Soil Science Important MCQs

1 - [(NH4)2SO4FeSO66H2O] is the formula of _______________________?

Ferrous Ammonium sulphate

2 - _________ erosion is the removal of a thin layer of soil by water acting over the whole surface. This type of erosion damaged very fertile lands located on slopes, some of which have been eroded to a depth of about 15 cm.

Sheet erosion

3 - __________ particles range in diameter between 0.02 to 0.002 mm:


4 - _________is probably the most important growth limiting factor in acid soils especially those having pH below 5.0-5.5?


5 - 1 bar is equal to_________?

All of these

6 - 1 meq of HCl is equal to_________?

14 mg of N

7 - 1 mg of H+ will be equal to_________?

All of the above

8 - A = B (1-y) denotes A-value in which A is equal to:

Amount of available nutrients in soil

9 - A = RKLSCP denote universal soil loss equation in which K is equal to:

Soil credibility factor

10 - A and B horizon is called as_________?

None of the above

11 - A combination of many taxonomic units like soil series, phase or types is called:

Soil association

12 - A complex mixture of brown amorphous and colloidal substances synthesized by various soil organisms is referred to as:


13 - A compound toxic to crop formed by the thermal decomposition of urea is_________________?

Biurct (NH2CONH CONH2 H2O)

14 - A group of soils with same parent material but located at different positions of slope?


15 - A man made epipedon in many characters except P2O5 content (more than 250 ppm) is:

Anthropic epipedon

16 - A mineral horizon that is either too thin, too light in colour, too low in organic matter:

Ochric epipedon

17 - A pH value of 6.0 indicates that the soil reaction is:


18 - A property of fluids by virtue of which it reduces the relative motion among different layers of fluid, is termed as:

Soil viscosity

19 - A sequence of soil of about same age, derived from same parent material and occurring under similar climatic conditions but has different characteristics due to variation in relief and drainage is termed as:


20 - A set of soils with same parent material, topography, climate and biota but different age is called_________?

Chrono sequence

21 - A soil absorbs about _____ of incoming solar radiation:


22 - A soil is categorized as saline when EC of saturation extract is______________________?


23 - A soil is classified as sodic soil when______________________?

SAR is >13

24 - A soil which has pH less than 8.5, ESP less than 15 and EC more than 4 mmhos/cm at 25 ?C is called:

Saline soil

25 - A soil with 20 me ______ 100 g ECE and me/100 gm exchangeable H will have a base saturation of:


26 - A soil with an ESP greater than 15 is usually classified as___________________?

Sodic soil

27 - A soil, which has pH more than 8.5, ESP more than 15 and EC less than 4 mmhos/cm at 25?C, is called:

Alkaline soil

28 - A sub-surface horizon in which the accumulation of organic matter and clay occurs just below the plough:

B horizon

29 - A sub-surface horizon with highly oxidized material and 1:1 type clay minerals is known as:

Oxic horizon

30 - A surface horizon, which has very high organic matter, is:

Hisitic epipedon

31 - A thick dark coloured horizon, which has high, base saturation (50% or more), high organic matter content and with strong soil structure is called :

Mollie epipedon

32 - A treeless artic plain is called as___________________?


33 - A unit of soil classification as well as soil mapping which is similar to soil series in most of the soil properties except one or two but the area of such a unit is not enough to establish it as a separate series and show on a soil map, is known as:

Soil variant

34 - A vertical section of soil body, which shows different layer, is known as:

Soil profile

35 - A vertical section of the soil through all its horizons are extending into the parent material is known as:


36 - A well developed soil has:

All of the above

37 - AAS stands for:___________?

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer

38 - About 40% of the total area of Pakistan is affected by wind erosion. this includes:_________?

All of the above

39 - Absorbed hydrogen and aluminium are largely responsible for:

Soil acidity

40 - Absorption of ions in plants occurring with the aid of metabolic energy is termed:

Active absorption

41 - According to ""Universal Soils Loss equation"the factors on which ration of erosion depend are:

Rainfall, soil credibility, slope length, slope gradient, crop management, erosion control practice

42 - According to a latest research, Pakistan is predominantly a dryland country; 80% of its land area is arid and semi arid, 12% sub-humid and 8% under humid climate. Thus , soils of arid & semi-arid regions are vulnerable to a wide range of degradation proce

All of the above

43 - According to FCO, the maximum permissible total N content in the form of urea in DAP should be:_________?


44 - According to land capability classification, the soils, which are not suitable for crop cultivation, belong to:

Class VIII

45 - According to one estimate, wind and water erosion over ______ % of the Pakistan€™s total area?


46 - According to the carrier hypothesis the specific carriers are present on:

Plasma lemma

47 - According to U.S.D.A. soil classification, the size of fine sand should be in between:

0.1-0.25 mm

48 - According to WAPDA, the ECe of the salt free soil should remain__________________?

< 4 dsm-1

49 - Accumulation of Al and Fe oxides and clays coming from the upper profile layers:

Zone of Illuviation

50 - Accumulation of soluble salts in soil________?


51 - Accumulation of soluble salts root zone is known as____________________?


52 - Acid soil contain pH____________________?


53 - Acid soils can be reclaimed by:


54 - Acid soils of the world€™s arable comprise up to_____________________?


55 - Active soil forming factors would include:

Time, topography and climate

56 - Addition of sodium hexametaphosphate in soil for determination of soil texture causes__________________?

Dispersion of soil particles

57 - Addition of the following material makes it possible to take good crop in sodic soil:


58 - Age of Earth is_____________________?

4.5 billion years

59 - Alfisol soils are mostly ______ in respect of their fertility and are used either as crop land or forest or range land:


60 - Algal photosynthesis increases pH of water and releases___________________?


61 - Alkali soils are generally found in:

Arid and semi-arid climate

62 - All potassium fertilizers are physiologically alkaline, there reactionwith soils is:


63 - All the SSP and some nitrophos are are manufactured locally by the National Fertilizer Corporation (NFC): SSP at_________?

All of these

64 - Alluvial soils are rich in:

K2O, P2O5 and Lime

65 - Although some acid soils do exist in the northern mountainous regions of Pakistan (Mansehra, Sawat, Dir). Almost all cultivated soils of the country are ________________, with high base saturation and low organic matter content (generally less than 1%)?

both A & C

66 - Ammonia lost through volatilization in significant quantities from:

Acidic soils

67 - Ammonium and potassium ions are apparently just the right size to fit into the cavities between the crystal units of:


68 - Ammonium sulphate contains:

24% sulphur

69 - Ammonium sulphate is preferred for nitrogen application in groundnut because it also provides:


70 - Among the fruits, lemon, apple, plum have been placed in the _____ salt tolerance group.


71 - Amount of heat required to raise temperature of 1 gm soil from 14 to 15 ?C is known as:

Heat capacity

72 - Amount of K in felspar and mica is about:


73 - Amount of K in plants is:

0.3 to 6.0%

74 - Amount of K in soil plough layer is about:

10,000-70,000 kg/ha

75 - An abrupt change in textural class or no continuity found between B and C horizon is termed as:

Lithological discontinuity

76 - An argillic sub-surface horizon with high E.S.P. (more than 15) is called:

Natric horizon

77 - An epipedon, which has dark colour low in base saturation, is called:

Umbric epipedon

78 - An expression of the intensity of the basic or a acidic condition of a liquid or of soil is called_____________________?


79 - An intrazonal group of dark calcareous soils high in clay and having mainly montmorillonitic type clay are called as:________?


80 - An ion or molecule in the coordination sphere central ion is called__________________?


81 - Anaerobic environment of paddy soil is responsible for gaseous loss of fertilizer nitrogen by:


82 - Anion exchange capacity is found maximum in the case of:


83 - Antioxidant is used to reduce the process of_____________________?


84 - Apatite is a group of minerals which mainly contains:


85 - Application of nitrogen in pulses at the time of planting is known as:

Starter dose

86 - Aridisols soils re found in the region of:


87 - Arrangement of soil particles is referred to as:

Soil structure

88 - As plants grow to maturity, the concentration of plant nutrients changes. What kind of change occurs in respect of N, P, K, Ca and Mg?

Concentration of all 5 elements decreases

89 - Aspergillus niger test is used for:

Cu & Mg

90 - Association of two microorganisms in which one is benefited while other remains unaffected is known as:________?


91 - At 1 x 10-9 H+ concentration, what will be the pH value?


92 - Attraction between similar particles is called____________________?


93 - Auxins promote___________________?

Cell elongation

94 - Availability of Zn is higher to crops in:_________?

Acid soils

95 - Available form of phosphorus ions is:


96 - Available nitrogen of less than 280 kg/hectare is considered:


97 - Available phosphorous of less than 10 kg/ha of soil is considered as:


98 - Available phosphorous of more than 25 kg/ha of soil is considered as:


99 - Available potassium of more than 280 kg/ha in soil is considered:


100 - Available water is held between?

Field capacity to wilting point

101 - Available Zn in the soil, can be determined by using the solution of:

EDTA + (NH4)2 CO7

102 - Azospirillum fixes nitrogen mainly in:


103 - Azotobacter and Rhzobium bacteria are:

Nitrogen fixers

104 - Azotobacter sp. Fix atmospheric nitrogen:

In free soil

105 - Bacteria present in the root nodules of legumes plants is:


106 - Barley, rape and cotton are _____ salt tolerant:


107 - Based on their diameters, soil pores are divided into:_________?

Both A & B

108 - Being a soil scientist, do you know which is the popular book of soil science of Nyle.C.brady, 14th edition available in markets:

The nature and properties of soil

109 - BGA was discovered as a nitrogen fixer in paddy field by ?

P.K dey

110 - Biochemical reduction of nitrate to nitrite or gaseous nitrogen is called ________________________?


111 - Biofertilizer is a:

Culture having the desired strain of microorganisms

112 - Biological nitrogen fixation is:

Both (a) & (b)

113 - Biological Weathering involves:

All of these

114 - Black and dark coloured soils absorb _____ heat from sublight than light coloured soils:


115 - Black soils ______ in organic matter and high in bases:


116 - Black soils are _____ when wet and very hard when dry:

Very soft

117 - Black soils have ______ amount of lime and P:


118 - Blue-green algae grows best in:


119 - Bone meal is well suited for:

Acidic soils

120 - Boron concentration is irrigation water is considered safe only upto_________________?

0.7 ppm

121 - Bray suggested certain modification in the Mischerlich equation:

dy/dx = (A - Y)C

122 - Browning disease of rice is a_________?

Physiological disease

123 - Buffer solution is a solution which resist change in __________________ ?


124 - Buffering capacity of soil means resistance to a change in:

Soil pH

125 - Bulk density is denoted by:

Weight of the given soil sample volume of the same soil sample (g/c.c.)

126 - By the formulae d = PW x As x D/100 we can calculate:

Depth of irrigation water

127 - C:N ratio of microorganism:

N0ne of the above

128 - C12H12N-NaO8S2 is the chemical formula of ____________________?

Azomethine H

129 - Ca Al2 Si3 O8 is the formula of:


130 - Calcite, Dolomite and Hornblends are:

Calcium minerals

131 - Calcium chloride is probably the most readily available source of soluble calcium, but seldom used due to:

High cost

132 - Calcium cynamide contain:

21 to 26% nitrogen

133 - Calcium is essential for:

Both of these

134 - Capillary movement of water is complemented by:

Root extension

135 - Carbon requirement of the plant is met by absorbing:

Carbon dioxide from atmosphere

136 - Cation exchange capacity is expressed as:

Meq/100 g

137 - Cation exchange capacity is found minimum in the case of:


138 - Cation exchange capacity is highest in:


139 - Chemical weathering governs mostly by the process:

All of these

140 - Chitin and steroids are_____________________?


141 - Chlorite and hornblend are:

Mg minerals

142 - Chlorosis is observed in upland rice due to deficiency of:


143 - Chlorosis refers to the:

Yellowing of the leaf tissues

144 - Chromium (Cr) is a____________________?

Heavy metal

145 - Clay and humus particles are referred to as colloids and are less than 0.002mm. Due to their small size, colloids have ________________ surface area which provides surface for adsorption, catalysis, precipitation and microbial colonization:

Extremely high

146 - Clay are classified as:

Socondary minerals

147 - Clear water with organic matter or sediment and minimum biological activity is known as__________________?


148 - Color of fertile soil is_____________________?


149 - Color off basic matic rock is_____________________?

Dark colored

150 - Combination of soil genesis and classification is collectively called_________?


151 - Common soils found in Pakistan are___________________?

All the above

152 - Commonly used method for enumeration of soil microbial population is:

Dilution plate technique

153 - Composition of igneous rock is determined by___________?

Composition of molten magma

154 - Conservation agriculture improves the water use efficiency of dryland systems. It has components:

all of the above

155 - Conservation tillage tends to encourage:

High microbial population

156 - Continuous heavy rainfall leads to the formation of:

Acid soil

157 - Corrositivity of water is an indication of___________________?

Both a & b

158 - Criteria of essentiality is given by:


159 - C-spacing of kaolinite is:

7.39 A

160 - Cyclic salts are mostly of ______________________?


161 - DAP fertilizer available in Pakistan contains__________________________?

18% N & 46% P2O5

162 - DAP requirement for supplying 45 Kg N and 115 kg P2O5 to one-hectare peanut crops:

200 kg

163 - Decomposition of the organic matter in submerged soil is carried out by?

None of the above

164 - Deep percolation from a soil profile is generally measured by a device known as_____________________?


165 - Deficiency of B can be corrected through application of chemical fertilizer of_________________?

All the above

166 - Deficiency of iron results in typical interveinal chlorosis in which:

Younger leaves are first affected

167 - Deficiency of Mo in citrus plants results in:

Yellow spots

168 - Deficiency of several elements is exhibited first in the apical region of the growing part due to there:

Immobile nature

169 - Degree of soil salinity is indicated by its:

Total soluble salt content

170 - Denitrification is more in:

Waterlogged soils

171 - Depending on the percentage of sand, silt, clay, soils are divided into _______ textural classes:


172 - Depth of cultivated soils is upto:

15 cm

173 - Desert soils are found in:

Arid and semi arid region

174 - Diameter of clay particle is:

Less than 0.002 mm

175 - Different soil separate may be determined with the help of:

International pipette method

176 - Diphenyl amine is an indicator, which is used in determination of:

Organic carbon

177 - Dominant organisms found in a compost pit are:


178 - Downward movement of food synthesized in leaves takes place through:


179 - DQ = DA (dc/dx) dt is the:

Fick's law

180 - During decomposition of organic matter, inititial decomposition is dominated by:__________?


181 - Each layer of phyllosilicates is composed of two types of sheets:

Both A & C

182 - Earth worms present in the soil:

Increase soil fertility

183 - Earth's total weight is contributed by different spheres as:

93.06% lithosphere, 6.91% hydrosphere, 0.03% atmosphere

184 - Efficiency of applied fertilizers in rice crop is:


185 - Efficiency of applied fertilizers in whet crop is:


186 - Efficiency of symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation depends on:

Ecological conditons

187 - Electrical conductivity of saturated paste is written as____________________?


188 - Elements essentially required for growth of all plants species are___________________?


189 - Elements, which are absorbed from the soil, are known as:

Plant nutrients

190 - Eluviations refers to:

Removal of clay and sesquioxide from above horizons to lower horizons

191 - Entry of K+ ions through root hair having to low K+ ion content in the soil is mediated through:

Ion exchange

192 - Equation of Ozone is________________________?

O2 + O =O3

193 - Etridiazol and nitrapyrin ______ oxidation of ammodia to nitrates:


194 - Examples of cumulose materials are:

Peat and Muck

195 - Examples of macrobiota are______________________?


196 - Examples of micro biota are____________________?

Both a & b

197 - Examples of prismatic structures are found in the _______________ mapped in KPK and the northern part of Punjab.

All of the above

198 - Exposure of the manures to rains causes highest loss of___________?


199 - Extraction of humic substance can be done by______________________?


200 - Farm yard manure:

Recommended for salinity reclamation

201 - Father of agricultural chemistry is___________________?


202 - Father of Soil Microbiology is:

S.N. Winogradsky

203 - Fe is trivalent in which of the chemical compound:

Fe (NO3)3

204 - Felsic rocks consists of___________________?

Quartz & Feldspars

205 - Ferrows oxide can be obtained during chemical process weathering under the heads of:


206 - Fine-graned rocks formed on earth crust are called____________________?

Extrusive rock

207 - First 15 cm layer of land, which is ploughed for cultivation of crop, is called:

Furrow slice

208 - following are types of weathering:

both a and c

209 - For managing acid soils following chemical amendment is quite essential:


210 - For reclamation of alkali soil, gypsum is mixed in the soil at the depth of:

30 cm

211 - For the determination of P by Bray method, the ratio of soil and solution should be:


212 - Force (dynes) acting on the surface of water at right angle is one cm of length is called:

Surface tension

213 - Formation of soil is the result of:

Bio-chemical processes

214 - Formula used for the calculation of sodium absorption ratio is______________________?

SAR=Na / [(Ca+Mg)1/2] Na x 2

215 - Fraction of organic matter comparatively resistant to microbial degradation is:


216 - From the point of view of crop production, Soil testing refers to______________?

Both A & C

217 - Fungal population is comparatively high in a soil having:

Acidic pH

218 - General Soil Productivity Index (GSPI) can be calculated by:

Sum of PRI's of major crops/Number of crops

219 - Geochemical weathering processes occurs______________________?

Below soil solum

220 - Gold is___________________?

Native element

221 - Granite and Basalt are examples of:___________?

None of the above

222 - Gravimetric water is present in__________________?


223 - Gravimetric water is present in______________________?

Macro pores

224 - Gravitational potential in soil water is potential created due to:


225 - Ground water refers to the________?

Aquifer location

226 - Group of legume plant that develops nodules when exposed to bacteria nodules obtained from the nodules of any member of that plant group is known as:

Cross inoculation group

227 - Gypsum an amendment applied to alkali soil belongs to ______ type:

Soluble Ca-salt

228 - Gypsum is also called as:


229 - Gypsum requirement of the soil can be determined by 344-N(A-B) in which N is equal to:

Normality at EDTP

230 - Heterotrophic organisms obtain energy from the biological oxidation of:

Organic carbon

231 - Highly available form of phosphorus at pH 7.5 is:


232 - Hilly soils are low in lime and:


233 - Histols are found in______________________?

Both b & c

234 - Horizontal layers in the soil profile are known as:

Horizontal zones

235 - How many different minerals deposits are found in Pakistan ?


236 - How many orders are included in the 7th Approximation system of soil classification?


237 - How much percentage of soils of Pakistan are deficient in P______________________?


238 - Humic acid is soluble in____________________?


239 - Humic acid is soluble in______________________?


240 - Humus colloids are composed basically of:


241 - Humus enhances the mineral breakdown and increases the availability of some:


242 - Humus generally refers to the decomposed organic residues which have undergone a series of degradation and synthesis cycles. The humic substances consist of a series of highly acidic, yellow to black coloured, high molecular weight compounds _____________

both A & B

243 - Hydraulic conductivity of soils varies directly with:

Total porosity

244 - Hydrogen requirement of plants in met by:

Break-down of water within the plant

245 - hydrosphere refers to______________________?

Zone of water

246 - Hygroscopic moisture is held at:

31 atm.

247 - Identify the fertilizer (s) containing potassium____________________?

All the above

248 - Identify which of the following is a passive soil forming fctors:


249 - If a manure pile is exposed to the rain, what nutrient will be lost the most ?


250 - If a soil has a bulk density of 1.50 mg/m3 and a particle density of 2.65 ms/m3 then the percentage pore spice of the soil will be:


251 - If crop residues have more than 2% nitrogen, then:

Net mineralization will take place

252 - If soyabean is being grown for the first time in a field, the seed should be treated with ______ culture:


253 - If the C: N ratio of crop residues is 20-30 then:

Both immobilization and mineralization take place

254 - If the C:N ratio of crop residues is less than 20 then:

Mineralization will take place

255 - If the chlorophyll content in plant increases, the solar radiation transmitted:


256 - If the nitrogen content in crop residues is less than 2% nitrogen, then:

Net immobilization may take place

257 - If the particle size is 2mm to 7.5 cm then it is known as:


258 - Igneous rock whose crystal is 1 cm called____________________?


259 - Igneous rocks are formed by:

Cooling of molten magma

260 - Illuviation refers to:

Accumulation of clay and sesquioxide in lower horizons

261 - In a waterlogged soil the concentration of ______ is high:


262 - In acid soil rock phosphate should be applied:

30 days before sowing

263 - In acid soils, availability of Fe is:


264 - In acid soils, phosphorous is fixed as:

Iron and Aluminum phosphate

265 - In CAN, nitrogen is present in following forms:

Both of the above

266 - In case of ammonia synthesis the reaction is:


267 - In chemical weathering the composition of minerals:


268 - In cotton, zn deficiency is known as_________?

Little leaf

269 - In degraded add soils root extension into anaerobic and highly reduced layer is reduced due to injurious concentration of:


270 - In 'Detailed Soil Survey' the base maps used having scale:

1"- 1 mile

271 - In flood rice, snail feed on bacteria called__________________?


272 - In general, waters with conductivity values below ______ mmhos/cm are satisfactory for irrigation in so far as salt content in concerned:


273 - In high P-fixing soils, water soluble P2O5-fertilizers are applied to the crops essentially as:

Placement below the seed

274 - In no-tillage systems, the surface soil layers have:

Higher bulk density

275 - In order to asses the immediately fertility level of a given soil for K, which one of the following forms of K present in soil would one test for?

K held in the silt

276 - In Pakistan there is general deficiency of rainfall. It varies from 125 mm annually in upper Sindh to about 900 mm in the sub-mountainous of northern Pakistan. In Balochistan the mean annual rainfall is about 200 mm, diminishing to ________ mm in the dese

<50 mm

277 - In Pakistan, Indus plains are formed from ___________ parent material which was transported by Indus river and its tributaries from Himalayas?

None of the above

278 - In Pakistan, Nitrophos is manufactured in_________?


279 - In Pakistan, the major phosphatic fertilizers are:

All of Above

280 - In respect of a sugarcane crop to be grown in an acidic soil having high P-fixing capacity by the fertilizer of choice would be:

Finely ground rock phosphate

281 - In soil where the negative charge is pH dependent, liming Increase CEC which results in an increase potassium by the soil colloids and ______ in soil:


282 - In the C:N ration of crop residues is more than 30, then:

Immobilization will take place

283 - In the diffusion, the movement of ions takes place:

From the region of higher concentration to the lower concentration

284 - In the P-determination by Olsen method, the ration of soil and extractant should be:


285 - Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) is a well-accepted approach for the sustainable management of________?

both a and B

286 - International atomic weight of potassium is_________________?


287 - Iron helps in chlorophyll synthesis because:

It is associated with chlorophyll

288 - Irrigation with sodic water increase the availability of:


289 - Is called father of pedology:

V.V. Dokuchaev

290 - Is potassium takes parts in metabolic activity?


291 - K in igneous rocks is about:


292 - K2 (Si5 Al2)Al4O2 (OH)4 is the formula of:


293 - Kaolinite can be identified by______________________?

X-ray diffraction

294 - Kaolinite is a ______ type clay mineral:


295 - Kharia disease of rice is diagnosed by:

Dark reddish brown pigmentation

296 - Land capability classes have:

8 categories

297 - Large pieces of erupted magma are called_____________________?

Volcanic block

298 - Ligands that occur in Pakistan soils are__________________?

All the above

299 - Lignin like compounds in humus is about:


300 - Lime is used for reclamation of:

Acidic soil

301 - Limonite is formed by the process of:


302 - Lithosphere contains about _______ sand stone and 0.25% limestone:


303 - Lithosphere contains about:


304 - Lithosphere has about ______ igneous rocks:


305 - Lithosphere refers to____________________?

Zone of earth crust

306 - Loss of nitrogen in the form of NH3 in alkaline medium is known as_________?


307 - Losses of soil water not includes_________?

Hydroponics loss

308 - Main product of photosynthesis is_____________________?


309 - Mass flow of gases into the soil occurs due to the difference of:

Pressure gradient

310 - Material deposited by the wind is called____________________?


311 - Maximum absorption of water by roots takes place through the :

Root hair

312 - Maximum population of microorganisms found in soils is of:


313 - Mean annual precipitation for tundra region is ____________________?

0-50 cm

314 - Mechanisms of material uptake by plants is by____________________?

Mass flow

315 - Metamorphic rocks are formed from____________________?

Both a & b

316 - Mg and S are termed as:

Secondary nutrients

317 - Mica is:

2:1 type clay mineral, non expandable

318 - Micas have isomorphous substitution:____________?

Predominantly in octahedral layer

319 - Microbial population of a soil in general

Decreases with depth

320 - Microorganisms have C/N ratio of____________________?


321 - Mineral soil contain organic carbon___________________?


322 - Mineralization of N refers to the conversion of :

Organic form into inorganic form

323 - Moisture content from lower upper plastic limit is known as:

Plastic number

324 - Mollic refers to____________________?

Surface horizon

325 - Molybdenum is a component of:

Nitrogenase enzyme

326 - Montmorillinite, illite and kaolinite are:

Clay minerals

327 - Montmorillonite is following type of clay mineral:

None of these

328 - More than 2.3 value of nutrient index indicates:

Adequate fertility of soil

329 - Most abundant mineral in the earth crust is______________________?


330 - Most abundant organic compound in nature?


331 - Most common rocks, after exposed to weathering which cover about ______% 0f the earth:

Sedimentary rocks

332 - Most of the productive soils in Pakistan have pH______________________?

Between 7.5 to 8.5

333 - Most resistant mineral present in soil is:


334 - Most widely spread mineral in the world is________________?


335 - Muratt of potash contains:

None of the above

336 - Mycorrhiza-infected plants show better ability of absorption of the nutreients, especially:


337 - Mycorrihiza-infected plants show better growth than uninfected plants, especially on:

Low fertility soils

338 - N, P, K percent in cotton seed cake is:

4, 1.9, 1.7

339 - Na Ai Si2O8 is the formula of:


340 - Na and k can be determined by the use of____________________?

Flame photometer

341 - Na2CO3 salts is___________________?


342 - Nitrate levels in drinking water above about ______ mg per litre are considered a human health hazard:


343 - Nitrification is the microbial conversion of____________________?

NH nitrogen the NO3 nitrogen in soil

344 - Nitrogen gases are involved in_____________________?

Acid rains

345 - Non-symbiotic bacteria fixes _______ amount of N2 than symbiotic N2 fixers:


346 - Number of master horizons is:


347 - Nutrient absorbed by plants are carried upward through the:


348 - Nutrient index is used to prepare the:

Soil fertility map

349 - Occurrence of quartz, in high amounts makes a rock:


350 - Olsen method of P determination is more effective in:

Alkaline ail

351 - On the basis of pH measurements, the nearly neutral soils have pH value between:

6.6 to 7.5

352 - On the basis of total mass, the relative abundance of the given elements in the earth's crust is such that:

Si > O2 > Fe = Al

353 - Organic (O) horizon is absent in_________?

Arable soils

354 - Organic carbon content in the soil is a measure of:

Available nitrogen

355 - Organic matter contains about ______ percent organic carbon:


356 - Organic matter content of 'histosols' and ""hydromorphic"soils is:


357 - Organic matter in Pakistani soils is generally:_________?

less than 1 %

358 - Organic matter influences:_________?

All of the above

359 - Organic P content in soil, by ignition method is estimated by igniting the soil at ____________________?


360 - Organic soil are called____________________?

Both a & b

361 - Organism used as biofertilizer in wheat cultivation:


362 - Organisms satisfying their carbon requirement as Co2 from atmosphere and energy requirement from oxidation of simple inorganic compound are called as_________?


363 - Oxidation of sulfure to sulphate is carried out by:

Thiobacillus spp

364 - Oxygen and Silicon together comprise approximately ______ %of the earth crust?


365 - Oxygen requirement of the plant is met by absorbing:


366 - Part of soil which is in contact with root surface is called___________________?


367 - Particular matter consists of____________________?

Solid and liquid

368 - Peat soils are ______ in nature:


369 - Peat soils are not present in Pakistan because these are formed in___________?

both A & B

370 - Peat soils have _____ organic matter:


371 - Pedogenic processes bring about changes in the parent materials in the form of _____________________, within the soil body (soil profile)?

both A and B

372 - Pedology is the study of:


373 - Percent nitrogen is equal to:

Percent organic matter x 0.05

374 - Percent of total N present in soil is in the form of organic N:


375 - Percentage of N in Ammonium ritract fertilizer is___________________?


376 - Percentage of N in Ammonium sulphate fertilizer is___________________?


377 - Percentage of soil solids in soil is:


378 - Perfect hardness of any mineral is determined by___________________?

Mho€™s scale

379 - Permanent change in soil is due to__________________?

Isomorphic substitution

380 - Permanente wilting point of clayey soils is not less than____________________?


381 - pF unit is used for the measurement of_____________________?

Negative soil water potential

382 - pH in coniferous forest is__________________?

Less than 7

383 - pH of Pakistani soils is____________________?


384 - pH value of 7.0 denotes that the soil reaction is:


385 - Phosphates enzyme play a major role in ______ of organic phosphates in soil:


386 - Phosphorous occurs in soil in:

Both (a) & (b)

387 - Phosphorus fixation refers to the phenomenon of:

Conversion of soluble phosphorus into plant unavailable forms

388 - Phosphorus is esential for:

Both of these

389 - Physical condition of soil for plant growth is called___________________?


390 - Physical weathering causes:

Disintegration of rocks and minerals

391 - Places where volcanoes occur are_________________?

All the above

392 - Planets in our system are____________________?


393 - Plants meet their oxygen requirement by:

All the above methods

394 - Plutonic rocks are also called____________________?

Intrusive igneous

395 - Pneumatic potential is due to____________________?


396 - Point of zero change means____________________?

Zero charge at surface

397 - Poor quality water contains:

Higher amount of soluble salts

398 - Potassium (K) fixation capacity is maximum in:____________?


399 - Potassium (K) occurs as a constituent of the earth€™s crust in the proportion of_________?


400 - Potassium fixation is higher in:

1:1 type clays

401 - Potassium is considered vital in:

All of the above

402 - Previously Essential nutrients required for the growth of plants were sixteen. In recent time the essential nutrients required for the growth of plants are:_________?


403 - Primary air pollution is____________________?


404 - Problem of erosion in Thal and Cholistan is due to____________________?


405 - Process of immobilization refers to:

Conversion of inorganic form to organic form

406 - Process of mixing of soils is known as_________?

The correct option is not present above

407 - Process of mixing soil by fauna and flora is called__________________?


408 - Product of microorganism that appears to chelate calcium is called_____________________?

2-ketoghconic acid

409 - Q = KA (P1-P1)/n1 denotes the:

Darcy's equation of gas flow

410 - Q = Ki is the ______ equation:

Darcy's equation

411 - Quantity of single super phosphate needed for applying 80 kg P2O5/ha to sugarcane will be:

500 kg

412 - Radiation can be detected by the blankening of photographic film or by using___________________?

GM counter

413 - Radioactive tracer technique is used for determining:

Translocation of minerals in plants

414 - Rate of entry of water in soil is__________?


415 - Refers to the study of the origin of soils in there natural environment, its classification and description:


416 - Refers to the study of the soil properties in relation to crop production:


417 - Refers to the upper most biochemical weathered portion of the regolith:


418 - Release of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur from the added organic matter by M.O. at the initial stage of degradation will depend upon:

Chemical composition of added organic matter

419 - Rhizobia infect the host legumes through:

Root bairs

420 - Rhizobium after infection converts to a form, which is irregular in shape and is called:


421 - Rhizobium japonicum can fix the nitrogen in the roots of:


422 - Rhizobium leguminoserum can fix the nitrogen in the roots of:

Pea, Sweetpea, lentil

423 - Rhizobium phaseoli can fix the nitrogen in the roots of:


424 - Rhizobium sp fix atmospheric nitrogen:

As symbiouts on pulses

425 - Rhizobium trifolii can fix the nitrogen in the roots of:


426 - Rhizohium culture is used to increase biological nitrogen fixation in:

Pulse crops

427 - Rhizoplane is________?

Root surface

428 - Rhizosphere is:

An area of soil in immediate vicinity around root

429 - Rhizosphere refers to the small area:

Around the root

430 - Rhizospheres affect microbial population and nutrient availability by:

Secreting nutritive metabolites and organic solvents

431 - Rhyolite in nature is______________________?


432 - Rock phosphate can be directly applied as fertilizer in soils:


433 - Rock phosphate contains:

10 to 40% P2O5

434 - Rocks and weathered materials transported by ___________ ,act as initial materials for soil formation?

All of the above

435 - Rocks formed from compacted clay or mud are called____________________?


436 - Rocks formed from molten magma are called__________________?

Igneous rocks

437 - Rocks having coarse bubble holes are called_______________________?


438 - Rocks which are formed by disintegration of pre-existing rocks by weathering are____________________?


439 - Roots usually occupy :__________?

1% or less of soil volume

440 - S.M.P. buffer is used in determination of:


441 - Saline soils are reclaimed/managed by:

Leaching the soluble salts

442 - Saline-sodic soils have the value of:

EC less than 4mmhos/cm, ESP more than 15, pH more than 8.5

443 - Salt-tolerant plants are called ____________________?


444 - Sand stone and limit stone are the examples of:

Sedimentary rock

445 - Schist is example of____________________?

Metamorphic rock

446 - Secondary air pollution is _____________________?

All the above

447 - Sedimentary rocks are formed by:

Cementation of broken parts

448 - Select the water soluble phosphatic fertilizer from the following__________?

All of these

449 - Sewage water consists of water and solids in the following percentage___________________?

99 & 1

450 - Shrinking and swelling is property of__________________?


451 - Si4 AI4 O10 (OH)8 is a formula of:


452 - Si4 O10 (OH)8 n.H2O is a formula of:is a formula of:


453 - Silica content of an igneous rock is:


454 - Silica has particle size range between:

0.02 to 0.002 mm

455 - Silt stones consists of grains whose size range from____________________?

Both b & c

456 - Single super phosphate (SSP) contains:

16 to 18% P2O5

457 - Single super phosphate (SSP) is manufactured from:

Rock phosphate

458 - Single super phosphate is preferred for phosphorus application in groundnut because it also provides:

Sulphur and calcium both

459 - Size of clay particle is___________________?


460 - Slipperiness is due to__________________?

Vander walls forces

461 - Slow nitrification rate of non-edible mahua cake is due to:

The presence of oil

462 - Smectite groups include:


463 - Sodic soils contain sufficient amount of ______ to interfere with plant growth:

Exchangeable sodium

464 - Sodium nitrate contains:

16% nitrogen

465 - Soil air contains:

0.25% CO2

466 - Soil colour determination is standardized and determined by the comparison of the soil colour to:

Munsell chart

467 - Soil formed under impeded drainage conditions, where movement of air and water is restructed is known as:

Gley soil

468 - Soil is biochemically weathered part of:


469 - Soil moisture and ET losses are_________________?

Directly related

470 - Soil order characterized by excess of weathering with dominant iron and aluminium oxide clays, common in tropics is_________?


471 - Soil Organic Matter (SOM) serves not only as a reservoir of all the required plant nutrients, but it:

All of these

472 - Soil Organic Matter (SOM) which consists of about _______ % organic carbon plays a vital role by providing macro & micro nutrients:


473 - Soil organic matter has many remarkable effects and one of them is given below, identify the same:

Encouraged granulation

474 - Soil particles as individuals such as sand and do not form aggregates. These are usually found in parent material or C horizon is:_________?


475 - Soil particles having diameter greater than 2 mm are called___________________?


476 - Soil samples are collected to:

Plastic bags

477 - Soil samples are collected:

None of these

478 - Soil strength for engineering purposes is determinated by the characteristics:

All of these

479 - Soil structural units having horizontal axis much longer than vertical axis. Such type of soil structure is known as:


480 - Soil structure without aggregation is known as____________________?


481 - Soil survey's are of different type:

Three type

482 - Soil water can be determined by_____________________?

Both a & b

483 - Soils are acidic for one of the reason:

Acidic parent material

484 - Soils are surveyed and classified on the basis of distinctive feature of:

Soil profiles

485 - Soils containing high proportion of organic matter have following colour:

Dark colour

486 - Soils that have more than 20% organic matter are termed as organic soils. These are also called:________?

Both a and c

487 - Soils that have more than 20% organic matter are termed as:__________?

All of these

488 - Soils with high pH are generally dificient in:

Zn and Mn

489 - Soluble salt content of soil determined by measuring its:

Electrical consuctivity

490 - Solum is made up of:

None of these

491 - Solution containing molecular weight of a substance in gram per liter of a solution is known as______________________?


492 - Some pesticides with positively charged groups are also absorbed by:

Silicate clays

493 - Some times, AB/EB/BA/BE horizons in soil profile are present which are called__________?

Transition horizons

494 - Source of negative charges on silicate clays is/ are________?

All of these

495 - Specific heat is higher in:


496 - Specific heat of organic matter is______?


497 - Specific heat of the dry soil is equal to:

0.5 cal/gm

498 - Specific heat of the mineral matter is:

0.18 Cal gm-1

499 - Standard way of collecting a soil sample is to take:

Several samples from all over the field and mix

500 - Steamed bone-meal contains:

22% P2O5

501 - Structure and size of aphantic rock is________________?

Fine grained

502 - Sugar cane is_____________________?

C4 plant

503 - Sulphate of potash is preferable to MoP for tobacco because:

The chlorine in the MoP effect the burning quality of tobacco

504 - Sulphur is an essential component of:__________?

All of these

505 - Super-digested compost is called so because:

Super-phosphate is added to the compost during its preparation

506 - swelling clay soils, develop cracks due to greater proportion of swelling type clays:


507 - Symbiotic association of fungal hyphae with plant roots is known as:


508 - Systematic examination of soil in the field and laboratories, their description and grouping according to classification system:

The answer of statement is not in options

509 - Tarai soils are generally deficient in:


510 - Tarai soils are high in:

Organic matter

511 - Temperature has got significant effects on:

All of above

512 - The acidic igneous rocks contain silica:


513 - The acidity of H+ absorbed on solid phase is known as:

Reserve acidity

514 - The acidity of H+ in aqueous phase of soils is called:

Active acidity

515 - The addition of excess soluble phosphate fertilizers to soils may affect plant growth by:

Reducing the availability of Ca

516 - The adverse effect of poor quality water is/will be more on:

Clay soil

517 - The aggregation of individual particles is called___________________?


518 - The albedo of the earth is:__________?


519 - The alkali soil can be identified by seeing:

Black colour on the surface

520 - The amount of P in soil and soil solution that can exchange with orthophosphate in addition to soil as measured by plant growth in soil system is termed as:


521 - The amount of work dong by the water during its movement from Initial point to reference point is known as:

Soil water potential

522 - The appropriate method to apply phosphatic fertilizers is__________?

Basal placement

523 - The atmospheric layer lies closest to the earth surface is known as___________________?


524 - The availability of essential nutrients from soil to the plants is controlled by the ________ properties of soil:


525 - The availability of phosphoreus is maximums at soil pH:


526 - The available form of calcium to plant is________________?

Ca(free cation

527 - The available form of sulphur for plant is___________________?


528 - The available from of nitrogen for plant is________________?

Both a & b

529 - The available water present in soil for better plant growth in between:

Field capacity and wilting percentage

530 - The average arable surface soil may be considered to have a particle density of about:

2.66 gms/cc

531 - The average chemical composition of NPK of night soil is:

5.5 - 4.0 - 2.0

532 - The average soil bulk density of cultivated loamy soil is approximately:

1.1 - 1.4 gm cm-3

533 - The bacteria considered most important to bring about the conversion of NH4 to NH2:

Both (a) & (b)

534 - The bacteria responsible for fixation of nitrogen in soyabean are:

Rhyzobium japonicum

535 - The best estimate of the available P in phosphatic fertilizers is obtained from the:

Water soluble fraction

536 - The biological method for determining defidency of lime, P and K is:

Azotobacter plaque test

537 - The C.E.C. of illite is about:

40 m.e./100 g

538 - The C.E.C. of mica is about:

10 m.e./100 g

539 - The C:N ratio in the organic matter of the furrow slice (upper 15 cm) of arable soils commonly ranges from?

8:1 to 15:1

540 - The capacity of soils to be moulded, that is to change shape in response to stress and peep that shape when stress is removed is termed as:


541 - The carbon nitrogen ratio in cultivated soil is stabilized as:

8:1 to 15:1

542 - The cation, which competes with ammonium during fixation, is:


543 - The CEC of kaolinite clay varies between:

3 and 15

544 - The cellulose content in humus is about:


545 - The characteristics of surface soil, which have important, bearing in soil management and crop production, is known as:

Soil phase

546 - The chemical formula for Ammonium acctatc is_____________________?


547 - The chemical formula of Dolomite is________________?

CaMg (CO3)2

548 - The chemical formula of Hematite is_____________________?


549 - The chemical formula of urea fertilizer is_______________________?

Both a & b

550 - The choice of a chemical amendment may be influenced by the _______ required for reaction in the soil:


551 - The colloidal surface area in the upper 15 cm of a hectare of a clay soil could be as high as km.


552 - The complex fertilizer Nitrophos available in the market contains_____________________?

23%N & 23% P2O3

553 - The concentration of CO2 in the soil increases after the rains, probably because of:

Increase nitrification and decomposition of organic matter

554 - The concept of soil as a natural body was first developed by:


555 - The conditions responsible for the formation of salt affected soil is:

Low rainfall and high evaporation

556 - The conductivity of a saturation extract is greater 4 dsm-1 an exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of less than 15 and the pH is usually less than 8.5 is called as__________________?

Saline soils

557 - The configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features is called:________?


558 - The conversion of amount into nitrate by microorganisms is known as:


559 - The credit for identifying the essentality of K, Ca, Mg and P to planta goes to________?


560 - The credit for identifying the essentality of nitrogen to plants goes to________?


561 - The crop suitable for cultivation in saline sodic soil would include:

Soyabean and rice

562 - The C-spacing of halloysite is:

10.2 A

563 - The cuticular membrances are generally more permeable to:

Cations rather than anions

564 - The dark coloured soils are:

High in Fe and Mn

565 - The deficient level of N (%) in plants suggested by various workers is____________________?


566 - The device used for the measurement of positive pressure potential of soil water is known as_________________?


567 - The diagnostic surface horizons are called:


568 - The diagnostic techniques used in evaluating soil nutrient status and determining fertilizer requirements of the crop include:

All of the above

569 - The diameter of most erodible soils particle is:

0.2 mm

570 - The diameter of water molecule is approximately:


571 - The direct exchange of ions between the roots and clay colloids called:

Contact exchange theory

572 - The discovery of oxygen was done by ________, which proved the keystone of other discoveries that went far toward unlocking the mystery of plant life:


573 - The dominant colour of spectral (rainbow) in soil indicates:


574 - The earth core is made of the following metals ______________________?

Fe & Ni

575 - The earth mainly consists of:

Three spheres

576 - The earth's element crust is a part of:


577 - The EC: SAR and RSC values suggested by WAPDA for 3rd class irrigation water(C,S,R,) are____________________?

ECi:<1.5, SAR < 10 & RSC< 2.5

578 - The elements play direct role in formation of chlorophyll is:

Nitrogen and Magnesium

579 - The exact chemical formula of DAP fertilizer is___________________?

(NH2) HPO4

580 - The exact formula for calculating the base saturation percentage is_____________________?

Bas saturation percentage = CA+Mg+Na / CEC x 100

581 - The exact formula for sodium hexametaphosphate is___________________?


582 - The example of amide group nitrogenous fertilizer:


583 - The factor responsible for the formation of acid soil:

High rainfall

584 - The factor used for conversion of P to P2O3 is____________________?


585 - The fertilizers which have two or more than two major plant nutrient in their chemical composition are called:

Complex fertilizer

586 - The first mechanism to start in the wind erosion is_________?

None of these

587 - The first passage through which nutrients enters into the leaves:

Intercuticular passage

588 - The foliated metamorphic rocks are formed due to:


589 - The following factors other than gypsum solution may effect the extraction of calcium and suplhate from a gypsiferous soil:

Sulphte solution from a source other than gypsum

590 - The formula used for calculating RSC is _____________________?

RSC=(CO32 + HCO2) ( Ca2 + Mg2)

591 - The gaseous exchange between soil and atmosphere is the:

Natural process

592 - The global average of solar radiation reaching the earth is:


593 - The H2 fixation by Rhizohium species in legume is called :

Symbiotic N2 fixation

594 - The harmful effect of saline soil is due to:

High osmotic pressure of soil solution

595 - The highest nitrogen content among the commonly used nitrogenous fertilizers is embodied by:


596 - The horizons O, A, E and B (other than r and C) are collectively called_____________?


597 - The horizons, which make up the profile of a forest soil would include:

A, C and O

598 - The illuviation zone of soil is:


599 - The important function of nitrogen is:

To increase growth and green colour in plants

600 - The indicator used for estimation of the soil available boron is_______?


601 - The indicator used for the the estimation of the organic matter or organic carbon is;_________?

Diphenylamine indicator

602 - The inherent capacity of a soil to supply nutrients to plants in available and balanced proportion can be represented by:

Soil fertility

603 - The inner shell of earth consists of_____________________?

Silicate of Fe & Mg

604 - The instrument used for measuring the photosynthetically active radiations (PAR) is:________?

Quantom sensor

605 - The internal & external surfaces of soil colloids are positively and or negatively charged. Mostly ____________ is dominant:


606 - The kaolininte is a layer silicate clay mineral, it is 1:1 type of mineral with___________________?

3-15 meq/100g CEC

607 - The kind, rate and intensity and pedogenic processes are controlled by ________ ,soil-forming factors?

None of the above

608 - The largest soil order in Pakistan?


609 - The light coloured soils are:

Low in fe and Mn

610 - The lithosphere is mainly made up of:

Igneous rocks

611 - The little clay mineral is_____________________?

None or little expending

612 - The losses of ammonia usually become greater with ______ soil:

Increase in soil pH

613 - The lower limit of available water is called ____________________?

Wilting point

614 - The main characteristics, which render the alkali soils unfavourable for crop growth is:

Poor physical conditions

615 - The main source of heat energy for soil is:

Solar radiations

616 - The major nutrients are:

N, P, K

617 - The major soil fertility problems in Pakistani soils deficiencies of N, P and Zn. Deficiencies K, Fe, and B also occur in specific crop genotypes or soil types, while deficiencies of S, Cu, and Mn are negligible. however, the common nutrient deficiencies

both A & B

618 - The manifestation of the physical forces of cohesion and adhesion acting within the soil at various moisture contents is called:

Soil consistency

619 - The marble is a__________?

Dynamo metamorphic

620 - The mass per unit volume of the solid mass of the soil excluding pore space is known as:

True density

621 - The maximum moisture is available to plants at:

Field capacity

622 - The maximum phosphorus availability in most of the soils in the pH range:

6.0 - 6.5

623 - The maximum size limit of clay fraction is considered to be:

0.0002 mm

624 - The method of survey adopted for intensive cultivation is:

Detailed survey

625 - The microbes, which can survive at the temperature 25 - 30 Degree C is termed as:


626 - The mineral gypsum has chemical composition:


627 - The mineral limonite has chemical composition:

None of above

628 - The mineralization of organic phosphorus has been studied in relation to:


629 - The moisture content below which a cohesive soil does stick to metal tools is known as______________________?

Sticky limit

630 - The molar mass of NaCl is_____________________?


631 - The molecular transfer of gases due to concentration of partial pressure gardient in the soil is termed as:


632 - The most abundant metal in the earth€™s crust and toxic to plants in low concentration is____________________?


633 - The most abundant mineral present in the earth's crust is:


634 - The most important silicte clays are known as:


635 - The N2 fertilizer of choice for tea is:


636 - The N2 fixation by Azotobacter and Acospirillum in the cereals is called:

Non-symbiotic N2 fixation

637 - The N2 fixation in pea may be upto _______ kg N2/ha/year:

80 - 150

638 - The N2 fixation in soyabean may be upto ______ kg N2/ha/year:

65 - 115

639 - The N2 fixation in the roots of Alfalfa _______ kg N2/ha/year:

125 - 300

640 - The natural soil aggregates are called as:


641 - The negative logarithm of H+ ion concentration (activity) in the soil-solution:


642 - The net reaction of photosynthesis is_____________________?

CO2 + H2O light O2 + (CH3O)

643 - The Neubauer seedling method is used to evaluate the soil fertility. The test plants used in this method is:

Rye or Oat seedling

644 - The new comprehensive soils classification is based on:

Physical and chemical properties of soils

645 - The number of essential elements required for the growth of higher plant is:


646 - The number of functional plant nutrient is:


647 - The nutrient element silicon (Si) is:_________?


648 - The nutrient particularly influencing root growth is___________________?


649 - The oblique type of soil structure has about:

25 - 30% pore space

650 - The organic matter of soils is ordinarily obtained by multiplying the organic carbon content by:


651 - The organism, which can survive at the temperature 10 - 15 Degree C, is called:


652 - The P2O5 content is P in the plough layer of 1 ha of soil containing 0.1%. P2O5 is:

1500 kg

653 - The particlesw density of a mineral soil is about____________________?

2650 Kg m-3

654 - The pattern of occurrence of various soil taxonomic units on the detailed map is called:

Soil complex

655 - The percentage of calcium content in single superphosphate?


656 - The percentage of soil water held with water potential - 15 bars is called as:

Wilting point

657 - The pH of a solution, containing 1 x 10-7 gm ion/ml. will be:


658 - The planned development, distribution and use water resources:

Water management

659 - The plant in which CO2 fixation is solely via the Calvin cycle is_____________________?


660 - The plant nutrient when supplied in excess prolongs the growing period and delay crop maturity is:


661 - The porosity will be more in soils having particle size of:

0.002 mm

662 - The positive and high value of redox potential indictes:

Strong oxidizing conditions

663 - The presence of autotrophic mycorrhiza enhances the uptake of nutrients in general, but particularly of:


664 - The prime objective of conservation tillage is:

Partial retention of plant residues

665 - The principal cation that affects the availability/fixation of phosphorus in alkali soils is:

Fe and Al

666 - The problem of soil crosion Thal and Cholistan is predominantly due to___________________?


667 - The process by which nutrients chemicals or contaminants are dissolved and carried away by water, or are moved into a lower layer of soil:


668 - The process of accumulation of excess quantity of nutrients in water causing O2 deficiency is known as_____________________?


669 - The process of ammonification is often ______ by the use of pesticides:


670 - The process of deposition of soil materials in the lower layer is termed as:_________?


671 - The process of transformation of raw organic matter into humus:


672 - The process responsible for the formation of sodic soil is:


673 - The quantity of solid phase phosphorus that acts as reserve is often referred to as:

Quality factor

674 - The quantity of urea needed for applying 115 kg nitrogen to maize will be (approx):

150 kg

675 - The ratio of thermal conductivity and heat capacity is known as:

Thermal diffusivity

676 - The reaction of Na2 CO3 salt is____________________?


677 - The relative abundance of three types of rocks ( igneous-metamorphic- sedimentary) in the earth€™s crust is_________?

64.7 % - 27.4 % - 7.9 %

678 - The relative amounts of air and water in the pore spaces:

Fluctuate continuously

679 - The relative proportions of sand silt and clay n the soil is known as:

Soil texture

680 - The removal of excess water from the ground surface is called:________?

Surface operations

681 - The representtion of surface feature on map and their identification is called:

Soil legand

682 - The residual effect of ammonical nitrogenous fertilizer in soil is:


683 - The resistance of a soil at various moisture contents to mechanical stresses or manipulations:

Soil consistence

684 - The rice crop tolerates submergence because:

The plant has mechanism to transport O2 through leaves

685 - The rock ""Granite"is a:

Igneous rock

686 - The rock 'Quartzite' is a:

Metamorphic rock

687 - The rock, which is formed by sedimentation of primary rock, is called:

Sedimentary rock

688 - The rock, which is formed under high temperature and pressure and by sudden geological tectonic movement, is called:

Metamorphic rock

689 - The safe limit of No2 in drinking water is_____________________?

10 mg L-1

690 - The saline soil can be managed by:

Leaching of salts

691 - The salinity can be reduced by the application of___________________?


692 - The science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution is known as___________________?


693 - The seventieth element included in the list of essential nutrient element is:__________?


694 - The site of grains present in sands structuring range__________________?

0.0625 mm dia

695 - The sodicity of water can be expressed by:


696 - The soil layer of maximum leaching is indicated by the symbol


697 - The soil of Sindh (Pakistan) have pH______________________?

7.5 to 8.5

698 - The soil samples are dried at _______________, for gravimetric soil analysis?

105 0C

699 - The soil solum includes:

A and B Horizon

700 - The soil temperature under field conditions can be altered by suitable cultural practice such as:

All of the above

701 - The soils most prone to structural crusts are those which are higher in_________?

Both A & B

702 - The soils of ______ zones can supply adequate potassium for many years even under irrigations:


703 - The species of Rhizobium present in the root nodules of soyabean is:

R. japonicum

704 - The succulence and lodging in plants is due to 'excessive' application of:


705 - The sufficiency limit of iron is normally between:

50-150 ppm

706 - The symbol of Na stands for___________________?

None of these

707 - The systematic examination, description, classification and mapping of soil of an area is known as:

Soil survey

708 - The technique used for minimizing the loss of nitrogen in paddy fields comprises:

All of these

709 - The tendency of the young upper leaves to remain as the lower leaves yellow or die is an indication of nitrogen:


710 - The tension of the water at the upper plastic limit is equivalent to pF value:


711 - The term applied to a material which tends to absorb moisture from the atmosphere is called__________________?


712 - The term rhizosphere was coined by:___________?


713 - The texture of surface soil or surface horizon is called:

Soil type

714 - The time for which water and ion remains in vicinity is called_____________________?

Residence time

715 - The toxicity level of Zn (mg/kg) in plants suggested by some workers is___________________?

> 400 mg kg-1

716 - The tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is know as:_______?


717 - The Tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is known as:___________?


718 - The tropical soils high in hydrous oxides of iron and aluminium embody ______ to torrential rains:


719 - The unconsolidated material on the underlying rock is called:


720 - The unique soil environment under the influence of plants roots is called rhizosphere and this term was given by__________?


721 - The unit of electrical conductivity is____________________?


722 - The unit of fertilizer or any other growth factor which is necessary to produce the yield which in 50% of maximum possible yield is called:

Baule unit

723 - The value above ______ ppm is associated with boron toxicity:


724 - The very high temperatures required for ICP-AES are attained by__________?


725 - The virus infecting bacteria is called:_________?


726 - The water diffusivity has the units of:__________?


727 - The water held with a water potential greater than. 1/3 bar is known as:

Gravitational water

728 - The water loss through transpiration from vegetative and evaporation from soil surface is known as__________________?


729 - The wearing away of the land surface by wind, water, ice or other geological agents is called____________________?

Soil erosion

730 - The weathered material transported by means of waters and deposited in river basins are termed as:


731 - The weathering causes:

Disintegration and decomposition of rocks and minerals

732 - The zinc deficiency in rice causes disease:


733 - The zorawar is brand name of ___________________?


734 - There are twelve soil orders found in the world of which six soil orders have been recognized at various locations are________?

Entisols, Inceptisols, Aridisols, Alfisols, Mollisols, Vertisols

735 - There is a net increase in the mineralization of organaic nitrogen in soil when:

C:N = < 20:1

736 - Thermal conductivity of different textural classes of the soils follows the following order:

Sand > Loam > Clay > Peat

737 - Thick concordant bodies which force the overlying sediments to form dome-shaped hills are called_____________________?


738 - Thickness of Dikes ranges from___________________?

2-10 m

739 - Til cake contains about:

6.0% N

740 - To check nitrification, nitrification inhibitors are most useful in:


741 - To prevent denitrification losses of nitrogen in paddy field, nitrogen should be applied in the:

Reduced zone

742 - Tolerance to soil salinity of the given set of crops is such that:

Barley > wheat > beans > upland paddy

743 - Total salt affected soils of Pakistan are____________________?

6.3 m ha

744 - Transport of P2O5 from the cytosol (pH about 7) into vacuoles (pH nearly 5.5) involves:

H2PO4 and HPO4

745 - Tricalcium phosphate is soluble in:

Strong mineral acid

746 - TSP contains____________________?


747 - Tuff is__________________?

Volcanic ash

748 - Type of water vapour movement, which occurs in soils, is:

Both of these

749 - Under tropical condition, the volatilization losses of nitrogen is:

20 - 50%

750 - Unit of measuring electrical conductivity is:


751 - Upper plastic limit is also known as:

Liquid limit

752 - Upward translocation of fluid in xylem takes place due to:

Pull of transpiration stream

753 - Urea contain:

46.0 nitrogen

754 - Urea in manufactured form gases________________________?


755 - Urea is mineralized in the presence of enzyme:


756 - Use of materials like S, polyform UF, isobutylidene diurea etc, improves fertilizer use efficiency, when such additions are used, the N-fertilizers are termed as:

Slow nitrifying N-fertilizers

757 - V = 2rg (PP-Pm)/gm is:

Stoke's law

758 - Vermiculite is:

2:1 type mineral

759 - Vertical movement of water was studied by_________________?


760 - Volume of soil under the influence of roots of growing plants is known as:


761 - Volumetric heat capacity can be calculated by multiplying specific heat with the corresponding:


762 - Walkley and Blacks method of organic matter determination allows recovery of _____% organic carbon content:


763 - Water drains by gravitational force from pores larger than:

About 30 - 60 microns

764 - Water is the major constituent of all living creatures. Biomass of plants is composed of ________% water:

85 - 95%

765 - Water occupied the larger soil pores and moves down readily under the force of gravity. Water in excess of the field capacity is termed:

Gravitational water

766 - Weathered material transported by means of force of gravity the deposition is termed as:


767 - Weathering is the natural process of__________?

both A & C

768 - Weathering is_______________________?

Both a & b

769 - Weathering of gabbros gives_____________________?

Clay and iron oxide

770 - Weathering process-physical, chemical, and biological _______________, the rocks and minerals into simpler products which either accumulate in place or are transported to other places where they become soil parent materials?

Both a & c

771 - What are diatoms?

Soil Algae

772 - What culture should be given priority in groundnut cultivation?


773 - What is a soil horizon?

Layers of soil

774 - What is the concentration of pure water?

55.5 mol/L

775 - What is the effect of application of P2O5 fertilizer to a green manure leguminous crop in the availability of phosphorus to the succeeding crop?

It does not affect the availability of phosphorous to succeeding crop

776 - What is the effect of application of P2O5 fertilizer to a green manure leguminous crop on the availabiliity of phosphorus to the succeeding crop?

It does not affect the availability of phosphorous to succeeding crop

777 - What is the formula of urea?

CO (NH2)2

778 - What is the optimum temperature and pH for nitrifying bacteria ?

25-40 c, pH 8-8.5

779 - What is the P2O5 content of various rock phosphates?

20 - 35%

780 - What is the pH of calcareous soils?


781 - What is Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM)?


782 - What kind of nitrogenous (N) fertilizers should not be used for flooded soil:

Both B & C

783 - When a nutrient takes active part in growth and development of plant called:


784 - When a plant is under soil moisture stress, the roots:

Shrink in size

785 - When emerging leaves of maize show yellow to white bleached bands in lower parts, it whows the defidency of:


786 - When organic matter with wide C:N (70:1) is added to the soil, the net effect is the disappearance of mineral nitrogen due to:

N2 transformation

787 - When two or more functional groups of single ligand are coordinated to metal cation the complex is termed as___________________?


788 - Which bacteria causes fermentation__________________?


789 - Which bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate___________________?


790 - Which chemical used to prevent evaporation from surface of water in water bodies?

Cetyle alcohol

791 - Which compound decay slowly______________________?


792 - Which compound is mostly used in Pakistan for the reclamation of saline-sodic & sodic soils_________________?


793 - Which element can be fixed by smecitite___________________?


794 - Which element is found highest in earth crust?

None of the above

795 - Which element is known as chemical police man of plant?


796 - Which instrument is used for determining soil texture___________________?


797 - Which is passive factor of weathering ?

Parent material

798 - Which is/are dominating salt/s in alkali soil:

Both a & b

799 - Which leaf of rice is sampled for tissue nutrient analysis?

None of these

800 - Which mineral contain phosphorus__________________?


801 - Which mulch reduce soil temperature?


802 - Which nitrogenous fertilizer will you recommend for paddy crop?

Ammonical nitrate fertilizer

803 - Which nutrient is maximum given for raising the field crops?


804 - Which nutrients are immobile in plants?

Both A & C

805 - Which of the biochemically weathered constitutes soil?


806 - Which of the following are not a soil edaphic factor affect the plant growth?

None of these

807 - Which of the following are secondary minerals:

All of the above

808 - Which of the following are the slow release fertilizers?

All of the above

809 - Which of the following crop takes N in ammonical form:


810 - Which of the following element is mobile in soil?


811 - Which of the following elements regulate oxidation-reduction reaction in plant?

Iron, manganese, molybdenum, copper, boron and zinc

812 - Which of the following fertilizer has maximum plant nutrient?


813 - Which of the following fertilizers show maximum residual acidity with the continuous soil application:

Ammonium sulphate

814 - Which of the following is a component of nucleic acid and protein:


815 - Which of the following is an igneous rock?


816 - Which of the following is considered as bio-fertilizer?

Blue-green algae

817 - Which of the following is correct explanation of ESP?

Exchangeable Na x 100//CEC

818 - Which of the following is harmful to the higher plants?

All of these

819 - Which of the following is not a high salt tolerant crop?


820 - Which of the following is not a igneous rocks?


821 - Which of the following is not a kind of soil structure?

None of these

822 - Which of the following is not a metamorphic rock?

Sand stone

823 - Which of the following is not a metamorphic rock?

both A & B

824 - Which of the following is not a method of placement of fertilizers?

None of these

825 - Which of the following is not a method of soil moisture measurement?


826 - Which of the following is not a primary major nutrient?


827 - Which of the following is not a secondary major nutrient?


828 - Which of the following is not the soil order prevail in Pakistan?

None of the above

829 - Which of the following is wrong?

Sandy soils have higher sand percentage with more water holding capacity

830 - Which of the following is wrong?

Nitrogen is converted into nitrate by earthworms

831 - Which of the following methods is most useful to increase the availability of soil applied phosphorus?


832 - Which of the following nutrient elements are regarded as energy exchangers:

Both A & B

833 - Which of the following nutrient elements are regarded as energy exchangers?

Hydrogen and oxygen

834 - Which of the following organism is responsible for decomposition of organic matter?


835 - Which of the following organism is responsible for decomposition of organic matter?


836 - Which of the following rotations is likely to leave soil richer in organic matter:


837 - Which of the following soil texture is lighter than others?

Loamy sand

838 - Which of the following soil texture is more heavier than other?

Silty day loam

839 - Which of the following soils has higher buffering capacity?

Clay soils

840 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Blue-green algae fix atmospheric nitrogen in soil

841 - Which of the following statements is more correct as regards to ""luxury consumption"of K found in minute?

Maize takes excess K above the optimum requirement even though growth and yield are not promoted

842 - Which of the following to a high salt tolerant crop?


843 - Which one of the following are macro nutrients__________________?


844 - Which one of the following concentrated organic manures has maximum P2O5 content?

Stera meat

845 - Which one of the following fertilizers is least hygroscopic?


846 - Which one of the following irrigation methods is best suited for an undulating topography?

Check basin method

847 - Which one of the following is not a component of the moisture potential in soils?

Turgor potential

848 - Which one of the following is not a soil forming factor?


849 - Which one of the following is physical property of soil______________________?

None of the above

850 - Which one of the following minerals is least weatherable in soil?


851 - Which one of the following oil cakes, in addition to its manurial value, acts also as a nitrification inhibitor?


852 - Which one of the following organic matter has the narrowest C/N ratio?


853 - Which one of the following pairs is correct?

DAP - 20%

854 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Hight calcium content in soil - Iron chloride

855 - Which one of the following pairs of elements and the mineral from which they are obtained is not correctly matched?

Boron - Siderite

856 - Which one of the following sets of soil condition is more suitable for plant growth?

Loamy soils with medium aeration and medium water holding capacity

857 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Azotobacters fix N2 symbiotically

858 - Which one of the following techniques is used for assessing available P in soil and does not include growing plants:


859 - Which rock contain potash feldspar ?


860 - Which rock is harder_________________?


861 - Which silica mineral is present in soil in abundant quantity____________________?


862 - Which soil bolds more water ?


863 - Which soil is suitable for nce________________?

Fine textured

864 - Which type of soil is found near the canal banks:


865 - While classifying the soil according to textural class in equilateral triangle, suggested by the USDA, % of clay is plotted parallel to:


866 - While diluting acid always add_____________________?

Acid to water

867 - While handing concentrated acids. bases or other hazardous chemicals use_________________?

Fume hoods

868 - White irregular spots between veins of upper leaves of maize plant shows deficiency of:


869 - Who characterized soil formation as set of "4" process______________________?


870 - Who consider the various properties of soil in relation to plant production?


871 - Who gave the defination of humic acid ?


872 - Who gave the equation for study of soil property ?


873 - Who is the Father of the soil testing?

M.L. Troug

874 - Who will decompose organic matter first:

Fungi imperfecti

875 - Widely spread saprophytic fungi is________________________?


876 - Wind laden with soil particles cembodies the abrasive action, which is:

Greatly increased

877 - Wind transported materials if it is silt dominated is__________?


878 - Zinc deficiency occurs in crops growing in soils having high phosphorous:

Calcareous soils

879 - Zinc sulphate is generally taking more production under:

Alkali soils

880 - Zn, Fe, Cu, B, Mn and Mo are called micronutrient, because they are:

Nutrients of microscopic significance


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