Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Most Important MCQs

1 - If the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%, then the voids ratio of the sample is________________?

equal to specific gravity of soil

2 - 88 is 1400 kg/cm2 and bond stress is 6 kg/cm2, the If tensile stress of a steel rod of diameter required bond length of the rod is____________________?

59 D

3 - A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10 cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is__________________?

1500 m3

4 - A portion of an embankment having a uniform up-gradient 1 in 500 is circular with radius 1000 m of the centre line. It subtends 180° at the centre. If the height of the bank is 1 m at the lower end, and side slopes 2:1, the earth work involved ?

27,500 m3

5 - A pycnometer is used to determine_______________?

water content and specific gravity

6 - A soil has a bulk density of 22 kN/m3 and water content 10 %. The dry density of soil is_______________?

20.0 kN/m3

7 - A very comfortable type of stairs is_______________?

Open newel

8 - According to I.S. : 456, slabs which span in two directions with corners held down, are assumed to be divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips such that the width of the middle strip, is______________?

Three-fourth of the width of the slab

9 - According to Indian Standards Institute, the actual size of modular bricks is_______________?

19 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm

10 - According to ISI method of measurement, the order of the sequence is_________________?

Length, breadth, height

11 - As per Indian Standard Specifications, the peak discharge for domestic purposes per capita per minute, is taken________________?

All the above

12 - At liquid limit, all soils possess________________?

same shear strength of small magnitude

13 - Berms are provided in canals if these are__________________?

Partly in excavation and partly in embankment

14 - Brick walls are measured in sq. m if the thickness of the wall is_________________?

10 cm

15 - Coefficient of permeability of soil______________?

increases with the increase in temperature

16 - Columns may be made of plain concrete if their unsupported lengths do not exceed their least lateral dimension_______________?

Four times

17 - Cost of fittings and their fixing is specified for the following sanitary fittings________________?

All the above

18 - Dispersed type of soil structure is an arrangement comprising particles having______________?

face to face or parallel orientation

19 - Due to a rise in temperature, the viscosity and the unit weight of the percolating fluid are reduced to 60% and 90% respectively. If other things remain constant, the coefficient of permeability__________________?

increases by 50%

20 - Due to change in price level, a revised estimate is prepared if the sanctioned estimate exceeds_________________?


21 - Effective stress is______________?

important because it is a function of engineering properties of soil

22 - For 100 sq. m cement concrete (1 : 2: 4) 4 cm thick floor, the quantity of cement required, is_______________?

0.94 m3

23 - For 12 mm thick cement plastering 1 : 6 on 100 sq.m new brick work, the quantity of cement required, is___________________?

0.274 m3

24 - For a ribbed slab______________?

All the above

25 - For proper field control, which of the following methods is best suited for quick determination of water content of a soil mass ?

calcium carbide method

26 - For the construction of buildings, the subheads of the estimate are________________?

All the above

27 - If B is the width of formation, d is the height of the embankment, side slope S : 1, for a highway with no transverse slope, the area of cross-section is___________________?

Bd + Sd2

28 - If the degree of saturation of a partially saturated soil is 60%, then air content of the soil is______________?


29 - If the formation level of a highway has a uniform gradient for a particular length, and the ground is also having a longitudinal slope, the earthwork may be calculated by_______________?

All the above

30 - If the material of the base of the Casagrande liquid limit device on which the cup containing soil paste drops is softer than the standard hard rubber, then______________?

the liquid limit of soil always increases

31 - If the natural water content of soil mass lies between its liquid limit and plastic limit, the soil mass is said to be in______________?

plastic state

32 - If the plasticity index of a soil mass is zero, the soil is______________?


33 - If the sand in-situ is in its densest state, then the relative density of sand is_____________?


34 - If the width of the foundation for two equal columns is restricted, the shape of the footing generally adopted, is__________________?


35 - In case the factor of safety against sliding is less than 1.5, a portion of slab is constructed downwards at the end of the heel slab, which is known as___________________?

All the above

36 - In hydrometer analysis for a soil mass______________?

meniscus correction is additive and dispersing agent correction is subtractive

37 - In long and short wall method of estimation, the length of long wall is the centre to centre distance between the walls and_________________?

Half breadth of wall on each side

38 - In the mid-section formula__________________?

All of the above

39 - Inorganic soils with low compressibility are represented by_________________?


40 - Lapped splices in tensile reinforcement are generally not used for bars of size larger than______________?

36 mm diameter

41 - Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcement of the same size should not be less than________________?

One diameter

42 - Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

All the above

43 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

44 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

45 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

46 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

47 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

48 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

49 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

50 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

The gully trap collects waste water from the kitchen, sink, wash basins, etc.

51 - Pick up the correct statement from the following?

All the above

52 - Pick up the correct statement in case of water supply ?

All the above

53 - Pick up the correct statement regarding the centre line method of estimating a building?

All the above

54 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following ?

None of these

55 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following?

The unit of lead is 1 km where the lead exceeds 2 km

56 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following?

None of these

57 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following?

Cubic contents are measured to the nearest 0.1 cum

58 - Pick up the incorrect statement regarding a master trap from the following ?

The water seal is less than that of ordinary traps

59 - Pick up the item whose weight is added to the weight of respective item, is________________?

All the above

60 - Relative density of a compacted dense sand is approximately equal to_____________?


61 - S: 1 and length is______________?

L.D 1 + s2)

62 - Sand particles are made of________________?

rock minerals

63 - Size, capacity and materials need be specified for__________________?

All the above

64 - Stoke's law is valid only if the size of particle is________________?

between 0.2 mm and 0.0002 mm

65 - The admixture of coarser particles like sand or silt to clay causes______________?

decrease in both liquid limit and plasticity index

66 - The area is measured correct to the nearest___________________?

0.01 sqm

67 - The assumption on which the trapezoidal formula for volumes is based, is________________?

All the above

68 - The brick work is measured in sq metre, in case of_________________?

All the above

69 - The brick work is not measured in cu m in case of_______________?

Half brick wall

70 - The clay mineral with the largest swelling and shrinkage characteristics is_______________?


71 - the column head support a flat slab, is generally kept The diameter of_____________?

0.25 times the span length

72 - The concrete work for the following part of the building of specified thickness is measured in square metres_______________?

All the above

73 - The cross -sections for a highway is taken at_________________?

All the above

74 - The damp proof course (D.P.C.) is measured in________________?

Sq. m

75 - The diameter of a domestic sewer pipe laid at gradient 1 in 100 is recommended___________________?

150 mm

76 - The excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sq.m in plan area with a depth not exceeding 30 cm, is termed as_______________?

Surface excavation

77 - The expected out turn for earth work in excavation in ordinary soil per workman per day is_______________?

3.00 cum

78 - The expected out turn of 2.5 cm cement concrete floor per mansion per day__________________?

7.5 sqm

79 - The expected out turn of brick work in cement mortar in foundation and plinth per mason per day, is ________________?

1.25 m3

80 - The expected out turn of cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 per mason per day is_________________?

5.0 m3

81 - The expected out turn of half brick partition wall per mason per day is___________________?

2.0 m3

82 - The floor area includes the area of the balcony up to_________________?


83 - The floor slab of a building is supported on reinforced cement floor beams. The ratio of the end and intermediate spans is kept______________?


84 - The flownet for an earthen dam with 30 m water depth consists of 25 potential drops and 5 flow channels. The coefficient of permeability of dam material is 0.03 mm/sec. The discharge per meter length of dam is________________?

0.00018 nrVsec

85 - The following item of earth work is not measured separately ?

All the above

86 - The ground surface slopes 1 in 50 along a proposed railway embankment 150 m in length. The height of the embankment at zero chainage is 0.5 m, the width is 11 m and side slopes 2:1. If the falling gradient of the embankment is 1 in 150, the quantity of th

3225 m3

87 - The height of the sink of wash basin above floor level is kept____________________?

75 cm to 80 cm

88 - The hydrometer method of sedimentation analysis differs from the pipette analysis mainly in_____________?

the method of taking observations

89 - The item of steel work which is measured in sq.m, is_________________?

All the above

90 - The item of the brick structure measured in sq.m, is___________________?

Broken glass coping

91 - The load stress of a section can be reduced by______________?

Replacing larger bars by greater number of small bars

92 - The main factor to be considered while preparing a detailed estimate, is________________?

All the above

93 - The maximum ratio of span to depth of a slab simply supported and spanning in one direction, is______________?


94 - The minimum width of a septic tank is taken__________________?

75 cm

95 - The most reliable estimate is_________________?

Detailed estimate

96 - The plinth area of a building not includes_________________?

Area of cantilevered porch

97 - The rate of an item of work depends on_________________?

All the above

98 - The rate of payment is made for 100 cu m (per % cu m) in case of__________________?

All the above

99 - The ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass is called______________?


100 - The slope of isochrone at any point at a given time indicates the rate of change of_______________?

pore water pressure with depth

101 - The slope of the outlet of 'P trap' below the horizontal is kept________________?


102 - The total discharge from two wells situated near to each other is_________________?

less than the sum of the discharges from individual wells

103 - The trap which is provided to disconnect the house drain from the street sewer is called_________________?

All the above

104 - The value of compression index for a remoulded sample whose liquid limit is 50% is______________?


105 - The volume is measured correct to the nearest__________________?

0.01 cum

106 - The water content of soil, which represents the boundary between plastic state and liquid state, is known as_________________?

liquid limit

107 - The weight of an item is measured correct to nearest_________________?

1.00 kg

108 - The width of the flange of a L-beam, should be less than______________?

Least of the above

109 - Total number of stress components at a point within a soil mass loaded at its boundary is______________?


110 - Toughness index is defined as the ratio of____________________?

plasticity index to flow index

111 - Uniformity coefficient of a soil is__________________?

equal to or gi eater than 1

112 - When the plastic limit of a soil is greater than the liquid limit, then the plasticity index is reported as_____________?


113 - Which of the following is a measure of particle size range ?

uniformity coefficient

114 - Which of the following methods is best suited for determination of permeability of coarse-grained soils ?

constant head method

115 - Which of the following methods is more suitable for the determination of permeability of clayey soil ?

falling head method

116 - Which of the following methods is most accurate for the determination of the water content of soil ?

oven drying method

117 - Which of the following soils has more plasticity index ?


118 - While estimating a reinforced cement structure, the omitted cover of concrete is assumed_______________?

All the above

119 - While estimating the qualities for the construction of a building, the correct metric unit is________________?

Litre for capacity

120 - While preparing a detailed estimate__________________?

All the above


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