Strengthening Material Important MCQs Part: 2

361 - Calculate the longitudinal strain, if internal pressure is 1.2 N/mm^2 and 1 m in diameter along with 10 mm thickness. Take E = 2 × 10^5N/mm^2 and Poisson’s ratio as 0.3.


362 - Calculate the maximum deflection of a cantilever beam with udl on entire span of 3m the intensity of you udl be 25 kN/m. Take EI as 4000 kN/m^2.


363 - Calculate the maximum deflection of a fixed beam carrying udl of 5 kN/m. The span of beam is 6 m. Take E = 200kN/m^2 and I = 5×10^7 mm^4.

1.6875 m

364 - Calculate the maximum shear force for square beam of side is 320 mm. If the shear force is 94kN.


365 - Calculate the maximum shear stress of a circular beam of 100 mm diameter, if the average shear stress is 0.63 N/mm^2.

0.85 N/mm^2

366 - Calculate the maximum stress at the base section is the self weight is 4400 kN. The top and bottom width of them are 3 and 8 m respectively. Take (e) = 2.97.

1775.12 kN/m^2

367 - Calculate the minimum stress developed at the heel of the dam, if the self weight of the dam is 924 kN and the base with is 6 metres [Take e = 0.0945m].

139 kN/m^2

368 - Calculate the modulus of resilience for a 2m long bar which extends 2mm under limiting axial stress of 200 N/mm^2?


369 - Calculate the modulus of section for a hollow circular column of external diameter 60 mm and 10 mm thickness.

170 m

370 - Calculate the modulus of section of rectangle beam of size 240 mm × 400 mm.

6.4 × 106 mm^3

371 - Calculate the moment of inertia of a hollow circular section whose external diameter is 60 mm and thickness is 5 mm about centroidal axis.

330 m^4

372 - Calculate the nominal shear stress, if a singly reinforced rectangular beam 230×450 mm effective depth is subjected to a factored load of 60 kN.

0.6 N/mm^2

373 - Calculate the reaction at prop of cantilever, if the span of beam is 5m and load is 20 kN.

6.25 kN

374 - Calculate the resultant force of dam with given self weight 800kN and water pressure be 500kN.

943.4 kN

375 - Calculate the self weight of trapezoidal dam with top width 5m and bottom width 8m. The height of dam is 15 m. Consider specific weight of masonry be 25kN/m^3.

2437.5 kN

376 - Calculate the self-weight of a rectangular dam of 22m high and 8m wide. It contains water upto a height of 20m. Consider the specific weight of masonry be 25 kN/m^3.

4400 kN

377 - Calculate the self-weight of the masonry of the rectangle dam of 10 m height and 4 m wide. Consider specific weight of masonry as 20kN/m^3.

800 kN

378 - Calculate the slope at supports, if the area is 180kNm^2. Take flexural rigidity as 50000.

0.0036 radians

379 - Calculate the slope in a simply supported beam subjected to point load at centre. Take the EI into consideration.


380 - Calculate the specific gravity of mercury.


381 - Calculate the specific weight of oil. If the specific gravity is 0.95. Take specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m^3.

950 kg/m^3

382 - Calculate the strain energy of a member bearing stress of 0.0366 N/mm^2. If the length of the member is 1 m and a cross section area is 60000mm^2. Take E = 2 × 10^5 N/mm^2.

0.2 Nmm

383 - Calculate the Strain energy stored in a body of stress 0.0366 N/mm^2. The cross sectional area is 60 m^2 and length of body is 1 m. Take E = 2×10^5 N/mm^2.


384 - Calculate the Strain energy that can be stored in a body to be pulled with 100 N/mm^2 stress (f) and E = 2×10^5 N/mm^2.


385 - Calculate thickness of metal, if the pressure inside the water main is 0.6 N/mm^2. The diameter of water main is 600 mm. Take hoop stress = 25 N/mm^2.

7.20 mm

386 - Cantilever scaffolding is also known as ____________

needle scaffolding

387 - Carbonic acid is high in ______ springs.


388 - Cast Iron pipes are being joined a _________

Socket and spigot joint

389 - Center of gravity of a solid cone lies on the axis at the height_______________?

one-fourth of the total height above base

390 - Center of gravity of a thin hollow cone lies on the axis at a height of________________?

one-third of the total height above base

391 - Circumferential stress is same as of _________

Hoop stress

392 - Clear span + d = 6 + 0.4 = 6.4m


393 - Coeffecient of discharge varies from ___________ to __________

0.61 to 0.65

394 - Coefficient of friction is the__________________?

ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

395 - Columns of given length, cross-section and material have different values of buckling loads for different end conditions. The strongest column is one whose

both the ends are fixed

396 - Compute the maximum deflection at free end of a cantilever beam subjected to udl for entire span of l metres.


397 - Consider a 250mmx15mmx10mm steel bar which is free to expand is heated from 15C to 40C. what will be developed?

No stress

398 - Consider the following statements: X. Two-dimensional stresses applied to a thin plater in its own plane represent the plane stress condition. Y. Normal and shear stresses may occur simultaneously on a plane. Z. Under plane stress condition, the strain in

1 and 3

399 - Consider two bars A and B of same material tightly secured between two unyielding walls. Coefficient of thermal expansion of bar A is more than that of B. What are the stresses induced on increasing the temperature?

Compression in both the materials

400 - Continuous beams are _________

Statically indeterminate beams

401 - Contour canals are also called as ______

Single bank canal

402 - Coulomb friction is the friction between_________________?

bodies having relative motion

403 - Cracks developed in the body of dam section can be avoided by ________

Contraction joints

404 - Curvature of the beam is __________ to bending moment.

Directly proportion

405 - D' Alembert's principle is used for___________________?

reducing the problem of kinetics to equivalent statics problem

406 - Deflection is denoted by _______


407 - Determine the eccentricity of the dam section, if the base width of the dam be 6m. Take Z = 5.5m.


408 - Determine the limiting percentage of steel for singly reinforced sections of M20 grade & Fe415.


409 - Determine the modulus of a section for an I section, given the distance from neutral axis is 50 mm and moment of inertia is 2.8×10^6 mm^4.


410 - Determine the Poissons ratio and bulk modulus of a material, for which Youngs modulus is 1.2 and modulus of rigidity is 4.8.


411 - Determine the shear stress at the level of neutral axis, if a beam has a triangle cross section having base "b" and altitude "h". Let the shear force be subjected is F.


412 - Determine the velocity of flow in a pipe if the discharge capacity is 270 litres per second and cross sectional area is 5 cm^2.

5.4 m/s

413 - Determine the working stress in the factor of safety is 3 and ultimate load is what 127.32N?

42 N/m^2

414 - Determine the yield stress of a steel rod 20 mm diameter, if the yield load on the steel rod is 88kN.

280.25 N/mm^2

415 - Distribution bars are also known as __________

Transverse bars

416 - Does the value of stress in each section of a composite bar is constant or not?

It is different in every bar in relation with the load applied and the cross sectional area

417 - Doubly reinforced beams are provided when Mu _____ M.


418 - Draw down is also known as __________

Depression head

419 - During a tensile test on a ductile material

true stress at fracture is higher than the ultimate stress

420 - During a tensile test on a ductile material ____________

True stress at fracture is higher than the ultimate stress

421 - Dynamic friction as compared to static friction is________________?


422 - E – coli was formerly known as _________

B. Coli

423 - E, G, K and μ elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and Poisson’s ratio respectively. To express the stress strain relations completely for this material, at least __________

Any two of the four must be known

424 - Eccentrically loaded columns have to be designed for combined axial and ________

Bending moments

425 - Eccentrically loaded structures have to be designed for _______

Combined axial force

426 - Eccentrically loaded structures have to be designed for _______

Combined axial force

427 - Ecological pyramids were first devised by __________

Charles Eltan

428 - Effect of a force on a body depends upon________________?

none of the above

429 - Elastic curve is also known as __________

Deflection curve

430 - Elastic limit is the point ____________

Up to which if the load is removed, original volume and shapes are regained

431 - Elastic line is also called as ___________

Deflection curve

432 - Energy flows through the ecosystem in the form of __________ bonds.


433 - Every material obeys the Hooke's law within its

limit of proportionality

434 - Example for cantilever beam is ______

Portico slabs

435 - Expand CFC _________


436 - Expand HDPE?

High Density Polyethylene Pipe

437 - Expand MPN?

Most probable number

438 - Expand MWL?

Maximum water level

439 - Expand RVF _________

Rapidly Varied flow

440 - Factor of safety is a ratio of crippling load to __________ load.

Safe load

441 - Failure of riverted joints is due to

All the above.

442 - Field channels are also known as ______

Water courses

443 - Find out the elongation of a tie of 2m long, if the axial rigidity is 5000 × 10^4 mm^2. The axial pull be 20 kN.

0.8 mm

444 - Find the elongation of an steel rod of 100mm length when it is subjected to a tensile strain of 0.005?


445 - Find the modulus of section of square beam of size 150 × 150 mm?strength-materials-questions-answers-maximum-shear-stress-q4


446 - Find the moment of inertia of a rectangular section of 40 mm width and 80 mm depth about the base.


447 - Find the moment of inertia of a rectangular section of 40 mm width and 80 mm depth about the base.


448 - Find the moment of resistance of rectangular beam off grid to 40 mm depth 400 mm if the bending stress is 15 N/mm^2.

96 kNm

449 - Find the strain of a brass rod of length 100mm which is subjected to a tensile load of 50kN when the extension of rod is equal to 0.1mm?


450 - Find the strain of a brass rod of length 250mm which is subjected to a tensile load of 50kN when the extension of rod is equal to 0.3mm?


451 - Fire hydrants are located in a main at a distance of ______________

100 to 150 m

452 - Fixed beam is also known as _______

Encaster beam

453 - Fixed beam is also known as __________

Encastered beam

454 - Fixing couples means _____

Support moments

455 - Flow in circular pipes will be turbulent is Reynolds number is _________

> 2800

456 - Flow in rivers is an example of __________ flow.


457 - Flow of water when a tap is just open is an example of __________ flow.

Un steady

458 - For ___________ columns, the slenderness ratio is more than 32 and less than 120.


459 - For a beam having fixed ends, the unknown element of the reactions, is

horizontal and vertical components at both the ends.

460 - For a given material length, end conditions and equal area the shape of the column which is most efficient as per Euler’s is _________


461 - For a given material Young's modulus is 200 GN/m2 and modulus of rigidity is 80 GN/m2. The value of Poisson's ratio is


462 - For a material, Youngs modulus is given as 1.2 x 10^5 and Poissons ratio 1/4. Calculate the bulk modulus.

0.8 x 10^5

463 - For a simply supported beam with a central load, the bending moment is

maximum at the centre.

464 - For a simply supported beam, the basic l/d ratio should be ____________


465 - For a simply supported beam, the moment at the support is always __________


466 - For a stable frame structure, number of members required, is

twice the number of joints minus three

467 - For an isotropic, homogeneous and elastic material obeying Hooke’s law, the number of independent elastic constants is ____________


468 - For circular section, the maximum shear stress is equal to ____________ times of average shear stress.


469 - For ductile materials, the factor of safety is the ratio of yield stress to ___________

working stress

470 - For each sleeper _______ pandrol clips are used.


471 - For engineering materials, the poison’s ratio lies in the range of ___________

0 and 1/2

472 - For keeping the stress wholly compressive the load may be applied on a circular column anywhere within a concentric circle of diameter


473 - For keeping the stress wholly compressive the load may be applied on a circular column anywhere within a concentric circle of diameter _____________


474 - For longitudinal reinforcing bar, the nominal cover should not be less than ___________

40 mm

475 - For most economical section __________ should be minimum.


476 - For no _______ to develop in the dam section the resultant should always lie within the middle third.


477 - For structural analysis of forces, the method refers to


478 - For structural analysis, Maxwell's reciprocal theorem can be applied to :

elastic structures

479 - For super critical flow, Fr _________ 1.


480 - Forces are called concurrent when their lines of action meet in_______________?

one point

481 - Forces are called coplanar when all of them acting on body lie in________________?

one plane

482 - Formation of white patches on the surface on the bricks is ____________


483 - Fossil fuels are example for ________

Renewable resources

484 - Frictional force encountered after commencement of motion is called________________?

dynamic friction

485 - From a circular plate of diameter 6 cm is cut out a circle whose diameter is a radius of the plate. Find the e.g. of the remainder from the center of circular plate___________________?

0.5 cm

486 - Froude number is the ratio of inertial force to the _________ force.


487 - FTL Stands for ________

Full tank level

488 - Full form of LEED ________

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

489 - Full form of NBC ___________

National Building Code

490 - Full form of TEL is _________

Total Energy Line

491 - Generally in residential buildings, the width of stay is kept as ____________


492 - Geothermal Energy is _________

Renewable energy resource

493 - Glass is an example of _________


494 - Gold, Copper and lead are the examples of ______


495 - GOST standards are used in _________


496 - Granite has been widely used for dams construction because of _______

Crushing strength

497 - Hardness can be measured using _______

Mohr’s scale

498 - Hardness due to calcium bi carbonate can be removed by ___________

Excessive lime

499 - High turbidity of water can be determined by __________

Baylis turbidometer

500 - Highest value of stress for which Hooke’s law is applicable for a given material is called ____________

Proportional limit

501 - Hinge support is called as __________

Pin joint

502 - Hinged supports offers vertical and ________ reaction.


503 - Hogging is________

Negative bending moment

504 - Hooke's law states that stress and strain are

directly proportional

505 - How can be the Poissons ratio be expressed in terms of bulk modulus(K) and modulus of rigidity(G)?

(3K – 2G) / (6K + 2G)

506 - How do point loads and udl be represented in SFD?

Simple lines and inclined lines

507 - How does the elastic constant varys with the elongation of body?

The elastic constant is directly proportional to the elongation

508 - How many elastic constants does an isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic material have?


509 - How many elastic constants of a linear, elastic, isotropic material will be?


510 - How many elastic constants of a non homogeneous, non isotropic material will be?


511 - How the elastic constants E and K are related?

E = 3K(1 – 2μ)

512 - How the total strain in any body subjected to different loads at different sections can be calculated?

The resultant strain is the algebraic sum of the individual strain

513 - Hydraulic depth is a ratio of wetted area to _____

Top width

514 - Hydraulic radius is denoted by _________


515 - i) Strain is a fundamental behaviour of a material. ii) Strain does not have a unit.

Both i and ii ate true but ii is not the correct explanation of i

516 - Identify which factor may cause a lowered body temperature:


517 - If a bar of large length when held vertically and subjected to a load at its lower end, its won-weight produces additional stress. The maximum stress will be ____________

At the built-in upper cross-section

518 - If a bar of sections of two different length and different diameters are in a line and P load is acting axially on them then what will be the change in length of the bar?

P/E x (L1/A1 + L2/A2)

519 - If a bar of two different length are in a line and P load is acting axially on them then what will be the change in length of the bar if the radius of both different lengths is same?

P/EA x (L1 + L2)

520 - If a bar of two sections of different diameters of same length are in a line and P load is acting axially on them then what will be the change in length of the bar?

PL/E x (1/A1 + 1/A2)

521 - If a beam is subjected to pure bending, then the deformation of the beam is_____

Arc of circle

522 - If a constant section beam is subjected to a uniform bending moment throughout, its length bends to

a circular arc

523 - If a material had a modulus of elasticity of 2.1 kgf/cm^2 and a modulus of rigidity of 0.8 kgf/cm^2 then what will be the approximate value of the Poissons ratio?


524 - If a number of forces act simultaneously on a particle, it is possible_________________?

to replace them by a single force

525 - If a rectangular beam measuring 10 x 18 x 400 cm carries a unformly distributed load such that the bending stress developed is 100 kg/cm2. The intensity of the load per metre length, is

250 kg

526 - If a suspended body is struck at the centre of percussion, then the pressure on die axis passing through the point of suspension will be___________________?


527 - If a three hinged parabolic arch carries a uniformly distributed load on its entire span, every section of the arch resists.

compressive force

528 - If E,G and K have their usual meanings, for an elastic material, then which one of the following be possibly true?

K = E

529 - If fluoride concentration in drinking water increases to more than ______ ppm, it causes fluorosis.


530 - If forces P, P and P of a system are such that the force polygon does not close, then the system will __________

Not be in equilibrium

531 - If n = number of members andy = number of joints, then for a perfect frame, n =_______________?


532 - If rain is falling in the opposite direction of the movement of a pedestrain, he has to hold his umbrella_________________?

less inclined when standing

533 - If the beam is supported so that there are only three unknown reactive elements at the supports. These can be determined by using the following fundamental equation of statics

∑H = 0; ∑V = 0; ∑M = 0

534 - If the columns are effectively held in position and restrained against rotation at both ends. Recommend the value of effective length.


535 - If the given forces P1, P2, P3, P4,and P5 which are co planar and concurrent are such that the force polygon does not close, then the system will

Always reduce to a resultant force

536 - If the material has different elastic properties in perpendicular directions, it is called ____________


537 - If the material has identical elastic properties in all directions, it is called ____________


538 - If the maximum stress is positive, then the nature of stress is ____


539 - If the members connected don’t lie in the same plane, then structures are called __________

Space truss

540 - If the minimum stress developed is negative, then the nature of stress is ___________


541 - If the rivets in adjacent rows are staggered and outermost row has only one rivet, the arrangement of the rivets, is called

diamond riveting

542 - If the shear force along a section of a beam is zero, the bending moment at the section is


543 - If the stress in each cross-section of a pillar is equal to its working stress, it is called

body of equal strength

544 - If the stress produced by a prismatic bar is equal to the working stress, the area of the cross-section of the prismatic bar, becomes


545 - If the thickness of plate is negligible when compared to the diameter of the cylindrical, then it is called __________

Thin cylinder

546 - If the width b and depth d of a beam simply supported with a central load are interchanged, the deflection at the centre of the beam will be changed in the ratio of


547 - If the width of a simply supported beam carrying an isolated load at its centre is doubled, the deflection of the beam at the centre is changed by

8 times

548 - If three forces acting in different planes can be represented by a triangle, these will be in________________?


549 - If three forces acting in one plane upon a rigid body, keep it in equilibrium, then they must either__________________?

all the above are correct

550 - If two equal forces of magnitude P act at an angle 9°, their resultant will be________________?

IP cos 9/2

551 - If two forces acting at a joint are not along the straight line, then for the equilibrium of the joint

each force must be zero

552 - In _______ liquid flows under atmospheric pressure.

Open channel

553 - In _________ shells, the stress distribution is not uniform over the thickness of the material.


554 - In _________ springs, that trench acts as a storage reservoir.


555 - In __________ pipes, the discharging capacity reduces as the life period increases.

Galvanised Iron

556 - In ___________ system, air relief valves are not required.


557 - In a bar of large length when held vertically and subjected to a load at its lower end, its own-weight produces additional stress. The maximum stress will be

at the built-in upper cross-section

558 - In a beam, the neutral plane

does not change during deformation

559 - In a body loaded under plane stress conditions, what is the number of independent stress components?


560 - In a cantilever of span "L" subjected to a concentrated load of "W" at a distance of L/3 from free end. The deflection is ________


561 - In a cantilever of span subjected to a point load of w acting at a distance of (1/3) L from free end. The deflection under load will be


562 - In a continuous bending moment curve the point where it changes sign, is called

all the above.

563 - In a loaded beam, the point of con-traflexture occurs at a section where

bending moment is zero or changes sign

564 - In a material of pure shear stress Ï„the strain energy stored per unit volume in the elastic, homogeneous isotropic material having elastic constants E and v will be:

Ï„^2/E x (1+ v)

565 - In a shaft rotated by a couple, the shear force varies

from zero at the centre to a maximum at the circumference

566 - In a shaft shear stress intensity at a point is not

inversely proportional to the distance from the axis

567 - In a simply supported beam (l + 2a) with equal overhangs (a) and carrying a uniformly distributed load over its entire length, B.M. at the middle point of the beam will be zero if

l = 2a

568 - In a solid arch, shear force acts

perpendicular to the axis of arch

569 - In a square beam loaded longitudinally, shear develops

equally on each fibre along horizontal plane

570 - In a tensile test, near the elastic limit zone ____________

Tensile stress decreases at a faster rate

571 - In a three hinged arch, the bending moment will be zero

at all the three hinges.

572 - In a three hinged arch, the shear force is usually

maximum at springings

573 - In a three hinged arch, the third hinge is generally kept at

crown of the arch

574 - In actual machines______________?

mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio

575 - In an experiment, the bulk modulus of elasticity of a material is twice its modulus of rigidity. The Poissons ratio of the material is ___________


576 - In an ideal fluid, the ____________ stresses are pretend to be absent.


577 - In aqueduct, the nominal flow of velocity be ________

0.9 m/s

578 - In cantilever beam the deflection occurs at ______

Free end

579 - In cantilever beams, the deflection is zero at ___________

Fixed end

580 - In cantilever beams, the extra support is known as ____________


581 - In cantilever beams, the maximum deflection occurs at ___________

Free end

582 - In cantilever beams, the slope is _____________ at fixed end.


583 - In cantilever beams, the steel bars are placed at ___________

Top of the Beam

584 - In cantilever beams, there is _______ stress above neutral axis.


585 - In case of __________ beams, the 50% of bars are curtailed at a distance of 0.5 ×l.


586 - In case of HYSD bars ___________ are provided to increase anchorage length.

Standard bends

587 - In case of vertical curves, the ____________ are taken above the road.

Earth quantities

588 - In cipoletti weir, the side slopes are _______________

1 in 4

589 - In coarse textured sandy soils, the field capacity can be achieved in _________

1 to 3 days

590 - In continuous beams ______ moment develops at supports.


591 - In continuous beams ______________ moments is always less than support moments.

Mid span

592 - In deflection of a continuous beam, when loaded there will be convexity upwards over _________ supports.


593 - In detennining stresses in frames by methods of sections, the frame is divided into two parts by an imaginary section drawn in such a way as not to cut more than___________________?

three members with unknown forces of the frame

594 - In doubly reinforced beam, the maximum shear stress occurs ______________

on the planes between neutral axis and compressive reinforcement

595 - In engineering properties of soils, the "e" denotes?

Voids ratio

596 - In Euler’s formula, the column fails due to __________ alone.


597 - In fixed beams, the maximum deflection at __________ is reduced.


598 - In fixed beams, the slope at the supports be ___________


599 - In flitched beams ______ remains same for both materials.


600 - In foundation concrete, coarse aggregate size should be __________

40 mm

601 - In ideal machines________________?

mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio

602 - In long columns, the lateral deflection causes at the ______


603 - In long columns, the lateral deflection causes at the ______


604 - In manning’s formula, V = 1/n×m^2/3×i^(1/2). N stands for ___________

Coefficient of rugosity

605 - In mansard truss, the upper slope is _________


606 - In rectangular columns (cross-section b x h), the core is a

rhombus of diagonals b/3 and h/3

607 - In reinforcing of Steel bars, the end and side covers are taken as ____________ to ____________ mm.

40 to 50mm

608 - In SFD, vertical lines are for ______

Point loads

609 - In short columns, the slenderness ratio is less than __________


610 - In simple bending, ______ is constant.

Bending moment

611 - In simply supported beam deflection is maximum at ____________


612 - In simply supported beams, the _____ stress distribution is not uniform.


613 - In simply supported beams, the slope is _____________ at supports.


614 - In simply supported slabs, alternate bars are curtailed at ________

1/6 of span

615 - In sliding failure, the co-efficient of friction varies from ________

0.65 – 0.75

616 - In statically determinate structures _______ is independent.

Bending moment

617 - In steel sections, the junction between a flange and web is known as ________


618 - In T beams, maximum ______ is less.

Bending moment

619 - In T beams, the most of the compressive force is shared by __________


620 - In the design of lintel, determine the base angle of a triangle for poor masonry.


621 - In the equation m = 2j-3 ; the letter "j" stands for __________


622 - In the equation of virtual work, following force is neglected_______________?

all of the above

623 - In the lever of third order, load W, effort P and fulcrum F are oriented as follows_________________?

W between P and F

624 - In total consumption, losses account about __________


625 - Infiltration wells are ____________ wells constructed in series.


626 - Influence lines are drawn for structures

of any type

627 - IS: 455 is associated with ____________

Portland slag cement

628 - Isolated __________ decrease stability in the ecosystem.

Food chain

629 - Kinetic friction is the________________?

the friction force acting when the body is in motion

630 - King post trusses are used for spans ______

6 to 9 m

631 - Lap splices should not be used for bars larger than _____ mm.


632 - Lap splices should not be used for bars larger than __________ mm.

36 mm

633 - Laterite is an example of ___________ rock.


634 - Leakage should be nil or minimum by following equation Q = ___________ × ND (P)1/2.


635 - Least force required to draw a body up the inclined plane is W sin (plane inclination + friction angle) applied in the direction__________________?

at an angle equal to the angle of friction to the inclined plane

636 - Limit of proportionality depends upon ____________

Area of cross-section

637 - Line of seepage is also known as __________

Phreatic line

638 - Long axially loaded columns tends to deflect about ___________

Moment of inertia

639 - Long columns fail due to ____________

Buckling stress

640 - Longitudinal strain is also known as ___________

Direct strain

641 - Major distributaries discharge varies from ____________

0.25 to 5 cumecs

642 - Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour are known as _______

Visco elastic

643 - Mathematically, strain energy = _________

Work done

644 - Maximum bending moment in a cantilever beam subjected to udl (w)over the entire span (l).


645 - Maximum daily demand = _____ × Average daily demand.


646 - Maximum shear stress in thin cylindrical shell be ___________


647 - Maximum Shearing stress in a beam is at _____

Neutral axis

648 - MDDL Stands for ________

Minimum draw down level

649 - Meander ratio is the ratio of meander belt to __________

Meander length

650 - meet at one point ;


651 - Membrane filter technique is used for testing?

E -coli

652 - Mild steel is an example of ______________ mechanical property of the material.


653 - Mild steel is an example of ______________ mechanical property of the material.


654 - Mix proportion for M20 grade mix is _________


655 - Modular ratio method is also known as ______

Working stress method

656 - Modulus of resilience is defined as __________

Resilience per unit volume

657 - Mohr’s theorem -¡¡ states?


658 - Mohr’s theorem- 1 states ________


659 - Molitor’s formula can be used for calculation of ___________

Wave height

660 - Moment distribution method is also known as __________

Hardy Cross method

661 - Most economical section is also called as __________

Most efficient section

662 - Moving train is an example of ____ load.

Rolling load

663 - n and j are numbers of members and joints in a frame. It contains redundant members if

n > 2j - 3

664 - NTU is measurement unit of _______


665 - Nuclear energy is __________

Non renewable energy resource

666 - Number of points of contra flexure for a double over hanging beam.


667 - Nutrients like ca, mg, si, al, S, K are lost due to ____________


668 - Oil tanks, steam boilers, gas pipes are examples of _____________

Thin cylinders

669 - On a ladder resting on smooth ground and leaning against vertical wall, the force of friction will be__________________?

upwards at its upper end

670 - On bending of a beam, which is the layer which is neither elongated nor shortened?

Neutral axis

671 - On the ladder resting on the ground and leaning against a smooth vertical wall, the force of friction will be__________________?

zero at its upper end

672 - Oxidation is done in __________ method.


673 - Partial safety factor for concrete is taken as ____________


674 - Pascal’s law is applied in ____________

Hydraulic lift

675 - Paving is also known as ___________

Floor covering

676 - Perennial canals are also known as ________

Permanent canal

677 - pH is measured in ____

gram / litre

678 - Photo stress method is ___________

Stress analysis method

679 - Pick up the correct assumption of the theory of simple bending

All the above.

680 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

All the above.

681 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

All the above.

682 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

All the above.

683 - Pick up the correct statement from the following :

both (a) and (b).

684 - Pick up the incorrect statement

Welding takes more time than riveting.

685 - Pick up the incorrect statement from the following _______________?

The C.G. of a semicircle is at a distance of r/2 from the center

686 - Pick up wrong statement about friction force for dry surfaces. Friction force is________________?

proportional to velocity of sliding

687 - Piezometric surface is a ____________ surface.


688 - PL3/3EI is the deflection under the load P of a cantilever beam. What will be the strain energy?


689 - Plastic is a ____________ substance.


690 - Plastic possess tensile strength of _______________

5.6 tonnes/cm^2

691 - Plasticizing admixture means __________

Water reducing admixtures

692 - Pn = P[1+r/100]^n is a formula used in ___________

Geometrical increase method

693 - Point of inflection is known as _____

Point of contraflexure

694 - Point, where the total volume of the body is assumed to be concentrated is ____________

Centroid of volume

695 - Poisson’s ratio for high strength concrete is __________


696 - Polar moment of inertia is denoted by ___________


697 - Polygonal links are also known as _____________

Lateral ties

698 - Polyhydroxy compounds are ________

Water reducing admixtures

699 - Positive bending moment is known as _______


700 - Pressure conduits are also known as _______

Pipe conduits


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