Surveying in Civil Engineering Most Important MCQs Part: 1

1 - ______ is the most precise instrument designed for the measurement of horizontal and vertical angles.


2 - _______ is a line lying in a level surface.

Level line

3 - _______ is a line lying throughout on the surface of the ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal.

Contour gradient

4 - _______ is defined as a curved surface which at each point is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at the point.

Level surface

5 - __________ at a station is either of the two angles by the two survey lines meeting there.

Included angle

6 - __________ at a station is either of the two angles by the two survey lines meeting there.

Included angle

7 - __________scale is used in case of preparation of street maps.


8 - __________scale is used in case of preparation of street maps.


9 - A basin which can protect water well from the actions of wind and waves can be designated as___________


10 - A closed contour line with one or more higher ones inside to represent _____


11 - A compound curve can be set by which of the following methods?

Deflection angles

12 - A Contour line is a line on the map representing a contour.


13 - A contour line must close upon itself.


14 - A Contour passing through any point is parallel to the line of steepest slope at that point.


15 - A curve which is having a varying radius is called_____________

Transition curve

16 - A deflection angle is an angle in which a survey line makes with prolongation of back sight.


17 - A deflection angle is an angle in which a survey line makes with prolongation of back sight.


18 - A level provides a vertical line of sight, a line tangential to a Level surface at the point where the instrument stands.


19 - A light house is visible just above the horizon at a certain station at the sea level. The distance between the station and light house is 10 km. Find the height of the light house?

6.728 m

20 - A line which joins subsidiary stations on the main line is called _____

Tie line

21 - A negative declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the________________?

western side of the true meridian

22 - A non-transit theodolite is one in which the line of sight can be reversed by resolving the telescope through 180° in a vertical plane.


23 - A normal equation is formed by ____________

Multiplying algebraic coefficients

24 - A potentiometer is used in stage encoder.


25 - A prismoid is a combination of which of the following?

Triangle, trapezium

26 - A Reverse curve can be set by which of the following methods?

Method of tangential angles

27 - A series of closely spaced contour lines represents a___________________?

steep slope

28 - A series of straight parallel and equally spaced contours represent ________

Plane surface

29 - A signal must contain phase.


30 - A single contour line can split into two in case of a change in elevations.


31 - A small basin is adopted in case of ____________

Sandy soil

32 - A star crosses a meridian only once in its revolution.


33 - A steel cylinder which is pushed in the soft soil is determined as ________


34 - A structure erected over a station can be determined as___________


35 - A survey station is prominent on the chain line and can be either at the beginning of the chain or at the end. Such stations are known as ______

Main station

36 - A survey which deals with bodies of water for purpose of navigation, water supply, harbor works or for the determination of mean sea level is ________

Hydrographic surveying

37 - A surveyor measured the distance between two points on the plan drawn to a scale of 1 cm is equal 40 m and the result was 468 m. But, actual scale is 1 cm = 20 m. Find the true distance between the two points.

936 m

38 - A tacheometer is setup at A and the readings on the staff at B are 1.77m, 2.12m, 2.34m and the inclination of line of sight is + 10 9ꞌ. Calculate the vertical distance between A and B. Take k = 100, c = 0.3?

1.15 m

39 - A tacheometer is setup at an intermediate point on a traverse course PQ and the following observations are made on a staff held vertical. Staff Station Vertical Angle Staff Intercept Axial Hair Readings P + 9o30′ 2.250 2.105 Q + 6o00′ 2.055 1.975 The cons

422.13 m; 335.47 m

40 - A tape may be too long or an angle measuring instrument may be out of adjustment. Then such type of error comes under which source of error?


41 - A telescope is said to be inverted if its______________?

vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down

42 - A transit theodolite is one in which the line of sight can be reversed by resolving the telescope through 180° in a vertical plane.


43 - Absolute positioning is not useful in precise GPS.


44 - Accuracy of the position through can be influenced by ____________

Position of satellite

45 - Acoustic rain gauge can also be known as__________


46 - Adjustments applied to angles are independent of the size of the angle.


47 - After levelling of an instrument is done what is the next up?

Releasing all clamps

48 - After setting up the instrument first thing done by the surveyor is _________

levelling instrument

49 - Agate cap is fitted with a_________________?

prismatic compass

50 - Age of data can act as a source of error.


51 - A'level line'is a______________?

line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of earth

52 - Alidade is used for___________


53 - All angles are preferred to measure clockwise because of the graduations of theodolite circle increase in this direction.


54 - All angles are preferred to measure clockwise because of the graduations of theodolite circle increase in this direction.


55 - All conditions are to be collected and used in which of the following case?

Method of correlates

56 - All the co-ordinates in dependent system will depend on observer's position.


57 - All the necessary calculations will be done before setting the curve.


58 - Almanac contains information about__________

Status of the satellites

59 - Among the area calculation methods, which is more accurate?

Area by Simpson's one-third rule

60 - Among the available formats, which is most commonly used in case of GIS?


61 - Among the classification of triangulation system, which posses the highest order?


62 - Among the classification of triangulation, which will give the precise value?


63 - Among the errors occurring in GIS, which can cause a drastic change or fail the entire process?

Silver polygons

64 - Among the following ____________ can be expressed as an example of hardware component.


65 - Among the following, the correct set of remote sensing classification can be given as__________

Active, passive

66 - Among the following, the most commonly used method of balancing a traverse is_________

Bowditch's method

67 - Among the following, which can be adopted for providing support for soft strata?

Bents of steel

68 - Among the following, which describes Stefan- Boltzmann formula?

M = σ*T4

69 - Among the following, which do not come under the components of GIS?


70 - Among the following, which doesn't belong to the parts of photo-theodolite?


71 - Among the following, which doesn't belong to tunnel classification?

Rocky ground

72 - Among the following, which doesn't come under permanent adjustment of sextant?

Line of sight perpendicular to plane of graduated arc

73 - Among the following, which indicates the correct set of classification of data?

Analog, digital

74 - Among the following, which indicates the correct set of methods followed for fixing position?

Carrier wave, pseudo ranging

75 - Among the following, which indicates the formula for balancing angles of closed traverse?

∑ Interior angles = (n-2) * 1800

76 - Among the following, which is having more prominence while conducting sounding?

Sounding pole

77 - Among the following, which is not a principle of the topographic survey?

Orientation of only main station

78 - Among the following, which map is necessary for the establishment of the township?

Property map

79 - Among the following, which map is necessary for the establishment of the township?

Property map

80 - Among the following, which must be known for determining scale in a tilted photograph?

Focal length

81 - Among the following, which represents the method of observation?

Reciprocal method

82 - Among the interpretation methods available, which is opted as the best?


83 - Among the methods available for determining the length of the curve, which is commonly used?

Rate of change of radial acceleration

84 - Among the three point and two point problems, the solution from two point problem will serve better output?


85 - Ample conditions were used in method of correlates.


86 - An imaginary line lying throughout the surface of ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal is known as__________________?

contour gradient

87 - An offset is laid out 1° 30′ from its true direction on the field. Find the degree of accuracy with which the offset should be measured so that the maximum displacement of the point on the paper from both sources may be equal?

1 in 39

88 - An offset is laid out 2° from its true direction on the field. If the scale of plotting is 10 m to 1 cm, find the maximum length of the offset so that the displacement of the point on the paper may not exceed 0.25 mm?

7.16 m

89 - An offset is laid out 6° from its true direction on the field. Find the resulting displacement of the plotted point on the paper in a direction parallel to the chain line? (Given the length of offset is 10 m and scale is 5 m to 1 cm)

0.209 cm

90 - An offset is laid out 6° from its true direction on the field. Find the resulting displacement of the plotted point on the paper in a direction perpendicular to the chain line? ( given length of offset is 10 m and scale is 5 m to 1 cm)

0.0109 cm

91 - An offset is measured with an accuracy of 1 in 40. If the scale of plotting is 1 cm = 20 m, find the limiting length of the offset so that the displacement of the point on the paper from both sources of error may not exceed 0.25 mm?

14.14 m

92 - Angle and distance is one of the methods for plotting a traverse survey.


93 - Angles are less affected by the corrections applied due to Transit method than Bowditch's method.


94 - Apply correction for tension, if the pull applied during measurement is 15N and standard pull is about 8N. Measured length is about 10m, cross-section of the tape is 5 sq. cm with E 2*107 N/sq. cm.


95 - Around how much percentage, the incident radiant flux can be absorbed by the materials present on earth?


96 - As far as possible main survey lines should pass through the obstacles to get know how many obstacles present.


97 - As far as possible, the main survey line should not pass through _____


98 - At a given point, the atmospheric pressure doesn't remain constant in the course of the day, even in the course of an hour.


99 - At a given point, the atmospheric pressure doesn't remain constant in the course of the day, even in the course of an hour.


100 - At what step of chain surveying surveyor should investigate various difficulties that may arise and think of their solution?

Before selecting survey stations

101 - Atmospheric refraction is _________

natural error

102 - Balancing methods can be applied only when________

Survey forms a closed polygon traverse

103 - Base receiver is kept stationary in which of the following operations?

Fast static positioning

104 - Before conducting resection procedure, orientation must be performed.


105 - Bench marks are located in ______________

Street maps

106 - Bench marks are located in ______________

Street maps

107 - Benchmark is established by________________?

spirit levelling

108 - Besides theodolite which among the following is used for taking angles.


109 - Bombay harbor will come under the classification of ____________

Natural harbor

110 - Both arms extended forward horizontally and the hands depressed briskly is the signal by surveyor then the action of the assistant should be ______

Fix the rod

111 - Both ends of the line may not be visible from intermediate points on the line. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?

obstacles to ranging but not chaining

112 - Both ends of the lines may be visible from intermediate points on the line. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?

obstacles to ranging but not chaining

113 - Both Terrestrial and aerial cameras are having the same functionality.


114 - Bowditch method can be applied even linear and angular measurements are not precise.


115 - Bowditch rule is applied to_________________?

a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error

116 - By balancing back sight and fore sight error due to curvature can be eliminated.


117 - By balancing back sight and fore sight error due to non parallelism of the line of collimation can be eliminated.


118 - By means of vertical circle clamp and its corresponding ___________ the telescope can be set accurately at any desired position in the vertical plane.

tangent screw

119 - By plotting and recording values simultaneously, there is a possibility to occur more errors.


120 - By using pseudo ranging method, two dimensional and three dimensional GPS positions can be located.


121 - By which of the following step, Independent co-ordinate can be obtained?

∑L + ∑D

122 - By which of the following, the difference in elevation between two points can be calculated by taking a difference between the two readings and no correction for the inclination of the line of sight is necessary?


123 - Calculate mean solar time if the hour angle of the sun is 34h 21m 15s.

46h 21m 15s

124 - Calculate the area by M.D method, if the value of m1, m2, m3 are given as 233.4 m, 12.78 m, 99.98 m respectively and latitudes are 110 m, -15 m, 89 m.

34372.51 sq. m

125 - Calculate the area by mid-ordinate rule if the value of d = 2m and the ordinates are given as 24.69m, 42.96 m, 26.74m.

188.78 sq. m

126 - Calculate the area if I = 8.257, M = 150, F = 4.143, C = 31.155.


127 - Calculate the chainage of P.R.C, if the chainage of Tangent is 567.54m and the curve length is about 65m.


128 - Calculate the corrected angle if the values of θ, β1 and β2 are given as 50˚46ꞌ, 12˚24ꞌ and 13˚36ꞌ.


129 - Calculate the correction for misalignment, if the length of the line is 18m with perpendicular of 3m.


130 - Calculate the flying height if the contour interval is given as 6m.


131 - Calculate the R.L of B, if D = 24.96 m, angle for line of sight is +4024ꞌ, height of the axis will be 1.29 m and the R.L of A is 400 m.

403.21 m

132 - Calculate the short tangent length, if the radius of curvature is given as 56.21m and the deflection angle as 32˚54ꞌ.


133 - Calculate the total rainfall in an interval, where volume of the bucket is taken as 24cu. m and time interval N = 3.

72cu. m

134 - Calculate the total volume if number of sides = 3 and d = 2 m. The values of area can be given as 117.98 sq. m, 276.54 sq. m and 98.43 sq. m.

1170.26 cu. m

135 - Calculate the value of double area if the value of latitude of A is 235.67 m and DMD is +89.26 m.

21035 sq. m

136 - Calculate the value of K and C, if the measurements are taken between two points of 50 and 130 distant apart and the stadia readings will be 0.024, 0.824 respectively.

100, 47.6

137 - Calculate the value of R.L for staff being vertical and possessing staff readings as follows 2.892, 2.234, 1.926. It being an anallactic lens possesses an instrumental height of 1.94 with R.L 102.34 m. Line of sight placed at an angle of 2042ꞌ.

106.591 m

138 - Calculate the volume of third section, if the areas are 76.32 sq. m and 24.56 sq. m with are at a distance of 4 m.

201.76 cu. m

139 - Calculation the elevation difference if the vertical distance is 14.89m, instrument height is 9.2m, ground is at 2.8m.

21.29 m

140 - Camber in the road is provided for_______________?

effective drainage

141 - Cargo surveying involves in ___________

Calculation of the cargo's volume

142 - Carrier phase uses the principle of ____________


143 - Central position of curve can be set by _________


144 - Chain and compass traversing is also called a fast needle method.


145 - Chainage at the point of reverse curve can be given as__________

Chainage at P.R.C = Chainage at P.C + length of first arc

146 - Chains are made up of ______

Galvanized mild steel

147 - Check lines should form well-conditioned triangles to obtain a good system of survey lines.


148 - CIM was adopted by which of the following commissions?


149 - Closed contours, with higher value inwards, represent a_______________?


150 - Closing error can also be known as__________


151 - Closing error can be briefly explained in which of the following set of methods?

Graphical, Axis methods

152 - Closing error can be given as________


153 - Cloth tapes of closely woven linen, 12 to 15 mm wide varnished to resist _______


154 - Clothoid is also known as___________

Glover's spiral

155 - Co ordinate length measured parallel to an assumed meridian direction may be defined as _________

Latitude of a survey line

156 - Coefficient of friction is less when the pavement surface is________________?

smooth and wet

157 - Colby apparatus will come under which of the following forms?

Rigid bars

158 - Compass surveying is recommended when the area is _______

Large, undulating and crowded with many details

159 - Compensator can make complete adjustments in total station.


160 - Compound curve can be designated by____________

Angle subtended by a chord of known length

161 - Consecutive co-ordinates are also known as__________

Dependent co-ordinates

162 - Contour interval is_______________?

inversely proportional to the scale of the map

163 - Contour lines close together indicate _______ slope.


164 - Contour lines cross a watershed or ridge line at _____


165 - Contour map is useful to determine the tracing of contour gradients and the location of route.


166 - Contour maps are used for measurement of drainage areas.


167 - Contour maps are used to calculate the reservoir capacity.


168 - Contour maps are useful to determination of intervisibility between two points.


169 - Convert 122°30′ whole circle bearings to quadrant bearings?

180 – 122°30

170 - Convert 22°30′ whole circle bearings to quadrant bearings?


171 - Correction applied in prismoidal correction is always__________


172 - Correction for curvature is applied for getting___________

Equivalent areas

173 - Correction for parallax is given as___________

Horizontal parallax * cos of apparent altitude

174 - Correction to the dip is always_____________


175 - Corrections can be applied without measuring the temperature in field.


176 - Correlates can also be known as_____________

Unknown multiples

177 - Covering whole survey area with primary triangulation but filling the gaps with secondary and tertiary triangulation involves in which among the following processes?

Grid iron system

178 - Cross sectioning is the process of taking levels on each side of a main line tangential to that line.


179 - Cross staff is an instrument used for________________?

setting out right angles

180 - Cross wind is perpendicular to the direction of travel.


181 - Current meter is used in case of __________

Electro-magnetic gauge

182 - Cycle slip occurs due to change in____________


183 - Data can be shared in the process of GIS.


184 - Deflection angle may vary from __________ to __________

0° to 90°

185 - Deflection angle may vary from __________ to ___________

0° to 90°

186 - Degree of accuracy for a chain on rough or hilly ground is _________

1 in 250

187 - Degree of accuracy for chain under the average condition is _______

1 in 500

188 - Degree of accuracy for Invar tape, spring balance is _____

1 in 10,000

189 - Degree of accuracy for steel tape, Plumb bob is _______

1 in 1000

190 - Degree of accuracy for tested chain is _________

1 in 1000

191 - Degree of precision depends on____________

Quality of instrument

192 - Density of the road is not taken into consideration.


193 - Departure can be given as__________

D = l sin θ

194 - Departure refers to__________

Co-ordinate length measured at right angles to the meridian direction

195 - Design a vernier for a theodolite circle divided into degrees and one fourth degrees to read to 20ꞌꞌ.


196 - Detailed plotting is generally done by________________?


197 - Determination of best location of airport can be done by _____________

Soil survey

198 - Determine the absolute temperature of the body from Stefan – Boltzmann law if spectral existence of the body is 3.55 * 10-10 W /sq. m

1.58 K

199 - Determine the arithmetic mean if the summation of the difference between individual and mean of the observations is given as 1.54 for 10 observations.


200 - Determine the common tangent of a reverse curve if the radius of curvature and deflection angles is given as, 43.57m, 32˚43ꞌ and 65˚76ꞌ.


201 - Determine the corrected direction of the eccentric station if the value of D is given as 200m with a reflection of 9˚15ꞌ having a distance of 1.2m from the main station.


202 - Determine the correction for the temperature, if the mean temperature is 30˚C and the temperature during standardization of tape is about 28˚C with length of the line 9m.


203 - Determine the distance between satellite and user if the time difference can be calculated as 3 min.

54*109 m

204 - Determine the distance of flight strips if the height lens placed is given as 56m.


205 - Determine the eccentric station point if the station is 1.65m to the west and the distance between remaining two station points is given as 300m, with an angle of 10˚12ꞌ.


206 - Determine the energy of the wave length, if the reflected, absorbed and transmitted energies were given as 56J, 24J and 7J respectively.


207 - Determine the first offset if the chord length is given as 23.98m and the radius is given as 5.87m.

48.98 m

208 - Determine the height of the station if the distance between the visible horizon is 44km.


209 - Determine the inclination of line of sight if H = 2.654 m and Hꞌ = 1.876 m and the distance between the points can be given as 150 m.


210 - Determine the latitude of the observer if the altitude of the pole is given as 23˚41ꞌ.


211 - Determine the length of the line AB having co-ordinates (2, 4), (6, 7).


212 - Determine the local time if the standard time is 19h 42m 7s and the difference in longitude can be given as 3h 9m towards west.

16h 33m 7s

213 - Determine the most probable value of B from the equations B = 65˚21ꞌ40ꞌꞌ weighing 3 and 2B = 132˚40ꞌ20ꞌꞌ weighing 2.


214 - Determine the normal equation for x for the equations, 5x+2y+3z-6 =0 and 2x+4y+6z-10 = 0, having equal weight.

29x+18y+27z-50 =0

215 - Determine the probable error in a single measurement if the summation of the difference between mean and single observation is given as 8.76 in a series of 7 observations.


216 - Determine the probable error of measurements by using the different probable errors, which are given as 5.64, 2.98, 0.98 and 2.54.


217 - Determine the scale at elevation point if the values of focal length, height of station and the height of mean sea level are given by 23cm, 76cm and 20cm.


218 - Determine the scale of the map if the distance on the map is given as 2cm which is equal to 1km on the ground.

1: 50000

219 - Determine the short curve tangent distance by using the short curve and long curve tangent lengths given as 54.98m and 89.32m. The deflection angles at P.I and at long curve are given as 86˚45ꞌ and 43˚31ꞌ.

154.5 m

220 - Determine the spectral existence of a black body if the absolute temperature can be given as 300K.

1698*10-11 W/sq. m

221 - Determine the spectral existence of a body by using plank's law, if the wave length is given as 456m and the absolute temperature is 765K.

3.6*1030 W / sq. m

222 - Determine the spherical excess, if the area of the triangle is given as 32sq. m with radius 65m.

1562.24 m

223 - Determine the super elevation, if the width of the road can be given as 2.96m, radius of curve as 62.96m, vehicle speed = 56m/s.


224 - Determine the true angle, if the station is placed at the second point having angles θ, α and β as 20˚45ꞌ, 2˚31ꞌ and 7˚12ꞌ.


225 - Determine the value of chainage of point of compound curve, if the chainage at T1 is given as 226.43m and the curve length as 23.64m.


226 - Determine the value of correction if the wave length is given as 25m, having weight 6.


227 - Determine the value of long curve length of a compound curve, if the radius of curvature is given as 56.87m and the deflection angle is given as 65˚43ꞌ.


228 - Determine the value of parallax, if the x-coordinate on left hand photograph is 54 and on right hand photograph is 32.


229 - Determine the velocity of the sound in sea water if the surface temperature can be given as 32˚C and the salinity is given as 2.43.

1509.6 m/s

230 - Determine the volume of prismoid using trapezoidal formula, if the areas are given as 117.89 sq. m and 55.76 sq. m which are 1.5m distant apart.

130.23 cu. m

231 - Determine the wave length if the frequency is given as 67Hz.


232 - Determine the weight of the weighted arithmetic mean if the angles and their weights are given as 40˚56ꞌ2ꞌꞌ, 40˚56ꞌ7ꞌꞌ, 40˚56ꞌ12ꞌꞌ and 5, 4, 9 respectively.


233 - Determine the zenith distance if the declination of star is given as 74˚32ꞌ and the latitude of the observer as 54˚21ꞌ.


234 - Determining different strata in the earth's crust is called as_______

Geological Survey

235 - Determining points of strategic importance are called _______

Military surveying

236 - Determining quantities or afford sufficient data for the designing of works such as roads and reservoirs is called _______

Engineering surveying

237 - Determining the absolute location of any point or the absolute location and direction of any line on the surface of the earth is called _______

Astronomical Surveying

238 - Determining the relative positions of points on above or beneath the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect measurements of distance and direction and elevation is called as _________


239 - Determining the relative positions of points on above or beneath the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect measurements of distance and direction and elevation is called as _________


240 - Determining unearthing relics of antiquity is called as_______

Archaeological Survey

241 - Diameter of ring of arrow is ________

50 mm

242 - Diameter of sun can be given as____________

1.39 * 106 km

243 - Difference between upper and lower stadia reading gives __________

stadia intercept

244 - Difference in elevation levels can be determined by using ____________

Level telescope

245 - Difference in parallax can be obtained due to___________

Distance between points sights

246 - Different grades are joined together by a ________________?

vertical curve

247 - Different types of EDM's are obtained on the basis of__________

Carrier wave

248 - Direct method of contouring is_________________?

most accurate method

249 - Direct ranging is done when the two ends of the survey lines are _______


250 - Displacement due to successive exposures can be given as_____________


251 - Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming line of sight as horizontal and considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where K is _______


252 - Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming the line of sight as horizontal and considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where C is _______

f + c

253 - Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming the line of sight as horizontal and considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where C is _______

f + c

254 - Dongle nodes can be removed by___________

Over shoot

255 - Double meridian distance of a line is equal to__________

Sum of meridian distances

256 - Due to refraction, staff reading decreases.


257 - Dumpy level is most suitable when______________?

many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument

258 - Dumpy level is used for_________

Finding the elevation difference

259 - Each triangle or portion of a skeleton must be provided with sufficient tie lines to obtain good system of lines.


260 - Electromagnetic waves are represented in which of the following format?

Sinusoidal waves

261 - EM waves varies from ______ to ________

Meters to nano-meters

262 - Energy flux may affect which of the following?

Strength of the signal

263 - Energy of the discrete particles can be given by_______


264 - Equatorial circle is used as a reference in an independent equatorial system.


265 - Error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels comes under ________ error.


266 - Error due to imperfections due to wear comes under ________ error.


267 - Error due to in accurate centering comes under ________ error.


268 - Error due to structural defects in the instrument comes under ________ error.


269 - Error due to the line of collimation not being perpendicular to the horizontal axis comes under ________ error.


270 - Error in altitude will be twice the horizontal error.


271 - Error occurred due to orientation can be checked by _____________

Measuring angles

272 - Errors in deflection distances method are distributed to all the points.


273 - Errors in sighting is _________

personal error

274 - ESB integration model is developed based on __________

CIM series

275 - Express the 24˚12ꞌ42ꞌꞌ in hours, minutes and seconds.

1h 36m 50.8s

276 - Express the hours (19h 42m 16s) in angles.


277 - Fast needle method is more accurate than the free needle method.


278 - Fast needle method is more accurate than the loose needle method.


279 - Filter consists of ________

piece of glass

280 - Find combined correction for curvature and refraction for 1.29 km?

0.112 m

281 - Find combined correction for curvature and refraction for 3400 m?

0.778 m

282 - Find correction for refraction for a distance of 1200 m?

0.0160 m

283 - Find correction for refraction for a distance of 2.48 km?

0.069 m

284 - Find G.M.T of a place if the L.M.T is given as 9h 24m 17s and the longitude 10h 23m 32s towards east.

19h 47m 49s

285 - Find the amount of inclination provided in case of two stations A and B having staff readings 0.984m, 0.765m which are placed at a distance of 100m.

0.22 m

286 - Find the area by co-ordinate method if the independent co-ordinates are (400, 400), (423, 456), (478, 498), (400, 400)

1510 cu. m

287 - Find the area of a triangle if latitude distance is given as 209.96 m and meridian distance is 5.78 m.

1213.68 sq. m

288 - Find the area of first prismoid if the areas of A1, A2 and A3 are 145.31, 257.43 and 59.67 respectively with a distance of 2.5 m.

1028.91 cu. m

289 - Find the area of segment if the values of co-ordinates are given as 119.65m, 45.76m and 32.87m. They are placed at a distance of 2 m each.

20.34 sq. m

290 - Find the area of the traverse using Simpson's rule if d= 12 m and the values of ordinates are 2.25m, 1.46m, 3.23m, 4.46m.

161.88 sq. m

291 - Find the arithmetic mean if the angles and their weights were given as 20˚42ꞌ3ꞌꞌ, 20˚42ꞌ4ꞌꞌ, 20˚42ꞌ6ꞌꞌ and 2, 2, 2 respectively.


292 - Find the chainage of second tangent point, if the chainage at the point of compound curve is given as 2345.87m and the curve length can be given as 568.54m.

2914.41 m

293 - Find the correction applied for two-level section if area of cross sections at different sides were given as 115.31, 165.72 and 65.87, 54.23,which unit distant apart having number of sides 2.


294 - Find the correction for curvature and correction for refraction, if the value of d = 2400 m?

0.452, 0.064

295 - Find the correction for curvature for a distance 1200 m?

0.113 m

296 - Find the correction for curvature for a distance 2.48 km?

0.483 m

297 - Find the correction for side hill of two level section if the area is given as 654.76 sq. m, and the value of eccentricity is 89.76.

89.76 sq. m

298 - Find the difference of longitude between A = 30˚E and B = 160˚E.


299 - Find the distance between the visible horizon, if the height of the station is given as 2.98m.


300 - Find the elevation of ground beneath the reflector, if the known elevation of instrument is 12.76m, slope distance = 3.76m, angle is about 3˚43ꞌ, instrument height = 2.93m, ground is at 0.987 m.


301 - Find the latitude of the observer if the declination is about 54˚32ꞌ having a meridian zenith of about 10m.


302 - Find the least count of the instrument used in case of rainfall determination, if the volume of the bucket is 50cu. m and the area of the funnel is about 21 sq. m.

2.38 m

303 - Find the length of the base line if the number of divisions are 4 and d =1.5m.

6 m

304 - Find the magnetic declination at a place if the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 188°?

8° W

305 - Find the meridian distance if m1 = 32.76, and D2 = 44.56 m.

71.42 m

306 - Find the most probable value with the observations 2.76, 4.32, 9.87, 8.83 having equal weights.


307 - Find the normal equation for y of the equations 2x+3y+4z-7 = 0, x-4y+6z-9 = 0, having weights 3 and 2 respectively.

8x-32y+48z-72 = 0

308 - Find the number of observations if the mean square error and the summation of the difference between the individual and the mean series are given as 0.987 and 3.654.


309 - Find the perpendicular distance if the radius of the curve is given as 10.26m and the angle as θ = 10˚24ꞌ.


310 - Find the perpendicular offset by using the general method, with radius of the curvature being 70.98m and the offset distance about 9m.


311 - Find the perpendicular offset using successive bisection of chords, with radius 34.98m and length 12.65 m.


312 - Find the prismoidal correction, if the area of cross sections were given as 114.65 sq. m and 56.76 sq. m, which are 2 m distant apart having 3 sides.


313 - Find the radial offset if radius of the curve is given as 23.65m and the offset placement is at 15m.


314 - Find the tangent length if the radius of the curve and its angle were given as 42.64m and 42˚12ꞌ.

16.45 m

315 - Find the transmittance, if the transmitted and incident energies are given as 156J and 987J respectively.


316 - Find the value of chainage of T1 by using the chainage of P.I and the tangent distance is given as 1024.31m and 707.57m.


317 - Find the value of chord length if the offset is given as 36.54m and the radius include 3.43m.

15.83 m

318 - Find the value of D if the wave length of the wave is 40m, n=2 m and the angles are given as θ1 = 0˚, θ2 = 180˚.


319 - Find the value of e for side hill of small area by using the values provided. W = 54.32 sq. m, b = 1, n =2, h = 76.24 sq. m.


320 - Find the value of E if the wavelengths of different lines are given as 63m and 54m, having weights 6 and 7 respectively.


321 - Find the value of eccentricity if the values of area of the sides can be given as 134.76 sq. m, 56.76 sq. m and A = 76.65 sq. m with number of sides as 2.

3185.32 sq. m

322 - Find the value of energy if the wave length is given as 43m.

0.46*10-26 J

323 - Find the value of I if the area of the field is given as 234.315 sq. m, M = 22.15 sq. m, F = 3.256, N = 1, C = 26.43.

29.107 sq. m

324 - Find the value of last offset, if the lengths of first and second chords are given as 45.87m and 62.87m with radius of curve 69.76m and length of chain being 30m.

83.697 m

325 - Find the value of length of the curve if the degree of curve is taken at 20m arc with an angle 42˚12ꞌ.

42.2 m

326 - Find the value of long curve tangent length, if the radius is given as 76.43m and the deflection angle as 54˚32ꞌ.


327 - Find the value of M2 if D1 = 24.86 m, D2 = 17.65 m.

67.37 m

328 - Find the value of mid-ordinate if the radius of the curve is given as 40.62 m and length as 10.2m.


329 - Find the value of mid-ordinate if the value of R can be given as 22.19m and the angle is given as 19˚21ꞌ.

0.31 m

330 - Find the value of multiplier constant if the length of the arm is given as 45.78 m and diameter as 2.54 m.

364.86 sq. m

331 - Find the value of N if the sums of squares of two individual residuals are given as 24.98 and 13.76 respectively. The summation of the difference between individual and the mean of the readings is 3.32 for 8 observations.


332 - Find the value of number of divisions if the area is 543.89 sq. m and the summation of the co-ordinates is given as 223.98 m.

2.42 m

333 - Find the value of ordinate at a distance of 10m having radius of 22.92m with mid-ordinate12.12.


334 - Find the value of R.L, if B.M = 400 m, B.S = 1.142 m, F.S = 2.121 by using rise and fall method?

399.02 m

335 - Find the value of radius if the value of D is given as 23.76m.


336 - Find the value of radius of curvature, if the degree of the curve is given as 7˚.

163.71 m

337 - Find the value of reflectance if the reflected and incident energies are given as 43J and 87J.


338 - Find the value of tangent distance, possessing radius of curvature as 24.89m, common tangent 65m length and having deflection angles as 24˚56ꞌ and 76˚32ꞌ.


339 - Find the value of the long curve tangent distance, if the tangent length of short and long curves were given as 23.21m and 65.87m. The total deflection is 67˚54ꞌ and the deflection angle at short curve is given as 28˚43ꞌ.


340 - Find the value of the surface temperature, if the velocity of the sound in sea water can be given as 2000 m/s and the salinity as 5.32.


341 - Find the value of λ, if the temperature of the body is given as 560K.

5.16*10-14 m

342 - Find the vertical distance if the value of slope distance can be given as 12.98 and the angle is 1˚23ꞌ.


343 - Find the weight of the algebraic sum of the two quantities given as 21˚43ꞌ10ꞌꞌ, 54˚32ꞌ20ꞌꞌ, having weights 5, 7 respectively.


344 - Finding the elevations of a point with respect to a given or assumed and establish points given elevation or at different elevations with respect to given or assumed dactum is ________


345 - Finding the elevations of a point with respect to a given or assumed and establish points given elevation or at different elevations with respect to given or assumed dactum is ________


346 - Flat land can adopt large basins.


347 - Fly levelling is another name of _____

Differential levelling

348 - Flying height can be determined by using tilted photograph.


349 - Flying height refers to_________

Elevation of the exposure station

350 - Focal length of photo theodolite is around_____________

15-30 cm

351 - Focal plane is provided at_____________

Point of intersection

352 - Focal plane varies while aerial photogrammetry is carried out.


353 - For a given instrument and atmospheric conditions, the precision depends upon the number of setups.


354 - For a tacheometer the additive and multi-plying constants are respectively________________?

0 and 100

355 - For accurate work, the steel band should always be used in preference to chain because the steel band______________?

is practically inextensible and is not liable to kinks when in use

356 - For adjusting the angular error, the error may be distributed equally among all the angles.


357 - For adjusting the traverse, which of the following methods can be used?

Bowditch's method

358 - For adjustment purposes, the index arm can be rotated slightly with the help of a ________ screw.

cliff screw

359 - For anallactic lens in D = Ks + C, which of the following is zero?


360 - For calculating latitude and departure they must be converted into__________

Reduced Bearing system

361 - For calculating the traverse area, which of the following is crucial?

∑L = 0, ∑D = 0

362 - For coupling globally distributed ground assets which among the following can be used?


363 - For every flat ground, a small contour interval is necessary.


364 - For exploring mineral wealth which type of surveying is used?

Mine surveying

365 - For finding the scale of a photograph, the points must be equally elevated.


366 - For fixing any point, auxiliary point must be chosen.


367 - For identification of length of a line, co-ordinates must be known.


368 - For increasing accuracy, high frequency of propagation is used.


369 - For larger and smaller areas, same formula can be applied in case of side-hill section.


370 - For measuring an angle to the highest degree of precision, several sets of repetitions are usually taken.


371 - For obtaining high precision values, which among the following is used?

Coast survey table

372 - For obtaining relative time of transmission and reception of signals, it is required to calculate clock offset.


373 - For placing focal plane, which is used as a reference?

Collimation marks

374 - For proper identification, station marks are marked with___________


375 - For setting a compound curve, the theodolite is first placed at______________


376 - For setting the curve, chord must be divided into even number of equal parts.


377 - For setting the tangent, which process is most commonly used?

Trial and error method

378 - For short sights of about _____ m or less, an ordinary levelling staff may be used. For long sights, special staff called stadia rod is generally used.


379 - For water bound macadam roads in localities of heavy rainfall, the recommended value of camber is_______________?

1 in 36

380 - For which of the following permanent adjustments of theodolite, the spire test is used ?

adjustment of horizontal axis

381 - Formation of normal equation with unknown quantities must be multiplied with the algebraic coefficient.


382 - Frequency modulation is equipped in all EDM instruments.


383 - Frequency modulation is used in case of visible light EDM.


384 - From a given contour plan, the section along any given direction can be drawn to know the ______

General shape of ground

385 - From a single instrument station, several points at a given gradient can be located.


386 - From the set of observations (1.87+ 9.73+ 9.22), find the most probable value. The weights of the observations are given as 4, 7, 9 respectively.


387 - From which of the following cases, the value of most probable value can be easily determined?

Method of correlates

388 - From Wien's displacement law, determine the absolute temperature if wave length is given as 0.05m.

57.8*10-3 K

389 - Froude's transition is also known as___________

Cubic parabola

390 - Gamma rays are having a wavelength of_________

Less than 0.03nm

391 - Gauge readings are obtained after_______________


392 - General method can be adopted when radius of the curve is large.


393 - Geodimeter uses which of the following waves as a carrier wave?

Visible light

394 - GIS uses the information from which of the following sources?

Spatial information system

395 - Goods can be transported within less time.


396 - GPS can also be known as__________


397 - GPS user solution depends on which of the following?

Space vehicle

398 - Ground antennas can be communicated using __________


399 - Ground which is having undulations is taken into consideration while setting base line.


400 - Height of the instrument depends upon __________

Distance between stations


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