Plant Pathology Important MCQs

1 - _______ proposed a classification of fungi which is now widely accepted:

Ainsworth (1973)

2 - Acervuli is _____ shaped:


3 - Adsorbed Ca++, Mg++ or A1++ may encourage soil aggregate formation starting with a process called:


4 - Aeolian deposit are formed by the transportation of materials through:


5 - Alternate host of black stem rust of wheat:


6 - Antenae of insect is__________________?

Sensory organ

7 - Anterior tinsel flagellum is characteristics of:


8 - Anthracnose of Grape is also known as:

Both (a) & (c)

9 - Association of fungi with roots of higher plants is known as:


10 - Bacilli are:

Rod shaped

11 - Bacterial cell surrounded by flagella is called:


12 - Bacterial leaf blight of rice caused by Xanthomonaso ryzae can be identified by:

Yellowing of leaves

13 - Bemesia tabbaci is the name of_________________?

White fly

14 - Bengal famine was caused due to:

Drechslera oryzae

15 - Black heart of potato is caused due to deficiency of:


16 - Black stem rust of wheat caused by:

Puccinia graminis tritici

17 - Black tip of mango is caused by:

Boron deficiency

18 - Blast disease is an international disease of________________?


19 - Blast of rice is caused:


20 - Bombyx morri is the name of___________________?

Silk worm

21 - Bordeaux mixture was discovered by P.A. Millardet of France during the year 1882 following his chance observation of farmer's practice for protection against:

Plasmopara viticola on grapevine

22 - Botulism is caused by species of:


23 - Brassicol is _____ fungicide:


24 - Brown spot of maize is caused by:

Physoderus zeamaydis

25 - By 1857, Barkley and Schacht discovered root knot nematodes and cyst nematode in:


26 - Carborundum powder is:

Silicon carbide

27 - Choose the odd one:

Red leaf = Sugarcane

28 - Choose the wrong combination:

Zineb = Kitazin

29 - Club root is disease of____________________?


30 - Cocci are:

Spherical shaped

31 - Cockroach cutworms grass hoopers, stem borer and fruit borers are______________?

Chewing type insects

32 - Coffee rust is caused by:

Hemileia vastatrix

33 - Collar rot in chilies is caused by___________________?

phytophytora cupri

34 - Conidia and sporangia are the spores produced by:


35 - Crystalization of viruses has done by:


36 - Cysts are formed by:


37 - Death of tissue in virus infected plant described as:


38 - Disease are transmitted through_________________?

All the above

39 - Disease symptoms known as phyllidy in sesamum are caused by:


40 - Dithane M-45 is a:


41 - Domestic quarantine exists on:

Wart of potato

42 - Dormancy of insects in summer is called________________?


43 - Downy mildew of maize is caused by:

Peronosclerspora sacchari

44 - Dry root rot of legumes and beans is caused by:


45 - Exclusion of plant disease by legislation is known as:

Plant quarantine

46 - First of all microscope discovered by:


47 - First plant parasitic bacteria was reported by:

T.J. Burrill

48 - First plant parasitic nematode discovered was:


49 - First plant parasitic nematode was reported by:


50 - Flag smut of sweat could be controlled by:

Seed treatment with vitavax

51 - Flag smut of wheat is caused by:

Urceystis trlttct

52 - Foot rot of papaya is caused by:

Pythium aphanidermatum

53 - Formulation or insecticides is__________________?


54 - Fungi damage our crops by_________________?

Absorption of nutrients from plant tissues

55 - Fungi which can grow only on living host plant are called:

Obligate parasites

56 - Fungi, which can grow on living host plant, are called:

Obligate parasite

57 - Fusarium belong to order:


58 - Gelatin plate technique was discovered by:

Robert Koch

59 - Genus Radopholus of nematode was first described in 1893 on the basis of a male specimen obtained from necrotic roots of _____ growing in Fiji Islands.


60 - Gummosis is the disease of_________________?

Citrus (Lemon)

61 - Gurdaspur borer is pest of__________________?


62 - Heliothus armigera is the name of_____________________?

None of the above

63 - Hemittodet penetrate in plant tissues with the aid of:


64 - Heterocious nature of rust means:

A fungus require one host species to complete life cycle

65 - Heterodera belongs to super family:


66 - Honey bee, bumble bee, butter flies and moths are___________________?


67 - How much quantity of nematicide is used to control the nematodes in one hectare are?

20 - 25 kg

68 - If a few cells of an alga spirogyra are kept in a strong solution, the cell contents contract away from the cell wall, this is due to:


69 - In bacterial brown rot and wilt of potato the amount of _____ produced by pathogens are proportional to severity of symptoms:


70 - In which rust pustules are arranged in end-to-end manner and forming strip?

Yellow rust

71 - Insect body is divided in to_____________________?

3 regions

72 - Insects have_________________?

20 segments

73 - IPM is a pest control strategy in which__________________?

Cultural and biological control techniques are used

74 - Irish famine was caused due to:

Late blight of potato

75 - Late blight of potato is caused by:

Phytophthora infestans

76 - Lathyrism is nervous disease caused by____________________?

Consumption of matter over longer periods

77 - Leaf curl of tobacco is caused by:

Nicotina virus-10

78 - Leaf roll of potato is caused by:


79 - Leaf roll of potato is transmitted by:

All above

80 - Leaf spot or tikka is the disease of____________________?

Ground nuts

81 - Levillula is a:


82 - Lichen is an association between:

Algae and Fungus

83 - Linseed rust is caused by:

Melampsora lini

84 - Loose smut of wheat can be effectively controlled by:

Seed treatment with systemic fungicides

85 - Loose smut of wheat is a disease known as:

Internally seed borne

86 - Malathrion and Parathion insecticides belongs to_________________?


87 - Malpighian tubules are organs of_________________?


88 - Meloidogyne belongs to group of:


89 - Micro organisms were first observed by:

Antony Van Leeuwenhock

90 - Microbiology is the science of which we study:

All above

91 - Modification of floral parts into leafy structures by pathogenic infection called:


92 - Most effective fungicide against powdery mildew disease:


93 - Most of the plant parasitic nematodes belong to order:


94 - Mycology is the study of:


95 - Mycoplasma disease of plant was first reported by:

Doi et al. and Ishire et al.

96 - Mycoplasma is sensitive to:


97 - Nematode genus Hoplolaimus Daday was first recorded in _____ from an island in the Paraguay river:


98 - Nematodes are also known as:


99 - Oceli is___________________?

Eye of insect

100 - Oil from American elm seed contains 55 per cent capric acid toxic to Ceratocystis uimi the pathogen causing the famous _____ disease:

Dutch elm

101 - Once the pathogen has established in an area, steps taken to remove or destroy is known as:


102 - Organo-chlorine insecticides includes___________________?

All the above

103 - Pathogen is_________________?

Any organism which causes disease

104 - Pectinolytic enzymes of plant pathogens playa major role during pathogenesis in diseases like:

Wilts, damping-off and root/foot rots

105 - Phycomycetes belong to:


106 - Phyllactinis causes the disease:

Powdery mildew

107 - Phytophthera belongs to family:


108 - Plant overgrowth due to increase in size of cell of the tissue:


109 - Plant parasitic nematodes posses:

Two part oesophagus

110 - Plant pathogenic viroids contain:

Externally seed-borne disease

111 - Plant Pathology is ____ word.


112 - Powdery mildew disease is caused by:


113 - Powdery mildew fungi belong to the family:


114 - Powdery mildews are controlled by spray of:

Sulphur fungicides

115 - Primary source of infection to green ear disease of bajra is:

Seed and soil

116 - Pycnidia are formed in order:


117 - Pythium belongs to class:


118 - Radophyceae is also known as:

Red algae

119 - Red rot of sugarcane is caused by:


120 - Red scales of ______ (red varieties) contain protocatechuic acid and catechol which may exude in drops to resist the attack of colletotrichum circinans:


121 - Rhizopus belongs to class:


122 - Root knot disease is caused by___________________?


123 - Root knot of vegetable is caused by:


124 - Root parasite of bajra is:


125 - Root rot of papaya could be controlled by application of:

Bordeaux mixture

126 - Rust belongs to sub-division:


127 - Rust teleutospore on germination produce:

Four basidiospores

128 - Schistocerca gregaria is the name of________________?


129 - Secondary spread of ergot of bajra is through:

Both (a) and (c)

130 - Severity of disease club root of cabbage can be reduced by application of:


131 - Sexual dimorphism means:

Males and Females are morphologically dissimilar

132 - Shape of bacterial cells is:

All of the above

133 - Smut gives the appearance of:

Sooty powder

134 - Smut of wheat is effectively controlled by:


135 - Some ______ varieties of apple exude toxic wax on leaf surface to prevent germination of conidia of Podosphaera leucotricha:

Powdery mildew resistant

136 - Some varieties of _____ are resistant to wilt due to the presence of hydrocyanidies (HCN) in root exudates:


137 - Species Plantarum is the greatest contribution of:


138 - Sporangium on germination produce vesicle in genera:


139 - Stalk root of onion is caused by________________?


140 - Stipe disease of barley is caused by:

Drechalera gramineum

141 - Striga is plant parasite included in:

Phanerogamic plant parasites

142 - Sugar beet cyst nematode was reported by:


143 - Systemic fungicides was discovered by:

Van Schleming and Kulka

144 - Taphrina causes the disease:

Peach leaf curt

145 - Term commensalism shows:

Living together of the two species, one of which is benefited by the association where as the other is neither beneficial nor harmful

146 - The ______ botanist Micheli (1679-1737) was the first scientist who in 1729 studied fungi and saw their spores:


147 - The anal and vulval openings in nematodes are located on:

Ventral side

148 - The beneficial relationship between two organisms living together is called__________________?


149 - The casual organism for earcockle disease of wheat is:

Anguina tritici

150 - The class ends with:


151 - The discovery of _____ mosaic by Meyer in 1886 was the beginning of studies on viruses as incitants of diseases in plants:


152 - The economic injury level for white fly is________________?

1-2 nymphs/leaf

153 - The entrance point for air in insects are known as _________________?


154 - The epidermal cells of ____ plant become filled with toxic terpenoid aldehyde after they are few days old and these cells are rarely penetrated by pathogens:


155 - The factors which induces disease outbreak is________________?

All the above

156 - The founder of mycology was:

Anton de Bary

157 - The fungi are plants which can not prepare their food because__________________?

They have no chlorophyll

158 - The fungus belonging to order Erysiphales cause_________________?

Powdery mildew

159 - The genera Claviceps. Alternaria and Sclerospora are:


160 - The granular formulation are commonly applied to control_______________?

Fruit and stem borers

161 - The heart like pumping organ in insect is_________________?

Dorsal Vessel

162 - The insecticides with least mammalian toxicity are____________________?


163 - The insecticides with longest residual effect belongs to___________________?


164 - The insects have__________________?

2 pair of wings and 3 pair of legs

165 - The insects which transfer disease from one plant to another is known as__________________?


166 - The larval stage of flies (Diptera) is known as_________________?


167 - The main pest of fruit in Pakistan is_________________?

Fruit fly

168 - The major disease of matter (field pea) is____________________?

Powdery mildew

169 - The major viral disease of cotton is____________________?

Cotton leaf curl virus

170 - The microorganism, used in brewing industry is:


171 - the most devastating migratory pest is____________________?


172 - The my co toxins are poisonous substance produced by__________________?


173 - The nematode Radopholus similes has shown the maximum numbers at a soil depth of:

20-30 m

174 - The organism included in order pernosporales cause the disease known as:

Downy mildew

175 - The organism lacking a well defined necleus are termed:


176 - The organisms included in order Peronosporales cause the disease known as:


177 - The organisms lacking a well defined nucleus are termed:


178 - The pesticide poisoning with organo-phosphates or carbamater treated with________________?


179 - The plant disease caused by an algae is:

Red rust of tea

180 - The plant disease primarily responsive for the""Great Bengal Famine"of 1943 was:

Brown leaf spot of rice

181 - The plant mycoplasmal diseases are transmitted by:

Leaf hoppers

182 - The popular insecticides of organo-chlorine group are________________?


183 - The study of fungi is called__________________?


184 - The substance used to treat pesticide poisoning is called as_________________?


185 - The sucking type insects of cotton are ________________?

All the above

186 - The sucking type insects of cotton are________________?

All the above

187 - The sucking type insects pesis are controlled by________________?


188 - The symptom of red rot of sugarcane mostly found on:


189 - The symptoms of powdery mildew appears on________________?

Foliage of plants

190 - The technical name of jassid is_________________?

Amrosca devestons

191 - The Tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is known as:___________?


192 - The two important diseases of sugarcane would include:

Red rot and grassy shoot

193 - The viral disease can be controlled by_________________?

Growing resistant varieties

194 - The whole body of fungus is known as________________?


195 - The wings and legs of insects are present in___________________?


196 - Thread like structure surrounding the pupal stage of the insect (Silk worm) is_________________?


197 - Three regions of insect body are________________?

Head, thorax and abdomen

198 - Tilletia causes the disease:


199 - To which group Dithane Z-78 belongs:

Dithiocarbomic acid

200 - Tobacco mosaic infections intity was isolated in pure crystalline form of protein by:


201 - Tobacco mosaic virus was first reported by:


202 - Tolyposorium penicillarie cause:

Bajra smut

203 - Tomato leaf curl is caused by:


204 - Trachea in insects are the organ of___________________?


205 - Transduction is a process of multiplication in:


206 - Transformation is a process of multiplication in:


207 - Trichodorus belongs to family:


208 - Tundu disease of what is caused by:

Both (a) & (b)

209 - Ufra disease of rice is caused by:


210 - Uncinuls causes the disease:

Powdery mildew

211 - Used lense for the first time to study micro-organism:

Antony Van Leeuwenhoeck

212 - Viral disease can be controlled by __________________?

Cultural practices and growing resistant varieties

213 - Virus is transmitted by nematode:


214 - When bacterial cells are subjected to unfavourable conditions they form:


215 - Which are the cellulose attacking fungi at the time of decomposition of organic compound?

Trichoderma, Aspergillus

216 - Which fungus produces aflatoxin?

Aspergillus flavus

217 - Which fungus supresses various pathogenic fungi present in soil?

Psalliotta spp.

218 - Which is citrus namatode?


219 - Which is sulphur bacteria?


220 - Which is the root knot nematode?


221 - Which of the following are cold blooded animals___________________?


222 - Which of the following is disease of rice____________________?

All the above

223 - Which of the following nematicide is a carbamate?


224 - Which of the following nematodes attack above plant parts?


225 - Which of the following statements correctly defines the ""alternate host"of a pathogen/parasite?

One of the two kinds of hosts on which a parasitic fungus develops to complete its life cycle

226 - Which of the nutrient is supplied by mycorrhiza to the plant?


227 - Which of them is a gram-positive bacterium?


228 - Which of them is a poisonous mushroom?


229 - Which one of the following correctly define the period between inoculation and appearance of the first disease symptom?

Latent period

230 - Which one of the following groups consists of systemic fungicides?

Vitavax, Bavistin, Calisin

231 - Which one of the following helps in maintaining the shape of nematodes?

Pseudocoelomic fluid

232 - Which one of the following is disease of wheat_________________?

All the above

233 - Which one of the following is known as downy mildew fungus?


234 - Which one of the following is polyphagus insect__________________?


235 - Which one of the following is the best method of controlling ear cockle disease of wheat?

Mechanical separation of infected seed by floatation

236 - Which one of the following is the cause of spreading decline of citrus?

Nutritional deficiency

237 - Which one of the following is the correct mode of infection in Ergot of bajra?

Local infection of blossom

238 - Which one of the following is the correct order in which they appear during biocontrol operations?

Parasite, Mass rearing, Release, Parasitism

239 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Karnal bunt - Neovossia horrida of wheat

240 - Which one of the following pairs of crop and disease is correctly matched?

Cucumber - Club root

241 - Which one of the following remedies is to be suggested in case of failure of a manuallyoperated sprayer to retain pressure?

Tightening of the lid of the tank, replacement of the gasket, if necessary

242 - Which one of the following sprayers could require the lowest volume of spray solution to cover a hectare of rice crop?

Hand sprayer

243 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines economic threshold level?

The pest population level at which control measures should be taken to prevent the pest population from reaching economic injury level

244 - Which one of the following tissue is most suitable for tissue culture to produce virus free plants of potato?

Leaf tissue

245 - Which shows the symbiotic relationship?


246 - Which was the first plant bacterial disese reported?

Fire blight of apple

247 - Whip smut is disease of________________?


248 - Whip smut of sugarcane is caused by:

Ustilago sciteminae

249 - White rust of crucifer is caused by:


250 - White rust of crucifers is caused by__________________?

Albugo candida

251 - Whittaker (1969) proposed a kingdom System of Classification of Micro-organism:


252 - Who for the first time discovered antibiotics?

Alexander Flemming

253 - Who is known as the father of nematology?

N.A. Cobb

254 - Who proved that virus could pass through filters with pores small enough to retain bacteria?


255 - Wilt of arhar is caused by:


256 - With Phase"is common in:

Bacteria blight of Paddy

257 - With regard to nutrition Erysiphe is:


258 - Wrong information about Powdery mildew is:

Family = Melanconiaceae

259 - Yellow ear rot of wheat is caused by:

Both (a) and (b)

260 - Yellow pigment in the culture is produced by:



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