Plant Breeding And Genetics MCQs

1 - The turgor pressure is always equal and opposite in direction to:

Wall pressure

2 - A child is born with an extra chromosome in each of it cells, the reason is___________________?


3 - A cross of hybrid with one of its parents is termed as____________________?


4 - A cross of hybrid with one of its recessive parent is termed____________________?

Test cross

5 - A cross of unlike organisms is termed as____________________?


6 - A dihybrid ratio is____________________?


7 - A gene which enhances the natural mutations rate of another gene in the same genome is kanown as___________________?

Mutable gene

8 - A gene which exhibits higher mutation rate than others is referred as___________________?

Mutable gene

9 - A genetic element which can exist in more than one of the two alternative forms is known as__________________?


10 - A healthy plant not selling seed may be due to____________________?

Male sterility

11 - A heterogeneous population include_______________?

All the above

12 - A mutant organism (bacterium) that will not grow on a minimal medium does so on the addition of some grown factor is known as __________________?


13 - A mutation is a change in_________________?

Chromosome number

14 - A mutation which kills 50% of the individual that carry the mutation is known as_________________?

Sub lethal mutation

15 - A normal plant suddenly started reproducing parthengentically. the number of chromosomes of the second generation compared to the parent plant will be____________________?


16 - A nullisomic individual is represented by________________?


17 - A place or area where maximum variability of crop plants is observed__________________?

Centers of diversity

18 - A polyploidy species with genomes derived from the same original species is an_________________?


19 - A rearrangement of a group of genes in a chromosome in such a way that their order in the chromosomes is reversed is known as _____________________?

Recessive gene

20 - A species or type of a plant derived from doubling the chromosome of the F1 hybrid of two known species is known as__________________?


21 - A transonic individual has chromosome number____________________?

2 n+1

22 - A useful process for determining whether an individual is homozygous or heterozygous is_____________________?

Back crossing

23 - Abnormal cell with random number of chromosomes is__________________?


24 - Absence of chlorophyll in a plant is known as__________________?


25 - After self pollination of red flowered plants out of 40 plants of progeny were white flowered. this indicates that the plants are__________________?


26 - All organism or cell having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the monoploid or basic number is known as___________________?


27 - All the individuals derived by vegetative propagation from a single individual is known as___________________?

Affects more than five characters

28 - Allogamy is promoted by____________________?

All the above

29 - Allogamy is the common form of________________________?

Out breeding

30 - Allogamy leads to___________________?

Heterozy gosity

31 - Among the following the test cross is_________________?


32 - Amount of DNA is the diploid cells____________________?

Coustant for all organismes

33 - Amphimixis refers to_______________________?

Sexual reproduction

34 - An auxotroph is_________________?

A mutant organism which has lost its ability to synthesize one or more essential nutrients

35 - An exce4ption of Mendel€™s law is______________________?


36 - An individual lacking only one chromosome from the diploid set is referred as_________________?


37 - An individual with two identical members of a part of geneue factors is called__________________?


38 - An organism or cell having a chromosome number that is higher than the exact nultiple of the basic number is known as__________________?


39 - Analysis of covanance permits estimation of_____________________?

All the above

40 - Anthesis starts in Allium cepa at___________________?

7.00 am

41 - Anthesis starts in wheat at__________________?

1.15 pm

42 - Apheliotropic gene is one which___________________?

Affects more than one character

43 - Argemone mexicana is an objectional wed of__________________?


44 - Artificial vegetative reproduction is done by_________________?

All the above

45 - As a general rule interbreeding is possible between______________________?

Any two members of a Species

46 - As a result of linkage and crossingover _____________________?

Exchange of chromosomal material

47 - Bacteria, single celled animals and plants are grouped to gather as_______________________?


48 - Biometrics for the study of quantitative genetics was provided by ___________________?


49 - Blackeselee reported the first case of monoploid in__________________?


50 - Breeder seed is the progeny of__________________?

Nucleus seed

51 - capsicum is a rich source of___________________?

Vitamin A

52 - Cells intercommunicates with neighbouring cells by_________________?


53 - Chemically DNA differs from RNA by __________________?

Deoxyribose and thymine is present in DNA and ribose and Ural in RNA

54 - Citification is not required for_____________________?

Breeder seed

55 - Colchicum () is extracted from__________________?


56 - Common and easily available source of energy does not contain RNA__________________?


57 - Concept of biparental mating was developed by__________________?

Comstock and Robinson (1948)

58 - Concept of combining ability as measure of gene action was first proposed by___________________?

Sprague and Tatum (1942)

59 - Concept of disruptive selection was first developed by__________________?

Falconer (1960)

60 - Concept of gene for gene hypothesis was developed in____________________?


61 - Concept of generation means analysis was developed by_______________________?

Hayman (1958)

62 - Concept of ideotype was coined by__________________?


63 - Concept of ideotype___________________?

All the above

64 - Concept of path coefficient analysis was given by_________________?

Mather (1949)

65 - Concept of triple test cross of analysis was developed by____________________?

Kearsey and Jinks (1960)

66 - Conservation of germplasm under natural condion is called_________________?

In-situ conservation

67 - Continuous variation are attrions are attributed to____________________?


68 - Convergent improvement was proposed by________________?

Richy (1920)

69 - Cuscuta is an object ional weed of_____________________?


70 - Cytoplasm fills of the cavity of a cell when if is young. But in nature cells, the cytoplasm________________?

Becomes vacuolated

71 - Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility was first discovered by___________________?

Jones and Davies (1944)

72 - Cytoplasmic sterility is govemed by________________________?

Plasma genes

73 - Dee-Geo-Woogen is the source of dwarfing gene in___________________?


74 - Development of embryo from egg cell without fertilization is known as___________________?


75 - Diagrammatic representation of the chromosomes of an organism arranged according to their size is called_____________________?


76 - Difference between mean phenotypic value of the progeny of selected plants and the parental population is known as__________________?

Genetic advance

77 - Diocious plant is____________________?

All the above

78 - Discriminant function of plant selection was suggested by____________________?

Smith (1936)

79 - Disease and insect resistance is governed by________________?

All the above

80 - Dispersal of seeds by parachute mechanism is present in__________________?


81 - DNA is genetic material was first discovered by____________________?

Avery et al (1944)

82 - Dominance hypothesis of heterosis was first proposed by__________________?

Davenport (1908)

83 - Drought is measured in terms of________________?

All the above

84 - Drought resistance is associated with___________________?

all the above

85 - Drought tolerance is associated with ____________________?

All of the above

86 - Duplication of chromosomes occurs during_________________?

Mitosis and meiosis

87 - Edible part of orange is__________________?

Multicelled endocarpic hair

88 - Edible part of pomegranate is____________________?

juicy test

89 - Electron microscope was invented by _________________?

Knoll and Risks

90 - Episodes may be factor in____________________?


91 - Epitasis implies_____________________?

One pair of gene can completely mask the expression of another gene pair

92 - Erucic acid is found is_____________________?


93 - Estimation of correlation form error variances and covariance€™s is________________?

Genotypic correlation

94 - Eugenics refers to__________________?

Science concerned with improvement of heredity of human race

95 - Evolution may be described as___________________?

Inheritance of acquired characters

96 - Evolution proceed on account of____________________?

Adaptations through genervation

97 - Fertilization in a flower occurs within the____________________?


98 - First intergeneric hybrid between radish and cabbage was made by__________________?

Karechenko (1927)

99 - From a single ear of corn a farmer planted 300 kernels which produced 225 tall and 75 short plants. the genotype of these offsprings are most likely to be_____________________?

TT Tt and tt

100 - From which part of the coconut tem coir is obtained_____________________/

Per carp of fruit

101 - Gamatophytic system of self incompatibility was first discovered by____________________?

East and Mangelsdref (1925)

102 - Gametophytic self incompatibility was first reported in___________________?

Nicotine sandarac

103 - Gene for gene hypothesis was proposed by__________________?

Flor (1956)

104 - Gene pool consist of____________________?

All the above

105 - Gene responsible for the synthesis of repressor is called__________________?

Regulator gene

106 - Genetic correlation between two variables may be due to___________________?


107 - Genetic male sterility is controlled by_________________?

nuclear genes

108 - Genetic selection was proposed by_________________?

Stadler (1944)

109 - Germplasm collected within the country is known as____________________?

Indigenous collection

110 - Germplasm gene banks for different crop plants in world are about_____________________?


111 - germplasm which is meant for short term storage (3 to 5 years) is known as___________________?

Working collection

112 - Global gene bank of barley is located at__________________?


113 - Global gene bank of Potato is located at_____________________?

CIP Peru

114 - Global gene bank of sorghum is located at_______________________?


115 - Global gene pool rice is maintained at_________________?

IRRI Philippines

116 - Gradual reduction on genetic variability due to elimination of various () is called_______________________?

Genetic erosion

117 - Gynandromorphy in Drosophila because of_________________?


118 - Haploid plants have been produced by another culture in tomato by_________________?

Greshof and Doy (1972)

119 - haploids are better for mutation studies because in them all the mutations whether recessive or dominant are expressed as_______________?

There is only one alleles of each gene present in each cell

120 - Headquarter of union for the protection of new plant varieties is in__________________?


121 - Heat, cold and frost resistance ideotype have been developed in_____________________?

None of the above

122 - Hereditary variations in plants have been produced by the use of________________?

Gibberrellic acid

123 - Herkogamy is found in___________________?


124 - Heterobeltiosis is estimated over the___________________?

Better parent

125 - Heterosis can be fixed by___________________?

All the above

126 - Heterosis can be fully exploited in the form of_____________________?


127 - Heterosis results due to____________________?

All the above

128 - High values of genetic advance are indicative of____________________?

Partial dominance gene action

129 - Homozygous population include_________________?

All the above

130 - How many mitouc divisions will take place to produce 512 cells from a single parent cell_________________?


131 - How many times mitotic divisions must occur in a cell of the root tip to form 256 cels___________________?


132 - How many type of DNA are_________________?


133 - ICARDA is located at___________________?


134 - Ieucaena lencocephala is a popular tree for______________________?

Nutritive forage

135 - If a haploid chromosome number of a gymnosperm is 12 the chromosome in its endosperm will be__________________?


136 - If a heterozygous tall plant is crossed with a homozygous dwarf plant the proportion of dwarf progerry will be__________________?


137 - If a plant heterozygous for tallness is selfed, f2 feneration has both tall and dwarf plants. this proves the principle of__________________?


138 - If a plant is heterozygousand is designated (BbMm)and produces two kinds of gametes either (BM)or (bm), then the possibility of (bm) gametes fertilizing either (BM) or (bm) is_________________?


139 - If a pure tall plant is crossed with a pure dwarf one, the ratio of tall pure dwarf in the F 2 generation after selling F1 plant will be___________________?


140 - If diploid chromo me number in flowering plant is 8 then 4 chromosomes will be present in_________________?


141 - If the cell of an organism (heterozygous) for two pairs of genes represented by Aa, Bb, undergoes meiosis then the possible genotype of gametes are________________?

AB, Ab, aB, ab

142 - If the frequency of a dominant phenotype in a stable population in 75% the frequency of the dominant allele in that population is____________________?


143 - If the haploid number of chromosomes in a plant is 12, then the number of chromosomes in monosmic is_________________?


144 - If the leaf cells have eight chromosomes it is mostly likely that__________________?

Gametes will have 4 chromosomes

145 - If the offspring of F, (blue) is crossed with white male parent the result will be______________________?

Half blue and half white

146 - If two opposite alleles come together, and one of the two finds expression and mask the other in he body this facts is explained as_________________?

Law of dominance

147 - In a monohybrid cross, 2 heterozygous individuals were crossed, phenotypic ratio came to be (2:1), it is due to__________________?

Dominant lethal genes in homozygous individuals

148 - In a population gene frequencies remain constant when there is_________________?

Random mating

149 - In allogamous species, a true breeding line obtained by continuous inbreeding is__________________?


150 - In barley, resistance to cereal leaf beetle is associated with_________________?

Waxiness of leaves

151 - In bhindi, production of foundation seed needs and isolation distance_________________?

200 meters

152 - In case of incomplete dominance in the f2 generation_______________________?

Phenotypic ratio corresponds to the genotypic ratio

153 - In cereals limiting amino acids are________________?

a and b

154 - In cotton, jassids have non preference for______________________?

Hairiness of leaves

155 - In crop improvement programmed haploids are of great importance because they__________________?

Give homozygous lines following diplodization

156 - In forage, crops, ideal plant type consists of ______________________?

Tall, leafy, high leaf/stem ratio

157 - In green vegetables, the limiting amino acids is__________________?


158 - In half diallel, total crosses among parents are equal to___________________?

P (P+1)/2

159 - In Incern, resistance to spotted aphid is associated with__________________?

High saponin in leaves

160 - In line x tester cross each male is crossed with____________________?

Same sets of females

161 - In lucern, toxic substance is found in_____________________?


162 - In maize source of high lysine is___________________?

Opaque 2

163 - In meiosis homologous chromosomes separate from each other in ______________________?

Auaphase I

164 - In oat an site-specific cross between Ivena sativa and A busantus_____________________?

Fully fertile

165 - In populations genotypic and phenotypic ratios are identical in cases of___________________?

Incomplete dominance

166 - In potato food is stored in__________________?


167 - In primary trisomic the extra chromosome is__________________?

Normal chromosome

168 - In pulses, limiting amino acids include__________________?


169 - In random mating population gene frequencies remain constant generation after generation in the absence of__________________?


170 - In rice, brown plant hopper has no preference for___________________?

All the above

171 - In sunflower, production of foundation seed requires as isolation___________________?

400 meters

172 - In the F2 generation, genotypic and phenotypic ratios are identical in cases of___________________?

None of the above

173 - In the long term storage, germplasm can be stored upto____________________?

100 years

174 - In wheat, example of durable insect resistance includes resistance to___________________?

All the above

175 - In wheat, Hessian fly pest is genetically controlled by__________________?

5D + 5d

176 - Increased flower size has made tetraploidy important for___________________?


177 - International institute for Tropical Agriculture is located at______________________?


178 - Jumping gene was first discovered in______________________?


179 - Kinds of nitrogen containing bases fond in RNA are__________________?


180 - Law of parallele variation was given by___________________?


181 - Linked gene may be separated by the process of_________________?

Inheritance of acquired characters

182 - Liposome€™s originated from____________________?


183 - Low magnitude of genotype x environmental interaction indicates__________________?

High buffering capacity

184 - Maize has 10 pairs of chromosomes. how many linkage groups will be present if all the genes are mapped__________________?


185 - Male sterility in flowering plant was first reported by___________________?

Koelreuter (1763)

186 - Male sterility in flowering plants was first reported is__________________?

Koelreuter (1763)

187 - Many groups of insects have developed resistance to DDT and other insecticides as a result of____________________?


188 - Mass pedigree method was developed by__________________?

Harrington (1973)

189 - Mating between distantly related individuals is known as________________?

Out breeding

190 - Mating system in which each female gamete () with every male gamete is known as____________________?

Random mating

191 - Maturation of stamens and pistils at different times in the same flower is called___________________?


192 - Maximum mutants varieties are evolved in_________________?


193 - Maximum vegetable crops belong to the family____________________?


194 - Meiosis is significant because___________________?

Restores original number of chromosomes

195 - Mendel studied contrasting characters for his breeding cxperiments with peas which of the following character he did not study_______________?

Leaf shape

196 - Mendel was lucky to use pea plants for genetical experiments because__________________?

The seven characters he studied were on different chromosomes

197 - mitosis is the normal process in a living cell but sudden and abnormal mitosis in an organ will some time result in__________________?


198 - Mutant allele that has little or no effect on the expression of a tart is known as_____________________?


199 - Mutation breeding is mostly used in____________________?

Self pollinated crops

200 - Mutation was first discovered by________________?

Wright (1791)

201 - Name chromosome was coined by ___________________?


202 - Neurotoxin is found in___________________?


203 - Nobel prize for the discovery of operon model was awarded to__________________?

Jacob and monod (1965)

204 - Norine 10 is the source of dwarfing gene in________________?


205 - Number of lindage groups of chromosomes____________________?

Haploid number of chromosomes

206 - Nutritional quality breeding deals with genetic improvement in__________________?

All the above

207 - Occurrence of cells in diploid organisms containing multiples of the 2n genomes is known as____________________?

End polyploidy

208 - One of the following is not a technique in hybridization_________________?


209 - One of the following is not an advantage of genetic engineering___________________?

The gene pool is maintained

210 - One of the persons whose evolutionary ideas were close to that of Laraarcd was____________________?


211 - Organic evolution through large discontinuous variations was propound by__________________?

Huge and Vnes

212 - Organism arise from existing forms by genetic variations is called_________________?


213 - Organisms that can synthesize all their substances from simple inorganic molecules are termed as____________________?


214 - Out breeding leads to reproduction in____________________?


215 - Parthenocarpy is the production of____________________?

fruit without fertilization

216 - Parthenogenesis is most commonly seen in___________________?


217 - Pedigree selection is used in____________________?

Cross pollinated plants

218 - Plant breeder right are operating in____________________?

200 meters

219 - Plants can be made disease resistant by___________________?

Breeding with the wild variety

220 - Plants having monoecious flowers are found in____________________?

All the above

221 - Plasmids are discovered by___________________?

Iscki & Sakai

222 - Pollen sterility which is controlled by both cytoplasmic and nuclear genes is known as___________________?


223 - Polyploidy is most likely to result from ____________________?

The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis

224 - Polytene chromosomes were first observed by___________________?

Balbiani (1881)

225 - Prepotency increase with increase in_______________?


226 - Prescribed germination percentage of foundation seed of groundnut____________________?


227 - Presence of slight differences in identical twins support the hypothesis that___________________?

The environment effects the expression of genetic character

228 - Primitive cultivars which are selected and cultivated by farmers for many years are___________________?

Land races

229 - Protein content in barely is higher than____________________?


230 - Protoandry is found in____________________?


231 - Pure line theory was developed by_______________?

Johannsen (1903)

232 - Ratio of additive variance to phenotypic variance is called___________________?

Heritability (narrow sense)

233 - Ratio of genotypic covariance to the phenotypic covariance is____________________?


234 - Reciprocal recurrent selection is effective with___________________?

All the above

235 - Reciprocal recurrent selection was proposed by___________________?

Constock et al (1949)

236 - Red (RR) is crossed with white (ww). All the (Rw) offsprings are pink this is an indication that the R gene is_________________?

Incomplete dominant

237 - Red flower pea plant is crossed with the white flowered pea plant, F1 is red; with flower color is ______________________?


238 - RELP€™s, RAPD are helpful in________________?

All the above

239 - RELP€™s, RAPD are helpful in___________________?

All the above

240 - Reproduction from an unfertilized egg or reproduction without fertilization may be defined as___________________?


241 - Ribosome€™s are the centers of_____________________?

Protein synthesis

242 - Rice flowers have___________________?

Six stamens

243 - RNA contains__________________?


244 - RNA contains_____________________?

5 carbon sugars

245 - Rum is distilled from____________________?

Unrefined products of sugarcane

246 - Seed germination in typhoin walermelon can successfully be obtained by____________________?


247 - Seed is___________________?

Transformcd ovary after fertilization

248 - Seeds which dried at low moisture content and stored at low temperature without losing their viability are__________________?

Orthodox seeds

249 - Selenium unigram is used as__________________?

All the above

250 - Self incompatibility in which the genes express in the style is known as__________________?

Styler SL

251 - Self incompatibility is used for hybrid seed production in______________________?


252 - Self incompatibility which is controlled by single gene found in some species of__________________?

All the above

253 - Self incompatibility which is controlled by two genes is found in___________________?


254 - Self pollination is associated with__________________?


255 - Shull and East (1908) proposed over dominance hypothesis of hetrosis in_________________?


256 - Single celled plants are called__________________?


257 - Single seed descent method was first suggested by_________________?

Goulden (1939)

258 - Somatic hybrid "Pomato" was produced by fusion between potato and tomato by__________________?

Melchers et al (1978)

259 - Soybean contains___________________?

Both A & B

260 - Specific combining ability is primarily a function of___________________?

All the above

261 - Split gene was first reported in___________________?


262 - Srought is indicated by__________________?

all the above

263 - Stadler, first used X-rays for induction of mutation in_________________?


264 - Strands of DNA are bounded by___________________?


265 - Sugar present in DNA is_______________?


266 - Superiority of heterozygote in respect to one or more traits in comparison to corresponding homozygote is known as____________________?


267 - Suppose that out of 1000 offspring€™s in the generation of a dithered cross, 748 are tall and hairy, 6 are tall and smooth, 4 are short and hairy and 242 are short and smooth. what is the explanation for this kind of ratio ?

Linkage and crossing over

268 - Synopsis occur in___________________?


269 - System of mating were given by_________________?

Sewell Wright (1921)

270 - Tea, coffee and mango seeds can not be converted in seed banks because they drastic loss in viability with decrease in moisture content below.___________________?


271 - The ATP formed in__________________?


272 - The carrier of genetic information is __________________?

Nucleic acid

273 - The cell theory was propounded by____________________?

Scheiiden and Schwann

274 - The change in chromosome number which involves the entire set of genome is known as______________?


275 - The chief function of the centro mere concerns___________________?

Chromosome movement

276 - The chromosome number of human race is__________________?


277 - The concept of diallel selective mating was developed by____________________?

Jensen (1970)

278 - The concept of disruptive was given by____________________?


279 - The concept of multi line varieties was developed by_________________?

Jensen (1952)

280 - The crossing of a yomozygous tall plant and a homozygous dwarf plant would yield plants in the ratio of_________________?

All the heterozygous tall

281 - The digestive vacuole in the animal cell are____________________?


282 - The enzymes and pigments associated with photosynthesis are located in ___________________?


283 - The experimental design which control fertility variation in one direction is known as____________________?


284 - The experimental design which controls fertility variation in two directions in known as_________________?


285 - The first artificial hybridization in fruit crops was done by____________________?


286 - The first attempt to show linkage in plants were done in____________________?

Lathers odorous

287 - The first organisms to appear on the earth were more like plants than animals because__________________?

Plants can manufacture their own food material

288 - The food in onion is stored in_________________?

Scale leaves

289 - The functional unit of mutation is___________________?


290 - The genetic constitution of an orgarusm is denoted by____________________?


291 - The geometrical device that helps in visnalizing all the possible combinations of male and female gametes known as____________________?

Mendel square

292 - The giant chromosomes of Drosophila are found in_____________________?

Salivary glands

293 - The maximum magnification possible within electron microscope is____________________?

200,000 times

294 - The mechanism ensuring genetic continuity in mitosis is____________________?

Formation of two daughter cells with identical DNA

295 - The membrane which surrounds the___________________?


296 - The most effective method for the transfer of oligogenic characters________________?


297 - The most recent evolved plant group is ____________________?


298 - The name "Suicide bag" is given to___________________?


299 - The new crop critical has been evolved by intervener hybridization between________________________?

Rye & Wheat

300 - The nucleic acids comprise of_________________?


301 - The offspring of a cross between twp individuals differing in at least one set of characters is called__________________?


302 - The organic evolution look place about__________________?

200,000,000 ears

303 - The outer most part of plant cell is____________________?

Cellulose cell wall

304 - The parry of Cauliflower which is eaten is__________________?


305 - The physical appearance of an organism is denoted by____________________?


306 - The policy level of commercially cultivated seedless watermelon is__________________?


307 - The process of producing several indentical copies of a gene sequence referred to as__________________?

Gene cloning

308 - The process of transfer and deletion of several gene is_____________________?

Chromosomal mutation

309 - The protein synthesizing system is associated with_____________________?


310 - The protoplasm is________________?

Crysto colloidal solution

311 - The ratio of treatment variance to error variance is known as______________________?


312 - The reason why mutations which are harmful do not eliminated from gene pool is that___________________?

They are recessive and carried by heterozygous individuals

313 - The recommended ratio of male the recommended of male rows to female rows in hybrid bajra production is_________________?

2 to 4

314 - The role of nucleus in regulating the morphology of the plant was discovered in___________________?


315 - The significance of difference among several means is tested with the help of____________________?


316 - The slow process by which new types of organisms arise from existing forms by genetics variation is called_______________________?


317 - The small unit of DNA capable of undergoing crossing over and recommbination is________________?


318 - The smallest cell organelle so far is_____________________?


319 - The smallest unit of recombination in the chromosome is called___________________?


320 - The smell in onion bulb is due to________________?

Sulphur compounds

321 - The spread of genes from one breeding population to another by migration which may result in changes in gene frequency is called________________?

Genetic drift

322 - The spread of genes from one breeding population to another by migration which may result in changes in gene frequency is called__________________?

Gene flow

323 - The suppression of the action of a gene or genes by a gene or genes not allelomorphic to these suppressed is known as __________________?


324 - The term cell was introduced in 1665 by__________________?


325 - The term gene was coined by__________________?


326 - The term heterosis was coined by____________________?

Shull (1914)

327 - The term homeostasis was coined by_____________________?

Lemer (1954)

328 - The term ideotype was coined by_____________________?

Donald (1968)

329 - The term micro and macro environment was given by___________________?

Comstock and Moll (1963)

330 - The term mitosis was coined by________________?

Flemming (1882)

331 - The term mitosis was coined by__________________?

Flemming (1882)

332 - The term poly genes was coined by___________________?

Mather (1943)

333 - The term recurrent selection was coined by_________________?

Hull (1945)

334 - The term self incompatibility was coined by________________?

None of the above

335 - The term useful heterosis was first used by__________________?

Meredith and Bridge (1972)

336 - The term vertical resistance and horizontal resistance were first used by________________________?

Van der plank (1963)

337 - The two integuments of a ovule develop into:

Seed coats

338 - The type of male sterility used in hybrid seed production in pearlmilet is:

Genetic cytoplasmic male sterility

339 - The value of regression and correlation is the same when the correlation between two variables is________________?


340 - The variety of genes and genotypes found in a particular crop special are_____________________?

Genetic diversity

341 - Theory of mutation was given by___________________?


342 - Three important law of heredity proposed by Mendel relate to___________________?

Segregation, independent assortment and dominance recessive ness

343 - Tomato would not have turned red if__________________?

There were no ripe apples in the box

344 - Top cross was first suggested by__________________?

Davis (1927)

345 - Triticuin aestivuin is_________________?


346 - Two allelie genes are located on_______________________?

Two homologous chromosomes

347 - Under drought conditions, there is an increase in__________________?

All the above

348 - Various crosses made using a common tester are__________________?

Test cross

349 - Vertical resistance is also known as_________________?

All the above

350 - What is the function of Gorge bodies__________________?

Segregation of the products of sunthesis

351 - When a cell with 40 chromosomes undergoes meiosis each of the four resulting cells has_____________________?

20 chromosomes

352 - When a wheat variety with red kernels (homozygous for two non allelic and independent dominant genes) is crossed with white kenneled wheat (homozygous for two recessive non allelic independent genes), the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation would be____


353 - When an albino plant of maize (female) is crossed with normal green plant (male) all plants in the progeny are albino because___________________?

Plastids are inherited through maternal parents

354 - When pollination and fertilization occur in unopened flower bud it is known as__________________?


355 - When red tall plant is crossed with dwarf white plant all the plants of F, are found to be tall red. which of the following ratio will be available when a test cross is made_________________?


356 - When two genes are situated very close together in a chromosome_____________________?

No crossing ever can ever takes place between them

357 - Where would you look for active cell division in a plant _____________________?

Tips of stem & roots

358 - Which are the necessary conditions for the hardy Weinberg principle for applying to genetic population________________?

High mutation ratio and small population

359 - Which feature is not found in all living beings____________________?

Energy storage in high high energy phosphate bonds

360 - Which generate variability_________________?


361 - Which is the suitable perennial grass for lean periods__________________?


362 - Which of the following had great influence on Drawing during during formulation of his theory of natural selection_________________?

De Vries theory of mutation

363 - Which of the following is not a fruit____________________?


364 - which of the following probably occur when a diploid cell undergoes normal meiotic division________________?

All homologous chromosome pairs will separate

365 - Which one is C3 crop plant__________________?

all the above

366 - Which one is C4 crop plant_____________________?

all the above

367 - Which one of the following does not contain both DNA and RNA__________________?


368 - Which one of the following does not contain RNA_______________?


369 - Which one of the following is fruit____________________?


370 - Which one of the following is not found in DNA__________________?


371 - Whisky is distilled from__________________?

Fermented mash of malted or unmalted cereals and potatoes

372 - Who arrang the following associated with genetic engineering___________________?


373 - Who coin the term genetic load _____________?

Muller (1950)

374 - Who coined the term genetic flexibility and phenotypic flexibility___________________?

Thoday (1953)

375 - Who discovered nucleic acid________________?


376 - Who discovered ribosomes__________________?


377 - Who gave the model of DNA_________________?

Watson and Crick

378 - Who gave the principle that man tends to multiply faster than food supply________________?


379 - Winter beats are grown in___________________?


380 - Year 1900 was significant for geneticists due to__________________?

Rediscovery of Mendel's


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