Strengthening Material Important MCQs Part: 3

701 - Pressure conduits with steel pipes varies diameter _______

3000 mm

702 - Prestressed concrete is an example of _____________


703 - Principal plane has ____________

Zero shear stress

704 - Prop reduces ___________ in the beam.


705 - Radius of gyration is denoted by _________


706 - Radius of gyration is denoted by _________


707 - Radius of gyration is denoted by __________


708 - Rankine-Golden formula accounts for direct as well as buckling stress and is applicable to

intermediate columns

709 - Rate of demand is also known as __________

Per capita demand

710 - Ratio of lateral strain to linear strain is _________

Poisson’s ratio

711 - Reactions at the supports of a structure can be determined by equating the algebraic sum of

all the above.

712 - Rectangular channel is _________ channel.


713 - Red colour in water denotes?


714 - Resilience can also be termed as ___________

Strain energy

715 - Resilience of a material plays important role in which of the following?

Shock loading

716 - Revert size is generally expressed in terms of _______

Shank diameter

717 - Roller support is same as _____

Simply support

718 - Rotating key of a lock is an example of ____________

Formation of couple

719 - Rotating key of a lock is an example of ____________

Formation of couple

720 - Sabotage problem is eliminated in _______

Screw spike

721 - Sagging, the bending moment occurs at the _____ of the beam.

Mid span

722 - Sand layer is an example of ______________


723 - Saprotrophs are also known as _________

Detritus Feeders

724 - Scaffolding has to be done, if the height of structure is above _________


725 - Scaffolding you generally adopted when the height of structure is above ___________

1.5 m

726 - Scour valve in water distribution system is provided at ________

Low points

727 - Self weight of dam acts in ___________ direction.


728 - Service unit method is related to ___________ estimate.


729 - Shear force for a cantilever carrying a uniformly distributed load over its length, is


730 - Shear force is unbalanced _____ to the left or right of the section.

Vertical force

731 - Shear stress at top most fibre of rectangular section is _____________


732 - Shear stress distribution over rectangular section will be _________


733 - Shear stress in a beam is zero at ______

Extreme fibres

734 - SI units of Bending moment is ___________


735 - SI units of shear force is _______________


736 - Skin stress is also called as ______

Bending stress

737 - Slope in the beam at any point is measured in ____________


738 - Slope is maximum at _______ in simply supported beams.

Mid span

739 - Soil moisture stress is defined as the sum of soil moisture tension and ______ pressure of soil solution.


740 - Solar arrays are defined in terms of ____________


741 - Some structural members subjected to a long time sustained loads deform progressively with time especially at elevated temperatures. What is such a phenomenon called?


742 - Specific gravity of water is __________


743 - Specific weight of water at 4°C is ____________ N/m^3.


744 - Splices are provided when the ________ bar available is less than that required.


745 - Springs(closely coiled) are examples of _____________


746 - Stability of high rise vehicles will be affected due to ____________


747 - Steel trusses are generally constructed with __________

Mild steel

748 - Stiffness of the beam is inversely proportional to the _____ of the beam.


749 - Stiffness of the propped cantilever is _________


750 - Strain energy of a member may be equated to

1/2(stress)^2 x volume of the member + Young's modulus E.

751 - Strain energy of any member may be defined as work done on it

all the above.

752 - Strain energy stored in a body to uniform stress s of volume V and modulus of elasticity E is __________


753 - Strength of joint = efficiency × __________

Strength of plate

754 - Stress in a beam due to simple bending is ____________

Directly proportional

755 - Stress in a beam due to simple bending, is

directly proportional

756 - Stress in members of statically determinate simple frames, can be determined by

all the above.

757 - Structural failures contribute about _______________ in the failure of dam.


758 - Struts are load carrying members of a frame structure which are subjected to

axial compressive loads

759 - Tail escape is also called as ___________

Weir type escape

760 - Tangent of angle of friction is equal to_________________?

coefficient of friction

761 - Taste and odour are expressed in terms of ______

Threshold numbers

762 - The ____ of strongest beam that can be cut out of a circular section of diameter D.


763 - The _________ is more over the supports then at midspan in continuous beams.

Bending moment

764 - The __________ is the distance between Centres to centre of effective lateral ends.

Actual length

765 - The __________ joints are friction less.


766 - The __________ of the slab is governed by span to depth ratio.


767 - The __________ resistance is independent of the nature of surface contact.


768 - The ______________ of a column is the distance between the points of zero bending moments.

Effective length

769 - The ability of a material to absorb energy when elastically deformed and to return it when unloaded is called __________


770 - The algebraic sum of moments of the forces forming couple about any point in their plane is________________?

equal to the moment of the couple

771 - The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is as per the principle of__________________?

resolution of forces

772 - The allowable tensile stresses in steel structures is taken as 1500 kg /cm^2 to ______

2125 kg /cm^2

773 - The angle of internal friction for water is __________

774 - The angle of repose is zero for ______________


775 - The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to move down is known as angle of__________________?


776 - The application of chlorine beyond the stage of break point is _________

Super chlorination

777 - The approximate percentage of reinforcement provided in a beam varies from _______


778 - The approximate percentage of reinforcement provided in a beam varies from _______


779 - The approximate percentage of steel taken for lintels in the absence of detailed design is _______


780 - The average crushing strength of precast concrete blocks as per CAI is __________

3.5 N/mm^2

781 - The average diameter of particles of silt is __________

0.002 mm

782 - The axis about which moment of area is taken is known as ____________

Axis of reference

783 - The bearing capacity of laminated rocks used in foundation is ___________

1620 kN/m^2

784 - The bending moment is maximum on a section where shearing force

changes sign.

785 - The bending strain is zero at _______

Neutral axis

786 - The bending stress in a beam is ______ to bending moment.

Directly proportionate

787 - The bending stress is ____________

Directly proportional to the distance of layer from the neutral layer

788 - The body will regain it is previous shape and size only when the deformation caused by the external forces, is within a certain limit. What is that limit?

Elastic limit

789 - The bottom chord member of truss is known as ___________

Main tie

790 - The breaking stress is ____________ the ultimate stress.

Less than

791 - The C.G. of a plane lamina will not be at its geometrical centre in the case of a______________?

right angled triangle

792 - The C.G. of a right circular solid cone of height h lies at the following distance from the base_____________?


793 - The C.G. of a solid hemisphere lies on the central radius 3r_______________?

at distance — from the plane base or

794 - The calcium carbonate in water is _____________

Softens water

795 - The center of gravity of a circle of radius 10 cm will be _____________

At its center of the diameter

796 - The center of percussion of the homogeneous rod of length L suspended at the top will be__________________?


797 - The centre of percussion of a solid cylinder of radius r resting on a horizontal plane will be______________?


798 - The coefficient of friction depends on_________________?

nature of surface

799 - The co-efficient of friction depends upon________________?

nature of surfaces

800 - The colour of water is expressed in terms of ________

Platinum cobalt scale

801 - The compressive strength of brittle materials is _________ its tensile strength.

Greater than

802 - The cracks seen on walls are due to _____ failure.


803 - The cross sections of the beams of equal length are a circle and a square whose permissible bending stress are same under same maximum bending. The ratio of their flexural weights is,


804 - The curvature of a beam is equal to _____


805 - The Cv taken for sharp edged orifice generally is _________


806 - The cylinder has a tendency to split up along _____________ due to circumferential stress.


807 - The deflection of any rectangular beam simply supported, is

inversely proportional to the cube of its depth

808 - The depression made in the face of brick during its manufacture is _________


809 - The design compressive strength of concrete is ___________ times of characteristic compressive strength of concrete.


810 - The development length can be determined easily by _______ test.

Pull out test

811 - The difference in levels of water in a well before and after pumping is called ________

Draw down

812 - The dimension of strain is?


813 - The distance between the centres of adjacent rivets in the same row, is called


814 - The doubly reinforced beams improve the ______ of the beam in earthquake regions.


815 - The ductility of a material is __________ to the increase in percentage reduction in an area.

inversely proportional

816 - The economical spacing of roof trusses works out to be _________ span.

1/3 to 1/5 span

817 - The edges formed by the intersection of plane surfaces of a brick are known as _________


818 - The effect of ___________ holes is to reduce the strength of connected plates.


819 - The effect of arching a beam, is

to reduce the bending moment throughout

820 - The effective length of column depends upon ________

end conditions

821 - The efficiency of cylindrical section is the ratio of the strength of joint to the strength of _______________

Solid plate

822 - The effort required to lift a load W on a screw jack with helix angle a and angle of friction

Wtan(a + )

823 - The elementary profile of a dam is generally a ________

Right angled triangle

824 - The ends of ________ shall be properly anchored.

Transverse reinforcement

825 - The energy gradient line is _______ to drop in bed, in an open channel.


826 - The estimate of flood can be made by using ____________

By unit hydrograph method

827 - The factor of safety against overturning should not be less than ______


828 - The factors that influence rate of hydration is _________

The fineness of cement

829 - The failing of a very long column is initially by ___________


830 - The field capacity of a soil depends upon _____________ factor.

Porosity of soil

831 - The finished product after burning magnesite is named as ___________


832 - The first solar cooker was developed in the year ____________


833 - The flexural bond is _________ at the section.


834 - The flow of thick oil through a small tube is an example for _________

Laminar flow

835 - The flow of water is controlled in hydraulic structures by ____________

Sluice gates

836 - The following assumption is not true in the theory of pure torsion :

All radii get twisted due to torsion.

837 - The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of action do not lie in a plane, are called______________?

non-coplanar concurrent forces

838 - The formation of diagonal cracks at junctions is due to ________

Shear stress

839 - The free board is provided in dams to avoid _______________


840 - The frictional resistance is ______ to the surface area of contact.

Directly proportional

841 - The height of the dam = free board + ___________


842 - The highest point on syphon is known as ____


843 - The hinged end is also known as ___________

Pinned end

844 - The hooks law is valid only for _________

Uni axial forces

845 - The hoop stress is _____________ along the x axis.


846 - The hoop stress is also known as ______

Circumferential stress

847 - The horizontal platform in between any two flights of a staircase is called ___________


848 - The hydrostatic pressures on phreatic line are equal to____


849 - The inclination of surcharge to the horizontal is called ____________

Surcharge angle

850 - The inclined members carrying compressive loads are ________


851 - The inverse of specific weight of a fluid is __________

Specific Volume

852 - The joints in king post are of ________

Mortice and tenon

853 - The land where all the water comes from ___________


854 - The lateral strain is ___________

The strain at right angles to the direction of applied load

855 - The law which states that within elastic limits strain produced is proportional to the stress producing it is known as _____________

Hooke’s law

856 - The law which states, "within elastic limits strain produced is proportional to the stress producing it", is known as

Hooke's law

857 - The layers of wood wearing thickness from ____________ to __________ is called veneers.

0.4 to 0.6 mm

858 - The length of a column, having a uniform circular cross-section of 7.5 cm diameter and whose ends are hinged, is 5 m. If the value of E for the material is 2100 tonnes/cm2, the permissible maximum crippling load will be


859 - The length of the staircase between two consecutive landings is called _______


860 - The length, coefficient of thermal expansion and Youngs modulus of bar A are twice of bar B. If the temperature of both bars is increased by the same amount while preventing any expansion, then the ratio of stress developed in bar A to that in bar B will


861 - The length, Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion of bar P are twice that of bar Q. what will be the ration of stress developed in bar P to that in bar Q if the temperature of both bars is increased by the same amount?


862 - The limit state corresponding to deflection, cracking and vibrations are _______

Limit state of serviceability

863 - The limiting gradient for mountainous terrain is ________


864 - The longitudinal rise or fall off road surface along its length is _________


865 - The longitudinal stress in the shell is _________


866 - The longitudinal stress is _____ stress across the section.


867 - The M.I. of hollow circular section about a central axis perpendicular to section as compared to its M.I. about horizontal axis is_________________?


868 - The magnitude of two forces, which when acting at right angle produce resultant force of VlOkg and when acting at 60° produce resultant of Vl3 kg. These forces are____________________?


869 - The maintenance of the reservoirs, above _____________ Ha comes under irrigation department.


870 - The major losses of energy due to friction are calculated by using _________

Chezy’s Equation

871 - The material does not possessing any kind of elastic symmetry, then the material is said to be _______


872 - The material in which large deformation is possible before absolute failure by rupture is called ____________


873 - The material(earth) retained by the retaining wall is called as __________

Back fill

874 - The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________


875 - The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________


876 - The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions, are called


877 - The mathematical expression for resilience ‘U’ is __________

U = σ2/2E x volume

878 - The maximum ____ should not exceed the permissible limit to the span of the beam.


879 - The maximum _________ stresses occur at top most fibre of a simply supported beam.


880 - The maximum bending moment due to a moving load on a simply supported beam, occurs

under the load

881 - The maximum BM is ______

90 kNm

882 - The maximum compressive stress at the top of a beam is 1600 kg/cm2 and the corresponding tensile stress at its bottom is 400 kg/cm2 . If the depth of the beam is 10 cm, the neutral axis from the top, is

8 cm

883 - The maximum compressive stresses developed at the base of the dam should not exceed permissible ___________ stresses for masonry.


884 - The maximum frictional force which comes into play when a body just begins to slide over another surface is called_____________________?

limiting friction

885 - The maximum induced ___________ stresses should be within the safe permissible stresses to ensure strength of the beam.


886 - The maximum instantaneous extension, produced by an unknown falling weight in a vertical bar of length 3m. what will be the instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar and the value of unknown weight if E = 200GPa?

140 N/mm^2

887 - The maximum instantaneous extension, produced by an unknown falling weight through a height of 4cm in a vertical bar of length 3m and of cross section area 5cm^2. what will be the instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar and the value of unknown w

1745.8 N

888 - The maximum negative bending moment in fixed beam carrying udl occurs at ________


889 - The maximum permissible total solid content in water for domestic purposes should not exceed.

500 ppm

890 - The maximum pressure in (kg/cm^2) to which cast iron pipes may be subjected is _________


891 - The maximum resistance against rotation, is offered by the weld at a point

most distant

892 - The maximum shear stress distribution is _____________ percentage more than average shear stress in circular section.


893 - The maximum shear stress in an I section is __________

F/8I ×[B/b (D^2-d^2)+d^2]

894 - The maximum shear stress in the rectangular section is ______________ times the average shear stress.


895 - The maximum shear stress is ______ times the average shear stress [For rectangular beams].


896 - The maximum strain energy stored at elastic limit is __________

Proof resilience

897 - The maximum super elevation to be provided is ___

1 in 15

898 - The maximum twisting moment a shaft can resist, is the product of the permissible shear stress and

polar modulus

899 - The minimum depth of foundation in all types of soils is _________


900 - The minimum diameter provided for the longitudinal bars is ________

12 mm

901 - The minimum number of rivets for the connection of a gusset plate, is


902 - The minimum percentage elongation for mild steel is __________


903 - The minimum shear reinforcement is given by Asv/bSv = _______

0.4 /0.87 fy

904 - The minimum standard height for a construction joint is about ________

1.5 m

905 - The modular ratio for M20 grade concrete is _____________


906 - The modulus of rigidity and the modulus of elasticity of a material are 80 GPa and 200 GPa. What will be the Poissons ratio of the material?


907 - The moment diagram for a cantilever carrying a concentrated load at its free end, will be


908 - The moment diagram for a cantilever which is subjected to a uniformly distributed load will be a


909 - The moment diagram for a cantilever whose free end is subjected to a bending moment, will be a


910 - The moment resisting capacity of the cross section of a beam is termed as ______ of the beam.


911 - The moment which resists the external bending is called ______

Moment of resistance

912 - The mortise and tenon are provided in __________ joint.


913 - The most common coagulant is _____________


914 - The neutral axis of a beam cross-section must

pass through the centroid of the section

915 - The number of points of contraflexure in a simple supported beam carrying uniformly distributed load, is


916 - The obstruction or a barrier built across the stream or river is called _____________


917 - The odour of water can be determined by _________


918 - The percentage of carbon in structural steel is __________

0.2 – 0.27 %

919 - The phenomenon of slow extension of materials having a constant load, I.e. increasing with the time is called


920 - The phenomenon of slow extension of materials having constant load, i.e. increasing with the time is called


921 - The phenomenon of slow growth of strain under a steady tensile stress is called ____________


922 - The phenomenon of slow growth of strain under a steady tensile stress, is called


923 - The phenomenon under which the strain of material varies under constant stress is known as ________


924 - The pipe extending from a stop cock to the storage tank is called ________

Supply pipe

925 - The pitch of the lateral ties shall not be more than the least of the ______________


926 - The point at which the total area of a plane figure is asssumed to be concentrated is called ____________


927 - The point of contraflexture occurs in

over hanging beams only

928 - The point through which the whole weight of the body acts is called _____________

Center of gravity

929 - The Poisson’s ratio for concrete is __________


930 - The Poissons ratio of a material is 0.3. what will be the ratio of Youngs modulus to bulk modulus?


931 - The porosity range of sand stone be _________

10 – 20 %

932 - The position between the summit and the lower reservoir is known as ___________

Outlet leg

933 - The presence of calcium and magnesium chloride in water causes ___________


934 - The presence of hydrogen sulphide in water causes ________


935 - The pressure intensity of water at free surface is ________


936 - The process of forming thick gelatinous precipitates is known as ___________


937 - The product of inertia at the principal axes is _____________


938 - The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force is called __________


939 - The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force, is called


940 - The property by which an amount of energy is absorbed by material without plastic deformation is called __________


941 - The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into thin plates is called __________


942 - The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into thin plates, is called


943 - The property of a material by which it can be drawn into thin wires is?


944 - The property of a material by which it can be drawn to a smaller section, due to tension, is called


945 - The radius of gyration of a rectangular section is not proportional to

none of these.

946 - The range of slenderness ratio in dams varies from ________

12 – 15

947 - The range within which a load can be applied on a rectangular column, to avoid any tensile stress, is

one-fifth of the base

948 - The rate of change of shear force is equal to _____

Intensity of loading

949 - The rate of filtration for rapid sand filter is ___________

3000 to 6000 lit/hr/m^2

950 - The ratio of A/P is ___________

Hydraulic radius

951 - The ratio of change in thickness to original thickness is known as ___________

Lateral strain

952 - The ratio of creep strain to elastic strain is known as ___________

Creep coefficient

953 - The ratio of hoop stress to maximum shear stress is _________


954 - The ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction is known as_______________?

coefficient of friction

955 - The ratio of maximum deflection of a beam to its ___________ is called stiffness of the beam.


956 - The ratio of maximum load to the unit area is ________

Bearing capacity

957 - The ratio of rise to span of truss is called a ___________


958 - The ratio of the effective length of a column and minimum radius of gyration of its cross-sectional area, is known

slenderness ratio

959 - The ratio of the moment of inertia of a circular plate and that of a square plate for equal depth, is

equal to 3Ï€/16

960 - The ratio of the tensile stress developed in the wall of a boiler in the circumferential direction to the tensile stress in the axial direction, is


961 - The ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of given soil mass is __________


962 - The ratio of the yield of water from a rapid sand filter is __________


963 - The reaction at the supports will be vertical to the plane of the support if the frame structure rests on

all the above.

964 - The region of the cross-section of a column in which compressive load may be applied without producing any tensile stress, is known as the core of the cross-section. In circular columns the radius of the core, is

one-quarter of the radius

965 - The relation between slope and maximum bending moment is _________

Inversely proportion

966 - The relationship between Youngs modulus E, bulk modulus K if the value of Poissons ratio is unity will be __________

E = -3K

967 - The relative change in position is called ______________


968 - The relative change in position is called ______________


969 - The resolved part of the resultant of two forces inclined at an angle 9 in a given direction is equal to__________________?

the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of the forces in the given direction

970 - The resultant of the following three couples 20 kg force, 0.5 m arm, $ ve sense 30 kg force, 1 m arm, – ve sense 40 kg force, 0.25 m arm, + ve sense having arm of 0.5 m will be_________________?

20 kg, – ve sense

971 - The safe stress for a hollow steel column which carries an axial load of 2100 kN is 125 MN/m^2. if the external diameter of the column is 30cm, what will be the internal diameter?


972 - The section modulus of a rectangular light beam 25 metres long is 12.500 cm3. The beam is simply supported at its ends and carries a longitudinal axial tensile load of 10 tonnes in addition to a point load of 4 tonnes at the centre. The maximum stress in

26.67 kg/cm2 tensile

973 - The section modulus of a rectangular section is proportional to

area of the section

974 - The section which has a minimum cross sectional are in a flow is known as _______

Vena contracta

975 - The series of connected lines is known as ____________


976 - The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, carrying a uniformly distributed load is always


977 - The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, carrying a uniformly increasing load, is always


978 - The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, having no external load, is always


979 - The shear force in a beam subjected to pure positive bending is _____


980 - The shear force on a simply supported beam is proportional to

algebraic sum of the transverse forces of the section

981 - The shear resistance of bent up bars shall not exceed __________ the total shear to be resisted.


982 - The shear stress at any section of a shaft is maximum

at the top of the surface

983 - The shear to be resisted by shear reinforcement is given by ___________

Vus = Vu – Vuc

984 - The sheet of water flowing through a notch is called ________


985 - The side slopes depend on ____________ conditions of a proposed dam.

Character of material

986 - The size of frog in bricks is ___________

10×4×1 cm

987 - The slabs whose corners are prevented from lifting are known as _________


988 - The slenderness ratio is ________ to critical stress.

Inversely proportional

989 - The slenderness ratio is the ratio of effective length to least ______________

Radius of gyration

990 - The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of a square cross-section of 2.5 cm sides and 300 cm length, is


991 - The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of square cross- section of 10 cm side and 500 cm long, is


992 - The slope is denoted by _______


993 - The slope of the stress-strain curve in the elastic deformation region is ____________

Elastic modulus

994 - The specific gravity of sand is __________


995 - The standard __________ are provided in deformed bars.


996 - The steel plate is bent into a circular path of radius 10 metres. If the plate section be 120 mm wide and 20 mm thick, then calculate the maximum bending stress. [Consider Young’s modulus = 200000 N/mm^2].

200 N/mm^2

997 - The step of non uniform width is called ________


998 - The step with one or both ends rounded is known as _________

Bull nose step

999 - The strain energy in a member is proportional to __________

Product of strain and Young’s modulus of the material


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