Strengthening Material Important MCQs Part: 1

1 - ____ is known as a serpentine curve.

Reverse curve

2 - _____ acts as an inspection chamber in Dams.

Drainage gallery

3 - _____ dam which resists are the external forces by virtue of its self weight.

Gravity dam

4 - _____ has a lower heat of hydration.

Fly ash

5 - _____ is a glacier deposit of sand, gravel or clay.


6 - _____ is a small opening made in the bottom or sides of a tank.


7 - _____ is measured on percentage basis.


8 - _____ is the weakest part in railway track.

Rail joint

9 - _____ number is the ratio between inertia and viscous forces.


10 - _____ provide gradual introduction of super elevation.

Transition curves

11 - _____ reduces the pipe size from larger to smaller bore.


12 - ______ bricks can withstand up to a temperature of 1800°C.


13 - ______ bridge any opening like a window, door, cupboard etc in a building.


14 - ______ curves are used to solve the problems of land acquisition.

Horizontal curves

15 - ______ grouting increases the bearing capacity of soil.


16 - ______ is mainly responsible for ozone depletion in the stratosphere.


17 - ______ is part of a structure which transmits the load to the soil underneath.


18 - ______ is the area of land acquired and reserved for future development.

Right of way

19 - ______ is the difference of Level between full reservoir level and top of the dam.

Gross free board

20 - ______ is the over flow section or portion of the dam.


21 - ______ sample collected at an instant particularly.


22 - ______ strength is caused by a moment of resistance offered by a section.


23 - ______ transfer the loads from beams or slabs to footings or foundations.


24 - ______ transfer the loads from beams or slabs to footings or foundations.


25 - _______ are the horizontal tunnels laid along the banks of river.

infiltration galleries

26 - _______ changes induce large stresses in a fixed beam.


27 - _______ conduits are 1/10 weight of concrete.


28 - _______ curing is adopted for columns and walls.

Moist curing

29 - _______ fluids are practical fluids


30 - _______ gives the nature and class of work.


31 - _______ is a horizontal structural member subjected to transverse loads perpendicular to its axis.


32 - _______ is a measure of ease of flow of groundwater.


33 - _______ is a roof beam supported by roof truss.


34 - _______ is a saturated bed, which yields water.


35 - _______ is an example of a gravity conduit.


36 - _______ is as the maximum energy that can be absorbed within the proportionality limit.

Proof resilience

37 - _______ is integrated or summation hydrograph.

Mass curve

38 - _______ is openings extending from upstream to downstream of the dam.


39 - _______ is provided for installation of control equipment of valves in dams.

Isolated chambers

40 - _______ is the common type of spillway used in gravity dams.

Ogee spillway

41 - _______ is the structures installed for the purpose of drawing water.


42 - _______ is used to magnify the sound for detecting leakage.


43 - _______ permits track circuiting.


44 - _______ pipes are not easily biodegradable.


45 - _______ possesses free surface open to the atmosphere.

Unconfined aquifer

46 - _______ torque produces the maximum shear stress due to combined bending.


47 - _______ trusses are generally adopted for greater fans.


48 - _______ valves are known as "Washout " valves.

Drain valves

49 - ________ are made of high carbon steel to withstand heavy stresses.

Fish bolts

50 - ________ are transverse ties on which the rails are laid.


51 - ________ attached to a Framework suspended from the main structure.


52 - ________ curve is formed due to bending of over hanging beams.


53 - ________ has to be provided against diagonal tensile stresses.

Shear reinforcement

54 - ________ head should be higher than working head in a hydraulic test.


55 - ________ is a good example for malleability.


56 - ________ is an example of thermoplastic.


57 - ________ is crystalline and compact in structure.


58 - ________ is developed due to adhesion between concrete and steel.


59 - ________ is the gravity conduits used while crossing a hill or lock.


60 - ________ is used in the entrance of cinema theatres and shopping malls.

Geometrical stair case

61 - ________ joints are necessary to keep a structure safe against shrinkage.


62 - ________ keeps the phreatic line within the dam section.

Rock toe

63 - ________ layout is best suited for well planned towns.

Ring system

64 - ________ pressure which occurs commonly in dams.

Active earth pressure

65 - ________ scaffolding is used where it is not possible to fix the standards into the ground.


66 - ________ shape of the frame offers great rigidity.


67 - ________ stops the oscillations of the graduated ring.

Brake pin

68 - ________ support develops support moment.


69 - _________ are used to change the water level in a canal.

Lock gates

70 - _________ causes deterioration of buildings and monuments.

Acid rain

71 - _________ changes with place and time.

Magnetic bearing

72 - _________ failures contribute 40% to earthen dams.


73 - _________ floors are used in modern residential and religious buildings?


74 - _________ is a fix direction on the surface.


75 - _________ is a measure of the water retaining capacity of material (rock).

Specific retention

76 - _________ is a property of the free surface of a liquid.

Surface tension

77 - _________ is a structure made up of several members connected to each other.


78 - _________ is provided to prevent the debris from entering into the penstock.

Tash rack

79 - _________ is the total Strain energy stored in a body.


80 - _________ of a beam is a measure of its resistance against deflection.


81 - _________ positive/negative bending moments occur where shear force changes its sign.


82 - _________ reinforcement is designed for sections where the bending moment is maximum.


83 - _________ type of ceiling is adopted in modern hotels and auditorium.

Plaster board

84 - __________ coat develop resistant texture.

Seal coat

85 - __________ consists generally of single or double angles.


86 - __________ formula is used for determining short as well as long columns.


87 - __________ is a framed structure composed of members.


88 - __________ is a measure of its water yielding capacity.

Specific yield

89 - __________ is provided to prevent the movement of the post due to loads in Queen post truss.

Straining beam

90 - __________ is used for spans ranging from 9 m to 15 m.

Queen post truss

91 - __________ joints are provided when there is a break in the concreting operation.

construction joints

92 - __________ of a beam is a measure of its resistance against deflection.


93 - __________ regulates the speed of turbine.

Surge tank

94 - __________ scaffolding is used for light construction and finishing works.


95 - __________ stress does not exceed the permissible tensile stress for the shell material.


96 - ___________ dams are built with key trenches.

Earth Dam with Core wall

97 - ___________ depends on grade of concrete and diameter of bar etc.

Bond stress

98 - ___________ flow the liquid particles move along straight parallel paths.


99 - ___________ formula can be used only for long columns.


100 - ___________ is a combination of king post truss and queen post truss.

Mansard roof truss

101 - ___________ is an example of a subsurface source.


102 - ___________ is provided to avoid undue wear and tear of pivot points.

Lifting pin and lever

103 - ____________ boards are manufactured from sugarcane waste obtained from bagasse.

Eco board

104 - ____________ creates concentrated seepage in dams section.

Transverse cracks

105 - ____________ is a network of food chain of different types of organisms.

Food web

106 - ____________ is half the circumferential stress.

Longitudinal stress

107 - ____________ is the best example for accelerator (admixture).

Calcium chloride

108 - ____________ is used to empty a tank of water having no outlet.


109 - ____________ is used to produce due to temperature variation in indeterminate structures.


110 - ____________ reduces storm water discharge.

Water harvesting

111 - ____________ represents the top stream line.

Phreatic line

112 - _____________ bond arises when bar carrying certain force is terminated.


113 - _____________ bricks are resistant to corrosion.

bauxite bricks

114 - _____________ bricks are used in the lining of electric furnace.


115 - _____________ coincides with the water surface in a canal or open channel.


116 - _____________ is used as decorative facings.


117 - _____________ is used to reduce the time for hardening of concrete.


118 - _____________ of column mainly depends upon end conditions.

Effective length

119 - _____________ sections allow the surplus discharge to flow in dams.


120 - ______________ bricks are used in the lining of blast furnaces.


121 - ______________ provides employment to the cultivators at the time of famine.

Protective canal

122 - 1 litre = ____________ m^3.


123 - 2 tensile load of 100kN is suddenly applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm and length of 5m. What will be the strain energy absorbed in the bar if E=1×105 N/mm^2?

1250 N-m

124 - A ___ is used to prevent water from flowing back in the opposite direction.

Check valve

125 - A 1m long bar of uniform section extends 1mm under limiting axial stress of 200N/mm^2. What is the modulus of resilience for the bar?

0.1 units

126 - A 8 metre long simply supported rectangular beam which carries a distributed load 45 kg/m. experiences a maximum fibre stress 160 kg/cm2. If the moment of inertia of the beam is 640 cm4, the overall depth of the beam is

10 cm

127 - A bar having two sections of cross sectional area of 100mm^2 and 200mm^2 respectively. The length of both the sections is 200mm. What will be the total strain in the bar if it is subjected to axial force of 100kN and E = 105 N/mm^2?


128 - A bar is in two sections having equal lengths. The area of cross section of 1st is double that of 2nd. if the bar carries an axial load of P, then what will be the ratio of elongation in section 2nd to section 1st ?


129 - A bar of 40mm dia and 40cm length is subjected to an axial load of 100 kN. It elongates by 0.005mm. Calculate the Poissons ratio of the material of bar?


130 - A bar of cross-section A and length L is subjected to an axial load W. the strain energy stored in the bar would be __________

W^2L / 2AE

131 - A bar of diameter 30mm is subjected to a tensile load such that the measured extension on a gauge length of 200mm is 0.09mm and the change in diameter is 0.0045mm. Calculate the Poissons ratio?


132 - A beam 6 metres long is fixed at it ends. It carries a udl of 5 kN/m. Find the maximum bending moment in the beam.

15 kNm

133 - A beam has a triangular cross-section, having altitude "h" and base "b". If the section is being subjected to a shear force "F". Calculate the shear stress at the level of neutral axis in the cross section.


134 - A beam is said to be of uniform strength, if

bending stress is same throughout the beam

135 - A beam is said to be of uniform strength, if ____________

Bending stress is the same at every section along its longitudinal axis

136 - A beam of clear span 6 metres is supported on bearings of 150 mm if the effective depth of a beam is 400 mm. calculate the effective span.


137 - A beam of length L is pinned at both ends and is subjected to a concentrated bending couple of moment M at its centre. The maximum bending moment in the beam is


138 - A beam of length L supported on two intermediate rollers carries a uniformly distributed load on its entire length. If sagging B.M. and hogging B.M. of the beam are equal, the length of each overhang, is

0.207 L

139 - A beam which extends beyond it supports can be termed as __________

Over hang beam

140 - A beam which is inbuilt in at its support is called _________

Fixed beam

141 - A beam which is supported on more than two supports is called as______

Continuous beam

142 - A bending moment may be defined as :

Algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces on either side of the section

143 - A block 100mm x 100mm base and 10mm height. What will the direct shear stress in the element when a tangential force of 10kN is applied to the upper edge to a displacement 1mm relative to lower face?


144 - A body having similar properties throughout its volume is said to be _____________


145 - A body moves, from rest with a constant acceleration of 5 m per sec. The distance covered in 5 sec is most nearly________________?

62.5 m

146 - A body of weight W on inclined plane of a being pulled up by a horizontal force P will be on the point of motion up the plane when P is equal to___________________?


147 - A brass bar, having cross sectional area of 100mm^2, is subjected to axial force of 50kN. The length of two sections is 100mm and 200mm respectively. What will be the total elongation of bar if E = 1.05 x 105 N/mm^2 ?


148 - A brass bar, having cross sectional area of 150mm^2, is subjected to axial force of 50kN. What will be the total strain of bar if E= 1.05 x 104 N/mm^2?


149 - A cantilever beam loaded with udl throughout, the maximum shear force occurs at____

Fixed end

150 - A cantilever beam subjected to a point load at free end of span "l" m and possess flexural rigidity (EI).

Wl^2/ 2EI

151 - A cantilever beam subjected to point load at its free end, the maximum bending moment develops at the ________ of the beam.

Fixed end

152 - A cantilever carrying a uniformly distributed load W over its full length is propped at its free end such that it is at the level of the fixed end. The bending moment will be zero at its free end also at

3/4th length from free end

153 - A cast iron T section beam is subjected to pure bending. For maximum compressive stress to be 3 times the maximum tensile stress, centre of gravity of the section from flange side is ____________


154 - A cast iron T section beam is subjected to pure bending. For maximum compressive stress to be three times the maximum tensile stress, centre of gravity of the section from flange side is


155 - A circular Beam of 0.25 m diameter is subjected to you shear force of 10 kN. Calculate the value of maximum shear stress. [Take area = 176 m^2].

0.75 N/mm^2

156 - A circular rod of dia 30 mm and length 200mm is extended to 0.09mm length and 0.0045 diameters through a tensile force. What will be its Poissons ratio?


157 - A column in which reinforcement is wound spiral is ___________

Spiral column

158 - A column is said to be of medium size if its slenderness ratio is between

32 and 120

159 - A composite bar consists of a bar enclosed inside a tune of another material when compressed under a load as whole through rigid collars at the end of the bar. What will be the equation of compatibility?

W1 + W2 = W

160 - A composite bar have four sections each of length 100mm, 150mm, 200mm, 250mm. When force is applied, all the sections causes an elongation of 0.1mm. What will the resultant strain in the bar?


161 - A composite bar having two sections of cross-sectional area 100mm^2 and 200mm^2 respectively. The length of both the sections is 100mm. What will be the total elongation of bar if it is subjected to axial force of 100kN and E = 105 N/mm^2?


162 - A composite bar of two sections of each of length 100mm, 150mm. When force is applied, all the sections causes an elongation of 0.1mm. What will the resultant strain in the bar?


163 - A composite bar of two sections of equal length and equal diameter is under an axial pull of 10kN. What will be the stresses in the two sections?

3.18 N/mm^2

164 - A composite bar of two sections of equal length and given diameter is under an axial pull of 15kN. What will be the stresses in the two sections in N/mm^2?

190.9 and 84.88

165 - A composite bar of two sections of unequal length and equal diameter is under an axial pull of 10kN. What will be the stresses in the two sections?

3.18 N/mm^2

166 - A composite rod is 1000mm long, its two ends are 40 mm^2 and 30mm^2 in area and length are 400mm and 600mm respectively. If the rod is subjected to an axial tensile load of 1000N, what will be its total elongation(E = 200GPa)?


167 - A composite rod is 1000mm long, its two ends are 40mm^2 and 30mm^2 in area and length are 300mm and 200mm respectively. The middle portion of the rod is 20mm^2 in area. If the rod is subjected to an axial tensile load of 1000N, what will be its total elon


168 - A continuous beam is one which is _______

Supported it more than two supports

169 - A cube having each side of length p, is constrained in all directions and is heated unigormly so that the temperature is raised to T.C. What will be the stress developed in the cube?

δTE / (1 – 2γ)

170 - A cube with a side length of 1m is heated uniformly a degree celcius above the room temperature and all the sides are free to expand. What will be the increase in the volume of the cube? Consider the coefficient of thermal expansion as unity.

3 m^3

171 - A cylinder section having no __________ is known as seamless section.


172 - A cylindrical section having no joint is known as _____________

Seamless section

173 - A cylindrical section having no joint is known as _______________

Seamless section

174 - A diagram which shows the variations of the axial load for all sections of the pan of a beam is called ____________

Stress diagram

175 - A diagram which shows the variations of the axial load for all sections of the span of a beam, is called

thrust diagram

176 - A fine grained material is mostly ________


177 - A fixed beam of the uniform section is carrying a point load at the centre, if the moment of inertia of the middle half portion is reduced to half its previous value, then the fixed end moments will ______


178 - A flywheel on a motor goes from rest to 1000 rpm in 6 sec. The number of revolutions made is nearly equal to______________?


179 - A force acting on a body may_______________?

all of the above

180 - A force is completely defined when we specify________________?

all of the above

181 - A frame which is composed of members just sufficient to keep it in equilibrium, such frame is ___________

Perfect frame

182 - A framed structure is perfect if it contains members equal to________________?


183 - A heavy string attached at two ends at same horizontal level and when central dip is very small approaches the following curve___________________?


184 - A hollow shaft has outside diameter 120 mm and thickness 20 mm. Find the polar moment of inertia (J).

16.36 × 10^6 mm^4

185 - A HYSD steel bar is 400 mm long. The lengths of the parts AB and BC of the bar is 200 mm each. It is loaded as P1 = 2000 kg and P2 = 1000 kg. Take diameter of AB as 2 cm and BC as 1 cm. The ratio of stresses in part AB to stresses in part BC is __________


186 - A joint of a frame is subjected to three tensile force P, Q and R equally inclined to each other. If P is 10 tonnes, the other forces will be

Q and R each is equal to 10 tonnes.

187 - A lift carry 10 persons each weighing 60 kg to the top storey of the building 100 m height. Calculate the potential energy acquired by the person.

5.88 × 10^5 J

188 - A load of 100N falls through a height of 2cm onto a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5m long and of 105cm^2 cross- sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. What is the maximum instantaneous elongation in the


189 - A load of 100N falls through a height of 2cm onto a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5m long and of 105cm^2 cross- sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. What is the maximum instantaneous stress induced in

60.23 N/mm^2

190 - A load of 100N falls through a height of 2cm onto a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5m long and of 105cm^2 cross- sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. What is the strain energy stored in the vertical bar

2.045 N-m

191 - A long vertical member, subjected to an axial compressive load, is called

a column

192 - A material has a Poisson’s ratio of 0.5. If uniform pressure of 300GPa is applied to that material, What will be the volumetric strain of it?


193 - A material having three mutually perpendicular planes of elastic symmetry is said to be _________


194 - A material which ruptures with little or no plastic deformation is said to be ____________

Brittle material

195 - A member ABCD is subjected to points load P1=45kN, P2, P3=450kN and P4=130kN. What will be the total elongation of the member, assuming the modulus of elasticity to be 2.1x105N/mm^2. The cross sectional area is 625mm, 2500mm, 1250mm respectively.


196 - A member is balanced at its end by two inclined members carrying equal forces. For equilibrium the angle between the inclined bars must be


197 - A member which does not regain its original shape after removal of the load producing deformation is said __________


198 - A member which does not regain its original shape after removed of load producing deformation is said


199 - A member which is subjected to reversible tensile or compressive stress may fail at a stress lower than the ultimate stress of the material. This property of metal, is called

fatigue of the metal

200 - A mild steel wire 5mm in diameter and 1m ling. If the wire is subjected to an axial tensile load 10kN what will be its extension?


201 - A mouthpiece is a short length of a pipe which is not more than __________ times its diameter.


202 - A number of forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium if_________________?

sum of resolved parts in any two per-pendicular directions are both zero

203 - A pair of smith's tongs is an example of the lever of__________________?

second order

204 - A particle inside a hollow sphere of radius r, having coefficient of friction -rr can rest upto height of__________________?

0.134 r

205 - A particle moves along a straight line such that distance (x) traversed in t seconds is given by x = t2 (t – 4), the acceleration of the particle will be given by the equation_________________?


206 - A pipe sunk into the ground to draw the underground water is known as ___________

A tube well

207 - A projectile is fired at an angle 9 to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when 9 is_________________?


208 - A propped cantilever beam carrying total load "W" distributed evenly over its entire length calculate the vertical force required in the prop.

3/8 W

209 - A queen closer is placed after ______ in the heading course.

Quoin header

210 - A rectangle has dimension of 10cm x 20cm. where will be its center of gravity?


211 - A rectangular beam 100 mm wide is subjected to a maximum shear force and 50 kN. Find the depth of the beam.

250 mm

212 - A rectangular beam 20 cm wide is subjected to a maximum shearing force of 10, 000 kg, the corresponding maximum shearing stress being 30 kg/cm2. The depth of the beam is

25 cm

213 - A rectangular block of size 400mm x 50mm x 50mm is subjected to a shear stress of 500kg/cm^2. If the modulus of rigidity of the material is 1×106 kg/cm^2, the strain energy will be __________

125 kg-cm

214 - A rectangular channel has cross sectional area of 50 m^2. If the channel section is to be most economical calculate the depth. Take B = 10m.

5 m

215 - A rectangular log of wood is floating in water with a load of 100 N at its centre. The maximum shear force in the wooden log is

100 N at the centre

216 - A reinforced concrete beam is assumed to be made of

heterogeneous material

217 - A retaining wall is related to _______

Plane strain

218 - A rod 150cm long and of diameter 2cm is subjected to an axial pull of 20kN. What will be the stress?

63.6 N/mm^2

219 - A rod 200cm long is subjected to an axial pull due to which it elongates about 2mm. Calculate the amount of strain?


220 - A rod of length L and diameter D is subjected to a tensile load P. which of the following is sufficient to calculate the resulting change in diameter?

Youngs modulus

221 - A rod of two sections of area 625mm^2 and 2500mm^2 of length 120cm and 60cm respectively. If the load applied is 45kN then what will be the elongation (E = 2.1x 105 N/mm^2)?


222 - A rod, which tapers uniformly from 5cm diameter to 3cm diameter in a length of 50cm, is subjected to an axial load of 6000N. if E = 2,00,000 N/mm^2, what will be the extension of the rod?


223 - A round bar made of same material consists of 4 parts each of 100mm length having diameters of 40mm, 50mm, 60mm and 70mm, respectively. If the bar is subjected to an axial load of 10kN, what will be the total elongation of the bar in mm?

40/Ï€E ( 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49)

224 - A round Steel rod of 100 mm diameter is bent into an arc of radius 100m. What is the maximum stress in the rod? Take E = 2×105 N/mm^2.

100 N/mm^2

225 - A sample of metal weighs 219 gms in air, 180 gms in water, 120 gms in an unknown fluid. Then which is correct statement about density of metal________________?

density of metal can't be determined

226 - A semi-circular disc rests on a horizontal surface with its top flat surface horizontal and circular portion touching down. The coefficient of friction between semi-cricular disc and horizontal surface is i. This disc is to be pulled by a horizontal force

slant down towards direction of pull

227 - A shaft 9 m long is subjected to a torque 30 t-m at a point 3 m distant from either end. The reactive torque at the nearer end will be

20 tonnes metre

228 - A shaft turning 150 r.p.m. is subjected to a torque of 150 kgm. Horse power transmitted by the shaft is

10 π

229 - A short masonry pillar is 60 cm x 60 cm in cross-section, the core of the pillar is a square whose side is

14.14 cm

230 - A simple support offers only_______ reaction normal to the axis of the beam.


231 - A simply supported beam (l + 2a) with equal overhangs (a) carries a uniformly distributed load over the whole length, the B.M. changes sign if

l > 2a

232 - A simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load over its whole span, is propped at the centre of the span so that the beam is held to the level of the end supports. The reaction of the prop will be

5/8th the distributed load

233 - A simply supported beam of span "x" meters carries a udl of "w" per unit length over the entire span, the maximum bending moment occurs at _____


234 - A simply supported beam of span 1 m carries a point load "w" in centre determine the shear force in the half left of the beam.


235 - A simply supported beam of span 8 metres carries a udl of 16 kN/m at a point out of 60 kN acting at it’s centre. Calculate the maximum shear force.


236 - A simply supported beam of span as shown in the figure is subjected to a concentrated load w at its metre span and also to a uniformly distributed load equality w what is the total diffraction it its midpoint.

13 Wl^3/ 384 EI

237 - A single force and a couple acting in the same plane upon a rigid body________________?

cannot balance each other

238 - A slab supporting only in two edges opposite to each other is ______

One way slab

239 - A solid circular shaft of diameter d is subjected to a torque T. the maximum normal stress induced in the shaft is ____________


240 - A solid cube is subjected to equal normal forces on all its faces. The volumetric strain will be x-times the linear strain in any of the three axes when

x = 3

241 - A solid cube is subjected to equal normal forces on all its faces. The volumetric strain will be x-times the linear strain in any of the three axes when?


242 - A solid uniform metal bar is hanging vertically from its upper end. Its elongation will be _________

Proportional to L and inversely proportional to D2

243 - A spring used to absorb shocks and vibrations is called as _______

Leaf spring

244 - A square steel bar of 10mm side and 5m length is subjected to a load whereupon it absorbs a strain energy of 100J. what is its modulus of resilience?

1/5 N-mm/mm^3

245 - A steel bar 600mm long and having 30mm diameter, is turned down to 25mm diameter for one fourth of its length. It is heated at 30 C above room temperature, clamped at both ends and then allowed to cool to room temperature. If the distance between the clam

75 MN/m^2

246 - A steel bar of 20mm x 20mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial compressive load of 100kN. If the length of the bar is 1m and E=200GPa, then what will be the elongation of the bar?


247 - A steel bar of 40mm x 40mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial compressive load of 200kN. If the length of the bar is 2m and E=200GPa, the elongation of the bar well be ____________


248 - A steel beam is 200 mm wide and 300 mm deep. The beam is simply supported and carries a concentrated load w. If the maximum stress are 2 N/mm^2. What will be the corresponding load?

80 kN

249 - A steel rod 10mm in diameter and 1m long is heated from 20 to 100 degree celcius, E = 200 GPa and coefficient of thermal expansion is 12 x10-6 per degree celcius. Calculate the thermal stress developed?


250 - A Steel rod 200 mm diameter is to be bent into a circular arc section. Find radius of curvature. Take f = 120N/mm^2 & E = 2×105 N/mm^2.


251 - A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. A axial pull of 100kN is suddenly applied to the rod. What will be the instantaneous stress induced in the rod?

101.89 N/mm^2

252 - A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. An axial pull of 100kN is suddenly applied to the rod. What will be the instantaneous elongation produced in the rod if E=22GN/m^2?

1.0186 mm

253 - A steel rod is heated from 25 to 250 degree celcius. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is 10-5 and E = 100 GN/m^2. if the rod is free to expand, the thermal stress developed in it is:


254 - A steel rod of 2 cm diameter and 5 metres long is subjected to an axial pull of 3000 kg. If E = 2.1 x 10^6, the elongation of the rod will be

0.2275 mm

255 - A steel rod of 25 mm diameter and 600 mm long is subjected to an axial pull of 40000. The intensity of stress is?

81.49 N/mm^2

256 - A steel rod of length L and diameter D, fixed at both ends, is uniformly heated to a temperature rise of δT. The Youngs modulus is E and the coefficient of linear expansion is unity. The thermal stress in the rod is ____________


257 - A Straight cantilever of uniform area carries a udl over its entire length. If the free end of a cantilever is now prop at the level of the fixed end, the vertical force required at the prop be __________

3/8 W

258 - A system in which water is supplied only for fixed few hours, such system is called ____


259 - A tensile load of 100kN is gradually applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm and length of 5m. What will be the strain energy in the bar if E=1×105 N/mm^2?

312.5 N-m

260 - A tensile load of 100kN is gradually applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm. What will be the stress in bar?

125 N/mm^2

261 - A tensile load of 100kN is suddenly applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm. What will be the instantaneous stress in bar?

250 N/mm^2

262 - A tensile load of 50kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 5cm diameter and 5m long. What is the strain energy absorbed by the rod (E = 200GPa)?

15.9 N-m

263 - A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 10m long. What will be the strain energy absorbed by the rod if E=1×105 N/mm^2?

143.2 N-m

264 - A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 10m long. What will be the stress in the rod if E=1×105 N/mm^2?


265 - A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 5cm long. What will be the stress in the rod if E=1×105 N/mm^2?

47.746 N/mm^2

266 - A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 5m long. What is the strain energy in the rod if the load is applied suddenly (E = 2×105 N/mm^2)?

d143.23 N-m

267 - A tensile load of 60kN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter and 5m long. What is the stretch in the rod if E = 2×105 N/mm^2?


268 - A tensile load of 60kN is suddenly applied to a circular bar of 4cm and 5m length. What will be the strain energy absorbed by the rod if E=2×105 N/mm^2?

143.2 N-m

269 - A tensile load of 60kN is suddenly applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter. What will be the maximum instantaneous stress induced?

95.493 N/mm^2

270 - A tensile test was conducted on a mild steel bar. The diameter and the gauge length of bat was 3cm and 20cm respectively. The extension was 0.21mm. What is the value to strain?


271 - A tensile test was conducted on a steel bar. The gauge length of the bar was 10cm and the extension was 2mm. What will be the percentage elongation?


272 - A tensile test was conducted on mild steel bar. The load at elastic limit was 250kN and the diameter of the steel bar was 3cm. What will be the value of stress?

35368 x 104 N/m^2

273 - A tension bar 6m long is made up of two parts, 4m of its length has cross sectional area of 12.5cm while the remaining 2m has 25cm. An axial load 5tonnes is gradually applied. What will be the total strain energy produced if E = 2 x 106 kgf/cm^2?


274 - A three hinged arch is loaded with an isolated load 1000 kg at a horizontal distance of 2.5 m from the crown, 1 m above the level of hinges at the supports 10 metres apart. The horizontal thrust is

1250 kg

275 - A three hinged parabolic arch hinged at the crown and springings, has a horizontal span of 4.8 m and a central rise of 1 m. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 0.75 tonne per metre over half left hand span. The horizontal thrust at the support will

1.08 tonnes

276 - A three-hinged arch is said to be :

statically determinate structure

277 - A uniform bar has a cross sectional area of 700mm and a length of 1.5m. if the stress at the elastic limit is 160 N/mm, what will be the value of gradually applied load which will produce the same extension as that produced by the suddenly applied load ab


278 - A uniform girder simply supported at its ends is subjected to a uniformly distributed load over its entire length and is propped at the centre so as to neutralise the deflection. The net B.M. at the centre will be


279 - A uniform, slender cylindrical rod is made of a homogeneous and isotropic material. The rod rests on a frictionless surface. The rod is heated uniformly. If the radial and longitudinal thermal stress are represented by σx and σz, then ___________

σx = 0, σy = 0

280 - A water main of 1 m in diameter and 25 mm thick is subjected to an internal pressure of 2.5 N/mm^2. Calculate the longitudinal stress induced.

25 N/mm^2

281 - A water main of 1.5 m diameter and 20 mm thick is subjected to an pressure of 1.5N/mm^2. Calculate the circumferential stress induced in the pipe.

56.25 N/mm^2

282 - A weight of 10kN falls by 30mm on a collar rigidly attached to a vertical bar 4m long and 1000mm^2 in section. What will be the instantaneous stress (E=210GPa)?

187.7 N/mm^2

283 - A weight of 10kN falls by 30mm on a collar rigidly attached to a vertical bar 4m long and 1000mm^2 in section. What will be the strain (E=210GPa)?


284 - About ____________ % volume of concrete is occupied by aggregates.


285 - About 90% railway tracks laid with ___________ rails in the world.

FF rails

286 - According to Fannings formula the flood discharge in cumecs is given by Q = ______________


287 - According to Freeman, estimate of fire demand can be made from the formula?

Q = 1136.5 (P/5 +10)

288 - According to IRC, the height of the object is taken to the height of ___________ mm.

100 mm

289 - According to IS 456- 2000, the minimum eccentricity subjected to a column is __________


290 - According to IS 456- 2000, the minimum eccentricity subjected to a column is __________


291 - According to IS 456: 2000; the span to depth ratio of a simply supported beam is ___________


292 - According to IS 456-2000, the minimum number of longitudinal bars to be provided in rectangular columns is ________


293 - According to IS 456-2000, the minimum number of longitudinal bars to be provided in rectangular columns is ________


294 - According to IS, the minimum expansion joint in construction should be ________

18mm to 25mm

295 - According to IS, the specific gravity of a good building stone used in heavy dams should be ______

2.4 – 2.8

296 - According to Lami's theorem________________?

if three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two

297 - According to law of triangle of forces______________?

if three forces acting upon a patticle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium

298 - According to principle of moments_________________?

if a system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium, then the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in their plane is zero

299 - According to principle of transmissibility of forces, the effect of a force upon a body is_______________?

the same at every point in its line of action

300 - Acid in the rain was first detected by ___________

Angus smith

301 - Air and water are the examples of ___________

Ideal fluids

302 - Along the neutral axis of a simply supported beam

fibres do not undergo strain

303 - Along the principal plan subjected to maximum principal stress

no shear stress acts

304 - An arch may be subjected to

thrust, shear force and bending moment.

305 - An arch with three hinges, is a structure

statically determinate

306 - An axial residual compressive stress due to a manufacturing process is present on the outer surface of a rotating shaft subjected to bending. Under a given bending load, the fatigue of the shaft in the presence of the residual compressive stress is ______


307 - An experiment was done and it was found that the bulk modulus of a material is equal to its shear modulus. Then what will be its Poissons ratio?


308 - An unknown weight falls through a height of 10mm on a collar rigidly attached to a lower end of a vertical bar 500cm long. If E =200GPa what will be the value of stress?

80 N/mm^2

309 - Anchorage value for "U" hook is ________

16 × diameter of bar

310 - Angle oT friction is the___________________?

angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction

311 - Aqueduct is an example of __________ channel.


312 - As per IRC, maximum width of lane considered as ____________

2.44 m

313 - As per IS 456:2000; the slope or pitch of stairs should be in between 25 ° to ___________


314 - As per IS 456-2000, the minimum eccentricity for columns shall be given by ________

l/500 + D/30

315 - As per IS, the standard dimensions for a brick is _______ (in cm).


316 - As per IS:800, the minimum thickness of web should not be less than ______


317 - As the elastic limit reaches, tensile strain

increases more rapidly

318 - As the elastic limit reaches, tensile strain __________

Increases more rapidly

319 - At ________ the shearing stress in a beam are maximum.

Neutral axis

320 - At ___________ load, the column is said to have developed an elastic instability.


321 - At any point on the circumference of the cylinder, the longitudinal and hoop stress are _______


322 - At either end of a plane frame, maximum number of possible bending moments, are


323 - At either end of a plane frame, maximum number of possible transverse shear forces, are


324 - At hinge, the moments will be _________


325 - At the extreme fibre, bending stress is______


326 - At the neutral axis, bending stress is _____


327 - At the point of contraflexure, the value of bending moment is ____________


328 - Beams of uniform strength are preferred to those of uniform section because these are economical for

large spans

329 - Beams which are reinforced in both compression and tension sides are called as _______

Doubly reinforced beam

330 - Bell joint is also known as ___________

Socket joint

331 - Bell mouthed orifices can be categorised in according to ___________

Shape of upstream

332 - Bending is accompanied by _______


333 - Bending moment can be denoted by ____


334 - Bending moment in a beam is maximum when the _________

Shear force is zero

335 - Bernoulli’s equation is applicable only for ___________ flow.


336 - Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of safe drinking water must be ________


337 - Bond is developed due to _________


338 - Bond stress for M20 grade concrete in tension is ____________


339 - Bond stress is a stress acting ___________ to the bar on the interface between reinforcement and concrete.


340 - Brass is an example of ____________


341 - By ___________ estimate, a technical sanction is obtained.


342 - By keeping the phreatic line within the downstream toe, the ___________ can be avoided.


343 - By providing ______________ gully formation can be avoided.


344 - Calculate discharge of a weir 2 metre long with a water flow over a head of 250 mm use Francis formula.

0.46 m^3/s

345 - Calculate the actual velocity of jet if the coefficient of velocity is 0.97. The head of water on the orifice of diameter 2 cm is 6 m.

10.5 m/s

346 - Calculate the axial stress induced in the pipe is the water mean of 1.5 metres diameter and 20 mm thick is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm^2.

28.125 N/mm^2

347 - Calculate the deflection if the slope is 0.0225 radians. Take the distance of centre of gravity of bending moment to free end as 2 metres.


348 - Calculate the eccentricity of a rectangular dam of width 4 m. Take the distance between the water face and point where resultant cuts the base as 5.25 m.


349 - Calculate the eccentricity of a trapezoidal dam with a distance between the centre of gravity and point where the resultant cuts the base is 5m. The bottom width of the dam is 3m.


350 - Calculate the elongation of the cable due to load, if a steel cable of 2 cm diameter is used to lift a load of 500 Ï€ kg. Given that and the length of cable is 10 m and E = 2×10^6 kg/cm^2.

0.25 cm

351 - Calculate the elongation of the rod if you still out of 490 mm square area and 600 M long are subjected to an axial pull of 40 kN. Take E = 2×105N/mm^2.

0.24 mm

352 - Calculate the Euler’s crippling load, if the effective length of column is 10 m take flexural rigidity as 6.14 × 10^10 Nmm^2.

6 kN

353 - Calculate the factored bending moment of a rectangular reinforced concrete beam of effective span 4300 mm and load imposed 37.5 kN/m.


354 - Calculate the height of the equilateral triangle in the design of lintel, if the masonry used is poor graded. Take effective span as 1.29 m.


355 - Calculate the hoop stress at the bottom of penstock, if a steel penstock of 1 m and 10 mm thick is subjected to 100m head of water. Take w = 9.81 kN/m^3.

49 N/mm^2

356 - Calculate the horizontal water pressure acting on a dam. The total depth of water be 13m. Take specific weight of water be 10kN/m^3.

845 kN

357 - Calculate the instantaneous elongation if a steel rod of 40 mm and 4 m long subjected to an axial pull of 80 kN. Take E = 2×10^5 N/mm^2.

1.27 mm

358 - Calculate the level arm factor of a section of M20 grade and if Fe 415 Steel. [Take critical neutral axis factor as 0.289].


359 - Calculate the limiting depth of the neutral axis for mild steel of effective depth 400 mm.


360 - Calculate the load intensity of fixed beam if the maximum deflection shall not exceed 1/ 400 of the span. Take EI as 10^10 kN mm^2.

45 kN


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