Surveying in Civil Engineering Most Important MCQs Part: 2

401 - Height of the Instrument method is a less tedious and simple process.


402 - Height of the station above datum is given as __________


403 - Horizontal angle measured clockwise from geographic meridian to the direction of progress of a line is known as _______


404 - Horizontal axis is also called _______

Trunnion axis

405 - Horizontal distance measurement can be done by using ________


406 - Horizontal distances are measured by direct methods, i.e. laying of chains or tapes on the ground.


407 - Horizontal distances obtained by thermometric observations_________________?

do not require slope and tension corrections

408 - Horizontal line departs from a level surface because of _____________

Curvature of earth

409 - Horizontal plane through a point is a plane tangential to the level surface at that point.


410 - Horizontal projection of an area and shows only horizontal distances of the points is __________


411 - How many alternatives were available in case of two point problem?

Maximum Two

412 - How many kinds of obstacles of chaining are there?


413 - How many methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method?


414 - How many number of arrows are required for chain surveying?


415 - How many number of links are there in engineer's chain?


416 - How many number of links in case of Gunter's chain?


417 - How many numbers of links in case of revenue chain?


418 - How many types do theodolites classified?


419 - How much inclination must be provided in a tilted photograph?

420 - How much wave length is reflected back by the earth surface from the absorbed sun radiation?

0.5 micrometer

421 - If 10mm is the accuracy considered, what will be the maximum value of λ for 1/1000 part?

10 m

422 - If a level is used to locate the contour gradient, it is not necessary to set the level on the contour gradient.


423 - If all the ground points are projected vertically downward on the mean sea level, which scale is recommended to be used?

Datum scale

424 - If both hands above head and then brought down by the surveyor then the action of assistant is _________

Move considerably backward

425 - If d = 2.94 km, what would be the combined correction for curvature and refraction?

0.58 km

426 - If different weights of the equations are involved then they are to be subtracted with the coefficients.


427 - If in a closed traverse, the sum of the north latitudes is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also the sum of west departures is more than the sum of the east departures, the bearing of the closing line is in the________________?

SE quadrant

428 - If l is the length of the line and angle made with y axis is y° then departure (

l cos y°

429 - If l is the length of the line and angle made with y-axis is y° then latitude (L) of the line is ____

l cos y°

430 - If L is true length of chain and L' is incorrect length of the chain the correction to area A is_________(Where ∆L/L = e, e is small and A' is measured area )

(1+2e) x A'

431 - If L is true length of chain and L' is incorrect length of the chain the correction to Volume V is_______(Where ∆L/L = e, e is small and V' is measured area )


432 - If left hand is extended by surveyor then action by the assistant should be _________

Continue to move to the left

433 - If length of the arm = 23.31 m, distance between wheel and pivot = 2 m, D = 3m. Find the value of constant C.

6.46 sq. m

434 - If longitudes of A and B are given as 32˚12ꞌ W, 44˚2ꞌ W having latitude 29˚24ꞌ. Find the distance in km between the points A and B.


435 - If one of the vernier is at 0° then another vernier reading shows / also shows ______


436 - If rapid sweep with left hand by surveyor then action by assistant is ________

Move considerably to the left

437 - If rapid sweep with right hand signaled by surveyor then action by the assistant is _______

Move considerably to the right

438 - If right hand extended by surveyor then action by the assistant should be ______

Continue to move to the right

439 - If the apparent horizon is shown in a photograph, it is low oblique.


440 - If the area of mid section is 345.98 sq. m and the individual areas A1, A2 are 123.31 and 157.31 respectively, d = 5m. Find the volume of the pyramid.

1387.11 cu. m

441 - If the area of the traverse is 645.32 sq. m and the change in the wheel readings can be given as 10, find the value of multiplier constant.

64.532 sq. m

442 - If the area of traverse is drawn to a scale 1ꞌꞌ = 23 ft, find the change in area if the original area is 497.76 sq. in.

6.04 acres

443 - If the areas of cross sections of one side area given as 117.86 sq. m, 105.76 sq. m and the other side as 98.76 sq. m, 86.54 sq. m. the values of b, n, m, mꞌ and d are given as 2, 3, 4,4 and 1 respectively. Find the correction of prismoid in case of side


444 - If the areas of the two sides of a prismoid represent 211.76 sq. m and 134.67 sq. m, which are 2 m distant apart, find the total volume using trapezoidal formula. Consider n=3.

615.77 cu. m

445 - If the back sight and fore sight distances are balanced, the elevation between two points is equal to the difference between the rod readings taken to the two points and correction for curvature and refraction is necessary.


446 - If the connection of the number of satellites decreases, the accuracy of the positioning increases.


447 - If the focal length of the object glass is 25 cm and the distance from object glass to the trunnion axis is 15 cm, the additive constant is_______________?


448 - If the ground is more broken, greater contour interval should be adapted.


449 - If the ground is undulating, rough, difficult and inaccessible. Under these circumstances _________ methods are used to obtain distances.

Indirect methods

450 - If the horizontal distance between the staff point and the point of observation is d, then the error due to curvature of earth is proportional to_______________?


451 - If the inclination of contour gradient is given, its direction from a point may be easily located either on the map or on the ground.


452 - If the index error is not large, error must be corrected.


453 - If the intensity of wave length decreases, the energy released will ___________


454 - If the intercept on a vertical staff is ob-served as 0.75 m from a tacheometer, the horizontal distance between tacheometer and staff station is________________?

75 m

455 - If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by______________?

straightening the links

456 - If the lower clamp screw is tightened and upper clamp screw is loosened, the theodolite may be rotated____________?

on its inner spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate

457 - If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167°, the magnetic declination at that place is________________?

13° E

458 - If the magnetic meridian is to the left side of the true meridian, declination is said to the _________


459 - If the magnetic meridian is to the left side of the true meridian, declination is said to the negative.


460 - If the magnetic meridian is to the right side of the true meridian, declination is said to the _________


461 - If the magnetic meridian is to the right side of the true meridian, declination is said to the positive.


462 - If the number on scale is less then it represents a large scale map.


463 - If the observed back sight and fore sight are 20 m and 18 m. The correction back sight on A will be equal to 16 m, The correct fore sight on B will be equal to 14 m where then what is the correction difference in level between A and B?

2 m

464 - If the observed back sight and fore sight are x1 and x2. The correction back sight on A will be equal to x1-y1, where y1= D1 tan i°. The correct fore sight on B will be equal to x2-y2 where, y2 = D2 tan i°. Then what is the correction difference in level

x1 – x2 + (D2 tan i° – D1 tan i°)

465 - If the observed back sight and fore sight are x1 and x2. The correction back sight on A will be equal to x1-y1, where y1= D1 tan i°. The correct fore sight on B will be equal to x2-y2 where, y2 = D2 tan i°. Then what is the correction difference in level

x1 – x2

466 - If the R.L of a B.M is 100m and back sight is 1.225m, find the H.I at the station?


467 - If the radii of the curves in a reverse curve are equal, calculate the distance between the tangent points T1 and T2. Assume R = 98.54m with deflection angle 54˚31ꞌ.


468 - If the radius of curvature is given as 76.98m and the deflection angle as 45˚21ꞌ, find the short curve length of a compound curve.


469 - If the radius of curvature of a curve being 45.42m with an inclination of 7˚52ꞌ. The value of s and L corresponds to 2 and 56m respectively, find the total tangent length of a transition curve.


470 - If the radius of sphere is given as 43m and the spherical excess as 186.54m, find the area of a spherical triangle.

6019.85 sq. m

471 - If the radius of the curve is given as 14.96m and the angle is about 32˚24ꞌ, find the length of the chord.

8.34 m

472 - If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure respectively of the line AB will be________________?

+86.6 m, -50 m

473 - If the staff at the station point is not held vertically, the R.L at the observation would be______________

Equal to the true R.L

474 - If the staff is not held vertical at a level¬ling station, the reduced level calculated from the observation would be_______________?

less than true R.L

475 - If the staff reading at point A = ha and at a point B = hb. The correct staff reading should have been Ha and Hb, then the correction difference in elevation between A and B is given by _____

Ha – Hb

476 - If the staff reading at point A = ha and at a point B = hb. The correct staff reading should have been Ha and Hb, where Ha = ha – ha' and Hb = hb – hb' then the correction difference in elevation between A and B is given by ____________

ha – hb – ha' + hb'

477 - If the star is at elongation, find the altitude of the celestial body having declination and latitude as 24˚56ꞌ and 21˚43ꞌ.


478 - If the star is at horizon which of the following will be equal to zero?


479 - If the super elevation for a road is given as 24m, find the length of transition curve.

15.6 km

480 - If the tangent distance increases, the offsets distance also increases.


481 - If the value of D = 2000m, what would be correction for curvature?

0.269 sq. m

482 - If the value of error due to the single measurement is 6.54 for 10 observations, then calculate the value of average probable error.


483 - If the value of number of observations is large and e is small then ∑e / n will be equal to__________

Arithmetic mean

484 - If the value of O0 = 24.62 and R = 4m, find the value of l using the general method of long chords.


485 - If the value of wave length is given as 21m with different weights 6 and 2, find the value of E.


486 - If the value of θ = 720 49ꞌ, find the value of departure for side having a length 300 m.


487 - If the values of latitudes are 223.5 m and 65.31 m and meridians are 16.8 m, 24.67m. Find the area using D.M.D method.

2682.99 sq. m

488 - If the weight of the tape is 1kg having length 100m with 6 equal bays. The pull applied will be 9N, calculate the correction for sag.


489 - If the zenith distance is given as 26˚57ꞌ, find the altitude of the star at upper culmination.


490 - If traversing is done by taking bearings of the lines, the closing error in bearing may be determined by _______________

Comparing the back and fore bearings of the last line of the closed traverse

491 - If we select two points A and B on either side of obstacle and equal perpendiculars AC and BD are set out. Then AB is equal to?


492 - Improper balancing weight comes under instrumental errors in compass surveying.


493 - In a closed transverse, the sum of interior angles should be equal to (2N – 4) right angles. Otherwise, the error occurred termed as ____

Angular error

494 - In a compound curve, both curves are of equal radius.


495 - In a compound curve, the point at which both the long curve and short curve will meet is called_________

Point of compound curve

496 - In a cubic parabola, if the value of x co-ordinate is 7, radius of the curve is given as 42.69m and the length of the curve as 24m. Find the y co-ordinate.


497 - In a direct method, the contour to be plotted is actually traced on the ground.


498 - In a magnetic area, which type of surveying can be employed?

Plane table surveying

499 - In amplitude modulation, which among the following is constant?


500 - In an EM field, which filed is placed horizontal?

Magnetic field

501 - In an internal focussing type of telescope, the lens provided is_______________?


502 - In angular method of setting a curve, which of the following is used?


503 - In approximate method, the value of x is measured from ____________

Tangent point

504 - In case of method of correlation, the error is distributed to every observation.


505 - In case of parallel straights, the length of the curve is given as__________

L = (2(R1+R2)V)1/2

506 - In case, to get a well-proportioned or well-shaped triangle, no angle should be less than _________


507 - In chain and compass trans versing, the magnetic bearings of the survey lines are measured by a __________


508 - In Compass traversing length of lines are measured by _______


509 - In cross sections method, cross sections are run traverse to the centre line of a road, railway or canal etc.


510 - In cross sections method, If there are irregularities in the surface between two cross lines, additional guide points may be located on intermediate cross lines.


511 - In direct method of contouring, the process of locating or identifying points lying on a contour is called_______________?

vertical control

512 - In direct method with transiting, it is convenient to read one vernier throughout and apply the correction at alternate stations.


513 - In direct method, guide points need not necessarily be on the contours.


514 - In EM waves, electric field is not used.


515 - In first method of taking single set, after keeping the telescope normal throughout we measure the angle clockwise by 6 repetition. We obtain the first value of the angle by dividing the final reading by _______


516 - In fixed hair method, the distance between _______ hair and__________ hair are fixed.

Upper and lower

517 - In Geodic surveying, correction for curvature and refraction are neglected.


518 - In graphical method, why Bessel's method is chosen the best?

Due to accuracy in result

519 - In indirect method, each contour is located by determining the positions of a series of points through which the contour passes.


520 - In linear method of setting out curve, which of the following is not used?


521 - In order to complete traverse computations, which of the following steps is to be carried out first?

Adjusting interior angles

522 - In order to determine the satellite to user range, which of the following is exceptionally required?

Time difference of signals

523 - In order to find the difference in elevation between two points P and Q, a level was set upon the line PQ, 30 m from P and 1280 m from Q. The reading obtained on staff kept at P and Q were respectively 0.545 m and 3.920 m. Find the true difference in elev

3.265 m

524 - In order to form a normal equation, _____________ are needed.

Algebraic coefficients

525 - In order to mitigate the closing error, sum of latitudes and departures must be equal to zero.


526 - In order to prevent the case of overturning, which of the following is provided?

Super elevation

527 - In plane table surveying, it is difficult to reproduce the map to some different scale.


528 - In plane table surveying, plotting and recording of values are done simultaneously.


529 - In prismatic compass needle is of edge bar type.


530 - In prismatic compass, graduations are in W.C.B system.


531 - In prisomidal rule, it is necessary to have odd number cross sections.


532 - In pseudo ranging, travel time is measured by___________

PRN code

533 - In soft ground, spikes or nails are driven into the ground it comes under which step of surveying?


534 - In stadia method, diaphragm in tachometer is provided with there stadia hairs and stadia hair reading is taken by looking through a diaphragm.


535 - In surveyor's compass needle is of edge bar type.


536 - In surveyor's compass, graduations are in a Q.B system.


537 - In surveyor's telescope, the convex lens nearest to the eye is called ____________

Eye piece

538 - In surveyor's telescope, the convex lens nearest to the object is called ______________


539 - In terrestrial method, both plotting recording are done simultaneously.


540 - In the case of hilly terrain, the tacheometric method may be used with advantages.


541 - In the dependent equatorial system, first co-ordinate represents on_________ and second co-ordinate represents on____________

Hour angle, declination

542 - In the laws of weight, weight is inversely proportional to length.


543 - In the long sights, the horizontal line of sight doesn't remain straight but it slightly bends downwards having concavity towards earth due to ____________


544 - In the principle of least squares, residual error will be__________


545 - In the prismatic compass______________?

the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box

546 - In the process of GIS, digitalization is done for better output.


547 - In the process of least squares, sum of residuals must be equal to zero.


548 - In the process of reconnaissance, map reference is taken.


549 - In the process of Reconnaissance, which of the following is determined?


550 - In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30′ can be expressed as______________?


551 - In the subtense bar method, the horizontal angle subtended by two targets fixed on a horizontal bar at a known distance apart is measured at instrument station by theodolite.


552 - In theodolites, the upper plate carriers two plate levels placed at right angles to each other.


553 - In theodolites, two standards resemble the letter ______


554 - In three point problem, orientation and resection are done simultaneously.


555 - In total station, data is stored in ___________

Micro processor

556 - In transversing by direct observation of angles, magnetic bearing of any one line can also be measured if required.


557 - In transversing by direct observation of angles, magnetic bearing of any one line can also be measured if required.


558 - In trapezoidal formula, volume can be over estimated.


559 - In traversing by fast needle method, the magnetic bearings of the lines are measured with a reference so the direction of magnetic meridian established at the ______ station.


560 - In traversing by fast needle method, there are three methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method.


561 - In visible region, the blue light is having a wave length range of __________

0.42-0.52 micrometer

562 - In which areas does compass surveying is not recommended?

Local attraction suspected areas

563 - In which aspect of agriculture GIS is used?

Soil analysis

564 - In which direction it is best to place the total station for obtaining the best output?


565 - In which direction latitude of the line is negative?


566 - In which direction latitude of the line is positive?


567 - In which direction the departure of the line is positive?


568 - In which method measurements of distances is chiefly confined to the preliminary surveys and explorations where a surveyor is called upon to make a rough survey as quickly as possible?


569 - In which method the magnetic bearings of traverse lines are measured by a theodolite fitted with a compass?

Fast needle method

570 - In which methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method, the telescope will be normal at one station and inverted at the next station?

direct method with transiting

571 - In which of the following areas, the usage of primary triangulation is done?

Measuring earths figure

572 - In which of the following case to mark a survey station, a portion may be dug and filled with cement motor?

Hard grounds

573 - In which of the following cases contour lines of different elevations can intersect? 1) Caves, 2) Vertical cliffs, 3) Hills, 4) Overhanging Cliff

1) and 4)

574 - In which of the following cases, a pole signal is used?

Non-Luminous signal

575 - In which of the following cases, orientation by back sighting is used?

When it is not possible to set instrument over station mark

576 - In which of the following cases, Simpson's rule is adopted?

When straights are parallel

577 - In which of the following cases, two instrument stations are used?

Base of the object is inaccessible

578 - In which of the following compass graduated card is attached to the box and not to the ring?

Surveyor's compass

579 - In which of the following compass graduated card ring is attached with the needle?

Prismatic compass

580 - In which of the following compass graduations are engraved erect?

Prismatic compass

581 - In which of the following compass graduations are engraved inverted?

Prismatic compass

582 - In which of the following compass needle acts as index?

Surveyor's compass

583 - In which of the following compass needle does not act as an index?

Prismatic compass

584 - In which of the following compass sighting and reading taking can be done simultaneously from one position of the observer?

Prismatic compass

585 - In which of the following compass sighting and reading taking cannot be done simultaneously from one position of the observer?

Surveyor's compass

586 - In which of the following methods Interpolation is done with the help of a tracing paper?

by graphical method

587 - In which of the following methods, graphical method is employed?

Three point problem

588 - In which of the following steps does a reference sketch of the ground should be prepared?


589 - In which of the following transverse method angles are measured by theodolite?

By direct observation of angles

590 - In which of the following transverse method angles are measured by theodolite?

By direct observation of angles

591 - In which of the following ways, meridians are projected in cylindrical projection?


592 - In which surveying, shape of earth is taken into consideration?

Geodic surveying

593 - In which type of surveying only linear measurements are made?

Chain surveying

594 - Inaccurate bisection of points observed comes under _____ error.


595 - Inaccurate levelling comes under ______ error.


596 - Inaccurate levelling of the compass box is a personal error in compass surveying.


597 - Included angles can be measured _________

Clockwise or counterclockwise

598 - Included angles can be measured _________

Clockwise or counterclockwise

599 - Independent co-ordinates can be calculated by using___________

Consecutive co-ordinates

600 - Indirect method serves as a basis for the interpolation of contours.

None of the mentioned

601 - Instrument for registering the number of revolutions of a wheel is _____


602 - Instrument shaped like a watch and is carried in pocket or attached to one leg is _______


603 - Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for________________?

hilly areas

604 - Investigation of observations of various types shows that accidental errors follow a definite law. This law is called ______

Law of probability

605 - Irregular variation due to magnetic storms is a _______ error.

Errors due to natural cause

606 - IRS 1A and 1B satellites can carry which of the following sensors?


607 - IRS P3 satellite uses which of the following sensors?


608 - It is difficult for reproducing the traverse in different scale.


609 - It is difficult for reproducing the traverse in different scale.


610 - It is necessary for the observed equations to be accompanied with condition equation.


611 - Kinematic positioning will come under which of the following classification?

Relative positioning

612 - Large zenith telescope is having a diameter of range ___________


613 - Large zenith telescope is used at___________

North America

614 - Latitude and Departure equations will never return positive values.


615 - Left arm up and moved to the left by the surveyor then action of assistant should be __________

Plumb the rod to the left

616 - Length of arrow may vary from _______ to ______

25 cm to 50 cm

617 - Length of base line in primary triangulation is given as____________

5 – 15 km

618 - Length of each link in Gunter's chain is ______

7.92 inch

619 - Length of each link in metric chain is ________


620 - Length of engineer's chain _______


621 - Length of Gunter's chain is ______


622 - Length of tangent formula is same for all types of curves.


623 - Length of the curve depends on the criteria used for defining degree of the curve.


624 - Length of transition curve can be given as__________

L = ne

625 - Lens used in the stereoscope can be flattened by which among the following methods?


626 - Let correction to latitude of any side be C, total error in latitude be e, length of that side be l, perimeter of traverse be p. Then what is bowditch's rule?

C = e × l/p

627 - Let correction to latitude of any side be C, total error in latitude be, L be the latitude of that line, £L be the arithmetic sum of latitudes then what is the transit rule?

C = e × L/£L

628 - Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for second line?


629 - Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for the last line?


630 - Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for the third line?


631 - Let e be the closing error in the bearing of the last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for first line?


632 - Let the instrument station be V and there is a displacement of 50 cm in its placement in the direction of ray. What is the true position if the scale is 1cm = 700 meters?

0.071 cm

633 - Let the instrument station be V and there is a displacement of 50 cm in its placement in the direction of ray. What is the true position if the scale is 1cm = 700 meters?

0.071 cm

634 - Level section requires application of correction.


635 - Leveling staff is used in the process of city survey.


636 - Leveling staff is used in the process of city survey.


637 - Levelling deals with measurements in a ______

Vertical plane

638 - Levelling is a branch of surveying objects of which is to establish points at a given elevation or at different elevations with respect to given or assumed datum.


639 - Line of sight not passing through the centres of the right comes under personal errors.


640 - Local attraction due to the proximity of local attraction forces comes under instrumental errors.


641 - Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to________________?

presence of magnetic substances near the instrument

642 - Location of points is already done while considering two point problem.


643 - Longitudes are used to represent which of the following directions?


644 - Lower frequency is not suitable in_________

Direct transmission

645 - Magnitude of refraction depends upon which of the following factors?


646 - Manipulating wrong tangent screw comes under _____ error.


647 - Mapping involves which of the following?

Cadastral details

648 - Marine surveying is a necessary in case of boat designing.


649 - Marking the survey stations in soft ground is done by _____

Wooden pegs

650 - Mechanical method is also known as________

Tracing paper method

651 - Method of intersection is also known as______________

Graphical triangulation

652 - Method of Intersection is used when_____________

Distance between point and instrument is large

653 - Metric chains are generally available in _________


654 - Microwave EDM instrument requires two instrument stations.


655 - Mid-ordinate is also known as__________

Cosine of curve

656 - Minimum 4 mirrors are used in case of a mirror stereoscope.


657 - Modern EDM uses which among the following waves?

Modulated infra-red

658 - Modern phase techniques are capable of __________

Resolving wave length

659 - Modulating wave can also be known as ______

Measuring wave

660 - Most accurate method of direct measuring is with ________


661 - Most probable value can be found by using a ______________

Normal equation

662 - Most probable value determines certain observations. Which among them will give accurate value?

Observation with condition equation

663 - Most probable value is equal to which of the following?

Arithmetic mean

664 - Most probable value is not used in the determination of which of the following?

Probability curve

665 - Multiplier constant is equal to__________


666 - Multiplier constant(M) is also known as___________

Planimeter constant

667 - Nagpur road plan formula were prepared by assuming______________?

radial or star and grid road pattern

668 - Napier's rule is used for the calculation of___________

Hour angle

669 - Normal equation is used in case of________________

Direct method

670 - Normal tension is that pull which_______________?

neutralizes the effect due to pull and sag

671 - On a single lane road with two way traffic, the minimum stopping sight distance is equal to______________?

two times the stopping distance

672 - On clamping the upper screw and unclamping the lower clamp, the instrument can rotate on its outer axis without any relative motion between the two plates.


673 - On unclamping the upper screw and clamping the lower clamp, the instrument can rotate on its inner axis with relative motion between vernier and scale.


674 - On what basis a harbor can be designated as natural roadstead?

Semi natural harbor

675 - One furlong is equal to ________ Gunter's chains.


676 - One mile is equal to _______ Gunter's chains.


677 - Opaque signal is having a range of ___________

30 km

678 - Open traverse is used in case of topological survey.


679 - Optical mechanical scanner is used in which type of electromagnetic waves?

Thermal IR

680 - Ordinate rule is based on which of the following assumptions?

Boundaries of the offsets are straight lines

681 - Orientation by trough compass is done for obtaining precise values.


682 - Orientation might cause a huge problem in method of resection.


683 - Orientation of table involves which among the following?

Back sighting

684 - Overlapping in the direction of flight can be described as_____________

Forward overlap

685 - Overlapping increases the amount of work to be done.


686 - Overlapping occurred due to adjacent flight lines can be termed as__________

Side lap

687 - Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using ________________?

transition curve

688 - P.T, P.I, P.C are the basic requirements for setting a curve.


689 - Pacing is difficult in _______

Rough ground

690 - PAN sensor uses two band operators.


691 - Parallax can be eliminated by focusing the eye piece and objective.


692 - Parallax comes under _____ error.


693 - Parallax is a condition arising when the image formed by the object is in the plane of the cross hairs.


694 - Pegs are driven in the ground with the help of a wooden hammer and kept about _________ cm projecting above the surface?

4 cm

695 - Percentage of irrigation proposed to be irrigated annually yields ________

Intensity of irrigation

696 - Permanent adjustments are done at every time the instrument is setup.


697 - Perpendicular chords can be obtained by using the successive bisection method.


698 - Perpendicular offsets can be set out after__________


699 - Perspective projection is produced from__________

Straight lines radiating a common point

700 - Phase difference can be expressed in which of the following format?


701 - Photo theodolite is a combination of________________

Theodolite, terrestrial camera

702 - Photographic scale can be determined by using the photo distance.


703 - Pieces of sharpened thin sticks cut from the nearest edge, and are used for the same purpose as the laths are called _______


704 - Plain alidade will cause less error when compared to telescopic alidade.


705 - Plane table surveying is capable of providing accurate work.


706 - Plane table surveying requires great skill.


707 - Plane table surveying requires great skill.


708 - Planimeter is an instrument which is used for__________

Measuring area of plan

709 - Polar orbiting satellites are generally placed at an altitude range of __________


710 - Population forecast can be done by using GIS.


711 - Position of a celestial body can be determined by__________


712 - Possibility of error in plane table surveying is ____________


713 - Possibility of error in plane table surveying is ____________


714 - Precise positioning service is having an accuracy range of____________

10-12 m

715 - Prism square works on the same principle as that of _______

Optical square

716 - Prismatic compass is an instrument for measuring angles.


717 - Prismoidal correction can be applied to the trapezoidal formula.


718 - Prismoidal correction can be applied to which of the following formulae?

Trapezoidal formula

719 - Prismoidal correction can be given as________

Difference between the volume calculated and that obtained from the prismoid formula

720 - Prismoidal correction is obtained from which of the following formulae?

Prismoid formula

721 - Prismoidal rule is also known as__________

Simpson's rule

722 - Probability curve describes about_______________

Frequency of errors

723 - Process of fixing or establishing intermediate points is known as _______


724 - Property map preparation is done by ____________

Large scale

725 - Property map preparation is done by ____________

Large scale

726 - Radio waves are having the longest wavelength among all the electromagnetic waves.


727 - Rain gauge is also known as __________


728 - Rain gauge is expressed in terms of _________


729 - Rain gauge is used for ________

Measuring precipitation

730 - Rating curve can be used for __________

Stage measurements

731 - Reconnaissance process will give best output only on elevated grounds.


732 - Relation between radius and degree of curvature can be approximately given as__________

R = 5730 / D

733 - Relative error of closure is given as____________

Error of closure/perimeter of traverse

734 - Remote sensing uses which of the following waves in its procedure?

Electro-magnetic waves

735 - Representing large scale on the surface of the earth is____________


736 - Reverse curve is a combination of two simple curves.


737 - Right arm up and moved to the right by the surveyor then the action of assistant should be ________

Plumb the rod to the right

738 - Rise and fall method provides check in calculations for all sights.


739 - River gauge is used to measure _______

Water level

740 - Rods are almost invisible at a distance of about ______

200 m

741 - Satellite generates which type of signals?

Radio waves

742 - Satellite segment receives which of the following information?

Uplink control

743 - Satellite station is also known as__________

Eccentric station

744 - Satellite to user range can be calculated by using which of the following methods?

Pseudo ranging

745 - Scale at elevation point in photograph can be given as_____________

S = f/ (H – h)

746 - Select the correct statement?

Contour interval on any map is kept constant

747 - Select the correct statement_______________?

Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in case of an overhanging cliff

748 - Select the incorrect statement?

The true meridians at different places are parallel to each other

749 - Sensitiveness of a level tube is designated by______________?

radius of level tube

750 - Set a perpendicular offset for A and B using the radius and the angle given. R = 34.76m and θ = 14˚76ꞌ.


751 - Set a perpendicular offset using the approximate method, having radius of curvature as 47.43m and the offset distance being 8m.


752 - Set a radial offset by using the approximate method with radius of the curve given as 25.76m and the offset distance as 5m.


753 - Setting up includes which of the following?

Levelling with foot screw

754 - Sextant can be used to measure vertical angles.


755 - Shape of the earth can act as an error in case of topological survey.


756 - Sharpness of the curve can be determined by_________


757 - Side friction factor is used in which of the following cases?

Transition curve

758 - Signal can be generated by____________

Interaction of EM waves with surface

759 - Silver polygons occur due to excessive overlaying.


760 - Simpson's rule assumes that boundary between the ordinates are parabolic arcs.


761 - Simpson's rule is capable of producing more accurate results.


762 - Size of a theodolite is specified by________________?

the diameter of lower plate

763 - Skid resistance is calculated while conducting road survey.


764 - Slip comes under _____ error.


765 - Slow sweep with the left hand is signal by a surveyor, action by the assistant is ________

Move slowly to the left

766 - Slow sweep with the right hand is signal by a surveyor, action by the assistant is _________

Move slowly to the right

767 - Sources of errors in transit work are broadly classified into ______ types.


768 - Spatial relationship can be established by using GIS.


769 - Stadia method can also be known as__________

Fixed hair method

770 - Stadia method is based on the principle that ratio of perpendicular to the base is constant.


771 - Stadia readings were taken with a theodolite on a vertical staff with the telescope inclined at an angle of depression of 3o30′. The staff readings were 2.990, 2.055 and 1.120. The reduced level of the staff station is 100.000m, and the height of the inst

112.050 m

772 - Stereoscopic measurement involves in__________

Fusing photographs

773 - Storage irrigation method is also known as__________

Indirect method

774 - Strength of signal doesn't depend upon which of the following factors?


775 - Study of geometric objects will come under the category of______________


776 - Subtense bar is an instrument used for _______________?

measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas

777 - Subtense method is one of the classifications of stadia system.


778 - Sum of interior angles must be equal to____________

(2n-4) right angles

779 - Surface water can act as a source of water in water supply scheme.


780 - Survey lines must be as few as possible is the condition to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations.


781 - Survey stations must be mutually visible to obtain a good system of line.


782 - Surveyor's compass is instrument for measuring angles.


783 - Surveyor's telescope is an adaptation of Kepler's telescope.


784 - S-W lies in which of the following quadrant______________


785 - Swiss Alps farming can be monitored by using ________


786 - Tacheometer has ______ number of horizontal hairs.


787 - Tallies are fixed at every _______ metre length for chains of 10m length.


788 - Telescope fitted in the photo-theodolite can be rotated in a horizontal plane.


789 - Telescope is used in direct method with transiting during observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method.


790 - Tellurometer, a type of EDM uses which of the following waves?

Radio waves

791 - Temperature on the sun is around______________

5750 – 6000 K

792 - Temporary adjustments are those which are made at every instrument setting and preparatory to taking observations.


793 - The accuracy in the location of the objects depends upon the accuracy in laying the ________

Check line

794 - The accuracy speed of the GPS depends on ______________

Signal blockage

795 - The adjustment of horizontal cross hair is required particularly when the instrument is used for_____________?


796 - The adjustment of line of collimation is having most priority in permanent adjustments.


797 - The amount of elevation depends on which of the following characteristics?

Characteristics of terrain

798 - The amount of water required for 1 percent per day is determined as ___________

Per capita demand

799 - The angle at point of intersection of tangents indicate____________

Deflection angle

800 - The angle between observer meridian and declination circle is given as____________

Hour angle


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