Bank, Public Finance, Trade, Balance of Payments and Economy of Pakistan MCQs

1 - One of the following is NOT a feature of private finance:


2 - It is direct tax:

Income tax

3 - These are heads of expenditure of the government EXCEPT?

Provide cosmetics

4 - The most important source of income of a government is:


5 - Progressive taxes:

Both (a) & (b)

6 - These are principles of taxation:

Both (a) & (b)

7 - In Pakistan, taxes are levied by:

National assembly

8 - Which of the following tax is best example of ability to pay principle of taxes:

Personal income tax

9 - Govt. taxing and spending policies are called:

Fiscal policy

10 - Govt. budget is balanced when:

Government expenditure equals tax revenue

11 - Government finance is called:

Public finance

12 - How the government can meet its expenditure:

By all the three methods

13 - The government can collect funds from:

All the three

14 - A direct tax is that which:

Is paid by the person on whom it is levied

15 - In Pakistan government budget is prepared by:

Ministry of Finance

16 - In Pakistan Income tax is:

(a) and (b) of above

17 - Which tax better conforms to the principle of equality in taxation

Progressive tax

18 - Which one is not a principle of taxation:

Principle of morality

19 - A country has proportional system of taxation. A person pays Rs 500 tax when his income is 5000, how much tax he will pay if his earning rises to 8000:


20 - Which source a private company cannot use?

Deficit finance (new money)

21 - Net taxes are:

Total taxes minus govt. transfer payments

22 - Which is not counted as public expenditure?

Investment spending by public companies

23 - If Income tax is assessed as Rs. 100 on an income of Rs. 1000. Compared to this, which one of the following indictes that the income tax rate is progressive?

Rs. 350 tax on Rs. 3000 income

24 - The most important source of income of a government is:


25 - Progressive taxes:

(a) & (b) of above

26 - This is NOT a principle of taxation:

Principle of secrecy

27 - This is principle of taxation

Principle of economy

28 - In Pakistan, the authority to levy taxes lies with:

National assembly

29 - This tax is a good example of ability to pay principle of taxes:

Personal income tax

30 - Govt. taxing and spending policies are called:

Fiscal policy

31 - Govt. budget is balanced when:

Government expenditure equals tax revenue

32 - Government finance is called:

Public finance

33 - The government can meet its expenditure:

By all the three methods

34 - It is direct tax:

Import tax

35 - Mansoor Software Co imported computers and paid import tax. Burden of tax will be on:

Last buyer

36 - If a person who is tax-payer can shift the burden of tax to someone else, the tax is called:

Indirect tax

37 - The federal budget of Pakistan includes:

(a) & (b) of above

38 - To bring equitable distribution of income in the country taxes should be


39 - These are principles of taxation:

Equality and certainty

40 - It is better way to finance the govt. budget:

By taxing people

41 - Income tax in Pakistan is:

Direct and progressive

42 - In Pakistan, income tax is collected by:

Federal govt.

43 - Sales tax in Pakistan is:

Indirect and proportional

44 - It is easy and convenient to pay:

Indirect tax

45 - It is difficult to evade:

Direct tax

46 - Zakat is not due on the gold owned by a person who has less than:

5 tolas

47 - Zakat can be spent for this purpose:

Payment of fee of a poor child

48 - It is a source of revenue for the Local overnment bodies:

Property tax

49 - Federal government transfers to provinces as their share in tax collection:

More than 40% but less than 60%

50 - Which tax is not shared between central and provincial governments?

Property tax

51 - Which is provincial tax in Pakistan:

Motors token tax

52 - Tax is a payment:


53 - The main source of revenue of federal government is:

Sales tax

54 - In Pakistan government budget is prepared by:

Ministry of Finance

55 - In Pakistan Income tax is:

(a) and (c) of above

56 - The budget estimate prepared by ministry of finance is finally approved by:

National Assembly

57 - Federal govt. budget estimate for 2010-11 is:

2800 billion

58 - Government of Pakistan can increase its resources by:

All the three

59 - The non-Muslims pay Zakat:

Do not pay Zakat

60 - To control inflation the government should increase:

Income tax

61 - In past decades Pakistan increased its GDP, yet living standard of majority has not risen. The most important cause of this situation is:

Increased population

62 - Which of the following should NOT be the aim of a government:

Inequality of incomes

63 - Which of the following would cause incomes to become more unequal:

More regressive taxes

64 - What is the benefit of tariffs:

Increased government revenue

65 - Pakistan's public debt is:

Smaller than GNP

66 - Pakistan's fiscal year starts from:

1st July

67 - The Federal budget is presented in the parliament by:

Finance minister

68 - Pakistan's Budget has parts:

Both (a) and (b)

69 - Federal government tax revenue collection includes:

Divisible taxes with provinces

70 - Which is true:

Federal govt. collects taxes and shares with provinces

71 - Which is true?

All of the above is true

72 - The most important body to collect taxes in Pakistan is:


73 - According to total amount collected the taxes fall in this order:

Sales, custom, excise

74 - According to total amount collected the taxes fall in this order:

Sales tax, custom, excise

75 - Which is true about amount of taxes collected in Pakistan:

Indirect taxes are more than direct taxes

76 - Exemption limit for income tax in Pakistan is:

3 lakh

77 - Rate of General Sales Tax (GST) is:

More than 10% but less than 20%

78 - 40% of income of federal government is obtained from:

Income tax

79 - Pakistan's expenditure on defence is:

More than 10% but less than 25%

80 - Which of the following is international trade:

Trade between countries

81 - Theory of comparative advantage was presented by:


82 - Which is NOT an advantage of international trade:

Dependence on foreign countries

83 - If Japan and Pakistan start free trade, difference in wages in two countries will:


84 - Trade between two countries can be useful if cost ratios of goods are:


85 - Modern theory of international trade is based n the views of:

Heckcsher and Ohlin

86 - Foreign trade creates among countries:


87 - Net exports equal:

Exports - Imports

88 - A tariff:

Reduces the volume of trade

89 - A tariff is:

Tax and imports

90 - Dumping refers to:

Sale of goods abroad at low a price, below their cost and price in home market

91 - According to Hecksher and Ohlin basic cause of international trade is:

Difference in factor endowments

92 - All are advantages of foreign trade EXCEPT:

People get foreign exchange

93 - Two countries can gain from foreign trade if:

(a) and (c) of above

94 - International trade and domestic trade differ because of:

All of the above

95 - Terms of trade of developing countries are generally unfavourable because:

(a) and (b) of above

96 - Term of trade of a country show:

Ratio of prices of exports and imports

97 - In a free trade world in which no restrictions exist, international trade will lead to:

Increased efficiency

98 - Govt. policy about exports and imports is called:

Commercial policy

99 - What would encourage trade between two countries:

Reduced tariffs

100 - "Terms of trade" between two countries refer to a ratio of:

Export prices to import prices

101 - What would encourage trade between two countries?

Reduced tariffs

102 - It is drawback of protection:

All of the above

103 - It is drawback of free trade:

Government looses income from custom duties

104 - Gold standard means:

(a) and (c) of above

105 - Terms of trade of a country:

Are determined by the price index of export and import goods

106 - Pakistan's terms of trade:

Have fallen over past few years

107 - Exchange value of Pak rupee against other currencies has fallen because:

Our imports are more than exports

108 - This is an advantage of foreign trade:

New technology comes to the country

109 - This is NOT an advantage of foreign trade:

We can get gold from abroad

110 - Foreign trade:

All of the above

111 - Foreign trade:

Benefits all countries

112 - Foreign trade has the advantage:

(b) and (c) of above

113 - In foreign trade, Protection policy means:

Restrictions on imports

114 - If a country decreases the external value of its currency, it will affect:

All of the above

115 - The theory explaining trade between two countries is called:

Comparative advantage

116 - The theory explaining trade between two countries is called:

Comparative cost theory

117 - Trade between two countries takes place when:

Cost ratios of commodities are different

118 - David Ricardo presented the theory of international trade called:

Theory of comparative advantage

119 - Rich countries have deficit in their balance of payments:


120 - Balance of payments means:

The balance of receipts and payments of foreign exchange by a country

121 - Pakistan is not a member of:


122 - International trade is possible primarily through:

Specialization in production of a few goods

123 - Pakistan imports some goods and exports other goods primarily because of:

Comparative advantage

124 - A country that does not trade with other countries is called:

Closed economy

125 - To increase exports, Pakistan must:

(a) and (b) of above

126 - Policy of Protection in trade:

Protects local producers

127 - Pakistan's exports mainly consists of products:

Semi-manufactured and manufactured goods

128 - Pakistan's exports mainly consists of products:


129 - The largest item in our import list is:


130 - Select the correct statement:

Pakistan's exports mainly consist of low-value goods

131 - Commercial policy means:

Policy about imports and exports

132 - Import of petroleum makes up Pakistan's total import bill:


133 - The largest item of Pakistan's exports is:

Ready made garments

134 - Largest share of Pakistan's exports go to:


135 - Pakistan's share in the world for cotton textiles is:

Less than 3%

136 - Pakistan's:

All are true

137 - In Pakistan's foreign trade:

Exports are less than imports

138 - Since 2005, custom duties have been reduced because of international agreement under:


139 - Pakistan's exports mainly go to:


140 - To facilitate foreign trade, Pakistan has established in different cities:

Dry ports

141 - The balance of payments account of Pakistan is prepared by:

State Bank of Pakistan

142 - Pakistan exports these goods:

Cotton, yarn, fish, rice

143 - Pakistan imports these goods:

Machinery, oil, fertilizer

144 - Balance of payments of a country includes:

All of above

145 - Balance of payments of a country includes:

Both (a) and (b)

146 - Final balance of payments of a country is:

Always balanced

147 - Balance of payments of a country has parts:


148 - Exchange rate for currencies is determined by supply and demand in system of:


149 - If GNP of Pakistan rises, it will encourage:


150 - A country that does not trade with other countries is called an economy:


151 - If Japanese import more goods from Pakistan (other things remain same)

(a) and (b) of above

152 - Invisible items in balance of payments include:

All the three

153 - Pakistan follows the policy of:

Flexible exchange rate

154 - It helps countries to meet deficit in balance of payments:


155 - The balance of payments of country means

The annual account of foreign trade

156 - Pakistan's exports are part of our GDP:


157 - What would cause a country's exchange rate to fall:

An increased demand for its imports

158 - Which of the following must always balance:

Balance of payments

159 - What will be expected result if the value of rupee falls against dollar?

The price of American goods in Pakistan will rise

160 - If Toyota Company, establishes a factory in Pakistan, this will be recroded in balance of payments in the section:

Capital account

161 - If CDA (Capital Development Authority, Islamabad) gets a loan from World Bank for roads, it will be recorded in the balance of payments in section:

Capital account

162 - Which of the following must always balance?

Balance of payments

163 - Which of the following compares the average price of exports to average price of imports?

The terms of trade

164 - IMF represents

International Monetary Fund

165 - Flexible exchange rate system has the advantage:

Automatic adjustment of balance of payments

166 - Fixed exchange rate system has the advantage:

(b) and (c) of above

167 - Export of goods is called trade in:

Visible goods

168 - Export of goods is called trade in:

Invisible goods

169 - Visible goods are recorded in this part of balance of payments account:

Current account

170 - Visible exports include:

Computer hardware

171 - Visible imports include:


172 - If balance of payments of country is in deficit, then:

(a) and (c) of above

173 - The balance of payments account of a country includes:

Both a and c of the above

174 - Foreign exchange reserves increase if:

Exports increase imports remain the same

175 - The receipts and payments for goods exported and imported are counted in:

Trade account

176 - IMF has given loan to Pakistan. It will improve Pakistan's:

(b) and (c) of above

177 - IMF gives loans:

To fill gap in balance of payments

178 - In capitalism there is sovereignty of:


179 - Basic principle of Islamic economic system is:


180 - In capitalistic system, prices of goods are determined by:

Forces of demand and supply

181 - In socialistic system, prices of goods are determined by:


182 - In working of markets, the Islamic system is nearer to:

Mixed economy

183 - Which is the basic economic problem, which is common in all economic systems:

Allocation of scarce resources

184 - In a country like Pakistan:

There is reliance on market

185 - In Islamic economic system:

There is reliance on market

186 - Capitalism is defined as an economic system where there is:

All of the above

187 - Pakistan having a:

Islamic economy

188 - The contribution of industry in our GDP is:


189 - The percentage of our labour force working in agriculture is:


190 - The government spends on education percentage of GDP:


191 - The lower literacy rate in females is due to:

All of the above

192 - Life expectancy in Pakistan is (in years):


193 - Public spending on health is:

Less than 1%

194 - Infant mortality rate in Pakistan is:


195 - Life expectancy in Pakistan is:

Between 60 to 70 years

196 - Environment includes:

All of the above

197 - Environment deterioration is occurring because of:

(a) and (b) of above

198 - Forests in Pakistan are decreasing because:

All of the above

199 - Forest cover in Pakistan is:


200 - Expenditure on health as percentage of GDP is:

Less than 4%

201 - Many people do not send their children to schools because of:

All of the above

202 - Private sector participation is expanding in:

Both (a) and (b)

203 - People do not care for environment problems because of

(a) and (b) of above

204 - There are stock exchanges in Pakistan:


205 - Literacy rate is lower in:


206 - Pakistan's saving rate is:


207 - Pakistan's per capita income at constant prices in rupees is:


208 - Largest sector of Pakistan economy is:


209 - In the world population-wise Pakistan is:


210 - Population growth rate in Pakistan is:


211 - Contribution of industrial sector in Pakistan's GDP is:


212 - According to Pakistan Economic Survey, per capita income of Pakistan in U.S. dollars is:


213 - Which one is per capita income:

Per person income

214 - Base year of Pakistan for national accounting is:


215 - Average growth rate of Pakistan's national income in past five years have been:


216 - Which of the following is an example of primary production:

Farmer growing wheat

217 - Which is most likely to cause a more even distribution of income:

An increase in progressive taxation

218 - If a country's growth rate was 5%, it means there would be 5% increase in:

Goods and service Produced

219 - Pakistan's per capita income is less than:

All of the above

220 - Working population is percent of total population of Pakistan:


221 - Literacy rate in Pakistan is:


222 - It increases rate of capital formation:

New technology

223 - It creates difficulties in measurement of national income of Pakistan:

Low literacy rate

224 - This step will increase saving in Pakistan:

Decrease in taxes

225 - This step will increase investment in Pakistan:

Increase in saving

226 - This step will increase investment in Pakistan:

Decrease interest rate

227 - This step will increase per capita income in Pakistan:

Increase in investment

228 - Pakistan's:

GDP is smaller than GNP

229 - It creates difficulties in measurement of national income of Pakistan:

Illiteracy, underground economy

230 - The largest share in Pakistan's GNP is that of:


231 - Commodity sector contributes to national income of Pakistan:


232 - Pakistan started its first five-year plan in:


233 - Contribution of agriculture in Pakistan's national income is:


234 - Most of our exports consist of:

Cotton products

235 - Pakistan is an economy:


236 - Contribution of industrial sector in Pakistan economy is:


237 - The largest sector of Pakistan economy is:


238 - Size of Pakistan's 8th plan was in rupees:

1700 billion

239 - Pakistan produces of its oil requirements:


240 - Investment rate in Pakistan is around:


241 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of underdeveloped countries:

Low population growth rate

242 - Pakistan' income is low because:

Fast growing population

243 - The most important factor in economic development is:

Quality of human resources

244 - Which is likely to be higher in a developing country like Pakistan:

Birth rate

245 - Economic development:

Means improvement in lifestyle

246 - Economic development is measured on the basis of:

Increase in real GNP

247 - Select the combination which is most likely to be found in developing countries:

High birth rate and low GDP per head

248 - Rate of economic development in Pakistan will increase if

Saving rate increases

249 - Rate of economic development will fall if:

Smaller % of national income is invested

250 - It is a measure of economic development:

Increase in national and per capita income

251 - It is not a factor of economic development:


252 - Measurement of economic development is based on:

Real income

253 - Pakistan needs:

All of the above

254 - The highest govt. body for economic planning in Pakistan is:

Planning Commission

255 - When a country develops:

All of the above

256 - Economic planning in Pakistan started:

During 1950's

257 - We can increase rate of economic growth in Pakistan if we increase:


258 - When economic development takes place:

(b) and (c) of the above

259 - When economic development takes place:

All of the above

260 - When economic development takes place:

(a) and (c) of above

261 - When economic development takes place:

Specialization increases

262 - It is acting as obstacle to economic development of Pakistan:

Lack of capital

263 - It is acting as obstacle to economic:

Poliitical instability

264 - It is acting as obstacle to economic development of Pakistan:

All of the above

265 - Medium-term plan covers:

3 to 5 years

266 - Economic planning does not need:

Change of government

267 - There are obstacles to rapid economic development of Pakistan:

All of the above

268 - It is a good measure of economic development:

Rate of change in real incomes

269 - We cannot find per capita income of the country unless we know:

Total GNP

270 - It is a characteristic of developing economy:

None of the above

271 - Pakistan started its planning experience with:

Colombo Plan

272 - Pakistan is underdeveloped because of:

Poor governance and corruption

273 - In Pakistan poverty is measured by:

Per capita income, calorie intake

274 - Pakistan faces shortage of energy because:

Lack of proper planning

275 - When an economy produces more output per capital the economy is said to be having:

Economic growth

276 - In a developing country:

All of the above are true

277 - Economic planning in Pakistan is conducted by:

Pakistan Planning Commission

278 - According to Malthus, population increases by progression of kind:


279 - Productivity of labour can be increased by:

All of the above

280 - All labour is:


281 - Mobility of labour:

(a) and (c) of above

282 - Unemployment due to mechanization of agriculture is:


283 - Labour includes:

All of the above

284 - A skilled worker is an example of:

(b) and (c) above

285 - The labour force participation rate is:

Proportion of population working or seeking work

286 - Union leaders are in a better position to bargain for higher wages if demand for labour is:


287 - In which form the largest percentage of national income is earned:

Employees' wages

288 - Who is unemployed:

A freshly graduated engineer who is searching for a job

289 - Standard of living of workers depends upon their:

Real wages

290 - Unemployment takes place because of:

High population growth rate

291 - Unemployment rate in Pakistan is:

Between 5% and 20%

292 - Working population in Pakistan is in the ratio of total population:


293 - This is a cause of unemployment:

Fast population growth

294 - Productivity of labour is measured by:

Production per hour

295 - Various kinds of unemployment are:

Seasonal and Structural

296 - These steps will raise productivity of labour:

(b) and (c) above

297 - By 2010, Pakistan's total population reached approximately:

17 crores

298 - By 2010, Pakistan's total population reached approximately:

173 million

299 - The nature of unemployment due to mechanization of agriculture is:


300 - Mobility of labour:

Increases efficiency of labour


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