Plant Physiology Important MCQs

1 - ______ is obviously useful to a plant as the excitaion by an insect of one or more sensory hairs of the venus's flytrap (Dionea muscipula):

Chemical potential

2 - A bulk of nitrogen in nature is fixed by:

Symbiotic bacteria

3 - A characteristic feature of ripening of some fruits (like banana) is a sudden increase in respiration, which is known as:


4 - A final component of thylakoid necessary for photophos-phorylation is a complex protein called:

ATPase/coupling factor

5 - A free-living anaerobic bacterium capable of N2 fixation in soil is:


6 - A maize plant to produce one kg of grain (dry) transpires _____ kg of water:


7 - A micro-essential element is one which:

Is needed in very small amounts but is as important as a major essential element

8 - A natural growth regulator (hormone) is:


9 - A plant is kept in 30 ppm. of CO2 concentration what will happen to it?

Plant will die soon

10 - A plant, which needs not less than 10 hours of light to flower, is:

Short day plant

11 - A thoroughly cleaned goat bladder if filled with syrup, tightly tied immersed in a vessel of water:

The volume of liquid within the bladder will increase

12 - A trace element essential for plant grwoth and radio-isotope which is used in cancer therapy is known is:


13 - A trace element is:

Required in very minute amounts

14 - ABA (abscic acid) appears to be universal among:

Vascular plants

15 - ABA has the following effects depending upon the tissue involved:

Inhibition of protein synthesis (translocation)

16 - According to the fluid mosaic model the correct sequence of plasmalemma is:


17 - According to the mosaic model (proposed by Singer and Nicholoson) plasma membrance is composed of:

Phospholipids, extrinsic proteins, intrinsic proteins

18 - Aerobic respiration is more advantageous to a large organism than anaerobic respiration because aerobic respiration:

Releases more energy from an equal amount of nutrients

19 - Alcohol is produced during the process of:

Anaerobic respiration

20 - Algae float in water during daytime and sink during nighttime because:

They become buoyant in light due to accumulation of oxygen bubbles released in photosynthesis

21 - All the membrane bounded cell organelles except:


22 - An apparatus for measuring transpiration in plants is called:


23 - Anaerobic respiration is also known as:

Intra-molecular respirtion

24 - Anaerobic respiration was first of all reported by:


25 - At equilibrium, the vapour density or pressure about pure water in a closed container is:


26 - Atmospheric nitrogen in the soil is fixed by:


27 - Auxim promote growth:


28 - Bacteria that change proteins to ammonia in nitrogen cycle are:

Decay bacteria (ammonifying bacteria)

29 - Bacterioids are:

Enlarged non-mobile cellular bacteria-Rhizobium legumino-sarum in root nodules of legumes

30 - Basic structure of all chlorophylls comprises:

Poryhyrin system

31 - Before opening of stomata, accumulation of one of the ion is guard cell:


32 - Blue green algae are:


33 - Both respiration and photosynthesis require:


34 - Brassins, recently discovered steroid growth promoters were first isolated from pollen grains of rape plants, but now known to be present in ______ also:

In all of these

35 - Breeder seed is _____ % pure:


36 - Breeder seed production units of ICAR producing ______ tonnes of breeder seed:


37 - By hormone application it is possible to obtain seedless fruits. In which of the following it is desirable to obtain seedless fruits?


38 - Carbohydrates are present in the plasmalemma in the form of:

Phospholipids (glycolipids) and phosphoproteins (glycoproteins)

39 - Carbon becomes available to crop plants in the form of:

Carbon dioxide

40 - Carbon dioxide is liberated during:


41 - Cell membrane consist of:

Both Phospholipids and proteins

42 - Cell organelle found only in plants is:


43 - Cellulosic cell wall can be specifically stained by:

Zinc chloride

44 - Chemical phase in photosynthesis was discovered for the first time by:


45 - Chlorophyll 'b' is present in:


46 - Chlorophyll contains:


47 - Chlorophyll is present:

In the grana of chloroplasts

48 - Chloroplast contains maximum quantity of:

RUDP carboxylase

49 - Chloroplasts fix:


50 - Chlorosis occur in plants growth in:

Iron free medium

51 - CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis; the chemical used to remove this gas most effectively from entering a control apparatus is:

Potassium hydroxide solution

52 - Commonest free ion in the cell is of:


53 - Contamination permitted in maize is:


54 - Cylokinins have the ability to:

Cause morphogenesis

55 - Cytochrome oxidase contains:


56 - Cytoklnins were first discovered in 1913 by Gottlieb Haberlandt in:


57 - Cytology, and genetics were merged into ""Cytogenetics"by one of the following:


58 - D.P.D. stands for:

Diffusion pressure deficit

59 - Deficiency of iron causes:

Interveinal chlorosis first on young leaves

60 - Deficiency of Mo causes:

Mottling and necrosis of leaves

61 - Die-back' of citrus is caused due to the deficiency of:


62 - Double membrane is absent in:


63 - DPD is equal to:


64 - During 24 hours there is a time when plants neither give O2 nor CO2. This is the time of:


65 - During aerobic respiration oxidation of glucose results in the formation of:

CO2 and water

66 - During the photosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes from:

Carbon dioxide

67 - Enzymes are basically:


68 - Enzymes, vitamins and hormones can be classified into a single category of biological chemicals because all of them:

Aid in regulating metabolism

69 - Etherel (trade name) of ethephone (common name) is used in various aspects of:


70 - Ethylene especially in tomato plants has the following effects:

Causes leaf senescence

71 - Ethylene is a:

Gaseous hormone

72 - Etiolated plants are formed due to lack of:


73 - Every living cell has a:


74 - Except which one, all other processes help in adding nitrogen to soil:

Addition of lime in soil

75 - Excessive use of fertilizer causes death of plants due to:


76 - Exogenous application of Gibberellins induces male flowers formation on genetically female plants in:


77 - Fermentation is conducted by:

Some fungi and some bacteria

78 - Fermentation is:

Incomplete oxidation of carbohydrate

79 - Fertilizers have formula consisting of three figures such as 8-10-10. These figures stand for percentage of:

Nitrogen, phosphorous, Potassium

80 - Foliar application of colloidal suspensions of triacontanol (30-carbon saturated primary alcohol isolated first from alfalfa shoots) enhanced the growth of seedlings of ______ and also maize.


81 - For photosynthesis (i.e. for the synthesis of organic matter) the green plants need only:

All of these

82 - For the purpose of photosynthesis all except one of the following items are essential, point out the exception:

Oxygen, sucrose

83 - Functions and vital activities of the plants are studied under:


84 - Gibberellic acid has been successfully employed to induce flowering:

In long day points under short day conditions

85 - Gibberellins are now commercially used ______ into increase sugarcane growth and sugar yields:


86 - Gibberellins differ from auxins since they produce:

Stem elongation

87 - Gibberellins were first discovered in ______ in studies with diseased rice plants that grew excessively tall:


88 - Growth is primarily affected by two climatic factors, which are:

Light and temperature

89 - Guard cells are found in:


90 - H+ tons in thylaoid channels arise from oxidation of H2O and PQH2 cause H+ ions concentration in channels becomes; about ______ times as great as in the stroma when photosynthesis occurs:


91 - High concentration of synthetic auxins would:

Kills weeds

92 - High energy compounds:

Are compounds, which link, exergonic to endergonic process

93 - How do most of the plants obtain air?

Through opening in the leaves

94 - Hydroponics is:

Growing of plants in water culture

95 - If a cell is placed in a solution and the cell shrinks, the solution is:


96 - If a plant cell is immersed in water, the water continues to enter the cell until the:

Diffusion pressure is the same inside the cell as outside

97 - If cell A with OP = 5 and TP - 4 is surrounded by the cells with OP = 3 and TP = 1 what will be direction of water movement?

From cell A to other cells

98 - If cells are broken up and sedimented by centrifugation the new structure formed in one of the fractions is:


99 - If CO2 content of the atmosphere is as high as 300 part per million:

The plants would thrive well

100 - If CO2 is given off in respirtion, why does the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere remain relatively constant?

CO2 is converted in photosynthesis to carbohydrates

101 - If fermentation is allowed to proceed in a closed vessel:

Gas pressure will develop because of excess of carbon dioxide

102 - If naked pea seeds were kept in four respiratory flasks, they would germinate best if flask contains:


103 - If we separate the cell organelles of a living cell which part should be alive?


104 - If you place a piece of tomato in concentrated solution:

It would become limp due to loss of water from its cells

105 - In 1948, V.S. Chardakov who devised a simple and efficient method to determine the test solution in which no change in concentration occurs was:

Russian Scientist

106 - In a fully turgid cell the values (arbitrary values are shown) of DPD. OP and TP will show the tendency:

DPD 00 atm; OP 15;TP 05 atm

107 - In an E. coli cell according to operon theory an operator gene combines with:

Regulator protein to ""switch off"structural gene transcription

108 - In an experiment a plant is dried, placed in a crucible and strongly heated air for a long time. The residue is composed of:

The oxides or carbonates of about ten element

109 - In anaerobic respiration in plants:

Carbon dioxide is given out

110 - In anaerobic respiration the end product is:

Ethyl alcohol

111 - In both transpirtions and evaporation water is lost in the form of vapour yet they differ because:

Transpiration is a physiological process and evaporation is physical process

112 - In fermentation:

Energy is liberated

113 - In flowering plants a second seed coat is known as:


114 - In land plants the gaseous exchange takes place through the open stomata, in submerged hydrophytes it takes place/through:

By general surface of the cells by diffusion

115 - In many plants the changes over from vegetative to reproductive phase take place in response to:

The length of the day

116 - In nature, the main organisms, which take part in nitrogen cycle, are:

Bacteria plants

117 - In nitrogen cycle which of the following plays an important role?


118 - In submerged leaves respiration takes place through:

General surface of the leaf

119 - In terms of permeability the cell wall and plasmalemma are:

Permeable and differentially permeable

120 - In the mechanism of opening of stomata the important factor is the:

Chlorophyll content of the cells

121 - In the nodules of roots in leguminous plants we find:

N2 fixing bacteria

122 - In the process of respiration in plants 180 gms. of sugar plus 192 gms. of oxygen produce:

264 gms. of CO2, 108 gms. of water and 674 kilo cals. of energy

123 - In unisexual plants sex can be changed by application of:


124 - In water molecule, line-segments connecting the centres of the two hydrogen atoms with the centre of oxygen atoms form an angle of about:


125 - In which of the following plants would metabolism be hindered if the leaves were coated with wax on their upper surface?


126 - Increase in temperature and velocity of wind cause an increase in transpiration initially but later it slows down because:

Of closure of stomata

127 - Instantaneous source of energy is:


128 - It hypothetical chemical involved in the flowering of plant is:


129 - It is advantageous to the Hydrilla to demonstrate photosynthesis than land plant because:

Oxygen bubbles can be collected over water

130 - Leaves with yellow or colourless patches are termed as:


131 - Light harvesting complexes surrounded by both photosystems (I and II) and _____ light energy to them.


132 - Members of bean family are of particular importance in crop rotation programmes primarily because:

They have nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated in their roots

133 - Mg for Fe are needed by plants for:

Synthesis of chlorophyll

134 - Mineral salts, which are absorbed by the roots for the soil, are in the form of:

Concentrated solution

135 - Minerals absorbed by roots move to the leaf through:


136 - More energy is released by the process of aerobic respiration than by fermentation because fermentation:

Causes incomplete oxidation of organic food

137 - Most of the ______ flowers contain carotenoid especially xanthophyll type and it is believed that they benefit certain plants by attracting pollinating insects:


138 - Most plants obtain their nitrogen from the soil in the form of:


139 - Nitrogen is essential component of:


140 - Non-essential element for the proper growth of plant is:


141 - Non-living substances of the protoplasm are collectively known as:


142 - On the basis of symptoms of chlorosis in leaves a student inferred that this was due to deficiency of nitorgen. This inference could be correct only if we assume that yellowing of leaves appeared first in:

Old leaves

143 - One of the alkaloids listed below is found in cocoa beans:


144 - One of the following causes rootings in cuttings:


145 - One of the following is a precursor of auxin:


146 - One of the following is a water-soluble pigment:


147 - One of the following is needed in the reduction of nitrate to nitrite:


148 - One of the following is not found in intact cells:


149 - One of the following is present outside the plasma membrane but inside the cell wall:


150 - One of the following is sulphur containing amino add:


151 - One the following micronutrient for plants:


152 - Organisms, which fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, are found among:


153 - Osmosis means:

Flow of solvent from low concentration to high concentration

154 - Out of the following, which one is the most common type of transpiration?


155 - Oxygen evolved in photosynthesis is:

Equal to CO2 consumed

156 - Peptide linkages are formed among:

Amino acid

157 - Photochemical reactions of photosynthesis take place in:


158 - Photosynthesis is a:

Reductive, endergonic, anabolic process

159 - Photosynthesis is:

Anabolic process

160 - Phytochrome is found in:


161 - Phytochrome is used in:

All physiological processes exhibited by the plants such as seed germination, flowering stem elongation and transpiration

162 - Pigment system is concerned with:

Photolysis of water

163 - Pineapple can be made to flower in off-season by:


164 - Plant cells do not burst in distilled water because:

Cell wall is elastic, rigid and get stretched

165 - Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of:


166 - Plants hormone, which is translocated to other parts for growth of the plant as:

Indole acetic acid

167 - Plants synthesis protein from:

Amino acids

168 - Plasma membrane is:

A selective barrier

169 - Plasmagel is the name of:


170 - Plasmolysis will occur when the cell is placed in a:

Hypertonic solution

171 - Position and frequency of stomata can be determined by:

Cobalt chloride paper method

172 - Potometer is used to measure:

Rate of respiration

173 - Probably the most useful measurable property in the soil-plnt-air system is:

Water potential

174 - Process of endosmosis stop:

When solution become isotonic

175 - Process of transpiration in plants helps in:

Upward conduction

176 - Prokaryota means:

A cell with diffused nucleus

177 - Proteins are made up of:

Amino acid

178 - Proteins are synthesized on:


179 - Protoplasm is:

Polyphasic colloidal system

180 - Pure Live Seed (PLS) is related to:

Germination percentage

181 - Respiration is:

Exothermic process

182 - Ripening of banana is accompanied with:

Sudden rise in ethylene

183 - Root pressure is maximum when:

Transpirtion is very low and absorption is high

184 - Rotation of crops is practised in plants because:

It increases the nitrogen content of the soil

185 - Seeds swell when placed in water due to:


186 - Seeds when soaked in water imbibe it because of:

The process of absorption works

187 - Semi-permeability is the property of:

Plasma membrane

188 - Sialic acid is a constituent of:

Cell membrane

189 - Simplest amino acid is:


190 - Standards of germination for seed certification in chillies:


191 - Stomata are bound by a pair of guard cells and open guard cells are:


192 - Stomata open because of:

Increased turgidity of the guard cells brought about by exposure to light

193 - Supra-optimal concentration of auxins:

Kills the plants

194 - Swilling of wooden door during rainy season is due to:


195 - Symbiotic nitorgen fixing bacteria occur in the genus:


196 - The action of ethylene is effectively inhibited by ______ ion.


197 - The acutal pressure with which water enters into the cell is called:


198 - The apparatus generally used for studying the rate of transpiration stream is:


199 - The atmosphere has less carbon than other reservoirs but, it still contains about 700 billion tones and roughly percent is annually used in photosynthesis:


200 - The attraction of like molecules for each other (because of hydrogen bonds) is called:

None of these

201 - The condition under which transpiration would be lowest

When there is high humidity in the atmosphere

202 - The conditions under which transpiration would be most rapid is:

Low humidity, high temperature guard cells are turgid and moist soil

203 - The dry weight of a green leaf will be:

Greater in the afternoon

204 - The efforts to enhance partition of assimilates to storage organs of interest to farmers have quite successful due to:

Better breeding techniques

205 - The element, which is required in largest quantities by plant of water?


206 - The end product of fermentation is:

C2H5OH and CO2

207 - The end products of respiration in plants are:

CO2, H2O and energy

208 - The figures of cork cells as seen by Robert Hooke were published in this book:


209 - The first event in photosynthesis is:


210 - The first symbolic Importance of seed started after the report of Famine Commission in:


211 - The first visible product of photosynthesis is:


212 - The following is a naturally occurring growth inhibitor:


213 - The following percentage of water absorbed by herbaceous plants is lost in transpiration:


214 - The framework elements of plants are:

Copper, Carbon and Oxygen

215 - The incomplete breakdown of sugar in anaerobic respiration result in the formation of:

Alcohol and carbon dioxide

216 - The isolation of individual organelle from cell homogenates is achieved through:


217 - The loss of water in the form of vapour from aerial plant parts is known as:


218 - The most effective wavelength of visible light in photosynthesis is in the region of which of the following?


219 - The normal form of a plant is maintained by the presence of:


220 - The nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm are continuous with one another through the nuclear pores in:

Eukaryotic cells

221 - The optically hyaline portion of the protoplasm is called as:


222 - The oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from water was proved by:


223 - The pH gradient across the cell membrane provides a powerful form of _____ potential energy largely responsible for driving phosphorylation:


224 - The process by which proteins are synthesized in a cell is called:


225 - The process of photophos-phorylation was discovered by:


226 - The production of nitrates from Ammonia through Nitrosomonas is called:


227 - The prokaryota are a group of organisms:

In which nuclear membrance, nucleolus and chromosomal matrix are lacking

228 - The protoplasm theory was established in plant cell by:

De Bary

229 - The provision of light of shorter wavelength at the same time, as longer red wavelength photosynthesis.


230 - The rate of transpiration will greatly depend upon:

Position of stomata

231 - The real force causing entry of water into a cell from other cell is:

Diffusion pressure deficit

232 - The removal of apical buds and young leaves _____ branching:


233 - The researches on photosynthesis started:

In the 18th century

234 - The role of molybdenum is:

Nitrogen fixation

235 - The Singer and Nicholson model of plasma membrance differs from Robertson's model in the:

Arrangement of proteins

236 - The solute transport into the cells is strongly dependent on _____ and ability of cells to respire aerobically and to produce it:


237 - The total volume of water on melting:


238 - The transpiration is regulated by the movements of:

Guard cells of the stomata

239 - The ultra-structure of cell can be best studied by:

None of these

240 - Tick-out the correct statement:

The cell wall is permeable

241 - Tonoplast is a differentially permeable membrane surrounding the:


242 - Transpiration is minimized by the deposition of:


243 - Transpiration occurs through:

All the above

244 - Turgidity of a cell is maintained by:

Turgor pressure

245 - Two chief functions of leaves are:

Photosynthesis and transpiration

246 - Under which conditions the transpiration rate will be maximum?

Soil is wet and atmosphere is dry

247 - Unit membrane or (Plasma membrane) is made of:


248 - Water potential concept was formulated by:

Otto Renner, 1915

249 - Water, which is an essential part of protoplasm, may constitute:

More than three quarters of it

250 - What determines the diffusion of water accumulation of sugars?

None of the above

251 - When a cell is fully turgid its:

DPD = Zero

252 - When a cell is fully turgid, which of the following will be zero?

Suction pressure (D.P.D)

253 - When a piece of potato tuber is placed in concentrated salt solution:

It would become limp (shrink) due to loss of water from its solution

254 - When a plant cell is placed in a solution, which is hypotonic to the cell sap, which of the following conditions will not apply?

The wall pressure of the cell will fall

255 - When a seed is placed in a suitable medium for germination, by which of the following first process water enter into the seed coat?


256 - When chlorophyll is burnt which one is obtained?


257 - When the dark period of shoft day plant is interrupted by a brief exposure of light then the plant:

Will not flower at all

258 - When yeast and certain bacteria carry on anaerobic respiration they produce:

Carbon dioxide

259 - Which among the following is the most appropriate reason for storing green coloured apples at low temperatures:

The rate of respiration is reduced

260 - Which is a micronutrient?


261 - Which is not essential micronutrient?


262 - Which level of protein structure is affected by DNA (or for which level of protein structure DNA carries information)?

Primary structure

263 - Which of the following are photosynthetic units?


264 - Which of the following are short day plants?


265 - Which of the following can fix atmospheric nitrogen?


266 - Which of the following effects of auxins on plants is the basis for commercial application?

All of the above

267 - Which of the following element is concerned with the photolysis of water?


268 - Which of the following element is involved in nitrogen metabolism in reduction of nitrates?


269 - Which of the following elements can land plants, normally obtain directly from the air?


270 - Which of the following elements has not been proved to be essential for plants?


271 - Which of the following elements is involved in nitrogen metabolism in reduction of nitrates?


272 - Which of the following is a micronutrient?


273 - Which of the following is a weed killer?


274 - Which of the following is an essential part of photosynthesis?


275 - Which of the following is capable of delaying yellowing of leaves?


276 - Which of the following is indispensable in cell culture?


277 - Which of the following is not a part of chlorophyll?


278 - Which of the following is not naturally occurring plant hormone?

2, 4-D

279 - Which of the following is the site of respiration within the cell?


280 - Which of the following is the source of respiration?

Stored food

281 - Which of the following leaves would dry up last?

Both surface greased

282 - Which of the following parts of a cell is non-living?


283 - Which of the following plants cannot fix atmosphere nitrogen directly?


284 - Which of the following structures controls the transport of the material into and out of living cell?

Cell membrane

285 - Which one is the precursor of chlorophyll?

Protochlorophyll or chlorophyllides

286 - Which one of the following elements is not required by plants for their normal healthy growth?


287 - Which one of the following factors causes an increase in transpiration rate?

A hot dry windy day

288 - Which one of the following is a long day plant?


289 - Which one of the following is a prokaryote?


290 - Which one of the following is most limiting factor for nitrification in the soil?

Soil reaction (pH)

291 - Which one of the following will reduce the rate of transpiration?

Decrease in light intensity

292 - Which pair of structures is usually found in both plant and animal cell:

Cell membrane and nucleolus

293 - Which pigment is essential for nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants?


294 - Which pigment is is absent in chloroplast?


295 - Who proposed the concept of unit membrane for tripartite structure of lipoproteins?


296 - Whose technique is employed for the extraction and elimination of hormones?


297 - Wilting of leaves in hot weather is due to:

Iron and calcium

298 - Wilting of plant results from excessive:


299 - Without adding nitrogenous manures good yield or rice crop can be obtained because:

There are nitrogen fixing algae in rice fields

300 - Zeatin has been isolated and identified from the milky endosperm of:



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