Water Management Important MCQs

1 - _________% of total global water is fresh and its major portion is obtained from Rains ?


2 - __________% of total global water is saline and available in oceans ?


3 - A channel artificially constructed for water conveyance of appreciable quantities with no problem of silting and scouring is called ____________________?

A and B are correct

4 - A channel is said lo be of most economical cross section, for a given cross-sectional area and bed slope when it __________________?

All of these

5 - A closed conduct or barrel used used for supplying water under high pressure to a turbine to generate electricity is called __________________?


6 - A cloud is formed due to condensation. it consists of a small particle of ice an. small droplets of water, having diameter about ___________microns?


7 - A curve consisting two or more arcs of different radii curving in the same direction with common tangent is called ___________________?

Compound curve

8 - A curve showing the maximum flow in the river and mean time reduces flow. we be called___________________?

Ground water depletion curve

9 - A dam which is prevented from overturning by the action of lateral or vertical up thrust of water by its weight is called __________________?

Gravity dam

10 - A dam which the up lift pressure of the sub-soil water by its own weight is called _________________?

Gravity dam

11 - A digging out of earth to make trench for any engineering purpose is called ______________________?


12 - A fish ladder is device by which flow energy can be dissipated in such a manner as to provide easy access to the downstream fish to come on upstream side, the velocity of flow varies from___________________?

3.0 - 3.5 m/sec

13 - A fixed reference point from which the discharge of flowing water is measured is________________?

Bench mark

14 - A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant is called___________________?

Steady flow

15 - A flow in which the stream lines may be represented by a straight line is called____________________?

one-dimension flow

16 - A flow in which velocity of water particles is same at all sections is called ____________________?

Uniform flow

17 - A flow of water for a certain discharge when total energy of flow i.e. sum of potential, kinetic and pressure energies is minimum is called_______________________?

Critical flow

18 - A fluid is a substance that ____________________?

Can not remain at rest under the action of any shear force

19 - A graph which shows the volume of a reservoir or tank at any given water level is called ____________________?

Capacity curve

20 - A hydraulic jump to dissipate energy when flow is __________________?

Streaming flow

21 - A line shown on a contour map, set out on ground between certain constant points of slope is called___________________?

Contour gradient

22 - A line shown on a map, drawn between the points of equal levels or heads is called ____________________?

Contour line

23 - A mine or tunnel for collecting seepage water in rock or dam is called ____________________?

Seepage gallery

24 - A module or outlet in which discharge depends upon the difference of head between distributary and the water course is called ___________________?


25 - A module or outlet in which discharge is fixed and limited, irrespective fluctuations in water levels in distributary is called _________________?


26 - A particular flood which can occur in the basin in the worst meteorological and hydrological conditions is called ___________________?

Maximum probable flood

27 - A pipe flowing full, the liquid particles in the pipe has maximum velocity at __________________?

Centre of pipe

28 - A plot of graphical representation showing river flow against time is called _____________________?


29 - A reference point on the ground of accurately known position which is a () point of leveling is called ________________?

Control point

30 - A regulator is water controlling structure, it is provided at the head of canal to supply water from parent canal to the branch channel is called_______________________?

Head Regulator

31 - A river before its joins the sea, gets divided into small channels, thus forming a Triangular shape called __________________?

Deltaic river

32 - A river which does not change its alignment - slope and its regime significantly is called________________?

Stable river

33 - A series of vertical steps in a stream made to avoid soil scouring is called ___________________?


34 - A structure constructed in channel width having narrow throat and raised floor in bottom, used for measuring discharge is called _____________________?


35 - A structure made near weirs and barrages to facilitate the migration of fish up stream or down stream is called __________________?

Fish ladder

36 - A structure provided when a large canal a big drainage channel approach other practically at the same level is called__________________?

Level crossing

37 - A type of flow in which water particles, while moving in the direction of flow, rotate about their mass centre is called _________________?

Rotational flow

38 - A unit hydrograph is a hydrograph of runoff produced by a rainstorm of a specified duration called ____________________?

Unit duration

39 - A water flow available in the drains without irrigation season i.e.flow of sanitary sewage is called____________________?

Dry weather flow

40 - A water pool is designed on the down stream of the hydraulic structure to dissipate the energy of falling water by providing a water cushion called ______________________?


41 - A water rise takes place on down stream of sloping glacis, when a stream of water moving with high velocity and low depth strikes another stream of flow moving with low velocity and high depth, such breakage in water surface is called______________?

Hydraulic jump

42 - A watershed canal __________________?

Avoids the cross drainage works

43 - A well penetrated in ground water confined between impervious layer at its top and bottom is called __________________?

Artesian well

44 - According to Blight, the percolating water seeps along the lower contour of the hydraulic structure, the length traversed by this water is called ______________________?

Creep length

45 - According to Chezy€™s formula, the discharge through an open channel is equal to _________________?


46 - According to Kennedy€™s silt theory , the critical velocity is directly proportional to depth of flow _____________________?


47 - According to Khosla€™s theory of seepage, the Exit gradient depends upon ____________________?

width /depth ratio

48 - According to Mr. Khosla, the seeping water creates undermining and the undermining starts from__________________?

Down stream to up stream

49 - Aeration holes are provided to reduce the inside saturation pressure ____________________?

In a suppressed weir

50 - After rainfall the quantity of water that flows directly over the ground surface and join immediately to the river is called_________________?

True surface runoff

51 - Always flow inside the ground is ____________________?


52 - An aquifer in which water contained under high pressure as the€™ aquifer is sand witched between two impervious layer is called___________________?

Confined aquifer

53 - An area is officially declared as drought effected if the mean Annual rain fall is less than of the annual Potential evaporation,______________?


54 - An earth embankment built on one or both sides of a river, some distance away from its banks to control flood is called _______________?

Marginal embankment

55 - An engineer who is approached by a client for the purpose of design of hydraulic structures like dam. Barrage or Regulator is called ____________________?

Consulting Engineer

56 - An escape constructed with masonry or pitched with stones to dispose off surplus of tank or reservoir is called________________?


57 - An impermeable Formation which neither contains water nor transmits water may be called_____________________?


58 - An instrument used for measuring pressure head, generally made up of a small pipe tapped into the side of conduit is called ___________________?


59 - An open cut given in a canal bank, suitably protected by stone pitching to the upland drainage water into the canal is called ___________________?


60 - An open cut in the canal bank. with bed and sides to escape canal water through a lead channel to mix water in a nearby drain is called _____________________?

Out let

61 - An outlet through which the discharge depends upon the water level in the distributary is called ___________________?

Flexible module

62 - Art of growing crops, management of live stocks, husbandry and farming is called________________?


63 - Art of making saline un-cultivable lands capable of re-cultivation is called.___________________?


64 - Art of making saline water fit for irrigation and drinking through the processes of membrane technique and reverse osmosis is called ___________________?


65 - Art of mixing saline water with fresh water in accordance with some ratio for irrigation purpose is called _________________?


66 - At the end of hydraulic structure, the upward force of sub-soil water just becomes equal to the submerged weight of soil grains Then exit gradient will be called______________?

Critical exit gradient

67 - Bouyant force is equal to the ___________ of liquid displaced by the body in water mass?


68 - Canals normally excavated directly from river without head regulator is called___________________?

Inundation canals

69 - Carbohydrates synthesis is carried out by ___________________?


70 - Cavitation is caused by _____________________?

Low pressure

71 - Compressibility of a liquid is defined as vertical or contraction in volume with variation of pressure. Therefore water is considered as ___________________?


72 - Cultivation made on small plane steps because of more steepness of the area is called __________________?

Terrace farming

73 - Darcy formula for loss of head in pipes is given by, hf=4fl v2 / __________________?


74 - Development of___________in river is due to meandering ?


75 - Direct runoff is the sum of __________________?

Sub-surface run off and deep percolation

76 - During the peak stage of river, there exist an out flow from river into the ground water reservoir, in such case river will be called _________________?

Effluent stream

77 - Estimated quantity of global water is __________which covers about 70% of earth?


78 - Flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path is called _____________________?

Laminar flow

79 - For a flood control reservoirs, the effective storage is equal to ___________________?

Useful storage + surcharge storage -valley storage

80 - For a perfect incompressible liquid flowing in a continuous stream, the total energy of a particle remain the same, while the liquid particle move from one point to another this statement is called ___________________?

Bernoulli equation

81 - For an economical design of gravity dam, the shear friction factor causec compression strength should lie between____________________?

1.5 to 4.0

82 - For strong Hydraulic jump containing maximum energy, the down stream glacis should be sloped at a slope of ______________ to dissipate max: energy?

3:1 to 5:1

83 - Friction head loss in open channels is determined by_________________?

Darcy weisbach equation

84 - From a water fall, if water is falling down at the rate of 100 N/sec: on the blades of a turbine when the height of fall is 100 m the power delivered to turbine will be______________?

10,000 kw

85 - generally useful life of a reservoir is considered terminated when its -gross storage is reduced by _______________ of the design capacity of the reservoir?


86 - Ground water moving down wards in the un-saturated ground above the water table is called___________________?

Gravity water

87 - hail is precipitation in the form of balls or lumps of ice of size greater than _______________ formed by alternate freezing & melting?

5 mm diameter

88 - Hydraulic structures are designed for a safe flow of flood. The floods which are equal in designed magnitude life of the project is called _____________________?

Probable flood

89 - Hydrology is the science which deals with the depletion and recharge of water resources yearly therefore. its knowledge is a must to _________________ properly the water resources?


90 - If a river or stream is collecting sediment and is building up dunes in its bed is called ______________________?

Aggrading river

91 - If E1 is the energy before the hydraulic jump and E2 is the energy after the hydraulic jump the efficiency of jump is then given by _____________________?

E2 / E1

92 - If in a river the flood rises and falls suddenly due to storm rain, then such river is called __________________?


93 - if the depth of water in an open channel is greater than the critical depth, the flow is called________________?

Sub-critical flow

94 - If the duration of a unit hydrograph approaches zero, the resulting unit hydrograph is called __________________?

Instantaneous unit hydrograph

95 - If the weir flood is designed continuous with divide piers as reinforced structure,such that the weight of divide piers, keep the structure safe against uplift, is called__________________?

Non-gravity weir

96 - In a river the flood water dries up before it joins the sea or any other river, such river is called ________________?


97 - In alluvial river due to the action of centrifugal force, bends are developed by scouring on concave and silting on convex _____________________?


98 - In case of silt deposition in the dam reservoir to dispose of the effectively ________________ be used?

Vortex pipes

99 - In high floods, to avoid spilling of flood water over the gates, a wall is provided from pond level to high Flood level. This wall spans for the entire length of regulator, rest on piers, sustain water pressure by its weight called_____________________?

Breast wall

100 - in most economical Trapezoidal section, half of the Top width is equal to _________________?

Sloping side of channel

101 - In study of a granular material sliding on plane ground, the angle between the perpendicular and the surface in static condition is called ___________________?

Angle of friction

102 - In the initial stage of rainfall, when soil moisture available in the root zone is very low, the rate of infiltration ?


103 - Infiltration capacity curve is the graphical representation, as to how the infiltration capacity varies with time after rainfall this curve was represented by ____________________?


104 - Khosla provided a seepage theory for design of Hydraulic structures called________________?

Method of independent variables

105 - Land containing high percentage of alkalies may be reclaimed by addition of_____________________?


106 - Mean velocity of flow in a river can be directly measured by means of ______________________?

Rod floats

107 - Mercury does not wet the glass because of its property of ______________________?

Surface tension

108 - Mostly the hydraulic structures founded on ____________ soils fails because of undermining and uplift pressure?


109 - Mostly the salt of calcium and Magnesium can not cause ________________?


110 - Net irrigation + field irrigation losses are the requirement of _____________________?

Field irrigation

111 - Now- a -days the hydraulic structures are designed. Keeping in view the flow net, this was given by __________________?


112 - On relative basis, when one soil is eroded as compared to other soil under same conditions, this property is called __________________?


113 - Out/ of a well water is more than canal water because____________________?

Conveyance losses in well irrigation are less

114 - Permissible velocity of water flowing through concrete lined tunnel is usually __________________?

4 - 5m/sec

115 - Piezometer tube is open to both ends mostly used to measure ____________________?

gauge pressure

116 - Pilot tube is a device, which convert velocity head of flowing water into pressure by ____________________?

H = v2/2g

117 - Plastids bring about___________________?

Conversion of light energy into chemical energy

118 - Presently percentage of area irrigation to that of total cultivated area in our country is __________________?


119 - Rabi crops pertains to ___________________?

Winter season

120 - Readily available moisture is the % of moisture that is always easily available to plant and this moisture is called _________________?


121 - Ribosomes are important because they help in __________________?

Protein synthesis

122 - Sediment particles smaller than 0.002 mm which do not settle in water are called____________________?

Fine silt particles

123 - Silt free water should be supplied to the canals through______________________?

Head sluices

124 - Sliding failure occurs in a solid gravity dam when____________________?

Shear friction factor Is less than 1.5

125 - Specific gravity of a liquid is defined as the ratio of its specific weight to that of pure water and standard temperature and pressure. Therefore specific gravity is equal to ___________________?


126 - Specific weight of a liquid is defined as the weight per unit volume at standard Temperature & pressure therefore specific weight of water of water is equal to ____________ kg/m3 in MKS system ?


127 - Sterilization is the process of killing ___________ of water borne diseases, so as to make it safe for hospital use?

Pathogenic bacteria

128 - Surface tension is the property of a liquid which enables it to resist tensile stress. the surface tension of water is equal to ______________ Kg/m?


129 - Tanda dam is constructed on river ___________________?


130 - That part of the flow in a stream comes from sub-soil or valley, may be beneath the top surface of channel bed is called__________________?

Base flow

131 - That point in a body at which it will balance if loaded or supported is called ____________________?

Centre of gravity

132 - That rain fall which is effectively consumed by the plants to meet its consumptive needs is called__________________?

Effective rain fall

133 - The aeration of water is done to remove _________________?


134 - The amount of moisture content present in the air, when it is expressed as weight per unit volume is called ________________?

Absolute Humidity

135 - The angle between a head regulator and entrance of water, for smooth entry of water in a canal is kept as _________________?


136 - The area irrigated in the year and it grows crops on which water rates are leveled is called____________________?

Area Assessed

137 - The cellular structure which always disappears during mitosis is___________________?

Nuclear and membrane

138 - The centre of pressure of a plane submerged area which holds it in equilibrium is ____________________?

Always above the centroid of the area

139 - The contour of equal water heads and pressure in the soil mass beneath retaining structure are called___________________?

Equipotential lines

140 - The dam built for the purpose of diverting water from main stream to various courses of flow is called ____________________?

Diversion dam

141 - The delta the total depth of water consumed by a crop from 1st watering when matures, the delta for rice is___________________?


142 - The delta the total depth of water consumed by crop up to its maturity, the delta of cotton is ____________________?

50 cm

143 - The delta the total water depth required by a crop up to its maturity the delta of wheat is _____________________?


144 - The delta the total water requirement of crop from the time of sowing to harvesting the delta of sugarcane is __________________?


145 - The depth before the jump is always less then the depth after the jump. The depth before the jump is called initial depth and depth after the jump is called_______________?

Sequent depth

146 - The depth of flow at which the energy is maximum is called ____________________?

Critical depth

147 - The depth of root zone for rice crop is about___________________?

90 cm

148 - The depth of water in a channel, corresponding to minimum specific energy is called ________________?

Critical depth

149 - The diameter of mitochondria is __________________?

0.5-2 micron

150 - The difference between saturation vapour pressure and actual vapour pressure at a constant temperature is called ___________________?

Saturation deficit

151 - The discharge carrying capacity of an irrigation channel depends upon ____________________?

Channel dimensions

152 - The discharge of a well per unit draw down usually expressed as gallons or liters per minute is called ____________________?

Specific capacity

153 - The discharge over a rectangular notch is determined by _____________________?

2/3 cd. B (2g) 1/2 H3/2

154 - The discharge through a rectangular channel will be maximum. if its depth is_______________?

Half of its width

155 - The discharge through rectangular channel is maximum when Hydraulic mean depth m is equal to ______________?

depth/ 2

156 - The disposal of sewage by allowing it to flow and Soak into specially leveled farm land for cultivation purpose is called _____________________?

Broad irrigation

157 - The down stream sloping glacis of the Hydraulic structure is made in such a way to form automatically the _____________ and dissipate the surplus energy of flowing water?

Hydraulic jump

158 - The experiment of capillary rise is performed in a glass tube of smaller diameter, because___________________?

It is easily visible

159 - The falling drop of rainwater become spherical due to _________________?

Surface Tension

160 - The field capacity is the amount of water retained by a saturated soil mass after being acted by gravity. The amount of water required to bring the soil moisture content of that soil up to field capacity is called__________________?

a and b are correct

161 - The field capacity is the water retained by a saturated soil after free drainage of surplus water to the ground water table but the water retained by a saturated soil after being centrifuged by a centrifugal force of 1000 times that of gravity is called__

Equivalent moisture

162 - The fixing of points in such away or the ground to have a correct lines for setting a canal or water course is called _________________?

Alignment of canal

163 - The floods which exceeds the designed magnitude of a reservoir is called _______________________?

Standard protects flood

164 - The flow in the river due to the floods may be classified as _____________________?

Turbulent flow

165 - The forces coming over the gravity dam is mainly resisted by ___________________?

Self weight of the dam

166 - The formula used to calculate maximum flood discharge for a hilly () is_______________?

Nawab Jung Bahadur All formula

167 - The free distance on the paddy surface which a wind can travel to any point to rise waves is called_________________?


168 - The groyne pointing downwards in the direction of flow in fiver is called________________?


169 - The groyne pointing upwards direction of flow is called ______________________?


170 - The height from the top of the embankment to the normal water level in canal .Dam - Reservoir etc, which allows for small waves to splash without over flow is called___________________?

Free board

171 - The hydraulic gradient line (H.G.L)represents the sum of_________________?

Pressure head + datum head

172 - The hydraulic jump is formed on down stream of toe of glacis for the purpose to dissipate surplus energy of the flowing water, the nature and strength of jump depends upon a Number called______________________?

Froude No

173 - The hydraulic mean depth for a circular pipe of diameter d is ____________________?


174 - The hydraulic structures like dams, barrages constructed on permeable foundations are likely to fail due to ___________________?


175 - The ideal crop for wastewater or sewage irrigation is _______________________?


176 - The Indus plain is the main agricultural producing region in the country which receives about________________m m of rain fall annually?

150 mm

177 - The invented filter is provided just after the end of concrete floor to reduce () possibility of _________________?

a and b are correct

178 - The inverted filter consists layer of materials of increasing ______________ from bottom to top?


179 - The last length of the river before it falls into the sea is known as __________________?

Delta stage

180 - The law that states that the discharge of sub-soil water is directly proportional to the loss of head and the area of soil sample and inversely proportional to to the length of soil sample ___________________?

Darcy€™s law

181 - The law which states that the intensity of pressure at any point in a liquid at rest is same in all directions_________________?

Pascal€™s law

182 - The line in a flow net which shows the direction of flow of water through a soil mass beneath dam are called _________________?

flow lines

183 - The loss of head due to friction according to Darcy€™s formula is _____________________?


184 - The loss of head H/ L is proportional to the length of creep. There fore the loss of head per unit creep length is called ______________________?

Hydraulic gradient

185 - The lower limit of factor of safety against over turning in a gravity is _______________________?


186 - The mass per unit volume of a liquid at standard temperature and pressure is called ____________________?

Mass density

187 - The maximum rate at which the soil in given condition can absorb water is called ___________________?

Infiltration capacity

188 - The meandering pattern of a river is developed by ____________________?

Dominant discharge

189 - The mercury in a glass tube assumes convex shape at the top because of_________________________?

Surface Tension

190 - The method of irrigation in which each tree is surrounded by a border to form a pool when water is supplied is called ________________?

Basin irrigation

191 - The minimum moisture content at which a water drop if placed on a smooth surface of soil will not be absorbed immediately by the soil is called __________________?

Soil moisture content

192 - The most economical central angle of an arch dam is made at ___________________?


193 - The percentage of culturable commended area, irrigated during the year to the total culturable commanded area on a outlet or channel is called___________________?

Annual Intensity

194 - The percentage of the volume of water filled in voids to the total volume of solids of soil grains is called__________________?

Degree of saturation

195 - The permissible limit of hardness of water fore low pressure boiler is _____________________?

50 mg/litre

196 - the phenomenon of evaporation from water surfaces, from soil surfaces around the plants and from plants and transpiration from plants is called ___________________?


197 - The piezometric level of water in the well at zero discharges is called___________________?

Static water level

198 - The piles driven in low bearing capacity soil which does not rest on hard rock but bears the coming load due to side resistance is called ________________?

Frictional pile

199 - The precipitation that falls during the growing season of the crop is called__________________?

Useful rain fall

200 - The precipitation that occurs because of frontal disturbances during the movement of barometric low pressure is called ____________________?


201 - The process of consolidation of stabilized earth work in canal or river embankments. In this process the soil is deposited in layers of specified thickness and at a particular moisture content is called __________________?


202 - The process to dilute the available salts from root Zone by providing simply canal water is known as __________________?


203 - The property of liquid which controls its rate of flow is called __________________?


204 - The property of saturated soil mass which transmits appreciable quantities . water is called___________________?


205 - The property of soil which indicates the volume of water stored in the formation is called ___________________?


206 - The quantity of water lost by transpiration from the plants or crops and evaporation from fields adjacent to these plants is called ___________________?

a & b are correct

207 - The ratio between the actual pressure and saturation vapour present at same temperature is called___________________?

Relative Humidity

208 - The ratio between the force causing a body to slide along a plane and the force normal to the plane is called __________________?

Coefficient of friction

209 - the ratio between the rate of change of discharge of the out let to the rate of change of discharge of the distributary is called ______________________?


210 - The ratio of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change in level of water surface in distributary at its normal depth is called ____________________?


211 - The ratio of specific weight of any liquid to the specific weight of water is called as _________________?

Specific gravity of liquid

212 - The ratio of the rate of change of discharge through out let to the rate of c./v of water level of the distributary is called_________________?


213 - The resultant pressure of water acting at ________________________?


214 - The resultant pressure of water on the face of dam is equal to ____________________ ?

1/2 WH2

215 - The rise in river water level at up stream due to construction of weir is called__________________?


216 - The run-off from catchment areas, Roads, buildings and other fallow lands is called ____________________?

Storm water

217 - The science of water which deals with the depletion and replenishment of water resources is called_________________?


218 - The season that starts from 1st April and end on 30th September and run for 183 days is called _____________________?

Kharif season

219 - The season that starts from 1st October and ends on 31st March, runs for 182 days is called __________________?

Rabi season

220 - The soil which are formed due to the weathering effects particularly by movement of water and are high permeable are called _________________?

Alluvial soils

221 - The specific weight of water at normal pressure of 760 mm, 4ºC temperature and at mean sea level is ______________________?


222 - The stability analysis of earth dam founded on cohesion less silt material be made against_____________________?


223 - The steep conduits made in the body of dam for running turbines to generate hydro-electric power are called__________________?


224 - The structures, which are constructed on the river bed upstream of head regulator. With this clear water enters in canal such structures are called______________________?

Silt excluders

225 - The total dissolved solids in drinking water should not exceed_________________?

1500 mg/litre

226 - The total energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an amount equal to________________?


227 - The total length of impervious floor on down stream of the hydraulic structure is determined by Bligh€™s Theory__________________?


228 - The under sluices in a weir are provided, at the level of upstream floor dispose off the sediment deposited on downstream is called______________________?

Scouring sluices

229 - The unit of kinetic viscosity is equivalent to ______________________?


230 - The unit of volume of water used in irrigation practice in FPS system is Acre-Foot. there fore one Acre- Foot is equal to ___________________?

43560 cubic feet

231 - The various works constructed on river side to control the flow and pass it safely from hydraulic structures are called ___________________?

River Training works

232 - The velocity in a large canal or channel measured at a depth of ___________________ gives the mean velocity using the current meter?

0.6 depth

233 - The wall of masonry or concrete, constructed at 90° to the axis of weir to separate normal weir from under sluices is called____________________?

Divide wall

234 - The water evaporates from paddy surfaces to the atmosphere in the form of water vapours, these water vapours get collected in the atmosphere and behave & like_________________?


235 - The water force per meter length on a vertical wall is equal to_________________?

WH2 2

236 - The water in swimming pools can be ____________ by using any one from the following, chlorine-ultraviolet rays and bromine t ?


237 - The water level required on the upstream side of a canal head regulator, so as to feed the off-taking canal with its full supply is called_________________?

Pond level

238 - The water particles held in soil pores of root zone by _____________ against gravity and is known as capillary water?

Capillary force

239 - The water vapours are generally present in a atmosphere, some times isolated and sometimes mixed with other gases. in such a situation the pressure exerted by each component of mixture, will be called ______________________?

Partial pressure

240 - The water way from a weir is determined by using Lacey€™s wetted perimeter i.e. P=_______(Q)1/2 ?


241 - The weight per unit of liquid at standard Temperature and pressure is called___________________?

Specific weight

242 - Theoretical velocity of the jet at Vena Contracta is determined by ________________?

(2 gh)1/2

243 - To avoid scouring from end of structure, it is necessary to provide a ________________ at the exit point?

Vertical cutoff

244 - To dispose of the surplus water from dam, a water way is constructed called________________?


245 - To keep the Hydraulic structure safe against undermining the ________________ should be safe?

Exit gradient

246 - To protect the face of embankment against the attack of wave wash with stone boulders is called _________________?


247 - Torsional force does not act on ____________________?


248 - Total energy line (T.E.L) represents the sum of ________________________?

Pressure head + kinetic head and datum head

249 - Velocity of flow in a sewer must be form ______________ to ?

1 m / sec to 3m/ sec

250 - velocity of gases is measured with a _____________________?

Hot wire anemometer

251 - Volume of water that unit volume of aquifer will give up by gravity pull is called ____________________?

Specific yield

252 - Water application efficiency increases if the plot to be irrigated is__________________?


253 - Water available above the top of root zone of plants is about 15% of soil moisture contents, is mostly not available to plants celled_________________?

Hygroscopic water

254 - Water available in root zone of plants, is about 50% of soil moisture content. which is always available to the plants is called________________?

Capillary water

255 - Water logging and soil salinization is a twin menace which has effected the agriculture sector severely, about _______________ hectares of land are wasted yearly?


256 - Water logging caused by ____________ water, which during excessive irrigation percolates down and join under ground water table?


257 - Water logging is the state of the soil where the water table brought ______________capacity or root zone of plants?


258 - Water storage efficiency in the root zone depends upon__________________?


259 - Weep holes are provided in canal lining to _____________________?

Have drainage facility

260 - When a weir is constructed, the downstream .bed of the river goes on eroding and consequently causes progressive lowering of the bed on downstream of weir called__________________?


261 - When ever a body is immersed wholly or partially in water, it is lifted up by a force equal to the weight of water displaced by the body ?

Archimed€™s Principle

262 - when ever a sloping face of river bank is protected by stone pitching against scour, the pitching is extended beyond the toe to the river side that is called__________________?

Launching apron

263 - When FSL of the canal is sufficiently above the bed level of drainage so that canal flows under syphonis action, the structure is called _____________________?


264 - When FSL of the canal is sufficiently below the bottom of the drain, so that water flows freely under gravity, such structures is called_____________________?


265 - When high flood passing down weir creating high up lift pressures and there is no flow in the canals, if such condition is taken for design and is called__________________?

Worst condition

266 - When reservoir is full on upstream side, the maximum stress comes upon__________________?

Bottom of dam

267 - When seepage water after passing the ground water aquifer joins the surface stream, such stream will be called_____________________?

Influent stream

268 - When the air in a atmosphere is fully saturated with the vapours present in it, then the pressure exerted by such wet air mass will be called ____________________?

Saturation pressure

269 - When the fluid properties do not change with time, it is a ___________ flow?


270 - When the high flood level of the drain is sufficiently below the bed of the Canal that the drainage water flows freely under gravity, such structure is called___________________?


271 - When the rate of change of discharge of outlet equals the rate of change of discharge of the channel, the out let is called __________________?


272 - When the reservoir is full, the maximum compressive force in a gravity dam is produced ___________________?

At the toe

273 - When the weight of weir balances the up lift pressure caused by the head of the water seeping below the weir bed is called ___________________?

Gravity weir

274 - Which of the cell organelle is considered to be rich in catabolic enzymes_____________________?


275 - Which of the following has highest-coefficient of discharge_____________________?

Venturi meter

276 - Which of the following is a cash crop ___________________?


277 - Which part of cell is important for and synthesis protoplasm ______________________?


278 - Which statement is true___________________?

Etiolation is physiological while albinism is genitival

279 - Who discovered mitochondria__________________?


280 - Wilting point is that limit after that the crop starts feeding up and no water is available for plant, this point occurs after _________________?

20% water available


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