = ______


180 - Discharge through a totally submerged orifice, is directly proportional to

square root of the difference in elevation of water surface

181 - Discharge through radial flow reaction turbine is ______________ ; Where, P1= perimeter of runner at inlet, P2= perimeter of runner at outlet, b= thickness and Vf= flow velocity

Both P1*b1*Vf1 & P2*b2*Vf2

182 - Draft tube allows turbine to be placed above the tail race.


183 - Draft tube allows turbine to be placed below the tail race.


184 - Draft tube consists of conical diffuser with angles of______

10 deg

185 - Draft tube is also called_______

Straight divergent tube

186 - Draft tube operates at ______

Same efficiency

187 - Draft tubes are not used in which of the following turbines?


188 - Draft tubes are situated at the outlet in____________


189 - Draft tubes have _________ shafts


190 - Drift method of tunnelling is used to construct tunnels in__________________?


191 - Due to decrease of diameter of the droplet, inside pressure intensity


192 - Due to each end contraction, the discharge of rectangular sharp crested weir is reduced by________________?


193 - Due to its impeller action, centrifugal pumps can cover a wide range of fluid pump applications.


194 - Due to the arrangement of hydraulic jigger; the ________ rotates


195 - During normal working operation, the pump works like __________

Centrifugal pumps

196 - During the steam turbine governing, what remains a constant?

Speed of rotation

197 - During the suction stroke the _______ moves left thus creating vacuum in the Cylinder.


198 - Efficiency of a draft tube gives __________

Kinetic energy difference

199 - Efficiency of a draft tube is directly proportional to its __________


200 - Energy equation is usually applicable to

steady flow.

201 - Equation of continuity is based on the principle of conservation of_________________?


202 - Equation of continuity of flow is based on the principle of conservation of


203 - Equation of continuity of fluids is applicable only if

all the above.

204 - Euler developed the head pressure equation in centrifugal pumps.


205 - Euler's equation for the motion of liquids assumes that

fluid is homogeneous and incompressible

206 - Falling drops of water become spheres due to

surface tension

207 - Find the diameter of jet D, if jet ratio m and diameter of jet d are given as 10 and 125mm.

1.25 meters

208 - Flow in pipes is laminar if Reynold number is

less than 2100

209 - Flow in pipes is turbulent if Reynold number is

more than 3000

210 - Flow net can be drawn only if the flow is


211 - Flow of water in pipes of diameter more than 3 metres, can be measured by


212 - Flow ratio is defined as Vf1/(2gH)^1/2


213 - Fluids change the volume under external presssure due to


214 - For a good condition, slip should be________

Below 1 percent

215 - For a Kaplan turbine, the whirl velocity at inlet of the turbine is given to be 18 m/s. The blade velocity is given as 25 m/s. What is the hydraulic efficiency for a head of 50 m. Take g = 10 m/s2?


216 - For a long pipe, the head loss

at the entrance and outlet both are ignored

217 - For a most economical rectangular channel, the hydraulic mean depth, is equal to

half the depth of flow

218 - For a most economical rectangular channel, the width of the channel must be

twice the depth of flow

219 - For a most economical trapezoidal open channel, the half of the top width must be equal to

one sloping side

220 - For a sphere of radius 15 cm moving with a uniform velocity of 2 m/sec through a liquid of specific gravity 0.9 and dynamic viscosity 0.8 poise, the Reynolds number will be_________________?


221 - For an actual reaction turbine, what should be the angle beta, such that the loss of kinetic energy at the outlet is to be minimum?


222 - For an oil field to have solid control, it needs _______

Centrifugal pumps

223 - For critical depth of flow of water in open channels, fc the specific energy must be :


224 - For critical flow, the Froude number is :


225 - For earthquake resistant masonry buildings, the vertical distance between openings one above the other in a load bearing wall shall not be less than_________________?

60 cm

226 - For exerting a pressure of 4.8 kg/cm2, the depth of oil (specific gravity 0.8), should be

60 cm

227 - For hydro-dynamically smooth boundary, the friction coefficient for turbulent flow is_______________?

dependent only on Reynolds number

228 - For laminar flow in a pipe of circular cross-section, the Darcy's friction factor f is________________?

inversely proportional to Reynolds number and indpendent of pipe wall roughness

229 - For maximum horse power of a nozzle, the head supplied must be equal to

thrice the head loss in the pipe due to friction

230 - For most economical rectangular section of a channel, the depth is kept

half the width

231 - For mountaneous regions having steep slope, wagons for carrying liquid are made with bottom

parallel to the horizontal surface

232 - For solving network problems of pipes, necessary condition is

all the above.

233 - For solving the problems is hydraulic engineering, the velocity used is

average velocity of flow over a section

234 - For steady flow in open channels, which one of the following does not change :

All of these.

235 - For the flow of liquid from an open ended tube (or nozzle) leading to the formation of spray of liquid drops, the number generally applied, is

Weber number

236 - For the most economical trapezoidal open channel,

All of these.

237 - For the two dimensional flow, the stream function is given by ψ = 2xy. The velocity at a point (3, 4) is

10 m/sec

238 - For uniform flow in canals

all the above.

239 - For which of the following values of available heads may Kaplan turbine be used?

50 m

240 - Formation of bubbles in an impeller is called ______


241 - Francis and Kaplan turbines are known as _______

Reaction turbine

242 - Francis turbine is typically used for which of the following values of available heads?

100 m

243 - Frictional loss of head includes the loss of energy due to

none of these.

244 - From a nozzle exposed to atmosphere, the liquid jet traverses

a parabolic path.

245 - Froth contains air that blocks the pumps.


246 - Gauge pressure is

absolute pressure - atmospheric pressure

247 - Gauge pressure of the draft tube is denoted by _____


248 - Gear pumps are ___________

Tangential flow pumps

249 - Gear pumps are mainly used in chemical installations because they pump ________

High viscosity fluids

250 - Gear pumps are used to transport ________


251 - Gear pumps convert rotational kinetic energy to hydrodynamic energy.


252 - Head lost due to friction is given by k*f*L*v*v/D*2g where f- friction coefficient, L- length of pen stock, D- diameter of penstock and” k” is constant and its value is ____________


253 - Head under which Francis turbine is operated

40 -600 meters

254 - Head under which Kaplan turbine is operated______

10-70 meters

255 - Height of the draft tube is denoted by _____


256 - High head, low head and medium head turbines are classified based on

Head at inlet of turbine

257 - High pressure reciprocating pumps are generally from 1500 HP.


258 - High specific speed of turbine implies that it is___________

Kaplan turbine

259 - Hot wire anemometer is used to measure_______________?

velocity of gas

260 - How do we plot points in a curve?

Analytical approach

261 - How does the flow ratio (ψ) of a Francis turbine vary with available head (H)?

ψ α 1/(sqrt (H))

262 - How is the construction of the vessel tested?

Non-destructive testing

263 - How many impellers does a multistage centrifugal pump have?

Two and more

264 - How many number of valves are required for the rotary pump?


265 - How many number of valves are required for the rotary pump?


266 - How many types of Reaction turbines are there?


267 - How many types of turbines can you classify on the basis of direction of flow through runner?


268 - Hydraulic coefficient of an orifice means the coefficient of

all the above.

269 - Hydraulic energy is converted into another form of energy by hydraulic machines. What form of energy is that?

Mechanical Energy

270 - Hydraulic grade line

may be above or below the centre line of conduit.

271 - Hydraulic head is also called as _________

Piezometric head

272 - Hydraulic Machines fall under the category :

Roto-dynamic machinery

273 - Hydraulic radius is equal to

area divided by wetted perimeter

274 - Hydraulic ram is a device

for lifting water without an electric motor

275 - Hydraulic Ram is used in areas where there is a source of ________ power.


276 - Hydraulic turbines are classified based on ____________

Energy available, Direction of flow, Head at inlet.

277 - Hydrodynamic cavitation is due to the process of _________


278 - Hydrostatic pressure on a dam depends upon its

both (b) and (c).

279 - Idle period of lift is defined as the difference of the total time taken for one operation and the _____ of the lift.

Working period

280 - If a sphere of diameter 1 cm falls in castor oil of kinematic viscosity 10 stokes, with a terminal velocity of 1.5 cm/sec, the coefficient of drag on the sphere is________________?


281 - If a vessel containing liquid moves downward with a constant acceleration equal to 'g' then_____________?

the pressure throughout the liquid mass is atmospheric

282 - If cohesion between the molecules of a fluid is more than adhesion between the fluid and glass, the free level of fluid in a dipped glass tube will be

lower than the surface of liquid

283 - If Cv, Cc, Cd and Cr are the hydraulic coefficients of an orifice, then

Cd = Cc . Cv

284 - If 'D' is the diameter of tunnel in meters, then the thickness of lining in mm, as per the empirical formula is given by_________________?

82 D

285 - If diameter of jet is 85mm and diameter of runner is 1.5 meter then calculate number of buckets on Pelton wheel approximately


286 - If diameter of jet is 85mm and diameter of runner is 1.5 meter then calculate width of buckets.


287 - If diameter of jet is 85mm and diameter of runner is 1.5 meter then depth of buckets is ___________


288 - If energy available at inlet of turbine is only kinetic energy then it is classified based on

Type of energy at inlet

289 - If H is height of the liquid above the sill, the effect of end contractions, according to Francis formula, is

0.1 H

290 - If jet of water coming out from a nozzle with a velocity 9.81 m/s, the angle of elevation being 30°, the time to reach the highest point is

0.50 s

291 - If 'N' is the number of shafts used, then the total number of feces available for attacking the excavation and construction in tunnels are_________________________?

2 N + 2

292 - If the atmospheric pressure on the surface of an oil tank (sp. gr. 0.8) is 0.1 kg/cm2, the pressure at a depth of 2.5 m, is

3 metres of water

293 - If the cylinder is filled with fuel or air it is said to be ___________

100% efficient

294 - If the diameters of the two pistons used in the arrangement are different, the _______ in each cylinder will vary.

Hydraulic pressure

295 - If the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.5 poise and specific gravity is 0.5, then the kinematic viscosity of that fluid in stokes is__________________?


296 - If the forces are due to inertia and gravity, and frictional resistance plays only a minor role, the design of the channels is made by comparing

Froude number

297 - If the Mach number for a fluid flow is less than 1, the flow is


298 - If the pressure at the inlet of a pipe is 90 kg/cm2 and pressure drop over the pipe line is 10 kg/cm2, the efficiency of transmission, is


299 - If the slip is above 5 percent, the pumps needs to be ______


300 - If the total head of the nozzle of a pipe is 37.5 m and discharge is 1 cumec, the power generated is

500 H.P.

301 - If the velocity is zero over half of the cross-sectional area and is uniform over the remaining half, then the momentum correction factor is_______________?


302 - If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000 kg is 4 cubic metres, 0.75 is its

specific gravity

303 - If the water flows from inwards to outwards, the turbine is known as _____________

Outward flow turbine

304 - If the weight of a body immersed in a fluid exceeds the buoyant force, then the body will________________?

tend to move downward and it may finally sink

305 - If velocities of fluid particles vary from point to point in magnitude and direction, as well as from instant to instant, the flow is said to be

turbulent flow

306 - If velocity is zero over l/3rd of a cross-section and is uniform over remaining 2/3rd of the cross-section, then the correction factor for kinetic energy is__________________?


307 - If water flows in radial direction at inlet of runner and leaves axially at outlet then turbine is named as

Mixed flow turbine

308 - If we lower the temperature, the water pump cavitation ________


309 - If we raise the liquid level in the suction vessel, cavitation ______


310 - If we reduce the motor rpm in an impeller, cavitation _______


311 - If we use an impeller inducer, we can reduce the cavitation in a centrifugal pump.


312 - If we use two lower capacity pumps in parallel, cavitation ________


313 - If x is the distance from leading edge, then the boundary layer thickness in laminar flow varies as________________?


314 - Impeller in a motor is used to _________

Change Pressure

315 - Imperial units is defined as _________

Revolutions per minute

316 - Impulse turbine and reaction turbine are classified based on ?

Type of energy at inlet

317 - Impulse turbine is generally fitted at ______________

Above the tail race

318 - In a cavity wall, both leaves of which are load bearing, the effective thickness is taken as________________?

larger of (B) and (C)

319 - In a centrifugual pump casing, the flow of water leaving the impeller, is

free vortex motion

320 - In a double acting reciprocating pump, the piston carries suction and expulsion at the same time.


321 - In a fluid flow a particle may posses

all the above.

322 - In a forced vortex motion, the velocity of flow is________________?

directly proportional to its radial distance from axis of rotation

323 - In a hydraulic crane, _____ is the component mainly responsible for lifting.


324 - In a hydraulic lift ______ is fixed on the crown of the sliding ram where the carried load is located.


325 - In a hydraulic press, the metal can be _______

Crushes, straightened and molded

326 - In a hydraulic press, the pump acts as a _________


327 - In a hydraulic system the development of pressure is by variable displacement pump and _____

gear pump

328 - In a Kaplan turbine experiment, the volumetric efficiency of a given turbine is 91%. If volume flow rate of water in given to be 35 m3/s, find the volume of water (m3) NOT flowing over the runner blades per second?


329 - In a Kaplan Turbine experimental setup, the power output of the shaft is 4.325 MW. The volume flow rate of water in 15 m3/s at an available head of 50 m. Find the overall efficiency of the turbine in % (g = 10 m/s2)?


330 - In a Kaplan turbine, what is the direction of water flow?

Axial and then axial

331 - In a positive displacement pump, what gets displaced?


332 - In a reaction turbine, the draft tube is used to _________

To increase the head of water by an amount that is equal to the height of the runner outlet above the tail race

333 - In a reciprocating pump, with the change in discharge pressure, ________

Volume delivered remains the same

334 - In a short cylindercial external mouthpiece, the venacontracta occurs at a distance from the outlet of orifice equal to

one-fourth the diameter of the orifice

335 - In a Sutro weir, the discharge is proportional to________________?


336 - In a two dimensional flow if the components of the velocity are u = ax ; v = by, the point where no motion occurs, is known as

stagnation point

337 - In a two dimensional incompressible steady flow around an airfoil, the stream lines are 2 cm apart at a great distance from the airfoil, where the velocity is 30 m/sec. The velocity near the airfoil, where the stream lines are 1.5 cm apart, is____________

40 m/sec

338 - In a venturimeter, the divergent cone is kept

longer than convergent cone

339 - In all the characteristic curves, the overall efficiency is aimed at the maximum value.


340 - In an inclined pipe, the pressure difference at its two ends is due to

all the above.

341 - In an inclined position, a venturimeter records

same reading

342 - In an open tube, free surface of mercury remains

curved downwards

343 - In an outward flow reaction turbine the discharge _______


344 - In analytical approach, dp= __________


345 - In Belgium method of tunneling _________________?

construction of roof arch is completed before side walls and invert are built

346 - In C.G.S. system the unit of visocity is


347 - In C.G.S. system the units of kinematic viscosity, is


348 - In case of a Medium runner, tan (α1) CANNOT be given by (α1 = Guide vane angle at inlet)?

Vw1 / u1

349 - In case of an airfoil, the separation of flow occurs________________?

at the extreme rear of body

350 - In case of gas turbines and compressors, degree of reaction is ________

Isentropic enthalpy drop in rotor/ isentropic enthalpy drop in stage


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