Seed Science Important MCQs

1 - Argemone mexicana is an objectional weed in:


2 - Breeder seed is the progeny of:

Nucleus seed

3 - Certification is not required for:

Breeder seed

4 - Coloured varieties of rice have _____ aleurone layer:


5 - Cotyledons in monocots are called:


6 - Cotylodons in gymnosperms are called:


7 - Cuscuta is an objectional weed of:


8 - First private seed company was:

Sutton & Sons

9 - Floor space for broiler up to 4 weeks _______________________?

0.5 ft2

10 - Floor space requirement in layer for layer is _________________________?

1.25 ft2 /bird

11 - Freedom from inert matter and defective seeds:

Physical purity

12 - Headquarters of the Union for the Protection of New Plant varieties is in:


13 - Improved seed includes:

All of the above

14 - In Bhindi, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of:

200 metres

15 - In sunflower, production of foundation seed requires an isolation distance of (metres):


16 - In wheat, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of:

Three metres

17 - Initial seed of an improved variety is called:

Nucleus seed

18 - International Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) in ______ classified seed into different categories:


19 - Natural antioxidant Vitamin is _____________________?

Vit. E

20 - Physical purity of 95% is permissible for the foundation and certified seed of:


21 - Physical purity, is permissible (98%) in the crop:


22 - Plant Breeders' Rights are operaating in:

All of the above

23 - Presently ICAR has ______ breeder seed production units:


24 - Production of breeder seed in cotton requires an isolation distance of:

50 metres

25 - Progeny of a nucleus seed is referred to as:

Breeder seed

26 - Ruminant can digest fiber because it contain____________________?

Enzyme cellulose

27 - Seed certification requires:

All of the above

28 - Seed coat is derived from:


29 - Seed is a:

Mature embryo

30 - Seed meant for generation distribution to the farmers for commercial crop production refers to:

Certified seed

31 - Seed moisture varies from crop to crop in ranges from:


32 - TDC came into existence in:


33 - The branch of science which deals with procurement, ingestion, digestion, & absorption of food for various body functions like maintenance ,production, etc .is called ____________________?


34 - The coarse rice generally has a ______ aleurone layer:


35 - The first private seed came into existence in the year:


36 - The hybrids developed by Government Agencies or Government Institutions and Agricultural Universities are called:

Public hybrids

37 - The recommended ratio of male rows to female rows is in hybrid bajra production:

2 to 4

38 - Those Amino acids which the body cannot synthesized are called __________________________?

Dietary essential amino acid

39 - Urea Toxicity is also called ______________________?

NH3 Toxicity

40 - When we given stress to the bird a hormone is released from thyroid _____________________?



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