Railways and Airport Engineering Important MCQs

1 - 52 kg rails are mostly used in__________________?

Broad Gauge

2 - 60 R rails are mostly used in__________________?

Metre Gauge

3 - A Broad Gauge branch line takes off as a contrary flexure from a main line If the superelevation required for branch line is 10 mm and cant deficiency is 75 mm, the superelevation to be actually provided on the branch line will be__________________?

65 mm

4 - A train is hauled by 2-8-2 locomotive with 22.5 tonnes and on each driving axle. Assuming the coefficient of rail-wheel friction to be 0.25, what would be the hauling capacity of the locomotive?

22.5 tonnes

5 - A train is hauled by 4-8-2 locomotive. The number of driving wheels in this locomotive is_________________?


6 - A treadle bar is used for_____________________?

interlocking points and signal

7 - A triangle is used for__________________?

changing the direction of engine

8 - An airport has 4 gates. If the weighted average gate occupancy time is 30 minutes and gate utilisation factor is 0.5, then the capacity of the gate will be___________________?

4 aircrafts per hour

9 - Anti creep bearing plates are provided on_________________?

none of the above

10 - As per ICAO recommendation, the rate of change of longitudinal gradient per 30 m length of vertical curve for A and B type of airports is limited to a maximum of__________________?


11 - As per ICAO, for A, B, and C type of airports, maximum effective, transverse and longitudinal grades in percentage respectively are______________?

1.0, 1.5 and 1.5

12 - As per International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recommendation, minimum width of safety area for instrumental runway should be_________________?

300 m

13 - At points and crossings, the total number of sleepers for 1 in 12 turnouts in Broad Gauge is______________?


14 - avoidance of block instruments 4. higher operating cost Of these statements_____________________?

2 and 3 are correct

15 - Cant deficiency occurs when a vehicle travels around a curve at_________________?

speeds higher than equilibrium speed

16 - Composite sleeper index is the index of___________________?

hardness and strength

17 - Creep is the_______________?

longitudinal movement of rail

18 - Dog spikes are used for fixing rail to the__________________?

wooden sleepers

19 - Due to battering action of wheels over the end of the rails, the rails get bent down and are deflected at ends. These rails are called_________________?

hogged rails

20 - Fish plate is in contact with rail at________________?

fishing plane

21 - Flangeway clearance is the distance_________________?

between the adjoining faces of the running rail and the check rail near the crossing

22 - Flat mild steel bearing plates are used_________________?

for points and crossings in the lead portion

23 - For a 8° curve track diverging from a main curve of 5° in an opposite direction in the layout of a broad gauge yard, the cant to be provided for the branch track for maximum speed of 45 km/h on the main line and 'G' = 1.676 m is (Permitted cant deficiency

-0.168 cm

24 - For a Broad Gauge route with M+7 sleeper density, number of sleepers per rail length is________________?


25 - For a sleeper density of (n+5), the number of sleepers required for constructing a broad gauge railway track of length 650 m is____________________?


26 - For developing thinly populated areas, the correct choice of gauge is_________________?

Narrow Gauge

27 - For laying the railway track, materials required are__________________?


28 - For the close coil helical spring of the maximum deflection is__________________?


29 - For the purpose of track maintenance, the number of turn out equivalent to one track km are__________________?


30 - Gauge is the distance between_______________?

running faces of rails

31 - Head width of 52 kg rail section is________________?


32 - Heel divergence is__________________?

always greater than flangeway clearance

33 - Hydrograph is the graphical representation of________________?

runoff and time

34 - If a is the angle of crossing, then the number of crossings 'N' according to right angle method is given by_________________?


35 - If the monthly mean of average daily temperature for the hottest month of the year is 25° C and the monthly mean of the maximum daily temperature of the same month of the year is 46° C, the airport reference temperature is____________________?


36 - In a shunting signal if the red band is inclined at 45° it indicates_________________?


37 - inertia of a rectangular section of width and depth about an axis passing The moment of through C.G. and parallel to its width is_______________?


38 - Infiltration is the_______________?

movement of water through the soil

39 - Largest dimension of a rail is its________________?


40 - Lead of crossing is the distance from the_________________?

heel of the switch to the theoretical nose of the crossing

41 - Lead of crossing is the distance from the__________________?

heel of the switch to the theoretical nose of the crossing

42 - Loose jaws of steel trough sleepers are made of___________________?

spring steel

43 - Maximum value of 'throw of switch' for Broad Gauge track is__________________?

115 mm

44 - Metal sleepers are superior to wooden sleepers with respect to________________?


45 - Minimum composite sleeper index pres-cried on Indian Railways for a track sleeper is_______________?


46 - Minimum depth of ballast cushion for a Broad Gauge wooden sleeper of size 275x25x13 cm with 75cm sleeper spacing is________________?

25 cm

47 - Normally maximum cant permissible in Meter Gauge is__________________?

90 mm

48 - Normally the limiting value of cant is________________?


49 - Number of cotters used in CST-9 sleepers is__________________?


50 - Number of dog spikes normally used per rail seat on curved track is__________________?

two outside and one inside

51 - Number of keys used in CST-9 sleeper is_________________?


52 - Number of switches provided on a Gaunt-letted track is_______________?

none of the above

53 - Number offish bolts per fish plate is________________?


54 - On a single rail track, goods trains loaded with heavy iron material run starting from A to B and then empty wagons run from B to A. The amount of creep in the rails__________________?

will be more in the direction of A to B

55 - One degree of curve is equivalent to__________________?


56 - Optimum depth of kor watering for rice is______________?

190 mm

57 - Ordinary rails are made of_______________?

high carbon steel

58 - Pandrol clips cannot be used with__________________?

CST-9 sleepers

59 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

60 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

61 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

62 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: The torsional resistance of a shaft is directly proportional to___________________?

Moment of inertia of the shaft section

63 - Sleeper density in India is normally kept as___________________?

M + 2 to M + 7

64 - Staggered joints are generally provided__________________?

on curves

65 - Standard size of wooden sleeper for Broad Gauge track is____________________?


66 - Stretcher bar is provided________________?

to maintain the two tongue rails at the exact distance

67 - Switch angle is the angle between___________________?

the gauge face of the stock rail and tongue rail

68 - Tensile strength of steel used in rails should not be less than____________________?

700 MPa

69 - The amount of irrigation water required to meet the evapotranspiration needs of the crop during its full growth is called________________?

consumptive irrigation requirement

70 - The capacity of parallel runway pattern depends upon______________?

lateral spacing between two runways, weather conditions and navigational aids available

71 - The compensation for curvature on gradient for Meter Gauge is given by________________?


72 - The correct relation between curve lead (CL), switch lead (SL) and lead of cros¬sing (L) is given by__________________?


73 - The depth of water required to bring the soil moisture content of a given soil upto its field capacity is called_________________?

soil moisture deficiency

74 - The desirable rate of change of cant deficiency in case of Metre Gauge is_______________?

35 mm/sec

75 - The distance through which the tongue rail moves laterally at the toe of the switch for movement of trains is called_________________?

throw of the switch

76 - The engine failure case for determining the basic runway length may require________________?

either a clearway or a stopway or both

77 - The formation width for a double line Broad Gauge track in cutting (excluding drains) as adopted on Indian Railways is___________________?


78 - The formation width for a single line meter gauge track in embankment as adopted on Indian Railways is______________________?

4.88 m

79 - The height of the center of arm of a semaphore signal above the ground is_________________?

7.5 m

80 - The height of the rail for 52 kg rail section is_______________?

156 mm

81 - The kor depth for rice is 190 mm and kor period is 14 days. The outlet factor for this will be_________________?

637 hectares/m3/sec

82 - The limiting value of cant deficiency for Meter Gauge routes is__________________?

50 mm

83 - The limiting value of cant excess for Broad Gauge is________________?

75 mm

84 - The limiting value of cant gradient for all gauges is___________________?

1 in 720

85 - The load on each axle of a locomotive is 22 tonnes. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, then the hauling capacity due to 3 pairs of driving wheels will be________________?


86 - The main function of a fish plate is________________?

to join the two rails together

87 - The maximum degree of curvature for Meter Gauge is limited to_________________?


88 - The minimum width of clearway is_______________?

150 m

89 - The nominal size of ballast used for points and crossings is___________________?

25 mm

90 - The object of providing a point lock is_________________?

to ensure that each switch is correctly set

91 - The purpose of providing fillet in a rail section is to_________________?

avoid the stress concentration

92 - The ratio of the quantity of water stored in the root zone of the crops to the quantity of water actually delivered in the field is known as__________________?

water application efficiency

93 - The shape of transition curve used by Indian Railways is____________________?

cubic parabola

94 - The side slope of embankments for a railway track is generally taken as______________?


95 - The sleepers resting directly on girder are fastened to the top flange of girder by________________?

hook bolts

96 - The slipping of driving wheels of locomotives on the rail surface causes_______________?

wheel burns

97 - The steepest gradient permissible on a 2.5° curve for Broad Gauge line having ruling gradient of 1 in 200 is___________________?

1 in 250

98 - The total gap on both sides between the inside edges of wheel flanges and gauge faces of the rail is kept as_________________?

19 mm

99 - The total length of a runway is 1000 m. The elevation at distance 0,200 m, 400 m, 600 m, 800 m and 1000 m are 100.0 m, 99.2 m, 101.0 m, 101.8 m, 101.4 m and 101.0 m respectively. The effective gradient of runway will be______________?


100 - The treadle bar is provided_____________________?

near and parallel to inner side of one of the rails

101 - The type of bearing plate used in all joints and on curves to give better bearing area to the rails is___________________?

mild steel canted bearing plate

102 - The type of spike used for fixing chairs of bull headed rails to wooden sleepers is_________________?

round spike

103 - The width of foot for 90 R rail section is__________________?

136.5 mm

104 - Vertical curves are provided where algebraic difference between grades is equal to or_________________?

more than 4mm/m

105 - Wear of rails is maximum in weight of___________________?

sharp curve

106 - What will be the curve lead for a 1 in 8.5 turnout taking off from a straight broad gauge track?

28.49 m

107 - When semaphore and warner are installed on the same post, then the stop indication is given when___________________?

both arms are horizontal

108 - When the rail ends rest on a joint sleeper, the joint is termed as_________________?

supported rail joint

109 - Which of the following devices is used to transfer the wagons or locomotives to and from parallel tracks without any necessity of shunting ?


110 - Which of the following mechanical devices is used to ensure that route cannot be changed while the train is on the point even after putting back the signal ?

iock bar

111 - Which of the following methods of applying water may be used on rolling land ?

boarder flooding

112 - Which of the following statements regarding ballast materials are correct ?

Sand ballast causes excessive wear on top of rail

113 - Which of the following turnouts is most commonly used for goods train on Indian Railways ?

1 in 8'/2

114 - Which of the following types of sleepers is preferred on joints ?

wooden sleeper

115 - Which one of the following rail failures is caused by loose fish bolts at expansion joints ?

crushed head

116 - Width of ballast section for Broad Gauge is_________________?

3.35 m

117 - Yellow lighthand signal indicates____________________?

proceed cautiously


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