Surveying in Civil Engineering Most Important MCQs Part: 3

801 - The angle between the prolongation of the preceding line and the forward line of a traverse is called ________________?

deflection angle

802 - The angle of intersection of the two plane mirrors of an optical square is______________?


803 - The application of 180° correction is required in which of the following methods?

direct method without transiting

804 - The area that can be irrigated by a canal can be determined as ___________

Commanded area

805 - The axis of camera passes through____________

Centre of the camera lens

806 - The bisection of chords method involves more accuracy.


807 - The book in which the chain or tape measurements are entered is called the _______

Field book

808 - The calculation of area by ordinate rule and Simpson's rule will come under which category?

Area by offsets

809 - The calculation of mid-area is necessary in case of prismoidal correction.


810 - The chain line may be represented either by a single line or by two lines spaced about ____ to _____ cm apart.

1.5 to 2

811 - The chainmen keeps both the handles in the right hand and throws the rest of the portion of the chain in the forward direction with his right hand to _________

Unfold the chain

812 - The CIM series can be used in __________scale.


813 - The clock used in GPS will synchronize to__________


814 - The combined correction for curvature and refraction can be given as_______

C = 6d2/14R

815 - The contour interval should be inversely proportional to the scale.


816 - The Contour maps are useful to determine the intersection of surfaces and measurements of earthwork.


817 - The correct sequence of transmission of electromagnetic waves in remote sensing system can be given as ___________

Energy source, propagation of energy, transmission of signal

818 - The correction applied in trapezoidal formula is equal to____________

Difference between calculated volume and obtained volume

819 - The correction for curvature and refraction is applied when the points are having small distance between them.


820 - The cross hairs in the surveying telescope are placed_____________?

much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens

821 - The culmination of the star depends upon which of the following factors?


822 - The data obtained by the process of remote sensing needs great knowledge to understand it.


823 - The data obtained from total station can be used in which among the following software directly?


824 - The degree of precision depends upon the skill of an observer.


825 - The degree of precision does not depend upon the type of instrument.


826 - The departure of the line is negative in east direction.


827 - The departure of the survey line may be defined as its coordinate length at right angles to the meridian direction.


828 - The design period of storage reservoir can be given as _________

50 yr

829 - The difference between a level line and a horizontal line is that_______________?

level line is a curved line while hori-zontal line is a straight line

830 - The difference between a measurement and the true value of the quantity measured is _____

True error

831 - The difference between the images on retina is given as__________

Retinal disparity

832 - The difference between the two measured values of the same quantity is ______


833 - The difference of levels between two stations A and B is to be determined. For best results, the instrument station should be_______________?

equidistant from A and B

834 - The direction of a survey line can either be established with relation to _______

each other

835 - The distance between nodal point and plane of photograph depends on datum height.


836 - The distance between nodal point and the plane of the photograph depends on the __________

Focal length of the lens

837 - The distance between the centers of two consecutive middle rings is _______

Link length

838 - The distance between the points in a celestial body can be determined by using __________

Napier's rule

839 - The distance in EDM is measured by______________

Phase difference

840 - The double parallel distance can be given as__________

Sum of parallel distances

841 - The electromagnetic wave travelling from source to the object is having same wave length.


842 - The elevations of points or near the surface of the earth is its vertical distance above or below an arbitrary assumed level surface or datum.


843 - The energy radiated from sun in visible region will be around____________


844 - The entire earth surface is divided into zones in which type of map projection?

UTM projection

845 - The error due to eccentricity of inner and outer axes can be eliminated by________________?

reading both verniers and taking the mean of the two

846 - The errors caused due to terrestrial photogrammetry can be reduced by_______

Terrestrial stereo photogrammetry

847 - The establishment of line of sight, therefore, involves the following two essential conditions, the real image must be formed in front of the eyepiece, the plane of the image must coincide with that of the cross hairs.


848 - The eyepiece magnifies the cross hairs.


849 - The focal length of an objective varies with eyepiece.


850 - The following are the staff readings given when the staff is held normal. The line of sight of instrument is placed at an angle +3024ꞌ. It being an anallactic lens, find the horizontal distance between staff and instrument station. Staff readings – 2.145

68.082 m

851 - The following notes refer to a traverse run by a tacheometer fitted with an anallactic lens, with constant 100 and staff held vertical. Line, Bearing, Vertical Angle, Staff Intercept -PQ, 30o 24′, + 5o 06′,1.875; QR, 300o 48′, + 3o 48′,1.445; RS, 226o 12′

191.930 m, 126o 47 ′47′′

852 - The following readings were taken with a tachometer on to a vertical staff. Horizontal Distance Stadia Readings 46.20 m 0.780; 1.010; 1.240 51.20 m 1.860; 2.165; 2.470. Calculate the tacheometric constants.

100, 0.20 m

853 - The formula for average scale can be given as______________

S = f / (H-hav)

854 - The formula for calculating R.L can be given as_________


855 - The formula for correction for temperature is ___________

C = α (Tm – T0) L

856 - The formula for determining the distance between flight strips can be given as_________

W = 1.22*H

857 - The formula for difference in elevation can be given as__________

D = V + (I-R)

858 - The formula for finding area by the use of planimeter is______________

Δ = M(F-I±10N+

859 - The formula for length of the curve can be given as____________

L = R * Δ

860 - The formula for shrunk scale can be given as___________

Original scale*shrinking factor

861 - The formula for tangent length can be given as__________

T = R * tan(Δ/2)

862 - The formula of energy produced from the body can be given as_________

Q = h*c / λ

863 - The formula of focal length used in case of the lens fitted in telescope is given as _____

1/f = 1u + 1/v

864 - The formula of length of tangent is given as___________

t = r * tan(δ/2)

865 - The formula of mean solar time can be given as ____________

Hour angle + 12h

866 - The frequency range used in visible light instruments is______________

5*1014 Hz

867 - The geometric process involved in the determination of scale for titled photograph is____________


868 - The GPS time must be very accurate.


869 - The horizon system depends on which of the following?

Observer's position

870 - The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called______________?


871 - The horizontal angle between the true meridian and the magnetic meridian shown by needle at the time of observation is called ______

Magnetic declination

872 - The horizontal angle subtended at the theodolite station by a subtense bar with vanes 3 m apart is 0o 10 ′40′′. Calculate the horizontal distance between the theodolite and the subtense bar?

966.87 m

873 - The horizontal distance between two points in two consecutive contours is known as the vertical equivalent.


874 - The imaginary sphere on which stars appear to lie is known as__________

Celestial sphere

875 - The index frame is ______ shaped frame.


876 - The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table survey is________________?

plumbing fork

877 - The laws of accidental errors follow which of the following principle?

Probability law

878 - The laws of weight are established on the basis of____________

Least squares

879 - The length of a chain is measured from_______________?

outside of one handle to outside of other handle

880 - The length of a line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 250 m. Calculate the true length of the line if the chain was 10 cm too long.

251.25 m

881 - The length of a survey line was measured with a 20 m chain and was found to be equal to 1200 m. If the length again measured with 25 m chain it is 1212 m. On comparing the 20 m chain with the test gauge, it was found to be 1 decimeter too long. Find the a

24. 88 m

882 - The length of the chain is measured from the outside of one handle to the ___________ of the other handle.


883 - The length of the chord must not be greater than one tenth of radius.


884 - The length of the tenth base is__________

1.7 miles

885 - The lens used in aerial photogrammetry is having a maximum coverage capacity of_________(in angles)


886 - The letter ‘m' marked on the tallies refers to _____

Metric chain

887 - The line at which the tunnel wall breaks from sloping outward can be given as _________

Spring line

888 - The line must run through level ground as possible is the condition to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations.


889 - The line of sight is also called _____

line of collimation

890 - The line that marks the limits of drainage area has the following characteristics it passes through every ridge or saddle that divides the drainage area from other areas.


891 - The line that marks the limits of the drainage area is always _______ degrees to contour lines.


892 - The line that marks the limits of the drainage area should often follow the ridges.


893 - The magnification of the telescope in tacheometer should be at least _______ to _______ diameters.

20 to 30

894 - The magnifying power of the eyepiece is also smaller than for an ordinary transit to produce a clearer image of a staff held far away.


895 - The main lines should form well-conditioned triangles is the condition to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations.


896 - The maximum curvature provided for a highway is about__________


897 - The maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is_______________?

±5 mm

898 - The mean time associated with the standard meridian can be given as_________

Average time

899 - The method of deflection distances is used in which of the following cases?

Road surveys

900 - The method of producing offsets from the chords can also be named as____________

Deflection distances

901 - The method of radiation is used when distances are small.


902 - The method of repetition is used to measure a horizontal angle to a finer degree of accuracy than that obtained with the least count of the vernier.


903 - The method of tracing is involved in which of the following procedures?

Division into trapezoidal figures

904 - The methods of interpolation are based on the assumption that the slope of ground between the two points is uniform.


905 - The more experienced of the chainmen should be ________

Rear end

906 - The Most probable value found by normal equation involves the usage of known values.


907 - The non-transit theodolites are also called Y- theodolites.


908 - The number of horizontal cross wires in a stadia diaphragm is ________________?


909 - The object glass provides a virtual inverted image in front of the eyepiece which in turn magnifies the image to produce a real erect image in surveyors telescope.


910 - The observations made for setting a compound curve must be equal to_________


911 - The observations made in method of traversing can be used as___________

Instrument stations

912 - The operation of forming or bringing the clear image of the object in the plane of cross hairs is known as ______


913 - The optical principles of the surveying telescope are based on the fact that all parallel rays of light reaching a convex lens are bent when they leave it in such a manner that they intersect at a common point, called the focus.


914 - The permissible error in chaining for measurement with chain on rough or hilly ground is_____________?

1 in 250

915 - The plane perpendicular to the camera axis can be given as___________

Picture plane

916 - The plate level can be centered with the help of _______

Foot screw

917 - The point above which the satellite or any celestial body lies is known as_____________


918 - The point data feature can be used to represent __________


919 - The points that are set by using the method of tangents will lie on ___________


920 - The polygonal data feature uses which of the following data format?


921 - The positions of contour points between the guide points are located by _______


922 - The precision on plains will be less than that on hills.


923 - The principle of least squares can be formed from___________

Probability equation

924 - The principle of single reversion is involved in which of the following processes?

Adjustment of level tube

925 - The prismoidal formula is used for the calculation of__________


926 - The problems occurred in the boat can be mitigated by _________

Marine survey

927 - The process of determining the locations of the instrument station by drawing re sectors from the locations of the known stations is called_________________?


928 - The process of determining the plotted position of the station occupied by the plane table is known as__________


929 - The process of measuring depth below the water surface is called_______


930 - The process of turning the telescope about the vertical axis in horizontal plane is known as______________?


931 - The provision of equilibrium cant can be seen in case of__________


932 - The R.L, of the point A which is on the floor is 100 m and back sight reading on A is 2.455 m. If the foresight reading on the point B which is on the ceiling is 2.745 m, the R.L. of point B will be_______________?

105.20 m

933 - The ratio of map distance to corresponding ground distance is called as__________

Representative factor

934 - The rays which are drawn from unknown location to a known location can be determined as______________


935 - The readings of staff at points A and B are given as 1.672 m, 2.484 m and 1.928 m, 3.124 m. Find the true elevation difference between the station points.

0.384 m

936 - The recordings taken from eccentric station are more precise.


937 - The relation between altitude and latitude of the observer can be given as__________


938 - The relation between normal direction of flight and the rectangular area can be given as_________

W = 2*B

939 - The relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency can be given as_________

λ = c / f

940 - The relation of radius and degree of curvature cannot be applied for small radius.


941 - The resection by two point problem as compared to three point problem_______________?

requires more labour

942 - The results obtained are greater than which among the following?

Trapezoidal rule

943 - The rise and fall method of levelling provides a complete check on_______________?

all of the above

944 - The rise and fall method_______________?

provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels

945 - The same contour appears on either sides of a ridge or valley, for the highest horizontal plane that interests the ridge must cut it on both sides.


946 - The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by________________?

increasing the diameter of the tube

947 - The sensor used in the digital elevation model can identify contour heights greater than_____

10 m

948 - The sequence of four stages of survey in a highway alignment is______________?

map study, reconnaissance, preliminary survey and detailed survey

949 - The shape of the camber, best suited for cement concrete pavements, is_______________?

straight line

950 - The shoulder provided along the road edge should be_______________?

rougher than the traffic lanes

951 - The sign for the deflection angle depends upon _______________

Celestial body

952 - The simplest instrument used for setting right angles is a _____

Cross staff

953 - The size of a plane table is________________?

600 mm x 750 mm

954 - The stars which always move above the horizon are called as__________

Circumpolar star

955 - The stereoscopic vision can be applied to ____________


956 - The stopping sight distance depends upon_______________?

all of the above

957 - The study of features like hills is done in case of ________________

Topographical survey

958 - The successive bisection of chords comes under which of the following category?

Simple curve

959 - The suitable contour interval for a map with scale 1 : 10000 is______________?

2 m

960 - The sum of interior angles must be equal to_______

(2N-4) right angles

961 - The tangent distance of a long curve is given as____________


962 - The term used to for ratio of error of closure to a perimeter of transverse is the relative error of closure.


963 - The theory of direct levelling neglects _____

both curvature of earth and refraction

964 - The time range of marine survey can be given as________

3-8 hrs

965 - The total latitude and departure of any point with respect to a common origin are known as dependent coordinates.


966 - The total number of ordinates present must be___________


967 - The transit is the term simply used for _______

Transit theodolite

968 - The transit theodolites are also called plain theodolites.


969 - The trapezoidal and prismoidal formulae were derived based on the assumption that end sections are in parallel planes.


970 - The trapezoidal formula can be applied only if __________

It composes prism and wedges

971 - The two point problem and three point problem are methods of________________?

resection and orientation

972 - The two targets are at a distance s apart, and each at s/2 from the centre, i.e. vertical axis. The horizontal angle α is measured carefully by means of a theodolite. Then what is the value of D in the subtense bar method?


973 - The type of surveying which requires least office work is________________?

plane table surveying

974 - The usage of telescopic alidade usually increases the occurrence of errors in a huge rate.


975 - The value obtained from Simpson's rule depends on the nature of curve.


976 - The value of additive constant lies in the range of__________

0.3 to 0.45m

977 - The value of c-factor lies in between ____________


978 - The value of horizontal distance can be determined by which of the following methods?


979 - The value of mean square error can be given as__________


980 - The value of multiplying constant is generally taken as_________


981 - The value of overlapping parallax can be determined by ___________

P = x – xꞌ

982 - The value of solar constant can be given as__________

1367 W / m2

983 - The value of total latitudes and its adjoining departures were given. Calculate area by departure and total latitudes method. Total Latitudes = 110, 25,0, 0 and adjoining departures = 245, 245, -245, -245.

16536 sq. m

984 - The value of θ = 1620 49ꞌ in Reduced Bearing system can be represented as ____________


985 - The variation which has a yearly period is known as _________ variation.

Annual variation

986 - The velocity of sound in sea can be determined by ____________

Sounding machine

987 - The vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1 m and 3 m above the foot of the staff held vertically at a station P were – 1o 45′ and + 2o 30′, respectively. Find the horizontal distance and the reduced RL of P if the RL of the instrument axis is 110.00 m?

26.95 m, 108.177

988 - The vertical circle is a circular graduated arc attached to the ______ axis of the telescope.

trunnion axis

989 - The vertical distance between any two contours is called a contour interval.


990 - The wave length sensed in remote sensing are __________

Nano meters and micro meters range

991 - The wavelength of I.R in infra-red instruments is about___________

0.9 * 10-6 m

992 - The work in running a survey line is ____________ fold.


993 - Three point problem can be solved by_________________?

all of the above

994 - Time range of the marine survey will depend on _________

Size of boat

995 - Tipping bucket used in the rain gauge will turn under the action of ___________


996 - To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 100 m long was set out perpendicular to AB and from C angles BCD and BCE were set out at 60° and 45° respectively. Determine the lengths which must be chained off along CD in order that ED may be in

200 m

997 - To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 100 m long was set out perpendicular to AB and from C angles BCD and BCE were set out at 60° and 45° respectively. Determine the lengths which must be chained off along CE in order that ED may be in

141.42 m

998 - To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 300 m long was set out perpendicular to AB and from C angles BCD and BCE were set out at 60° and 45° respectively. Determine the the obstructed length BE?

300 m

999 - To contour lines having the same elevations cannot unite and continue as one line.


1000 - To locate the contour gradient, the level is set at a commanding position and reading on the staff at the second point is taken.


1001 - To measure a horizontal angle by direct method is also called a repetition method.


1002 - To measure a horizontal angle, after releasing all clamps, we turn the upper and lower plates in the same direction.


1003 - To measure the horizontal angle which of the following is the first step?

Levelling instrument

1004 - Total co-ordinate point is referred as___________

Independent co-ordinate point

1005 - Total latitude of end point of a transverse is equal to total latitudes of the first point of transverse plus the algebraic sum of all the latitudes.


1006 - Township survey is also known as________

Congressional township

1007 - Township survey is also known as________

Congressional township

1008 - Transit is mainly used and non-transit theodolites have now become obsolete.


1009 - Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates of a traverse is used where________________?

angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements

1010 - Transit tape is used in case of small survey.


1011 - Transversing by deflection angles is more suitable for surveys of roads railways, pipe lines etc.


1012 - Transversing by deflection angles is more suitable for surveys of roads railways, pipe lines etc.


1013 - Transversing by included angles comes under which of the following?

Transversing by direct observation of angles

1014 - Trapezoidal formula is also known as ____________

Average end area method

1015 - Trilateration is a plane surveying method.


1016 - Tunneling is required in case of ____________

Underground passage

1017 - Turning point is also called _____

change point

1018 - Two contour lines of different elevations cannot cross each other.


1019 - Two contour lines of different elevations unite to form one line only in the case of ___________

Vertical cliff

1020 - Two point problem involves in ______________

Locating station points

1021 - Two satellites are enough for finding accurate position of the object.


1022 - Type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane and the spheroidal shape is neglected called as ________

Plane Surveying

1023 - Type of surveying in which the shape of the earth taken into account is __________

Geodetic Surveying

1024 - Un equal atmospheric refraction due to high temperature comes under which sources of errors?


1025 - Unequal expansion of parts of telescope comes under _____ source of error.


1026 - Unequal settlement of tripod comes under ____ source of error.


1027 - Unless the area is mapped, W value must be reduced.


1028 - Usage of anallactic lens makes the entire process more simple and reliable.


1029 - Usage of Lehman's method involves following certain rules.


1030 - Using intrinsic equation, find the value of the length of curve between two points of a 45m transition curve having radius 24.76m with an inclination of 8˚43ꞌ.


1031 - Using tacheometric methods, elevations can also be determined.


1032 - Using the degree of curvature, find the value of radius of curve if the distance is given as 24.65 m.


1033 - Variation in declination is a natural error in compass surveying.


1034 - Variation in scale of photograph can take place due variation in_____________


1035 - Velocity of light can be given as___________


1036 - Vernier scale is used in which of the following methodology?


1037 - Vertical angle is measured in total station as Zenith angle.


1038 - Vertical circle provided in the photo theodolite is graduated up to_____________

30 min

1039 - Vertical photograph coincides with the__________

Direction of gravity

1040 - Weight of the equation remains unchanged even when the signs in the equation are changed.


1041 - What among the following indicates the range of Geodimeter?


1042 - What are the dimensions of Johnson table?

45*60 cm

1043 - What are used after every chain length measured on the ground?


1044 - What are used after every chain length measured on the ground?


1045 - What are used to mark the positions of the stations or terminal points of a survey line?


1046 - What are used to mark the positions of the stations or terminal points of survey line?


1047 - What can be used in conjunction with a datum rod into the base of the instrument?

Site square

1048 - What consists of a horizontal and vertical location of certain points by linear and angular measurements and is made to determine the natural features of a country such as rivers, streams?

Topographic surveying

1049 - What instrument is used for centering the table?

Plumbing fork

1050 - What is driven or filled in the soft ground during marking of survey stations?

Wooden pegs

1051 - What is driven or filled or embedded in the roads during marking of survey stations?


1052 - What is laid by joining the apex of the triangle to any point on the opposite side or by joining two points on any two sides of a triangle?

Check line

1053 - What is length of the sounding rod or pole?

5-8 m

1054 - What is provided at every meter in case of 20m and 30m chains?

Brass rings

1055 - What is required to transfer points to the ground, while chaining along the sloping ground?

Plumb bob

1056 - What is resorted when both the ends of the survey line are not intervisible?


1057 - What is the common language interpreted in the CIM system?


1058 - What is the correction applied for two-level section if the area of the traverse is 121.45 sq. m and value of e = 9.34?

9.34 sq. m

1059 - What is the direction of line relative to a given meridian?

Bearing of a line

1060 - What is the elevation of a point, if the elevation of a benchmark is 200.852 m, back sight is 2.324 m, foresight is 1.836 m?


1061 - What is the error in feet for accurate levelling for principal benchmarks or for extensive surveys?


1062 - What is the error in feet for ordinary levelling for location and construction surveys?


1063 - What is the error in feet for precise levelling for benchmarks of widely distributed points?


1064 - What is the error in feet for rough levelling for reconnaissance or preliminary surveys?


1065 - What is the error in mm for accurate levelling for principal benchmarks or for extensive surveys?


1066 - What is the error in mm for ordinary levelling for location and construction surveys?


1067 - What is the error in mm for precise levelling for benchmarks of widely distributed points?


1068 - What is the error in mm for rough levelling for reconnaissance or preliminary surveys?

100 × √K

1069 - What is the first principle of surveying?

Whole to part

1070 - What is the formula for finding vertical distance if the staff is held vertical and line of sight is inclined?

V = Ks sin2θ2 + C sin θ

1071 - What is the height of a Bilby tower?

30 m

1072 - What is the height of instrument, if elevation of benchmark is 200.852 m, back sight is 2.324 m, fore sight is 1.836 m?


1073 - What is the horizontal angle which it makes with the magnetic meridian through one of the extremities of the line?

Magnetic bearing

1074 - What is the horizontal angle which it makes with the magnetic meridian through one of the extremities of the line?

Arbitrary bearing

1075 - What is the horizontal angle which it makes with the true meridian through one of the extremities of the line?

True bearing

1076 - What is the immediate procedure after selecting survey stations?


1077 - What is the last step in chain surveying?

Running survey lines

1078 - What is the lateral distance of an object or ground feature measured from a survey line?


1079 - What is the length of each band in ranging rod?

20 cm

1080 - What is the length of each link in case of revenue chain?

2.0625 ft

1081 - What is the length of Ranging rod commonly used?

2 m

1082 - What is the length of the revenue chain?


1083 - What is the line which passes through the optical centres of objective and eye piece?

axis of the telescope

1084 - What is the process of spacing the contours proportional between the plotted ground points established by indirect methods?


1085 - What is the prominent point on the chain line and can be either at the beginning of the chain line or at the end?

Main station

1086 - What is the shape of contour lines in case of a valley?

V shape

1087 - What is the shape of contour lines in case of a watershed?

U shape

1088 - What is the size of a field book?

20 cm x 20 cm

1089 - What is the size of the Johnson table?

45 x 60 cm

1090 - What is the systematic departure of the declination from its mean value during a period of 24 hours?

Diurnal variation

1091 - What is the term generally applied to the operation of applying corrections to the latitudes and departures?


1092 - What is the term used for an imaginary line on the ground joining points of equal elevation?


1093 - What is the value of additive constant in anallactic lens?


1094 - What is used for marking the stations which can be used for a very long time?

Standard shape stone

1095 - What is used for measuring offsets, but it is often used by building surveyors or architects?

Butt rod

1096 - What is used in centering aid in theodolites, compass, plane table and variety of other surveying instruments?

Plumb bob

1097 - What should be the aperture required for tacheometer?


1098 - What triangles are generally preferred to get good results in plotting?


1099 - What type of ranging is done if both ends of surveying lines are visible?


1100 - What type of surveys needs to fix the boundaries of municipalities and of state and federal jurisdictions?

Cadastral Surveying

1101 - What will be reflectance value if the possess an emissivity of 56.


1102 - What will be the average elevation of terrain if the scale is given as 43m, focal length and height of the station as 4m and 20m?

9.9 m

1103 - What will be the correction for absolute length of the length of the line is 20m, correction is 2m and length of the tape is 30m?


1104 - What will be the correction for curvature of three level sections, if the areas are given as 43.56 sq. m, 22.54sq.m and h = 56.43 sq. m, b= 2, n= 2 which are having faces at a unity distance having 59.87 m radius?

220.19 sq. m

1105 - What will be the correction for slope, if the length of the line is given as 20m with slope of 5˚46ꞌ?


1106 - What will be the correction for three level sections, if the areas of 3 different sides, which are having unit distance are 121.31 sq. m, 145.76 sq. m, 176.65 sq. m and 45.87 sq. m, 45.67 sq. m, 72.43 sq. m?


1107 - What will be the distance between the flight strips if the value at point B is given as 6m?


1108 - What will be the face correction made on bright line, if the radius of the signal is given as 24m, angle with which the station points make with the sun is given as 24˚12ꞌ and the distance between the station points is given as 85m?


1109 - What will be the length of the base line in case of short baseline method of GPS surveying?

Less than 50km

1110 - What will be the mean square error, if the readings were given as 2.654, 2.987, 2,432 and 2.543.


1111 - What will be the normal equation for z if the equations are given as 3x+9y+4z-43=0, 2x+6y+z-5=0. Assume these are having equal weights.


1112 - What will be the salinity of the sea water if the temperature of the sea water is about 45˚C and the velocity of sound is given as 1678 m/s?


1113 - What will be the value of absorbance, if the absorbed and incident energies are given as 67J and 109J respectively?


1114 - What will be the value of DMD for B if DMD for A is -22.87, departures for A & B will be -22.87, +89.24 respectively?


1115 - What will be the value of total co-ordinate of B, if it is initially assumed as 100 and N latitude at A is given as 192.96?


1116 - What will be the wave length if the energy produced is 36J?


1117 - What will be value of ordinate placed at a distance of 20m having radius and length as 72.46m and 42.92m respectively?(use approximate metho


1118 - What would be the correction for any side of a traverse in axis method if it has a closing error e = 0.93, length of side and axis would be 243.13 and 100 respectively?


1119 - What would be the length of the curve, if radius of the curve is 24.69m and the angle is given as 12˚42ꞌ?

5.47 m

1120 - What would be the rate of rainfall if the value of N can be given as 2 and the difference in time can be given as 24 sec with the L.C of the instrument as 1m?


1121 - What would be the short curve length of tangent if the radius of curvature is given as 43.21m and deflection of about76˚54ꞌ?


1122 - What would be the value of apex distance if the angle is given as 13˚42ꞌ and the radius of the curve is given as 19.24m?

0.138 m

1123 - What would be the value of length if the distance is given as 30m, m= 3 and the change in length is 8m.


1124 - When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 1.824 and on Q is 2.748. When instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 0.928 and Q is 1.606. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find the error due to collimation?

0.054 mts

1125 - When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 1.824 and on Q is 2.748. When the instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 0.928 and Q is 1.606. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find true R.L. of Q?


1126 - When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748 and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find the angular error in collimation adjustment


1127 - When an instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748 and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find true R.L of Q?


1128 - When compared to primary triangulation, secondary triangulation is having smaller triangles.


1129 - When difference in elevation between points is more, which of the following would be affected more?

Horizontality of board

1130 - When distances are small which of the following error is negligible?

earth's curvature

1131 - When emissivity is zero, what will be the value of reflectance?

Not equal to one

1132 - When instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 1.824 and on Q is 2.748. When instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 0.928 and Q is 1.606. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find combined correction for curvature and refrac

0.069 m

1133 - When instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748 and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find combined effect correction for curvature and r

0.069 m

1134 - When instrument is at P the staff readings on P is 2.748 and on Q is 1.824 when instrument at Q the staff readings on P is 1.606and Q is 0.928. Distance between P and Q is 1010 mts. R.L. of P is 126.386. Find error due to collimation?

0.192 mts

1135 - When it is not possible to chain round the obstacle e.g. a river. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?

obstacles to chaining but not ranging

1136 - When it is possible to chain round the obstacle, i.e a pond, hedge etc. This case comes under which among the three kinds of obstacles to chaining?

obstacles to chaining but not ranging

1137 - When measured towards southward, latitude is negative.


1138 - When number of observations is large, the arithmetic mean will be equal to true value.


1139 - When start point and end point of closed transverse not coincide then that error is called ____

Closing error

1140 - When the greatest distance is to the east of the meridian then the elongation is said to be____________

Eastern elongation

1141 - When the path travelled along the road surface is more than the circumferential movement of the wheels due to rotation, then it results in______________?


1142 - When total station is sighted to the target, which of the operation acts first?

Rotation of optical axis

1143 - Whenever possible, a survey station must be fixed with reference to a minimum ____ number of permanent objects.


1144 - Which adjustment doesn't need any levelling?


1145 - Which among the following can act as a cause wrong GPS tracking?

Reflection of satellite signals

1146 - Which among the following can be described as an application of pseudo ranging?

Computation of distance between GPS antenna and satellite

1147 - Which among the following can be located by using street maps?

Pipe lines

1148 - Which among the following can be located by using street maps?

Pipe lines

1149 - Which among the following can be possessed by the horizontal control?


1150 - Which among the following comes under the category of soil sampling method?


1151 - Which among the following contains more amounts of errors in its procedure?

Orientation by compass

1152 - Which among the following describes the usage of the S – band?

Duplex information transmission

1153 - Which among the following determines the direction of closing error?

Tan δ = ∑D/∑L

1154 - Which among the following doesn't indicate the basic calculation of total station?

Slope distance

1155 - Which among the following doesn't indicate the purpose of sounding?

Volume measurements

1156 - Which among the following doesn't serve as a solution for proper orientation of plane table?

Resection by graphical triangulation

1157 - Which among the following EDM instruments are capable of producing output with less expenditure?

Infra-red instruments

1158 - Which among the following EDM instruments is having more range?

Microwave instruments

1159 - Which among the following indicates the correct expansion of WiFS?

Wide Field Sensor

1160 - Which among the following indicates the correct necessity of classification of the triangulation system?

For accuracy in measurement

1161 - Which among the following indicates the correct set of methods for setting out a simple curve?

Linear method, angular method

1162 - Which among the following indicates the correct set of static GPS surveying technology classification?

Long and short baselines

1163 - Which among the following indicates the instrument used in Sun signals?

Luminous signal

1164 - Which among the following indicates the objective of adjusting level tube?

Making vertical axis truly vertical

1165 - Which among the following is a procedure for computation of traverse area?

Calculation and adjustment of latitudes and departures

1166 - Which among the following is a server based hardware platform of GIS?


1167 - Which among the following is capable of giving accuracy in its output?

Terrestrial photogrammetry

1168 - Which among the following is having more wavelengths?

Radio waves

1169 - Which among the following is more accurate in its output?

Conventional GPS method

1170 - Which among the following is not a method of plane table surveying?


1171 - Which among the following is not a phenomenon in case of interaction of EM waves on earth surface?


1172 - Which among the following is not related to GIS software's?


1173 - Which among the following is one of the principles of surveying?

Working from whole to part

1174 - Which among the following is placed in between lens elements?


1175 - Which among the following is the best mapping procedure?

Aerial photogrammetry

1176 - Which among the following is the first Indian remote sensing satellite?


1177 - Which among the following is used in the formation of the astronomical triangle?


1178 - Which among the following is used to locate an object?


1179 - Which among the following methods is easy in computing photographs?

Terrestrial photogrammetry

1180 - Which among the following methods is used for determining the precise position on the earth surface?

Geodic surveying

1181 - Which among the following methods of plane table is most commonly used?


1182 - Which among the following procedures is used in case of visibility of points is more from table station?

Three point problem

1183 - Which among the following represents stadia interval factor?

f / i

1184 - Which among the following scales is used to determine the original scale when the plan on the drawing sheet shrinks due to atmospheric conditions?

Shrunk scale

1185 - Which among the following set share the same working principle?

Traversing and Radiation

1186 - Which among the following specifies the use of diaphragm?

Managing size of aperture

1187 - Which among the following surveying methods is meant to be having high precision?

Aerial photogrammetry

1188 - Which among the following wave is not employed in case of remote sensing?


1189 - Which among the following waves is having less wavelength range?


1190 - Which among the following will help in the designing of pavement and airport drainage system?

Meteorological survey

1191 - Which among the processes having more accuracy in its output?

Total station

1192 - Which branch of surveying is used to find the elevations of given points with respect to given or assumed datum?


1193 - Which branch of surveying is used to find the elevations of given points with respect to given or assumed datum?


1194 - Which can't be done in high frequency zones?

Phase comparison

1195 - Which classification involves the formation of more number of triangles?


1196 - Which classification of the sextant is used for navigation purposes?

Nautical sextant

1197 - Which cross staff consists of a hollow octagonal box?

French cross staff

1198 - Which cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter placed one on top of the other?

Adjustable cross staff

1199 - Which cross staff consists of two pairs of vertical slits giving two lines of sights at right angles to each other?

Open cross staff

1200 - Which feature of GIS can share the boundary of the polygon?



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